Time is the ultimate instructor, and reveals all things.

For example, do you know who your true friends are, based on time. If you have been friends with somebody, or have kept in contact with somebody for over a decade, or two… It is a signal that you truly care for them.

Also, durability, things which last, people which last. Artist, Art and ideas which last.

And also, often it takes a really long time to just figure things out. For example, I truly believe that it takes one at least two years upon moving to a new place that you figure out how to truly live there well. 

For example, I think the optimal duration to live somewhere is at least two years, before you decide to Lillypad and lily frog off onto somewhere else.

For example, it took at least two years while living in Providence Rhode Island, to figure out how to live their virtuously, making new friends, knowing where to go, building a sense of community etc.

Also, living with Cindy‘s family, her mom‘s house, the family house in the suburbs of Orange County. Took us a while experimenting with a bunch of stuff before we figure it out exercise and fitness related and living related things; for example Cindy discovering hot yoga there, And rediscovering my local gym, buying my Texas power squat bar etc.

I’m close to almost a year and living in Culver City, here in LA, and I’m starting to think and feel that I am actually starting to kind of figure things out. For example, I’m starting to understand a little bit better traffic patterns in Los Angeles, essentially you never want to leave your house after 3 PM, you never want to be in a car Ideally after 2 PM.

I think this is why the Geo location in which you live is so critical, especially in the desirable city like Los Angeles. Why? It seems like the optimal strategy in life is to optimize things in such a way that in theory, you never want to be in a car for more than five minutes a day.

I’m so lucky here in Culver City; I Culver City, especially the arts district in the downtown area, at least 100% or 100 out of 100 in terms of walkability. And also the great thing, if you just want to go on a local hike, go to the mountains, go to higher elevation it is only a three minute drive or so. 

Anti cars

First and foremost, I love cars, so does Seneca. We love the design, the concepts, and more recently, at the age of three years, four months old, he has started to understand that race cars uses stick shift,  And he is interested in it, even the civic type R which has a stick shift.

The other day, super funny kind and random, met a guy named Jason who owns a 720 S McLaren, I think his job is being a car hunter, His vanity license plate says “CARHUNTER” I think — but anyways, chatted with him a bit, and he said “Does your kid want to sit inside my car? And I said of course!” so Jason pulls up the butterfly doors in his $350,000 car, and Seneca hops in, sits inside the cool bucket seats, with the orange stitching and seat belts, plays with the steering wheel – so cool!

But the funny thing, later that day I asked him whether he liked the McLaren, and he said no. I asked him why? He then told me that he didn’t like it because it only had buttons! That it was not a stick shift! Mind blown:

If a race car or a sports car doesn’t have a stick shift, it is not a race car or a sports car, or at least it is not interesting? 

The thing which is actually really funny is that people will just tell you that there is really no more reason left for stick shift, because technically paddle shifting or automatic transmissions are actually superior faster etc. But then again, the argument could also be said about butterfly doors, scissor doors, suicide doors, billionaire doors etc.; there’s really no functional use for it anymore.

The Lamborghini Countach,  the reason why it had scissor doors or the reason why it was invented was because the way it was designed, it was too difficult to see behind you while reversing, so before denting your $500,000 car, the driver would actually pull up the scissor doors, look behind them, while slowly reversing.

Now that all the cars have reversing cameras, there is really no reason to have Lamborghini doors anymore. It is all for show!

And that is OK, but shouldn’t we also make the same analysis that similarly speaking, a manual transmission is also foreshow? And that is OK?

Show boat

In America, we have this very very bizarre and strange notion; on one hand, we idolize money wealth, people who make a lot of money etc. Essentially people who make a lot of money are more powerful than you, more successful than you, and also, superior to you.

From moralistic perspective we know this is not true. And also it is not always a desired thing. 

For example, some of these jobs, like being an extreme plumber, the smell is so horrendous when cleaning out sewage, even being 10 feet away from a really really bad smelling sewer pipe, I almost feel like throwing up. I would not take that job for being paid $100 million a year.

Also, I think this is a good logical case against prostitution; whether you prostitute your mind your body your soul, your butt hole whatever;

No amount of money is worth it. 

“Everyone has to make a living”

This is obvious. There are certain non-negotiables in life like paying the rent, find groceries etc. However, much in life is optional. And I think this is where wisdom knowledge experience, or thinking unorthodox is wise.

For example, I think the number one critical foolish mistake people make is cars, their automobile, etc.

If you want to be a rational human being, it really really seems that the optimal car here is a used Toyota Prius. I recommend the 2010 model up to the 2015 model, which in my mind, has the best design, the most “JDM” (Japanese domestic market, tuner); design, and also, the car has just been on the road forever. The generation before that, the first generation Prius I think looks too bubbly, I hate the design. But I think the 2010 model, has it spot on. 

Even another funny nuance, something I never really thought about; trunk space. I think the new new Prius looks super cool, if you see it from the back it looks like a Porsche 911 with the horizontal blade tail light. However,  the trunk on it is tiny! My sister-in-law Jennifer bought a brand new one, and when I opened up the trunk, I was shocked! It looks like at least 40% smaller in terms of trunk space compared with the 2010 Prius? I suppose this is the trade off that you make in trying to make it more like a fastback coupe design. 

iPhone Pro is only for poor people

How do you know whether somebody is successful or not? Simple– real successful people only use the cheapest iPhones; for example, iPhone SE, or iPhone mini.

It is insane, I see a lot of these working class families, poor working class families, the parents have iPhone pros, often the kids have it too. And the big problem here is that not 100% sure, but I assume that most people don’t buy the iPhone Pro all in cash, they either finance it, or maybe get suckered into some sort of expensive Contract, or something… In those people perpetually stay in poverty.

What is the best way to stay in poverty?

  1. Have a car payment or a lease payment for the rest of your life
  2. Always buy the newest iPhone pro for the rest of your life 
  3. Drink alcohol, smoke weed, do drugs, go out, go to the club, go to Vegas, go to festivals
  4. Stay subscribe to all of these streaming services, which is also bleeding you dry!

How did George Washington die?

George Washington was essentially bled to death by his physicians. And let us note, that his personal doctors of the time we’re like imagine having the most reputable Harvard or Stanford doctors, treating you.

During that time, when there was a pseudo scientific notion of humor, blood blood leading, bad blood or whatever… The idea was you have to open up a vein or an artery or something, skillfully let out a portion of “bad blood”, and that your ailment would go away… Even for a long time Koreans believe the same thing, if you were sick, You would use a needle a sterilize needle to pin prick your finger, let out a little bit of “bad blood “, and then, your sickness will go away. We all know this is not true, and because of this pseudoscience, George Washington died.

Also other things; my best friends Steve Jobs. I think in the early stages of his cancer, I think he had liver cancer or pancreatic cancer, he was into all these strange fruitarian, nonsense, in which the general idea was you could somehow starve away the cancer cells by consuming nothing but fruit juice? If they just zapped him with the chemo earlier, he might have actually lived!

Anyways, the first thing you want to do is stop the bleeding. Stop the energy loss!

I’ll give you another example, heating and insulation. For example, during the Los Angeles winter, it actually gets surprisingly cold. And the best way that we were able to stay warm inside the house was to just put up the wind draft insulation thing! We discovered that there was a bad draft coming into the home, from the front door. So even though the house was nice and toasty, it would eventually become really really cold because All the hot air would leave the front door, and all this cold air would come rushing in.

So instead of just blasting the heat 24/7, we did the more effective thing of buying the wind blocker thing on Amazon, installing the heat retention gap insulation stuff on the front door, and then magically, passively, our place retained about at least 40% more heat!

Retain the heat!

I remember the kid when I discovered how jackets worked, I was a bit shocked. I remember as a kid, I always believed that when you put on a jacket, the jacket added heat to your body. But then what I realized was in fact, all the jacket does is retain the heat that your body already has! Mind blown.

 And also, now that is getting really really hot, another funny thing I discovered; actually, when it is very very hot, the easiest way to stay cool is actually to just take off your shirt, and wear minimal clothing! Why? The human body is actually very very well adapted; the hair follicles on our skin do an excellent job of dissipating heat. so when it is really really hot, assuming you have sunblock on or whatever… Optimal strategy to stay cool is just takeoff your shirt! This is what they do in Vietnam all the time and it is not a big deal.

Shorts, and your shirt off!

In America, we still have this bizarre Victorian relationship with our body. The reason why it is so hypocritical is that first, American media glorifies the human body. We all want to look like a marvel superhero, with a six pack, huge bulging biceps with veins and all etc.

The women all want to look like the Baywatch babes; happy, Sunkissed skin, happy smiling, juicy cleavage, firm yet plump butt etc.

But the problem is, I’m starting to realize more and more, I can’t believe I only discovered this at the age of 36 is that most of these people are all artificial!

For example, being here in LA, I’m starting to understand or spot better when women get plastic surgery done to their face! And the workflow is simple; if people have done to their face, it is not uncommon for them to have done their chest or their butt.

For women, first look at the face! Then judge everything afterwards.

And also for men, I’m also starting to see… If you see a guy who looks buff, maybe he has tribal tattoos or something, but is also really really red, like unnaturally red, it is typically a signal that they are on steroids or some sort of weird testosterone and boosting thing, because apparently Steroids overheats your body, and as a result your body turns really red. And also you lose hair. This is why whenever you see a guy who is bald, but with a really really long beard, and is super buff, maybe into CrossFit… Perhaps a signal that they are on steroids.

So then what do you do? You ignore all that! Just focus on yourself, it is impossible to know with 100% certain whether other people take steroids or not; yet, it is easy to know 100% certainty whether you takes steroids or not. And also what plastic surgery you did or didn’t do.

Seeking beauty?

Currently I think we are going through a strange time, I called the uglificarion movement. There is now a new cult of ugly. Ugly clothes, ugly hair, ugly bodies, ugly facial hair etc.

It is prevalent both in men and women.

For men, this seems to be the ironic stereotype — even Seneca gets confused by one of our neighbors. 

For men, it is too either get some sort of ugly facial hair beard thing, or to be a clean cut and have an ugly Hitler mustache? And then somehow cover up your eyeballs wearing really really dark tennis sunglasses, and some sort of hat or trucker hat?


 the new learned helplessness:

The idea is, learned helplessness?

I think they did some sort of social logical experiment in the past in which they were just keep zapping a poor dog with electrical impulses, and the dog would keep shouting back, yelping back in pain. But after repeat exposures, no the dog would no longer react, Just slide down there helpless. I think they also did a similar experiment with prison inmates or as a torture device; that they would take these prisoners, and just keep electrocuting them, or torturing them for information or whatever, and the torturers would have a kick out of torturing the prisoners, because obviously when you torture somebody, they rile back in pain. But after a while if you do it long enough, the prisoner will no longer react. They will just curl up in a ball, and even though you keep zapping them, it no longer becomes fun for the prison guard. And even after a certain point, the prison guard feels kind of bad about it, and then eventually just goes away.

What is the number one culprit? Everyone thinks it is social media, but actually I think it’s just the news in general. A combination of the iPhone always connected to the Internet, and the ideas that you are constantly injecting your soul with high fructose corn syrup and type two diabetes for the soul, which is news.

All news is toxic. And social media, let us Facebook, is also very toxic because think about how insidious this is; monetize human suffering.

For example, I found out the other day, that somebody we knew in college, very loosely, has three kids, is about my age 36 years old, and is apparently in the last stage of stomach cancer and is going to indefinitely die in the next three months? if you read that, of course this is going to mess up your heartstrings! And affect you for the rest of the day, certainly for long period of time. And then consider, after you read that news, in your newsfeed you see some sort of advertisement for a superficial something?

Evyn apparently now, the millennials the zillenials the generation Z is starting to fight back against Instagram, if you look at the Instagram app in the App Store, read all the negative reviews. They are even trying to do this thing like creating private stories, just for your close friends and family? But as long as they put advertisements anywhere in the Instagram app, it is bad. 

Maybe there is something unethical about monetizing human relationships, social relationships, human emotions, and also our sense of well-being? 

Even my radical things; for the most part, just disable all the notifications on your phone, besides FaceTime. Stop using text messaging. It is bad.

Also a nuance; on the iPhone go to the settings in the phone app, and disable or silence phone calls from unknown callers, a good way to avoid spam.

Then make FaceTime your ultimate filters; if somebody decides to FaceTime you, it is a sign and the signal that  they are your real friend.

In fact, I consider FaceTime to be the most underrated app of all time. It is pure magic!

If I told you as a kid, that you would one day be able to use your phone, and do a video teleconference phone call, with a phone that fits in your front pocket, wouldn’t you think that was magic?

It seems that we have devolved backwards; even though we have the ability for FaceTime, we prefer to text messages instead? What is this the 90s?

The path forward


I think NASSIM TALEB quotes some sort of aphorism or saying, which goes something like “The ruthless jaws of time shall devour and only leave behind the strong”.

Even when you think about some of these amazing structures of the past, the buildings and the monuments and the architecture which have remained is typically a signal that the architecture of the thing is strong; if the shape of a pyramid lasted thousands of years,  time tested it, and shows in fact that a pyramid is a strong and robust design.

This is why even studying art and design, studying the past is a good idea. Why? Really really really great art of the past, this will last. I think 99.99% of the modern art of today, which has to be “explained” to you by some sort of constipated skinny fat loser with Thick spectacles, has less merit.

Even in the bitcoin standard, which is surprisingly 95% a book about the history of money and economics, the author saif critiques modern art,“ somebody who says that effectively all modern art is based on irony, and some sort of bad joke?

Also I would comment the same thing about modern day photography; it is all far too emo, disconnected,  ugly, ironic, and boring. Even my teacher Constantine Manos said “big and boring. “ Like printing out a really really big photograph or painting or artwork, and framing it really really big. “But ultimately if it is boring, just making a bigger doesn’t make it more beautiful.

The return to joy, happiness, gayness

Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore; Fernando Galliani. 

What is the best personality? I say this; be loud, gay, boisterous, outspoken, ratchet, with a booming voice. Don’t talk quiet, don’t be soft, don’t be cautious; this is just social slavery. Let us consider, why is it that the rule in libraries is to be quiet, submissive, “serious“? This is the way that you enslave and control a population. Just look at 99.9% of Japanese society; this is how the emperor was able to get the Japanese people to suicide and, for the sake of the emperor or the Japanese empire? Not rational.

So what now?

You don’t have to do anything, you don’t have to positively do anything or act. Do the opposite, disreact, don’t react. 

Also, what is the exact opposite of spending money on something? Don’t spend money. A simple rule; before buying something, wait at least three months before deciding to buy something. Or better yet, even if you have half a second, half a millisecond hesitation before purchasing something, don’t buy it. Buy it. Why? Obvious decisions are obvious obvious, critical decisions are done in a split section without thinking.

In fact, maybe the modern day is that we think that positively thinking is superior than gut action and gut reactions?

All or nothing

Once again — barbell it! 100% or nothing.

With weightlifting, one repetition maximum. Better to just one time, attempt or lift the heaviest way you possibly can, once, rather than doing tedious repetitions. 

Also, maybe the same thing with clothing, maybe in your day today, daily living circumstance,  dress naked or like a barbarian, and when you go to a wedding, ensure that you are by far the most stylish, and the most dressed up person. Also. When you go to church, suit up! Wear your dress shirts, your blazer jacket.

Also now, now that the sun is becoming super strong in LA, and I’d like to be topless all day, but even for me, the sun is almost becoming a little too strong. When it is too too strong, best to just wear a long sleeve, just put on a long sleeve cover up your arms and your neck etc. Maybe even get some long pants?

The irony —

In the summertime, now that is super hot… and the sun is super strong, I’m gravitating towards covering up, long sleeves and long pants, whereas in the winter time, I’m actually trying to do the exact opposite, and get maximum sun exposure?

I suppose this is where some sort of intelligence or adaptation or being in tune with your environment habitat and climate is critical; your body knows best!

For example, nobody, even if they had 100 SPF sunblock, would want to be in Abu Dhabi, in the deserts, being 100% naked. Look at the outfits of the fremen in the Dune movies; if you live in some sort of desert spot, or in the desert, like Los Angeles… The logic is simple; armor up!

Even in the second Dune movie, when Paul Atriedes goes maximum beast mode, he is 100% covered up, the only thing you could see is his eyeballs. Full face mask on, head covering and everything!

Sun power

Some simple thoughts:

  1. No sunglasses. You don’t need it.
  2. If the sun is super super strong, if you live in Arizona or Las Vegas or whatever, then the logic is to maximally cover up with a really really wide brimmed hat, covering your face and the back of your neck, really really long sleeved shirts and pants.
  3. Don’t be a moron with an all black car in Los Angeles. You are not Batman. White is best. White girl white! 
  4. Better to be outdoors, in a public park or at a public square, chilling in the shade, than being stuck indoors! The big thing I’m starting to discover is that when I am inside the house, at home, it’s slowly zaps away all of my energy. Physiologically I’m not sure why this happens, but I hate it. Honestly speaking, my only passion and desire in life, and always be hyper hyper in terms of energy. All else is fine.

What zaps away your energy?

I just ran a quick errand, driving to Westwood the other day, and there wasn’t that much traffic on the 405, maybe only about 20 minutes there, 20 minutes back, and while I think it was fine, because in my mind I think I like driving or I’m a good driver or whatever, the biggest issue here is Any time spent in the car is a positively bad one!

Now, I’m starting to look at the 405 like the Armageddon. Or “carmaggedon”.  when we watch post apocalyptic dystopic films like mad Max or whatever, that is the 405 freeway, it is even horrendous in medium traffic. It is my personal hell.

Even a day or two after braving the 405, I still feel some sort of PTSD.

I’m starting to think even more and more… Opportunity cost. Driving anywhere for 20 minutes, even for a very very good event, it just might not be worth it. Why? Maybe you gain more intelligence wisdom and experience simply walking around for 20 minutes, And 20 minutes back, 40 minutes is 1 trillion times better than being stuck in a car for 40 minutes.

And I think this is the true wisdom of living a grand life in Los Angeles; once again, the deal is to never drive. After that, never drive more than five minutes a day.  Trust me, your body mind and soul will thank me.

Then, why does this become such a radical notion? Simple; if you’re true desired I’ll come is to never spend any time in a car, whether you’re driving or whatever… Then, I just saved you $1 million. Why? Don’t be the old fat Type two diabetes man driving the Bugatti, or the balding man driving the Porsche 911; be a real man, drive a Prius. 

Hybrid is the way

Hybrid kids, mixed race kids are better, more genetic diversity stronger, more attractive. Seneca being half Korean half Vietnamese. The funny thing, Koreans are super racist, especially towards mixed race kids; yet they all know, Seneca is super handsome! And they all look at Cindy and they all comment on how beautiful she is!

Even my friend Josh White, he has a kid, half Canadian half Korean, she is so beautiful! Much more beautiful than these inbred Korean kids.

Thoughts for Korea and Japan

Super simple; if you don’t want your population to die off, if you want to be around for another 300 years, open up your borders! Come on and think about it… Lisa from BLACKPINK is 100% Thai from Thailand! And everybody knows that she is the best member, the prettiest, most stylish, and the most skilled!  And the funny thing; nobody ever doubts her Korean. What that means is Korean, is starting to become more of a nationality rather than a race thing. 

For example, let us say that you are 100% Vietnamese, but your family is from the north or in Hanoi, which is closer to China, which means you look more east Asian Chinese rather than southern Vietnam, which shares more borders with Cambodia Laos and Thailand.  let us assume that you were born and raised in Korea, and you are 100% fluent in Korean the cultural mannerisms etc.… I don’t think anyone would ever doubt your Koreanness.

At least the good thing with Korea, Koreans are very open-minded. The Japanese are very very close minded, and will be unto their detriment. Why? With the current birth rate being at least close to zero in Japan, in 300 years, when you got no more Japanese human beings left, what will happen to Japan?

The Spartan Way 

Some radical ideas:

First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do:

NOT spend money

I think this is a pretty big idea because all of this is centered around spending money.

Only cowards spend money?

“I promise, I’m so self-conscious, you won’t see me outside with at least one of my watches” – Kanye

Certainly it is very very difficult to earn money, but spending money… is very easy.

Let us first consider the fact that the act of spending money, even a chimpanzee or a three-year-old child could do it! Seneca, ever since he was about a year or two old, already knew how to insert a credit card, chip up, or even use the iPhone with Apple Pay to purchase things? Or even simply, handing off Dollar bills to the other person?

So I think the first idea is typically, maybe the best strategy is to teach our kids, and also maybe yourself, not to spend money? 


About a month or two ago, we stepped inside at JP Morgan Chase, opening up a checking account for my mom, and they had these little kids activity coloring books, and one of them was like a book on the idea of saving money in your piggy bank whatever.

However, the reason why this was quite bad was because it was still centered around spending money! The idea was you save up your allowance and your money in order to buy that electric scooter you want or something.

Born into consumerism

I mean let us think about it… ever since a kid is born, they are born into captivity by this capitalist consumerist market. Often society parents and people will bemoan the fact that kids are all addicted to games, video games whatever… iPhones, tablets iPad etc., but who is really at fault here? Of course the parents!

The first thing to note or to ask; if the kids are addicted to YouTube or their iPhone or the iPad or Netflix Netflix or YouTube YouTube kids or whatever… are the parents addicted to it? Yes!

Parents — quit media and your iPhone.

In fact, don’t look at the kids, look at the parents! Typically, kids are just mini versions of their parents.

We like to treat our kids the way we wish we were treated as kids

For example, even a funny thing that I realized, seeing my brother-in-law get my nephew Benji all these cool toys on his birthday, essentially it is interesting, my brother-in-law is buying his son toys that he wished he had as a kid. And this is where I respect my brother-in-law so much; he is essentially like a big kid!

I think in fact, the parents who I really care for or trust or admire are the ones who are the most silly, and also playful with their kids! You could see it in a split second at the playground; I only admire the parents on top of structures playing with their kids! Not the disconnected parents, sitting in the shade, sitting on their butt, doing something stupid on their phones.

When you take your kid to the park, lock your iPhone in the glove compartment in the car!

The matrix

So, let us consider the analogy of the matrix. I think the analogy the matrix is very good here because honestly in fact, we are all living in a metaphorical matrix right now.

For example, think about the battery pack. The battery pack is essentially like us toiling away with our physiological energy, brain power mind power soul power etc., in order to power these batteries. And, toiling away so hard, the funny irony; we work so hard and we sacrifice so much of our health and well-being, in order to purchase things which dull away the pain, but actually in fact… these end up making us sicker and weaker?

For example, marijuana and alcohol; the two biggest depressants we got in modern day society. For an individual who is depressed, or lacking vigor or having poor health… adding more marijuana to their life, or adding more alcohol to their life is a positive detriment. Do people not know that both these substances have physiological mental, and a physical effect on the body, which actually dulls your senses? It is almost like putting a condom on your mind and soul!

Does man live to make money, or does money exist to serve man?

OK, the number one foolish mistake we all make; it seems that we live in order to make money, rather than thinking about this critically and knowing and understanding that in fact, the opposite is and should be true; money should exist in order for us to pursue our own personal needs desires and wants!

In fact, the whole cult around money has become pretty ridiculous. The notion of money has become its own godhead, its own cybernetic metaphor and impetus in life.

Minimum viable income

A very radical idea I have is towards this minimum viable income concept. The general idea is you want to reduce your expenses to the bare bare bare bare minimum, and after that you direct all of your energy power and resources towards augmenting your true life desires, your true true goals in life, rather than money for money sake, which is a slave mentality.

Just watch the movie 300; do you want to be one of those Persian slaves, or the traitor who just wanted to be showered in gold coins and penetrating all these drugged out hallucinating women? Of course not!

Drugs are bad

“Pretty girl with white toes, she like to put it in her nose!” – Playboy Carti

Something which is actually a bit shocking to me; I grew up super sober, I maybe smoked marijuana twice in my life, both instances when I was around 25 years old. I didn’t really like it.

The reason why I am so anti-marijuana is because when I was in high school, I saw all my friends who got hooked on it, and it just made them lazy, dumb, and unmotivated. Just like Elon Musk said on the Joe Rogan podcast; “Smoking marijuana is like the exact opposite of drinking a cup of coffee“. And I love coffee. 

I don’t know if marijuana is pretty cheap now, or people using these vape pens or these weed pens or whatever. But, why dull your senses? Why not heighten them instead?

“I’m in love with a V dub engine, it dulls my senses” – JAY Z

“Success sucks, why? Too much stress” – JAY Z

Don’t skip leg day

A funny thought; if you want to maximize your manliness, let us consider that your member, and your testicles are connected to the lower half of your body. And also let us consider that your legs are probably at least five times stronger than your upper body. For example, easy to lift 1000 pound with your legs and your shoulders, very very difficult to lift 1000 pounds with only your arms and your upper body.

Or once again, easy to do a 1000 pound atlas lift, difficult to do 1000 pound benchpress, nay impossible?

Legs = Testosterone

So the very very funny idea I have is maybe, if you want to increase your testosterone and your manliness, every day, work out your legs!

In fact, if I could tell you that by exercising your legs every single day, you could increase your testosterone by a factor of 10 X, or become 10 times manly, more confident, stronger, less tired less petite, more cheerful… wouldn’t you do it?

A life beyond women

In fact, I think the primary mistake that men make is that they only work out their upper body because they want to somehow attract women?

My personal theory is that the primary way for a man to attract a woman is through his testosterone levels, his hormonal levels.

For example, the number one compliment I have been getting by both men and women is my tan, especially my foot, five finger tan. And there is also an ongoing theory that increased sunlight and sun exposure and testosterone manliness have a connection.

To boost your testosterone, spend more time in the direct sun!

Tall dark and handsome

For example, the notion of being tall and handsome, is really a good note here. Even other day I met this one friendly mom, and she told me that she was immediately attracted to her personal trainer, a tall dark handsome man with curly hair named Alejandro, and she ended up having a kid with him. It’s funny because the kid doesn’t look like mom at all and even the mom says I only know his kid because I birthed him!

Why do we desire to purchase certain things?

Let me give you an example: I remember when I worked my UCLA undergraduate job, in IT tech-support, and I literally felt like I just spent five hours a day scrolling through Reddit, killing time on the Internet. And I would also spend a lot of time looking at these camera review websites, gear review forms whatever, and ultimately I think the desire was to just spend more time outside making pictures!

The goal is to shoot more!

And I think this is the insidious thing about the whole camera photography complex; the idea is that we lack the freedom and the time to actually go out and make pictures, which is the desired goal… and we think, if somehow, we purchase XYZ camera or XYZ lens, or XYZ accessory… like a carbon fiber tripod or whatever… suddenly we will have more inspiration motivated and opportunity to actually go out to make photos? But is this true? No.

For example, the very very simple advice I have for any photographer is that the best camera is the maximally small compact one, the imagine like John Wick and his pistol. When shit hits the fan, he is not tooting around and automatic weapon, he just relies on his trusty pistol. Think about that one scene in which he is drifting his car door less Camaro, and picks up his pistol, and shoot the bad guys.

If we consider the Ricoh GR camera, it is like our metaphorical pistol. It is both our precision tool, and also, our general purpose tool.

You cannot hide an M-16 in your front right pocket.

Ways in which I spent a lot of time as a kid, as a teenager playing counterstrike, 1.6. The original one. 

The funny thing is that video games, and gun violence doesn’t really have anything in common.

For example, to me as a kid, guns weren’t really a big deal; for example, when I was in Boy Scouts, in one of the summer camps, I got both my shotgun and rifle merit badge, the same camp, as well as my archery merit badge!

Kids aren’t dumb; I remember being shocked as maybe a freshman in high school; the Boy Scouts instructor giving a bunch of kids rifles, at the shooting range, teaching us how to use it. I was a bit shocked as a kid, because even as a kid this seemed a bit dangerous. I remember asking the instructor “…Has anyone ever turned one of these guns around and just shot somebody else?” The adult got very serious, looked at me, and told me “Never say things like that.“ So with extreme caution, we never did anything dumb, and I was actually a quite good marksman! I could hit the target from very very far away, and also I was very good at shotput, in which you use a shotgun to shoot a flying disc in the air!

Your word is your sword 

I think the grand difficulty that we have in modern day life is that we no longer have any avenues for physical valor. The only thing which is commoditized is sports; but the reason why sports is bad is that it is too regimented, too constrained, and lacks any sort of real life application.

As NASSIM TALEB has commented; what some fools think is that somehow… a chess master would somehow be a master in military strategy. While this might make a good movie plot, in real life it is not true.

The reason why I am actually anti-chess, and a lot of these board games or whatever… consider how poor it is for your physiology. Sitting on your butt the whole time, stationary, using your brain. It requires no physical valor, or skin in the game. At worst if you lose the match, maybe you feel bad, but beyond this, there is really no downside to losing. This is also where video games are bad; there is no real life downside.

At least with weightlifting, powerlifting, hypelifting, one rep maxing is interesting is that there is some sort of potential physical downside. If you aren’t focused enough, yeah certainly you hurt yourself. And that is the whole point!

And this is where I found the logic to be so bizarre; when these steroided out guys would be so shocked of how much I would attempt weightlifting at the gym, when I would rack up the barbell with seven plates, eight plates, nine plates, 10 plates, 10 plates and hook another 25 on top, they would always tell me… “Be careful”. 

Now that I think about this commentary in retrospect, it is really kind of a weakling cowardly side jab;

I am much bigger than you, and you look smaller than me, and also you are built more lean, and also you are Asian… and therefore I am befuddled how you are so much stronger than me, and I want to inform you how you might hurt yourself.

The best compliment

Even I have heard people talking about me at the gym on the side; 

You know… there are some guys who are on steroids who don’t look like they’re on steroids (referring to me)

Anyways, what these wimps don’t realize is that they are staring at an Achilles in the flesh, a demigod; half man half god; born from a mortal father, with a goddess mother. 

“I am a god”

I think one of the most radical, gutsy things ever uttered in rap music is the Kanye YEEZUS album, in what he put out the “I am a god” song and album.

Note, he did not say that I am the God, but a god (lower case). Even some random stuff that I started to do research in during Covid times is the whole Jay Electronica, the movement of black African-American guys turning to Allah, the fruit of Islam movement, in which the code word for “ALLAH” (arm, leg, leg, arm, head) the general idea in which all humans are born like gods, born in the image and the likeness of God.

“I know I’m not the most high but I’m on a close high.” KANYE, I AM A GOD, YEEZUS ALBUM

In fact, the only concert I have ever gone to my life was seeing Kanye West live at the Oakland Coliseum, for his YEEZUS Tour. It might have been one of the coolest things I’ve ever witnessed, especially when they put the fake mountain in the fake Jesus to come on stage, and also when Kanye put on the sequin covered facemask, they shot a laser on it, and reflected it all around the dome.

Ethics is the future, not technology

Ethics, worldview, philosophy, your own personal code of ethics, the way you decide to approach life, this is the future, not the loser iPhone Pro, or any of these ridiculous virtual reality headsets.

Very very simple; what we desire is real life real world engagement– we desire the embrace and the sweet smell of a woman, no no no… you don’t want to be having virtual reality sex, with your virtual reality girlfriend, or live with your virtual reality dog, driving around in your virtual reality Lamborghini, getting virtual reality head or whatever… Nobody wants a virtual reality babe.

What or which concepts are absent in the past?

In fact, when you think about ancient Greece, philosophy, the ancient Romans etc.… there is almost no focus on women. Women are absent; they are never mentioned, nor discussed or talked about. Certainly not talked about like commodities in today’s world. 

The way that a lot of guys get suckered is this strange logic: if I get super super rich, and drive the Lamborghini or the Ferrari or the big truck or whatever, and I’m super super buff, and I have a six pack, suddenly I will attract all these babes, who will want to have intercourse with me, and I can live a super happy playboy lifestyle for the rest of my life, in pure bliss, without any obligations?

Spartan philosophy

The true Spartan way is almost a polar opposite; the goal is to live a maximally frugal and economical life, have kids and beget children, have at least one son to carry on the family name. And the rest of your life is just focused on military training, combat, to be ready to defend your family, your nation when shit hits the fan.

This is where once again, all this fake ass patriotism stuff annoys me; if you’re on Facebook, looking at Donald Trump memes, watch Fox News or Tucker Carlson, make fun of “libtards”, talk about the alphabet gender spaghetti, you are not a true American. Just keep your mouth shut, enroll in military duty. You have nothing to defend yourself against.

Similarly speaking, we liberals also have this bizarre notion of virtue signaling; if you are a true progressive liberal, don’t even say the “Donald Trump” name — don’t talk about the news or politics or whatever. The simplest thing is to just vote against the other party you don’t believe in, get involved in local city politics, attend some sort of city council meeting, vote on issues you care for. Also don’t use Twitter, which might be about 99.9% bots? 


Men and women must be trained alike

Only Spartan women can birth Spartan men.

Physical training is both critical for men and women. This is also where it is so impressive that Israeli women are also serve military obligations, I think this is a great idea. Maybe also America, there was some sort of obligatory ROTC training in high school, both for men and women, maybe for junior and senior year… this might be a good idea. Good for virtue, physics, the physical element, physical training, building a sense of camaraderie or kinship between our fellow Americans.

In fact, even though I am a Democrat, I have always voted Democrat, and also I consider myself a liberal, I have had nothing but positive interactions with conservatives, Republicans, people on the right. In fact if anything… right wing people to be more friendly, fun, jovial, and happy. Liberals on the left tend to be dark, morose, and fakely-righteous? I remember accidentally walking into some sort of anti-Joe Biden rally, talked with all the friendly people, and was even offered free hotdogs and free ice cream barbecue from the people there! 

The reason why social media and the internet is so toxic is that it villainizes other sides, these metaphorical human beings. But if you actually talk to people face-to-face in the flesh, person-to-person, pure to pure; we are about 90% similar, 10% dissimilar.

Quit the internet, talk to people face to face, 1 on 1, in real life.

Only purchase digital things? 

A random thought, maybe the way we could curb all of this superficial consumerism is to only purchase digital things, digital goods, digital things.

Digital money: Bitcoin

Digital books, digital movies– Apple TV shop, iTunes Store, iBooks Store. I actually find that purchasing a film is much better than subscribing to a streaming platform. Why? Skin in the game. When you pay the $10 a month or the $15 a month or whatever for that streaming service, you don’t really value any of the films or TV series on it… watching media on streaming platforms is like a sedative; you watch something not because you want to watch it, or learn from it, but instead, just watch it to distract yourself.

Putting your money where your mouth is 

The funny thought is the point of purchasing something isn’t to “support“ the producer, but instead, to have a sense of pride that the thing that you purchased is actually something that you believe in or care in?

For example, I have purchased with my own money all the John Wick movies, all of the matrix movies, and now both of the Dune movies. Typically when we actually purchase something with our own money, it is a sign that we actually really really believe in it.

Also, the reason why you never want to trust anybody who is sponsored by anything, is because typically when you are given free things, or sponsored by something, you don’t actually really believe in it, you just accept the advertising and the sponsorship in order to make money or to feel special.

I bought all my Ricoh and LUMIX cameras with my own real money

For example, in the context of cameras, reviews, sponsorships etc.; only trust a photographer who had actually purchased the things with their hard earned money. 

For example, I have done collaborations with Fujifilm before, received free cameras in the past, free lenses etc.… And have also been paid money by then. Also I did some free consulting for them, sharing some good ideas like adding a film grain simulation effect filter to their cameras, which they did, in which now you could add green tier digital JPEG photos with the Fujifilm filter, and select either weak, normal, or strong grain. 

I am proud that all the Ricoh cameras that I purchased, none were given to me by free from Ricoh. I purchased them all with my own money. 

Also kind of a random thing; I think the whole blogosphere was shocked when I purchased a LUMIX G9 camera — it totally seemed like out of left field, because Panasonic Lumix was on nobody’s radar. And currently, now that all my Ricoh GR cameras are dead, my only camera is the Lumix G9 camera and the 14mm f2.5 pancake lumix lens (only $200!). And the only two cameras I think might be worth considering purchasing in the near future is the new Ricoh HDF cameras, or the new Lumix S9 camera with the pancake manual focusing lens. 


Ultimately, trust nobody, only yourself.

Also with filters; put more trust in dead people than people who are alive. Why?

The difficult thing with following people who are still alive today is that you don’t know how it all ends. With dead philosophers, artists, innovators, you do. 

Also, I think the big differences in the past, there was not a profit motive. An artist or an innovator did not need money, because they had the private patronage of some wealthy family like the Medici’s, Leonardo da Vinci etc.

Independently wealthy with Bitcoin

So I’m starting to think more and more… maybe the best true way to be a true artist, visionary, thinker, innovator entrepreneur is to independently make money somewhere, and don’t have to rely on advertising or sponsorships or brands to support your lifestyle.

I would put more faith in the photographer or the weightlifter who makes his living investing in bitcoin,  rather than somebody who is always spamming you with advertisements on YouTube or podcasts.

In fact, are there any podcasts which exist which don’t have any advertising? Besides my own?


Why bitcoin is the future

Bitcoins, satoshis– this is finally the solution to these annoying online advertisements. 

Maybe the true Spartan only cares for in bitcoin and satoshis, but never spends it or touches it, but just keeps accumulating it.

Bitcoin is like our shield – our economic shield and our hedge against the uncertain future.


Economic theory

I always thought that economics was stupid, honestly, truth be told, I think when you look at all this fake mathematics behind economic theory, it is all fake, the new hocus-pocus witchcraft, and the number one critical thing I learned about studying statistics both in high school and in college is that statistics is fake metrics that could be gamed however you want. 

Therefore, put zero faith in statistics. Better talk to a real human being, face-to-face, person to person, instead of engaging in ridiculous debates on the internet, which again is filled by 99.9% ChatGPT powered bots.

Once once again, if I waived a magic wand, and I revealed to you that in fact, all of the negative comments you read in your life on the internet, these trolls who said mean things to you, if you actually found out that they were all just artificial intelligent ChatGPT bots the whole time… how would you feel? Wouldn’t you feel better?

The next generation of comments on the internet

Maybe the only way we could truly verify whether somebody who is leaving a comment is a real human being or not is to institute the orange check icon, that the individual spent maybe $10 worth of bitcoin or Satoshi’s to verify their humanity.

Several years ago, I had the wisdom to just disable all and delete all comments on my website and blog etc. and also disabling them on YouTube etc. Why? For the most part, comments are useless. Even the positive ones!

When people say nice things about you in the comments, the reason why you could be bad is that it becomes a shackle; you keep publishing stuff that gets good feedback, and as a consequence, you end up staying the same instead of being innovative.

For example, when Bob Dylan went electric; he probably polarized 90% of his fanbase– they booed him off stage (his core audience, his real fans!). Also, everyone likes the old Kanye West in the college dropout album… but I like the new Kanye, I like the new carnival, the newest version of an artist is always the best.

A funny contradiction; everyone always wants the newest iPhone, the newest Tesla, whatever… But everyone wants the older artist, the older music, the older version of a certain thinker? If we stay consistent here, shouldn’t we prefer the new philosophy or the new thoughts or the new approach of an artist or a musician or a thinker versus their old self?

For example, everyone seems to prefer the old ERIC KIM, the old EK, but this is when I was still addicted to Facebook, using an android phone, and I still had my 9 to 5 job.

Sometimes, for myself, I miss my old Vietnam self; but in fact, my best self is my now self with Seneca! Also, sometimes I miss my old ERIC KIM gym self, the HYPELIFTING self, but when I think critically about it, I am 1000 times happier with my new bitcoin self, my new off the grid self, my new walk 10,000 steps a day in the direct Los Angeles sun self. 

Then I think the biggest nugget of wisdom:

Prefer the you self right now, not the past self?

Kill your old self!



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Become a new you:

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New books, new media?

Now that everything is becoming so hyper, once again, think about the past.

The Iliad, the Matrix, the 300, John Wick, keep it simple, keep it succinct. I’m very very skeptical of anything new, whether they be new movies, new series, new films etc.

Even this past generation, the last 10 years, the only innovative film created was the John Wick series, nothing else. Even though I was also enthusiastic about the new Mandalorian series, eventually after the first season, it all goes downhill.

With Marvel movies, I think the only good ones was before Disney bought it, for example the original Iron Man, the original Captain America etc. 

Why? The problem with Disney is that it is trying to maximize its profits, let us consider it is a publicly treated company, and as a result, the logic is to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Whenever anything is created for the masses, it is bad.

Once again, would you prefer to drive the McLaren, with the butterfly doors, or would you prefer to drive the Toyota Corolla?

Forward the ideas


Always start new:


The Spartan Way 

Some radical ideas:

First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do:

NOT spend money

I think this is a pretty big idea because all of this is centered around spending money.

Only cowards spend money?

“I promise, I’m so self-conscious, you won’t see me outside with at least one of my watches” – Kanye

Certainly it is very very difficult to earn money, but spending money… is very easy.

Let us first consider the fact that the act of spending money, even a chimpanzee or a three-year-old child could do it! Seneca, ever since he was about a year or two old, already knew how to insert a credit card, chip up, or even use the iPhone with Apple Pay to purchase things? Or even simply, handing off Dollar bills to the other person?

So I think the first idea is typically, maybe the best strategy is to teach our kids, and also maybe yourself, not to spend money? 


About a month or two ago, we stepped inside at JP Morgan Chase, opening up a checking account for my mom, and they had these little kids activity coloring books, and one of them was like a book on the idea of saving money in your piggy bank whatever.

However, the reason why this was quite bad was because it was still centered around spending money! The idea was you save up your allowance and your money in order to buy that electric scooter you want or something.

Born into consumerism

I mean let us think about it… ever since a kid is born, they are born into captivity by this capitalist consumerist market. Often society parents and people will bemoan the fact that kids are all addicted to games, video games whatever… iPhones, tablets iPad etc., but who is really at fault here? Of course the parents!

The first thing to note or to ask; if the kids are addicted to YouTube or their iPhone or the iPad or Netflix Netflix or YouTube YouTube kids or whatever… are the parents addicted to it? Yes!

Parents — quit media and your iPhone.

In fact, don’t look at the kids, look at the parents! Typically, kids are just mini versions of their parents.

We like to treat our kids the way we wish we were treated as kids

For example, even a funny thing that I realized, seeing my brother-in-law get my nephew Benji all these cool toys on his birthday, essentially it is interesting, my brother-in-law is buying his son toys that he wished he had as a kid. And this is where I respect my brother-in-law so much; he is essentially like a big kid!

I think in fact, the parents who I really care for or trust or admire are the ones who are the most silly, and also playful with their kids! You could see it in a split second at the playground; I only admire the parents on top of structures playing with their kids! Not the disconnected parents, sitting in the shade, sitting on their butt, doing something stupid on their phones.

When you take your kid to the park, lock your iPhone in the glove compartment in the car!

The matrix

So, let us consider the analogy of the matrix. I think the analogy the matrix is very good here because honestly in fact, we are all living in a metaphorical matrix right now.

For example, think about the battery pack. The battery pack is essentially like us toiling away with our physiological energy, brain power mind power soul power etc., in order to power these batteries. And, toiling away so hard, the funny irony; we work so hard and we sacrifice so much of our health and well-being, in order to purchase things which dull away the pain, but actually in fact… these end up making us sicker and weaker?

For example, marijuana and alcohol; the two biggest depressants we got in modern day society. For an individual who is depressed, or lacking vigor or having poor health… adding more marijuana to their life, or adding more alcohol to their life is a positive detriment. Do people not know that both these substances have physiological mental, and a physical effect on the body, which actually dulls your senses? It is almost like putting a condom on your mind and soul!

Does man live to make money, or does money exist to serve man?

OK, the number one foolish mistake we all make; it seems that we live in order to make money, rather than thinking about this critically and knowing and understanding that in fact, the opposite is and should be true; money should exist in order for us to pursue our own personal needs desires and wants!

In fact, the whole cult around money has become pretty ridiculous. The notion of money has become its own godhead, its own cybernetic metaphor and impetus in life.

Minimum viable income

A very radical idea I have is towards this minimum viable income concept. The general idea is you want to reduce your expenses to the bare bare bare bare minimum, and after that you direct all of your energy power and resources towards augmenting your true life desires, your true true goals in life, rather than money for money sake, which is a slave mentality.

Just watch the movie 300; do you want to be one of those Persian slaves, or the traitor who just wanted to be showered in gold coins and penetrating all these drugged out hallucinating women? Of course not!

Drugs are bad

“Pretty girl with white toes, she like to put it in her nose!” – Playboy Carti

Something which is actually a bit shocking to me; I grew up super sober, I maybe smoked marijuana twice in my life, both instances when I was around 25 years old. I didn’t really like it.

The reason why I am so anti-marijuana is because when I was in high school, I saw all my friends who got hooked on it, and it just made them lazy, dumb, and unmotivated. Just like Elon Musk said on the Joe Rogan podcast; “Smoking marijuana is like the exact opposite of drinking a cup of coffee“. And I love coffee. 

I don’t know if marijuana is pretty cheap now, or people using these vape pens or these weed pens or whatever. But, why dull your senses? Why not heighten them instead?

“I’m in love with a V dub engine, it dulls my senses” – JAY Z

“Success sucks, why? Too much stress” – JAY Z

Don’t skip leg day

A funny thought; if you want to maximize your manliness, let us consider that your member, and your testicles are connected to the lower half of your body. And also let us consider that your legs are probably at least five times stronger than your upper body. For example, easy to lift 1000 pound with your legs and your shoulders, very very difficult to lift 1000 pounds with only your arms and your upper body.

Or once again, easy to do a 1000 pound atlas lift, difficult to do 1000 pound benchpress, nay impossible?

Legs = Testosterone

So the very very funny idea I have is maybe, if you want to increase your testosterone and your manliness, every day, work out your legs!

In fact, if I could tell you that by exercising your legs every single day, you could increase your testosterone by a factor of 10 X, or become 10 times manly, more confident, stronger, less tired less petite, more cheerful… wouldn’t you do it?

A life beyond women

In fact, I think the primary mistake that men make is that they only work out their upper body because they want to somehow attract women?

My personal theory is that the primary way for a man to attract a woman is through his testosterone levels, his hormonal levels.

For example, the number one compliment I have been getting by both men and women is my tan, especially my foot, five finger tan. And there is also an ongoing theory that increased sunlight and sun exposure and testosterone manliness have a connection.

To boost your testosterone, spend more time in the direct sun!

Tall dark and handsome

For example, the notion of being tall and handsome, is really a good note here. Even other day I met this one friendly mom, and she told me that she was immediately attracted to her personal trainer, a tall dark handsome man with curly hair named Alejandro, and she ended up having a kid with him. It’s funny because the kid doesn’t look like mom at all and even the mom says I only know his kid because I birthed him!

Why do we desire to purchase certain things?

Let me give you an example: I remember when I worked my UCLA undergraduate job, in IT tech-support, and I literally felt like I just spent five hours a day scrolling through Reddit, killing time on the Internet. And I would also spend a lot of time looking at these camera review websites, gear review forms whatever, and ultimately I think the desire was to just spend more time outside making pictures!

The goal is to shoot more!

And I think this is the insidious thing about the whole camera photography complex; the idea is that we lack the freedom and the time to actually go out and make pictures, which is the desired goal… and we think, if somehow, we purchase XYZ camera or XYZ lens, or XYZ accessory… like a carbon fiber tripod or whatever… suddenly we will have more inspiration motivated and opportunity to actually go out to make photos? But is this true? No.

For example, the very very simple advice I have for any photographer is that the best camera is the maximally small compact one, the imagine like John Wick and his pistol. When shit hits the fan, he is not tooting around and automatic weapon, he just relies on his trusty pistol. Think about that one scene in which he is drifting his car door less Camaro, and picks up his pistol, and shoot the bad guys.

If we consider the Ricoh GR camera, it is like our metaphorical pistol. It is both our precision tool, and also, our general purpose tool.

You cannot hide an M-16 in your front right pocket.

Ways in which I spent a lot of time as a kid, as a teenager playing counterstrike, 1.6. The original one. 

The funny thing is that video games, and gun violence doesn’t really have anything in common.

For example, to me as a kid, guns weren’t really a big deal; for example, when I was in Boy Scouts, in one of the summer camps, I got both my shotgun and rifle merit badge, the same camp, as well as my archery merit badge!

Kids aren’t dumb; I remember being shocked as maybe a freshman in high school; the Boy Scouts instructor giving a bunch of kids rifles, at the shooting range, teaching us how to use it. I was a bit shocked as a kid, because even as a kid this seemed a bit dangerous. I remember asking the instructor “…Has anyone ever turned one of these guns around and just shot somebody else?” The adult got very serious, looked at me, and told me “Never say things like that.“ So with extreme caution, we never did anything dumb, and I was actually a quite good marksman! I could hit the target from very very far away, and also I was very good at shotput, in which you use a shotgun to shoot a flying disc in the air!

Your word is your sword 

I think the grand difficulty that we have in modern day life is that we no longer have any avenues for physical valor. The only thing which is commoditized is sports; but the reason why sports is bad is that it is too regimented, too constrained, and lacks any sort of real life application.

As NASSIM TALEB has commented; what some fools think is that somehow… a chess master would somehow be a master in military strategy. While this might make a good movie plot, in real life it is not true.

The reason why I am actually anti-chess, and a lot of these board games or whatever… consider how poor it is for your physiology. Sitting on your butt the whole time, stationary, using your brain. It requires no physical valor, or skin in the game. At worst if you lose the match, maybe you feel bad, but beyond this, there is really no downside to losing. This is also where video games are bad; there is no real life downside.

At least with weightlifting, powerlifting, hypelifting, one rep maxing is interesting is that there is some sort of potential physical downside. If you aren’t focused enough, yeah certainly you hurt yourself. And that is the whole point!

And this is where I found the logic to be so bizarre; when these steroided out guys would be so shocked of how much I would attempt weightlifting at the gym, when I would rack up the barbell with seven plates, eight plates, nine plates, 10 plates, 10 plates and hook another 25 on top, they would always tell me… “Be careful”. 

Now that I think about this commentary in retrospect, it is really kind of a weakling cowardly side jab;

I am much bigger than you, and you look smaller than me, and also you are built more lean, and also you are Asian… and therefore I am befuddled how you are so much stronger than me, and I want to inform you how you might hurt yourself.

The best compliment

Even I have heard people talking about me at the gym on the side; 

You know… there are some guys who are on steroids who don’t look like they’re on steroids (referring to me)

Anyways, what these wimps don’t realize is that they are staring at an Achilles in the flesh, a demigod; half man half god; born from a mortal father, with a goddess mother. 

“I am a god”

I think one of the most radical, gutsy things ever uttered in rap music is the Kanye YEEZUS album, in what he put out the “I am a god” song and album.

Note, he did not say that I am the God, but a god (lower case). Even some random stuff that I started to do research in during Covid times is the whole Jay Electronica, the movement of black African-American guys turning to Allah, the fruit of Islam movement, in which the code word for “ALLAH” (arm, leg, leg, arm, head) the general idea in which all humans are born like gods, born in the image and the likeness of God.

“I know I’m not the most high but I’m on a close high.” KANYE, I AM A GOD, YEEZUS ALBUM

In fact, the only concert I have ever gone to my life was seeing Kanye West live at the Oakland Coliseum, for his YEEZUS Tour. It might have been one of the coolest things I’ve ever witnessed, especially when they put the fake mountain in the fake Jesus to come on stage, and also when Kanye put on the sequin covered facemask, they shot a laser on it, and reflected it all around the dome.

Ethics is the future, not technology

Ethics, worldview, philosophy, your own personal code of ethics, the way you decide to approach life, this is the future, not the loser iPhone Pro, or any of these ridiculous virtual reality headsets.

Very very simple; what we desire is real life real world engagement– we desire the embrace and the sweet smell of a woman, no no no… you don’t want to be having virtual reality sex, with your virtual reality girlfriend, or live with your virtual reality dog, driving around in your virtual reality Lamborghini, getting virtual reality head or whatever… Nobody wants a virtual reality babe.

What or which concepts are absent in the past?

In fact, when you think about ancient Greece, philosophy, the ancient Romans etc.… there is almost no focus on women. Women are absent; they are never mentioned, nor discussed or talked about. Certainly not talked about like commodities in today’s world. 

The way that a lot of guys get suckered is this strange logic: if I get super super rich, and drive the Lamborghini or the Ferrari or the big truck or whatever, and I’m super super buff, and I have a six pack, suddenly I will attract all these babes, who will want to have intercourse with me, and I can live a super happy playboy lifestyle for the rest of my life, in pure bliss, without any obligations?

Spartan philosophy

The true Spartan way is almost a polar opposite; the goal is to live a maximally frugal and economical life, have kids and beget children, have at least one son to carry on the family name. And the rest of your life is just focused on military training, combat, to be ready to defend your family, your nation when shit hits the fan.

This is where once again, all this fake ass patriotism stuff annoys me; if you’re on Facebook, looking at Donald Trump memes, watch Fox News or Tucker Carlson, make fun of “libtards”, talk about the alphabet gender spaghetti, you are not a true American. Just keep your mouth shut, enroll in military duty. You have nothing to defend yourself against.

Similarly speaking, we liberals also have this bizarre notion of virtue signaling; if you are a true progressive liberal, don’t even say the “Donald Trump” name — don’t talk about the news or politics or whatever. The simplest thing is to just vote against the other party you don’t believe in, get involved in local city politics, attend some sort of city council meeting, vote on issues you care for. Also don’t use Twitter, which might be about 99.9% bots? 


Men and women must be trained alike

Only Spartan women can birth Spartan men.

Physical training is both critical for men and women. This is also where it is so impressive that Israeli women are also serve military obligations, I think this is a great idea. Maybe also America, there was some sort of obligatory ROTC training in high school, both for men and women, maybe for junior and senior year… this might be a good idea. Good for virtue, physics, the physical element, physical training, building a sense of camaraderie or kinship between our fellow Americans.

In fact, even though I am a Democrat, I have always voted Democrat, and also I consider myself a liberal, I have had nothing but positive interactions with conservatives, Republicans, people on the right. In fact if anything… right wing people to be more friendly, fun, jovial, and happy. Liberals on the left tend to be dark, morose, and fakely-righteous? I remember accidentally walking into some sort of anti-Joe Biden rally, talked with all the friendly people, and was even offered free hotdogs and free ice cream barbecue from the people there! 

The reason why social media and the internet is so toxic is that it villainizes other sides, these metaphorical human beings. But if you actually talk to people face-to-face in the flesh, person-to-person, pure to pure; we are about 90% similar, 10% dissimilar.

Quit the internet, talk to people face to face, 1 on 1, in real life.

Only purchase digital things? 

A random thought, maybe the way we could curb all of this superficial consumerism is to only purchase digital things, digital goods, digital things.

Digital money: Bitcoin

Digital books, digital movies– Apple TV shop, iTunes Store, iBooks Store. I actually find that purchasing a film is much better than subscribing to a streaming platform. Why? Skin in the game. When you pay the $10 a month or the $15 a month or whatever for that streaming service, you don’t really value any of the films or TV series on it… watching media on streaming platforms is like a sedative; you watch something not because you want to watch it, or learn from it, but instead, just watch it to distract yourself.

Putting your money where your mouth is 

The funny thought is the point of purchasing something isn’t to “support“ the producer, but instead, to have a sense of pride that the thing that you purchased is actually something that you believe in or care in?

For example, I have purchased with my own money all the John Wick movies, all of the matrix movies, and now both of the Dune movies. Typically when we actually purchase something with our own money, it is a sign that we actually really really believe in it.

Also, the reason why you never want to trust anybody who is sponsored by anything, is because typically when you are given free things, or sponsored by something, you don’t actually really believe in it, you just accept the advertising and the sponsorship in order to make money or to feel special.

I bought all my Ricoh and LUMIX cameras with my own real money

For example, in the context of cameras, reviews, sponsorships etc.; only trust a photographer who had actually purchased the things with their hard earned money. 

For example, I have done collaborations with Fujifilm before, received free cameras in the past, free lenses etc.… And have also been paid money by then. Also I did some free consulting for them, sharing some good ideas like adding a film grain simulation effect filter to their cameras, which they did, in which now you could add green tier digital JPEG photos with the Fujifilm filter, and select either weak, normal, or strong grain. 

I am proud that all the Ricoh cameras that I purchased, none were given to me by free from Ricoh. I purchased them all with my own money. 

Also kind of a random thing; I think the whole blogosphere was shocked when I purchased a LUMIX G9 camera — it totally seemed like out of left field, because Panasonic Lumix was on nobody’s radar. And currently, now that all my Ricoh GR cameras are dead, my only camera is the Lumix G9 camera and the 14mm f2.5 pancake lumix lens (only $200!). And the only two cameras I think might be worth considering purchasing in the near future is the new Ricoh HDF cameras, or the new Lumix S9 camera with the pancake manual focusing lens. 


Ultimately, trust nobody, only yourself.

Also with filters; put more trust in dead people than people who are alive. Why?

The difficult thing with following people who are still alive today is that you don’t know how it all ends. With dead philosophers, artists, innovators, you do. 

Also, I think the big differences in the past, there was not a profit motive. An artist or an innovator did not need money, because they had the private patronage of some wealthy family like the Medici’s, Leonardo da Vinci etc.

Independently wealthy with Bitcoin

So I’m starting to think more and more… maybe the best true way to be a true artist, visionary, thinker, innovator entrepreneur is to independently make money somewhere, and don’t have to rely on advertising or sponsorships or brands to support your lifestyle.

I would put more faith in the photographer or the weightlifter who makes his living investing in bitcoin,  rather than somebody who is always spamming you with advertisements on YouTube or podcasts.

In fact, are there any podcasts which exist which don’t have any advertising? Besides my own?

Why bitcoin is the future

Bitcoins, Satoshis– this is finally the solution to these annoying online advertisements. 

Maybe the true Spartan only cares for in bitcoin and Satoshi, but never spends it or touches it, but just keeps accumulating it.

Bitcoin is like our shield – our economic shield and our hedge against the uncertain future.


Economic theory

Always thought that economics was stupid, honestly, truth be told, I think when you look at all this fake mathematics behind theory, it is all fake, the new hocus-pocus witchcraft, and the number one critical thing I learned about studying statistics both in high school and in college is that statistics is fake metrics that could be gamed however you want. 

Therefore, put zero faith in statistics. Better talk to a real human being, face-to-face, person to person, instead of engaging in ridiculous debates on the Internet, which again is filled by 99.9% ChatGPT powered bots.

Once once again, if I waived a magic wand, and I revealed to you that in fact, all of the negative comments you write in your life on the Internet, these trolls who said mean things to you, if you actually found out that they were all just artificial intelligent ChatGPT bots the whole time… Wouldn’t you feel better?

The next generation of comments on the Internet

Maybe the only way we could truly verify whether somebody who is leaving a comment is a real human being or not is to institute the orange check icon, that the individual spent maybe $10 worth of bitcoin or Satoshi’s to verify their humanity. Several years ago, I had the wisdom to just disable all and delete all comments on my website and blog etc. and also disabling them on YouTube etc. Why? For the most part, comments are useless. Even the positive ones!

When people say nice things about you in the comments, the reason why you could be bad is that it becomes a shackle; you keep publishing stuff that gets good feedback, and as a consequence, you end up staying the same instead of being innovative.

For example, when Bob Dylan went electric; he probably polarized 90% of his fanbase. Also, everyone likes the old Kanye West in the college dropout album… But I like the new Kanye, I like the new carnival, the newest version of an artist is always the best. A funny contradiction; everyone always wants the newest iPhone, the newest Tesla, whatever… But everyone wants the older artist, the older music, the older version of a certain thinker? If we stay consistent here, shouldn’t we prefer the new philosophy or the new thoughts or the new approach of an artist or a musician or a thinker versus their old self?

For example, everyone seems to prefer the old ERIC KIM, the old EK, but this is when I was still addicted to Facebook, using an android phone, and I still had my 95 job.

Sometimes, for myself, I miss my old Vietnam self; but in fact, my best self is my now self with Seneca! Also, sometimes I miss my old ERIC KIM gym self, the HYPELIFTING self, but when I think critically about it, I am 1000 times happier with my new bitcoin self, my new off the grid self, my new walk 10,000 steps a day in the direct Los Angeles sun self. 

Then I think the biggest nugget of wisdom:

Prefer the you self right now, not the past self?

Kill your old self!





Become a new you:

  1. SF BAY AREA October 26 2024
  2. DOWNTOWN LA, NOV 16 2024


New books, new media?

Now that everything is becoming so hyper, once again, think about the past.

The Iliad, the Matrix, the 300, John Wick, Tippet simple, keep it succinct.  I’m very very skeptical of anything new, whether they be new movies, new series, new films etc.

Even this past generation, the last 10 years, the only innovative film created was the John Wick series, nothing else. Even though I was also enthusiastic about the new Mandalorian series, eventually after the first season, it all goes downhill.

With Marvel movies, I think the only good ones was before Disney bought it, for example the original Iron Man, the original Captain America etc. 

Why? The problem with Disney is that it is trying to maximize its profits, let us consider it is a publicly treated company, and as a result, the logic is to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Whenever anything is created for the masses, it is bad.

Once again, would you prefer to drive the McLaren, with the butterfly doors, or would you prefer to drive the Toyota Corolla?

Digital is The Future

Digital goods, digital products

–> proof of work digital goods which cannot be replicated?

There is currently a idea of NFTs, which stands for non-fungible tokens. The idea is creating a digital artwork or digital product which can be sold, in which an individual can prove their own ownership.

I suppose my thought, in regards to bitcoin, which isn’t entirely fascinating is that it is truly the first digital money. That cannot be replicated, you cannot fake it, because the proof of work network is so energy intensive, you cannot make something out of nothing.

I suppose the reason why proof of work is so critical here, and what a lot of these foolish pseudo environmentalist don’t understand is that if something doesn’t require energy to produce, whether human labor, material production, etc.… Then, it has no value.

For example, being born in 1988, and witnessing all of this digital rights stuff, protections against digital copying, as well as anti-digital piracy. 

As a kid, growing up, obviously I have no money, because I don’t work yet… The logic never seemed to make sense to me: 

if I download this video game book or movie or album which is digital… I don’t do any harm unto you.

But then the owner or the publisher or the business might say

“Well… It cost me a ton of money for me to produce this thing, and you are a morally evil and bad person because you are stealing this, because you might have paid $20 for this CD, if you did not pirate it.”

But the logic doesn’t make sense for a kid, because if you are a kid, there is no option to; because you don’t have any money, you wouldn’t have purchased it in the first place anyways! I suppose it is different as an adult once you got money… But still, I think for anybody who is in tech, IT, obviously we all have taunting software, we all know pirate bay, we all know how to turn on the VPN and cover our tracks, and download stuff etc.

I think even at this point in 2024… Truth be told pirates something is actually more cumbersome. It takes more time, you are at the risk of viruses and cyber attacks etc.… But I suppose the great convenience here you have access to the direct files.

For example, I have no problem paying $10 or $20 or whatever for you, Kendrick Lamar album, Jay Z album whatever, however, my primary annoyance is that let us say that I pay $10 on the iTunes Store or Apple Music to buy a new CD. But, I can only access it on my Apple iOS device! What if I want the files directly, to remix them, chop it up in GarageBand, or just use it as background audio for my photography slideshows? Then I am stuck. 

Selling digital products

I suppose hear the issue is, you could still sell digital products, whether they be digital e-books, digital PDF files, digital zip files, digital music files, whatever. But still, the only reason people actually pay money to purchase these digital products online is because they either believe and desire to support the creator, or they want access to it, or they cannot easily google and find it free online.

So I suppose, the real question here is how can we create a digital good? In which when you purchase a digital something, it actually does really have value? That you cannot replicated, not out of an ethical thing, but a physics based approach? 

For example, with digital products, is it possible to solve the double spending problem?

This is the primary phenomenal innovation of bitcoin; you cannot copy of bitcoin or replicated, like you can do as an MP3 file of Beethoven’s fifth Symphony. Or an e-book,.pub file, or PDF file of the Iliad. 

I think this is why I believe in open source so much; because it seems like the ethical, rational thing to do. My philosophy has always been simple:

Do unto to others as you would like others to do onto you.

For example I like free stuff, free files, free videos, and I hate these goddamn advertisements, is annoying banner pop-up ads, and I hate having to subscribe for some sort of email newsletter in order to download something I want access to.

Therefore as a result, in all of my personal endeavors, I try to make it as easy and direct for people to access my videos, photos, files, e-books whatever with direct links either or directly from my own website blog server, Google Drive links, dropbox links etc.

Once again, how can we create a new digital good on the Internet? Which can either be purchased with US dollars, or satoshis or bitcoin?



I’ll give you a good example with books; a book is a physical object, something you could hold in your hand. I cannot snap my fingers and then magically duplicate it into a thousand more books. 

I think the reason why books, printed books have value because we know that there was work and energy and labor and materials necessary to produce the thing: the physical pages, the ink, the binding, the packaging, the genius of the writer and illustrator, etc. And also we humans we still have a passion for tangible things; I think most people would prefer owning a physical book in hardcover for drama put it on their shelf, and think that it has value, rather than paying $30 for an e-book of the same sort.

Why ebooks

With ebooks electric book, maybe we should just call them digital books…  The reason why nobody likes to pay that much money for it because we are not stupid. We know that of course, it cost money and effort and time and energy for the writer to write the book, get it edited, proofread, distributed whatever… But we know that the marginal cost of having it downloaded, is practically zero. Therefore the rational human being would think to themselves: I know that it cost effort in time for the author to write the book, but if I download it as an e-book, it should be cheaper than the hardcover.

For example, let us say I want to purchase a new translation of the Iliad, for $30.  but let us say that I started reading it, and I hate how heavy and cumbersome it is.

Then let us say that I just want to buy it in the iBooks store, if that is the case… I expect it to cost less than $30, because I know that I don’t have to purchase the materials for the hardcover book. I might expect it to cost like $10, $9.99 or whatever.

Fiat money is a scam?

Currently the biggest issue we have is what the US dollar, essentially the Fed can just keep printing more of it! Then in someways, this is not too different than somebody pirating MP3 files for your favorite artist. They can keep inflating the digital supply of something, there is no hard cap.

I suppose the reason why the notion of cap is critical here is that it obeys the laws of physics! For example once again, if I have a physical book, there is a law of conservation of energy, I cannot snap my fingers and reproduce it with zero cost. Of course I could use energy and resources to print and publish more books, but once again, Hard caps, gravity, friction, the law of conservation of energy applies.

Think Bitcoin

If you believe in physics, first principles, and you are not a fool, bitcoin is for you! Why? Even Fernandinho Galliani in his treatise “On Money” said that true money has a hard cap, a limited supply. He talks about why gold is money, because of its scarcity.  however, he also knew that if you increase the supply of something, like when the conquistadors discovered tons and tons of gold in the New World, then he realized that the value of gold then plummets.

Because bitcoin has a hard cap of 21 million coins, and none will ever be produced ever again, for the next hundred thousand years, what that means then is  it is finally, the first scarce desirable good commodity or thing on the planet or the universe.

Once again, the reason why is so valued is because most people think of it as scarce, which is true, but it is not a true scarcity in so far much as they are still mining gold today, and still discovery new gold mines across the planet, Gold mines we did not know existed in the past!

So in theory, if you put 1 million workers to work, and employed thousands of geologist, and then let’s say you magically said that 1 ounce of gold was worth now $1 million, certainly we would discover more gold and produce more gold! But also consequently, when we discover more gold and we put it on the market, then the value of gold will plummet.

Karl Menger on monopolies

What Carl Manger says in his book the principles of economics, a section that is very very fascinating, a short section is on monopolies. Even then, he knew that there were certain industries that created artificial monopolies, by creating things into an artificial scarcity, for example diamond producers, and restricting the ability or the supply of Diamonds to enter the market, artificially.

Also in luxury goods, one of my good friend Stephanie who worked in the luxury goods market, also told me that a lot of these luxury fashion houses, when they produce too much of a luxury bag, throw it in the furnace and destroy it. Why? If you have too much real Louis Vuitton and Gucci bags on the market, it will become less valuable. Therefore it becomes more profitable to just take the unsold goods, and just incinerate it in a furnace! 

So what now?

Just some general thoughts on life:

First, I am so insanely grateful for all of my world travels, my world campaigning, all of my accomplishments or whatever. Yet, the accomplish of begetting Seneca is 1 million fold more than any other thing I have achieved or accomplished in my life.

Certainly the work in the labor of actually carrying the baby, and birthing the baby, and breast-feeding the baby and your child is all on the woman. So then what is the role of the man? To create structures in which your partner or wife desires to beget a child with you.

In praise of kids

A lot of these ridiculous things like desiring to purchase a Lamborghini, a Porsche, a Porsche 911, a Porsche 911 GT three RS, a Bugatti or whatever… I think these tend to be fantasies or pipe dreams for people who are childless, don’t have a kid yet, or have no intentions on having kids. 

The walking dead

Now, when I see people and I meet people who are childless, and have no intention on having kids, to me they are like the walking dead.

Then, the whole impetus of their life is towards hedonism; maximization of sensory pleasures whether it be visual — such as traveling to Japan and seeing all the cool stuff, or like eating good food, omakase sushi in Japan, indulging themselves in art, travel, exploration, creating art and ideas, writing books, being “cultural”– or maybe backpacking with their dog or whatever… These people had zero interest to me. Why? They are the walking dead. They shall die and they shall have no living legacy.

Hedonism and kids?

Technically, the ultimate hedonic pleasure you can gain is actually from your kids! Your kid is the most wonderful, evolving growing, entertaining beautiful joyful thing!

For example, almost every single day, Seneca at the age of three years and four months, I am starting to see his language acquisition skills excel rate at a phenomenal rate! And I am so insanely proud because I see the things that I have taught him, and it sticks!

For example, my deep pride and joy that ever since he was born, only spoke to him in Korean, and now, he speaks almost 90% Korean fluently!

Also, when I look at his shape physique and form, the buff kid of all time, I am so insanely proud of him because he is also, the most physically dominant, tall handsome strong intelligent kid of all time.

I am also so proud because whenever I meet other parents, parents or teachers who work with kids, and they honestly remark that Seneca is tall, I feel so insanely proud! People telling me that I am such a great dad, doing a good job parenting, deep sense of joy.

Also, contrary to popular knowledge, having a child actually makes you more adventurous! For example, ever since Seneca was born, and now that he is getting older, I am being exposed to so many new wonderful activities and things, things I wouldn’t have never partook in before he was born! For example, exploring all these awesome science centers, becoming a kid again! Also, rediscovering the Lego Batman movie, other joyful things etc.

So actually the irony is if you want to maximize your hedonism in life, your happiness your joy your fun, don’t get the stupid dog, have a kid instead! 

Keanu Reeves needs to have a kid

For example, there’s also this weird bias that it is cool, more macho, more manly and masculine to be a forever bachelor. No. Only degenerates think this way.

once again, think king Leonidas and his son; have at least one male heir to continue your legacy. 

The digital transformation of everything

So random thing is Seneca and I have been on Los Angeles Public library tour, hitting up all the local libraries, all these great free community events etc.

Something Seneca has been really into lately, is finding and discovering DVDs, especially the LEGO movie, and the LEGO Batman movie, which I find is so insanely funny and great, we need a little bit more humor in our lives. 

In fact, maybe the reason why the Lego Batman movie is so genius is that it is insanely fun, playful, irreverent,  humorous, self-referential, and actually feels more realistic ironically enough?

Anyways, some new thoughts on films; don’t watch any movies that you otherwise wouldn’t be happy with your kid, and also… Maybe in fact the best movies are kids movies?

And also; maybe the best films the only the good ones are the humorous ones, the comedic ones!

For example, why hasn’t a film like Zoolander come out recently? I still remember the notion of “Fragile” (Fra-geee-lleh) or on the Simpsons — “Boo-Uurns!”.

My critique about two days mostly hyper emotional emo world is that there is no more humor. Everything needs to be dark, Marose, emo, self-flagellation.

In fact, what is the main problem of Genzie, millennials, everyone in this generation? The young youth?

The issue is that everything is hyper; hyper sensationalized, hyper media. 

My simple tip for us incoming parents — some hard rules:

  1. Never ever ever ever ever kid an iPhone or a smart phone. If you need to track them or call them or whatever… Just give them one of those Apple AirTags and attach it to them, or just buy them a phone. Yes you could just buy the phone on Amazon supercheap, and tossing in a Sim card.  in fact I would even say the best dumb phone is the only one that could make phone calls only, no LCD screen. I find texting to be one of the most ineffective ways of human communication, and also hugely depersonalizing. 
  2. No electronics inside the home: I have a new rule with Seneca, if he wants to play games on the iPad, whether it be poly bridge, racing games (GRID AUTOSPORT, the paid one), pocket city, roller coaster tycoon classic, etc — I just tell him that he is only allowed to play it outside! So I toss the iPad in the backpack, we go on a walk, we go to some sort of social public space, and then I let him play there, and typically the funny thing is by the time  we get to the public outside space… He doesn’t want to play the game, and instead he’ll just run around instead!
  3. Maybe with movies films media etc. also, only let them watch it outdoors? Like if they want to watch a movie, have them only watch it at the local nature center or park, also funny thing; maybe the future will be more analog, this will be our new privilege. For example, Buy a USB-C DVD player  for your MacBook laptop, as we don’t have DVD players anymore,  and if your kid wants to watch a movie, just check it out from your local library? Adding some sort of friction in today’s digital world is a good idea; having Disney+ or HBO Max or Netflix or YouTube or whatever… With so much streaming movies shows and entertainment possible… It is almost like giving your kid a firehose of high fructose corn syrup laced with type two diabetes for kids. Parents will often be alone; well it is so hard… And it is true! But I think we’re having a new sense of elitism is good; let us consider that 99.99% of Americans are obese, morbidly obese, etc. Just because everyone else is shoving donuts into their mouth, and getting fat, doesn’t mean you should either.

Digital property?

Every few thousands of years, comes a major paradigm shift which changes everything.

We are so insanely to be alive right now in 2024; two massive paradigm shifts happening at the same time: artificial intelligence (open ai, ChatGPT), and Bitcoin.

Also, I think a very fascinating innovation I’ve discovered is that to rebrand something, or to reimagine something, or to re-understand something is also a huge innovation.

For example, the critical insight by Michael Saylor is thinking and considering that bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency, but digital property.

The reason why Michael Saylor’s idea of Bitcoin being digital property is such a grand insight is that in the crypto world ,,, 99% of our efforts are being wasted on the fact that everyone wants to replace the US dollar or replace the entire visa network with their own cryptocurrency or alt coin or etc. 

Not going to happen.

I think for high velocity payments, like buying a cup of coffee coffee or a shot of espresso at your local coffee shop, going to Whole Foods Trader Joe’s or Costco, Amazon fresh whatever…  having high velocity money like your Visa credit card, or Apple Pay on your phone is actually much more convenient. And then we barbell this; bitcoin then is our digital property, low velocity. If you think of bitcoin like owning property on the upper East side of Manhattan New York City, the ideas you keep it forever in the family, and you pass it down to your kids kids kids. And the strategy is simple;

Never sell the property. 

You borrow money against it, maybe you rented out, you try your best to maintain it, upkeep it, pay the property taxes etc. But you never sell the property. 

I also suppose the same idea is in line with bitcoin, if we reimagined it as digital property.

One day, you will be able to rent out your bitcoin, like imagine if you were a landlord, renting out your property to millennials.

Or, imagining that it could be like a digital hotel of the future; renting it out, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, or maybe even minute by minute, to whoever wants to be there. 

Then, essentially we could become like the new digital slumlord; we just sit on our bitcoin forever, collecting rents and money, and we could just chill at the beach, chill at the pool, etc.

Now what?

If you take things further, I think really long-term etc.… ultimate goal is durability as an artist, a creative a thinker etc.

Think peer to peer 

I think the problem in today’s world is because of iPhones, social media, entertainment, Netflix YouTube whatever… We engage with human beings only through media, while sitting on our butts, without any real risk.

My simple thought is always:

Better to risk a friendly social interaction and get rejected, rather than not attempted it at all. 

Simple thoughts: get rid of those losers sunglasses, those dark tennis sunglasses, throw your noise canceling headphones in the trash, and when you are out and about, “raw dog it”– no sunglasses, because sunglasses are for cowards. You will not get eyeball cancer. If the sun is too bright just get a baseball cap, or some sort of visor to protect your eyeballs from the sun.

Also, no headphones. No AirPods AirPods pros, whatever.

I think the critical issue here is that when you have AirPods, noise canceling headphones, AirPods pros on in your ears, or whatever your plug like Bluetooth device, the issue is that you block out 99.99% of the positive stimulation from the environment.

For example, I believe our sense of hearing is actually more acute and more primal than our eyes. For example, if you’re driving around Los Angeles, you will hear the siren of a firetruck before you see the flashing lights.

The reason why I hate Tomkin in LA so much, and I consider it extreme bad manners is that whenever people honk, there is always a fight or flight physiological response from us.  as a result, I’ve been going on a bit of a social justice rampage, whenever people honk, especially when they honk because the person did not drive immediately .1 ms after the light turns green, I give them a sharp that’s there, or I roll down my window, I stick down my hand, and I tell them to calm down. the hand jester for calm down is just put your calm down, and just motion it downwards. No need to give people the middle finger, I think some sort of shame , public shaming is a good idea. 

Also, smokers. Am going to go harder now, 100 X harder. To shame people for smoking in public. I’m just going to pretend like I’m a cop, I’ll tell people not to smoke when I have my weight vest on, because I look like a undercover cop or swat team or whatever. or, moving forward I’m going to do an experiment, whenever I am at a stoplight, and I see people texting on their phone at the stop sign, I’m just going to pretend like I’m CP and then make eye contact with them and tell them to keep their eyes on the road. Nowadays in Los Angeles and beyond people shielded by their cars and their tents, and their sunglasses, and they feel like they are abated for any sort of social responsibility. Even worse, people smoking marijuana while driving. I’ve seen this twice in Los Angeles so far. Rather than complaining, I’m going to do some sort of low-key Vigilante Justice, kind of like Batman. Batman, Batman not in the dark Maroso Way, but can you imagine a playful humorous and joyful Batman? My alter ego is like the Lego Batman, the Lego Bruce Wayne. 

No more compassion. I think the problem of people in Los Angeles, especially when they use their vehicles like cowards, is that they black some sort of exposure to the real world. No skin in the game.

Moving forward, I’m just gonna imagine like I am the super cop, the local city cop, CHP officer etc. 

Better to preemptively serve justice and be wrong… Rather than be a bystander or don’t do anything?

When I was a kid, I wish that more blue collar job ideas were offered to me, like becoming a firefighter or a cop, CHP officer or whatever… I might have even enjoyed doing some sort of low-key form of ROTC as a highschooler?

For example, even Seneca… He loves firefighters, firetrucks, police cars, police, police SUV cars etc. And of course he loves the cyber truck, he also likes it with a matte Black wrap. 

In fact, getting a cyber truck, a cyber beast with a mat black wrap, and getting the black and yellow license plate… This is your metaphorical at mobile? If you think about the Christopher Nolan mobile, essentially it is like a matte Black military vehicle tank —  rather than some sort of sissy, or even muscle car.

The Batmobile in the most recent the Batman movie, with the emo Batman, was also interesting because the Batmobile was also kind of like some sort of muscle car on steroids. 

Even nowadays with vehicles, are you surprising to me, I am starting to get more into trucks, even even the new Toyota Land Cruiser looks super cool?

Once again, if you think about Carl Menger and Austrian economics,  one of the great ideas from Carl is that he talks about how our preferences change overtime; for example that which has utility or interest to us as a child, a mature man, or an old man is all different!

I think maybe it is cultural; I was born in 1988, born Asian American Korean American… And to have Asian pride was to drive some sort of Japanese car, lower it, pimp it out, and race it? Essentially like the early fast and the furious movies, Tokyo drift etc. 

I suppose this is where media is bad; any sort of media you watch and integrate into your soul as a child, has a deep impact on you.

For example, a really stupid thing I saw as an adult the other day — week three young boys, maybe around seven years old, all playing in the sandpit together, doing some sort of fake Godzilla versus King Kong pretend fighting. Eventually one kid falls to the floor, because he is playing, and then one kid starts to kick sand in his face, the kid who was pretending to act all tough, then started to cry, and I’m just watching this from the side with Seneca, and I’m just thinking… Wow this is also bizarre. I’m glad that Seneca has no idea what King Kong or Godzilla is; a lot of these modern are superficially violent, not even in interesting ways.

I also suppose that as a man, raising the sun… Being very very critical on what not to expose them to, you don’t want your kid to the lowest common denominator, become addicted to YouTube or YouTube kids like cocaine candy. 

In fact, I think I am very critical of Google Chrome books in the classroom. Why? Essentially you are getting kids hooked on advertising, and Clickbait at a very young age. I wondered… Is it possible that instead, I could send send cut to school with his own MacBook Air laptop, and not use one of these adware devices?

Let us consider this scam; teachers have their kids self teach themselves something, which they see on YouTube, and of course on the side is all this Clickbait related content that they will be tempted by. Let us also understand adults, the single best thing you could do is enable some sort of related video ad blocker on YouTube. In fact, I think the ethical thing YouTube should do is integrate some sort of toggle on YouTube the YouTube app, maybe you can make it a premium only feature, in which you could actually turn off related videos, turn off comments, and high metrics like video views subscriber numbers, number of comments etc. Why? Has the potential to teach you anything, which is good… But I’m starting to think that the trade-off is not worth it, if you support it with advertising, and Liz related content or videos on the side with all these clicky images, it is a very very dark hole.

My number one suggestion for parents: never ever ever ever ever show them YouTube in fact, uninstall it from your phone. Just think to yourself, if elite Apple CEOs and C officers, and also directors,  and also Apple employees and higher-ups send them to schools without any screens or devices… Also let us remember that Steve Jobs did not permit his kid to use an iPad at home… What is the rest of us plebeians don’t understand?

Also, let us realize this bad thought; why is it that all employees would preferred to use an iPhone over a Google pixel? Similarly… Why is it that Apple employees would prefer to have a Gmail over an iCloud account?

Also, why is it that Tesla sales people don’t actually own Teslas?

Maybe there needs to be some sort of skin in the game rules here.

Digital x Physical

No no no, the future is not the meta-verse. Nobody wants to own a virtual Lamborghini, and live in your virtual house, and get virtual sunlight and virtual floor to ceiling windows, eat virtual steak, have virtual sex with your virtual babes, have virtual fans, go virtual hiking, and take virtual drugs. 

I am almost 100% Berish on virtual reality. The future is not virtual reality, the future is ChatGPT, and bitcoin. 

If in fact, we think about it… No amount of money could actually incentivize me to use that terrible Apple Vision Pro device. Even if you made it practically weightless, ability to use it with classes or whatever, even if you made it like glass, Nobody would really want it. The pain of having to always charge it, the additional bulk, even with my own eyeglasses, which are 100% titanium LINDBERG, Which I think I owned for almost 15 years,  are practically weightless. Now that it is Los Angeles summer, and the sun is strong… I’m starting to wear a baseball cap because I’m getting sunburn on the top of my nose bridge, and my forehead, even if I lather myself with SPF 60 sunblock. Kids and adults know… We don’t actually like having things on our heads or our faces. 

This is where Apple engineers, it may be also Mark Zuckerberg needs to understand… Having some sort of device that sits on our head or our eyes is not desirable. Unfortunately, the future is still some sort of smart phone like device.

In fact, my super grand idea is to create a smart phone without any screen; the true zen phone. Mybe I will call it the Seneca phone. 

More digital thoughts 

Very very simple things here guys;

1. Digital photo books

Publish your photos as e-books, PDF e-books, PDF files, or even share the JPEG files with people in a zip file! 

One of the great things that I learned in the photo world, which is full of a bunch of loser fake art virtue signaling wimps. They are all a bunch of unhealthy, unwell artist, who seem to hate people and humanity, and when they are photographing people in the streets … they are not doing it out of a spirit of love of humans and humanity, but rather, they are seeking some sort of revenge on other people.

Digging deep; I’ll tell you all the dirty secrets.

First, Magnum is bad. Magnum photos, all bad. Eventually everyone is just petty and devious of one another, because everyone wants to be rich and famous, and adored.

And also, there’s this weird talking for position here; everyone wants to be seen as the most elite supreme and legitimate, yet everyone is broke as hell, Evyn look at these famous guitar furs constantly traveling and doing workshops, they only do it because they are broke, and need to pay their rent, They don’t do it for passion.

Maybe the best way to approach things is only take workshops or classes or do things with individuals who don’t even need the money. Maybe there is some sort of genuineness here;

Certainly everyone needs to make a living, but often when you have some sort of famous person or photographer teaching some sort of workshop or travel excursion or whatever… Being managed by some other booking company or individual … there is actually not a strong incentive for the Fatar for to do a good job or care about the well-being of their students because they are usually being paid some sort of flat rate, let us see $5000, by the booking organizing agency, so as long as they show up, and do the minimum viable amount of work, they don’t really care.

Then, maybe the filter in a more practical sense is only do workshops or workshops or whatever by photographers who host the workshops by themselves; without some sort of third-party booking agency.  because they are incentivized to have the students be repeat students, and also they want good news to spread about themselves!

So if you see photographers, private individuals who host their own workshops, travel excursions,  and individuals who have been doing it for a very very long time, years, maybe even decades, and they hosted themselves, they are the point person… Without some sort of assistant or third-party, typically it is a signal that they are doing something right.

Once again, durability and longevity here is key. 

Any artist musician photographer producer or whatever who has been around for decades, and who are still in the game… Even then they’re 40s 50s 60s and 70s, it is a sign that they are good.

For example, Kanye still coming out with new music (CARNIVAL) even after the whole antisemitism thing and break with Adidas. And after his divorce and losing I think custody of his four children?

Also, Eminem just came out with a new album! His road rage song, respect for Eminem, saying what he really believes in, even though he might get “canceled”.

Because isn’t that the point, that you become rich successful powerful enough that you are uncancellanble? 

How to be uncancelable

Very very simple, your own website, your own blog etc.

A website and a blog is the ultimate censorship proof platform. Evyn emails, email newsletters… Having to keep updating my self hosted sendy.co email newsletter platform, Gmail in Google is starting to put a new controls in which you have to add all these random tags to your email and newsletters in order for your emails to reach Gmail accounts, at this point, every intelligent human being that I know has a Gmail account. Gmail is essentially a monopoly on email.

I think at this point, maybe 90% of emails on the Internet or Gmail account? And close to 100% of Americans have some sort of Gmail, Google account?

This is where using a Gmail or a Google account for authentication behind things is so useful; I could almost guarantee that your Gmail account will be around 100 years from now, even though eventually they might fill up with all these advertisements and stuff. I’m starting to think, One day, Gmail just started to put the top three emails on top of your inbox as advertisements, but people stop using it? I certainly would stop using it, but I think 99% of other people will keep using it.

Even now, the reason why I will never ever ever buy an android phone ever again, or a Samsung or whatever is funny enough because of Apple Maps. Apple Maps is inferior to Google maps, but now, I’m being driven by all of these square pin advertising on Google maps, And even this new spamming thing that Google maps is doing one I am driving is asking me whether there are still speed traps ahead? Shame on you Google and Google programmers; I wonder if  you have actually caused a handful of accidents, or maybe even accidental deaths because you put a pop-up while people are using Google maps to drive?

Simple suggestions for the Google maps and the Google team

First, a very simple one to pull in Google, just make some sort of 999 a month, add free premium membership. I would very gladly pay for this.  and once you are on Google premium, there are no more annoying square advertisements on your Google maps.

Also, by default, disable that annoying pop-up about speed traps or whatever, and instead, when you first install the Google maps app, ask people as an option, whether they want it enabled or disabled. It is not a privacy thing; it is a pop-up distraction danger thing. 

Also, disable that feature of the five or 10 minutes slow down ahead things; once again, another dangerous distraction while you’re driving.

Also, a very telling note; one of my millennial friends used to work on the Google maps team, quit, and now on her iPhone, she only uses Apple Maps, she doesn’t even have Google maps installed on her phone. Hmmm….

Also about photography; all of the Apple employees I know, none of them use the iPhone as their primary camera, most of them don’t even use it at all. Instead, they have Leica M cameras,  the compact digital Hasselblad medium format camera, Sony a series cameras, they shoot film, a RICOH GR camera, have a like a SL camera, some sort of standalone digital camera. Also almost none of them use Fujifilm

Camera facts

The best camera brands are Lumix Ricoh Pentax. 

The Leica Q is essentially a Panasonic Lumix in disguise,  The only digital lighter worth owning is a Leica M camera.

Even though I like Fujifilm, and I’ve used all the cameras, still… I don’t recommend it to people. In my whole career, I have never purchased one with my own money, I have bought a ton of Ricohs with my own money,  I purchased a Leica M9 by myself, sold it (thank you Todd Hata) and traded it for a film Leica MP camera (thank you Bellamy Hunt, Japan Camera Hunter), and I think maybe 2017 or 2018 purchased a LUMIX G9 camera I purchased in Japan– which after all my Ricohs died, is the camera I am currently using.

In fact, the most exciting camera that just came out is that new Pentax film camera; it is the new film Ricoh GR camera! It has an integrated flash, and also, because it is half frame, it doubles the amount of exposers you could shoot on a single roll of film, pure genius! This is a very insanely innovative, economical way to extend the joy of shooting film photos, while minimizing the cost! 

Photography for kids

I’m planning on volunteering and just doing some free photography classes for kids, which has the ultimate zero barrier to entry. They could just bring their iPad, tablet, iPhone or smart phone, or stand alone digital camera if they have an option. Or even a film camera! 

Kids are the ultimate photographers. They shoot with joy, no need to share the photos? 

In fact, Seneca, he loves photography, just like myself. He shoots with no obstructions, no hesitations, sometimes he likes to look at the photos, sometimes he doesn’t care too. Maybe this is a more enlightened way we could approach photography?

Evyn as a fun thought experiment; if you had a film camera, or a digital camera or whatever, and you could actually not store the photos or view them later… Would you still do it? Maybe? 

Free digital books

Just give it away for free! Free, as in zero cost, and also free as in freedom!

And also, don’t make people do some sort of annoying subscribing to your email newsletter or whatever to gain access; just do direct links! Hosted on your own FTP server, uploaded to your WordPress media library, share a Google Drive or a dropbox link, etc.

Make it as friction free as possible; because the truth of the matter is in today’s world, for anyone to see your photos or your artistic work, you almost have to pay people to look at your photos! Because the fact is, the world is so inundated with images now, especially now with the advent of ChatGPT and DALL-E, and these billions streaming shows… People don’t have the time to look at your photos! 

In fact, I only think that the reason why people sign up for Fatar a few workshops with these famous furs, is because they simply want some sort of affirmation from the famous guitar for that their work is good, legitimate, and they want to gain some sort of confidence?

For example if Henri Cartier Bresson were alive today,  would I care to sign up for workshop with him just to tell him that my photos are good? No. I think we should also consider Bresson as a failed photographer; somebody who secretly had penis envy towards all his famous painter friends.  let us also remember the fact that at the end of his life, he totally gave up photography, and famously said “photography is not a legitimate art form, it is only a means and path towards painting, and drawing, which is the true art form”.

Always study an artist from the backwards from the grave to the present.

Typically, whatever an artist or a thinker or creator believes in towards the end of their life is kind of like the final testament. Because they have had enough experience, and have distilled their wisdom long enough to gain some sort of deeper insight about things.

Spartan Economics

The spartan economist:

We new Spartans, we shall inherit the earth!

TLDR; think spartan when it comes to money, economics, life.

A truly pragmatic way to think and approach life

I think my critical critique of 99.9% of economists is that all of their fake science and fake pseudo scientific mysticism on the economy whatever, none of it is really tired to practical reality.

For example, more important things; where you live, what car you drive, whether you own a single-family home or rent, what kind of groceries you buy, where, or how much, etc.

Or, where you invest your money, where you save your money, you decide not to spend money on, your own personal financial philosophy.

Spartan investing

Some thoughts on investing;

First, I’ve always been interested in passionate about investing, ever since I was in high school. I still remember my high school science math teacher, Dr. Ahmed, told me about mutual funds back in high school, and told me this unorthodox strategy that I should claim being an emancipated minor, being able to borrow some money, and essentially, use that money to invest in an aggressive mutual fund. And this was junior year of high school, I think I was 16. 

Somehow I did get my hands on some money, maybe like $1000? Or $1200, or $1600? Anyways, somehow I was able to create an investing account when I was 16, my junior year, and I invested in the one thing that I knew was very important, Adobe, which made Photoshop, which I knew was very important because I pirated Photoshop as a kid, and I used it to create all of my images on my computer. I also invested some money into a mutual fund, and even the course of maybe two years, I saw the value of my stock in my mutual fund holding go up? I think I might have realized a $600 or $800 gain, and I was overjoyed!

Fast-forward a bit to college… I realized when I was in college I was able to take out some student loans, and I use some of that money to invest in the market, while I was still in school, my sophomore year. I suppose I was 19 at the time?

Anyways, very stressful; I will check market prices, on my laptop, note this was before the iPhone existed, and it was very stressful. I would see the price go up a little little bit, and I was overjoyed, full of euphoria, and then I would see the price go down, and I would feel my stomach shrink. I remember losing sleep over this.

Stoic training

Anyways, from the age of 19, I had to learn how to control my emotions, something part of my early stoic training. And also, getting into trading penny stocks my senior year, in which I accidentally misread the financials for an oil company, that when I thought they were making a profit, they were actually losing money because they would put the financials in parentheses, which I did not know at the time meant a loss. So I suppose my knowledge was good, but I misread the information, and therefore I saw my life savings of maybe $3200 go to zero. As a 20, 21 year old, this was the worst tragedy I ever experienced in my life.

Anyways, I still think I had some good intelligence. I remember during the subprime mortgage meltdown, I saw the price of Ford go almost to zero, and I saw Blockbuster about to go bankrupt. I knew that Ford was a good long-term investment because I knew that Ford would recover in the long-term, and also I knew that blockbuster would go to zero because Netflix was the future. I think the only problem at the time was at the time I didn’t have any access to, as I think I already lost all my money.

So if I had the opportunity and access to capital, I would habe bought Ford (which has gone up a lot since then) and I would have shorted Blockbuster, which as I predicted ,,, went to zero.

Skin in the game

So this is a big thing; being an armchair investor vs being a real Spartan investor, somebody with skin in the game, with their own personal money in the game.

For example, I think being a personal private investor, investing your own hard earned money is critical here; because that was your soul time energy over many hard hard years of your life. You should/can only take financial risks with your own money. If it is someone else’s money — easy to toss the money like confetti.

Money as your life soul energy

For example, I think about the decade plus in which I taught workshops, I worked hard to do much research, all the thousands of dollars I spent on photo books, writing reviews articles blog posts, videos, etc.… writing books, making presets giving it away for free etc — essentially the best way to think about money is it is your time force energy energy life soul energy imputed into some sort of concrete thing; let us say that it is solidified into a single US dollar.

However the biggest issue here is that Fiat currency, the US dollar, is like an iPhone battery. That slowly but surely, it slowly drains and loses charge and also ability to hold charge.

For example, everybody knows that if you take an iPhone or a laptop, and you just let us sit on your desk for a month without charging it, it will naturally die, even if it was turned 100% off.

Also a problem with batteries and recharging; if you permanently keep it charging all the time, I think also the battery loses the ability to retain charge, and the maximum capacity of the battery loses charges as well.

Think ahead

For example, my 2017 MacBook Pro, 13 inch touch bar space gray, which I bought for about $2000 maxed out refurbished at the time… I think the battery of it only last about five or 10 minutes now before shutting off.

I also heard the same thing with Tesla cars — if you just let it sit, and don’t charge it every single day… slowly it will lose charge. I suppose this is the upside of having a gasoline powered car, is that oil and petroleum will just sit there, and will not lose charge. Surely there are other things you still gotta worry about like the battery, but still… For the most part oil and gas is more stable than an electric battery and charge.

Funny random thought —

Manual is the future?

For example, a manual transmission car even in 2024– will probably still be functional 30 years from now? Electric cars and Teslas and even Hybrids ,,, maybe not?

Also manual focusing lenses, 100% still functional 300 years from now!

With digital cameras, you will always swap out the bodies … but the manual lenses will last forever.

For example, I am 100% confident my Leica 35mm f2 ASPH Summicron lens and my film manual and mechanical Leica MP camera will last 300 years from now … any other digital equivalent? No.

Building capital for the sake of it?

Anyways, I think the general impetus behind investing is a bit misguided. I think in the past I had he thought, and also maybe the general idea that people have is:

“I will invest this amount of money in order for me to gain a return, in order for me to purchase XYZ in the future.”

For example children are taught of a piggy bank, you save your allowance and your birthday money in it, so one day in the near future, you could buy a scooter or something.

Once again this twisted logic; you should save money in order to accumulate money, in order to have enough money and purchasing power in order to purchase this thing in the future you want, rather than thinking about saving money as a vehicle for investing, to grow your monetary power. 

For example, only a moron would spend his whole life toileting and working hard, in order to save the $250,000 or so to buy the Lamborghini. This is insane; the second you buy the $250,000 Lamborghini, your bank account balance then goes to zero, and in theory you are now impoverished.

Let us say that we embrace the two Lamborghini rule;  which is only about a Lamborghini if you are rich enough to afford two of them. But then again, the critical issue here becomes let us say yeah $500,000, and you buy the Lamborghini, and now your monetary power is cut in half, now you only have $250,000 in the bank. I don’t know about you, but nobody likes to see their wealth go from $500,000 to $250,000 in a split second, even if in fact you did buy the Lamborghini and own it.

 actually, the only logical thing to do is to drive to the closest  Lamborghini dealership in Newport Beach, show the guy you’re a bitcoin balance on your phone, and then sit in all the Lamborghinis you would like, play with the steering wheel, see how it feels to be inside the Lamborghini, touch the materials, take it on test drive, enjoy the sound of the engine, the driving experience whatever, and then decide not to buy it. 

Or another option is to just rent it for a day! Whether it cost $1000 or $5000 or whatever, a much much better financial way to use your money than to blow $250,000!

 even if you were a Jay-Z; you would not go out and start buying expensive cars like I’m $1 million Bugatti or whatever. If you are a true capitalist, a true investor, somebody who really does care about money… The point is you invest your money, and you keep stacking it forever, and you actually spend as little money as possible, in order to indefinitely increase your wealth!

For example, you do not buy the $1 million Bugatti — no. Rather, you buy $1 million worth of bitcoin, and then you see it become 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion, 100 billion. Isn’t this what somebody who really cares about money… Isn’t this how they should think? 

Toys are bad

We Spartans know that toys are bad. In fact, some things I learned about toys, in raising Seneca: 

  1. Superficially legos seem like a good idea, but eventually, Legos are bad. Why? As a parent you got to clean up their mess, and also… when your kid grows up sooner or later you’ll just donate the Legos to another family. The ideal and optimal strategy then is to just play with Legos at the local library on the brick building day, and just leave it there, and go back home.
  2. For Seneca’s entire life, I’ve only bought him two toy cars; I think two Lamborghinis, the small hot wheels style. I think we already lost them.
  3. Almost by osmosis, kids, whether you like it or not, or gain all of these free toys by orbit. For example when they visit their grandma’s home, or play with cousins or whatever… They will pick up random toy cars here and there. Therefore, the simple ideas that you never have to purchase kids any toys, they will naturally get toys from friends and family, on their birthday holidays etc., even if you are a “anti toy household”.

Set a good precedence. 99% of things we desire to purchase as adults or just really really expensive toys. 

Are toys bad?

I think so.

Essentially the purpose of a toy for the most part, is some sort of thing to distract your kids while you as a parent to do something else.

And also, the problem and issue with toys is that it doesn’t make them anymore physically strong or capable.

When it comes down to it, the best things to prioritize for your kid is their physical strength, height, muscle mass, ability to climb stuff, run around, be out in nature, go on hikes, have a nice tan for actually being in the sun, ability to pick up heavy stuff and throw them, etc. Even one of the things I’m very proud of is ever since Seneca was very young, he would be really good at throwing rocks into bodies of water!

No, whenever I see other kids, the only thing I’m ever impressed by is to see how muscular they are! Or how they are in running climbing, doing physical things. 

Weapons & armor & shields

If we think about the ancient Spartans, what were their possessions? Simple: their spear and shield, even their sword was kind of more of an accessory piece.

Also, I think according to Plutarch, or some of the ancient historians, there are funny quotes like “why are spartan swords so short?” Spartan response: “So we could get close to the enemy”.

Also, one of the most critical things about being a spartan was your shield; the reason why the hunchback was not allowed to fight along the spartan army was because he could not raise his shield, and the critical thing about being a spartan was the ability to defend the man next to you.

Even when you consider the final duel or fight between Achilles and Hector, I think it comes down to throwing spears, at a distance, and having the other party defend themselves with their shield.

Helmets were also critical because there were many times in which having the right shield actually defended you from death.

Bow and arrows are for cowards

Or why guns are for pussies:

Even the ancient Spartans, when the ancient Spartans saw a castle with lots of archers on top one Spartan commented –

“Is it women who live there?”

Certainly when it comes to real military combat, typically the armies or the side with the strongest firepower wins. For example, the Roman legionnaires, I think 99% of their lethality was because they had catapults, and they were just sling massive rocks and destroyed 99% of the other side of the enemy, and then the Roman legions would then enter in phalanx form, and just tidy up the rest of the mess. 

And even now, the US military, they are essentially getting rid of real pilots, and just creating drone aircraft instead. Why? Human being pilots are a liability; it is always bad PR if your pilot gets killed in combat, or gets killed by an accident. if it is a drone, certainly people alone the financial laws, but when it comes down to it… a financial loss is always superior to a human life loss. 

For example let us say that it cost the US military $100 million to create a drone aircraft. And let us say that for one reason or another it gets destroyed. Or it fails, better to lose $1 million aircraft to lose the life of one single human pilot.

Armor up!

Anyways, in modern day life, the big issue that we have is all of these pussies who have guns. Or knives.

A real man, should only engage in hand-to-hand combat, and the only thing that a real man does is has body armor as a form of defense.

For example, if you’re really afraid of people shooting you up or whatever, just buy a bulletproof vest. This is what cops have. Technically as a private citizen, I think you are allowed to purchase and own and wear a bulletproof vest, if you so desire. 

For example, just think of Keanu Reeves (John Wick) in his Kevlar armor suit jacket, how he used his suit jacket as a shield or armor against incoming bullets. So gangsta.

And even now, the supreme way I feel tough is wearing my 60 pound weight vest around; I think even real cops, who wear bulletproof vest, a real bulletproof might only wear 10 pounds or 20 pounds?

Now I suppose because I do my daily walks with my 60 pound weight vest, I no longer really feel it on me. This is a very good thing. Let us say I get into a high conflict situation and I just put on my weight vest, I know that nobody could fuck with me or Seneca or Cindy.

Unfuckable with

A true Spartan; only has armor, no guns, no knives. His word is his sword.

Money as a defense against slavery

“Fuck off money”– having enough money that you could just fuck off, and not have to do nothing. 

So my first Spartan economic thought is that the purpose of money is more of an economic shield, barrier, buffer, or armor to prevent you from working like a slave.

The purpose of money isn’t to buy stuff, purchase a home, buy superficial things, purchase a vehicle, travel to Japan ne eat overpriced sushi…but rather, via negativa; for you not to work.

As long as you got a job, a boss, a steady paycheck… you are not free. 

For example, doesn’t matter if you’re being paid $750,000 a year at Apple; as long as you have to stay inside your nice glass cube prison cage, you are not free. 

Also, as long as you got a mortgage on your home, payments on your car, and any sort of debt or obligations… once again you are also not free.

Also a Spartan ethic thing;

Don’t indebt others.

What it means is never ever ever let anybody borrow money from you. Because let us say you loan $1000 to somebody and they don’t have the means to pay you back like they promised in two weeks. What do you do, beat them up, or hostage their family members? No.

Never borrow money from others, never lend money to others.

The only type of money exchange should be gifts. No obligations. 

All debt is bad debt

More recently I thought I’ve been thinking through is in regards to the notion of debt; for example what some institutional investors do is take on debt to purchase things, property, bitcoin like Michael Saylor and microstrategy, in order to purchase more assets, in the promise that it will grow in the future.

I’m starting to think, maybe could work for the corporations, institutions etc.… but maybe this kind of leverage is not a good idea for us private investors, because it could cause you to lose your freedom.

So once again, never leverage debt, even “good debt” to acquire more property. 

The goal

  1. NOT have a job
  2. NOT have debt
  3. NOT be employed by anyone else besides you (sole, sole proprietor — number of employees is 0– you are your only employee).

Creating your own new Sparta

What is very interesting about Sparta, Kim Leonidas etc.… is that the point wasn’t to enslave millions and billions of people, rather, it was to think about committing to your own local population… for example, maybe the Spartan population was only 10,000 Spartans? And they had about 50,000 helots till the land?

A big thought: it seems that the modern day individual loves to complain critique and hate on everything, hate on global policies, politics, individuals, music, media, iPhones and social media, whatever. Whenever people talk about global warming, carbon levels, carbon footprint whatever… typically I see a lot of these people are either single, maybe they own a dog, certainly they have no children and kids.

Never trust any environmentalist who don’t have kids.


In fact, the lamest thought is that kids contribute most to the carbon footprint of the planet… my ongoing theory is that these people are just humanity haters; they just want to take their dog to the grave with them?

Who knows, perhaps your kid, or some other kid who is born today is going to be the one who solves pollution on the planet; who creates a solar power panel which is 1 billion times more effective, or invent some sort of nuclear power fusion fission energy generator that could fit in your back pocket?

Become the change in which you wish to see manifested in the world

Anyways, my simple thought is rather than complaining and critiquing about society whatever… more effective to just become the change in which you wish to see manifested in the world, and also a big thing; have kids! Create your own micro society, create your own cultural values, and insanely Spartan, stoic and staunch about it.

Niches are the future.

Creating new cultural norms

For example, I think giving presents and buying toys for kids on their birthday is ridiculous. I believe rather — gift experiences and time together. Therefore for my niece Amelia and Benji, I don’t think I’ve ever bought them any toys on their birthday or on any holidays. What I do instead is take them rockclimbing with me and Cindy, and also when I’m just with them… I just play with them! I leave my iPhone in my glove compartment of my car, and I just run around with them!

I remember Amelia saying a year or two ago saying “I miss Samchon ERIC,… Because he is the only one who plays with me”…

How to raise your kids

I think in today’s world of hedonism and indulgence… this is my thought on how one should aspire to raise one’s kids–

The thought is to raise, train, and breed your kid to be creators, innovators, Spartan Stoics, with maximum physical capability, a 100% carnivore diet, with extreme vigor, play and joyfulness.

For example, would you give your kid heroin? Certainly not. Then don’t shove kids in front of their face Netflix or Disney+ or bluey or whatever when you just want them to stop crying. Let them confront their own emotions, explain things to them, let them cry it out; give them a kiss on their forehead if they fell on their head, and the big thing; don’t let any other loser adults punk your kid around.

Something that randomly caught me offguard being a new first time parent, is having these miserable old female librarians telling Seneca not to cry inside the library and that “he must go outside,” or even having random people in the apartment next to us passive aggressive things like complaining that Seneca was playing with his toy cars outside?

One thing that pisses me off is society has become maximally tolerant of dogs and their misbehaviors; but, no privileges to children? 

“Don’t smoke here! No smoking here!”

In fact, I’m starting to think more and more… perhaps I should become more aggressive, more of an asshole parent. For example, I’ve been on a bit of a rampage in which telling other people to not smoke in public places, when I’m with Seneca. Even though they might give me a dirty look, or even if I might feel bad about it… This is what a true Spartan would do. Essentially you take the brunt of badness, bad emotions whatever… And defend your kid, defend your wife, defend your family.

Also, never tell people sorry. Just tell them thank you. 

When to attack?

Also, I think America we could learn a thing or two about Sparta; for the most part, think America should just stop meddling in the business of other nations, other nation states, even if we want to maintain some sort of world peace for the interest of America.

For example, America needs to stop waging positive war. The only good use of military is defense. America needs to be well positioned in such a way that if anyone attacks us, we could defend ourselves. But I think ethically, America should not wage preemptive attacks on other nations and other nation states, in order for us to be like Machiavelli’s prince; the idea that often to defend oneself, you have to preemptively attack. We are strong enough.

Even when a foreigner visited ancient Sparta, the foreigner asked, why are there no walls? And the Spartan said, because our men and our children defend these borders.

One day your kid is going to find your gun 

I think this is also the thing that is so ridiculous about gun ownership in America, all these loser notions of “self-defense“. Everyone always wants a gun on them, because they are afraid of being shot or being attacked. And I think some people shoot another person preemptively, because they fear their life is in danger danger or whatever.

But, the law is, you are never allowed to shoot first. The only time you pull out your gun or whatever and start shooting is one the other person has already shot you, or has already shot something in the environment.

The stoic Spartan investing strategy

Live Spartan. Essentially somebody who glorifies themselves and their own human body, their own physical strength, just think about how buff your muscles, your shoulders your back and your traps are.

Your pride joy and glory is your own body and muscles, not your possessions.

I trust no man who has tattoos, has a dog, and drives some sort of entry-level German car 

No dogs, no cats, no animals. Only children.

Ensure that you have at least one son to continue the family name. 

Perhaps foolishness is a virtue?

I’m also starting to think, being mad, being a madman is a virtue. Anybody who focused is too much on security, safety, prudence and rationality is a wimp.

Good for your wife, do it for your family, be a true mensch.

Throw your cares and concerns into the tailwind, burn all your bridges, burn your ships behind you, don’t look back. Only forward.

What type of money would Spartans prefer?

Historically, the ancient Spartans would abolish money. Because they know that money corrupts.

I think one of the earliest Spartan legislators, Lycurgus, essentially made the law in which he converted all money into huge stones, which were essentially impossible, maybe it was made of iron etc. made accumulation of wealth so cumbersome, people eventually stopped chasing wealth for the sake of it.

Mandatory military duty?

I was always an anti-military, but now as an adult… I’m starting to see the virtues.

For example, in South Korea, all men are required to do a mandatory two year military service, even StarCraft players and BTS members are not exempt.

The good thing about this, as well as Singapore… it builds a sense of nationhood and camaraderie between men. Even one of my friends, Andrew, a professor I think he did some sort of part-time Navy officer reserve training when he was getting his PhD… and he said something like “I think if there was some sort of military duty amongst Americans, there would be a lot less divide and conflict”. I also agree.

Probably the most anti-racist training that I ever got in high school was accidentally; playing high school American football. Essentially, I was thrown in all rainbows of races; African-American, Latino, southeast Asian, east Asian, Caucasian etc. There was a strong sense of brotherhood, and everybody supported one another. And for the most part, we put aside all of our differences and our cliques.

Sports team unites

For example, I remember some of the white guys who were hefty lineman, I think they were into Cowboys and rodeos and wearing cowboy hats whatever, and African-American kids would just hang out with other African-Americans at school, and the southeast Asians were also part of their own crew etc., all my friends were Korean American, or east Asian… But when we all played football together, did practice, played games etc.… we would all sing the same ridiculous songs on the school bus, breaking windows on the bus, etc.

Sports teams eliminate race.


Also, a very formative thing that I did was Boy Scouts; becoming an Eagle Scout, etc. Also here… all notions of race, religion whatever was erased; I remember that my scoutmaster was Jewish Jewish American, and his two sons were all in scouts with me would wear the little Hat, and I never knew what it really was, but I never really hated on it.

And also, I remember the Levee brothers; also two boisterous Jewish American kids, Ariel and Jamie, And once again, I didn’t even know what antisemitism was until I went to college?

We are all American

Anyways, my grand vision is that being American should be more of a nationality, more of a nation state thing, rather than a racial thing.

For example, the genius of Rome, was that as long as you paid taxes, you were Roman. It didn’t matter if you were from Spain, like Seneca the younger, who I named my own son after, Seneca was not a Spaniard — he was a Roman. 

Also, I have more in common with Kendrick Lamar who grew up to E-40, than I ever did with any Korean person I met in South Korea.

Also some funny nuances; I have far more connections with somebody I meet up in the bay area, in the 90s, doesn’t matter if they are Latino or black or whatever…

Even Southern California, LA South Koreans; they are different from me. 

As long as you grew up to underground rap, the Bay Area high E-40 hyphy movement, if you know who Keak da sneak is, if you know how to go stupid dumb and hyphy yellow bus retarded, if you over owned a pair of all white K-Swiss tennis shoes in high school, and just wore white T-shirts and dark blue denim, and never owned a pair of shorts until you’re late 20s… then you are with me.

John Wick would like bitcoin

A very interesting scene, and also in the universe of John Wick; it is a world beyond money. For example, in the universe of John Wick, money is just like these gold coins, which are used to gain access, trade favors, clean up messy dead bodies, to protect or guard things, or for people to take a hit at somebody.

For example, when John Wick wants to get into the secret club, he has to insert a single golden coin, very much like putting a coin in some sort of arcade machine.

Also, when John Wick is first seeking revenge in the first film, and he opens up his war chest… It is all guns ammo and gold coins. No US dollars, no Fiat currency.

Why bitcoin is the way

I recently sold all of my Tesla stock, and purchased micro strategy stock instead (MSTR). Why? Some convincing arguments from michael saylor:

 first, product cycles. Certainly for the most part, purchasing Apple stock is a good idea, however, who knows if the iPhone 35 pro will be any good?

Also, CEO; let it say that one day, Elon Musk totally left Tesla. And no longer had any affiliations with Tesla. If this were the case, Tesla would not be worth anything.

I think the genius about bitcoin is that it is a religion. Satoshi, is essentially this metaphorical Jesus speaker, the savior, and he disappears forever. With any other crypto asset, Ethereum and Vitalik or even chainlink and Sergey; as long as you have a central spokesperson, a CEO, a president or a leader, a charismatic individual… You will not last.

For example, one of the very interesting things that I learn from my political sociology class at UCLA as an undergraduate with Mark Jepsen was that nations or nation states that are led by charismatic individuals don’t last. Once the leader dies off, there is no longer any vision.

For example the genius of America, is that even if we have a few bad apples, the whole thing will still chug along OK. Let us consider that after Mao Zedong died, after Ho Chi Minh died, both mainland China and Vietnam has slowly and surely started to delve into capitalism… The dominant world system.

In fact, that is consider that seems that 80% of the Chinese economy is still dependent on America. And essentially, the CNY, is pegged to the US dollar; because there are capital controls in order from the Chinese government, in Chinese mainland Chinese individuals cannot take their wealth out of the country, especially when they prefer to buy property and live in Vancouver Canada instead… It is a strong signal that duh , America’s on top.

Even though if you had currency is weak, America is still the strongest Fiat currency on the planet. I recently talked to a woman who just got her green card from Beirut Lebanon, and she told me that the whole lira thing is a mess;  that people prefer to just hold and trade US dollars instead.

Even when I visited Cuba, even though they have the local Cuban dollar currency, still at end of the day, things are priced in US dollars.

After the US dollar, all other currencies, nobody wants them. Nobody wants the euro, too much chaos in Europe. Nobody wants the pound, Britain’s isolationist policies make it the next Japan, they will still stagger on but will slowly become irrelevant, nobody wants a Korean won — their population is dying off, and it seems that the greatest market for new Hyundai cars are actually in the states, nobody wants the Japanese yen, once again their birth rate is practically zero now. Nobody wants Chinese yuan — I don’t know any non-Chinese person who would prefer using WeChat, we pay, or a Huawei phone.

As long as rich mainland Chinese people prefer to use an iPhone Pro over a Huawei phone, America will always be on top. 

Election cycle predictions 

I’m voting for our Kamala Harris, because she has more aligned with my ethical beliefs, even though she will lose. I’m almost 99.99% certain that Donald Trump win.

The good news is that Donald Trump is very pro bitcoin, bitcoin mining etc.; so after Donald Trump gets elected, after the dust settles… Your bitcoin value will blossom.

Even if bitcoin and crypto goes through another bear market, which eventually it will… Still, the US economy will be stronger under Donald Trump than Kamala Harris.

If anything, of Joe Biden stepping down and having Kamala Harris rotten instead is like the final hail Mary – and I have played enough high school football to know that Hail Mary’s never work 99.999% of the time. The only time a Hail Mary will work in an American football game is almost never; you only hear about it when you watch random TV clips, or YouTube videos, but I think the chance of a Hail Mary working is practically zero. 

So what is in your locus of control?

So I think the big thing to note here is that the stoic way is simple:

What is in your locus of control, what isn’t?

Politics, climate change, dual politics, etc. are not in your control.

What is in your control? Your own individual behaviors, what you write about to friends family and on the Internet, whether you decide to use social media or not, your own individual actions, and also… Your own individual non-action; what you decide not to do. 

For example, it seems that the words you refrain from, what you decide not to say, is more telling than what you decide to say.

Another stoic strategy; when you hear something which is very puzzling to you, restrain responding immediately… It works 99.9% of the time.

silence is golden, speaking intelligently is silver.

Nobody wants silver.

Just focus on one thing?

Spartans only focused on one thing; freedom. 

The lame thing about America is you have a bunch of these fake ass patriots, waving Trump flags, we have never done any military service. Freedom is not free, or live free or die.

The general ethos is that it is true… Freedom is not free. But what is the opposite of free? Skin and soul in the game; actually being on the front lines of something.

For example, I have a simple rule; you’re not allowed to talk about freedom or whatever or is some sort of fake ass patriot chest thumping flag waving coward, if you have never served military duty, or at least have done Boy Scouts and know how to properly fold a flag!

Also, if you really want to be conservative or Republican or whatever, the simple news is don’t watch Fox News, or any news.

Could be told, both sides are foolish. The left the right the center the moderates whatever… You gotta think like an individual. This means removing all news from your brain, all news which is run on advertising is toxic.

I have another big idea news agencies, website individual bloggers, magazines etc. except payments in bitcoin and Satoshi, no advertising.

The truth is as long as something is supported by advertising, the low-key bias will be to make it more sensationalist, less connected with reality, in order to get more eyeballs in order to make more advertising dollars.

Are there any newsies which do not run on advertising? No.

As a consequence, trust no news but yourself.

Where to get your news? 

ironically enough, maybe the best place to get your news is through intentional propaganda government portals, like going to the official US military defense.gov website, because you could smell the propaganda more critically.

Propaganda, propaganda, propagate just means to spread something. The French use the word propaganda, not in the evil way as we Americans think, propaganda just means to spread something.

and once again, realize that all is toxic, all news is bad. Injecting news into your brain and soul is almost like injecting type two diabetes into a healthy individual.

News is like type two diabetes for your soul.

Spartan theory?

To sum up, the spartan way simple: live like a spartan, like the hungry wolf, invest all of your money and earnings and into bitcoin, have at least one kid, derive your pleasure enjoy another human beings, conversation, love and charity, through physical activity exercise, Risky weightlifting, being outside in nature the greet outdoors, and think exposure;

Unless you got real exposure to something, you aren’t permitted to say nothing.


Don’t opine about something you’re not invested in 

Put your money where your mouth is, or don’t put your mouth where your money is not.


Film club

Required watching for any aspiring Spartan Stoic is all of the John Wick movies, the movie 300, the matrix movie, maybe Blade Runner? I prefer the second one. 


The sayings of Spartans, just Google it. Also, all of the books have Seneca, all of his letters. Also the meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and honestly all of the stoic thinkers are good.

Nietzsche, all of his books.

NASSIM TALEB– all of his books.  

Interview, podcast club

All of the interviews and podcasts in YouTube series by Michael Saylor , michael.com, or hope.com 

Economic theory

All economic theory is bad. The best is to just read the Iliad, think about the ancient Greeks about their life before money was invented. 

The Stoic Investor

How to deal with the high price of living:

Some quick thoughts:

First, it seems that everyone loves to complain about the high cost-of-living. When they talk about this… What do they really mean to say?

First, there are certain nonnegotiables you must do, like feed yourself. No matter how rich intelligent or wise you are, if you don’t feed yourself yourself you will die.

However the nuance; playing defense, and also realizing that a lot of things are negotiable.

Your options

For example, you must eat, but it is not an imperative that you must eat out at a restaurant or order takeout.

Or another thing — it is illegal to be naked out in public, but the funny nuance is as a man, legally you are not forced to wear a shirt in public, that is technically optional. You only gotta put on a shirt when you go inside a private business or restaurant or establishment. But if you are out in public, then, shirts are optional.

Big deal, because the funny thing about clothing is that it could be essentially free, people seem to like to give away free clothes, or it could be insanely expensive, in fashion and fashion it is not uncommon to purchase a $300 white T-shirt.

2010 Prius is the way

Second, your vehicle. If you live in LA, I suppose you don’t really need a car; actually, you could probably get by by just using Uber, walking, public transportation, the bus, the metro. However it is true that if you want to improve the quality of your life, having a car is superior, because you could do stuff like go hiking, go to nature, drive to other public libraries, science centers etc.

However the nuance with cars is that once again, it could be however cheap or expensive you want it to be. 

For example, if you live in LA, by far the most intelligent option is to own a Prius, a hybrid vehicle, etc. Why?

The funny realization; the other day I just went to Arco and filled up my 2010 Prius from zero to the max, maybe it only cost me $38. And I looked at my odometer thing, and it said that a full tank I guess would be 410 miles of range! This struck me as very funny, as that is technically 10 miles more range even than the Tesla model S! 
So wait … let us do the math:

I inherited the 2010 Prius from Cindy‘s family for free, put $2800 to purchase a new catalytic converter, $2000 for a new automatic braking system … essentially a “brand new” car for only $4800! And what is insanely great is that the Prius was purchased brand new by Cindy‘s older sister in 2010, maybe when it comes around $30,000 or something, and so because it kept itself in the family, we know that it was not used and abused, and the maintenance was super spot on, always maintained properly, never used and abused. Also, we actually had the Prius for about two years when Cindy and I lived in Berkeley, I think we actually ended up finishing off the finance payments on it as well.

Not only that, but due to a recall, Cindy‘s younger sister actually got the whole Prius repainted with brand new blizzard pearl, sparkly tri tone white paint! Cindy recently got a quick detailing Maguire spray from the Facebook buy nothing group, and after putting it on, the paint on it is insanely beautiful, especially when the bright sun is out! 

I think this is where I still like beautiful paint on a car, rather than the current modern trendy approach with matte black, matte black vinyl 3M wraps, or even these boring concrete gray colored cars; really beautiful paint on a car after you wax it is insanely beautiful!

For example my neighbor has a brand new Porsche 718 cayman in the concrete grey color, which I find very boring as a color. In direct light, the blizzard pearl on the Prius looks 1 million times more beautiful! Why? When you look closely… You could see the tiny speckles of purple pink and blue inside the white blizzard pearl;

Beautiful paint jobs

Also, when I am on the road, I think actually the most beautiful paint I have seen on cars is probably on Lexus vehicles, for example Lexus has this really beautiful silver atomic color that they put on some of their vehicles, and even the brand new Lexus RX in silver looks insanely beautiful! Similarly speaking, the darker silver color looks great on the IS 250 cars. 

Even though I love Tesla and Elon Musk to death, in terms of supreme and the most high quality, Lexus is the way. For example, what is the most important part of a car, in terms of the design? I say it is the back of the car, which you always look at, as well as the driver side door, whenever you enter and exit your vehicle. 

For example, on the Lexus LS cars, the detailing the side mirror trim, the door side trim, the door handles on the Lexus LS series is so well crafted, and beautiful. Even though I love the Tesla cars, honestly if you look really really carefully at Tesla cars, look closely, The trim actually looks very very cheap. And feels cheap.

Even on the Tesla model Y, something I was so shocked about when test driving Cindy’s dad’s Tesla model Y, was the rear passenger door window thing; it is literally wiggling so hard that it looks like it will fall off!

I then suppose there is a contradiction of quality here;

There are certain things which we think is very very high-quality in terms of branding, our minds, etc.… Then there tends to be a little bit more objective reality at play, which you cannot really understand until you have seen and touched it yourself in real life. 


So back to the whole issue of the cost-of-living;

First, delete all subscriptions. Unsubscribe from everything.

Delete and unsubscribe from all of your music and TV and show and film streaming services, and also depending on your situation… Cancel your gym membership. I think the gym membership is good if you go there every single day, it is not too trafficky to get there, and you can get in and out quick, and also you don’t have to wait for equipment. Otherwise, it seems wise to start investing in building your own home gym; why? Time. I have probably recovered at least 2 to 3 hours a day by not going to my local gym, as I could skip all of the lines by simply working out on myself, in my ghetto backyard, parking lot gym.

Also a funny thing that I have discovered is that ever since I have been working out at home, I think I have become a little bit more honest. What does that mean? Now that I no longer have anybody to impress, literally for myself, nobody else. So all the exercises I do is truly for myself.

Suckered by “quality”?

Also a very big issue here; I think we often think about this abstract notion of “quality”, but what does that really mean?

First, it seems that the most objective measure here is durability. What does durability mean? That’s something will last a long time!

Typically durability has to deal with hardness, but I think hardness is simply means of something to last a long time.

For example, durability, duration; all the same thing.

I haven’t come up with a good definition of “quality” yet, but it seems that this notion of quality needs to be re-examined.

Amazon, Amazon prime, Amazon fresh?

How long until you could purchase a home on Amazon prime? Or purchase a car through Amazon prime? 

A recent discovery that Cindy and I found is Amazon fresh. Interestingly enough, I think it is actually cheaper and more convenient and time saving than Costco!

I’ll get example; for some reason whenever we go to Costco, it is easy that we drop 500 or $600 on a bunch of random stuff. But Amazon, Amazon fresh is much more targeted, almost like a precision laser strike; you only select items you want from the Amazon app, and then you pick it up, either curbside, or you just go in store and just ask the friendly people there that you’re picking up. Or, you could subscribe to the Amazon fresh thing, which is only $10 a month, and you could just have it delivered straight to your door!

Jeff Bezos said something interesting, which was essentially “We want to make it so that by not having Amazon prime, you are doing something financially irresponsible”.

Also with clothing, my younger sister Annette Kim has recently been buying all of her clothes on Amazon, and I am shocked; it all looks great, and it is like 10% the price of buying stuff at a traditional retailer or a Lululemon etc.

I think what is so interesting about Amazon Amazon prime is that effectively, the goods are all produced by some anonymous factory somewhere in mainland China, and you cut out the middleman which is the publicly listed corporation which is inflating prices to make a profit, let us not forget that Lululemon is a publicly traded corporation, as a result… Cutting out the middleman seems like a good idea.

Certainly Lululemon does a lot of investing in innovating and creating new types of fabrics, which is probably in fact superior to that which you buy on Amazon, but, I suppose the question is if you are purchasing the products just for fashion, then just buying it on Amazon directly makes more sense.

Or I’ll give you another example, a month ago we got invited to a wedding and I realize that I have forgotten where I put my nice dress shoes. So I just went on Amazon, and I ordered these all black, “L run” minimalist zero drop shoes, which only cost me maybe $28! And boom delivered to my door in a day, instead of having to sift through all of these tedious dress shoe brands, which can easily cost you about $200. 

When in doubt, first order it on Amazon prime.

Even with Seneca and his shoes, Cindy just orders the “L Run” kids water shoes ,,, the minimalist essentially slippers for kids… each is only like $10! And when he outgrows it, or gets a hole in it, you could just throw it in the trash. 

Cut out the middleman

Has there been a good film on Stoicism yet?

I think the best we got so far is John Wick; John Wick is probably the uber-stoic.

And then we have the movie 300, also, insanely great.

My ideal film or concept would be if John Wick and 300 had a baby; essentially my only critique about John Wick and Keanu Reeves is that he is too muscularly wimpy; why doesn’t John Wick have a six pack and is insanely buff like king Leonidas and Gerald Butler in the movie 300? Or at least look like something like ERIC KIM? 

Very very simple ways that Hollywood producers and directors you could beef up your actors, without shooting their butt holes full of steroids; 

  1. 100% carnivore diet — feed them nothing but the finest bone marrow, beef liver, ribeye steak, beef ribs
  2. Have them quit all sugars starches, fruits vegetables, etc. The only non-meat item to eat is arugula or kale or dark leafy bitter greens
  3. Have them fast; no breakfast no lunch, only a 4 pound carnivore dinner. This will also be good because it could be productive throughout the whole day, they don’t need breakfast or a lunch break. 
  4. Extremely heavy one repetition maximum style lifting — “If the bar ain’t bendin, you pretending” – Hugh Jackman, Wolverine

In fact, how much productivity is lost because people have to buy a mediocre $25 salad and sandwich, and waste an hour or 45 minutes or 20 minutes eating lunch? For them to maybe instead, just going on a walk around the block, get a quick pump lift some weights, drink some water, or maybe even take a nap instead.

Think 30 years ahead

Far seeing:

A big thought I currently have is the notion of trying to think at least 30 years ahead.


First, if you think 30 years ahead, you gain a lot of clarity to and behind things. 

I suppose one of the greatest blessings of having Seneca, having a kid is now finally… I have a reason, or have an impetus or approach to think long-term ahead.

For example, trying to think about my strength physique and health 30 years from now, as well as the health of Cindy, my mom, Seneca, the whole family empire.

A very very simple idea is keep stacking those bitcoins. I have about 100% certainty that 30 years from now, bitcoin will be a raging win.

I think the hard thing with a lot of people is that they cannot stomach the volatility. However, what I find so fascinating about bitcoin is that it is insanely volatile, but actually not very risky. In fact, I believe bit bitcoin to be the only crypto asset Which actually has zero risk. After bitcoin, all of the other crypto‘s have huge risk and downsides; for example I think Ethereum is a lame duck, the only other crypto worth mentioning is chainlink, but the biggest issue here is that they are to heavily on marketing and PR, which is always a bad sign. Even getting Sergey Nazarov the founder to wear a suit and tie, bad idea. Just let him walk around in his classic blue flannel!

Building something which will last 30 years from now?

There are certain things that you built today which will exist 30 years from now, in certain things… Will no longer be around 30 years from now.

For example, very unlikely that your neighbor will live live in the same apartment building for the next 30 years.

Also, very unlikely that Instagram or TikTok will be around 30 years from now. I think Facebook will still be around 30 years from now, as it is essentially the core product for Facebook and the medical corporation, but beyond that, maybe no.

Apple will still be around 30 years from now, people will still be using iPhones.

Google will still be around 30 years from now.

Amazon will most definitely be around 30 years from now. Same goes with Microsoft.

Websites and blogs will still be around, with the classic HTTPS: and www. and .com domains. I think most apps won’t be around 30 years from now.

Apps will come and go, websites will stay.

Building your own empire for the next 30 years 

Nothing that you buy today, will probably have any utility 30 years from now.

For example, there is no car vehicle thing or truck that will still be trendy or sought after 30 years from now, without dealing with extreme maintenance costs.

Also, I am still not 100% certain about investing in property or real estate; the maintenance cost are too high, as well as vacancy rates, having to rent and manage your property, maintain and paint and fix things, hire staff, pay for taxes and property taxes etc. 

Even right right now, currently I am living in LA, but will I be in LA 30 years from now? Probably not.

So what is ultimately portable you could always take your wealth with you? Bitcoin!

Also let us think about the US dollar and inflation; what will be the price of 30 years from now? A lot. Let us assume that you have $100, and you save it in a safe somewhere,  what will be its purchasing power 30 years from now? Maybe 30 years from now, $100 will buy you a burger and a soda?

What does it mean to be a stoic investor? 

I think thinking 30 years ahead is the great filter.

For example, all these degenerate millennials, hedonists, and their dogs will all die off, the only people left standing and thriving will be people with kids and families.

First, have kids. At least one, ideally two, also, desirable to have at least one male heir if you are a man.

Second, just think to yourself when it comes to financial economic or just like decisions… “What would king Leonidas do, say, or think?”

For example, if I had a King Leonidas ChatGPT bot, just ask him, in regards to any purchasing decisions… should I do it, should I not do it? You already know what he will say! 

–> “King Leonidas… Should I buy that Tesla, that cybertruck, that Tesla model 3 performance, the Tesla model S plaid, the Porsche, the Porsche 911, the Porsche 911 GT 3 RS?”

King Leonidas would say:

“Only women drive vehicles”– a true man would only engage in hand-to-hand combat, no chariots, no horses, no vehicles. 

Actually this is really really fascinating, if you think about it, go back to the Iliad, Achilles versus Hector. Essentially when it comes down to it, Achilles is just chasing around Hector, ready to kill him, no chariot.

And also, if you think about the Iliad, and also the Spartan 300s; they don’t even use horses! 


Typically the entire economy thrives on addition. For example you positively add, produce things goods product services etc.… And people positively purchase, and add it to their homes their wardrobes etc. 

For example, let us consider and think about the closet of the average American or individual; just count it out… How many shirts, pants, socks, jackets, shoes do you own?

And also… What other random stuff have you screenshot it on your phone that you might like to buy in the near future?

Or let us stay with cars and vehicles… If you became a billionaire, cars would you like to purchase and add to your garage?

Or if you are a homeowner, what new appliances would you like to purchase or upgrade in your home, or how would you like to renovate your home?

This issue here is it is all additive; we always try to add something, rather than thinking about subtraction.

Why isn’t subtraction in vogue?

The issue is that first, I think people lack the experience the wisdom or the critical thinking in regards to subtraction.

Also, my personal theory is whenever you purchase something, there is a small power rush. When you purchase something or add something to your store house, it makes you feel more powerful.

For example, why is it that king Priam had 1000 oxen, and wanted 10,000 more, even though he could never eat or consume all of that oxen? Because with wealth and power … Typically speaking… More is better.

Put in today’s world, more is worse. The more stuff you buy, the more stuff you have to maintain manage, organize etc.

For example, even if you have more than one vehicle, you have to think about maintaining more than one vehicle, a massive pain in the ass.

For example, I often see my brother-in-law he has a Toyota 4 runner and Toyota sienna hybrid, and I often see him have to charge the battery of his 4 runner, because having to maintain two vehicles is a lot of work. 

Also, clothes; the more clothes you purchase, the more you have to manage it. For example I do have certain articles of clothing which I prefer, but I always have to rummage through my random shelf randomly scattered clothing in order to find it.

Or let us say that you own a lot of electronics, or phones or laptops or iPads devices whatever; more crap you have to charge and maintain.

Even properties; imagine that you have property in the south of France, and also a French bank account; and you get locked out of your French bank account, and you have to pay taxes on your property. A big pain in the ass.

True wealth is subtracting duties, obligations, work

Negotium means “neg+otium”– negative leisure or otium.

The ancient Romans and Latin were wise; they knew that any sort of business was bad. They knew that it were required more maintenance, more work, and it was seen as a bad thing to do business, even the word for business is “negotium” which literally means “negative otium”–  anytime spent away from you being able to enjoy your leisure.

The problem is in today’s world and cult of capitalism, work in productivity, we have essentially defied this slave-like notion of work productivity, hard work is a virtue, being busy as a virtue etc.

The ancient Spartans had the helots (peasant slaves) do the dirty work of tilling the lands, maintaining stuff, etc.  Apparently they would even use the helots for target practice.

That, the wise thing to do is to unlearn or to disconnect yourself from this slave-like mentality of work, busyness, duty, responsiveness, responsibility, following up and following through etc.

The only true freeman is only somebody who does not have email installed on their phone. Better yet doesn’t even own a phone. As long as you have to attend to email, you are not free.

If anything, the killer app would just be a ChatGPT email but which automatically answered all your emails for you! Which knew your preferences, etc. And would just do all the work for you!

Even as a risky experiment, would you trust ChatGPT and your inbox? Maybe. 

Big ideas for Apple

Maybe even the next step for Apple intelligence is for Siri or your phone or whatever to automatically respond to your text messages or your iMessages or your emails. This would be the real killer feature.

I think the average worker be maybe spends four hours a day just attending to email. If AI could just do that all for you, and you could save yourself four hours of stress and mental cognitive load day, isn’t this ideal?


What is the best way to “upgrade” your home? Not by buying new furniture or whatever… Very simple, just get rid of stuff! Throw old furniture in the trash or put it on the curb or give it away, and subtract dust grime; Vacuum the floors wipe the floors, clean the bathroom and the toilet and the bathtub etc.

Also, a simple thought about clothes; the best clothing is subtractive.

Instead of buying a new outfit, just take the clothes that you already have, and just cut it with scissors! Cut off the sleeves of your T-shirts and make it into a tanktop, or even take your shirts and cut it into a crop top.

Apparently it is even popular for jean shorts now — just take an old pair of jeans and cut off the legs! 

Do people not know that you could just take scissors and cut up your own clothes?


Also in the realm of cameras, the best upgrade you could do is actually to reduce file sizes; just shoot JPEG, small or extra small JPEG, and in terms of your lens, the most supreme light compact cheap and pancake lens possible.

Weight is a nonnegotiable.

The only real upgrade is reducing size weight

For example, if you want to upgrade your camera, or your camera set up or whatever… The only really empirical thing that you could do is subtract the weight, subtract the size, also subtract the overall footprint of it.

For example, even your automobile car, technically the real upgrade especially when living in Los Angeles or a city is to actually spend money to reduce the size of it?

For example, let us say that you have a Tesla model S plaid, or cybertruck or a Tesla model X, the real upgrade here is to reduce the size of it, in order for it to be a smaller to fit in more parking spots.

If this is the case, then the Tesla model 3 is the perfect car for LA. 

If you want to stick to hybrid for maximum convenience, Prius is the way.

Stoic training

If you want to become more stoic, first you must train your body, the mind will follow.

For example, assuming that you’re sleeping insanely good, 10 hours a night, and you could lift 1000 pounds… Certainly there will be nothing which will be able to stir you.

Or, when I’m walking around town and my 60 pound weight vest, I feel like a beast, a boss, kind of like one of those Pacific Rim robots, armored core, a Titan, Titanic, a giant mech robot, a gundam on steroids? 

In terms of overall physique, and strength and power and mass… I am more Ronnie Coleman than Arnold Schwarzenegger. Granted that Ronnie Coleman juiced out his eyeballs and essentially is now permanently crippled. Not worth it.

> Lift heavy, eat a shitload of meat, sleep like a god

This is my simple formula; first the sleep aspect. I’ve been experimenting a little bit with my sleep set up, now it is summer. The last two nights I slept insanely poorly, which made me feel absolutely horrible for about two days. But finally last night, I slept with the air conditioner on a little bit cooler, I slept like a god.

Without 8 to 10 hours of sleep, you cannot do anything godlike.

In fact, the only three things I care for Seneca is also, that he sleeps 12 hours a night, finishes a whole Angus beef burger patty, and that he has maximum physical activity and exercise and climbing outside. All this stuff on education and learning or whatever… That will come naturally.

You are the special!

Recently from the LA public library in Chinatown… Seneca found the Lego Batman movie, and also the Lego movie, and we watched a little bit of a together, and I think those two films might be on my new list of must watch films.

Why? A little bit of parody and humor and turning things into Legos… Makes you think a lot more big picture.

For example, the Lego movie fun at the matrix, Neo, “the one”– or “the special”. Also, it does a very very good job of critiquing mainstream culture, capitalism, corporations, even better than how fight club did it.

The humorous stoic

Typically when we think about stoicism, we think about dark morose EMO people. But my notion of stoicism is actually much more lighthearted, happy and fun. A stoic with a grand sense of humor, and a belly-full laughter! Dionysian joy. 

Takeaway points

  1. Think 30 years ahead as a filter
  2. Poor is sexy — go for a reverse flex; the richer you become, live a more “poor” lifestyle.
  3. Just first buy it on Amazon prime
  4. Try out Amazon Fresh for groceries
  5. The most gangsta car has the maximum MPG’s!
  6. Save money and keep stacking those bitcoins


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The Human Vehicle

What is the ultimate mobile human device or vehicle? The human body.

First, once again… I think we spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about our cars our vehicles etc. Also kids are endlessly fascinated by vehicles, especially construction vehicles, if you have ever seen a huge excavator up close in personal, it will amaze you.

We are wow’s by  vehicles, of all shapes sizes and forms. For example, any luxury or foreign or exotic car, we are impressed by it. Why? It is a token of how rich or successful you are.

But this is the grand irony; any time you spend on a vehicle, is money you could otherwise put into bitcoin, which has historically been going up 50% every year. That means the $100,000 Tesla you buy today, could be worth $1 million in the near future.

Or even worse, let us say the $250,000 Lamborghini nearby today, that could be worth $2.5 million just a few years from now.


One of my turbo thoughts of this morning is towards the telos of living a good life: 

1. First, having at least one kid.

I think especially as a man, we all desire at least one male heir. Therefore, if your first born child was a son, consider yourself infinitely blessed. After that, life is all upside no downside.

I think the reason why this is so critical is having a kid is almost like having an expansion pack; imagine if we had to be stuck in the original StarCraft for our entire lives without Brood war. Or if we had to spend our entire lives playing Diablo, the first one, without Diablo two, or without any expansion packs. Or if your entire life you had to be stuck with the original iPhone 3GS.  or if your entire life you had to be stuck on Windows Vista.

I think the grand joy of having a child is that you have the ultimate extension of yourself. Often when you look at kids, they are essentially a mini embodiment of their parents. There features, their physiological features, their behaviors, addictions etc. For example, whenever we lament the fact that all their kids are on YouTube and iPhones all day, just look at the parents; they are on their phones and watching YouTube all day as well. 

Anyways, people want to change the world blah blah blah, reduce their carbon footprint blah blah blah, built a coin dollar company whatever. Better to build $1 trillion kid.

2. Your body doesn’t lie

I think the big thing is in regards to theories, theories don’t really matter, the physics of your body your human human body is what matters the most.

For example, all these people say that running or whatever is healthy for you, but look at all these people who run, they essentially look like dying gazelle.

Even guys who into CrossFit, truth be told none of them actually look that fit; they have some level of fitness, but most of them look like a bunch of skinny kinda fit involuntary celibate guys who spend way too much time on Reddit, being formed Nazis, trying to explain to the worldwide they power clean form is superior to yours, and why you’re dead lift and squat form sucks, yet they have skinny hairy legs, and have never even seen 10 plates before. 

Assuming the person is not taking steroids or other weird hormonal shifting stuff, if somebody is doing something, which may seem unorthodox or contrary to your worldview, but it looks like it is working in real life, they are probably onto something.

3. Movement is medicine

One of these funny Lululemon shirts that I got has this motto printed on the inseam that says movement is medicine. Sounds kind of cheesy, but I think it is true.

The purpose of the human brain is to move. To coordinate movement. Therefore a human body which does not move, has no need for a brain. My personal theory on why people get all these mental brain diseases and the depression etc. because they don’t move. They do two Critically detrimental things: first, they are sitting on their butt all day, doesn’t matter if you’re sitting on your butt in a Lamborghini or a Ferrari, you are essentially amended child, a man baby in a stroller with lots of horsepower. They are also on their chairs when in the office or at work. or even if you are using a standing desk, the problem with standing desks is that you are also static. Certainly standing is better than sitting, but walking is 1 trillion times superior to being static.

If you think about it, what is K-12 education? Forcing kids not to move around and to be dynamic, as kids naturally are.

In fact, I’m starting to notice that a lot of activities which include even arts and crafts are bad and so far much as when kids are doing it, they are typically indoors, which is bad for their health, and also, they are static.

Even my critique about Legos; people say that Legos are good for your creativity but not quite; much of the ethos of Legos nowadays it’s just being really really good at following directions, and building the prepackaged model.

Better to just give a kid a bunch of random bricks and have them build whatever they want; but even this, isn’t it better for your kids to get really good at climbing, being physical, and physical strength instead of just being really creative?

4. Opportunity cost

There are lots of practical optimization we must make in modern day life. One of them is driving.

For example, probably one of the greatest blessings to marry is Amazon, Amazon prime, same-day delivery etc. Even apparently Costco does it now too! 

I think the big issue here is that 30 minutes of driving, one hour driving, is otherwise time you could be spent walking, thinking, moving in a multi directional plane.

For example, one thing that nobody ever talks about is the benefit of walking that you could just go wherever you please. Go up the curb down the curb, into a random street and alley etc.  The downside of driving is that you must just drive one direction, and stay on the path. No freedom.

5. Just snap your fingers and zap it

It is 1 billion times more difficult to sell some thing or get rid of something then to buy or purchase it.

For example, very very easy to buy a car, very very difficult to sell car. Especially a used one. 

I think this is where bitcoin is so appealing to me, because of how portable instantaneous and easy it is; one of the big issues with objects homes real estate in general is that first, it takes a very very long time to sell some thing, there is a lot of arbitrage back-and-forth, a lot of hidden costs, And also, headaches and annoyances.

Also, like my friend Don Dylan told me about his Porsche 911 GT3 –

I think we like the idea of owning something more than we actually do having and owning it. 

Let me give you examples; I love cyber truck, to me, it is the best vehicle ever created up until now. To me it is the most revolutionary vehicle ever created. It is by far the most dominant vehicle on the road, even more than any loser Ferrari or Lamborghini; it is all American, And it destroys almost any other vehicle in stature, height, design, the stainless steel XO skeleton body, and also the 2.6 second zero to 60 time.

At the Culver city Toyota dealership in which I live, there is a brand new cyber truck that somebody traded in, apparently the guy traded it in for a Toyota Sequoia instead. Anyways, part of my daily morning walk and routine, I always walk by it, and it always puts a smile on my face. But, the great joy is that I don’t need to actually purchase it or own it to glean the delight from it. 

In fact, sometimes I wish that I could just snap my fingers, and automatically just have a different vehicle based on my mood my schedule etc.

For example lately I’ve been doing a lot of family trips with my niece and nephew, and Cindy‘s mom, and sometimes I wish I had seven seats. But I don’t need seven seats all the time.

Therefore in this situation, I wish I could just snap my fingers in that my Prius would magically transform into a minivan, or if I could also snap my fingers and it would be a really good sports car or whatever.

Anyways, with cars and vehicles, unless you have over two kids, unless you have 3, 4, or 5 kids, maybe still for now… It is best to stick with a 2010 Prius. 

Monetary vehicle?

I’ve been contemplating on purchasing real estate, but the big issue is that real estate is not a vehicle, it is not mobile.

For example, I cannot take my $2 million Culver City Los Angeles property, single-family home, snap my fingers and then suddenly take it with me to Cambodia.

Similarly speaking, once again, the downside of purchasing any electric vehicle whether it be a Tesla or whatever is that it is a sinking ship. Batteries do not hold their charge very much, I think the half-life is about 2% or so. Therefore, if you also consider the overall battery health, the big issue here is that it loses overall battery charge capacity overtime. Kind of like your MacBook Pro laptop from 2017, which only lasts for about 30 minutes.

 I think this is where it is still intelligent to have a hybrid vehicle like a Prius; given the fact that the overall battery health will die overtime slowly, at least you could still rely on the gasoline engine. And whether we like it or not, at least for the next 20 or 30 years, I am still certain there will be gas stations on the road.


One of the thoughts that I have about work, their economy capitalism etc. is that essentially your sacrificing your body, your bodily health and freedom and exchange for money.

For example, really matter whether you working at McDonald’s, whether you work at Amazon or Apple, typically you are confined and send some sort of chicken cage, with fancy LED uploading and what not, enforced to use your brain in your muscles in your body in order to perform some sort of work which has economic value. as a consequence, any minutes spent indoors and stuck within a cage is positively bad for you; Silicon Valley I think this is the new “digital handcuffs”– yeah yeah, you want to stop working, but that $500,000 salary a year from Amazon is too good for you to let go. And therefore you will be enslaved for the rest of your life.

I had this thought about two years ago, I’ve just converting all your currency into bitcoin. If you are blessed enough to receive some sort of high salary, I still think this is the best strategy.

What’s the purpose of a human body?

I think the critical question no one ever thinks or considers is what is the ultimate purpose of a human body, your human body. 

Everywhere I look, everyone is in denial about the human body. Either we fall into some sort of religious fallacies about the afterlife, the idea of an immortal soul (I believe in a mortal soul — when you die, your soul also dies). Or even worse, these Silicon Valley fools who want to just upload their consciousness to the cloud or whatever. 

I watched a really bad movie with Keanu Reeves on the plane ones, in which Keanu Reeves is some sort of genius scientist was trying to figure out human cloning, and his whole family tragically dies in a car accident, and he tries to bring them back to life. But essentially the big issue he confronts is that without a human body, you cannot clone a consciousness. And also, an individual consciousness is inextricably connected with a certain human body. As a consequence, no body, no mind. 

What is AI anyways?


I think people lack the critical understanding of what AI, artificial intelligence actually is. My simple suggestion is download ChatGPT to your iPhone or iPad, get the paid premium subscription, use the newest model, currently GPT 4o– and just go on a roll. 

To me, I consider ChatGPT and artificial intelligence just like a really intelligent Google search. And the more you use it, the less it impresses you.

In fact, I think what people do not understand is that now that openAI and ChatGPT is partnering with Apple, this is very bad news for Google. I think over a long enough time horizon, Google will die, and will be usurped by Apple and ChatGPT/OpenAI. 

In fact, for myself personally, I never touch Google anymore. Far superior for me to just ChatGPT it; first, no advertisements. Now that we have bitcoin, and the incoming of the bitcoin lightning wallet and Satoshi’s, and once Apple or iOS built a native bitcoin or crypto wallet to her devices, The future of payments and money will just be trapped in the Apple ecosystem. Even now, I find using Apple Pay 1 trillion times more convenient than having to take out my physical card. Even an innovation which works insanely well is at Whole Foods with the Amazon one hand scanning thing; it works really well, I think the big Has a chance of people using it is that they don’t know how well it works.

I think on a long enough time horizon, convenience is inevitable and will always win.


So what do you want to do with your human body? 

As a man, what is the most precious life force? Your semen.

Your semen is the seed of life, seminal. No seed no tree. No seed, no human beings.

I find a very very bizarre thing of all these weird modern day people and millennials who no longer want to have children because they say it is bad for the planet and bad for the carbon footprint. But let us assume that overnight, everybody decided not to have children because it was bad for the carbon footprint… what would happen to the human race? 

I think a very simple life impetus for the human body is to procreate, have children and be got children. And for this, both man and woman is critical.

In fact, it seems that the optimal strategy here is to conserve all of your money and economic energy possible, and have as many children as humanly possible in this lifetime. 


A simple line of thinking, towards living the best and most virtuous life:

Just get your ass outside!

Thinking heroes

The first thought is in regards to heroes; what would a hero do, what would a hero not do? 

First, no hero in their right mind would just stay at home.

Perhaps the primary issue we have at hand is that simply, we are wearing the wrong clothes. Clothing is akin to armor; I think myself I have made this mistake many many times.  I think the optimal is to consider this:

Better to over-pack, better to over-prepared, better to wear lots of layers, and simply take it off, when you get too hot.

Better to be over hot than under cold?

In regards to heat temperature and humidity; the funny thing is in the Iliad, weather climate is almost never mentioned. The only thing really mentioned is when the rosy morning wakes up, and then when the sun goes down, and then everyone retreats back to the camp, to feast.

Maybe this is what made the Mediterranean so ideal in terms of military combat and to conquest– it never really gets that hot, and also, it never gets that cold.

Living in Los Angeles, is often very confusing because it is very difficult to predict how to dress. Sometimes it is insanely cold, and then suddenly sometimes out of nowhere, the sun comes up.

Perhaps then, the ideal wardrobe is to just wear a lot of clothes and lots of layers, and when it gets too hot, just throw it back into your backpack. 


Lots of recent turbo thoughts: 

1. Bitcoin is a really big deal:

Honestly at this point, now that bitcoin has stabilized at around $70,000 a bitcoin, and it has been already around for over a decade, I’m pretty sure it’s here to stay. I was recently looking back at my accounting and finances, and I’m very happy that I first got into bitcoin at $7000 a coin, back in 2022. Honestly at this point, I consider it a very low risk investment, and it is only going to go uphill from here.

Also, bitcoin is the first native digital currency for the internet. I think the greatest innovation is thinking about the satoshi; the very very small fraction of a bitcoin, which can be used for micro, and also nano transactions. I’m actually currently formulating some ideas of creating the first bitcoin backed photography sharing platform; if you’re interested in collaborating shoot me an email at eric@erickim.com

2. Tech thoughts

Some technology thoughts I’ve been working through include the following:

First, the human joy and delight in the environment. I think all weightlifters, bodybuilders, photographers, human beings will benefit from nature, hiking, the mountains. I think one of the greatest blessings of living in Los Angeles is that there are lots of mountain hikes, so close by. Plus you got Malibu, the Pacific Palisades, and the Huntington library and botanical Gardens are just a stone throw away! 

First, I think there is a deep connection between men and the environment. For example, no one would want to be a trillionaire, if you were forced to live inside the hood, or worse, live in a parking lot garage for the rest of your life.

Still… it looks like we like greenery, blue skies, blue oceans, the sun!

ALO (air, land, ocean)

I think the reason why Los Angeles is so appealing to many is that in theory we have everything. The water, the ocean, the sky, the ideal climate.

Truth be told, it gets very dark and gloomy here and cold… but still, compared to the rest of the world, Los Angeles is paradise.

People complain about the traffic, but people often have the wrong analogy; the reason why it is so trafficky is that everyone wants to be here, because it is the best. Kind of like living in London, London traffic etc. 

I think the very very simple way to live virtuously in Los Angeles is to plan your life around traffic. The upside of being self-employed, just drive during off peak hours; and also, upside of being a weekend warrior, mixture you use the weekend to drive out further, to go exploring, go to hikes, etc.

3. Movie analogies for real life?

I finally watched Dune part II, and I loved it! Definitely top five new favorite movies of all time. The worm riding scene was phenomenal; Denis V is a genius!

Follow the director, not the actors nor the series.

I think what is so fascinating about Dune is the pseudo religiosity embedded within it. Notions of the Lisan-al-gaib, prophecies, etc.… the metaphors of Christianity, the prophet, the Messiah, Middle Eastern cultures etc. is really fascinating. 

First, let us consider Paul Atriedes. I’m quite certain that Paul was named after Saint Paul the apostle. Similar themes in the Matrix movie, NEO, the one, Trinity, the holy Trinity etc.… Lots of Christian, christianic themes here. 

Perhaps the reason why so many millennials and yuppies are so into these weird moon and horoscope stuff is that they’re lacking religion in their life. 

And perhaps, a sociological insight; maybe having some sort of religion in your life is critical, otherwise you fall victim to weird other consumerist religions, like the cult of Apple, the cult of Tesla Elon Musk and going to Mars, the cult of money, the cult of capital etc.

Let us consider even the ancient Greeks, religion or their notion of religion and the gods was a critical part of their being.

I suppose the nuance is that the way the ancient Greeks thought of religion and the gods was very very different than the modern Judeo Christian notion we have of religion. Perhaps I’m going to study a little bit more about ancient Greek notions of the gods etc.

4. Lowered cybertruck?

The other day, I saw a funny sight; somebody traded in a cybertruck at the Culver City Toyota dealership, and I was able to inspect it up close in real life.

The first thought I had was if you think about the roof line, the fastback design in the back, and overall proportions, it is almost like a modern day Lamborghini Countach, the ultimate wedge design. And then a funny thought; if you took a cybertruck, and you lowered it, and you slammed it, in theory it is the ultimate sportscar design. 

Anyways, still… the cybertruck is the best thing to have happened in car design perhaps the last hundred years. Even when I went to the Peterson automotive museum with Seneca, seeing an original Bugatti from the 1920s, in all black blew my mind. They were able to engineer phenomenal things over 100 years ago, why is it that all the modern car design is so lame? 

Anyways, if I were to get any modern day car, it would definitely be a cybertruck, maybe I would do a matte orange wrap on it. 

Also the good thing about the cyber truck, seeing it compared to all these other pick up trucks, it is actually not that big; I was a bit dubious, but I think it would be manageable to park in Los Angeles!

5. Other tech thoughts

So it looks like Apple Vision Pro, the initial enthusiasm and the novelty factor has died off. A bad sign; meeting some head directors of video game companies, they haven’t even bothered to try it out!

I think video games are a fascinating analogy for real life, because I think essentially… video games are a true metaphor for what we would really like to do in real life, our ideals.

For example, the new assassins Creed is out on iPad and iPhone Pro; I think in someways, people like the idea of becoming the assassin. To just explore the real city, to parkour around, to do real life world exploration.

Let us consider, if you were the assassin of assassin’s creed… Would you just be at home all day, watching Netflix, and staying inside your apartment? Probably not.

6. So What’s the point of life?

I think what a lot of people think is what is the point of life.

When you say point, the point of life… do you mean to say purpose, telos?

First, the reality is that you were born, you had a mother and father, you are alive. And ultimately it is up to you how you decide to direct your biological energy and power, to do what you desire to do.

The very very simple thought is the purpose of sex, sexual intercourse, men and women is to procreate and have children.

It seems that out of all this nonsense about gender and sex politics, nobody is talking about the kids! 

I think overall, modern day consumerism, nobody really wants to have kids anymore. They would just prefer to have dogs, travel to Japan, eat sushi or whatever. But I think this type of hedonistic living actually making people sad and miserable. People do not have purpose to living in life, and I think this is actually what gives people existential dread. Once you have a kid, life becomes very very straightforward and simple, and improved. There is no longer any sort of existential dread, raising your kid is the ultimate joy.

7. The ultimate tragedy?

I think the ultimate tragedy is when you have the elderly, older men, older women, without any kids, or with kids but no grandchildren… to me this is very sad.

For example, I think generally speaking, the notion of generational wealth, generational power, or to extend your power, across centuries, across generations… this is what people desire.

I think the reason why people invest in real estate property… Is that they want to build generational wealth.

“Generational wealth, that’s the key. I started off with shit so that shift started with me“– JAY Z

Why generational wealth?

Thinking centuries ahead is difficult; and also, a little bit novel in the sense that you think the question:

What’s the point of the purpose of building up wealth, for future generations, when you yourself cannot enjoy yourself?

For example, a lot of individuals live their lives, make money in order to spend it. They want to spend money, like buying a Lamborghini and giving themselves driving pleasure or whatever. Once again, much modern capitalism and consumerism is focused on hedonism:

The more money you make, the more money you spend on things, the more pleasure it will give you.

I think the reason why this line of thinking is a bit wrong is that if you think about your bodily synapses, there is a certain upper limit of hedonistic pleasure one can have. I think this is where people get into really weird drugs, in order to heighten their hedonistic pleasures.

In fact, pleasure is not the purpose of life. I think the purpose of life is to augment power, your power. How does one do this?

1. Having kids:

In the will to power, Nietzsche has this vision that in the future, families with multiple male children will be given benefits. I think the reason why so many men desire to have at least one son is that they want a new patriarch, a new king of the family to continue their lineage. I think a lot of people make the foolish optimization of earning a bunch of money, during their lifetime… but ultimately the best custodian of your economic power and wealth is your children, not some strangers or committee.

2. Physical, physiological power:

If you looked at all the marketing material for cars, objects and stuff… typically they tend towards the more muscular, the more aggressive, etc. For example, I think the reason why it is so fascinating to study the psychology of men who desire certain cars is that it shows the ideals they have for themselves. Example, people want to be louder, more aggressive, the appeal of loud exhaust or tailpipes. Or they want to feel more big and dominant, if you think about the lifted trucks, overlanding vehicles etc.

However, my personal thought and belief is that instead of wasting all that money in an external avatar which is your car, or vehicle… Don’t you recognize that your own human body is the ultimate vehicle? The ultimate thing to upgrade? 

The simple thought is if you want to expand your wingspan, your stance, your fenders, fender flares or whatever… just eat more meat, eat more steak, more beef, more dietary cholesterol, more organ meats, more beef liver etc.

In terms of height, unfortunately you cannot make yourself taller, but what you could do is stand more upright. For example, a 5 foot 5 man who stands upright, chest up actually looks more confident and dominating than a 6 foot 2 men, who is hunched over. therefore I suggest, the first thing you could do is fix your posture.

How do you fix your posture? I think it comes down to practice, and also maybe your shoes. Just buy some Vibram five finger shoes, and practice standing really upright, walk a lot, quite a lot of hiking, don’t use your phone.

Also, practice doing exercises which are about standing upright, and walking. For example, Farmer’s walks, deadlift walk, squat walk, yoke walk etc. Any sort of exercise which involves walking and standing upright is good.

3. Economic power & wealth

If I think about money, what exactly is money? It is your human labor, your physiological power embedded and imputed into a thing.

For example, the genius and brilliance of bitcoin is that there is so much energy and power imputed into a bitcoin.

People for a while was saying all this nonsensical stuff about bitcoin is bad for the planet blah blah blah, but what is really bad for the planet? Air conditioning, washing machines. The electricity output of air conditioning alone is at least 100,000 times worse than bitcoin production.

Also, most of the bad news about bitcoin mining was from mainland China, in which bitcoin miners, would use cheap coal to fuel bitcoin production, but the nuance is this–

Why do Americans care that mainland China was using coal to pollute her own environment?

For Americans who have never been to developing countries… We have never actually smelled or tasted pollution… You start to think and realize:

The upside of being an American is that all of your lovely iPhones are produced elsewhere, which pollutes a foreign country and a foreign place, while you yourself enjoy your beautiful devices and your clean air.

Even consider, really rich mainland Chinese families, none of them want to live in Beijing or Shanghai, even if they had all of the Rolls-Royce’s in the world. They all eventually buy a house in Vancouver somewhere with clean green air, and the aspire their children to start a life in America.  

I think the difficult thing is getting your wealth out of the country. For example, China, mainland China knows that the smart and rich mainland Chinese people want to take their wealth out of the country, and eventually go to America or somewhere else. Let us consider; that all the rich mainland Chinese people send their kids to study at American universities? The opposite does not happen; rich Americans do not send their kids to study Beijing or Shanghai, no. Rich mainland Chinese people want their kids to study at Harvard or Yale, maybe even UCLA.


I still haven’t come up with a good definition of traveling, maybe world exploration is a better analogy.

For example, if you thought about real life like a video game, Angkor Wat is such a fastening place. Angkor Wat is essentially the environment and landscape of tomb raider; even the locals in siem reap call the second temple “tomb raider”; I think they film the movie there. 

Anyways, something I’m very excited about is that next year, Cindy Seneca and I will be living in Cambodia for about six months; and I’m also doing an Angkor wat workshop there. 

Essentially I’m starting to become more and more interested in man-made environments, and having this question in my mind:

If your real life was a video game, a real world MMORPG, how would you live life? 

  1. No car: no true epic video game warrior has a car. Maybe at best of horse, but even that is not necessary. If you are thinking about your life like Diablo, your main character, you just run around.
  2. Character building? What then is the purpose or ethos of video games, RPGS, MMORPGS? The general idea is towards character building, leveling up, building up your statistics, your strength and your abilities, unlocking new armor weapons, engaging in even greater boss battles. Certainly much of real life is not like that, so then I suppose a bit question at hand is how can you transform your real life to mimic that of a video game?


Adventure beckons you:


If you desire new frontiers, new adventures, a new you — this experience is for you.



  1. Upload your best photos to arsbeta.com
  2. Make your own photo blog (bluehost.com) and install WordPress.org
  3. Buy 60 pound weight vest on Titan.fitness, and go on a long hike with it
  4. LUMIX S9 looks cool — get it with the new pancake f8 lens?


  1. DUNE II– watch the extras, buy it in iTunes Tv store.
  2. Cinema BY KIM

Now what?

Start your own blog, email newsletter ,,, and start publishing the future!

What to study?

Michael Saylor— his website url is brilliant (Michael.com)

Also Bitcoin — hope.com

I’m literally watching all Michael Saylor interviews and podcasts, the man is a genius!

Forward the money

Feeling fire? Forward the turbo!


Beginners mind is best


He who owns the spice (Bitcoin) shall own the universe


Real Power?


How to gain more power How to gain more power and ascendancy?

In America and much of the western world, we make the wrong mistake and we have the wrong idea that more US dollars currency means more power. 

In truth, US dollars, currency is only an intermediary to other stuff.

Real estate?

It seems that the traditional person, the baby boomer, the millennial, the General why whatever, the thought is that real estate is true wealth. However, there are many downsides of real estate:

First, taxes. Property taxes. I think the problem is you never really own the land; rather, it is more like a privilege loan or borrowing or leasing from the government or the local city municipality.

For example, let us say that I buy a house or property for $3 million or $5 million. Whether I’d like it or not, I must pay $7,000-$8,000 in property taxes, month, perpetuity, even if I don’t do anything with it. 

Liability or real asset?

Michael Saylor talks about “trophy assets”; your Picasso, your classic Ferrari, whatever.

However, all these things are not appreciating assets, rather they are liabilities.

For example, let us say that you get that brand new Lamborghini with the scissor doors, and you accidentally get a flat tire. Boom, you’re out $12,000.

Or, let us have that expensive; slowly overtime, the value of that thing bleeds; and also, maintenance costs.

Physical laws

Also a big consideration is physical laws; rust, erosion, mold, termites ants whatever.

Another big downside of physical property, owning a house or whatever or a home, regardless of how good the materials you build it with, slowly overtime, the thing will slowly rust and rot away.

I think if you think about the laws of entropy, it is simple; as time goes on, the durability of the thing goes down.

For example, any home sooner or later, will get some sort of mold, and will be needed to be torn down and reconstructed. I’m shocked even in the year 2024; a lot of wood actually is going into building these homes.

If you have your ideal glass, it seems like a pain to keep all of the windows clean! 


Philosophers have grappled with issue of the purpose or the end of life, for millennia.

I think for me, the most interesting set of ideas comes from Nietzsche in his unpublished manuscripts, “The will to power”. The wheel to power, is not a true book in the sense that he didn’t want it to be published, it was just like a set of his ideas started down, and eventually he brought up the project at the very end. I believe that I read a footnote that You found out that his concept of the world to power was flawed, as it was an all encompassing idea, ended up just using the last pages of his manuscript to write out a shopping list of groceries or whatever.

However, I think the basic concept ring is true. What is it that man desires? More power, more ascendancy, more dominance.

In today’s world, what is the most dominant for economic power. Perhaps above that is military power, as it is the underlying asset which supports economic power, but for most of us typical individuals, it is monetary economic wealth and power.

Quit buying those dollars

In Los Angeles, if you work in McDonald’s the minimum wage is now point dollars USD an hour! This is insane. It seems that economically rational thing for most people to do is quit their traditional minimum wage jobs, and never to just get a job at Shake shack, In-N-Out, or McDonald’s. Maybe even Taco Bell?

The reason why I find this so alarming is that slowly but surely, we are going to see a massive devaluing of the US currency. Truth be told,  globally, the US dollar is still probably the most valuable currency, worth 1 trillion times more than the Chinese yuan, the euro or whatever… But still, this is scary.

For example, a shock now if you just want to get a single hamburger patty, just a patty no bun no nothing, a shake shack it is $2.50! This is insane, literally two weeks ago it was only $1.49.

Mathematics economics perspective the price of this food commodity has almost doubled!

What this means is that in the long run, I think we will see the prices of everything close to double in terms of rent prices, food prices, even Costco and Amazon and Amazon Amazon prime and Whole Foods is trying their best to keep prices down, but still… This inflation is getting out of control.

I was just doing some basic math in my head, let us say that you work at McDonald’s for $20 an hour, and you work eight hours a day. That is $160. Let us say that after taxes you’re making about $120 a day. Let us say that, you’re working 30 days a month, your take-home salary might be close to $4000! For working at McDonald’s?


First, a paradigm shift. I think the first to big realization that I made is that currency, US dollars is not money. 

For example, Fernando Galliani wrote his treatsie on money, nearly 500 600 years ago, talking about the history of money,ducats, gold, silver and the like. 

Some interesting things:

First, there have been periods of history in which silver was actually worth more than gold! Also I wonder, in the past, in that infamous scene in the Iliad in which may be Ajax and the other hero on the Trojan side exchanges arms and armor, apparently They trade golden shield for a bronze shield, and apparently the value of the gold shield was worth 100 times more than the bronze shield. But I wonder if maybe… even back then, bronze was worth more than gold? Because of war?

I think most Americans are stupid with money

It seems that 99% of the fascination of Americans has to deal with automobiles and cars and vehicles.

For example, it don’t matter if you’re in the Midwest, the coasts, if you’re liberal, support Donald Trump or whatever… Everyone is being suckered by some sort of car and vehicle.

For example, let us say that you are a true patriot, you’ll probably want to buy some sort of Ford or Chevy truck, and wave some sort of American or confederate flag from it.

Or let us say that you’re a proud American liberal, you might drive a Tesla because Teslas are sexy and cool and they are built in America. This is where I find cyber truck to be so fascinating and disruptive because traditionally we think about people who drive trucks is being some sort of hillbilly rednecks Republican from the south, not liberal. Elon Musk has disrupted all of this; now it is cool to drive a truck, because it literally looks like something out of a video game, Like a cyberpunk universe. Maybe for marketing purposes, the new cyberpunk video game should make the cybertruck the official vehicle. 

Economic power?

After World War II, in the toppling of the Hitler Nazi regime, I think for most practical purposes, Germany has been castrated. I think America has position things in such a way that even if shit hits the fan, Germany will never have enough military power to overtake or even challenge America.

So what did Germany do instead? She shifted all of her power resources and energies towards economic production, economic might. A consequence, Germany now has become a economic powerhouse, on the planet. It seems that even Americans now, we are still obsessed with German good; much of the American population still desires to drive “foreign“; which is some sort of Mercedes-Benz, AMG, BMW, Rolls-Royce, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc. And let us not forget that almost all these luxury car brands are owned by the Volkswagen VW group.

Are people stupid? Don’t they know that a Porsche 911 is just a Volkswagen beetle on steroids? And that a Porsche 911 GT 3 RS is just a turbo beetle with a body kit? 

Or that an Audi is just like an upgraded Volkswagen Passat? 

And that a Rolls-Royce Cullinan is just a BMW times seven with a facelift, and that even a Rolls-Royce ghost is just a BMW seven series with different doors.

Power for the sake of what?

Power wars?

Going back to ancient Greece, I still find the Iliad to be the best book and cultural document, of all time.

 for example, what was the power struggle in the Iliad? King Agamemnon, just wants to keep gobbling up more land, whereas the hero Achilles, just wants to retire from battle, take Breisis his prize, and just chill out on his own home pasture. 

The second best book, the Odyssey with Odysseus as the hero, what does he want? He just wants to sell home back to his wife, back to his kingdom, take back the throne with his son, and just chill out.

Modern day society is much more greedy? 

It seems like a lot of people, either people are foolish, or greedy.

I don’t necessarily think greed is a bad thing, maybe it’s just a foolish thing?

For example, people just want to keep accumulating more property, more cars, more cash dollars, whatever… For the sake of what? Nobody gives this anycritical thinking. 


A big realization: also job are bad because they are closed ecosystems.

For example, let us say that you work at Apple or whatever, and it seems that the impetus of your whole life is to keep climbing the corporate letter. But the critical problem and the flaw here is that it is all a closed ecosystem.

For example, that one position that you want, to get that upgrade, that salary bump or whatever… If you are in a corporation or a company, it is very zero sum.

Think the open free market?

Free enterprise!

Free enterprise means freedom enterprise.

I think the only real way to thrive today’s modern day capitalist world is to build your own capital, for you to become a capitalist, and to start your own company, your own corporation, your own sold for prior ship or whatever.

Also a new ones; I wonder if it is actually superior to be a private corporation, rather than a public one.

It seems that the big problem about being a publicly treated company, even though you might get more flows of capital, the major downside is that you lose control, you have to sit on the boring board of trustees or whatever, you become enslaved to boring meetings.

If you’re private corporation, you could just do whatever you want and not have to report to anybody.

Solo, sole proprietor?

My ambition for Seneca is for him to build his own capital, for him to do his own thing, learn how to wisely leverage economics in his favor, and not be be bedridden to any BS in modern day society. 

Free school

Seneca is currently three years, one month old, and this is my great pride:

For his whole existence, from conception until now, he has never watched any YouTube, Netflix Netflix, Disney Disney+, etc.

He really has no idea what Spider-Man or Batman is, he has no notions of superheroes, he has never watched Moana or whatever.

My sister Anna always jokes that “We must not send him to public school, or private school, because all these kids are bad!”

It is true. Even private school kids, they all get hooked on weird designer drugs, etc.  

Not only that, the parents are bad. It doesn’t matter if they’re rich and affluent, or poor and or working class. It seems that all modern day parents are foolish.

Have I ever met another wise parent? No. Only myself.

Power and kids? 

I am 36 years old, born at 1988. It seems that for my generation, the new modern day flex is children. Having children, kids, and to some extent, the more kids you got, the more successful.

For example, seems that the majority of people nowadays either have zero kids or one kid. They would rather have dogs, go to festivals, engage in degenerate things. 

Even amongst my real friends, I think I’m the only one who is married and has a kid, and at most, the most kids I have witnessed is maybe two kids. Three kids in my age group is almost unthinkable. Four or five kids? Forget about it.

I think the reason why kids were the number of kids you have is the new social status is that the number you got is kind of a proxy of how rich you are. 

For example, the traditional family must go to work, send their kids to daycare or whatever. This is very expensive.

Also part of it, not really sure why people pursue career; for the sake of what?

Still at the end of the day, I think the duty of the parent is to take care of the kids. And also maybe the duty of a grandparent is to help take care of the grandchildren?


I think when you think about it long enough, eventually you want to live a life and do things which is beyond yourself. Which means that after you die, some part of you will remain and continue and ideally last into perpetuity?

For example, a simple one is your kids, thinking about your kids kids kids.

Most Americans don’t think this way because the typical Americans is too individualistic; they think only about themselves, their own personal life etc.

I think the reason why a lot of people don’t have kids anymore is that they think it will positively happiness. That is if you have a kid, your life will positively become negative happy.

But is this true? No. There is literally no breeder joy and happiness on planet earth and beyond then seeing the face in the laughter of your own blood child.

Grandparents without grandkids?

Another very very sad side; seeing the elderly without either any children or grandchildren?

I should find a really really sad, I see this already my family is that my cousins don’t want to have kids, and now that my uncles and aunts are older and they’re 70s, they are Baron and don’t have any grandchildren. Seneca is almost like proxy grandchild for them; and the amount of happiness and joy he brings to them is astounding.

Even me, I’m quite certain that that will decide to have kids, but if I was a grandparent in my 70s or 80s, and Seneca didn’t have his own child, or even worse he said that he’ll never have kids… This might be the most sad and miserable thing of all time.

Maybe this is also why people or parents decide to have multiple kids; the chance that one of your kids will not procreate?

Bitcoin and economic power

The more research I do on bitcoin, the more I think about it so yet and philosophies about it, the better and better of an idea it seems.

First, I spent a lot of time thinking about it by myself, solo. Then I started listening to a lot of interviews and lectures and writings from Michael Saylor, one of the great bitcoin proponents. I really delight in the wisdom and experience of Michael Saylor, as he ran his own software company for over 30 years, I would probably trust the opinion of a CEO, who has real life world experience, rather than the average guy on the street. 

Trust no man over the age of 40?

I’m currently at 36, I’m going to be 40 years old soon.

Apparently the guy who discovered that blood was pump through your heart and recirculated back into your heart, when he discovered this, he famously said that no doctor over the age of 40 would believe him. Because they were too set in their ways of thinking. 

Even amongst my age group, I’m starting to see the nihilism in the blaze kick in. The ones optimism hope joy and foolish knives optimism has become overshadowed by drugs, festivals, marijuana, sports, video games, etc. Living towards no ends.

This is even happening in the “zillenial” or “Gen Z” age group — the world is inequity injustice whatever, so what is the point of all of it? Do a bunch of drugs, go to festivals, lose yourself in nonsense.

The feeling of power?

What is power? I think ultimately, power is a feeling — a physiological feeling.

For example, it don’t matter if you got $1 billion, if the guy next to you has $1 trillion, and has 10 yachts while you only have one yacht, you might feel poor by comparison.

Therefore the first idea is wealth power abundance whatever is all comparative.

For example, it is very different to own $1 million in Culver City, than own $1 million in Cambodia.

Portable wealth

You cannot take your Lamborghini with you to Cambodia. But, you could take your bitcoins with you!

Also, you cannot take your single-family home in Los Angeles with you to Thailand. But you could take your digital property, a.k.a. your bitcoin to Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam Korea etc. 

Human capital

Out of all the forms of capital, certainly there is no greater wealth than human capital, let us not forget that the notion of capital comes from the notion of “kaput“, or “caput” or “cap”– which literally means head. 

For example, back in ancient Greece, before money was invented, you would actually count your wealth by how many heads of oxen you had. For example, if if you wanted to make a libation or a sacrifice to the gods, to Zeus, he would sacrifice the heads of 100 oxen and cattle,… Certainly a very expensive endeavor considering that oxen are useful for many things; plowing the land, and also, food. Let us say that the average male ox is at least 2000 pounds… 2000 pounds of meat, that is a lot.

Even if you do modern economics, 2000 pounds of meat, assuming that meat is five dollars a pound… That is $10,000 a head of oxen? 

Then, 10,000×100 … 1,000,000–  I had to come was like 1 million bucks?

Anyways, I think the most enlightening thing about going to Asia Southeast Asia etc. is how cheap labor is. In America, I think the great downside is that labor is so expensive, and the people are so lazy and entitled.

Also, the thing which is really bizarre America is that a lot of these men labor jobs, are being run by adults… Whereas they could easily be run by teenagers, or college kids. Even apparently back in the day minimum wage was a means of pink highschoolers to do random Jobs like restaurant work, fast food work, coffee shop barista. Imagining a 35 year old man working at Shake shack, or a coffee shop to pay rent and support his family… Seems bizarre?

Keep stacking those bitcoins 

20 bitcoins matte black 

Is bitcoin a gamble? Probably. But, if you have a once in a 10,000 year lifetime opportunity, don’t you want to seize it?



The bone I have to pick with modern day Society, is that the ideology is so loser oriented. What that means is that I think humans don’t believe in their own self agency as much, we seem to not think that we have that much control over our destiny our bodies our souls etc.

The will to ERIC?

Ever since I was a kid, ever since I was a fat 1112-year-old kid in New York, my mom was working two full-time jobs, my dad was a deadbeat, just watching TV and movies at home all day, and I was a fat kid. I remember having a triple chin in the humid York summers, not being able to fall asleep because all the chins stacked on top of each other, and I couldn’t fall asleep until I rub some Vaseline under my chins. I think I even recall weighing myself as a kid, maybe at around 11 years old, I think I was 120 pounds, and pretty short? This was before puberty.

I think the issue was way too much orange juice, hot pockets, sugary stuff, without knowing it. Also lots of barbecue sauce, ketchup etc.

Anyways, at the age of 11, I made a vow to change things. Our friend Spencer laughs in warm recollection of how I started putting rocks in my backpack, running around Bayside queens, trying to get fit. I asked my mom to buy me some weights, some dumbbells, and I still recall, her purchasing me 15 pound dumbbells, and eventually I got strong enough that I could stack 215 pound dumbbells on top of each other, and lift them as 30 pounds. Then later, Getting 50 pound dumbbells etc.

So one thing that a lot of people don’t know about me, which even predates Tarpy, is my passion for a diet health fitness working out muscles etc. I’ve literally tried everything. High fat low-fat, high carb low-carb, intermittent fasting, 7 to 8 small meals a day, bodybuilding etc.  More recently powerlifting, now it is tending more towards strongman style. 

“Realistic” vs “unrealistic” body goals?

So this is a big differentiation between men and women; men want to get super jacked like the terminator, and look like the Incredible Hulk or orc, which is typically done by doing steroids, artificial testosterone injections and consumptions, etc. Women on the other hand seem to want to look slim, Have a big butt, big breast etc.; and a certain facial structure which is predicated on make up, plastic surgery and Botox, breast and butt augmentation.

So this is the difference:

  1. For women, the ideal body look and facial look is achieved through plastic surgery
  2. For men, the ideal body look physique and composition is achieved through steroids


OK I have a super simple suggestion for both men and women;

1. First, 100% carnivore diet both for men and women. Plants are for cows.

 a diet which is predominantly organ meat, grass fed meat, bone marrow etc. If you live in LA, just go to Gelson’s and ask them to cut you some bone marrow in the back. Or if you just go to the local markets or organic markets, the often have frozen beef liver in the fridge or whatever.

For men and women, liver might be one of the most nutritious food items on the planet.

Therefore, if you’re just out and about with your kid and you see some organ meets at Whole Foods or wherever, just buy it and deal with it later.

2. Being outside and physical fitness

So there are a lot of people who have therapist and mental things they want to deal with etc.; I was asking my friend Jeffrey about this, who is now a young therapist, studying to be a psychiatrist, and I asked him:

as a therapist, are you allowed to prescribe exercise or physical activity for your patients?

 he said no. Because in America, we have a strange relationship with our bodies. On one hand, I think a lot of people desire to just become like a vessel, a brain in fishbowl. People are fools; they don’t seem to understand that the truth is I wonder if 99% of our “mental illnesses”, or actually physical in origin. 

For example, being outside, direct access to the direct sun and UV radiation, I would rather get skin cancer than be miserable and be inside all day.

Second, some sort of physical activity or exercise. This is both critical foreman and women. In ancient Sparta, I believe the girls trained as hard as the boys.

Also in ancient Sparta, they predicted correctly that one women were physically fit, they would get stronger children. 

“Do you do CrossFit?”

One of the best low-key compliments that I’ve been getting from people is this:

“Do you do CrossFit?”

It seems that this compliment is mostly from women — which is a low-key way of saying “I think you look good and sexy”.

In fact, my personal pro tip is all of your clothes should be sleeveless. Just wear a tank top, and a sleeveless down vest on top, always show off your shoulders you’re trapped in your bare arms; let everybody know how jacked you are. 

Make yourself the object of fascination 

So this is another weird bias; it seems that modern-day society, we are not allowed or permitted to be into ourselves. There is this weird duty to become like somebody else?

For example, typically the choir says “You must be like Jesus”. But, we forget that Jesus was not a pushover. He went to the temple, the Jewish temple, saw all of the money changers inside the temple, and cattle, brought out a whip and whipped them all out and said “how dare you do commerce inside my father‘s house!” Let us also not forget that Jesus was Jewish. 

Also, being here in Culver City, which is essentially the new Hollywood, you see a lot of people personalities and individuals who look like they’re in media. Attractive interesting looking people. But funny thing is that a lot of them are actually very short in real life. Even a lot of these rappers, Kanye West I think is only 5 foot seven, even Jeff Bezos is only 5 foot seven! also people don’t know that Kim Kardashian is short; she might only be 5 feet tall?

What is the will to power? 

For myself, I have always believed that “If you really want it, and you set your mind to it, you can get it.”

For example body goals. It is very very very very easy for all human beings to become more beautiful, by lowering your body fat percentage, even without exercise. The simple thing is this:

  1. Quit all sugars starches dairy cheese lactose, nuts, legumes, pasta rice etc. even the “good ones“.
  2. Quit all bread, fiber, etc.
  3. Quit alcohol all of it, even red wine; new studies are showing that even two alcoholic beverages a week, even red wine can actually increase your chance of getting cancer 
  4. Quit smoking marijuana or taking CBD stuff
  5. Quit fruit, vegetables etc. 

So what do we eat instead?

  1. Organ meats: beef hard, beef liver, beef kidney, also bone marrow. A super simple thing to do is when you have a bunch of bones, beef bones etc., just toss it into a pot or instant pot, add some water, boil it, and you could drink the broth!
  2. Eat lamb, beef, beef neck bone, red meat. The redder the better. Don’t eat pork because pork is white meat, don’t eat chicken or turkey and certainly no breast.
  3. Eat 100% grass fed beef, short ribs, ribs, beef neck bone, etc.
  4. four “vegetables“, don’t eat vegetables… Only dark leafy greens. This is colored greens, kale, anything bitter. Bitter is better. 


Beverages are simple: just drink water, tapwater, filtered water whatever, and black coffee, nothing added to it.

Don’t drink milk, real or fake, it is all just sugar in disguise with a good conscience.


The thing with exercise that it should not be some sort of weird moralistic duty. Rather, we should think of it like play, pure joy. Autotelic exercise means the exercise and you do stuff and you move around and lift weights for fun! 

For example, a very interesting thing that I’ve observed about Seneca is that he never stands still; he is always moving around! He stands, he sits, he crawls around on his knees, he squats. Also a very interesting thing:

Whenever Seneca wants to pick something up, he always squats all the way down, full sumo style squat, ass to grass, every single time.  

And now that I think about it, because he’s playing with toys all day, he might do this, what– a 1000 times a day? 

Same thing goes with him picking up rocks and throwing around rocks! He’s not rewarded for throwing rocks nor does he do it for “exercise“, in order to “build muscle“, or “get fit”. Seneca throws rocks because it is fun, funny, and interesting to him! I wonder if it all is just like a physics experiment for him.

I think this is also my passion for weightlifting, one rep max lifting, always increasing your personal records. To me it is just a physics exercise and experiment;

How far can we push the human body, how strong can we become, without the use of steroids?

400 pound sandbags, and 2000 pound lifts 

I was randomly on Google and YouTube, and I saw this thing like  on the history channel, history of the worlds strongest man something like that, and it was centered around the idea of seeing whether the strong men could lift 2000 pounds.

Essentially Brian Shaw, the strongest of them all, also it seems that he is the best of taking steroids, was the winner. Apparently the other guy who attempted the same, an older guy with knee reps, was he able to do it, but tweaked something in his upper shoulders? 

I think one of the protest moments of my life was when I was able to successfully lift 1000 pounds, which I coined the “Atlas lift“. And now that I think about it, seeing those other guys do it, I’m sure if I kept my training up, I could eventually get to 1100 pounds, 1200 pounds, 1300 pounds, 1400 pounds, 1500 pounds and beyond. Maybe I cannot do 2000 pounds, because I don’t take steroids, but still… It is all achievable without steroids. Also I do it all while fasting. 

Anything and everything is possible

Another thing that I’ve been doing quite religiously the last seven years or so is intermittent fasting, no breakfast no lunch, only one insanely big dinner a day. I aim for at least 4 to 6 pounds of meat for dinner every sitting. During the day, I just drink water and black coffee, and I’ll wait until dinner time.

To a lot of people that seems impossible, but obviously it is not. In the beginning obviously you get some hunger pangs, but, my solution is simple: 

If you want to start intermittent fasting, the night before, eat 5 pounds of beef short rib, bone marrow, beef liver; the trifecta. I can guarantee you won’t be hungry until dinner time the next day. 

In fact, almost want to become like a food diet fitness exercise advisor to some of my favorite heroes, Elon Musk, Kanye West.

Elon musk looks terrible. I think he should start doing some sort of hot sauna, spend more time doing meetings outside in the sun, get into weightlifting, eating more organ meats, bone marrow etc. I’m still convinced; bone marrow, which Achilles was raised on, is the most superior and supreme steroid of all time. 

Just do some research with Google and ChatGPT; the majority of the diet of Achilles as a young child was bone marrow, and organ meat; heart, bone marrow, etc.


Do not trust any food diet health science from any of these skinny fat loser academic scientist types. First of all just look at them; they are all pale and sickly, no muscle mass whatever. They might be into running or at worst — rock climbing– which is bad because it is all indoors typically.

This insidious idea that “a calorie is a calorie”, and the notion” calories in, calories out.”

Let us do a thought experiment. Let us say that you lift weights every single day, and you had two options:

Consume 2000 cal of Twinkies versus 2000 cal of bone marrow and beef heart.

Let us just think; at the end of it, who is going to look better? Who’s going to get fat? Certainly the person eating Twinkies. 

Also, another thought experiment; this one is in regards to “protein”, which I think is also a bit of a scam. If you’re a bodybuilder weightlifter or whatever, and every day you eat 500 grams of protein via  P protein powder versus beef liver, who is going to get more jacked, whose testosterone is going to be higher? Of course the guy eating beef liver.

Increasing your testosterone

Very very simple guys; and also women, the goal is to get your testosterone up. And the best food items to get your testosterone up is beef hard, beef liver, beef kidneys, bone marrow etc. The more cholesterol the food has, the better.

Experiment more with your diet, less with your technology?

OK now the new high watermark at least for mainstream devices is the Apple Vision Pro, $3499. Just think to yourself:

How many packets of bone marrow, beef liver, beef hard, beef kidney etc. can this buy me? 

Read ancient

The only thing I trust is ancient literature on things food health diet etc.

For example, the Iliad, the odyssey, etc. Why? This is before they had all of this nonsensical “woke“ or “politically correct” BS. The Greeks the ancient Greeks, were the highest men and humans of all time; no weak feelings, they delighted in cruelty and joy in humans, the human body. 

Make the body sexy and beautiful again

The biggest complaint or the biggest rebuttal against eating meat, being a carnivore etc. is that “it is bad for the planet“. This is a bunch of BS. What else is bad for the planet? Your Tesla, your Prius, your iPhone, your iPhone Pro, your AirPods, Amazon prime, through Netflix, etc. And also your dog.

Therefore, put zero trust or turn a deaf ear to anybody who invokes all this nonsensical thoughts on environmentalism; they are all fake.

Why do people buy Teslas? Not because they are “good for the environment“, but because they are sexy!

Now what?

  1. So speculate yourself via your diet, what you eat and what you don’t eat, as well as weightlifting equipment. Go to Titan.fitness, and allow yourself to buy a bunch of weightlifting equipment and toys. Some things I recently ordered and got the mail, insanely fast, I think it literally came within a day or two, was the “loadable farmer carry hack bar, farmer’s carry walk bar”, easy loadable farmers carry handles, attachments for my T3 independent squat rack for dips and chin-ups, and also something I’m very excited for; a 60 pound weight vest, which I might just take with me on my daily walks, or even hiking, or when I’m hanging out with Seneca.
  2. Give yourself a $1000 food speculation fund: load it up with bone marrow, organ meats, grass fed beef etc. 
  3. Quit media: quit your Netflix, cancel it all. No Hulu, Apple TV, Apple TV+, Disney, Disney+, HBO, HBO Max etc. If you want to watch something, just buy it on the Apple store, Apple TV store, and just watch it.

other things

Other things and suggestions include spending more time being a nature! I think for anybody who is in a poor mood, assuming that the sun is out, go to the beach, go on a hike! Find some easy nature hike trails close to your place, you don’t need to drive more than 20 or 30 minutes.

And also suggestion: turn off your phone, all the way off, and just keep it locked inside your glove compartment. Or if you take your phone with you, turn it off 100%.

What else?

My secret to happiness is simple; 30,000 steps a day, and spend at least eight hours a day outside!


The Key to Happiness?

Quick thoughts:

First, happiness it is a physiological phenomenon. What that means is happiness should not be seen as related to money, external goods and objects, cars homes etc. Rather, climate, sunlight, exposure to the sun, I wonder if a lot of these people who experience seasonal affected this disorder is just this bad Modern day phenomenon in which everyone is just stuck indoors, or at home all day.

The problem with working from home

Observing some of my apartment mates, and other people I witness working from home, or just the modern day office worker, the big problem in issue here is that when you work from home, people become strange.

For example, I know one of my apartment maids, spending too much time at home he becomes strangely weird, suspicious, almost like the typical scared person who lives in the suburbs.

Also, just peering into the apartments of others, they spent too much time sedentary, too much time sitting on the couch, on the laptop, long back on the couch on their phone, watching baseball and hockey and football, essentially, watching other people be active.

The panacea

My intervention and idea is very simple: perhaps everyone should just have an iPhone Pro, an iPad Pro, with some sort of 5G connection, preferably Verizon, and everyone should just work off the grid. This means people could just work in the great outdoors, at the local nature center or park, And also I think people should have the courage to do boring zoom calls while going on a hike.

I was at the Baldwin Hills overlook hike path on the top, and actually saw a girl walking her dog and practicing her lines for some sort of actress script. Very good idea.


Essentially seasonal effectiveness disorder is a phenomenon in which one is lacking contact with the direct sun and UV rays. The strange bias in two days world is that somehow, we are all afraid of the sun, afraid of getting sunburnt, skin cancer, all these harmful UV rays etc. But I think these concerns are over warranted; certainly you spend 12 hours in the direct sun, in subsea in Africa, totally naked, that is probably not a good idea. The visual I get is the emperor in the Apple TV series foundation, in which he does his funny pilgrimage, in the desert planet, and his body totally becomes all red and toasted.

My practical thoughts; maybe it is better to live a shorter life, get skin cancer or whatever, and be happy during that duration, rather than living a long and miserable life. 

Natural vs not natural?

I am still a little bit suspicious of sunblock and sunscreen. Maybe it is good when you spent all day at the beach, but for typical every day activities, maybe not a good idea. I wonder if the downside of sunblock and sunscreen is that it actually positively prevent your body from absorbing positive UV radiation from the sun.

I suppose if one is really really concerned you could just buy one of those funny hiking hats from REI, put on a facemask and totally cover up your whole body.

Skin face?

Another bias between men and women; traditionally in a lot of cultures in the world, especially Asia and Korea, whiteness is perceived as superior. Why? It was a status thing; the poor peasants had to work in the fields, while the royalty were able to stay indoors out of the sun.

In fact, many cultures around the world see the same; in India and south Asia, the elite area Indians on top, more light skinned, and seen as more more good. The darker, untouchables… were seen as bad, evil, base.

If you read the book of man who, the way that he talks about the untouchable; pretty bad. The idea is that  they are only permitted to bathe in unclean waters, they could only eat with their left hand, and they are only given rotten food, onions to eat. In ancient Hindu text, and the cast system in India; they are very mercurial about it, no hard feelings.

Aryans are on top, untouchables on bottom.

Back to the sun

Being here in LA, I find that the happiest people are the “beach buns “. What is a beach bomb? Somebody who lives in Malibu, and just spend all day surfing at the beach. Even about a week or two ago, we saw a bunch of students, Undergraduates girls and guys, all at the beach, having a great and jolly time, and all eventually stripping down to their swimwear and running into the water together. It was actually a very beautiful sight. 

LA people can be happier

One thing I love about LA is for the most part, the sun is up all year round. I suppose the upside of LA versus Arizona and Nevada is that while LA has a lot of sun, it never gets too hot. Apparently in Arizona and Nevada during the summer months, it is literally untenable to be out in the sun. Therefore you become the more people, staying indoors with air-conditioning.

Why were the ancient Greeks so productive and happy?

I think the ancient Greeks were so productive and happy because their climate was perfect. With a mild Mediterranean weather, it never gets too hot nor too cold. Apparently in the mountainside it could get pretty cold, but never like Minnesota.

If you think about it, all of the barbarian races from the past, the goths, visigoths etc — there are barbarism comes from the fact that they had to deal with such cruel weather. Also think about the Germans, the dramatic tribe; if you have ever spent a winter in Berlin, you will know how miserable it is. That is why the rent is so cheap.

How to live happy in LA

I think Peter Thiel moved down to LA, and actually one of my great gratitude and life was moving to LA, getting into UCLA as an undergraduate. Why?

First, students are just way happier. I still remember when I was maybe a freshman or a sophomore, walking around and down Bruun walk, in the middle of December, and you see all these girls and booty shorts and tank tops and spaghetti strap tank tops.

As a guy, this is great! And also, typically when the sun is out, people are happy and in a good mood.

Why are college students so happy?

My theory on why college students are so happy is that for the most part, most undergraduates don’t own cars, and their lifestyle is 100% pedestrian. Being in university is like a pseudo Utopia; you meet new friends, you hang out, you feel unhurried and unrushed, and you are also not yet corrupted by the external world, no concerns about making money and paying rent, etc.




Simple — mostly via negativa:

  1. Quit reddit– I actually wonder if reddit is worse for you than porn. Funny thought — don’t quit porn, quit reddit instead.
  2. Quit alcohol and weed: just drink black coffee — EK 100% fine robusta. Also another pro tip — don’t drink arabica, just drink 100% robusta. Why? Less sugar content and sugar molecules and sweetness flavors — robusta also has more caffeine!
  3. For coffee — only drink it first thing in the morning — a lot; allow yourself unlimited coffee first thing waking up in the morning. But for the rest of the day… strict abstinence.
  4. Don’t go to the club, the mall, the strip club whatever. Just go on a (free) hike and start your own home gym instead! Titan fitness independent squat rack— I love it. Also rogue fitness 400 pound sandbag. Texas power squat bar.
  5. Visit the local museum — LACMA, THE GETTY, GETTY VILLA IN MALBU ETC. The Getty in LA is free!
  6. Read the classics — Plutarch, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Diogenes, Epictetus, Heraclitus, the philosophers who came before Socrates.

Happy exercises and activities

  1. Buy vibram 5 finger shoes, just black. I like the EL-X model. Just make this your everyday shoe. Wear it to the gym, to work, grocery store, go hiking whatever. Theory — there is more intelligence in your (bare) feet than your hands?
  2. Intermittent fasting: no breakfast no lunch, only one insanely massive dinner a night. I prefer 100% carnivore diet — aim for 5 pounds of beef/lamb a night. Costco Kirkland boneless lamb leg roast only $5.50 USD a pound, the new Costco wagyu American ground beef also very good– only $5USD a pound.
  3. Get a Costco membership: buy all your meat, clothes there.
  4. Stop using Google (free service)– also stop using Gmail. Register your own email (like eric@erickim.com) and no more Gmail. Use the Apple Mail client on your phone or laptop. Better yet,,, uninstall email from your phone. Remember once upon a time it was seen as insanely strange to have work email on your personal private phone?
  5. Get paid premium ChatGPT — only $20 a month– I get at least $10,000 USD a month of metaphorical value from it every month!


  1. Stop buying USD DOLLARS, buy Bitcoin instead. Coinbase.com is easy or the Cash app– owned by Square and Jack Dorsey. Block.xyz as parent company.
  2. For clothes buy lululemon we made too much clothes — maximum quality, minimal price. Men’s shorts. Also this new ten thousand brand seems cool. Surplus sale.
  3. Quit going to the gym, go on hikes or just workout at home instead.
  4. Watch the movie FIGHT CLUB— Tyler Durden — “I don’t have a car!”


  1. When in doubt, delay. Obvious decisions are obvious and should habe ZERO ounces of hesitation! For example with life, lifestyle things, finding a place to live and home — or investing speculations etc — you should have .00000 hesitations before doing something.
  2. Quit social media, medium, reddit whatever — publish all your comments, reviews etc to your own personal blog!


Simple — mostly via negativa:

  1. Quit reddit– I actually wonder if reddit is worse for you than porn. Funny thought — don’t quit porn, quit reddit instead.
  2. Quit alcohol and weed: just drink black coffee — EK 100% fine robusta. Also another pro tip — don’t drink arabica, just drink 100% robusta. Why? Less sugar content and sugar molecules and sweetness flavors — robusta also has more caffeine!
  3. For coffee — only drink it first thing in the morning — a lot; allow yourself unlimited coffee first thing waking up in the morning. But for the rest of the day… strict abstinence.
  4. Don’t go to the club, the mall, the strip club whatever. Just go on a (free) hike and start your own home gym instead! Titan fitness independent squat rack— I love it. Also rogue fitness 400 pound sandbag. Texas power squat bar.
  5. Visit the local museum — LACMA, THE GETTY, GETTY VILLA IN MALBU ETC. The Getty in LA is free!
  6. Read the classics — Plutarch, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Diogenes, Epictetus, Heraclitus, the philosophers who came before Socrates.

Happy exercises and activities

  1. Buy vibram 5 finger shoes, just black. I like the EL-X model. Just make this your everyday shoe. Wear it to the gym, to work, grocery store, go hiking whatever. Theory — there is more intelligence in your (bare) feet than your hands?
  2. Intermittent fasting: no breakfast no lunch, only one insanely massive dinner a night. I prefer 100% carnivore diet — aim for 5 pounds of beef/lamb a night. Costco Kirkland boneless lamb leg roast only $5.50 USD a pound, the new Costco wagyu American ground beef also very good– only $5USD a pound.
  3. Get a Costco membership:


Come and get them!

Show me Greek transliteration, letter by letter

The Greek phrase “Μολὼν λαβέ” can be transliterated into the Latin alphabet as follows:

  • Μ (Mu) – M
  • ο (Omicron) – o
  • λ (Lambda) – l
  • ὼ (Omega with a rough breathing mark) – ōn
  • λ (Lambda) – l
  • α (Alpha) – a
  • β (Beta) – b
  • έ (Epsilon with an acute accent) – é

So, “Μολὼν λαβέ” is transliterated as “Molōn labé.”

Fake News

All news is fake news!

”Content marketing”— Google, Google Adsense, YouTube as a platform is the bad guys here NOT Donald Trump or these weird alt right guys.

Becoming Yourself

In today’s fragile uncertain world… What’s real? What’s important?

The first thought is you are real, you are important. You are the most critical thing in the world.

One of the big issues in today’s world is that nobody is allowed to posit themselves as an end into themselves. What that means is this:

typically what people believe is that you must sacrifice yourself, all of your resources whatever for the sake of humanity and other people. One is not allowed to invest all your time resources energy and money into advancing and elevating yourself.

For example, venture capitalists. The goal and purpose and telos is to invest money, seed capital or whatever into these foreign, non-human companies. 

However, companies are not real. Even the notion of company companion is somebody you share bread with.

Why not invest in individuals — real life human beings?

Or better yet, why not invest in yourself?

You is the goal

My personal take is that the problem here is religion, ethics, modern-day religious thinking. Most of the planet is governed by a form of Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam etc.… Even a lot of these “atheist“ people are essentially still in line with the Benjamin Franklin, protestant work ethic mode of living and thinking.

For example, if you look a lot of Caucasian Americans, whose family have been here for several generations, even though they’re not religious, they don’t go to church, they don’t believe in “God”, they still have protestant work ethics; they work hard, they save money, they spend a little bit money on themselves here and there, but for the most part they invest towards their kids their families their communities etc.

Even Fernandinho Galliani on his treatsie on money, DELLA MONEYA; he talks a lot about God, the creator, the deity whatever. So even we should take the opinion of Galliani with a grain of salt, because anybody who tries to justify their position by invoking God or whatever– it is typically a sign that their opinion is a bit feeble.

But it’s written in the Bible!

And yes, the Bible is just a mishmash of different early Christian father writers, and if you think about critical theology, or philology… You must understand and realize that this was all written by fallible men. 

How to advance

Honestly, I think the number one critical skill in today’s world or in general is critical thinking. Critical comes from Greek KRITIKOS, which essentially means judge, to judge, to weigh. 

So for example, we often get words a little bit confused. We misconstrue different words like “critic”, “criticism” with hate etc.

For example, we talk about criticism, typically we think of criticism like people just saying bad things about us or concepts etc. But, I think you could be a critic, a loving critic. The art of critique is to simply look at something, more objectively, without any hate or vitriol, and to just judge something for what you think it is. 

For example, somebody who is buried in the annals of history; Tacitus on the Jews. Tacitus, one of the early Roman historians, I think reading him is interesting because honestly, he just states his opinion, gives credit where it is due, gives pros and cons, but also speaks his mind. 

For example, when he is talking about the people of Judea, and is trying to outline them their cultures etc., he says both the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. He praises Jewish people for their industry their courage their power, but also Obviously is diametrically opposed to their customs, their beliefs, which were weird foreign and anti-Roman.

In fact, I think if we critically think about Judaism, Jewish people, the descendants of Judea, it seems that the only historical thing we could really understand is that these people were the descendants of Moses. So the best way to think about Judaism as a religion, or even thinking about Christianity is to think that it was essentially a religion invented by Moses, to solidify his people, to strengthen them, And for them to persist.

Think Moses.

And also, Islam. Yeah yeah yeah we are all politically correct and whatever, but I think the critical thing is to understand Mohammed as a real life human being, the visions that he got from God were probably just some sort of hallucinations he had while in a cave, and think that the religion of Muhammad, Islam, is essentially a religion invented from a single man, Mohammed.

Religion and politics?

I remember the kid, I was bit confused; growing up Roman Catholic, Korean American, in the Liberal Bay area… I was a bit confused that if there was one God, how is it that there were other gods in the world?

Also things which were very confusing to me; Jesus was Jewish?

Also something that I’ve been discovering and rediscovering more recently, learning that in fact, the Bible starts off with the Jewish Hebrew tour Bible, I think the first three chapters of the typical Christian Bible is just Genesis and the ones in the original Jewish Bible?

Critical thinking

 so the reason why we have so many thinkers who are Jewish Jewish American Israeli etc. is that the Jewish culture is slated towards critical introspection, thinking. For example if you’re curious, whenever you see a famous author writer influencer or whatever, just open up ChatGPT, the premium one, and ask whether they are Jewish or not, or the history of their last name.

In fact in one of these anti-Semitic texts which was sponsored by Henry Ford, and Henry Ford was overly anti-Semitic, there is this article titled “the subtle art of changing last Jewish names”, and in fact, studying the genealogy of last names is super interesting because in fact, a lot of these “Jewish” sounding last names are changed in order for Jewish people to assimilate into America, American culture, different countries etc.

For example, John Stewart I believe is Jewish American, and change his last name to sound more “American”. The same thing goes with Dr. Kirk Douglas, whose family immigrated from I think Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe Jewish people, and also changed his name to sound more “American”.

Also a weird fellow, Bob Dylan, I think his original name is Andrew Zimmerman, he is Jewish American. 

Even things that I didn’t know and understand is that Jerry Seinfeld, the whole Seinfeld show, which I watched a lot as a kid of reruns and stuff like that is essentially a story about Jewish American culture in America?

Unchaining yourself from religious, ethical, or moralistic thinking

Who are the best thinkers? The ancient Greeks, the ones who came before Socrates. But still… we should take the opinion of the ancient Greeks with a grain of salt because even them, were greatly influenced by the “gymnosophists“ – gymnos in ancient Greek means naked, essentially imagine these weird hippie naked Indian people from India, who would share their sophistry or their philosophy and thinking with others.

I think a lot of early Greek thinkers like Heraclitus, Democritus etc. their thinking was hugely inspired by the gymnosophists, from India… that is why a lot of these pre-Socratic thinkers have philosophies which sound very Buddhist in nature.

  1. You never step into the same river twice – Heraclitus
  2. Even a hair cast its own shadow – Publius Syrus
  3. The path up and down is the same – Heraclitus

Why is our thinking still so basic? 

OK, it is 2024– we live in insanely advanced world, how is it and why is it that we still think so basic? 

For example, it’s still befuddles me that people still take religion literally — don’t people understand that religion is all just a metaphor?

Assuming that there are no gods, no afterlife, no “immortal soul”, whatever, then the simple question is how do you wish to live your life? 

And also, what are you doing with your life? How are you using your energy time and metabolic resources, to build something beyond yourself?


Health, wellness. How does it matter and what does it mean? 

The first simple thought is the quality of your thoughts, your ambitions your hopes and your dreams, your entrepreneurial spirit is rooted in your health, your body, the physical. No no no, the “mind “, doesn’t exist, it is just a fiction.

> In mens sano, alma sano.

The “saw “, is simply an offshoot of your body. When your body dies, your soul also dies.

If your body is healthy, your bodily composition your health is healthy, your mind will be healthy. People who have mental disease, whatever, the big issue is that their body is sick.

For example, I think about my father and my dad, and he was a very sick man. I have a low-key suspicion that maybe he caught syphilis somewhere? I actually recall that he had a lot of anal issues, and I still remember when I was pretty young, maybe I was 11 years old or 10 years old or nine years old? Then my mom bought him a douche, to clean out his bowels?

A lot of people who have bodily and physiological disease, end up getting mental disease. I think ultimately, I’m not 100% certain, but ultimately my dad I think either God or advanced his schizophrenia? Seeing fake images ghosts and visions, etc?

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia I think in Greek just means split mind. This is an overly simplistic way of thinking about the mind because the mind cannot be “split”, according to these basic notions.

My personal theory is when one catches some sort of disease, syphilis, other ancient diseases whatever, it does weird stuff to your mind. Even Friedrich Nietzsche towards the end of his life descended into madness, he lost his mind his body his soul, was taking care of by his sister until his death.

There are some competing theories on how and why Nietzsche went mad.  One theory was he was gay and caught syphilis from another guy, and apparently there is a spurious connection or correlation, not causation, of being gay, syphilis, gay sex and syphilis?

I think this is probably false because apparently Nietzsche was madly in love with this one woman, who did not requite his love, and therefore if you look at his writings, he is very very salty about it… therefore a lot of his anti-women misogyny thoughts maybe is because he couldn’t get the girl of his dreams? 

Philosophers acting badly

The reason why it is important and critical to think about, and consider the personal life of thinkers, their physiology, their muscle mass composition, their body fat composition, their height and stature etc. is that ultimately, the question we must critically think about is this:

The philosopher as a human being… how does his physiology body and mind soul affect his writings? 

For example, Nietzsche apparently had quite poor health his entire life, and I think a lot of his personal writings is for him to personally grapple with his poor health. He apparently traveled around a lot in Italy, Europe, to find an ideal climate for his poor bodily constitution.

Even NASSIM TALEB – the only modern-day thinker philosopher worth following… apparently he always grew up as kind of a fatty boy, and I think a lot of his thoughts on diet health physical exercise etc. should be taken with a grain of salt, because I think he is still addicted to carbs, squid ink pasta? 

Tell me what you eat, how you eat, how frequently or infrequently you eat, and I will tell you who you are

One of the +1s that I give to Jack Dorsey, apparently he is like me! He just eats one meal a day, maybe the difference is that I eat 100% carnivore diet, only beef and lamb, aiming for 4 to 5 pounds of meat every single dinner, and if you look at Jack Dorsey, it doesn’t seem like he lifts weights. 

Look inside their fridge

Bad thing that I love to do whenever I visit peoples homes is always love to open up the fridges and look inside. Sometimes ask for permission, sometimes I just do it; because… If you see what is inside the fridge or freezer, you get to know a lot about about them.

For example, for the most part, I put zero faith in anybody who shop at Trader Joe’s. Why? Trader Joe’s is just snacks with a good conscience.

Also, I put zero trust in anybody who drinks Coca-Cola, Coke zero, or talks about “calories”. They obviously have no idea about any human physiology. 

Also in terms of how the exercise, how frequently the exercise etc.; I’ve learned to distrust anybody who goes to the gym, or anybody who uses Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube etc., because… Any fitness influencer who uses Instagram, or any social media platform, what they are trying to do is maximize their followers and views, and sooner or later, they’re going to dip into the gummy bears, a.k.a. steroids.

Becoming the ideal version of yourself

I have certain ideas for myself. Essentially I want to look like a Greek demigod, Achilles in the flesh. I think I’m there.

For example, I look like Brad Pitt in fight club but on steroids. Much more muscular, with the same lean low body fat percentage. I’m not sure what my body fat percentage is at right now, but I could definitely see my suspect. This is where measuring body fat percentage is Inaccurate, just pinch your belly fat and see whether you could see your abs.

The secret of getting a six pack?

Very simple. Intermittent fasting, no breakfast no lunch, only a 100% carnivore dinner. Quit vegetables, starches, carbs, fruit and fiber, fake sugars real sugars milk dairy etc.

No no no, you don’t need a “balanced diet”. This is just a basic line of thinking for mediocre people who don’t have the courage to experiment and try out the extremes.

The faucet of this notion of calories is propagated by the Coca-Cola corporation, who wants you to keep drinking more their diabetes water, even let us reclassify all timers as type three diabetes, purely something that you get infected with according to what you eat and what you drink.

Real men drink tapwater

Another really big scam that I’ve discovered, especially living here in LA, is this ridiculous notion of “alkaline water“. Anyone who believes in that nonsense is a fool.

Also talking to a truck delivery driver, he told me that apparently, bottled water is actually more expensive than gasoline?

A very simple thought, for this year or the New Year’s or in general… Only drink tapwater or filtered water! And don’t get one of those loser Hydro flask things, I think a simpler solution is to just drink out of the water fountain, just drink tapwater at the house, and if you want a portable bottle get the path water bottles, they are very cheap, Think maybe only $2.50? And you could reuse them! They are very lightweight, I like it in matte black.

Elon Musk drinks tapwater, and so can you!

The reason why I think it is important to read biographies of people you are inspired by, or learning more about their eating living habits is that a lot of who we are is predicated on what we put into our bodies. 

For example, I am very inspired by Elon musk but I also take him with a green assault because he is too addicted to alcohol, and Red Bull. Also it seems like he is a fatty boy, he thinks too “scienticism-y”– which means he doesn’t understand hormones, and that drinking Red Bull and drinking alcohol is a bad idea. I think a real entrepreneur, a true innovator should be quite sober. This means no drugs no alcohol no Red Bulls.

I also love Kanye West, and also Jay Z, but both of them are out because both are alcoholics.

Alcohol is the worst drug?

When I was in Providence Rhode Island, I randomly met one of my fans on the street, and he told me that he recently returned from Afghanistan the front lines or something, had some sort of PTSD, and street photography was his therapy. He told me he was also addicted to all the drugs, all the bad ones and I asked him… “Which drug is the worst”? He told me: the worst drug is alcohol.

I think the big problem in today’s world is that now in today’s world, anywhere you go besides maybe the Middle East, drinking alcohol is the standard. To not drink alcohol, for some reason you’re the weirdo?

This is why if next time somebody tries to pressure me to drink alcohol, I’ll just tell them I’m Muslim. And also a lot of people ask me about how I’ve been doing my intermittent fasting so religiously the last seven years; I just joke and say for me it is Ramadan every single day!

Let us consider all the people who die from alcohol, either from alcohol overdose, or drinking while driving. I think the reason why alcohol is still legal is because for the most part, people have a good time with it, there’s a lot of advertising money behind it, think about all these fat guys with beards and tattoos who watch Football and basketball, drink beer and get fat, and jerk off to other guys being physical and masculine.

Also, the ancient Greeks. Dionysus, Baccaus was the Greek god of drunkenness, and wine.

It seems that wine was a critical part of ancient Greek society, as it was for the Romans. And in modern day times, wine is considered the peak of luxury and success. But don’t forget, wine will make you fat, wine is just sugary grape juice with alcohol with a good conscience. And no no no, all that fake science about reservatrol and one glass of red wine being a healthy thing for you is fake; it is centered around fake science and statistics which I think, was bankrolled by an individual who was trying to sell reaervatrol supplements? 

Why I am anti-vegan anti-plant-based diet

If people want to be vegetarian or vegan for ethical reasons, I think that is fine. But all this fake nonsense about eating meat or being a carnivore as being “bad for the planet”, or “unethical”, I find as nonsense.

 For example, all of these fake virtuous begins to go to Trader Joe’s and buy all this vegan candy and microwavable food; that is so much trash and pollution for the environment, and I don’t even care about the environment that much, and also I’m a Boy Scouts eagle scout. So don’t get at me with all this fake virtuosity of saving the planet and whatever.  

Environmentalism is the new moneymaking scheme?

Al Gore, didn’t he make a bunch of money from saying that an inconvenient truth and that the polar cats are going to melt and we were all going to die? 

also, I believe James Cameron, the guy who produced avatar and the titanic and made a bunch of money is also best friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and is peddling all this fake propaganda about eating plants is good for the environment whatever, in order to pedal his billion dollar P plant protein powder company?

Becoming Yourself

In today’s fragile uncertain world… What’s real? What’s important?

The first thought is you are real, you are important. You are the most critical thing in the world.

One of the big issues in today’s world is that nobody is allowed to posit themselves as an end into themselves. What that means is this:

typically what people believe is that you must sacrifice yourself, all of your resources whatever for the sake of humanity and other people. One is not allowed to invest all your time resources energy and money into advancing and elevating yourself.

For example, venture capitalists. The goal and purpose and telos is to invest money, seed capital or whatever into these foreign, non-human companies. 

However, companies are not real. Even the notion of company companion is somebody you share bread with.

Why not invest in individuals — real life human beings?

Or better yet, why not invest in yourself?

You is the goal

My personal take is that the problem here is religion, ethics, modern-day religious thinking. Most of the planet is governed by a form of Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam etc.… Even a lot of these “atheist“ people are essentially still in line with the Benjamin Franklin, protestant work ethic mode of living and thinking.

For example, if you look a lot of Caucasian Americans, whose family have been here for several generations, even though they’re not religious, they don’t go to church, they don’t believe in “God”, they still have protestant work ethics; they work hard, they save money, they spend a little bit money on themselves here and there, but for the most part they invest towards their kids their families their communities etc.

Even Fernandinho Galliani on his treatsie on money, DELLA MONEYA; he talks a lot about God, the creator, the deity whatever. So even we should take the opinion of Galliani with a grain of salt, because anybody who tries to justify their position by invoking God or whatever– it is typically a sign that their opinion is a bit feeble.

But it’s written in the Bible!

And yes, the Bible is just a mishmash of different early Christian father writers, and if you think about critical theology, or philology… You must understand and realize that this was all written by fallible men. 

How to advance

Honestly, I think the number one critical skill in today’s world or in general is critical thinking. Critical comes from Greek KRITIKOS, which essentially means judge, to judge, to weigh. 

So for example, we often get words a little bit confused. We misconstrue different words like “critic”, “criticism” with hate etc.

For example, we talk about criticism, typically we think of criticism like people just saying bad things about us or concepts etc. But, I think you could be a critic, a loving critic. The art of critique is to simply look at something, more objectively, without any hate or vitriol, and to just judge something for what you think it is. 

For example, somebody who is buried in the annals of history; Tacitus on the Jews. Tacitus, one of the early Roman historians, I think reading him is interesting because honestly, he just states his opinion, gives credit where it is due, gives pros and cons, but also speaks his mind. 

For example, when he is talking about the people of Judea, and is trying to outline them their cultures etc., he says both the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. He praises Jewish people for their industry their courage their power, but also Obviously is diametrically opposed to their customs, their beliefs, which were weird foreign and anti-Roman.

In fact, I think if we critically think about Judaism, Jewish people, the descendants of Judea, it seems that the only historical thing we could really understand is that these people were the descendants of Moses. So the best way to think about Judaism as a religion, or even thinking about Christianity is to think that it was essentially a religion invented by Moses, to solidify his people, to strengthen them, And for them to persist.

Think Moses.

And also, Islam. Yeah yeah yeah we are all politically correct and whatever, but I think the critical thing is to understand Mohammed as a real life human being, the visions that he got from God were probably just some sort of hallucinations he had while in a cave, and think that the religion of Muhammad, Islam, is essentially a religion invented from a single man, Mohammed.

Religion and politics?

I remember the kid, I was bit confused; growing up Roman Catholic, Korean American, in the Liberal Bay area… I was a bit confused that if there was one God, how is it that there were other gods in the world?

Also things which were very confusing to me; Jesus was Jewish?

Also something that I’ve been discovering and rediscovering more recently, learning that in fact, the Bible starts off with the Jewish Hebrew tour Bible, I think the first three chapters of the typical Christian Bible is just Genesis and the ones in the original Jewish Bible?

Critical thinking

 so the reason why we have so many thinkers who are Jewish Jewish American Israeli etc. is that the Jewish culture is slated towards critical introspection, thinking. For example if you’re curious, whenever you see a famous author writer influencer or whatever, just open up ChatGPT, the premium one, and ask whether they are Jewish or not, or the history of their last name.

In fact in one of these anti-Semitic texts which was sponsored by Henry Ford, and Henry Ford was overly anti-Semitic, there is this article titled “the subtle art of changing last Jewish names”, and in fact, studying the genealogy of last names is super interesting because in fact, a lot of these “Jewish” sounding last names are changed in order for Jewish people to assimilate into America, American culture, different countries etc.

For example, John Stewart I believe is Jewish American, and change his last name to sound more “American”. The same thing goes with Dr. Kirk Douglas, whose family immigrated from I think Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe Jewish people, and also changed his name to sound more “American”.

Also a weird fellow, Bob Dylan, I think his original name is Andrew Zimmerman, he is Jewish American. 

Even things that I didn’t know and understand is that Jerry Seinfeld, the whole Seinfeld show, which I watched a lot as a kid of reruns and stuff like that is essentially a story about Jewish American culture in America?

Unchaining yourself from religious, ethical, or moralistic thinking

Who are the best thinkers? The ancient Greeks, the ones who came before Socrates. But still… we should take the opinion of the ancient Greeks with a grain of salt because even them, were greatly influenced by the “gymnosophists“ – gymnos in ancient Greek means naked, essentially imagine these weird hippie naked Indian people from India, who would share their sophistry or their philosophy and thinking with others.

I think a lot of early Greek thinkers like Heraclitus, Democritus etc. their thinking was hugely inspired by the gymnosophists, from India… that is why a lot of these pre-Socratic thinkers have philosophies which sound very Buddhist in nature.

  1. You never step into the same river twice – Heraclitus
  2. Even a hair cast its own shadow – Publius Syrus
  3. The path up and down is the same – Heraclitus

Why is our thinking still so basic? 


So you know how you can more or less indefinitely increase your total amount of $USD dollars in your bank account ,,, can you also do that with health?

For example you can make your bank account go from $0 to $100, $1000, $10,000, $100,000 to $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 to $100,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 etc…

Maybe health ain’t a spectrum from 0-10, but can be increased indefinitely?

For example your health can be like debt — -$10,000 in health, or -5,000 in health, or 0 health, or positive — $1,000 in health, $10,000 in health, or $100,000 in health or beyond?

Or you can become worth $1M, $10M, $100M, $1T, $100T in terms of health and beyond?

The grand vision.

Health 101

rock toss ERIC KIM

Health is the Ultimate Wealth

side face selfie ERIC KIM muscle flex 00026-resized

Become the best version of you

  1. Metabolism
  2. Diet, Health, and Fitness for Photographers
  3. My Experience Eating Only One Meal a Day
  4. How to Get Cut.




The text titled “Bitcoin Thoughts” presents a wide-ranging, personal exploration of various topics, notably focusing on Bitcoin, its key players, and the cryptocurrency world, while also touching upon broader themes of wealth, investment, lifestyle, and philosophy.

  1. Bitcoin and Key Players: It begins by discussing the rebranding of Square to Block.xyz and its involvement in Bitcoin. The author highlights the significance of Jack Dorsey, former Twitter CEO and a major proponent of Bitcoin, and his investments in Bitcoin-related ventures. It delves into the rapid transaction capabilities of the Lightning Network and the potential future viability of Bitcoin, backed by influential figures and major corporations like Tesla.
  2. Bitcoin Investment and Market Dynamics: The text touches on large Bitcoin holdings by entities like MicroStrategy, Binance, and individuals like the Winklevoss twins and Tim Draper. The author shares their personal journey with Bitcoin, from an initial investment at $6000 per Bitcoin to witnessing its significant rise in value.
  3. Philosophical Insights and Fallacies: The author draws from philosophical ideas and fallacies like the Lucretius fallacy and the turkey fallacy (referencing Nassim Taleb’s “Antifragile”) to caution against overreliance on past trends for future predictions and the dangers of complacency.
  4. Critique of Statistics and Personal Lifestyle Choices: The author questions the reliability of statistics and shares personal anecdotes about diet and lifestyle choices, challenging mainstream dietary advice and celebrating individuality and outliers.
  5. Bitcoin’s Branding and Market Position: The narrative praises Bitcoin’s branding, its recognizability, and its position as a leading cryptocurrency, while expressing skepticism towards alternative coins and the myth around Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s mysterious creator.
  6. Reflections on Wealth and Status Symbols: The author critiques certain status symbols like luxury cars, suggesting that real wealth and success are not always reflected in such external displays. They express skepticism about the value and authenticity of luxury car brands.
  7. The Future of Bitcoin and Wealth Philosophy: Looking ahead, the author speculates on Bitcoin’s long-term prospects, considering factors like the ‘halving effect’. The text concludes with reflections on the true nature of wealth, emphasizing health, family, and a child-like approach to life as the ultimate forms of richness.

Overall, “Bitcoin Thoughts” is a blend of personal finance insights, philosophical musings, and lifestyle reflections, centered around the evolving landscape of Bitcoin and the broader implications of wealth and success.

Bitcoin Thoughts

Back in the bitcoin game: 20 bitcoins, Matte black. 


So Square, the company that you see at every single hips or coffee shop with the iPad and the little white square payment thingy, the company company is called block now, their website URL is block.xyz

So certain things which are quite interesting:

First, block, which is now the parent company they own the cash app, which is very popular in the African-American community, they own square, which essentially runs all small coffee shops and boutique places, and also, they are heavily invested in bitcoin. The head honcho Jack Dorsey, Probably one of the most underrated entrepreneurs of all time, who is also the founder of Twitter… Is really big into bitcoin. Even the last time I checked his Twitter profile, I think his biography signature was just a bitcoin icon, and maybe a lightning bolt, which signifies the lightning network. The lightning network for bitcoin, lightning.network,  is essentially an additional layer or innovation, I think it may be came out in 2014, that makes bitcoin transactions insanely fast, near instant, and also, for you to buy a very very small fraction of a bitcoin, .00000001 percent of a bitcoin or whatever. 

Bitcoin is the best money? 

First and foremost, bitcoin is not real money. It is fake money. Now that we got that out the way, what can we extrapolate from this?

First, if Jack Dorsey, the head honcho of block, which owns square the cash app etc.… And also they have a partnership with Coinbase, and I think they have connections with Gemini a popular crypto platform, I think what that means is then, bitcoin has viable future.

For example, ChatGPT 4, the paid premium one, only 20 bucks a month, might be one of the best financial research tools.  Why? It is very good and effective at scraping financial data, in seconds, without having to click fucking Google content marketing ad advertising spam bullshit.

for example, do you member for a minute Tesla was accepting bitcoin to buy Tesla cars? Doing some research, apparently Tesla owns 9,720 bitcoins — $300 million dollars USD roughly of bitcoin.

The plot thickens

It gets even more interesting, other entities which own more bitcoin than Tesla: 

Micro strategy, which is based in Virginia, apparently they own 189,000 bitcoin, under the CEO Michael Saylor.

Binance, the infamous CZ who took down FTX, and also Sam Bankman Fried – their total holdings are over 580,000 bitcoin. That is roughly $18 billion worth of bitcoin. Not only that, but, apparently the largest wallet on their platform holds close to 250,000 bitcoin, which once again, might be worth roughly 9 to $10 billion USD as of this writing. Assuming bitcoin is roughly $32,000 a bitcoin. But, if and when bitcoin pops higher, breaks at $50,000 a bitcoin mark, the $65,000 bitcoin mark, and I am pretty certain it’s going to break the $70,000 or $75,000 bitcoin mark… Once again this number will balloon like crazy.

Bitcoin whales 

Apparently the Winklevoss twins own an estimated 70,000 BTC — that is a lot. Around $2 billion worth of bitcoin.

Or, Tim Draper who owns around 30,000 bitcoin. Even crazy is when Tim Draper bought all of those bitcoins, which was seized by the US government, I think bitcoin was somewhere at the range of $300-$800 USD a bitcoin? Shame on me for being a fool, I’m not going to be a fool twice. 

When did I get in the game? 

I personally got into the bitcoin game at around $6000 a bitcoin, which was funny enough considered high at the time. I rode it up 10X, all the way up to 60,000, $65,000 a bitcoin. 

Ironically enough, bitcoin is actually a very safe investment 

The tricky thing about bitcoin is that it will be more difficult for it to go up 10 X, 100 X, or 1000 X in price. The price increases will be more steady and gradual, you’re not going to see a pop like crazy like a Dogecoin or any of those other meme coins.

The Lucretius fallacy

The fool believes that the highest mountain that exists in the world is the highest mountain he has personally witnessed or climbed himself. – Lucretius, Roman poet philosopher thinker

One of the big problems that we cannot use the past for future predictions. Nor can we use our current position to predict the future.

For example, these fucking idiots who text while driving. The thought is this: “I have successfully driven while driving and text messaging for the last 10 years, and therefore I shall never die.”

But the funny thing is this, one day later, there could be a drunk 18 wheeler, and while you are distracted for half a second, boom you dead.

Once you’re dead, you cannot regret texting while driving.

Also, the big issue is that you could be the worlds best driver, the world’s best texting while driving driver, the best driving while slightly higher or drunk driver or whatever… But even if you were 100% sober and focused, you can still get into a car accident that will kill you, and even potentially kill your kid.

Therefore as a consequence, it is critical to consider and think, don’t do nothing that will potentially cause your own personal death, or the potential death of your own kid.

The turkey fallacy

Once again, to quote TALEN and his insanely insightful book “antifragile“, let us consider the turkey fallacy. Let us say that the highly esteemed turkey economist, with double PhD is from Yale and Harvard school economics and business, shows a graph in which the farmer has been steadily feeding him and all the other turkeys well for the last 30 years, and my following this graph chart, will continue to Feed the turkeys well. What the turkey doesn’t know, and the turkey clan doesn’t understand is actually the next day on Thanksgiving, they will all be slaughtered for a delicious Thanksgiving feast.

All statistics are fake statistics

Perhaps one of the most useful things about studying sociology as an undergraduate at UCLA was statistics, my statistics class. Even my high school, Castro Valley high school in California, I remember my senior year I had the option of taking AP calculus or AP statistics, AP statistics seemed a lot easier, and I hate math, and it seemed to involve less math, so I decided to do statistics instead. In fact, it was surprisingly one of my most fascinating Classes and moments, even as a highschooler. Why? I remember I learned about this notion of a “outlier”, in that in fact, if there was an outlier in the data, what some sneaky people would do is just subtly erase it, or get rid of it.

The reason why I found this a bit weird, unethical or strange was this; what if you, you as individual were an outlier, should a statistician just rub you out? 

Or for example, all of this nonsense about diet health physiology etc.; they say that you have to eat carbs and starches and all this other BS in order to gain muscle, but I have been 100% carnivore for the last five years, making immense gains. No protein powder, no creatine, 100% beef, top sirloin pecan Anna, beef ribs, ground beef, lamb leg roast from Costco etc.; not only that but I don’t consume whey protein powder, and I exercise and lift weights while fasted, I never eat anything before lifting weights. The only beverages I drinking include tapwater, filtered water, and just straight up black coffee. No other BS.

As a result, this is the most Demi got my body and physique has looked, at the age of 35. I look far sexier and more beautiful today than I was in my 20s.

And also stronger. I pause it, I might be the strongest person in the world, who doesn’t take steroids, 100% all natural all natty, once not even protein powder!

1,000 pound atlas lift.

Back to Bitcoin 

What I love about bitcoin is that it is legible. Everyone knows what a bitcoin is, even Cindy‘s mom knows what it is! It is easy to remember, it rolls off the tongue easily, and the icon is great; the big ass bright orange icon, with the B and two stripes through it. I guess spot the logo from a mile away.

How and why marketing matter matters

What about bitcoin is that it is cool and sexy. All of these other crypto losers want their fake alternative coin to become the next bitcoin; but why not just buy bitcoin instead?

Things I don’t trust

I am extremely wary of any alternative coins, coins which are not bitcoin. Why? What I find so interesting is the mythology of Satoshi; yes, a real human being, probably not like Binsky in which he is a distributed entity of several people. It seems that Satoshi is just a real life person, I don’t think he is Japanese because his English is too good. Just look at the email list server email correspondences that he wrote, his English is too good. Having spent some time living in Japan abroad, no real life Japanese person is that fluent in English.

Who is Satoshi? 

I don’t think it really matters. Why? His original bitcoin white paper is so elegant, I think it is only six or eight pages long. This is the simple heuristic:

a good paper must be a short paper.

For example, Thomas Pikkety’s “CAPITAL”– mix for a great doorstop, not a good book. Why? When a book is too long, full of all these fixed statistics etc., it is typically assigned that the author their argument is actually not very strong or robust. Why? Most fools think that the more pages, the more information, the more graphs etc. means for a better idea. This is not true. Would you rather have 1000 Honda Civic, or one Ferrari?

Or would you rather have 10,000 Corolla, or one Lamborghini Aventador with the scissor doors?

Economics, finance, etc.

The reason why I put no faith in any economist or constipated thinker is that their theories have zero to no connection in real life with their real life lifestyle or mode of living. 

For example, whenever I meet anybody, whether an economist, business school person, professor etc., I always like to ask them, “what car do you drive”? why? I find this information to be insanely critical, because your car actually says a lot about you.

 For example, I put zero to no faith and give no respect to anybody who drives an Audi, either a baselevel Audi like an Audi Q3, or an Audi A3, anybody who drives some sort of SUV, Mercedes SUV, etc. Even anyone who drives a Mercedes car or any German car Porsche etc.

Also, no faith in anybody who drives or owns a Lamborghini Huracan; if your Lamborghini doesn’t have the scissor doors, you’re just driving an expensive Honda Civic.

Why? Real successful people I Found Dr., Ford fusions, if they have a family a white Honda Odyssey, or individual successful people and Doctors Dr., Honda Civic, or even seeing the $150 million mansion in Holby Hills across the Holby park, just a simple white Toyota Prius. 

In fact, if you really wanted the supreme luxury car, and to be super low-key, the best car is probably a Hyundai Genesis G90; maximum luxury, and nobody has any idea what it is.

Or even more simple, I met  a private security guard who does private security for one guy he quoted as “having more money than God“, and said that he just drives a BMW 7 series. 

Fake rich people in LA

In Los Angeles, car culture of the world, fake rich people seem to drive these cars: mercedes-benz AMG G wagon, all matte black, murdered out, all black everything.

Also, any sort of Mercedes or BMW SUV. 

What is a bitcoin worth?

The tricky thing is that we evaluate the value of a bitcoin based on the price of the US dollar. But this is the tricky thing; if the price of bitcoin goes up or down in ratio to the US dollar, is that a sign that the US dollar is getting stronger or weaker?

And I suppose ultimately the question is this; in the future, what will be the more valuable acid to have? Bitcoin or the US dollar?

8 years from now

There is this phenomenon in bitcoin called the “halving effect”. The idea is that every four years, the mining difficulty to mind bitcoin becomes astronomically more difficult. As a consequence, every four years there is a big shift.

Thinking eight years from now, that is two more halving effects, technically Seneca will only be 11 years old, still very young, I am very certain that the price of bitcoin is going to be higher than it is today.  

But I don’t want to wait! I want to buy the Lamborghini right now!

Lamborghinis are for losers!

Let us note that the word Lamborghini and loser will start with the capital L.

I think the sex and allure of  Lamborghinis is simply from the suicide scissor doors, or the Lamborghini billionaire doors.

Essentially the Lamborghini Countach.

Therefore, the Lamborghini Urus is a fake Lamborghini, it is just an Audi Q8 with a body kit.

The Lamborghini Huracan is also a fake Lamborghini, it is just an Audi R8 with a body kit.

Even the Porsche 911, Porsche 911 GT3 RS whatever, it is essentially a Volkswagen beetle turbo on steroids.

Also Ferrari; even now today, I don’t really understand the appeal. The cars are not designed that interestingly, but it seems the only reason people want it is for the chrome prancing horse icon?  

You will never see a Ferrari without the Ferrari emblem in the back. I would maybe only ever respect a Ferrari owner or driver if they intentionally debadged their car, and really really really tried to make it look not like a Ferrari. 

So ultimately, what is the purpose or value of wealth?

Well, wellness. Health. I think it is actually all the same word in ancient Greek (-hwelh*)– or something.

Dimitri wealth is sleeping 8 to 12 hours a night, having a happy family, good bowel movements, maximum time outside in the direct sun, bright and cherry moves, a beautiful muscular body with low body fat percentage, smiling a lot, shooting the shit with random people, joking around, being like a big kid!

Kids don’t care about money

Kids care about playing, having fun, physical exercise and adventures, they have little interest in money they don’t even know what it is. Only society indoctrinates them to care about it. 

Ultimately then, perhaps ultimate goal is to just become like a kid, become like a child! A life of fun, adventure, conquest, bright blue seas, beautiful yellow light, beaches, Malibu, Cabo, Mexico and beyond.


Fuck the Banks!

For example, consider how insidious overdraft fees are, credit cards, credit card debt, APR, almost everyone I know in LA has a large amount of credit card debt?

Also, a really big problem is that banks finance homes and cars and other things, which once again, further enslave people into debt.

Economics by KIM

  2. High gas prices are good
  3. What is Capitalism?
  4. Pride in What You Paid For
  5. On Making Money from Nothing
  6. Save Money Towards What Ends?
  7. No Regret Investment

Money thoughts:

  2. Silver US Dollar
  5. Price Insensitive
  6. WHY JOBS?
  7. The Future Economy
  8. What is Money?
  9. Individual Economics

The Philosophy of Money

  1. How to Become Economically Independent
  2. Economic Dependency
  3. It’s the Economy, Stupid
  5. Debt is the Devil
  6. Capitalism is Cruel
  7. In Praise of Capitalism and Consumerism
  8. Capitalism as the Road to Tolerance
  10. Capitalism 2.0
  11. In Praise of Capitalism
  14. Universal Basic Income
  • silver certificate US dollar

Speculative Thoughts 

The joy of speculation:

The limits to money, the limits to wealth

So the first thing I find really interesting and fascinating is thinking about money, the limits of money, wealth, etc.

For example, Seneca once said, “Nobody ever thinks to themselves, what if I am already too rich?”

Simply put, my thought of the proper limit of money is once you have enough money to pay rent, utilities, and trips to Costco to buy meat, then, the positive utility of money diminishes. That is, sometimes having too much money is a positive distraction and burden; a lot of people who are too rich have issues diversifying and investing their money because they have no idea what to do with it.

A simple crypto hedge fund idea

If you want to invest in my fund, just shoot me an email at eric@erickim.com

So a very simple crypto hedge fund idea is this: 90% of your money in bitcoin, 10% in chainlink, or the opposite; 90% of your money and chainlink, and 10% of your assets in bitcoin.

The reason why I find this to be such an interesting and dynamic hedge, to quote TALEB is this –

How can you take a maximally risky and speculative bet, that is both “safe”, reducing risk, and also maximizing upside?

The first thought that NASSIM TALEB had was never put more than 10% of your life savings into one single investment or acid. For example, I heeded his words of wisdom, and when Cindy and I had around $250,000 of savings, I only put 10% of that into Digibyte and Bitcoin — around $22,000, I bought some bitcoin at $6000 a bitcoin, and I think I bought some digibyte at one cent or two cents a digibyte — and eventually I rode it all the way up to around $250,000 worth of investments, one bitcoin hit an all-time high at around $60-$65,000 a bitcoin. I did some swapping here and there, consolidating my digibyte back into bitcoin, a good move, I speculated and played around a little bit with Dogecoin, rode it up, eventually consolidated it back into bitcoin, etc.

More recently, I wired $125,000 back into my crypto account, and bought more bitcoin.


People seem to hate the volatility of crypto, but I love it. Why? Perhaps for myself, I thrive off of high intensity, and adrenaline.

Also one of the upsides of growing up poor, seeing my mom go through bankruptcy twice is that actually… I have almost close to zero anxieties when it comes to money. I’ve lived super poor before, on the brink of being homeless, as a kid, and that is what naturalistically made me so stoic.

The reason why I don’t trust or give any heed to people like Tim Ferris or Tony Robbins is that it seems that once upon a time, both of them were super depressed, fat, losers, planning ways on how to commit suicide and kill themselves, and how to do it gracefully. Tony Robbins was the fat depressed one, Tim Ferriss was the suicidal one.

I think it is very courageous that Tim Ferriss outlined the story of when he was an undergraduate at Princeton, he actually took out books to plan his own death, reading books on suicide and how to kill himself, and how to do it in a graceful manner, but fortunately somebody found out, had an intervention, unfortunately Tim didn’t do it. I don’t think anybody should ever commit suicide, under any costs.

Anyways, I think the reason why it matters is that when people try to commit suicide, or have been severely depressed in the past, in high school middle school college elementary school etc.… that trauma stays with them.

For myself I am a unique case; I experienced severe and potentially destroying trauma as a kid, for some reason, those experiences actually made me stronger. How and why?

First, think I was fortunate because of random life things. For example, a formative time in Bayside queens in a very safe community, hanging out with my friends Spencer, Aditya, Jonathan etc and living like free range kids, at the ripe age of 11 to 12 years old, and also some great mentors along the way, Troop 11 in Alameda California, my Boy Scouts troop leaders, my coach Greg Lowe who essentially became my Mr. Miyagi private tutor and father figure guide, who taught me life lessons through tennis.

Good schools

Also fortunately, the good timing; my mom moving our family out of Alameda, which was bordering Oakland; even though Alameda is a nice town, it borders Oakland, and so even Alameda high school was full of a bunch of these ghetto kids, gangbangers and bad influences. I went to high school at Castro Valley High, a very nice school with no drama, good teachers and good AP classes, eventually I was able to get to UCLA as an undergraduate, which helped accelerate my roadmap to success.

Think long

Along the line, meeting Cindy, then just another person I met my freshman year, at our Korean American Catholic club called Kyrie — later traveling the world with her, dating her, marrying her, and now having a kid with her, Seneca at age 3 years old.

Anyways, I have a lot of people to think, especially my uncle, who essentially helped my mom so much financially, and also my sister, for her private art school lessons, in order to get her into fashion school at Otis in LA, my sister eventually dropped out, but randomly through an apartment party, met her then future husband. Fortunately my sister‘s brother‘s family is very prosperous, opening up a fine art gallery in LA (VEFA)– will keep you updated with this, but anyways, our family is pretty set.

In the long run, everything works out just fine!

Just do what you believe to be righteous

I think it is critical to have a good dose of criticality when it comes to the opinions of others, even your spouse. I think we should always respect and lend an ear to the opinions of others, but ultimately, it is you who must be staunch, and perform things and your life in accordance with your own personal beliefs.

When people say “you’re not listening to me!” what they really mean to say is “how dare you not obey me!”

The funny retort is people who get angry at us for not listening to them… aren’t they committing the same critical flaw of not listening to us?

My New Year’s resolution is actually to become MORE close minded, more staunch in my beliefs.

Speculation in the market

People don’t know but I’ve been trading stock ever since I was around maybe 15 or 16 years old, my sophomore junior year in high school. I remember actually investing really early in Adobe stock, because I used Photoshop and I found it to be a good tool. I actually made some money in high school, investing my life savings which was maybe around $1500 USD, maybe I will also get Seneca into trading at a young age.

Anyways, it was good learning and education because it taught me how to deal with ups and downs, and also losing it all.

Bitcoin will never go down to zero

The reason why I am so bullish about bitcoin is that I have a strong faith That you’ll never go down to zero. The reason why I would never put my money anymore into “alternative coins” [ALT COINS], or coins is that there is a high likelihood that a lot of them will go down to zero.

For example, I think when the biggest scams in the cryptocurrency space, is Ada Cardano. They have set up a fake foundation with the .org website, with a bunch of fake people, fake talking heads and suits, nobody has any idea what they’re going to do or what their product is, I think a huge profit can be made by shorting it. I’m pretty sure that Cardano will go down to zero.

Also, all these other weird alternative coins, only things that even have any nominal value include bitcoin, Ethereum, chainlink. 

Why chainlink? First and foremost, chainlink isn’t really a crypto, it is like a new technology. I think of chainlink more like the next Google. Even the ex Google CEO ERIC Schmidt is on board. 

Bitcoin is fascinating because ultimately, everybody knows what it is. To quote Galiani, on his treatsie “on money“, Galiani once said that the word “ducat”, rolls off the tongue quite beautifully, I also see that the word “bitcoin“, also rolls off the tongue quite beautifully. 

Ultimate test: even Cindy‘s mom, a Vietnamese refugee immigrant can pronounce bitcoin in her “broken English“, and knows what it is. She says “I know what bitcoin is! It is the fake money!” Haha — true.

So why does this matter?

I think the reason why this matters is you don’t want to be sitting on your butt, 10 years from now, Seneca will only be 13 years old still very young… and kick yourself in the butt for not taking a bold risk, and something you believed in, a decade ago. Jeff Bezos calls this the “regret minimization framework“. 

For example, some moderately regretful things I’ve done the last two years is selling some bitcoin, converting into worthless US dollars, in order to “alleviate“, some financial concerns. But, moving forward, 2024 and beyond, I think the goal should be to become more staunch, more unyielding, More close minded. 



Being close minded is a virtue?

People say that being open minded is a virtue, but I’m starting to think, maybe not. Why? Do you want to be open minded about Adolf Hitler and Nazis? Or the new Nazis? Or alternative right wing weirdo conspiracy theorists, who want to hijack the American government, and promoting anarchy?

Also, I’m very close minded for these weird anti-fascist, loser skinny fat, fakeass woke, anarchists; they all have iPhones, watch YouTube, jerk off to porn on Google incognito late at night on their laptop or their phones, use piratebay and private VPNs– no capitalism, no consumerism, no pornography.

Trust no man who secretly watches porn.

Anti men

The really big issue at hand is that a lot of these people, men specifically, I don’t think we should trust most men. Why? A simple thing; it is true, the behavior of men and women is polar opposite. 

For example, women do not start gangs, or become gangbangers. This is reserved to only men.

Or another example, the difference between a woman bathroom and a male bathroom; in any bathroom, for example let me quote Galbi King — my new favorite Korean barbecue place in Los Angeles, only $26 a person, look at the difference between the men’s restroom and the women’s restroom. The men’s restroom has all these dicks graffitid on the walls, scratches on the window, graffiti on the walls, graffiti made with knives in the mirrors etc. Go to the women’s restroom; nothing.

This is the tricky thing about sex and gender; sex is biological, gender is sociological. Therefore as a consequence,  people foolishly discount the differences of sex.

For example, I think it has to do with testosterone, testes, the male hormone. The reason why I distrust all these weird hormone replacement therapies is that why not just be natural? For example, I think it is actually normal to be LGBTQ? But once you inject hormones into yourself, not good.

For example, to inject any sort of external hormones to change your sex, is a patently bad one; we shame people for doing testosterone injections and steroids and stuff, why not the same consistency with these weird sex changing hormones?

Back to speculation

Some personal tips I recommend is stop using Google, either use bing.com, or just use ChatGPT, the premium one. Stop using Google.

In fact, I think Google, YouTube, YouTube shorts whatever is the real bad guy here. Think about all these weird conspiracy theorist people, who platform themselves on YouTube etc. And with enough wikipedia’ing and googling, you’re gonna eventually fall victim to weird conspiracy theories.

Also, put zero faith in TikTok, it is owned by mainland China, Tencent corporation —  if you’re on TikTok, or promote TikTok, you’re pro mainland China, not good.

Democracy and freedom is at odds with social media?

One thing I found very interesting about Donald Trump was he was very anti-TikTok, wise idea. Why? The way that one nation takes over another nation is through soft coercion, soft propaganda, sneaky propaganda.

For example, RIOT games which is owned by also the Tencent mainland Chinese corporation – they own league of legends, and a bunch of other games; this is essentially their low-key way of taking over the minds and the souls of the American youth.

Also the really big issue here is that a lot of these big tech companies are in bed with mainland China, this includes Apple, all of her phones and products are produced by Foxconn in mainland China, I think Google is trying to dip more into the mainland Chinese market, compromising their ethics by censoring the Tiananmen Square incident, And I am certain that Mark Zuckerberg wants to get into Maitland China as well; his wife is Chinese American, and I think Mark also taught himself Mandarin.

The new oligarchs?

I think a big issue at hand is that this New World, this New World order is not about nations or nation states anymore, but rather, individual rich oligarchs. What that means is individuals, doesn’t really matter your nationality, just trying to augment their wealth. Their private wealth.

I find this to be very greedy, and also, unpatriotic. Anyone who tries to dodge taxes, I find this to be very bad behavior.

Now what?

OK all these weird theories aside, what now? 

First, think digital real estate, not physical real estate. I think still nowadays, the internet is still a massive untapped market. Let us consider, to own a .com domain is only maybe $12-$20 a year, which is less than one dollar or two dollars a month. Let us consider that even if you buy a $3 million house in all cash, your property taxes will still look like around $12,000 USD a month.

The reason why it is so difficult to think digitally is that we disdain the digital, we prefer the physical. But, if you think about the greatest drivers of wealth created the last 10 or 20 years, it is all technology, digital, internet.

For example, Amazon web services, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

So the first very simple thing you do is build your own website, blog, or web platform. My simple suggestion is try to enter a field or market in which you could do all the work and labor yourself. For example, I do not know how to code, and honestly speaking I have zero aspiration to learn how. But, writing and blogging and vlogging is second nature to me, I don’t even have to think about it. Therefore, it seems that perhaps the most intelligent strategy is to identify your archimedes lever, and maximize your leverage intelligently rather than trying to get good at something you’re not that good at.

How do I identify what my Archimedes lever is?

I would say the simplest strategy is first figure out what your passionate about what you love, and what you’re really good at, which others find difficult. Then, doubling down or 10X’ing down on it. 

Then, the best way to move the world or change the world is to exploit your leverages to the maximum!


Weather & Investments?

I have a funny theory; I wonder if the weather or climate of a certain day and time and place influences and effects investing behavior?

For example, when I bought or consolidated a lot more of my assets into bitcoin and back into bitcoin, I ensure to do it when the weather was insanely good, lots of beautiful light on my face and my naked body, that good mood was a good inspiration for making a big bet and a big trade.

So just think, when you’re about to make a big trade, how is the weather? Is it better to invest when the weather is good or bad, or something else?

That new new shit

Short Start Here


  1. 7 Lessons Elon Musk has Taught Me
  2. Introduction to Stoicism


  5. Photography Composition Manual v1
  6. Zen Photography
  9. Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography
  10. The Street Portrait Manual
  11. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography



Don’t be left behind: ERIC KIM NEWS >



Chainlink bitcoin babe eric Kim beach
  2. Why I Bought ChainlinkPDF
  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. How to Become a Stoic


  1. SUITS





Delve into the mind of EK:




  2. WHY APP?
Eric Kim ChatGPT ai art


  2. Bitcoin Babe




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


photolosophy-cover thinking man camera by Annette Kim ERIC KIM

What can you become as a photographer-visual artist?

  1. Introduction (830mb)
  2. Street Photography (2.6gb)
  3. Personal Photography (1.8gb)
  4. Entrepreneurship (1.5gb)
  5. Motivation: HAPTIC BOOKS (20mb)
  6. Audio (100mb)
  7. Presets (40mb)
  8. Transcripts (29kb)


See the full course here.

Anti Useful

You don’t gotta focus so much on doing stuff which is “useful” to others:

Rather… do things which you feel like doing for the sake in itself!


Your own personal code of ethics:

  1. “Rules” & “Regulations”
  2. Stubborn Geniuses
  3. Avoid Misery
  4. What We Hate
  6. How to Become a Great Man
  9. Carte Blanche Ethics
  10. Toxic People
  11. Why Are We So Into Other People
  12. Just focus on yourself and your own life
  13. Perfect morals and ethics is following your own gut
  15. Ignorance Takes Courage
  17. Don’t give people what they want or what you *think* they want, give them what you think they *should* have.
  18. Anti Small
  19. Disdain or Admiration?
  20. Beware Those With Good Intentions
  24. The Motive of Criticism
  25. Ethics are Social
  26. Anti Role Models
  27. What is Greed?
  28. On Having the Courage to Make Your Own Decisions
  29. How *NOT* to Get Duped or Suckered
  30. Why Help Others?
  31. The Duty of the Strong
  32. Why I’m So Intolerant Towards Intolerance
  33. The Ethics of Criticizing Others
  34. Consult Your Own Conscience
  35. The Ethics of Shit Talking
  36. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  37. I’m Easily Distracted
  38. On Forming Your Own Opinion
  39. ERIC KIM Philosophy of Tolerance
  40. Tolerance
  41. Aesthetics are Ethics
  42. Morality and Ethics


The best way to change the world, reality everything is first, with thought. Your ideas, you were thinking etc.

How do I start thinking? 

First, start walking in order to think. 

I find this to be such an interesting idea because what we typically believe is that for some reason, we think we could just use our mental power or “willpower”, to stimulate our thought and thinking?

However this is not true. Thought, thinking, thoughts only arise in us in the process of walking and moving around.

Physiologically speaking, the only thing that really exists is our body. Our body as in our cranium, caput, head, brain, eyes, ears, chest and legs and hips, feet, arms, the blood in our bodies, the electrical impulses in our body etc.

The mind doesn’t exist 

The “mind“ is just a fiction. All of the mental ailments we get are simply an offshoot of bodily, physiological issues.

For example, any mental health is simply a body health issue.

For example, anyone with chronic migraines, headaches, tension headaches, etc.… I think the origin of these issues is bodily, skeletal, muscle. If your chain to a desk all day, staring at zoom for eight hours a day, not moving around much, certainly there will be unnatural attention in your neck your jaw and your spine, and because that is all connected to your head and your brain, it might be a trigger for headaches and migraines.

Solutions then include yoga, hot yoga, massages, acupuncture etc. And no, don’t do chiropractors, it is the world’s biggest scam. 

The upside of acupuncture?

Trippy told, acupuncture is a pseudoscience which means all of these nonsensical notions of “meridians” are not critical. However what is interesting is that it works.

Having done acupuncture with Cindy a bunch of times, especially when we were in Providence Rhode Island, half of the benefit of doing acupuncture is that you just take a nap, lie down and do nothing, don’t use your phone or listen to anything, just lie down, in the heated room, with a heated blanket, a chance to do nothing. It is difficult to do anything if you have a bunch of needles sticking into you.

Also, I have a theory about acupuncture is that it is almost like hormesis;  I know that in terms of my bodily physiological response, when people stick those acupuncture needles in certain parts of my legs and my body, I can actually feel my muscles twitching and release. My theory is that a very very small “harm”, is actually stimulating to our bodies? Just like coffee, coffee is a poison, but in certain doses, the poison is a stimulus to us.

The great man is stimulated by poison. 

Why does thinking matter? 

Something I have had a difficult time finding or discovering is a critical line of inquiry in regards to thinking, thought, the philosophy of thinking. 

Why think, what does it mean to think, why does it matter?

First and foremost, thoughts govern the planet. For example, almost everything in life and in the world, is predicated on notions of thought and thinking. No thoughts, no future. 

For example, it looks like Tesla is about to conquer the planet. The new redesign Tesla model 3 is mind blowing. They made the steering wheel more beautiful, they made the interior design supply me beautiful; an integrated curve, Steve Jobs and Jony Ive would be proud!

Also I think that ambient lighting thing inside the car is super cool. Some people might think it is gimmicky, but I think it is awesome! I remember when I first saw the integrated lighting dash board thing in some Mercedes cars, and I think there is something to be said about light, light therapy; colors affect our mood. Is it James Turrel who does the light art stuff?

For example, anyone who says that colors don’t matter is a fool. Would you want the interior of your house to have bright red walls? Probably not if you don’t want to scream bloody murder inside your home.

Or, for people who say that color don’t matter, would you want to wear an all green outfit, with bright pink fuchsia accents and shoes? Probably not.

Cars run the planet?

Still in 2024, I am still shocked; it looks like cars run the planet. What this means is that it seemed that maybe 60% of our economic activity is around producing cars, selling cars, buying cars, design cars etc.

For example I look at Hyundai, it is insane… also the new Genesis Berlinetta concept car — also, the new Hyundai Grandeur and AZERA— like a futuristic Rolls-Royce for the future!

Genesis X


The other day, it was free! The LACMA, LA Center for modern art, had this really insanely epic art exhibition, imagine like Legos and hot wheels on steroids; it was titled metropolis II, and imagine like a K-NEX erector set, 1100 custom designed mini matchbox hot wheel cars, with this perpetual machine moving all of the cars in traffic and buses and rails, stacked on top of one another. Conjured ideas of that old-school 1920s metropolis film, in the future where everything is that, flying cars etc. or also, a vision of a utopic-dystopic science-fiction future, kind of like Blade Runner, or that one futuristic movie that Bruce Willis was in.

Cinema by KIM

I love this exhibit so much because it’s stimulated my mind, and also, Seneca’s mind was blown! I think I rated as the best art exhibit of all time. I could probably watch it for hours, and not get bored.

If you’re in LA, Southern California whatever, I think it is a critical experience you must go to in person. Also what makes it a great exhibit is that it can be enjoyed by both children and adults, all ages. It is essentially a microcosm of cities, urban living, traffic and cars. The ultimate takeaway point: 

We all think we are so unique and individual, and special, based on superficial things whether we drive an orange sports car or whatever, but in fact, we are all just the same! A bunch of lemmings!

Sociology is great

So I was born in 1988, and I attended UCLA as an undergraduate, I started in 2006, graduated 2010. I wish I got into Bitcoin earlier in 2009, when my roommate Kevin told me about it, I think when he first saw it on Reddit. He said that we should both put about 100 bucks into it and see what happened. I shrugged my shoulders and said “Meh — nah, probably a scam”. If I do the math, 100 bucks, I think at the time somebody spent 20,000 bitcoin to buy a pizza on Domino’s or whatever, the infamous $500 million pizza, basically… What would 100 bucks times a penny be? How many Bitcoin could that have purchased me? And what would it be worth today?

In life it is fine to make a mistake, and make a regret. But not twice. This is why and why I’m going back into bitcoin. Join the 10+ bitcoin club! 

No twice regrets.

Anyways back to sociology, I think the reason why I think it is such a phenomenal framework to understand the world and society is that I think all of this is just a sociological phenomenon. Society, capital, capitalism, living lifestyle whatever… I think about 80% or 85% of it is based on certain sociological principles. 

Also, to understand the market, economics, I think it is all sociology. To understand human fear, scams, fraud etc. 

Also, I think studying sociology has made me unlearn a lot of the BS. To quote Karl Popper, via NASSIM TALEB– the idea of falsification, subtraction, or the general idea that in order to become more wise, you just gotta subtract delete or get rid of foolishness, nonsense.

For example, conspiracy theories. Only fools believe in them. Even if they are real, it doesn’t even really matter.

Therefore a great advancement in ourselves our thinking etc. is subtracting deleting or getting rid of weird conspiracy theories from your brain and your mind. 

Pro tip: kit ChatGPT app on your iPhone iPad, and don’t be a cheapo; subscribe to the paid premium edition only 20 bucks a month, and start doing these type of searches:

Common misconceptions about XYZ


Help me debunk some conspiracy theories about XYZ

For example, common misconceptions about Catholicism, Judaism, Islam etc. Or the Quran.

Or help me debunk theories that Jewish people run the world blah blah blah. Or that Hitler, according to operation paperclip, was in fact never killed or captured, but ended up being shipped to Antarctica to live in a bunker, where he really died.

My overall critique about Google the Internet YouTube, podcast, etc.… Essentially all these fools who think they are so wise… Strange fellows like Alex Jones, even people on the left or the right or the middle or the right, alt left, and anarchists all of them… All of them are fools. 

My simple tip or heuristic is this: trust no man or women on YouTube, Google, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, podcast, etc. Especially if it is supported by advertising or them trying to sell their own products.

In fact, I think the interesting thing is when you actually make your money your fortune from some other random independent thing. For example now, I’m currently building my Empire Fortune and crypto, cryptocurrency. Therefore as a consequence, I have 100% free reign and freedom and independence to just talk about whatever is on my mind, irregardless of whatever. 


Off the grid thinking

To me the grid is an interesting metaphor for a lot of things. The grid could be standard conventional thinking, “rules” and regulations, a lot of of the modern day BS.

I think primarily my superpower in life is my ability to disdain ignore and find ridiculous all of these “rules”. In fact, at least in real life, I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody as interesting as myself. The only other interesting people I think, or maybe Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Kanye West. To me actually they are very relatable.

The photographer philosopher

Come on… It is 2024, you’re still on Instagram? To me Instagram is like eating McDonald’s hamburgers. Not proper.

Also, I’m still a bit confused… why don’t more people photographers just start their own private websites and blogs? And no no no, do not use squarespace it sucks. Also fun dirty secret, maybe about four or five years ago I got an email from Squarespace, saying that if I converted my whole website and blogging into Squarespace they would give me $15,000 or something. It was the easiest no I ever said in my life. Honestly speaking, I don’t even think I do it for $1 million? Unless there is something the updated which is really good. Maybe I would do it for 100 million?

To somebody who says they cannot be bought out by money, you’re just not offering them enough money (TALEB)

To me the reason why I find the photography so critical is that ultimately we are visual creatures. What sells cars? Design. Design marketing, the idealized concept of something.

Design is God.

Mind blown

Once again the new Tesla model 3, I think it actually looks 500 times cooler than any other Tesla car out there. And I’m glad that I am a late adopter, and I was not one of these unfortunates who bought an early model Tesla model model 3 or any other Tesla car. In fact, a lot of the Tesla cars are already starting to look dated. For example the original Tesla model S is outdated, even the slightly newer Tesla model S cars, that don’t have the yoke steering look very outdated. I feel bad for those people who spent a lot of money on the infamous Tesla P 100 D, to only see it dated by the plaid. And now, I’m pretty certain that sooner or later the plate is going to be replaced and outdated by something else too.

Or even another basic thing; people who bought the Tesla model 3 in the early days, with the chrome trim.

Even the Tesla model X, the newer versions look far better. And have a unique color.

What design is truly critical in a car? 

To me the most important thing in a car is the steering wheel, because you look at it all the time, then the interior and dashboard, and also the back of the car. And also specifically the door side driver side entrance, and also the rear left passenger side door, where I get in and out and load Seneca into his car seat and the car.

Technically the front of the car is not that important, because if you park in a spot like a normal person, you never look at the front of the car. You almost ever look at the back of it.

Also in terms of the car, the steering wheel is the most critical thing because he used it all the time. To me for a Tesla car, either yolk steering or nothing. Even the new Tesla model three the steering wheel looks really cool. Also the new cybertruck the new steering wheel looks very cool. 

Also a subtle thing I learned when researching Ferrari, doing the 3-D modeling tours of inside the car, it is actually very interesting to me that the Ferrari logo is a bright yellow background with the prancing horse in black. Having that emblem on the steering wheel inspires confidence.

Maybe this is why Ferrari is superior to Lamborghini; technically if you think about it, the Lamborghini is just a very expensive Volkswagen Passat. The Lamborghini Urus is just an expensive Volkswagen Touareg.

The Ferrari is interesting because it is still to a certain extent, a purebred. Ferrari is Ferrari, owned by Ferrari, not some other weird parent company. And also I think it is good that Ferrari is its own stock ticker - RACE. Typically I never trust a thing which is just a subsidiary of another thing. 

Sharing your thoughts

A simple way to live life, and to make an impact or whatever is to just share your thoughts. It is funny because people say all this ridiculous things like “That is just your opinion!” The best response: “Of course it is my opinion! That’s why I said it!” Opinion, opine, just means to think.

This is where philosophy is very useful: people think that there are certain notions of “facts“, especially in the realm of statistics, but probably the most useful thing of studying sociology, is understanding that statistics is just a scam. I learned from Cindy (cindyanguyen.com), in her book and dissertation, that the notion of statistics comes from the state. The general idea is that statistics was a measuring tool invented by the state in order to track measure progress, something that the French colonists and colonial administrators did when colonizing Vietnam and her other territories, and also, what the Chinese communists did under Mao Zedong, and also the Vietnamese communists also did. The general idea was this:

In order to track the legitimacy of something and the progress of something (let us not forget that the notion of “progress“ is a feeble modern day notion)– is that we gotta track the growth of something in numbers.

Do you remember in BRAVE NEW WORLD, when in the beginning of the book they talk about how they were able to distill human birth human children in test tubes then said — Progress.

So therefore let us not forget, the notion of “progress“ is not a distinct one. It is a modern one. 

Numbers are boring

I don’t trust nobody who either has some sort of loser Apple Watch, Fitbit tracker, has Instagram, or applies any metrics to their life. The only metric I find useful is maybe increasing your one repetition maximum in your weightlifting, simply as a measure to know that you’re increasing the weight. But besides that, things which are bad include weighing yourself on the scale, because you don’t know how much of that is body fat adipose tissue, how much of that is skeletal muscle mass, and even other things that people don’t talk about… how much of that weight is bones, sinews, blood and water?  

A simple New Year’s resolution is this year, throw your scale in the trash, donate it or whatever, and never weigh yourself.

Both men and women are foolish: they track weight as a measure of their self-worth. But, the goal is to increase skeletal muscle mass, and decrease body adipose fat tissue. This is something that scale cannot do, the closest thing is either a fat caliper, or just look at yourself in the mirror. Pinch your belly fat, or look at the fat in your face, or, you want to get rid of the infamous fat rolls in the back of your neck. Something that I see that Kanye West has.

“It is simple: if it jiggles, it is fat.”- Arnold S

Why are we no longer permitted to be independent interesting thinkers?

It is weird, in today’s world, in America at least… we truly do have the greatest system for independent thinking and thought. Here unlike other countries, you will not get jailed for sharing your opinion. Even the most politically liberal or advanced countries in the world pale in comparison to America.

The problem though here is that all sides, all parties, all individuals are “nudged“ either into the left or the right, even this notion of being apolitical or being an anarchist or whatever is also just another lemming sheep mentality.

Or another words, put zero faith in anybody who watches any news, doesn’t matter if it is NPR, Fox News, Al Jazeera whatever. The simple heuristic is this: if it is being funded by advertising, Google Adsense revenue, it is not to be consumed. 

Only trust things that you are spending your real money on. This means, stop using Google. Google is a “free” service, and the way they make money is by sensationalism and banner advertising. Even nowadays I’m stopping to use Google Maps, having those annoying square advertisements that pop up when I’m driving, I almost feel like that is borderline unethical. Why? It distracts me from driving, I wonder if it will lead me to getting into a car accident one day? Google, whoever did that I google, Google Maps team whatever… Shame on you.

Apple Maps is the inferior product, but at least it is not supported by advertising. Get rid of Google maps use Apple Maps instead. 

No more Android, Samsung etc.

First, focus on your health physiology exercise and physiological well-being and everything else will follow

The quality of your thoughts are simply an offshoot of the quality of your bodily physiological health.

For example just think; if you only sleep 30 minutes a night, for days or weeks on end, what do you think will be the quality of your thoughts? Optimistic joyful and happy? Or weird, morose, dark?

Or other thoughts, imagine like you’re in heroin addict, or hooked on some sort of meth. What will be the quality of your thoughts?

This is why I trust no thinker or individual who partakes in drugs, alcohol and weed. Although both are quite mainstream now. Why?

A lot of people are alcoholics, and a lot of people also apparently do a lot of writing and production of music and artwork when they’re drunk, which is bad. Even Kanye West, he is a low-key alcoholic on and off, I think he said all the anti-Jewish stuff when he was drunk. And on Twitter. Being drunk and on Twitter at the same time or Facebook, not a good idea.

Also weed– weed is so mainstream now, it is not really seen as a big deal. But I also think it is foolish that some people think that weed has no effect on your thinking. Even Kendrick Lamar, his only vice is maybe Froot Loops and Captain crunch cereal.

“You let the meds talk I let my soul talk ayy!” – Kendrick

The reason why we should not trust any artists, rappers, musicians or whatever who are addicted to drugs any type of drugs, and yes, weed marijuana is drug… their thinking will not be pure. Their thinking will be too overly saturated with the weird effect of drugs, anti-depressants, uppers and downers whatever.

Even Elon Musk, I rate him highly, but if you read the Walter Isaacson biography on him, he will discover that he drinks too much alcohol late at night, and just drinks Red Bull to stay awake. Not good.

Sober thinkers?

Heavyweight since 1988 — my best man Justin Lee

Am I the only millennial I know who doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke weed or take drugs? And have never been to a concert, EDM thing, etc.?

The only concert ever went to in my life was by myself, to a Yeezus  concert at the Oakland Coliseum, Kanye performing live. The coolest thing of all time.

How alcohol is strange

A very weird trend I have discovered is this weird trend: get a bunch of tattoos, drink a bunch of craft beer, wear sunglasses and some sort of trucker hat, wear flannel, drive some sort of big truck or whatever, and to make the purpose of your life to just drink exotic craft beer?

To quote Chip Wilson, founder of Lululemon, did you go to his personal website and look at his about section, he said he was never into watching sports and drinking beer because it just made you stupid and fat and lazy.

Even the ancient Roman and Greek philosophers thought it was a bad idea to drink wine, too much wine. The Greek Dionysian
God Baccaus was the God of wine drunkenness and the dark.  he was the original Satyr; essentially imagine these weird goblins with goat horns. Or imagine the original “furry“.

Don’t trust alcoholic, drug addicted thinkers, artists, producers whatever.

No more Pollock, Basquiat etc.

Thoughts and money?

Is the purpose or end goal is to increase the quality of your thoughts, the productivity of your thoughts in order to become richer, to earn more money? No.

I think the ultimate goal is to become wiser, more critical in order to become more powerful. Power is simple.

Some tools to get you thinking

I have an intervening thought: in order to stimulate your mind, you first gotta stimulate your body. That means, extremely heavy weightlifting to get your blood and your mind flowing.

A very simple one is purchased weightlifting equipment on the internet (Titan.fitness), just work out at home, in your backyard front lawn, even you’re off the grid parking lot in the back of your apartment which I am doing right now.

The very very simple thoughts to exercise and fitness is do exercises and lifts which promote standing. Or walking. Upright exercises. This includes Farmer’s carries, dead lift walk, squat walk, Atlas lift etc. Also, heavy sandbag carries, just order the 400 pound heavy sandbag on roguefitness.com or on Amazon or titan.fitness

Ultimately the exercises need to aid you in your entrepreneurial thinking and your motivation  

The big issue at hand is a lot of these exercises at the gym and in traditional mainstream media has to deal with some sort of sitting or pressing motion. For example bench press, floor press, dump press, decline, seated military press, seated dumbbell press etc. But the critical flaw of these exercises is that they are all done while sedentary or lying on your back. And the big downside of this is that it doesn’t promote your walking or your posture, which might be the two most critical things.

Having a big chest doesn’t really make sense? 

I also thought to myself, what is it that causes the most amount of injuries? Any sort of pressing motion. Once again, bench press, shoulder press military press etc. There is almost virtually no injury that happens with any lifting motion, caring motion, or walking motion.

99.9% of injuries I have witnessed at the gym, other guys including myself typically has to deal with the benchpress, which I think should just be eliminated.


I know a lot of guys who have had injuries, back injuries, upper back lower back spine whatever injuries, from dead lift or other traditional forms of weightlifting. I say:

No more deadlift, only rack pull.

The easiest way to do rack pulls, or any sort of elevated lifting walking exercises is using some sort of power rack, squat rack, or even getting some cinderblocks from Home Depot. Essentially if you’re tall, elevating the barbell off the floor.

Also one big thing that I’ve discovered, the great upside of not going to the gym anymore is that I’ve been exercising more in the authentic and honest way; I’m not lifting weights anymore to impress other people, I’m just there to use weightlifting as a philosophical tool to think better, to think stronger etc.

Ultimately I believe that the goal of weightlifting and all of these exercises is to become stronger, more courageous and more audacious in order to aid you in your entrepreneurial ventures. 

Once again, if we think about all this from a socioeconomic perspective, entrepreneurship is the end goal. 

So what is the point of philosophy and thinking anyways?

The end goal of philosophy thinking etc is not to make money, but rather, to excel and exceed in life. Also happiness. Everyone wants to become happy, or happier, even Aristotle says happiness is the only thing that men seek for the sake of itself.

People always think that having more money will make them more happy, but this is not true. Often having more money can make you more miserable, as often having more money causes more stress anxiety etc.

Who will watch the watchmen? – Juvenal

The anxieties of a billionaire 

For example, let us say that you had $100 million in your Coinbase account, your bitcoin wallet whatever. You will probably end up using some sort of super secure password to lock and secure your assets. But the stress and the anxiety and the fear of having your phone stolen, your identity stolen etc. is even larger. And also the richer you get, the more you become a target to theft, identity theft, real life theft, even physical violence thread. Never forget the story of when Kim Kardashian tweeted where she was at, in Paris, and abruptly got held up at gunpoint from two mast robbers, demanding her jewelry and her pearl necklaces and diamonds, otherwise they would shoot her.

“What do you want me to do, drive around in a bulletproof car and with some tints”? – Kanye

For example, the one story of a guy who has maybe $200 million worth of bitcoin in a super secure crypto wallet, but he made the password to complicated that he already has two failed attempts, and on the third attempt, if he messes it up, he will lose his bitcoin forever?

And this is actually the funny irony: often times when we try to make things too secure, we actually end up fucking over ourselves. 

This is where I am still all about having simple passwords which are easy to remember, rather than using a third-party password app, because even though these third-party password apps are good, often there are always thinking issues. A good intervention actually is the new Apple secure strong password thing, but still… iCloud doesn’t always work seamlessly. Therefore for your truly critical things, Having some sort of practical strong that you could remember is good.

More security, less freedom?

I think this is where the ethos of being  I still Spartan warrior demigod is that it seems that the richer more successful more famous you become, the more security you end up getting, personal security guards bodyguards whatever… And as a consequence, you end up having less freedom in your life?

For example, I was randomly doing research on David Geffen, and apparently during the Covid pandemic he was just hanging out on his $10 billion yacht, chilling out. Apparently a lot of people were envious about this, but truth be told… I would prefer 1 million times more to be walking out in the real world, off the grid, rather than being stuck on a boat? Because even if you are in the worlds best boat, still, You cannot walk for three hours straight and not get bored.

Living on land is better than living on the sea.

Empty your mind

The best way to empty your mind is to delete Instagram, delete Twitter, even delete email in Gmail from your phone. Delete YouTube podcasts etc.

Even music, modern day music. Even in music somebody is trying to sell you something. Maybe we should go back to the ancients, the ancient music, the ancient arts. Listen to dead composers, Beethoven and Mozart etc. Why? They’re not trying to sell you Lamborghinis or other nonsense.

For example, as a kid growing up, no kids, nobody in my friend group ever aspire to have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or a Porsche car whatever. Think the only modern day trend to desire these cars are predicated on what rappers say.

Or other things, do you remember when it was really popular to get “dubz” on your car? Which are essentially 20 inch chrome rims, with spinners attached? Then it was 21 inch rims, 22 inch rims, 30 inch rims whatever. Now the trend is actually going opposite? A lot of these overlanding vehicles, taught to me by my brother-in-law John Narciso one of the head designers at Black rhino and wheel pros is actually, the new trend is for the actual rims to become smaller, and the tires bigger. And more lifted off the floor. And as John told me, Overlanding vehicles are the new rice rockets. 

Zen the fuck out (Big Sean)

Rather than adding obligations to your life, seem to remove or delete or subtract obligations from your life. This means, don’t take on more work, more contracts, more obligations. Rather seek to subtract all obligations to close to zero, even with the promise of a lot of money.

In fact I almost feel that is easier and better and more straightforward to make the big bucks speculating in cryptocurrency, crypto, and the market rather than just seeking some sort of consulting gigs.

What am I betting on?

For me, the big advancements I perceive in the future include AI, crypto, chainlink, bitcoin, openAI and Microsoft, ChatGPT and beyond.

What am I anti-? I am short Apple, Google. If you look at Google Bard, the Google ChatGPT competitor, it is at least 100,000x times worse than chatGPT 4. For example I asked Google Bard who ERIC KIM was, and it said that I was a landscape and travel photographer? Terrible. 

Why does the future matter?

To me, technology and the future is all about optimism, happiness and joy. If we want brighter more glorious future, we need optimism. The hope of a beautiful future, blue skies, clear skies, lots of sunshine, pure joy.


Random thoughts

I just toured equinox, and was very unimpressed. It is like an LA fitness with a better conscience. Also you know it is not a good gym because the barbells suck. 

This is how and why I discovered, ultimately, perhaps the most critical thing with weightlifting is the quality of the barbell. Texas power bar squat bar, or if possible, get the monster squat bar. This is something that will outlast you, and also maybe something you could end up passing down to your children?

My greatest joy and proud moment will be the moment in which Seneca will be able to lift my Texas power squat bar! 

I almost died, maybe Cindy and Seneca also almost died?

A random story; the other day, now that LA is actually starting to get pretty cold during the winter time, we decided to try to figure out how to turn on the gas furnace heater thing. It is this “cozy” brand, the machine looked at least 20 years old, but we thought that it would be a good idea because our apartment could get pretty cold late at night, and especially early in the morning, considering that I’ve been waking up at weird times like 3 AM, 3:15 AM, 3:30 AM, sometimes a bit later like 4:30 AM, 4:45 AM, or 5 AM.

Anyways, we lit the gas furnace thing, the pilot light whatever and it seem to work OK, but the other day when I woke up at 3:30 AM, and turned on the gas furnace thing, I just went in to take a shower, in order to warm up the apartment while I was taking a shower. My hope and expectation was the moment I would get out of the shower, I would be greeted by a lovely warm apartment.

Then what happened next was the carbon monoxide poisoning alarm thing started screaming, which abruptly woke up Cindy and Seneca, at 3:45 AM. I rushed out of the shower, and smelled all this toxic gas in the air. We rushed to open up the windows, I turned off the heater thing, and also quickly tried to turn off the pilot light in the gas heater machine.

Anyways long story short, we ended up being OK, but still… The super scary thing was that in fact let us say that we did not change the battery for the carbon monoxide poisoning thing. Also as a pro tip, you should definitely change it right now, just order the weird battery on Amazon. It might save your life, the life of your kids and your wife.

A lot of people never change the carbon monoxide poisoning alarm battery thing. Imagine a worst-case scenario if I had accidentally kept on the gas heater thing overnight, which is actually quite common, Cindy Seneca and I would have all died in the middle of our sleep. Therefore after this fucking crazy thing, I feel like I got a second chance at life.

Or even worse, the thought that what if, I had accidentally left on the gas, the carbon monoxide poisoning alarm thing wasn’t set up correctly, and I just left the apartment for my typical walk? That I come back home to a Seneca in the Cindy Who both died peacefully in their sleep?

Anyways, thinking about it… The simple thought is to swallow all the vermin, and chew on the glass shards to avoid saying doing anything bad or harmful, especially to your wife.

Is stoicism for men or for women, or both? 

Stoicism is certainly a philosophy which is beneficial to everybody. But for me, I think ultimately, perhaps stoicism is more tailored for men, a masculine philosophy?

For example, if you’re married or in a serious relationship, a thought is that you as a man, should put on your metaphorical bulletproof vest, and take all the hits. Take all the splash damage, you’re strong enough for it. Assuming that your health points your HP is at 100%, the abuse the verbal abuse from others might only kick you down to 80%. Just think of yourself like a level 99 paladin from Diablo II; you got your legendary armor, your legendary helmet, greaves, body armor, shield, and also you have some healing potions. Apply this mentality to yourself. 

This is where I really like this Diablo II analogy to real life; playing Diablo II as a kid was very influential on me. Maybe it is a good idea that we apply this video game analogy to real life.

Now what?

Currently I am living in Culver City, which I consider the closest thing to Paradise in Los Angeles. And as a consequence, I am at the epicenter of screenland. 

Everyone thinks Hollywood is where all of the action is, but they are wrong. It is Culver City. For example, Amazon prime, Amazon prime studios, Jeff Bezos and Amazon… All of it is produced at the Culver Studios, which is owned by Michael Hackman, And the lot is huge. I walked by it, around it, and it looks like it is at least the size of 10 football fields.

Also, the culver theater, the little cute movie theater next-door, is actually owned by Amazon, Amazon prime, Amazon prime studios, Mr. Jeff Bezos.

Even Apple, Apple TV+ or whatever… They are becoming the new finance years for all of these epic movies. For example the new killers of the flower moon film with Leonardo DiCaprio was being rolled by Apple. The same thing goes with the new released Ridley Scott Napoleon film. 

Make your own media studio and films?

I’ve been randomly doing some research about David Geffen, he is probably the most successful and important figure in both the movie media and entertainment industry. I think his net worth is $10 billion? And nobody knows who he is or what he looks like?

Anyways, the reason why I think he is such a critical figure is that he made his fortune through movies, movie production, DreamWorks, Shrek etc.

Sony is here too

Also, Sony pictures, yes, the same Sony company that makes cameras and TVs and stuff. They own the whole Spider-Man franchise. Both the animated one and I think the other ones? And also the video games? 

The gym is boring?

I got a free three day trial pass at equinox, and several things I find interesting: first and foremost, there is a lot of people who go there. Like, a lot. And, I think they charge $350 a month for membership. Seems like a good moneymaking institution.

Why do people like equinox? Everyone criticizes and critiques how it is so expensive, but, the reality of the matter is that I should load of people have a membership. If you just do some basic math, let us say that equinox has 500 members or so, Maybe 2000 members, all paying $350 a month, that is a lot of money. I wonder if each institution brings in close to $1 million a month just in membership revenue?

Anyways, I think the reason why a lot of these gyms and fitness places are so popular is that a lot of people don’t really know what to do at the gym, and the reason they like to do a class or course is that they show up, and just do something. I think a lot of people lack the knowledge of how to exercise, or maybe the lack some sort of critical philosophy behind the purpose of exercise? And as a result, they just like being told what to do. However for myself, it is antithetical to my nature. I am 100% tolerant to everyone and everything, the only thing that invokes my fury is when people tell me what to do and what not to do.

Never trust a fitness person who cannot lift more than you.

Now that I have achieved my 1,000 pound atlas lift, ain’t nobody can tell me what to do. Nobody has the balls, the chutzpah, the guts to do what I have done. Or even attempt it.

Actually if I really think about it, in the whole world of fitness, the whole planet and internet; am I the one with the most courage, audacity? Even the gold gym Venice Beach, which I already conquered, is supposed to be the bastion and apex of weightlifting on the planet, but even there… all these guys were taking steroids… they’re actually not that strong?

Am I the strongest, non-steroid person on the planet? 

New Year’s fitness resolutions

Very simple ones: get a pair of Vibram five finger shoes, honestly the only reason people don’t wear them is that they look weird. But, the true act of manly courage is to wear your Vibram five fingers probably in publicly, and ironically enough… more recently, I’ve actually got more compliments on my Vibram five finger shoes than I ever did with any of my cool Nike sneakers?

The reason why I find Vibram five finger shoes so critical is that honestly, I wonder if 99.9% of foot pain, knee pain, back pain, and hip pain is simply because people are not going barefoot. Technically the best pair of shoes would just be some sort of reinforced, waterproof socks. The Vibram five fingers is not perfect, but it comes pretty close. 

The best argument I have for using the five finger toe shoes is this: you know all these stupid shoes with these very thick souls, they are essentially like condoms for your feet. And our feet are just like our hands, but on the other side. In fact, I have a theory that our feet actually might have more intelligence than our hands. Have you ever tried to text message during the winter time with gloves on? Imagine doing that with your shoes.

Also a funny thought; you know all these stupid HOKA shoes, or Adidas ultraboost shoes, with 3 inches of foam on the sole… Can you imagine having sex with a 3 inch thick condom?

Start your own self hosted blog

Everybody is always telling me the virtues of buying a house, a single-family home, owning property, owning your own house whatever. But, I personally think this is some sort of suckers game. Why? Even if you own the property, and you paid it in all cash, you still have to pay property taxes, home insurance and other maintenance things, which could actually cost you close to $3500 a month, the same price as rent!

As of now, especially considering the fiasco that I had with the gas burner furnace thing; I have almost close to zero interest in ever buying a house, single-family house, maybe even a condominium? Why? For me, my true passion and ambition is to live off the grid, to adventure, to explore, and have nothing in my way?

Is your home your slave, or are you a slave to your home? 

As long as you think you have to renovate something whether your kitchen, open up a wall, etc.… you are not free. 

How to start your own self hosted blog

Ionos.com or bluehost.com and install wordpress.org. I no longer recommend wordpress.com, ever since they somehow deleted my old wordpress.com account, because of some strange policy I violated which I’m not even sure what I did?

People always talk about land ownership, real estate ownership whatever, why doesn’t anybody ever talk about digital content website platform ownership? And no no no, squarespace is bad. You are still a slave to their platform.

Essentially the simple heuristic to know whether you own your platform or not is whether or not you could access the FTP server, via filezilla or any FTP management tool. Whether you could self post your own media files, your own dropbox.


The two most critical things in the planet include your time, and also your freedom. Most people don’t have access to either.

Anybody who has to be stuck in a car, doesn’t matter if you’re driving all a or Lamborghini, you’re still a slave.

Then, the goal is to unchain yourself from all obligations, all metaphorical grids.

Self-employment is the way. Sole proprietorship.



Things to do

  1. Try experimenting with really really insanely hot scalding showers or baths — insanely hot water until you feel like you’re being boiled alive is a good idea! Or just join a LA FITNESS, CRUNCH FITNESS, or any random commercial gym and hit the hot sauna at least once a day, maybe twice a day?
  2. Get a Costco membership: The most interesting thing I learned is that Costco doesn’t actually make a profit off of their products, only the memberships. As a consequence, everything you buy at Costco is truly at-cost. Buy meat, red meat; the wagyu ground beef is great, only around 5.70USD a pound, or the lamb leg roast imported from New Zealand (only $5.50 a pound).
  3. Get chatgpt plus, paid premium only $20 a month. Make art works on DALL-E, and also,,, experiment with chatgpt 4; a billion times better than the free chatgpt 3.5.

Then, post your findings to your own blog, or upload your best photos to arsbeta.com

More fire incoming!

Forward the fire


He with the most audacity is the happiest!




  1. 7 Lessons Elon Musk has Taught Me
  2. Introduction to Stoicism


  5. Photography Composition Manual v1
  6. Zen Photography
  9. Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography
  10. The Street Portrait Manual
  11. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography



Don’t be left behind: ERIC KIM NEWS >



Chainlink bitcoin babe eric Kim beach
  2. Why I Bought ChainlinkPDF
  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. How to Become a Stoic


  1. SUITS





Delve into the mind of EK:




  2. WHY APP?
Eric Kim ChatGPT ai art


  2. Bitcoin Babe




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


photolosophy-cover thinking man camera by Annette Kim ERIC KIM

What can you become as a photographer-visual artist?

  1. Introduction (830mb)
  2. Street Photography (2.6gb)
  3. Personal Photography (1.8gb)
  4. Entrepreneurship (1.5gb)
  5. Motivation: HAPTIC BOOKS (20mb)
  6. Audio (100mb)
  7. Presets (40mb)
  8. Transcripts (29kb)


See the full course here.




Introduction to Stoicism 

Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, ebook, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

Consider this a practical primer, cutting through the BS:

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show “Hey Arnold” in which I was raised with… the notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups– I learned how to do muscle ups, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock and huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there pick it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead presses with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… this was the true “functional” fitness.

The inspiration — Hector lifting an insanely massive stone (barely 2 strong men could lift it)… using it to break down the door of the ships of the other side.

Open air, open sun concept

Anyways, the reason why that period of covid was so good is that it was in the middle of beautiful Providence Rhode Island summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… and one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, talk shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who were really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. And of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us. For example, almost universally most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside space.

Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is “real” stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is. It is kind of like zen, or taoism… it is not really quantified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Nassim Taleb and his ANTIFRAGILE book. I was curious, and my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “The ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Diogenes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately Diogenes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true soul in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… there was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring philosophers to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weak and anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

Also, physical fitness is critical to any stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of Croton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pen and pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose.

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. In fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stocks, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually misread the financials… the whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

Also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… the kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, unemotional, logical and rational.

Also, with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global armageddon, global financial ruin, etc. I call it “fear porn”.

Therefore stoicism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize stoicism in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is stoicism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and social pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates. I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “Why was Socrates so ugly?

Monster in face, monster in soul.

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon (via Nietzsche). Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and IL PRINCIPE– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

Trust nobody who uses rationality or logic as their tyrannizing weapon. 

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

Demigod physique. 

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way. And truth be told, even if you act in a strange vibrant way… At worse you’re only “mildly” annoying other people.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes. I would even posit the idea that one could consider Alexander the Great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes a stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the Great had a copy of the Iliad by his bedstand, it was the only book he traveled with during his military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: Apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk, he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside. Therefore for myself, I just think to myself very simple; imagine like I got zero dollars, zero money, and literally all I need is meat, a Wi-Fi connection and I’m good. 
  4. Live like a poor person: The notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general idea that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tool; I think money is actually just codified labor. If you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True freedom of spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… you cannot be “canceled”, because there is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, you don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… as long as you’re signed to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… you’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the Rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

And this is the true courage of Kanye West; he literally put everything on the line, and even lost his spouse and I think maybe his kids? All for the sake of revealing inequities. 

“I throw these Maybach keys fucking c’est la vie! I know that we the new slaves.”- Ye

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher… Democritus?; better to laugh about the follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “Perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” It will just be humorous.

Honestly, laughter, and kind of being able to joke about things might be the best way to live life and deal with setbacks. 

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic. Differences between if you’re a man or a woman, but still… the most beautiful skin has a sunkissed, olive color tone; the true privilege is having a full body tan. 
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool DALL-E. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because it will not judge you, and ultimately what is a therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flesh out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves. The next thing I’m going to do is build some sort of therapy bot. 
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal worker delivering the mail, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and zen out… you just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy. My personal ideal is the bear lifestyle; walking 50 miles a day. 

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… but Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

A pro tip is when it comes to websites, read the alternative text, the header text, the stuff that shows up in the tab of your browser window. If the website, the automotive retailer tries to market themselves as a “luxury” brand, typically it is actually a sign that it isn’t a luxury brand it isn’t luxury brand.

Thought: what are some good examples of true luxury brands which don’t overly calls itself luxury? 

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… and luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury?

When somebody asked Diogenes the cynic; “What is the best human good”? He said “Freedom of speech, speaking your mind, having the power to see whatever is on your mind.”

In fact, my current joy is becoming more and more free talking, and free riding. What that means is this; I’m ain’t going to censor myself no more, even if I might be politically incorrect insensitive or whatever. 

Also, I would prefer to speak my mind and seriously hurt the feelings of others, rather than soften it for the sake of the other person. 

Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different knives for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, not something you would use to slice an apple with. Similarly speaking, if you’re going to scoop out the insides of an avocado, better to use a spoon rather than using a fork, or a knife. 

I think the problem is when some people get too into stoicism (I prefer writing stoicism with a lowercase), they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned stoicism in his writings, his collections of thoughts, which we moderns call THE MEDITATIONS… it was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work out thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever in flux and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… my stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, vs just working out by myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

Stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… you probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an Android phone, a smartphone, a 4G or 5G internet connection, wifi, a laptop, have to buy groceries somewhere… you’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern-day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: Have you ever been out in public, and you see some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: For example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing a mother… therefore if somebody spew some hate on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

Self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically self flagellate themselves. Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example in street photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… are small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… you are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, laughing and having fun. 

In fact, I’ve actually personally discovered that the reason why a lot of people hate me is because I am so happy jovial and gay. They are secretly suspicious or envious of me? 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… and then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; How much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that LA was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. As long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic trait; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home. Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… this literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandino Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… they are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… and giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Barry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage. The only designers with courage include Steve Jobs, Jony Ive, Elon Musk, Kanye West. 

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just host it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free ebook PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… it is worth it.


What is the secret to the maximum amount of happiness in life? The maximum amount of danger. (Nietzsche).



Become invincible:

  2. Introduction to Stoicism
  4. Becoming Spartan
  6. Stoic Aesthetics?
  7. The Philosophy of Ugliness
  8. Bad Stoicism
  9. Stoicism 2.0
  10. Becoming Stoic
  12. Why Arguments and Confrontations Are Good
  13. “I’m Over It”
  14. How to Deal With Miserable People
  15. How to Become a Stoic
  16. How to Ignore
  17. Pretend like you didn’t hear them
  18. Bad Stoic Strategies
  19. The Stoic Way of Dealing With Unpleasant or Miserable People
  21. Stoicism Stunts Our Power?
  22. Stoicism is Mental Resistance Training
  24. How to Become Fearless
  25. Extreme Stoicism
  26. Ethics are Aesthetic
  27. Indifference to Pain or Suffering
  28. When is Stoicism Good? When is Stoicism Bad?
  29. Why Others Criticize or Insult You
  30. True Difficulty
  31. What if Covid Never Goes Away?
  33. Anti-Hedonism
  36. It is the Duty of the Strong to Help the Weak
  37. The Goal is to Become Stronger
  41. STOICISM x Child’s Mind
  42. The Art of Manly Virtue
  43. Resistance Makes Us Stronger!
  45. Emotions are Good
  46. Conquer Your Anger
  50. The Spartan-Stoic Lifestyle
  51. How I Conquered Fear
  54. The Upside of Poverty
  55. How I Became Me
  58. Living *THROUGH* History
  59. How to Fear Less
  60. Fear is the Ultimate Contagious Disease
  62. Don’t Be Scared!
  68. My Philosophy on Masculinity
  69. A Riskier Life is a Better Life #philosophy #stoicism
  70. How to Creatively Flourish in Life
  71. Introduction to Stoicism
  72. How to Become Stronger
  73. How to Conquer Depression With Photography
  74. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
  75. How to Respect Yourself
  76. How to Believe in Yourself
  77. How to Steer Fear
  78. How to Conquer Pessimism
  79. How to Conquer Anxiety
  80. How to Overcome Your Fear of People
  81. How to Be Optimistic
  82. Why I Don’t Take My Anger Seriously
  86. How to Give a Fuck Less
  87. ALL IN.
  88. Why I Cut My Dad Out of My Life.
  89. Your iPhone Only Has 5% Battery Left.
  90. How not to give a FUCK about your REPUTATION
  93. The Regret Minimization Framework in Photography and Life
  94. How to Be a HERO
  95. Conquer Your Fears by Making Fear Your Slave
  96. Rule Circumstances; Don’t Let Your Circumstances Rule You
  97. How to Love Yourself
  98. How to Turn Shit into Gold
  99. Your Parents Fuck You Up
  100. Immortality
  101. What Kills You Makes You Stronger
  102. How to Be Patient
  103. How to Conquer Anger
  104. How to Bounce Back in Life
  105. How to Overcome Resistance
  106. Nothing Unlimited is Good; Nothing Good is Unlimited
  107. You Have No Limits
  108. Can 1’s and 0’s Hurt You?
  109. The Envious Moment is Flying Now
  110. Tomorrow We’ll Sail the Wide Seas Again
  111. How to Forgive Others
  112. Focus on Your Actions, Not the Results
  113. Everything Will Be Alright
  114. How to Be a Stoic Street Photographer
  115. How to Be a Spartan Photographer
  116. How to Overcome Your Fears in Life
  117. How to Stop Worrying in Life
  118. How to Use Photography as Self-Therapy
  119. How to Free Your Soul From Disturbance
  120. 3 Stoic Techniques that Can Help You Gain Tranquility
  121. Can People Weaker than You Hurt You?
  122. Does a Doctor Get Angry at a Crazy Patient?
  123. Own Nothing

The Stoic Masters

Learn from the master stoics:

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  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. Deep Vanity
  5. Time Will Tell
  6. What is Wisdom?
  11. Becoming Antifragile
  12. How to “Improve” Men
  13. The Art of Virtue
  14. How to Dominate
  16. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  18. Cruel?
  20. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  21. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  22. Imperfect Beauty
  23. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  24. What Interests You?
  25. Anti Theory of Everything
  26. Become?
  28. Carte Blanche Ideals
  30. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  31. On Becoming Less Human
  33. The Philosophy of Futurism
  40. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  42. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  43. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  44. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  47. Pain is Information
  50. UNPLUG.
  51. How to Become a Philosopher
  58. Is Hope a Vice?
  60. Carte Blanche Ideals
  61. One Interesting Thought
  62. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  64. Children & Purpose
  65. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  66. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  68. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  69. Differentiation vs Equalization
  70. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  71. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  72. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  74. How to Decide
  75. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  76. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  78. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  79. Why or How Does it Matter?
  80. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  81. How *Not* to Resent
  84. The Miracle of Human Growth
  86. Why Plan?
  87. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  88. The Philosophy of Ego
  89. True vs False Passions
  90. How to Achieve Tranquility
  91. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  92. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  93. Think On!
  94. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  95. Congruency
  96. My Thoughts on Meditation
  97. The Philosophy of Purpose
  98. Emulate Yourself
  99. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  100. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  101. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  102. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  105. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  106. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  107. What is the Purpose of X?
  108. UTILITY.
  109. Philosophy is a Luxury
  110. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  111. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  112. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  113. Self Actualization
  115. Life & Pain
  116. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  117. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  118. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  119. Self-Determination
  123. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  124. Supreme Repose
  128. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  129. What is the Best Life?
  130. The Philosophy of Thinking
  131. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  132. Conspiracies
  133. Growth
  134. Skepticism.
  135. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  136. Seem or Be?
  137. Learn Through Pain
  138. Respect Yourself
  139. In Praise of Elitism
  140. Why Independent Thinking?
  141. I Will Never Die
  142. Bitter is Better
  143. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  144. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  145. Good vs Not Good
  146. Punished by Privilege
  147. Abstinence Over Moderation
  148. Just Leave Others Alone
  149. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  150. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  151. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  152. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  153. Virtue is a Privilege
  154. What Are Your Life Goals?
  155. Honesty
  156. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  157. No Spite, No Malice.
  158. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  159. Double Edged Sword
  160. Ignorance.
  161. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  162. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  163. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  164. Wisdom is the Goal
  165. YOU ARE KING.
  167. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  168. Care.
  170. ONE REP MAX
  171. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  173. Insanity is Good.
  174. Think Deep.
  176. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  178. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  179. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  180. What is the Purpose of Life?
  182. Elitism.
  183. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  185. Happiness vs Freedom
  186. The Birth of a Hater
  187. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  188. Walking as an Existential Thing
  189. Why I’m So Tolerant
  190. Mortal Gods
  192. Why I’m So Skeptical
  193. Just Follow the Money
  194. Why Selfish?
  196. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  197. What Actually Interests You?
  198. How to Become Yourself
  199. SELF HATE
  200. Optimistic Fatalism
  201. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  202. FLUX.
  203. How to Think for Yourself
  204. FLESH
  205. How to Live the Best Life
  206. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  207. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  208. Self Respect
  209. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  210. Ideals vs Reality
  211. Spaceship Philosophy
  212. What is Your Ideal Life?
  214. Critique of Utilitarianism
  215. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  216. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  217. Elite Asceticism
  218. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  219. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  220. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  221. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  224. Self-Wisdom
  225. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  227. Why Live Forever?
  229. Why Education?
  230. How to Become Yourself
  231. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  232. Why Am I So Cruel?
  233. The Great Joy of Existence
  234. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  235. NO DISDAIN.
  241. PAIN.
  243. Tomorrow is Never
  244. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  248. What are you *really* afraid of?
  250. Philosophy is King
  251. Why is Selfish Evil?
  258. EGO IS GOOD.
  260. Seek the Good Pain
  261. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  262. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  263. WHY I LIVE
  264. Why I Hate Decline
  265. Why I Eat
  266. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  268. Never Stop Gaining
  270. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  271. What Do You Desire to Become?
  272. What Do I Want from Technology?
  273. Stratified Society
  274. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  275. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  276. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  277. Care over Fame
  279. Never Stop Subtracting
  280. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  281. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  282. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  283. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  284. Influence
  285. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  286. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  287. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  288. Is Hope a Vice?
  289. EGO
  290. Why Be Unique?
  291. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  292. You’re the Hero
  293. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  294. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  295. The Joy of Uncertainty
  296. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  297. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  298. Free or Unfree?
  299. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  300. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  301. Why Think?
  302. The Eternal Return
  303. Only Do What is Best for You!
  304. Truthiness
  305. Why Be Happy?
  306. Permissionless Living
  307. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  308. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  309. Happiness
  310. Beyond Freedom
  311. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  312. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  313. Why Hate?
  314. The Secret of Happiness
  315. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  316. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  317. Anti-Nihilism
  318. First, Do What is Best for You.
  319. Live Dynamic
  320. How to Prosper
  321. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  323. How to Become more Idealistic
  324. Thrivival 101
  325. Create Yourself
  326. Non-Small
  327. Inspiration
  328. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  329. Human Augmentation
  330. Prune
  331. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  332. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  333. Modern Slavery
  334. Kill the Leeches
  335. Wisdom Augmentation
  336. Why We Need Friction in Life
  337. Straight Line Philosophy
  338. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  339. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  340. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  341. Try the Impossible
  343. Anti-Social Extrovert
  344. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  345. Human Flourishing
  346. Simpler, Not Better.
  347. How to be Free
  348. Embrace the Extremes
  349. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  350. COURAGE.
  351. Thrivival
  352. Inner Power
  353. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  354. My Definition of Happiness
  355. Why Change is Good
  356. Why Work?
  357. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  358. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  359. You Always Have Another Option!
  361. Never Stop!
  362. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  363. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  364. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  366. Live Life to the Fullest!
  367. In Praise of Selfishness
  368. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  369. Why I Love Walking
  370. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  371. Simple Luxuries in Life
  372. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  373. Only Prove it to Yourself
  374. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  375. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  376. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  377. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  378. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  379. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  380. My Simple Joys in Life
  381. Never Stop Striving
  382. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  383. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  384. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  385. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  386. PURPOSE.
  387. How to Enjoy Life
  388. Photography Therapy
  389. How to Conquer Regret
  390. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  391. How to Prosper
  392. Memento Vivere
  393. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  394. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  395. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  396. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  397. The Purpose of Human Life
  398. How to Overcome Impedence
  399. Why I Love Death
  400. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  401. How to Be Happy
  402. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  403. Why I’m Happy
  404. Why?
  405. Why I’m So Prolific
  406. How to Reduce LAG in Life

Masters of Philosophy »

Personal Philosophy »

Stoicism »

Zen Philosophy »

Life Lessons »

Learn more: Start Here >

Entrepreneurship by KIM

Change and do, and build or do things differently … based on what you believe the ideal world *should* look like:

  1. Annoyance & Entrepreneurship
  2. Why Doesn’t Anything Satisfy Me?
  4. How to Gain Ascendancy
  5. Business vs Entrepreneurship?
  7. Making Money as a Hobby
  8. The Best Exercises for Entrepreneurs
  10. Entrepreneurship is the privilege of being able to attempt something new
  11. How to Become More Influential
  12. The Point of Life is Entrepreneurship?
  13. How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  14. Become the Outlier
  15. Self Reliance
  16. How to Extend Your Reach
  17. NEWS: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  18. PVP (Player vs Player)
  19. How I became so influential
  28. Target Demographic
  29. Ambition Over Happiness
  30. Anti Collaboration
  31. The Will to Economy
  32. Why New?
  34. No Looking Back.
  35. 1000x Different
  39. Practicality is Boring
  43. Take Lots of Small Financial Risks
  44. Control Over Convenience
  45. Why Are Chinese Companies So Innovative?
  47. Why Doesn’t Anything Ever Satisfy Me?
  49. Perhaps Dissatisfaction is Good
  50. ONE REP MAX.
  59. JUST BUY IT.
  62. Boring or Not Boring?
  63. What if Your Past Self were Inferior to Your Present Self?
  66. Difficulty & Interest
  67. The Will to Expansion
  68. What is Work?
  71. Not Boring
  74. Speed is Paramount
  76. A Life With No Risk Taking is *NOT* a Life Worth Living
  77. Dissatisfaction is Good
  79. In Praise of the New
  80. Uncorrupted Desires
  81. You Cannot Fake Passion
  84. Personal Entrepreneurship
  87. A Life of Expansion
  90. Use Your Life as an Experiment to Self-Develop Yourself to Heights Never Seen Before
  91. Invest in New Developments
  92. Investing Towards What End?
  93. The 90%/10% Principle in Entrepreneurship
  94. Speed Wins
  95. The Philosophy of Happiness
  96. When to Over-Estimate, When to Under-Estimate?
  97. Never Stop Iterating
  98. Money as a Tool for Life and Artistic Experimentation
  99. Less But More Premium
  100. Mainstream vs Low-Key Success
  101. Why Dissatisfaction is Good
  103. Manifest Your Destiny
  104. Is it Best to *Not* Communicate Your Inner Thoughts or Ideas With Others?
  106. How to Do More Work
  107. CONTROL.
  108. Competition is for Losers
  109. Change.
  110. Your Competitive Advantage with Insanely Fast Wifi and High Speed Internet
  111. Pseudo Individualism
  112. Natural Internal Promoting vs External Promptings

Think for Yourself.

  1. Survival vs Thrivival
  2. Become Rich
  4. Why it is Better to Beg for Forgiveness than Ask for Permission
  5. Thinking About the Past Prevents You From Thinking About the Future
  6. How to Predict the Future
  7. Tools of Mass Distraction
  8. So What?


Never stop innovating.

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Put a Dent in the Universe.



Cinema and film as a great stimulus, aid and teacher for photographers and visual artists alike.

Cinematography and life lessons:

Cinema and Film Reviews

  2. What *Should* Cinema and Literature Do?
  3. MATRIX 4 Critique
  4. THE PHILOSOPHY OF “FREE GUY” (Film, 2021)
  5. Why DUNE 2021 is So Great
  6. INFINITE (2021) Film Review
  7. MAD MAX FURY ROAD: Black and Chrome Version Review
  8. Why 7 Samurai by Akira Kurosawa is So Great
  9. BLADE RUNNER (1982 Original) Cinematography Review & Thoughts vs the New Version (2049)
  10. Blade Runner 2049 Film Review + Cinematography Composition Analysis
  11. REVIEW: Justice League (Snyder Cut)
  12. What Makes a Great Movie/Film?
  13. Iron Man (1) Film Cinema Review
  14. JOKER FILM REVIEW + Cinematography Composition
  15. Ghost in the Shell Anime (1995) Cinematography, Composition, Philosophy Review
  16. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Cinematography and Film Review

Space Films

Cinema and philosophy


Gangster Films



Articles on Cinema

Great Cinema

My Legacy


  1. 7 Lessons Elon Musk has Taught Me
  2. Introduction to Stoicism


  5. Photography Composition Manual v1
  6. Zen Photography
  9. Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography
  10. The Street Portrait Manual
  11. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography



Don’t be left behind: ERIC KIM NEWS >



Chainlink bitcoin babe eric Kim beach
  2. Why I Bought ChainlinkPDF
  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. How to Become a Stoic


  1. SUITS





Delve into the mind of EK:




  2. WHY APP?
Eric Kim ChatGPT ai art


  2. Bitcoin Babe




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


photolosophy-cover thinking man camera by Annette Kim ERIC KIM

What can you become as a photographer-visual artist?

  1. Introduction (830mb)
  2. Street Photography (2.6gb)
  3. Personal Photography (1.8gb)
  4. Entrepreneurship (1.5gb)
  5. Motivation: HAPTIC BOOKS (20mb)
  6. Audio (100mb)
  7. Presets (40mb)
  8. Transcripts (29kb)


See the full course here.



  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. Deep Vanity
  5. Time Will Tell
  6. What is Wisdom?
  11. Becoming Antifragile
  12. How to “Improve” Men
  13. The Art of Virtue
  14. How to Dominate
  16. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  18. Cruel?
  20. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  21. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  22. Imperfect Beauty
  23. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  24. What Interests You?
  25. Anti Theory of Everything
  26. Become?
  28. Carte Blanche Ideals
  30. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  31. On Becoming Less Human
  33. The Philosophy of Futurism
  40. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  42. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  43. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  44. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  47. Pain is Information
  50. UNPLUG.
  51. How to Become a Philosopher
  58. Is Hope a Vice?
  60. Carte Blanche Ideals
  61. One Interesting Thought
  62. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  64. Children & Purpose
  65. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  66. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  68. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  69. Differentiation vs Equalization
  70. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  71. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  72. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  74. How to Decide
  75. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  76. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  78. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  79. Why or How Does it Matter?
  80. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  81. How *Not* to Resent
  84. The Miracle of Human Growth
  86. Why Plan?
  87. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  88. The Philosophy of Ego
  89. True vs False Passions
  90. How to Achieve Tranquility
  91. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  92. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  93. Think On!
  94. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  95. Congruency
  96. My Thoughts on Meditation
  97. The Philosophy of Purpose
  98. Emulate Yourself
  99. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  100. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  101. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  102. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  105. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  106. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  107. What is the Purpose of X?
  108. UTILITY.
  109. Philosophy is a Luxury
  110. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  111. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  112. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  113. Self Actualization
  115. Life & Pain
  116. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  117. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  118. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  119. Self-Determination
  123. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  124. Supreme Repose
  128. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  129. What is the Best Life?
  130. The Philosophy of Thinking
  131. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  132. Conspiracies
  133. Growth
  134. Skepticism.
  135. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  136. Seem or Be?
  137. Learn Through Pain
  138. Respect Yourself
  139. In Praise of Elitism
  140. Why Independent Thinking?
  141. I Will Never Die
  142. Bitter is Better
  143. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  144. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  145. Good vs Not Good
  146. Punished by Privilege
  147. Abstinence Over Moderation
  148. Just Leave Others Alone
  149. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  150. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  151. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  152. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  153. Virtue is a Privilege
  154. What Are Your Life Goals?
  155. Honesty
  156. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  157. No Spite, No Malice.
  158. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  159. Double Edged Sword
  160. Ignorance.
  161. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  162. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  163. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  164. Wisdom is the Goal
  165. YOU ARE KING.
  167. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  168. Care.
  170. ONE REP MAX
  171. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  173. Insanity is Good.
  174. Think Deep.
  176. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  178. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  179. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  180. What is the Purpose of Life?
  182. Elitism.
  183. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  185. Happiness vs Freedom
  186. The Birth of a Hater
  187. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  188. Walking as an Existential Thing
  189. Why I’m So Tolerant
  190. Mortal Gods
  192. Why I’m So Skeptical
  193. Just Follow the Money
  194. Why Selfish?
  196. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  197. What Actually Interests You?
  198. How to Become Yourself
  199. SELF HATE
  200. Optimistic Fatalism
  201. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  202. FLUX.
  203. How to Think for Yourself
  204. FLESH
  205. How to Live the Best Life
  206. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  207. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  208. Self Respect
  209. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  210. Ideals vs Reality
  211. Spaceship Philosophy
  212. What is Your Ideal Life?
  214. Critique of Utilitarianism
  215. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  216. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  217. Elite Asceticism
  218. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  219. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  220. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  221. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  224. Self-Wisdom
  225. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  227. Why Live Forever?
  229. Why Education?
  230. How to Become Yourself
  231. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  232. Why Am I So Cruel?
  233. The Great Joy of Existence
  234. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  235. NO DISDAIN.
  241. PAIN.
  243. Tomorrow is Never
  244. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  248. What are you *really* afraid of?
  250. Philosophy is King
  251. Why is Selfish Evil?
  258. EGO IS GOOD.
  260. Seek the Good Pain
  261. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  262. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  263. WHY I LIVE
  264. Why I Hate Decline
  265. Why I Eat
  266. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  268. Never Stop Gaining
  270. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  271. What Do You Desire to Become?
  272. What Do I Want from Technology?
  273. Stratified Society
  274. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  275. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  276. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  277. Care over Fame
  279. Never Stop Subtracting
  280. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  281. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  282. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  283. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  284. Influence
  285. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  286. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  287. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  288. Is Hope a Vice?
  289. EGO
  290. Why Be Unique?
  291. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  292. You’re the Hero
  293. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  294. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  295. The Joy of Uncertainty
  296. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  297. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  298. Free or Unfree?
  299. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  300. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  301. Why Think?
  302. The Eternal Return
  303. Only Do What is Best for You!
  304. Truthiness
  305. Why Be Happy?
  306. Permissionless Living
  307. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  308. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  309. Happiness
  310. Beyond Freedom
  311. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  312. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  313. Why Hate?
  314. The Secret of Happiness
  315. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  316. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  317. Anti-Nihilism
  318. First, Do What is Best for You.
  319. Live Dynamic
  320. How to Prosper
  321. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  323. How to Become more Idealistic
  324. Thrivival 101
  325. Create Yourself
  326. Non-Small
  327. Inspiration
  328. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  329. Human Augmentation
  330. Prune
  331. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  332. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  333. Modern Slavery
  334. Kill the Leeches
  335. Wisdom Augmentation
  336. Why We Need Friction in Life
  337. Straight Line Philosophy
  338. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  339. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  340. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  341. Try the Impossible
  343. Anti-Social Extrovert
  344. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  345. Human Flourishing
  346. Simpler, Not Better.
  347. How to be Free
  348. Embrace the Extremes
  349. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  350. COURAGE.
  351. Thrivival
  352. Inner Power
  353. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  354. My Definition of Happiness
  355. Why Change is Good
  356. Why Work?
  357. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  358. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  359. You Always Have Another Option!
  361. Never Stop!
  362. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  363. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  364. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  366. Live Life to the Fullest!
  367. In Praise of Selfishness
  368. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  369. Why I Love Walking
  370. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  371. Simple Luxuries in Life
  372. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  373. Only Prove it to Yourself
  374. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  375. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  376. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  377. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  378. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  379. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  380. My Simple Joys in Life
  381. Never Stop Striving
  382. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  383. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  384. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  385. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  386. PURPOSE.
  387. How to Enjoy Life
  388. Photography Therapy
  389. How to Conquer Regret
  390. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  391. How to Prosper
  392. Memento Vivere
  393. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  394. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  395. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  396. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  397. The Purpose of Human Life
  398. How to Overcome Impedence
  399. Why I Love Death
  400. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  401. How to Be Happy
  402. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  403. Why I’m Happy
  404. Why?
  405. Why I’m So Prolific
  406. How to Reduce LAG in Life

Masters of Philosophy »

Personal Philosophy »

Stoicism »

Zen Philosophy »

Life Lessons »

Learn more: Start Here >

Entrepreneurship by KIM

Change and do, and build or do things differently … based on what you believe the ideal world *should* look like:

  1. Annoyance & Entrepreneurship
  2. Why Doesn’t Anything Satisfy Me?
  4. How to Gain Ascendancy
  5. Business vs Entrepreneurship?
  7. Making Money as a Hobby
  8. The Best Exercises for Entrepreneurs
  10. Entrepreneurship is the privilege of being able to attempt something new
  11. How to Become More Influential
  12. The Point of Life is Entrepreneurship?
  13. How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  14. Become the Outlier
  15. Self Reliance
  16. How to Extend Your Reach
  17. NEWS: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  18. PVP (Player vs Player)
  19. How I became so influential
  28. Target Demographic
  29. Ambition Over Happiness
  30. Anti Collaboration
  31. The Will to Economy
  32. Why New?
  34. No Looking Back.
  35. 1000x Different
  39. Practicality is Boring
  43. Take Lots of Small Financial Risks
  44. Control Over Convenience
  45. Why Are Chinese Companies So Innovative?
  47. Why Doesn’t Anything Ever Satisfy Me?
  49. Perhaps Dissatisfaction is Good
  50. ONE REP MAX.
  59. JUST BUY IT.
  62. Boring or Not Boring?
  63. What if Your Past Self were Inferior to Your Present Self?
  66. Difficulty & Interest
  67. The Will to Expansion
  68. What is Work?
  71. Not Boring
  74. Speed is Paramount
  76. A Life With No Risk Taking is *NOT* a Life Worth Living
  77. Dissatisfaction is Good
  79. In Praise of the New
  80. Uncorrupted Desires
  81. You Cannot Fake Passion
  84. Personal Entrepreneurship
  87. A Life of Expansion
  90. Use Your Life as an Experiment to Self-Develop Yourself to Heights Never Seen Before
  91. Invest in New Developments
  92. Investing Towards What End?
  93. The 90%/10% Principle in Entrepreneurship
  94. Speed Wins
  95. The Philosophy of Happiness
  96. When to Over-Estimate, When to Under-Estimate?
  97. Never Stop Iterating
  98. Money as a Tool for Life and Artistic Experimentation
  99. Less But More Premium
  100. Mainstream vs Low-Key Success
  101. Why Dissatisfaction is Good
  103. Manifest Your Destiny
  104. Is it Best to *Not* Communicate Your Inner Thoughts or Ideas With Others?
  106. How to Do More Work
  107. CONTROL.
  108. Competition is for Losers
  109. Change.
  110. Your Competitive Advantage with Insanely Fast Wifi and High Speed Internet
  111. Pseudo Individualism
  112. Natural Internal Promoting vs External Promptings

Think for Yourself.

  1. Survival vs Thrivival
  2. Become Rich
  4. Why it is Better to Beg for Forgiveness than Ask for Permission
  5. Thinking About the Past Prevents You From Thinking About the Future
  6. How to Predict the Future
  7. Tools of Mass Distraction
  8. So What?


Never stop innovating.

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Put a Dent in the Universe.



Cinema and film as a great stimulus, aid and teacher for photographers and visual artists alike.

Cinematography and life lessons:

Cinema and Film Reviews

  2. What *Should* Cinema and Literature Do?
  3. MATRIX 4 Critique
  4. THE PHILOSOPHY OF “FREE GUY” (Film, 2021)
  5. Why DUNE 2021 is So Great
  6. INFINITE (2021) Film Review
  7. MAD MAX FURY ROAD: Black and Chrome Version Review
  8. Why 7 Samurai by Akira Kurosawa is So Great
  9. BLADE RUNNER (1982 Original) Cinematography Review & Thoughts vs the New Version (2049)
  10. Blade Runner 2049 Film Review + Cinematography Composition Analysis
  11. REVIEW: Justice League (Snyder Cut)
  12. What Makes a Great Movie/Film?
  13. Iron Man (1) Film Cinema Review
  14. JOKER FILM REVIEW + Cinematography Composition
  15. Ghost in the Shell Anime (1995) Cinematography, Composition, Philosophy Review
  16. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Cinematography and Film Review

Space Films

Cinema and philosophy


Gangster Films



Articles on Cinema

Great Cinema


The most two critical things in life:

Avoid death, don’t do anything that might cause your traumatic death, whether it be sleeping with the gas heater on, dying in the middle of your sleep, going skydiving, regardless of how it is, zip lining whatever, roller coasters, amusement park rides, texting while driving or even driving and talking on the phone.

Also, not trying to feed your kid in the car while you’re driving, even when stopped at a red light.

Also, disease. Anything like getting an STD, aids etc. Don’t have coitus with anybody besides your wife. Also as a funny tip, if you ever plan on going to the strip club, or the club, or anywhere that you might get tempted… just rub one out real quick in the bathroom before you go, to avoid doing anything dumb.

Also, to quote NASSIM TALEB; just avoid death, or irreversible permanent disfigurement. Don’t do nothing that might cause you to become,



  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. Deep Vanity
  5. Time Will Tell
  6. What is Wisdom?
  11. Becoming Antifragile
  12. How to “Improve” Men
  13. The Art of Virtue
  14. How to Dominate
  16. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  18. Cruel?
  20. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  21. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  22. Imperfect Beauty
  23. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  24. What Interests You?
  25. Anti Theory of Everything
  26. Become?
  28. Carte Blanche Ideals
  30. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  31. On Becoming Less Human
  33. The Philosophy of Futurism
  40. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  42. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  43. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  44. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  47. Pain is Information
  50. UNPLUG.
  51. How to Become a Philosopher
  58. Is Hope a Vice?
  60. Carte Blanche Ideals
  61. One Interesting Thought
  62. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  64. Children & Purpose
  65. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  66. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  68. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  69. Differentiation vs Equalization
  70. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  71. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  72. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  74. How to Decide
  75. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  76. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  78. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  79. Why or How Does it Matter?
  80. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  81. How *Not* to Resent
  84. The Miracle of Human Growth
  86. Why Plan?
  87. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  88. The Philosophy of Ego
  89. True vs False Passions
  90. How to Achieve Tranquility
  91. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  92. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  93. Think On!
  94. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  95. Congruency
  96. My Thoughts on Meditation
  97. The Philosophy of Purpose
  98. Emulate Yourself
  99. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  100. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  101. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  102. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  105. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  106. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  107. What is the Purpose of X?
  108. UTILITY.
  109. Philosophy is a Luxury
  110. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  111. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  112. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  113. Self Actualization
  115. Life & Pain
  116. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  117. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  118. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  119. Self-Determination
  123. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  124. Supreme Repose
  128. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  129. What is the Best Life?
  130. The Philosophy of Thinking
  131. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  132. Conspiracies
  133. Growth
  134. Skepticism.
  135. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  136. Seem or Be?
  137. Learn Through Pain
  138. Respect Yourself
  139. In Praise of Elitism
  140. Why Independent Thinking?
  141. I Will Never Die
  142. Bitter is Better
  143. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  144. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  145. Good vs Not Good
  146. Punished by Privilege
  147. Abstinence Over Moderation
  148. Just Leave Others Alone
  149. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  150. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  151. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  152. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  153. Virtue is a Privilege
  154. What Are Your Life Goals?
  155. Honesty
  156. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  157. No Spite, No Malice.
  158. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  159. Double Edged Sword
  160. Ignorance.
  161. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  162. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  163. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  164. Wisdom is the Goal
  165. YOU ARE KING.
  167. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  168. Care.
  170. ONE REP MAX
  171. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  173. Insanity is Good.
  174. Think Deep.
  176. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  178. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  179. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  180. What is the Purpose of Life?
  182. Elitism.
  183. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  185. Happiness vs Freedom
  186. The Birth of a Hater
  187. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  188. Walking as an Existential Thing
  189. Why I’m So Tolerant
  190. Mortal Gods
  192. Why I’m So Skeptical
  193. Just Follow the Money
  194. Why Selfish?
  196. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  197. What Actually Interests You?
  198. How to Become Yourself
  199. SELF HATE
  200. Optimistic Fatalism
  201. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  202. FLUX.
  203. How to Think for Yourself
  204. FLESH
  205. How to Live the Best Life
  206. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  207. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  208. Self Respect
  209. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  210. Ideals vs Reality
  211. Spaceship Philosophy
  212. What is Your Ideal Life?
  214. Critique of Utilitarianism
  215. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  216. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  217. Elite Asceticism
  218. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  219. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  220. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  221. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  224. Self-Wisdom
  225. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  227. Why Live Forever?
  229. Why Education?
  230. How to Become Yourself
  231. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  232. Why Am I So Cruel?
  233. The Great Joy of Existence
  234. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  235. NO DISDAIN.
  241. PAIN.
  243. Tomorrow is Never
  244. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  248. What are you *really* afraid of?
  250. Philosophy is King
  251. Why is Selfish Evil?
  258. EGO IS GOOD.
  260. Seek the Good Pain
  261. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  262. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  263. WHY I LIVE
  264. Why I Hate Decline
  265. Why I Eat
  266. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  268. Never Stop Gaining
  270. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  271. What Do You Desire to Become?
  272. What Do I Want from Technology?
  273. Stratified Society
  274. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  275. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  276. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  277. Care over Fame
  279. Never Stop Subtracting
  280. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  281. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  282. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  283. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  284. Influence
  285. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  286. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  287. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  288. Is Hope a Vice?
  289. EGO
  290. Why Be Unique?
  291. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  292. You’re the Hero
  293. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  294. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  295. The Joy of Uncertainty
  296. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  297. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  298. Free or Unfree?
  299. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  300. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  301. Why Think?
  302. The Eternal Return
  303. Only Do What is Best for You!
  304. Truthiness
  305. Why Be Happy?
  306. Permissionless Living
  307. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  308. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  309. Happiness
  310. Beyond Freedom
  311. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  312. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  313. Why Hate?
  314. The Secret of Happiness
  315. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  316. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  317. Anti-Nihilism
  318. First, Do What is Best for You.
  319. Live Dynamic
  320. How to Prosper
  321. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  323. How to Become more Idealistic
  324. Thrivival 101
  325. Create Yourself
  326. Non-Small
  327. Inspiration
  328. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  329. Human Augmentation
  330. Prune
  331. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  332. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  333. Modern Slavery
  334. Kill the Leeches
  335. Wisdom Augmentation
  336. Why We Need Friction in Life
  337. Straight Line Philosophy
  338. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  339. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  340. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  341. Try the Impossible
  343. Anti-Social Extrovert
  344. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  345. Human Flourishing
  346. Simpler, Not Better.
  347. How to be Free
  348. Embrace the Extremes
  349. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  350. COURAGE.
  351. Thrivival
  352. Inner Power
  353. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  354. My Definition of Happiness
  355. Why Change is Good
  356. Why Work?
  357. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  358. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  359. You Always Have Another Option!
  361. Never Stop!
  362. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  363. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  364. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  366. Live Life to the Fullest!
  367. In Praise of Selfishness
  368. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  369. Why I Love Walking
  370. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  371. Simple Luxuries in Life
  372. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  373. Only Prove it to Yourself
  374. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  375. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  376. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  377. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  378. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  379. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  380. My Simple Joys in Life
  381. Never Stop Striving
  382. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  383. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  384. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  385. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  386. PURPOSE.
  387. How to Enjoy Life
  388. Photography Therapy
  389. How to Conquer Regret
  390. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  391. How to Prosper
  392. Memento Vivere
  393. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  394. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  395. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  396. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  397. The Purpose of Human Life
  398. How to Overcome Impedence
  399. Why I Love Death
  400. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  401. How to Be Happy
  402. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  403. Why I’m Happy
  404. Why?
  405. Why I’m So Prolific
  406. How to Reduce LAG in Life

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First, start walking in order to think. 

So something I have not really came across yet is the philosophy of thinking. Why think, what does it mean to think, why does it matter?

First and foremost, thoughts govern the planet. For example, almost everything in life and in the world, is predicated on notions of thought and thinking. No thoughts, no future. 

For example, it looks like Tesla is about to conquer the planet. The new redesign Tesla model three is mind blowing. They made the steering wheel more beautiful, they made the interior design supply me beautiful; an integrated curve, Steve Jobs and Jony Ive would be proud!

Also I think that ambient lighting thing inside the car is super cool. Some people might think it is gimmicky, but I think it is awesome! I remember when I first saw the integrated lighting booth thing in some Mercedes cars, and I think there is something to be said about light, Light therapy; colors affect our mood. 

For example, anyone who says that colors don’t matter is a full. Would you want interior of your house to have bright red walls? Probably not if you don’t want to scream bloody murder inside your home.

Or, for people who say that color don’t matter, would you want to wear an all green outfit, with bright pink fuchsia accents and shoes? Probably not.

Cars run the planet?

 still in 2024, I am still shocked; it looks like cars run the planet. What this means is that it seemed that maybe 60% of our economic activity is around producing cars, selling cars, buying cars, design cars etc.

For example I look at Hyundai, it is insane… Also the new Genesis Berlinetta concept car — also, the new Hyundai Grandeur and AZERA– like a futuristic Rolls-Royce for the future!


The other day, it was free! The Lacma, L A Center for modern art, had this really insanely epic art exhibition, imagine like Legos and hot wheels on steroids; it was titled metropolis II, And imagine like a Connex erectors set, 1100 custom designed mini matchbox hot wheel cars, with this perpetual machine moving all of the cars in traffic and buses and reels, stacked on top of one another. Conjured ideas of that old-school 1920s metropolis film, in the future where everything is that, flying cars etc. or also, a vision of a topic science-fiction future, kind of like Blade Runner, or that one futuristic movie that Bruce Willis was in.

I love this exhibit so much because it’s stimulated my mind, and also, Seneca’s mind was blown! I think I rated as the best art exhibit solution of all time. I could probably watch it for hours, and not get bored.

If you’re in LA, Southern California whatever, I think it is a critical experience you must go to in person. Also what makes it a great exhibit is that it can be enjoyed by both children and adults, all ages. It is essentially a microcosm of cities, urban living, traffic and cars. The UltimateUltimate Takeaway point: 

We all think we are so unique and individual, and special, based on superficial things whether we drive an orange sports car or whatever, but in fact, we are all just the same! A bunch of lemmings!

Sociology is great

So I was born in 1988, and I attended UCLA as an undergraduate, I started in 2006, graduated 2010. I wish I got into bitcoin earlier in 2009, when my roommate Kevin told me about it, I think when he first saw it on Reddit. He said that we should both put about 100 bucks into it and see what happened. I shrugged my shoulders and said “meh — nah, probably a scam”. if I do the math, 100 bucks, I think at the time somebody spent 20,000 bitcoin to buy a pizza on Domino’s or whatever, the infamous $500 million pizza, basically… What would 100 bucks times a penny be? How many bitcoin could that have purchased me? And what would it be worth today?

In life it is fine to make a mistake, and make a regret. But not twice. This is why and why I’m going back into bitcoin.

anyways back to sociology, I think the reason why I think it is such a phenomenal framework to understand the world in society is that I think all of this is just a sociological phenomenon. Society, capital, capitalism, living lifestyle whatever… I think about 80% or 85% of it is based on certain sociological principles. 

Also, to understand the market, economics, I think it is all sociology. To understand human fear, scams, fraud etc. 

 also, I think studying sociology has made me unlearn a lot of the BS. To quote Karl Popper, via TALEB– the idea of falsification, subtraction, or the general ideas that in order to become more wise, you just got a subtract delete or get rid of foolishness, nonsense.

For example, conspiracy theories. Only fools believe in them. Even if they are real, it doesn’t even really matter.

Therefore a great advancement in ourselves our thinking etc. is subtracting deleting or getting rid of weird conspiracy theories from your brain and your mind. 

Off the grid thinking

To me the grid is an interesting metaphor for a lot of things. The grid could be standard conventional thinking, “rules” and regulations, a lot of of the modern day BS.

I think primarily migrate power in life is my ability to distain ignore and find ridiculous all of these “rules”. In fact, at least in real life, I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody as interesting as myself. The only other interesting people I think, or maybe Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Kanye West. To me actually they are very relatable.

The photographer philosopher

Come on… It is 2024, you’re still on Instagram? To me Instagram is like eating McDonald’s hamburgers. Not proper.

Also, I’m still a bit confused… Why don’t more people people just start their own private websites and blogs? And no no no, do not use square space it sucks. Also fun dirty secret, maybe about four or five years ago I got an email from Square space, saying that if I converted my whole website and logging into Square space it would give me $15,000 or something. It was the easiest no I ever said in my life. Honestly speaking, I don’t even think I do it for $1 million? Unless there is something the updated which is really good.

To me the reason why I find the photography so critical is that ultimately we are visual creatures. What sells cars? Design. Design marketing, the idealized concept of something.

Design is God.

Once again the new Tesla model three, I think it actually looks 500 times cooler than any other Tesla car out there. And I’m glad that I am a late adopter, and I was not one of these unfortunate who bought an early model Tesla model model three or any other Tesla car.

To me the most important thing in a car is the steering wheel, because you look at it all the time, then interior and dashboard, and also the back of the car. And also specifically the door side driver side entrance, and also the rear left passenger side door, where I get in and out and load Seneca into his car seat and the car.

Sharing your thoughts

A simple way to live life, and to make an impact or whatever is to just share your thoughts. It is funny because people say all this ridiculous things like “that is just your opinion!” The best response: “of course it is my opinion!” Opinion, opine, just means to think.

This is where philosophy is very useful: people think that there are certain notions of “facts“, especially in the realm of statistics, but probably the most useful thing of studying sociology, is understanding that statistics is just a scam. I learned from Cindy (cindyanguyen.com), in her book and dissertation,  that the notion of statistics comes from the state. The general idea is that statistics was a measuring tool invented by the state in order to track measure progress, something that the French colonists and colonial administrators did when colonizing Vietnam and her other territories, and also, what the Chinese communist under Modon, and also the Vietnamese communists also did. The general idea was this:

in order to track the legitimacy of something in the progress of something (let us not forget that the notion of “progress“ is a feeble modern day notion)– is that we got a track the growth of something in numbers.

Numbers are boring

I don’t trust nobody who either has some sort of loser Apple Watch, Fitbit tracker, has Instagram, or applies any metrics to their life. The only metric I find useful is maybe increasing your one repetition maximum in your weightlifting, simply as a measure to know that you’re increasing the weight. But besides that, things which are bad include white yourself on the scale, because you don’t know how much of that is body fat adipose tissue, how much of that is skeletal muscle mass, and even other things that people don’t talk about… How much of that weight is bones, sinews, Blood and water?  

Both men and women are foolish: they tracked weight as a measure of their self-worth. But, the goal is to increase skeletal muscle mass, and decrease body adipose fat tissue. This is something that scale cannot do, the closest thing is either a fat caliper, or just look at yourself in the mirror. Pincher belly fat, or look at the fat in your face, or, you want to get rid of the infamous pet rules in the back of your neck. Something that I see that Kanye West has.

Why are we no longer permitted to be independent interesting thinkers?

It is weird, in today’s world, in America at least… We truly do have the greatest system for independent thinking and thought. Here unlike other countries, you will not get jailed for sharing your opinion. Even the most politically liberal or advanced countries in the world pale in comparison to America.

The problem though here is that all sides, all parties, all individuals are “nudged“ either into the left or the right, even this notion of being a political or being an anarchist or whatever is also just another lemming sheep mentality.

Or another words, put zero faith in anybody who watches any news, doesn’t matter if it is NPR, Fox News, Al Jazeera whatever. The simple heuristic is this: if it is being funded by advertising, google Adsense revenue, it is not to be consumed. 

Only trust things that you are spending your real money on. This means, stop using Google. Google is a “free” service, and the way they make money is by sensationalism and banner advertising. Even nowadays I’m stopping to use Google maps, having those annoying Square advertisements that pop up when I’m driving, I almost feel like that is borderline unethical. Why? It distracts me from driving, I wonder if it will lead me to getting into a car accident one day? Google, whoever did that I google, Google maps team whatever… Shame on you.

Apple Maps is the inferior product, but at least it is not supported by advertising. Get rid of Google maps use Apple Maps instead. 

Short Chase

OK… all I want to do is a simple $125k transfer through JPMORGAN CHASE — why the fuck is this shit taking 3-4 days??? To have some lackey have to manually approve it… even though I did all this bullshit verification over the phone?

Short Chase. Short traditional banks, short all the banks!

Economics by KIM

  2. High gas prices are good
  3. What is Capitalism?
  4. Pride in What You Paid For
  5. On Making Money from Nothing
  6. Save Money Towards What Ends?
  7. No Regret Investment

Money thoughts:

  2. Silver US Dollar
  5. Price Insensitive
  6. WHY JOBS?
  7. The Future Economy
  8. What is Money?
  9. Individual Economics

The Philosophy of Money

  1. How to Become Economically Independent
  2. Economic Dependency
  3. It’s the Economy, Stupid
  5. Debt is the Devil
  6. Capitalism is Cruel
  7. In Praise of Capitalism and Consumerism
  8. Capitalism as the Road to Tolerance
  10. Capitalism 2.0
  11. In Praise of Capitalism
  14. Universal Basic Income
  • silver certificate US dollar


Notes to self —

Notes 3

these bodies, which add dignity to the awkward appear­ ance of people, have also come to provide the superi­ ority which is a source of the most considerable satis­ faction, as I have already indicated.

even kings owe the greater part of the veneration of their sub­ jects to the external magnificence which always sur­ rounds them. Deprived of these trappings, kings would
retain only powers and gifts of mind which they had formerly; they have come to realize that the reverence
shown them has been greatly reduced in such circum­ stances.

Women constitute half of the humai race and exist .only, or in large part, solely for our propogation and breeding.

They do not have any oth( value and merit than the love they arouse in men.

because this attribute is almost entirely derived from beauty, women have no greater duty than to appear at­ tractive in the eyes of men.

How useful they ‘are as ornaments is attested to by common consensus.

Propagate and breeding

more useful” and “less
useful” are relative terms, and that they are measured
according to the different conditions of different peo­ ple* **”

there is nothing more useless than bread for one
who is sated.***

Davan- zati asserts, that:
an egg worth half a grain of gold would have kept Count Ugolino from starving
to death, even after ten days in his tower prison. All the gold in the world
would not have matched it in value.

dear and cheap are relative terms.

To just live is easy !!!***

Limited Pain is Positive


Now that winter is upon us … at least for myself, I hate the cold. To me, the cold is evil.

Yet when I’m in a position in which I feel *no* cold at all … no pain, no discomfort during the cold winter months, for some reason … something in life feels lacking?

I think the subtle nuance is this:

The pain, discomfort or whatever you feel has to be of a *LIMITED* duration.

For example feeling pain, discomfort whatever for 5 seconds, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour is fine. But not *prolonged* and continual and nonstop pain, suffering, discomfort.

Or in other words, cold weather training (working out topless during the winter time) for short durations like 15 minutes is fine, assuming you rush home and take an insanely hot bath or shower to warm up again, but to do it *indefinitely*— a bad idea.



  2. How to Become a Philosopher
  3. Deep Vanity
  4. Time Will Tell
  5. What is Wisdom?
  10. Becoming Antifragile
  11. How to “Improve” Men
  12. The Art of Virtue
  13. How to Dominate
  15. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  17. Cruel?
  19. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  20. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  21. Imperfect Beauty
  22. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  23. What Interests You?
  24. Anti Theory of Everything
  25. Become?
  27. Carte Blanche Ideals
  29. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  30. On Becoming Less Human
  32. The Philosophy of Futurism
  39. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  41. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  42. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  43. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  46. Pain is Information
  49. UNPLUG.
  50. How to Become a Philosopher
  57. Is Hope a Vice?
  59. Carte Blanche Ideals
  60. One Interesting Thought
  61. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  63. Children & Purpose
  64. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  65. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  67. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  68. Differentiation vs Equalization
  69. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  70. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  71. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  73. How to Decide
  74. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  75. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  77. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  78. Why or How Does it Matter?
  79. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  80. How *Not* to Resent
  83. The Miracle of Human Growth
  85. Why Plan?
  86. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  87. The Philosophy of Ego
  88. True vs False Passions
  89. How to Achieve Tranquility
  90. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  91. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  92. Think On!
  93. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  94. Congruency
  95. My Thoughts on Meditation
  96. The Philosophy of Purpose
  97. Emulate Yourself
  98. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  99. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  100. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  101. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  104. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  105. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  106. What is the Purpose of X?
  107. UTILITY.
  108. Philosophy is a Luxury
  109. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  110. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  111. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  112. Self Actualization
  114. Life & Pain
  115. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  116. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  117. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  118. Self-Determination
  122. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  123. Supreme Repose
  127. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  128. What is the Best Life?
  129. The Philosophy of Thinking
  130. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  131. Conspiracies
  132. Growth
  133. Skepticism.
  134. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  135. Seem or Be?
  136. Learn Through Pain
  137. Respect Yourself
  138. In Praise of Elitism
  139. Why Independent Thinking?
  140. I Will Never Die
  141. Bitter is Better
  142. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  143. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  144. Good vs Not Good
  145. Punished by Privilege
  146. Abstinence Over Moderation
  147. Just Leave Others Alone
  148. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  149. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  150. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  151. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  152. Virtue is a Privilege
  153. What Are Your Life Goals?
  154. Honesty
  155. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  156. No Spite, No Malice.
  157. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  158. Double Edged Sword
  159. Ignorance.
  160. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  161. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  162. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  163. Wisdom is the Goal
  164. YOU ARE KING.
  166. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  167. Care.
  169. ONE REP MAX
  170. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  172. Insanity is Good.
  173. Think Deep.
  175. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  177. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  178. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  179. What is the Purpose of Life?
  181. Elitism.
  182. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  184. Happiness vs Freedom
  185. The Birth of a Hater
  186. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  187. Walking as an Existential Thing
  188. Why I’m So Tolerant
  189. Mortal Gods
  191. Why I’m So Skeptical
  192. Just Follow the Money
  193. Why Selfish?
  195. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  196. What Actually Interests You?
  197. How to Become Yourself
  198. SELF HATE
  199. Optimistic Fatalism
  200. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  201. FLUX.
  202. How to Think for Yourself
  203. FLESH
  204. How to Live the Best Life
  205. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  206. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  207. Self Respect
  208. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  209. Ideals vs Reality
  210. Spaceship Philosophy
  211. What is Your Ideal Life?
  213. Critique of Utilitarianism
  214. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  215. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  216. Elite Asceticism
  217. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  218. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  219. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  220. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  223. Self-Wisdom
  224. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  226. Why Live Forever?
  228. Why Education?
  229. How to Become Yourself
  230. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  231. Why Am I So Cruel?
  232. The Great Joy of Existence
  233. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  234. NO DISDAIN.
  240. PAIN.
  242. Tomorrow is Never
  243. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  247. What are you *really* afraid of?
  249. Philosophy is King
  250. Why is Selfish Evil?
  257. EGO IS GOOD.
  259. Seek the Good Pain
  260. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  261. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  262. WHY I LIVE
  263. Why I Hate Decline
  264. Why I Eat
  265. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  267. Never Stop Gaining
  269. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  270. What Do You Desire to Become?
  271. What Do I Want from Technology?
  272. Stratified Society
  273. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  274. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  275. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  276. Care over Fame
  278. Never Stop Subtracting
  279. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  280. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  281. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  282. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  283. Influence
  284. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  285. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  286. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  287. Is Hope a Vice?
  288. EGO
  289. Why Be Unique?
  290. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  291. You’re the Hero
  292. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  293. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  294. The Joy of Uncertainty
  295. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  296. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  297. Free or Unfree?
  298. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  299. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  300. Why Think?
  301. The Eternal Return
  302. Only Do What is Best for You!
  303. Truthiness
  304. Why Be Happy?
  305. Permissionless Living
  306. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  307. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  308. Happiness
  309. Beyond Freedom
  310. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  311. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  312. Why Hate?
  313. The Secret of Happiness
  314. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  315. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  316. Anti-Nihilism
  317. First, Do What is Best for You.
  318. Live Dynamic
  319. How to Prosper
  320. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  322. How to Become more Idealistic
  323. Thrivival 101
  324. Create Yourself
  325. Non-Small
  326. Inspiration
  327. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  328. Human Augmentation
  329. Prune
  330. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  331. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  332. Modern Slavery
  333. Kill the Leeches
  334. Wisdom Augmentation
  335. Why We Need Friction in Life
  336. Straight Line Philosophy
  337. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  338. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  339. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  340. Try the Impossible
  342. Anti-Social Extrovert
  343. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  344. Human Flourishing
  345. Simpler, Not Better.
  346. How to be Free
  347. Embrace the Extremes
  348. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  349. COURAGE.
  350. Thrivival
  351. Inner Power
  352. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  353. My Definition of Happiness
  354. Why Change is Good
  355. Why Work?
  356. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  357. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  358. You Always Have Another Option!
  360. Never Stop!
  361. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  362. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  363. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  365. Live Life to the Fullest!
  366. In Praise of Selfishness
  367. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  368. Why I Love Walking
  369. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  370. Simple Luxuries in Life
  371. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  372. Only Prove it to Yourself
  373. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  374. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  375. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  376. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  377. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  378. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  379. My Simple Joys in Life
  380. Never Stop Striving
  381. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  382. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  383. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  384. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  385. PURPOSE.
  386. How to Enjoy Life
  387. Photography Therapy
  388. How to Conquer Regret
  389. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  390. How to Prosper
  391. Memento Vivere
  392. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  393. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  394. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  395. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  396. The Purpose of Human Life
  397. How to Overcome Impedence
  398. Why I Love Death
  399. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  400. How to Be Happy
  401. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  402. Why I’m Happy
  403. Why?
  404. Why I’m So Prolific
  405. How to Reduce LAG in Life

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Anti Rationality

Everything is an emotional reaction and emotional behavior, why is this seen as a bad thing?

Philosophically, the only one who perverted the notion of emotion and instincts was Socrates. Why? He created this new pseudo religion of rationality above everything else, which is a patently bad idea because it does not permit for intuition, the Dionysian.

Mainland China Goals?

Some issues:

It seems that the big “bad guys“ are actually the big corporations like Apple, which produces iPhones in mainland China, Foxconn— and also maybe Amazon, which it seems that nowadays, 99% of the products come from mainland China.

Google… are they in mainland China? Not 100% sure, but it seems that certainly they want to be.

The new oligarchs

Facebook, meta, Mark Zuckerberg I think also wants to penetrate and get into mainland China. Let us consider that Mark Zuckerberg‘s wife is Chinese American, and also Mark studied Mandarin.

Even a lot of silken Valley tech, Andresen Horowitz, a lot of people on the board of directors are either from mainland China, 1.5 generation Chinese, in between mainland China and America etc.


America is funny because on one hand, we are by far the strongest military on the planet, at least 1000 extra stronger than mainland China. What, I think we have at least 1000 military bases all around the world, in China only has one? Somewhere in Africa?

What China, mainland China has going for it is production. It seems the swap is this:

America says: Let us produce and manufacture all of these things and goods and consumers items in mainland China, we will let you pollute your own land, then we will import it and sell it in America, and we will enjoy your products, your cheap wages, and we will also enjoy our unpolluted environment.

China goes:

OK sounds good. We don’t really care about the environment that much anyways, as long as some of us could get rich, and some of our people can also become richer.

Give me a full list of what Tencent owns or invested in. Also give me a breakdown of what those corporations produce and own

Money Philosophy


“White people make money don’t spend it, I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ignant (ignorant)”. – Kanye

Thinking about money:

Why does this matter?

“Money sets the whole world in motion” – Publius Syrus

Do you know when people say that money makes the world go round? This is true.

So what is money anyways?

First, money is fiat, faith-based. Fiat currency.

Currency is an interesting word and term because it evokes the feeling of water, movement, river streams and tide pools.

So first of all, let us consider the notion of “income streams“. There’s this notion of “passive income”, I think first popularized or maybe coined by Tim Feriss, in his four hour work week. But I believe there to be a myth of passive income which means, income is and must be active. You cannot just sit on your butt and collect rent.

The myth of passive income

Also with rent, rent money is funny because even if you’re collecting rent, there’s a lot of work management you gotta do. For example, you have to fix and maintain your properties, make sure that your tenants pay their rent money, do background checks, deal with vacancies etc. It is one of those things that we as renters feel that the landlords have all the power, but in fact, assuming that you’re already wealthy, you actually might have more power as a renter than a landlord. Why? If you have a very good apartment and it is rent controlled, technically according to NASSIM TALEB you have greater optionality.

What that means is that you have a privilege to live somewhere, not an obligation. In theory you can leave whenever you want, and you’re not behelden to the property.

What would Aristotle, the ancient Greeks think?

In regards to the ancient Greeks, I think they may be the best model because starting from Roman times, their society already started to seep into degeneration, degeneracy. Even during Homer’s time, Homer was already saying that the ancient Greeks were falling into degeneracy, even when he was writing the Iliad.

I am currently reading Politics by Aristotle, and I find it to be a really fascinating read. Essentially what he says about household economics etc., as well as his thoughts on substantive versus speculative finance, real versus fake finance. He essentially says that real finance has to deal with animals and fruits of the earth, everything else is just imaginary.

Also, his thoughts on slavery. Essentially in ancient Greek times, the ultimate goal was to have the laborers, slaves, craftsman, mechanics do all the dirty work, and the true nobleman and free man would just use all of his time and leisure for building virtue, philosophical thinking, and participating in politics, the politics of the local city state, the polis.

In modern-day times we always think about politics like it pertains to international politics whatever. But the original term politics referred to the polis, the immediate city-state. It was not focused on foreign affairs.

What is the ideal city state?

What I like about Aristotle and his writings is that he’s always talking about the ideal, and talks a lot about studying from the best of the past and the current, in order to formulate his thoughts. Also his writing is straight simple and clear, and very authoritative. For example, he quotes Plato and his Republic, and straight up says: “Plato is wrong.” Almost as hilarious and ballsy as when Nietzsche said: “Plato is boring.”

True financial freedom

Two things: Pay rent money, pay for food and groceries, and basic utilities, like your Wi-Fi, gas and electric, gas for your car etc. Beyond that, what else do you really need? 

Another fun experiment I’m doing is just paying for rent money by using the profit on my cryptocurrency speculations, simply using Coinbase, and profits from CHAINLINK. For personal reference, I am currently 90% invested in chainlink, 10% in bitcoin. I believe this to be an interesting barbell for a risky yet “safe” investment speculation, in thinking the next 30 or 40 years.

Also, in terms of our cryptocurrency assets, we don’t have more than 10% of our whole life savings tied into cryptocurrency. Therefore if it all goes to zero in theory, not really a big deal. But my personal belief:

Bitcoin will never go down to zero.


A very interesting thing that I learned from NASSIM TALEB, maybe it was written in his book ANTIFRAGILE, is this notion of decimation. The basic idea is that in ancient Roman times the army, if cowardice was suspected, at random, 10% of the army would be put to death, it was a good way to prevent cowardice, especially one facing an impressive enemy. 

10% is interesting because in theory, if you lose 10% of your army, it is not enough to significantly lose your forces. A 10% loss is more than acceptable. For example let us say that you’re playing StarCraft, and you got an army of zealots, all upgraded with dash and full armor upgrades, if you lose 10% of them, you could still kill the army of zerg maybe if you do good enough micro management of the units. 

Finances is also similar — best to have 90% of your money in insanely secure bonds, CDs or stuff that might beat inflation, even a simple savings account at 5%. Then put 10% of your money in extremely speculative cryptocurrency speculations, rather than putting 100% of your money and boring “medium risk” funds.

“Never trust a risk number even if it is right.”- TALEB 

Why we should not trust economists

First and foremost, economics, being an economist, is the new hocus pocus of modern day times. The reason why economists are so highly regarded is that currently speaking the new global religion is capital and capitalism.

Therefore as a consequence, the new modern-day priests are economists, and these fake talking heads on the TV screen.

The reason why we should trust no economist, is that they use fake numbers statistics and fake math to justify their thoughts and positions. Even Nate Silver, who everyone thinks is some sort of genius, mispredicted Trump getting elected into office. Why? Even if you’re a statistician with 99% accuracy, the one percent of the time you’re wrong, it could cost billions of dollars.

The reason why we should also not trust no economist is that most of them are protected from the real world. Their opinions reports and thought pieces have no connection to reality. A lot of them are getting a fat salary and steady paycheck from their tenured professor positions at Harvard Yale Princeton or whatever, and therefore the predictions thoughts they have, have no bearing on their own personal finances.

Better instead to trust individual individuals who actually have skin in the game, or money in the game. That is that your opinion is tied to your own personal bank account, if your opinion is right, you make the big bucks, but if you’re wrong, you lose your shirt.

Where I am coming from

One of the best things about growing up poor and when you have seen your mom go through bankruptcy twice is that in some funny ways, it makes you more brazen, less fearful. Witnessing my mom go bankrupt, because my dad gambled away the rent money and we couldn’t pay rent, and she would just rack up credit card bills just to pay basic expenses, what I learned is at the end it’s not that bad. My mom got family support, community support, church support, and ultimately she was OK in the very end.

So for myself, the reason why I have such a high tolerance for risk is essentially nowadays, I live like a poor person. My New Year’s resolution is to buy nothing; or close to nothing, or just to not buy stuff that I consider silly or superfluous. Even acquiring free stuff; to me that is just more clutter in my mind in my life and my home; we new elite is about minimalism, even to a fault. 

Also, the American entrepreneurial spirit. Even my dad when he first came to the states, was extremely entrepreneurial. He started his own business when I was very very young, I think selling audio equipment. As he had a passion for music movies and film and cinema. I actually think his great ambition of life was to become a great film director. Even at a young age, I recall him watching Alfred Hitchcock the birds, Schindler’s list, and all these other great avant-garde films.

So now, raising Seneca, he is currently two years, around 11 months old… his training is very simple; simple, physical, Spartan. 99% of the day we are just at the local nature center, hiking on dirt paths, walking around, doing gymnastics at the playground, even now, I bought some wooden gymnast rings which I just hang from my parking spot in the back of my apartment, and he could swing around it, and hang around it! It is pretty amazing.

Another thing I learned from Aristotle’s Politics is that with children and child rearing, the logical order is first physical training and gymnastics, second is nutrition and feeding, third is the intellect. It seems that in modern day times we do the total opposite; we don’t really focus on physical exercise for kids, we just try to make them look smart. But book smarts is bad smarts; real smarts comes from the real world.

As a consequence, I probably literally spent close to no money on him. The only thing that we paid for in the early days were maybe diapers, and buying some random stuff on Amazon like training underwear, etc.

Now, he eats wagyu ground beef well in the air fryer, pro tip just toss a bunch of small broken up pieces of ground beef in the air fryer for 10 minutes, sprinkle it with some salt and pepper and give it to your kid! I think precisely because Seneca was born and fed such a high meat diet, he is the buff strong and tall boy he is today.

100% carnivore kid.

What should we use money for? 

What is the proper use of money?

For myself, Costco. Funny enough it looks like out of all of my normal stock investments, Costco is doing the best! Why? As inflation goes up, food gets more expensive etc., everyone likes to think that they’re not being “ripped off”– nobody likes to think that they are overpaying for anything. Costco is funny because it is almost like Walmart but with a good conscience; a lot of middle-class even rich people have thought of Walmart as akin to the devil; whereas Costco has warm fuzzy feelings. Half of the fun even myself as a kid going to Costco was getting the hotdogs at the food court, and also getting all the free samples! Costco is almost like going to Disneyland, with benefits.


To me, the only real food substance is meat. You could thrive on 100% carnivore meat red meat diet, good luck with lentils beans and potatoes. That is poverty food. 100% red meat beef lamb diet is fit for the gods.

Let us consider, the nonsenseness of veganism; the etymology and history of vegan comes from vegetarian, vegetarianism. Essentially the vegans were the more hardcore vegetarians; the word “vegan”, essentially is the word vegetarian with fewer letters.

Why do people even go vegan in the first place?

Honestly I think being vegan is more of an ethical thing rather than a physiological concern. This is where vegetarians are more honest than vegans; a lot of people who are vegetarian do it for religious regions, for example people from India or south Asia, or some people just don’t really like the taste of meat or flesh, prefer to eat cheese eggs dairy and fish instead. 

Thinking historically

What I also love about studying ancient history, Rome, the Iliad, thinking about Homer is that back then, there was none of this nonsensical being “woke“, or political correctness. The Greeks were a hard and simple race; you were either Greek or a barbarian. Even the word barbarian is originated from the notion of “bar-bar”– anyone who did not speak Greek, their language sounded like somebody saying “bar bar bar”.

And also this is where notions of “white supremacy“, or being “white”, is nonsensical. Were the ancient Greeks “white”? No. They were olive skinned, very tan.

We acknowledge and understand that the ancient Greeks were probably the peak human and society of its time; maybe it makes sense for us to go back to the fountains, and for us to seek to imitate the best of the best, the crème la crop of the past.

How did the ancient Greeks think about money?

First, in the time of Homer, the Iliad the odyssey etc.; there was no notion of coins, or coined money or currency. The notion of coin is actually pretty good, like bitcoin, because the original minted money was actually coins, not paper money.

Also, gold. Gold was always highly valued throughout all of history, even during the time of Homer and the Iliad. For example the greed of king Agamemnon, what did he want? More gold, more women, more land, more slaves, more power.

Even as a sidenote; an Achilles was told by his father figure that king Agamemnon was the superior man, because he lorded over more men. 

During the time of Homer, and the Iliad; wealth was concentrated in food and meat, oxen; the notion of a “hectacomb” was the generalized notion that if you wanted to appease the gods and make a sacrifice, you had to sacrifice 100 oxen, which was a lot. Why? An ox is interesting because you could eat it, and also you could use it as manual labor. Maybe back in the day, having one ox was almost like the modern day notion of having a Lamborghini; can you imagine sacrificing and burning 100 Lamborghinis to appease the gods?

What did Achilles want?

If I ever had to rename myself I would just need myself Achilles. Why? He is practically invincible; what is it that he wanted in the Iliad? Honestly he was tired of war and conquest and battle; he just wanted to chill out, retire, enjoy his land and pastures, and enjoy Breisis his prize.

Even Achilles said wisely; No amount of wealth in the world is worth a life, my life. Not if you took all the wealth of the world, all the gold of the world, and multiplied it by 65. Once you’re dead, you’re dead forever.

Even in today’s world, I don’t think sacrificing your life your own personal life is worth anything; I would only ever ever ever sacrifice my life it was for the sake of Seneca’s life, or Cindy‘s life, or both. Otherwise, I have zero interest in being drafted to go to some sort of senseless war, in order for America to procure more oil or whatever.

And this is where I believe that war is so superficial; would you be willing to send your own personal blood son, your first born son, to fight in the front lines of Afghanistan or whatever, for some sort of strange political advantage? No.

Buying a house?

Things are starting to get ridiculous. In LA and Culver City, you can’t find a good single-family home for less than $2 million. Even a $2 million or $3 million home, it’s not really in the best neighborhood either which is 100% pedestrian friendly. I was looking at this brand new $3 million house, which is pretty nice, but it’s kind of in the middle of nowhere, I cannot enjoy my lovely morning walks as I do just walking from my apartment from the arts district.

Renting is superior?

I wonder if renting is actually superior than owning because you got more optionality, less obligation. 

“You work for a living, I live for a living” – Jay Z

Ultimately what is it that we really seek to do, our desired activity?

I think what we really desire to do at the end of the day is physical activity, vigorous activity, to be physical. Physics, human physics, our own human body.

We want to walk around, go on hikes, be in nature, go to the beach, swim around, walk around mountain paths, pick up heavy things, throw around rocks, do fun gymnastics things, hot yoga, lift weights etc.

The ultimate luxury in today’s world is the human body. It all matter if you own 100 Ferraris, if you are obese, old and fat, none of it is worth it.

Even I was randomly doing some research about Hugh Hefner, the big issue is that apparently he just lived in his Holmby Hills mansion for his whole life, wearing nothing but silk pajamas, taking weird hallucinogen drugs and Viagra, in poor health, having sex with all of these random women, forcing them to do drugs, get plastic surgery etc. 

I think the weird notion is a lot of men, they seek to become some sort of playboy? To grow a beard, buy a bunch of guns, have sex with all these women, massive orgies with all these beautiful women, for the sake of what?

The merchandising of women

In today’s modern day capitalistic society, women are the new objects, the new products being sold. The strange promise is this; you get rich successful and famous, you get the Lamborghini or the Ferrari, and then suddenly all these beautiful women will flock to you, want to have sex with you, fulfill all your weird sexual fantasies, etc., and suddenly you’ll be happy for the rest of your life?

It seems the weird sexual perversion we have in today’s world is that maybe… the trend is we want some sort of 100% subservient female sex bot, 100% obey us, and fulfill our sexual desires? 

But let us not forget, the purpose and function of sex is for us to beget children; the hormones and the good feelings associated with it is to promote bonding between the man and woman, and to solidify the family relationship. This is where I am pro monogamy; even Zeus was married to Hera! Although he did sleep around a lot. 

Buy nothing?

One of the greatest things that was born out of Covid was the Facebook buy nothing groups. Essentially close to 100% of all the baby stuff we got for Seneca was for free from the buy nothing group. Cindy would just message other moms, get a bunch of free baby hand-me-down stuff, and we literally paid close to nothing for all of his baby stuff. I estimate that from the buy nothing group, Cindy might’ve saved us close to $15,000.

It takes more skill to buy nothing?

Ultimately I think money is like some sort of game; the game of not spending money seems to be more interesting than spending money.

There is nothing morally or ethically wrong about spending money, the only issue at hand is when people spend money in some sort of boring way, they go into debt, credit card debt or whatever, and as a consequence, they lose their freedom?


Financial Fitness

I don’t know if this is yet a notion, this notion an idea of “financial fitness“. The general, generalized idea is this: we talk about physical fitness, physical health or whatever, yet we never talk about financial health, financial fitness whatever.

Perhaps the reason I don’t like or trust all these other random people who talk about finances ultimately, they are selling some sort of product, service, or they are sponsored by advertising and advertisers. The big problem about this is that their opinions are not pure, also in my opinion, not critical.

I have never met anybody in real life why consider financially successful, maybe besides my friend Todd Hata, who maybe works only one day a year, and he is enjoying his digital nomad life, traveling the world. His simple studio lighting company on Amazon is genius, his bread and butter is these photo clamps. 

Another friend of mine who I consider very financially successful is Don Dillon, who made his fortune building up his own company, later selling it, and after building an art house in Arizona, later selling it, and just opting for more low-key lifestyle, just living in a simple condo with his wife Diane in Dana point, Orange County California.

Meeting real life successful people?

Something cool about Don, he used to own a Porsche race car, has a Porsche 911 GT three, ultimately, just prefers to drive his dodge ram truck around. At this point of life, he just wants to focus on travel and photography.

Also, another private workshop student of mine, who actually designed princes phallic purple guitar, also was in the Ferrari scene, I think he might’ve owned 10 to 50 Ferraris, used to go to all these car meet ups and racing stuff, it ultimately sold all of it, and just bought a simple Lexus RX car, to deal with the Minnesota winters.

Real rich or fake rich? 

My personal hot take of LA, being in LA, even spending a lot of time in Orange County whatever, is that a lot of people are “fake rich“, this means that it seems that they are rich and successful and wealthy or whatever, but in fact, they are living paycheck to paycheck, and also are in deep debt. For example, as long as you have a mortgage on your house, you ain’t free. Doesn’t matter if your house is valued at five or $10 million or whatever, as long as you have to pay a monthly mortgage payment, you are still in debt. And don’t throw this nonsense, “equity”, around; or even notions of “net worth”, not critical. The only true wealth is to have zero debt, zero obligations, zero mortgage, own zero property.

Even the problem about property ownership, even if you bought the house or whatever in all cash; you have to consider maintenance fees, property taxes, home insurance — all which can cost $3500 USD a month! Same price as rent!!! And that doesn’t include the mortgage which in total can cost you twice the price of rent … $8000 USD a month? Seems like a scam to me.

Condo versus apartment?

I’ve been thinking a lot about condominiums lately, on one hand it seems like a good idea and on another hand it seems like a little bit of a scam.

I suppose a good thing about having a condo or only a condo, like my friend Timothy Flanagan is that if you’re abroad a lot and travel a lot, Technically the upside of owning your own home condominium thing is that ultimately, you have a place to store your stuff, a little bit more space, maybe you have a garage or a basement or something, and you could just leave your stuff there, somebody else will maintain your property, and after you travel, you still have a place to come back home to.

One thing I am actually insanely grateful for is the fact that Cindy, Cindy‘s mom, Cindy‘s family owned their own single-family home, in Orange County, and the great upside is that while Cindy and I was traveling the world, living off the grid, nomading around, living abroad in Vietnam Japan for about two years, we still had a home address that we could send our mail to, a steady home address where we could file our taxes, credit card reports, bank statements whatever. Apparently a lot of people who adopt a digital nomad lifestyle, and have no real family connections, the big issue is that still… It is good to have a solid and steady home address where you could send financial paperwork to.

Financial independence, retire early

Something also very cool that my friend Timothy Flanagan did was opting for an early retirement, I think he officially retired last year, maybe at age 52?

Also, an interesting funny thing is that a lot of people actually have the option of retiring early, if you’re in the school system you could technically retire as early as age 50! Granted your pension and your Social Security or your financial fund isn’t that much money, but still… to no longer have to show up to work, for the rest of your life, at the young and ripe age of 50 years old… isn’t that great?

Better to retire at an earlier age and live more poorly, than to retire at an older age and live more richly.

Work and identity

Perhaps the big issue here is that people put too much of their self-esteem and their self-worth into their occupation. Yet, if we think about the movie 300, and King Leonidas asks his Spartan 300; “what is your profession“? They all throw their spears into the air and go “woot!”

Spartan philosophy

So what is it that you really want and desire? 

My critical thought is that it seems that honestly speaking, most people don’t really know what they want in life, nor maybe they don’t have the courage to actually pause and assert with a truly desire and want in life?

For example, I often ask people if you magically had $100 million deposited into your personal checking account, and never had to worry about money again… What would you do with your life, how would you live your life? The typical responses are a bit standard; travel the world, buy a house and some property etc. He had most people don’t really go beyond that.

To me the notion of financial independence retire early, “fire“, is the point in which you no longer make money cruel tied with your own personal self-esteem. Just think; once you could pay rent, pay for groceries and meet at Costco, basic utilities like gas electric Wi-Fi your phone bill etc., what else do you really need?

So now what?

Once you retire, or once you’re financially robust, then what?

My thought is just focus on art, your arts production, your creative activities, your philosophical thinking and writing and production, publishing your ideas thoughts and creations etc. 

Let us consider that for most people, towards the end of their life, a lot of people who made their millions, and now are in their 80s, mid 80s, early 80s, late 80s… what is it that they focus on?

It seems art. Either art production, art purchasing, art accrual, art creation etc. What is the basic notion behind all of this? The basic notion is that people have a desire and an impetus to create art, share art, and propagate art. It is in our body, our souls, our sinews our blood. 

Financial strategies for this year this new year

Simple thoughts:

  1. See how long you can go without buying nothing. Join the Facebook by nothing group in your own local city and area, and it seems a really good way to build a real community. For example, ever during pandemic, Cindy became very active in the Facebook by nothing group in Providence, and now here in Culver City, and interacting and meeting people in the flesh, sharing physical possessions is fascinating because ultimately it is not even about the stuff; rather, The stuff that people give away for free is a totem of goodwill, and having the opportunity to interact with others.
  2. Investing in your health and fitness: one of the important things to consider is that it doesn’t matter if you have $100 trillion in your bank account, if you only sleep two hours a night, are insanely sick, unwell, lack exercise and natural light, eat poorly, etc.… all of the money in the world multiplied by 1 billion isn’t worth it. Once again just think, does say that you only sleep one hour night, or addicted to methamphetamines, but you got $10 billion in your bank account, and the pain that you feel from 0 to 10 is a 50, is money and wealth worth it? No.
  3. Think about digital real estate, rather than land-based real estate: it is insane, you could buy a “.com” domain for only 10 bucks a year, 20 bucks a year. This means you could own digital property for only one or two dollars a month! I’ve been on a bit of a digital rampage; gobbling up internet real estate. Currently I own some new fun domains which include ERICkimfitness.com, erickimphilosophy.com, erickimcrypto.com, ERICkimfood.com, ericKIM.LA, erickim.AI, and it was all inspired by Cindy who bought me the erickim.com domain for about 1000 bucks in 2017. Now I am sure it is worth millions. Typically when I am interested in a concept, I just go to godaddy.com, and I search whether the domain is available or not. Typically speaking the best domain to get is just a simple .com website, the new sexy domain which I actually really like is the .ai domain; don’t do the .io domain, which stands for input output, nobody has any idea what that means. Everybody knows what AI is. It seems that everyone has watched the terminator movie. They know what Skynet is.
  4. Make and design your own clothing? One of the greatest benefits of living abroad, spending time in Vietnam, and also more recently going to Korea, is that I have been designing my own ideal clothes, my own ideal equipment, products, leather products, etc. For example all the HAPTIC PRODUCTS, HAPTIC INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS… I always thought to myself “If I could design and create my own ideal things products clothes etc.… what would they be and what would they look like?” As a consequence I created the HENRI line, the ERIC KIM line etc. How can you design and create your own clothes and stuff? Either just make it yourself by hand, à la cart, one piece by one piece, or, a simple way to do it is find a friend or a local craftsman, share your vision with them, share your design concept, and have them physically produce it. For example I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on my ERIC KIM PORTFOLIO BAG which I designed and produced while in Saigon in Vietnam in 2017, and it still looks insanely beautiful, and I get so many compliments on it! I have zero interest, -100% interest in ever purchasing any product at any foreign store. ERIC KIM is the new Balenciaga.
  5. Delete Instagram: I think the easiest way to gain a 500% boost your personal happiness is via negativa; just delete your Instagram. When I deleted my Instagram in 2017, it might have been the best thing all time. And no, the current ERICKIMphoto Instagram account is not me; I think a virtuous fan of mine re-created the profile and populated with some of my images, which I find insanely flattering. Instagram is bad because it is the new digital slavery, the new digital serfdom. You are promised this “free” land, this “free“ digital real estate, but in fact at the end of the day, you owe nothing, you are indebted to this rented land. And as a consequence, you have no personal freedom. Very very simple; create your own website blog, and all you have to do is post anything and everything to your own personal blog and website that you would otherwise post to Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, TikTok whatever. Even Snapchat. The reason why this is such a good idea is that You built equity in yourself, rather than building equity for the platform. Let us consider how disingenuous these foreign platforms are; you do all this hard work of creating information, pictures, artwork, videos and media, music whatever, and these sneaky advertisers insert their own advertisements in between your content? Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit denigrating?
  6. Think ancient: honestly the only ideas that I trust is anything that was written in ancient Greek, ancient Greece, and before. Even with philosophy, my personal suggestion is don’t read anything after Socrates. Socrates was a strange fellow, ugly, and he was the original person who tried to “virtue flex“, trying to make this weird notion of virtue as the Apex human male goal. But in fact, the only reason why Socrates took virtue as his weapon was because he had no army, no soldiers, no military power. He was the first tyrant of the soul and ethics; even my best friend Seneca the stoic sage was was too influenced by Socrates. In some ways we could think of Socrates like the original Kanye West; the first insanely radical thinker, who went contrary to all notions of good Greek behavior. As a consequence, a lot of the modern day philosophy we have today is perverted and weird and a bit boring.

Don’t watch nothing that has advertising, or is supported by advertising.

This is almost everything. This includes television, sports, magazines, newspapers, anything on the Internet or blogs or websites that is supported by Google sense advertising, YouTube, trust no YouTube, YouTuber who has advertisements on their channel.

The reason why it is wise to cancel advertising from your life in your brain and your eyes and your ears is that we are actually much more influenced and nudged and brainwashed by advertising then we think we are. For example, I think the mind is actually very very sensitive; and as artist, we have extreme sensitivity to ideas sounds, bodily sensations whatever… Don’t think that you are immune to it. In fact, my personal wisdom is that I know that I am actually very very easily influenced by almost anything and everything; therefore the best way to protect yourself is active defense; delete delete delete, delete all the advertising from your life.

How does one best leverage money as a tool?

My personal thought is that money is just codified human labor. For example, the best way to use money, should be hiring labor. For example you have all these people in Beverly Hills, Homeview Hills etc., who want to build these big ass mansions. Of course there’s the cost of material, but ultimately, The most critical thing to consider is people who actually build it. What I have personally observed is that a lot of these Beverly Hills mansions are actually being built by contractors, who contract out the labor to Mexican immigrant workers, whether legal or illegal.

In California, whenever you see a person who looks Latino who works in construction, just speaks Spanish to them. A lot of them are from Mexico, some of them are from Guadalajara, Honduras, other places from southern America. They almost all speak Spanish.

Speak to the janitor

It seems that the most interesting people to talk to is actually the people who run the facilities, hygiene, the janitor. Why? They really know what is behind-the-scenes.

For example, one of my new friends his name is Noel. He used to work at the California club, the extremely elite high-end exclusive club for politicians dignitaries, Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger whatever. He told me the true scoop behind-the-scenes, because when you work as a janitor and you clean spaces, You really do see peoples true colors behind-the-scenes.

For example, apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger is fake. In front of the other people on the cameras he smiles and takes pictures and whatever, but the second he goes behind-the-scenes, and there are all these Mexican Latino janitors workers and staff, he gives them the culture and doesn’t even acknowledge their existence.

Also, apparently a lot of the old money, the real rich people, a lot of them who have either passed away or are very very old now, or actually pretty low-key. The dress in plain clothing, and just drive some old Mercedes car, whereas a lot of their children, the air of their fortune, drive flashy exotic cars like McLaren, Lamborghinis for whatever. we must consider nepotism; a lot of these kids, whose parents are super rich, simply inherited their wealth, and they blow it on stupid things like cars, clothes, drugs, alcohol, clubs, prostitutes, strippers, women etc.

so why do I care about all this?

I personally care because I grew up poor, and ultimately money is the thing that fascinates everybody. Even these stupid fake woke and artist communist; come on, they all have iPhones, have Instagram, maybe own a dog or a pet or a cat or something, and even if they want to live off the grid in Portland or the Midwest or whatever, they still have some sort of automobile car which requires either gasoline, or even recharging their electric car. I find these fake ass hippies to be very disingenuous, the new modern day losers.

How to thrive in today’s brave New World

 First, I think it is a good idea to try to participate in local politics, the politics of your local neighborhood your local local city, local courthouse, maybe even the politics of your school, your kids school, parents association, the local nature center whatever. certainly you want to add more obligations to your life, but having the privilege in the luxury of participating in politics is the new luxury.

For example, if you get that stupid traffic ticket, the traffic camera ticket or whatever, maybe even if you are in the wrong, it is a good idea to try to contest it, show up to court, and try to make a plea before the judge. You still might be charged, but, Often you could do fun things like community service or doing other unorthodox things to get it off your record. Maybe we should think of this like a luxury; to “waste time” is the new luxury.

Other thoughts

To me, the best way to think about all the stuff is to think ancient Greek literature, even the ancient Roman stuff. Or maybe think about the Medici, Italy, coinage, international trade etc.

Back in ancient Greek times, it seems that a lot of wealth was produced via the sea; military prowess in the sea, as well as international trade, by boat. Consider all the wealth that was made importing coffee from Ethiopia into the Middle East, the term arabica comes from Arab, because the Arabs loved coffee, and the origin of the Araica coffea Plant was from Ethiopia.  Later other strands were created in Java, and in Indonesia, I think the Dutch made a killing importing products goods from Indonesia and propagating it worldwide.

Even the international spice trade, and salt. Becken inch in Roman times, salt was one of the most prized commodities, a gold. Even the term “salary”, was based on the notion of paying a Roman legionary soldier with salt, or remember the biblical notion that a man is not “worth his salt“.


Apparently there is a really good historical book on the history of debt. I’ve been kind of meaning to read it, but from what I understand, maybe the origin of money is actually from debt.

For example, a lot of the early cuneiform form, and early writing was simply to see who owed what to who. 

In fact, the reason why I am enthusiastic about this notion of a block chain is that you can track money on a public ledger … the original ledger once again was to record debt.

Debt is the devil

It is commonly written in the Bible, ancient Abraham religious text that debt is immoral. I think maybe even in the Torah, or Jewish law says one should not lend more than a certain percent of money to somebody else.

In fact, it seems that a lot of wealth is made on naturally, by people simply moving around debt interest as well as loans.

For example, if you buy a house, but you take out a mortgage, who owns your home? Not you, the bank.

It doesn’t matter if you put 10% down 20% down 50% down or even 90% down… As long as even a fraction of that house is mortgage, the bank technically on your house. It doesn’t matter how many times you refinance, borrow money against your home, it is still not yours.

So why does this matter?

Moral of the story: 

  1. Don’t get into debt, not for any reason. No matter how good offer may seem. Don’t go to a fancy Ivy League school if you got to go into that, certainly not a UC. Don’t ever go to school for anything that requires you to go into debt. Only go to school if you have a free ride, 100% scholarship, for myself I pretty much had a free ride to UCLA, except of the fact that I had to do some work study.
  2. If you’re in debt, pay it off as quickly as humanly possible.  And actually, if you’re intelligent, see if there are a special debt loan forgiveness programs, and or whether you could do some sort of logical bankruptcy, which may ruin your credit, but get that crushing debt off your shoulders.
  3. Essentially live like a poor person, or broke starving college student. Cook all your food at home, quit alcohol weed and media, and make it your focus to build your own empire.



“White people make money don’t spend it, I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ignant (ignorant)”. – Kanye

Thinking about money:

Why does this matter?

“Money sets the whole world in motion” – Publius Syrus

Do you know when people say that money makes the world go round? This is true.

So what is money anyways?

First, money is fiat, faith-based. Fiat currency.

Currency is an interesting word and term because it evokes the feeling of water, movement, river streams and tide pools.

So first of all, let us consider the notion of “income streams“. There’s this notion of “passive income”, I think first popularized or maybe coined by Tim Feriss, in his four hour work week. But I believe there to be a myth of passive income which means, income is and must be active. You cannot just sit on your butt and collect rent.

Also with rent, rent money is funny because even if you’re collecting rent, there’s a lot of work management you gotta do. For example, you have to fix and maintain your properties, make sure that your tenants pay their rent money, do background checks, deal with vacancies etc. It is one of those things that we as renters feel that the landlords have all the power, but in fact, assuming that you’re already wealthy, you actually might have more power as a renter than a landlord. Why? If you have a very good apartment and it is rent controlled, technically according to NASSIM TALEB you have greater optionality.

What that means is that you have a privilege to live somewhere, not an obligation. In theory you can leave whenever you want, and you’re not behelden to the property.

What would Aristotle, the ancient Greeks think?

In regards to the ancient Greeks, I think they may be the best model because starting from Roman times, their society already started to seep into degeneration, degeneracy. Even during Homer’s time, Homer was already saying that the ancient Greeks were falling into degeneracy, even when he was writing the Iliad. 

I am currently reading Politics by Aristotle, and I find it to be a really fascinating read. Essentially what he says about household economics etc., as well as his thoughts on substantive versus speculative finance, real versus fake finance. He essentially says that real finance has to deal with animals and fruits of the earth, everything else is just imaginary.

Also, his thoughts on slavery. Essentially in ancient Greek times, the ultimate goal was to have the laborers, slaves, craftsman, mechanics do all the dirty work, and the true nobleman and free man would just use all of his time and leisure for building virtue, philosophical thinking, and participating in politics, the politics of the local city state, the polis.

In modern-day times we always think about politics like it pertains to international politics whatever. But the original term politics referred to the polis, the immediate city-state. It was not focused on foreign affairs.

What is the ideal city state?

What I like about Aristotle and his writings is that he’s always talking about the ideal, and talks a lot about studying from the best of the past and the current, in order to formulate his thoughts. Also his writing is straight simple and clear, and very authoritative. For example, he quotes Plato and his Republic, and straight up says: “Plato is wrong.” Almost as hilarious and ballsy as when Nietzsche said: “Plato is boring.”

True financial freedom

Two things: Pay rent money, pay for food and groceries, and basic utilities, like your Wi-Fi, gas and electric, gas for your car etc. Beyond that, what else do you really need? 

Another fun experiment I’m doing is just paying for rent money by using the profit on my cryptocurrency speculations, simply using Coinbase, and profits from chainlink. For personal reference, I am currently 90% invested in chainlink, 10% in bitcoin. I believe this to be an interesting barbell for a risky yet “safe” investment speculation, in thinking the next 30 or 40 years.

Also, in terms of our cryptocurrency assets, we don’t have more than 10% of our whole life savings tied into cryptocurrency. Therefore if it all goes to zero in theory, not really a big deal. But my personal belief:

Bitcoin will never go down to zero.


A very interesting thing that I learned from NASSIM TALEB, maybe it was written in his book ANTIFRAGILE, is this notion of decimation. The basic idea is that in ancient Roman times the army, if cowardice was suspected, at random, 10% of the army would be put to death, it was a good way to prevent cowardice, especially one facing an impressive enemy. 

10% is interesting because in theory, if you lose 10% of your army, it is not enough to significantly lose your forces. A 10% loss is more than acceptable. For example let us say that you’re playing StarCraft, and you got an army of zealots, all upgraded with dash and full armor upgrades, if you lose 10% of them, you could still kill the army of zerg maybe if you do good enough micro management of the units. 

Finances is also similar — best to have 90% of your money in insanely secure bonds, CDs or stuff that might be inflation, even a simple savings account at 5%. Then put 10% of your money in extremely speculative cryptocurrency speculations, rather than putting 100% of your money and boring “medium risk” funds.

“Never trust a risk number even if it is right.”- TALEB 

Why we should not trust economists

First and foremost, economics, being an economist, is the new hocus pocus of modern day times. The reason why economists are so highly regarded is that currently speaking the new global religion is capital and capitalism.

Therefore as a consequence, the new modern-day priests are economists, and these fake talking Heads on the TV screen.

The reason why we should trust no economist, is that they use fake numbers statistics and fake math to justify their thoughts and positions. Even Nate Silver, who everyone thinks is some sort of genius, mispredicted Trump getting elected into office. Why? Even if you’re a statistician with 99% accuracy, the one percent of the time you’re wrong, it could cost billions of dollars.

The reason why we should also not trust no economist is that most of them are protected from the real world. Their opinions reports and thought pieces have no connection to reality. A lot of them are getting a fat salary and steady paycheck from their tenured professor positions at Harvard Yale Princeton or whatever, and therefore the predictions thoughts they have, have no bearing on their own personal finances.

Better instead to trust individual individuals who actually have skin in the game, or money in the game. That is that your opinion is tied to your own personal bank account, if your opinion is right, you make the big bucks, but if you’re wrong, you lose your shirt.

Where I am coming from

One of the best things about growing up poor and when you have seen your mom go through bankruptcy twice is that in some funny ways, it makes you more brazen, less fearful. Witnessing my mom go bankrupt, because my dad gambled away the rent money and we couldn’t pay rent, and she would just rack up credit card bills just to pay basic expenses, what I learned is at the end it’s not that bad. My mom got family support, community support, church support, and ultimately she was OK in the very end.

So for myself, the reason why I have such a high tolerance for risk is essentially nowadays, I live like a poor person. My New Year’s resolution is to buy nothing; or close to nothing, or just to not buy stuff that I consider silly or superfluous. Even acquiring free stuff; to me that is just more clutter in my mind in my life and my home; we new elite is about minimalism, even to a fault. 

Also, the American entrepreneurial spirit. Even my dad when he first came to the states, was extremely entrepreneurial. He started his own business when I was very very young, I think selling audio equipment. As he had a passion for music movies and film and cinema. I actually think his great ambition of life was to become a great film director. Even at a young age, I recall him watching Alfred Hitchcock the birds, Schindler’s list, and all these other great avant- garde films.

So now, raising Seneca, he is currently two years, around 11 months old… his training is very simple; simple, physical, Spartan. 99% of the day we are just at the local nature center, hiking on dirt paths, walking around, doing gymnastics at the playground, even now, I bought some wooden gymnast rings which I just hang from my parking spot in the back of my apartment, and he could swing around it, and hang around it! It is pretty amazing.

Another thing I learned from Aristotle’s Politics is that with children and child rearing, the logical order is first physical training and gymnastics, second is nutrition and feeding, third is the intellect. It seems some modern day tides we do the total opposite; we don’t really focus on physical exercise for kids, we just try to make them look smart. But book smarts is bad smarts; real smarts comes from the real world.

As a consequence, I probably literally spent close to no money on him. The only thing that we paid for in the early days were maybe diapers, and buying some random stuff on Amazon like training underwear, etc.

Now, he eats wagyu ground beef well in the air fryer, pro tip just toss a bunch of small broken up pieces of ground beef in the air fryer for 10 minutes, sprinkle it with some salt and pepper and give it to your kid! I think precisely because Seneca was born and fed such a high meat diet, he is the buff strong and tall boy he is today.

What should we use money for? 

What is the proper use of money?

For myself, Costco. Funny enough it looks like out of all of my normal stock investments, Costco is doing the best! Why? As inflation goes up, food gets more expensive etc., everyone likes to think that they’re not being “ripped off”– nobody likes to think that they are overpaying for anything. Costco is funny because it is almost like Walmart but with a good conscience; a lot of middle-class even rich people have thought of Walmart as akin to the devil; whereas Costco has warm fuzzy feelings. Half of the fun even myself as a kid going to Costco was getting the hotdogs at the food court, and also getting all the free samples! Costco is almost like going to Disneyland, with benefits.


To me, the only real food substance is meat. You could thrive on 100% carnivore meat red meat diet, good luck with lentils beans and potatoes. That is poverty food. 100% red meat beef lamb diet is fit for the gods.

Let us consider, the nonsenseness of veganism; the etymology and history of vegan comes from vegetarian, vegetarianism. Essentially the vegans were the more hardcore vegetarians; the word “vegan”, essentially is the word vegetarian with fewer letters.

Why do people even go vegan in the first place?

Honestly I think being vegan is more of an ethical thing rather than a physiological concern. This is where vegetarians are more honest than vegans; a lot of people who are vegetarian do it for religious regions, for example people from India or south Asia, or some people just don’t really like the taste of meat or flesh, prefer to eat cheese eggs dairy and fish instead. 

Thinking historically

What I also love about studying ancient history, Rome, the Iliad, thinking about Homer is that back then, there was none of this nonsensical being “woke“, or political correctness. The Greeks were a hard and simple race; you were either Greek or a barbarian. Even the word barbarian is originated from the notion of “bar-bar”– anyone who did not speak Greek, their language sounded like somebody saying “bar bar bar”.

And also this is where notions of “white supremacy“, or being “white”, is nonsensical. Were the ancient Greeks “white”? No. They were olive skinned, very tan.

We acknowledge and understand that the ancient Greeks were probably the peak human and society of its time; maybe it makes sense for us to go back to the fountains, and for us to seek to imitate the best of the best, the crème la crop of the past.

How did the ancient Greeks think about money?

First, in the time of Homer, the Iliad the odyssey etc.; there was no notion of coins, or coined money or currency. The notion of coin is actually pretty good, like bitcoin, because the original minted money was actually coins, not paper money.

Also, gold. Gold was always highly valued throughout all of history, even during the time of Homer and the Iliad. For example the greed of king Agamemnon, what did he want? More gold, more women, more land, more slaves, more power.

Even as a sidenote; an Achilles was told by his father figure that king Agamemnon was the superior man, because he lorded over more men. 

During the time of Homer, and the Iliad; wealth was concentrated in food and meat, oxen; the notion of a “hectacomb” was the generalized notion that if you wanted to appease the gods and make a sacrifice, you had to sacrifice 100 oxen, which was a lot. Why? An ox is interesting because you could eat it, and also you could use it as manual labor. Maybe back in the day, having one ox was almost like the modern day notion of having a Lamborghini; can you imagine sacrificing and burning 100 Lamborghinis to appease the gods?

What did Achilles want?

If I ever had to rename myself I would just need myself Achilles. Why? He is nearly invulnerable and invincible; what is it that he wanted in the Iliad? Honestly he was tired of war and conquest and battle; he just wanted to chill out, retire, enjoy his land and pastures, and enjoy Breisis his prize.

Even Achilles said wisely; No amount of wealth in the world is worth a life, my life. Not if you took all the wealth of the world, all the gold of the world, and multiplied it by 65. Once you’re dead, you’re dead forever.

Even in today’s world, I don’t think sacrificing your life your own personal life is worth anything; I would only ever ever ever sacrifice my life it was for the sake of Seneca’s life, or Cindy‘s life, or both. Otherwise, I have zero interest in being drafted to go to some sort of senseless war, in order for America to procure more oil or whatever.

And this is where I believe that war is so superficial; would you be willing to send your own personal blood son, your first born son, to fight in the front lines of Afghanistan or whatever, for some sort of strange political advantage? No.

Buying a house?

Things are starting to get ridiculous. In LA and Culver City, you can’t find a good single-family home for less than $2 million. Even a $2 million or $3 million home, it’s not really in the best neighborhood either which is 100% pedestrian friendly. I was looking at this brand new $3 million house, which is pretty nice, but it’s kind of in the middle of nowhere, I cannot enjoy my lovely morning walks as I do just walking from my apartment from the arts district.

Renting is superior?

I wonder if renting is actually superior than owning because you got more optionality, less obligation. 

“You work for a living, I live for a living” – Jay Z

Ultimately what is it that we really seek to do, our desired activity?

I think what we really desire to do at the end of the day is physical activity, vigorous activity, to be physical. Physics, human physics, our own human body.

We want to walk around, go on hikes, be in nature, go to the beach, swim around, walk around mountain paths, pick up heavy things, throw around rocks, do fun gymnastics things, hot yoga, lift weights etc.

The ultimate luxury in today’s world is the human body. It all matter if you own 100 Ferraris, if you are obese, old and fat, none of it is worth it.

Even I was randomly doing some research about Hugh Hefner, the big issue is that apparently he just lived in his Holmby Hills mansion for his whole life, wearing nothing but silk pajamas, taking weird hallucinogen drugs and Viagra, in poor health, having sex with all of these random women, forcing them to do drugs, get plastic surgery etc. 

I think the weird notion is a lot of men, they seek to become some sort of playboy? To grow a beard, buy a bunch of guns, have sex with all these women, massive orgies with all these beautiful women, for the sake of what?

The merchandising of women

In today’s modern day capitalistic society, women are the new objects, the new products being sold. The strange promise is this; you get rich successful and famous, you get the Lamborghini or the Ferrari, and then suddenly all these beautiful women will flock to you, want to have sex with you, fulfill all your weird sexual fantasies, etc., and suddenly you’ll be happy for the rest of your life?

It seems the weird sexual perversion we have in today’s world is that maybe… the trend is we want some sort of 100% subservient female sex bot, 100% obey us, and fulfill our sexual desires? 

But let us not forget, the purpose and function of sex is for us to beget children; the hormones and the good feelings associated with it is to promote bonding between the man and woman, and to solidify the family relationship. This is where I am pro monogamy; even Zeus was married to Hera! Although he did sleep around a lot. 

Buy nothing?

One of the greatest things that was born out of Covid was the Facebook buy nothing groups. Essentially close to 100% of all the baby stuff we got for Seneca was for free from the buy nothing group. Cindy would just message other moms, get a bunch of free baby hand-me-down stuff, and we literally paid close to nothing for all of his baby stuff. I estimate that from the buy nothing group, Cindy might’ve saved us close to $15,000.

It takes more skill to buy nothing?

Ultimately I think money is like some sort of game; the game of not spending money seems to be more interesting than spending money.

There is nothing morally or ethically wrong about spending money, the only issue at hand is when people spend money in some sort of boring way, they go into debt, credit card debt or whatever, and as a consequence, they lose their freedom?


Financial Fitness

I don’t know if this is yet a notion, this notion an idea of “financial fitness“. The general, generalized idea is this: we talk about physical fitness, physical health or whatever, yet we never talk about financial health, financial fitness whatever.

Perhaps the reason I don’t like or trust all these other random people who talk about finances ultimately, they are selling some sort of product, service, or they are sponsored by advertising and advertisers. The big problem about this is that their opinions are not pure, also in my opinion, not critical.

I have never met anybody in real life why consider financially successful, maybe besides my friend Todd Hata, who maybe works only one day a year, and he is enjoying his digital nomad life, traveling the world. His simple studio lighting company on Amazon is genius, his bread and butter is these photo clamps. 

Another friend of mine who I consider very financially successful is Don Dillon,  who made his fortune building up his own company, later selling it, and after building an art house in Arizona, later selling it, and just opting for more low-key lifestyle, just living in a simple condo with his wife Diane in Dana point, Orange County California.

Meeting real life successful people?

Something cool about Don, he used to own a Porsche race car, has a Porsche 911 GT three, ultimately, just prefers to drive his dodge ram truck around. At this point of life, he just wants to focus on travel and photography.

Also, another private workshop student of mine, who actually designed princes phallic purple guitar, also was in the Ferrari scene, I think he might’ve owned 10 to 50 Ferraris, used to go to all these car meet ups and racing stuff, it ultimately sold all of it, and just bought a simple Lexus RX car, to deal with the Minnesota winters.

Real rich or fake rich? 

My personal hot chick in LA, being in LA, even spending a lot of time in Orange County whatever, is that a lot of people are “fake rich“, this means that it seems that they are rich and successful and wealthy or whatever, but in fact, they are living paycheck to paycheck, and also are in deep debt.  For example, as long as you have a mortgage on your house, you ain’t free. Doesn’t matter if your house is valued at five or $10 million or whatever, as long as you have to pay a monthly mortgage payment, you are still in debt. And don’t throw this nonsense, equity”, around; or even notions of “net worth”, not critical. The only true wealth is to have zero debt, zero obligations, zero mortgage, own zero property.

Even the problem about property ownership, even if you bought the house or whatever in all cash; maintenance fees.

Condo versus apartment?

 I’ve been thinking a lot about condominiums lately, no one hand it seems like a good idea and on another hand it seems like a little bit of a scam.

I suppose a good thing about having a condo or only a condo, like my friend Timothy Flanagan is that if you’re abroad a lot and travel a lot, Technically the upside of owning your own home condominium thing is that ultimately, you have a place to store your stuff, a little bit more space, maybe you have a garage or a basement or something, and you could just leave your stuff there, somebody else will maintain your property, and after you travel, you still have a place to come back home to.

One thing I am actually insanely grateful for is the fact that Cindy, Cindy‘s mom, Cindy‘s family owned their own single-family home, in Orange County, and the great upside is that while Cindy and I was traveling the world, living off the grid, no matting around, living abroad in Vietnam Japan for about two years, we still had a home address that we could send our mail to, a study home address where we could file our taxes, credit card reports, bank statements whatever. Apparently a lot of people who adopt a digital nomad lifestyle, and have no real family connections, the big issue is that still… It is good to have a solid and steady home address where you could send financial paperwork to.

Financial independence, retire early

Something also very cool that my friend Timothy Flanagan did was opting for an early retirement, I think he officially retired last year, maybe at age 52?

Also, an interesting funny thing is that a lot of people actually have the option of retiring early, if you’re in the school system you could technically retire as early as age 50! Granted your pension and your Social Security or your financial fund isn’t that much money, but still… To no longer have to show up to work, For the rest of your life, at the young and ripe age of 50 years old… Isn’t that great?

Work and identity

Perhaps the big issue here is that people put too much of their self-esteem and their self-worth into their occupation. Yet, if we think about the movie 300, and King Leonidas asks his Spartan 300; “what is your profession“? They all throw their spears into the air and go “woot!”

So what is it that you really want and desire? 

My critical thought is that it seems that honestly speaking, most people don’t really know what they want in life, nor maybe they don’t have the courage to actually pause and assert with a truly desire and want in life?

For example, I often ask people if you magically had $100 million deposited into your personal checking account, and never had to worry about money again… What would you do with your life, how would you live your life? The typical responses are a bit Standard; travel the world, buy a house and some property etc. He had most people don’t really go beyond that.

To me the notion of financial independence retire early, “fire“, is the point in which you no longer make money cruel tied with your own personal self-esteem. Just think; once you could pay rent, pay for groceries and meet at Costco, basic utilities like gas electric Wi-Fi your phone bill etc., what else do you really need?

So now what?

Once you retire, or once you’re financially robust, then what?

My thought is just focus on art, your arts production, your creative activities, your full self thinking and writing and production, publishing your ideas thoughts and creations etc. 

Let us consider that for most people, towards the end of their life, a lot of people who made their millions, and now are in their 80s, mid 80s, early 80s, late 80s… What is it that they focus on?

It seems art. Either art production, art purchasing, art accrual, art creation etc. What is the basic notion behind all of this? The basic notion is that people have a desire and an impetus to create art, share art, and propagate art. It is in our body, our souls, our sinews our blood. 

Financial strategies for this year this new year

Simple thoughts:

  1. See how long you can go without buying nothing. Join the Facebook by nothing group in your own local city and area, and it seems a really good way to build a real community. For example, ever during pandemic, Cindy became very active in the Facebook by nothing group in Providence, and now here in Culver City, and interacting and meeting people in the flesh, sharing physical possessions is fascinating because ultimately it is not even about the stuff; rather, The stuff that people give away for free is a totem of goodwill, and having the opportunity to interact with others. 
  2. Investing in your health and fitness: one of the important things to consider is that it doesn’t matter if you have $100 trillion in your bank account, if you only sleep two hours a night, are insanely sick, unwell, lack exercise and natural light, eat poorly, etc.… All of the money in the world multiplied by 1 billion isn’t worth it. Once again just think, does say that you only sleep one hour night, or addicted to methamphetamines, but you got $10 billion in your bank account, and the pain that you feel from 0 to 10 is a 50, is money and wealth worth it? No.
  3. Think about digital real estate, rather than land-based real estate: it is insane, you could buy a.com domain for only 10 bucks a year, 20 bucks a year. This means you could own digital property for only one or two dollars a month! I’ve been on a bit of a digital rampage; coupling up interment. Currently I own some new fund domains which include ERICkim fitness.com, erickimphilosophy.com, erickimcrypto.com, ERICkimfood.com, eric KIM.LA,erickim.AI, and it was all inspired by Cindy who bought me the erickim.com domain for about 1000 bucks in 2017. Now I am sure it is worth millions. Typically when I am interested in a concept, I just go to godaddy.com, and I search whether the domain is available or not. Typically speaking the best domain to get is just a simple.com website, The new sexy domain which I actually really like is the dot AI domain; don’t do the iOS domain, which stands for input output, nobody has any idea what that means. Everybody knows what AI is. It seems that everyone has watched the terminator movie. They know what Skynet is.
  4.  Make and design your own clothing? One of the greatest benefits of living abroad, spending time in Vietnam, and also more recently going to Korea, is that I have been designing my own ideal clothes, my own ideal equipment, products, leather products, etc. For example all the haptic products, haptic industries products… I always thought to myself “if I could design and create my own ideal things products close etc.… What would they be and what would they look like?” As a consequence I created the HENRI line, the ERIC KIM line etc. How can you design and create your own clothes and stuff? Either just make it yourself by hand, à la cart, one piece by one piece, or, a simple way to do it is find a friend or a local craftsman, share your vision with them, share your design concept, and have them physically produce it. For example I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on my ERIC KIM PORTFOLIO BAG which I designed and produced while in Saigon in Vietnam in 2017, and it still looks insanely beautiful, and I get so many compliments on it! I have zero interest, -100% interest in ever purchasing any product at any foreign store. ERIC KIM is the new Balenciaga.
  5. Delete Instagram: I think the easiest way to gain a 500% boost your personal happiness is via negativa; just delete your Instagram.  When I deleted my Instagram in 2017, it might have been the best thing all time. And no, the current ERIC KIM photo Instagram account is not me; I think virtuous fan of mine re-created the profile and populated with some of my images, which I find insanely flattering. Instagram is bad because it is the new digital slavery, the new digital serfdom. You are promised this “free” land, this “free“ digital real estate, but in fact at the end of the day, you owe nothing, you are indebted to this rented land. And as a consequence, you have no personal freedom. Very very simple; create your own website blog, and all you have to do is post anything and everything to your own personal blog and website that you would otherwise post to Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, TikTok whatever. Even Snapchat. The reason why this is such a good idea is that You built equity in yourself, rather than building equity for the platform.  Let us consider how disingenuous these foreign platforms are; you do all this hard work of creating information, pictures, artwork, videos and media, music whatever, and these sneaky advertisers insert their own advertisements in between your content? Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit denigrating?
  6. Think ancient: honestly the only ideas that I trust in modern daytimes is anything that was written in ancient Greek, ancient Greece, and before. Even with lossy, my personal suggestion is don’t read anything after Socrates. Socrates was a strange fellow, ugly, and he was the original person who tried to “virtue flex“, Trying to make this weird notion of virtue as the Apex human male goal. But in fact, the only reason why Socrates took off was he had no army, no soldiers, no military power. He was the first tyrant of the soul and ethics; even my best friend Seneca the stage I think, was too influenced by Socrates. in someways we could think of Socrates like the original Kanye West; the first insanely radical thinker, who went contrary to all notions of good Greek behavior. As a consequence, a lot of the modern day philosophy we have today is perverted and weird and a bit boring.

Don’t watch nothing that has advertising, or is supported by advertising.

This is almost everything.  This includes television, sports, magazines, newspapers, anything on the Internet or blogs or websites that is supported by Google sense advertising, YouTube, trust no YouTube, YouTuber who has advertisements on their channel.

The reason why it is wise to cancel advertising from your life in your brain and your eyes and your ears is that we are actually much more influenced and nudged and brainwashed by advertising then we think we are. For example, I think the mind is actually very very sensitive; and as artist, we have extreme sensitivity to ideas sounds, bodily sensations whatever… Don’t think that you are immune to it. In fact, my personal wisdom is that I know that I am actually very very easily influenced by almost anything and everything; therefore the best way to protect yourself is active defense; delete delete delete, delete all the advertising from your life.

How does one best leverage money as a tool?

My personal thought is that money is just codified human labor. For example, the best way to use money, should be hiring labor. For example you have all these people in Beverly Hills, Homeview Hills etc., who want to build these big ass mansions. Of course there’s the cost of material, but ultimately, The most critical thing to consider is people who actually build it. What I have personally observed is that a lot of these Beverly Hills mansions are actually being built by contractors, who contract out the labor to Mexican immigrant workers, whether legal or illegal.

In California, whenever you see a person who looks Latino who works in construction, just speaks Spanish to them. A lot of them are from Mexico, some of them are from Guadalajara, Honduras, other places from southern America. They almost all speak Spanish.

Speak to the janitor

It seems that the most interesting people to talk to is actually the people who run the facilities, hygiene, the janitor. Why? They really know what is behind-the-scenes.

For example, one of my new friends his name is Noel. He used to work at the California club, the extremely elite high-end exclusive club for politicians dignitaries, Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger whatever. He told me the true scoop behind-the-scenes, because when you work as a janitor and you clean spaces, You really do see peoples true colors behind-the-scenes.

For example, apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger is fake. In front of the other people on the cameras he smiles and takes pictures and whatever, but the second he goes behind-the-scenes, and there are all these Mexican Latino janitors workers and staff, he gives them the culture and doesn’t even acknowledge their existence.

Also, apparently a lot of the old money, the real rich people, a lot of them who have either passed away or are very very old now, or actually pretty low-key. The dress in plain clothing, and just drive some old Mercedes car, whereas a lot of their children, the air of their fortune, drive flashy exotic cars like McLaren, Lamborghinis for whatever. we must consider nepotism; a lot of these kids, whose parents are super rich, simply inherited their wealth, and they blow it on stupid things like cars, clothes, drugs, alcohol, clubs, prostitutes, strippers, women etc.

so why do I care about all this?

I personally care because I grew up poor, and ultimately money is the thing that fascinates everybody. Even these stupid fake woke and artist communist; come on, they all have iPhones, have Instagram, maybe own a dog or a pet or a cat or something, and even if they want to live off the grid in Portland or the Midwest or whatever, they still have some sort of automobile car which requires either gasoline, or even recharging their electric car. I find these fake ass hippies to be very disingenuous, the new modern day losers.

How to thrive in today’s brave New World

 First, I think it is a good idea to try to participate in local politics, the politics of your local neighborhood your local local city, local courthouse, maybe even the politics of your school, your kids school, parents association, the local nature center whatever. certainly you want to add more obligations to your life, but having the privilege in the luxury of participating in politics is the new luxury.

For example, if you get that stupid traffic ticket, the traffic camera ticket or whatever, maybe even if you are in the wrong, it is a good idea to try to contest it, show up to court, and try to make a plea before the judge. You still might be charged, but, Often you could do fun things like community service or doing other unorthodox things to get it off your record. Maybe we should think of this like a luxury; to “waste time” is the new luxury.

Other thoughts

To me, the best way to think about all the stuff is to think ancient Greek literature, even the ancient Roman stuff. Or maybe think about the Medici, Italy, coinage, international trade etc.

Back in ancient Greek times, it seems that a lot of wealth was produced via the sea; military prowess in the sea, as well as international trade, by boat. Consider all the wealth that was made importing coffee from Ethiopia into the Middle East, the term arabica comes from Arab, because the Arabs loved coffee, and the origin of the Araica coffea Plant was from Ethiopia.  Later other strands were created in Java, and in Indonesia, I think the Dutch made a killing importing products goods from Indonesia and propagating it worldwide.

Even the international spice trade, and salt. Becken inch in Roman times, salt was one of the most prized commodities, a gold. Even the term “salary”, was based on the notion of paying a Roman legionary soldier with salt, or remember the biblical notion that a man is not “worth his salt“.


Apparently there is a really good historical book on the history of debt. I’ve been kind of meaning to read it, but from what I understand, maybe the origin of money is actually from debt.

For example, a lot of the early cuneiform form, and early writing was simply to see who owed what to who. 

In fact, the reason why I am enthusiastic about this notion of a block chain is that you can track money on a public ledger … the original ledger once again was to record debt.

Debt is the devil

It is commonly written in the Bible, ancient Abraham religious text that debt is immoral. I think maybe even in the Torah, or Jewish law says one should not lend more than a certain percent of money to somebody else.

In fact, it seems that a lot of wealth is made on naturally, by people simply moving around debt interest as well as loans.

For example, if you buy a house, but you take out a mortgage, who owns your home? Not you, the bank.

It doesn’t matter if you put 10% down 20% down 50% down or even 90% down… As long as even a fraction of that house is mortgage, the bank technically on your house. It doesn’t matter how many times you refinance, borrow money against your home, it is still not yours.

So why does this matter?

Moral of the story: 

  1. Don’t get into debt, not for any reason. No matter how good offer may seem. Don’t go to a fancy Ivy League school if you got to go into that, certainly not a UC. Don’t ever go to school for anything that requires you to go into debt. Only go to school if you have a free ride, 100% scholarship, for myself I pretty much had a free ride to UCLA, except of the fact that I had to do some work study.
  2. If you’re in debt, pay it off as quickly as humanly possible.  And actually, if you’re intelligent, see if there are a special debt loan forgiveness programs, and or whether you could do some sort of logical bankruptcy, which may ruin your credit, but get that crushing debt off your shoulders.
  3. Essentially live like a poor person, or broke starving college student. Cook all your food at home, quit alcohol weed and media, and make it your focus to build your own empire.


Money Thoughts

“White people make money don’t spend it, I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ignant (ignorant)”. – Kanye

Thinking about money:

Why does this matter?

Money is the thing that sets the whole world in motion, Publius Syrus

Do you know when people say that money makes the world go round? This is true.

So what is money anyways?

First, money is Fiat, faith-based. Fiat currency.

Currency is an interesting word and term because it evokes the feeling of water, movement, river streams and tide pools.

 so first of all, let us consider the notion of “income streams“. There’s this notion of “passive income”, I think first popularized or maybe coined by Tim Ferris, in his four hour work week. But I believe there to be a myth of passive income which means, income is and must be active. You cannot just sit on your butt and collect rent.

Also with rent, rent money is funny because even if you’re collecting rent, there’s a lot of work management you gotta do. For example, you have to fix and maintain your properties, make sure that your tenants pay their rent money, do background checks, deal with vacancies etc. It is one of those things that we as renters feel that the landlords have all the power, but in fact, assuming that you’re already wealthy, you actually might have more power as a renter than a landlord. Why? If you have a very good apartment and it is rent controlled, technically according to NASSIM TALEB you have greater optionality.

What that means is that you have a privilege to live somewhere, not an obligation. In theory you can leave whenever you want, and you’re not be held in to the property.

What would Aristotle, the ancient Greeks think?

In regards to the ancient Greeks, I think they may be the best model because starting from Roman times, their society already started to seep into degeneration, degeneracy. Even during Homer’s time, Homer was already saying that the ancient Greeks were falling into degeneracy, even when he was writing the Iliad. 

I am currently reading politics by Aristotle, and I find it to be a really fascinating read. Essentially what he says about household economics etc., as well as his thoughts on substantive versus speculative finance, real versus fake finance. He essentially says that real finance has to deal with animals and fruits of the earth, everything else is just imaginary.

Also, his thoughts on slavery. Essentially in ancient Greek times, ultimate goal was to have the laborers, slaves, craftsman, mechanics do all the dirty work, and the true Noble man and Freeman would just use all of his time and leisure for building virtue, philosophical thinking, and participating in politics, the politics of the local city state, the polis.

In modern day times we always think about politics like it pertains to international politics whatever. But the original term politics referred to the police, the immediate state. It was not focused on foreign affairs.

What is the ideal city state?

 What do you like about Aristotle and his writings is that he’s always talking about the ideal, and talks a lot about studying from the best of the past and the current, in order to formulate his thoughts. Also his writing is thread simple and clear, and very authoritative. For example, he quotes Plato and his Republic, and straight up says: “Plato is wrong.” Almost as hilarious and ballsy as when Nietzsche said: “Plato is boring.”

True financial freedom

Two things: pay rent money, pay for food and groceries, and basic utilities, like your Wi-Fi, gas and electric, gas for your car etc. Beyond that, what else do you really need? 

Occur fun experiment I’m doing is just paying for rent money by using the profit on my cryptocurrency speculations, simply using Coinbase, and profits from chain-link. For personal reference, I am currently 90% invested in chain-link, 10% in bitcoin. I believe this to be an interesting parallel for a risky yet “safe” Investments speculation, I’m thinking the next 30 or 40 years.

Also, in terms of our cryptocurrency assets, we don’t have more than 10% of our whole life savings tied into cryptocurrency. Therefore if it all goes to zero in theory, not really a big deal.


A very interesting thing that I learned from NASSIM TALEB, maybe it was written in his book antifragile, is this notion of decimation. The basic idea is that in ancient Roman times the army, if cowardice was suspected, at random, 10% of the army would be put to death, it was a good way to prevent cowardice, especially one facing an impressive enemy. 

10% is interesting because in theory, if you lose 10% of your army, it is not enough to significantly lose your forces. A 10% loss is more than acceptable. For example let us say that you’re playing StarCraft, and you got an army of Zealots, all upgraded with dash and full armor upgrades, if you lose 10% of them, you could still kill the army of Zerg maybe if you do good enough micro management of the units. 

Finances is also similar — best to have 90% of your money in insanely secure bonds, CDs or stuff that might be inflation, even a simple savings account at 5%. Then put 10% of your money in extremely speculative cryptocurrency speculations, rather than putting 100% of your money and boring “medium risk” funds.

“Never trust a risk number even if it is right.”- TALEB 

Why we should not trust economists

First and foremost, economics, being an economist, is a new Hocus Pocus of modern day times. The reason why economist are so highly regarded is that currently speaking the new global religion is capital and capitalism.

Therefore as a consequence, the new modern-day priests are economist, and these fake Talking Heads on the TV screen.

The reason why we should trust no economist, is that the use fake numbers statistics and fake math to justify their thoughts and positions. Even needs silver, who everyone thinks is some sort of genius, miss predicted Trump getting elected into office. Why? Even if you’re a statistician with 99% accuracy, the one percent of the time you’re wrong, it could cost billions of dollars.

The reason why we should also not trust a con is that most of them are protected from the real world. Their opinions reports and thought pieces have no connection to reality. A lot of them are getting a fat salary and study paycheck from their tenure professor positions at Harvard Yale Princeton or whatever, and therefore the predictions thoughts they have, have no bearing on their own personal finances.

Two instead of trust individual individuals who actually have skin in the game, or money in the game. That is that your opinion is tied to your own personal bank account, if your opinion is right, you make the big bucks, but if you’re wrong, you lose your shirt.

Where I am coming from

What are the best things about growing up poor and when they seen your mom go through bankruptcy twice is that it’s some funny ways, it makes you more brazen, less fearful. Witnessing my mom go bankrupt, because my dad gambled away the rent money and we couldn’t pay rent, and she would just rack up credit card bills just to pay basic expenses, What I learned is at the end it’s not that bad. My mom got family support, community support, church support, and ultimately she was OK and the very end.

So for myself, the reason why I have such a high tolerance for risk is essentially nowadays, I live like a poor person. My New Year’s resolution is to buy nothing; or close to nothing, or just to not buy stuff that I consider silly or superfluous. Even acquiring free stuff; to me that is just more clutter in my mind in my life and my home; we new elite is about minimalism, even to a fault. 

Also, the American entrepreneurial spirits. Even my dad when he first came to the states, was extremely entrepreneurial. He started his own business when I was very very young, I think selling audio equipment. As he had a passion for music movies and film in cinema. I actually think his great ambition of life wants to become a great film Director. Even at a young age, I recall him watching Alfred Hitchcock the birds, Schindler’s list, and all these other great avant- Garde films.

So now, raising Seneca, he is currently two years, around 11 months old… His training is very simple; simple, osteria, Spartan. 99% of the day we are just at the local nature center, hiking on dirt paths, walking around, Doing gymnastics at the playground, even now, I bought some wooden gymnast rings which I just hang from my parking spot in the back of my apartment, and he could swing around it, and hang around it! It is pretty amazing.

Another thing I learned from Aristotle politics is that with children and child rearing, the logical order is first physical training and gymnastics, second is nutrition and feeding, third is the intellect. It seems some modern day tides we do the total opposite; we don’t really focus on physical exercise for kids, we just try to make them look smart. But book smarts is bad smarts; real smarts comes from the real world.

 as a consequence, I probably literally spent close to no money on him. The only thing that we paid for in the early days were maybe diapers, and buying some random stuff on Amazon like training underwear, etc.

Now, he eats Wagyu ground beef well in the air fryer, pro tip just toss a bunch of small broken up pieces of ground beef in the air fryer for 10 minutes, sprinkle it with some salt and pepper and give it to your kid! I think precisely because Seneca was born and fed such a high meat diet, he is the buff strong and tall boy he is today.

What should we use money for? 

What is the proper use of money?

For myself, Costco. Funny enough it looks like out of all of my normal stock investments, Costco is doing the best! Why? As inflation goes up, food gets more expensive etc., everyone likes to think that they’re not being “gyped”–  nobody likes to think that they are overpaying for anything. Costco is funny because it is almost like Walmart but with a good conscience; a lot of middle-class even rich people have thought of Walmart as a kin to the devil; whereas Costco has warm fuzzy feelings. Half of the fun even myself as a kid going to Costco was getting the hotdogs at the food court, and also getting all the free samples! Costco is almost like going to Disneyland, with benefits.


To me, the only real food substance is meat. You could thrive on 100% carnivore meat red meat diet, good luck with lentils beans and potatoes. That is poverty food. 100% red meat beef lamb diet is fit for the gods.

Let us consider, the nonsensory of veganism; etymology in history of vegan comes from vegetarian, vegetarianism. Essentially the vegans were the more hard-core vegetarian; the word “vegan”, essentially is the word vegetarian with fewer letters. 

Why do people even go vegan in the first place?

Honestly I think being vegan is more of an ethical thing rather than a physiological concern. This is where vegetarians are more honest than vegan; a lot of people who are vegetarian do it for religious regions, for example people from India or south Asia, or some people just don’t really like the taste of meat or flesh, prefer to eat cheese eggs dairy and Fish instead. 

Thinking historically

What I also love about studying ancient history, Rome, Iliad, thinking about Homer is that back then, there was none of this nonsensical being “woke“, or political quietness. The Greeks were a hard and simple race; you were either Greek or a barbarian. Even the word barbarian is Originated from the notion of “bar-bar”– anyone who did not speak Greek, their language sounded like somebody saying “bar bar bar”.

And also this is where notions of “white supremacy“, or being “white”, is nonsensical. Where are the ancient Greeks “white”? No. They were olive skinned, very tan.

We acknowledge and understand that the ancient Greeks were probably the peak human and society of its time; maybe it makes sense for us to go back to the fountains, and for us to seek to imitate the best of the best, the crème la crop of the past.

How did the ancient Greeks think about money?

First, in the time of Homer, the Elliot the odyssey etc.; there was no notion of courage, or coined money or currency. The notion of coin is actually pretty good, like bitcoin, because the original minted money was actually coins, not paper money.

Also, gold. Gold was always highly valued throughout all of history, even during the time of Homer and Elliot. For example the greed of king Agamemnon, what did you want? More gold, more women, more land, more slaves, more power.

Even as a sidenote; an Achilles was told by his father figure that king Agamemnon was the superior man, because he lorded over more men. 

During the time of Homer, and the Elliott; wealth was concentrated in food and meat, oxen; the notion of a “hectic” was the generalized notion that if you wanted to appease the gods and make a sacrifice, you had to sacrifice 100 oxen, which was a lot. Why? An ox is interesting because you could eat it, and also you could use it as manual labor. Maybe back in the day, having one ox was almost like the modern day notion of having a Lamborghini; can you imagine sacrificing and burning 100 Lamborghinis to appease the gods?

What did Achilles want?

If I ever had to rename myself I would just need myself Achilles. Why? He is nearly in vulnerable and invincible; what is it that he wanted in the Iliad?  honestly he was tired of war and conquest and battle; he just wanted to chill out, retire, enjoy his land and pastures, and enjoy Breisis his prize.

Even Achilles said wisely; no amount of wealth in the world is worth a life, my life. Not if you took all the wealth of the world, all the goals of the world, and multiplied by 65. Once you’re dead, you’re dead forever.

Even in today’s world, I don’t think sacrificing your life your own personal life is worth anything; I would only ever ever ever sacrifice my life it was for the sake of Seneca’s life, or Cindy‘s life, or both. Otherwise, I have zero interest in being Drafted to go to some sort of senseless war, in order for America to procure more oil or whatever.

And this is where I believe that war is so superficial; would you be willing to send your own personal blood son, your first born son, to fight in the front lines of Afghanistan or whatever, for some sort of strange political advantage? No.

Buying a house?

Things are starting to get ridiculous. In LA and Culver City, you can’t find a good single-family home for less than $2 million. Even a $2 million or $3 million home, it’s not really in the best neighborhood either which is 100% pedestrian friendly. I was looking at this brand new $3 million house, which is pretty nice, but it’s kind of in the middle of nowhere, I cannot enjoy my lovely morning walks as I do just walking from my apartment from the arts district.

Renting is superior?

I wonder if renting is actually superior than owning because you got more optionality, less obligation. 

“You work for a living, I live for a living” – Jay Z

Ultimately what is it that we really seek to do, our desired activity?

I think what we really desire to do at the end of the day is physical activity, vigorous activity, to be a physical. Physics, human physics, our own human body.

We want to walk around, go on Heights, be nature, go to the beach, swim around, walk around mountain pets, pick up heavy things, throw around rocks, do fun gymnastics things, hot yoga, lift weights etc.

Ultimate luxury in today’s world is the human body. It all matter if you owe 100 Ferraris, if you are obese, old and fat, none of it is worth it.

Even I was randomly doing some research about Hugh Hefner, the big issue is that apparently he just lived in his Holmby Hills mansion for his whole life, wearing nothing but silk pajamas, taking weird hallucinogen drugs and Viagra, in poor health, having sex with all of these random women, forcing them to do drugs, get plastic surgery etc. 

I think the weird notion is a lot of men, they seek to become some sort of playboy? To grow beard, buy a bunch of guns, have sex with all these women, massive orgies with all these beautiful women, for the sake of what?

The merchandising of women

In two days modern day capitalistic society, women are the new objects, the new products being sold. The strange promise is this; you get rich successful and famous, you get the Lamborghini or the Ferrari, and then suddenly all these beautiful women will flock to you, want to have sex with you, Fulfill all your weird sexual fantasies, etc., and suddenly you’ll be happy for the rest of your life?

It seems the weird sexual perversion we have in today’s world is that maybe… The trend is we want some sort of 100% subservient female sex bot, 100% obey us, and fulfill our sexual desires? 

But let us not forget, the purpose and function of sex is for us to get children; the hormones and the good feelings associated with it is to promote bonding between the man and woman, and to solidify the family relationship. This is where I am pro monogamy; even Zeus was married to Hera! Although he did sleep around a lot. 

Buy nothing?

 One of the greatest things that was born out of Covid was the Facebook by nothing groups. Essentially close to 100% of all the baby stuff we got for Seneca was for free from the spine nothing group. Cindy would just message other moms, get a bunch of free baby hand-me-down stuff, and we literally paid close to nothing for all of his baby stuff. I estimate that from the buy nothing group, Cindy might’ve saved us close to $15,000.

It takes more skill to buy nothing?

Ultimately I think money is like some sort of game; the game of not spending money seems to be more interesting than spending money.

There is nothing morally or ethically wrong about spending money, the only issue at hand is when people spend money in some sort of boring way, they go into debt, credit card debt or whatever, and as a consequence, they lose their freedom?

The Philosophy of Porn?

Pornography … pornos just means prostitute.

But if you create your own beautiful women in ChatGPT, DALL-E 3… then is it still porn? No.

Nothing wrong with porn morally or ethically … the bigger issue is online advertising and porn (weird stuff), and also … just issues with pirating porn (Pirate Bay and using torrents and VPN’s whatever). Just think —

How many Google engineers watch porn in secret, at home, at night … when nobody is home, when they turn on their private VPN?

Easy spot — open up their MacBook Pro, and see if they habe uTorrent or Transmission or whatever torrenting app on their Applications folder.

Anyways my simple idea:

If you need some sort of sexual stimuli or stimulus, just hit the gym and talk to the pretty ladies, or just join a hot yoga studio and chat with the pretty women there!

It doesn’t need to be sexual.

hot8yoga is good, even corepoweryoga

For images, just create your own beautiful hourglass shaped women on DALL-E 3, ChatGPT AI image generation tool!

The Issue with Porn

Nothing wrong with porn morally or ethically … the bigger issue is online advertising and porn (weird stuff), and also … just issues with pirating porn (Pirate Bay and using torrents and VPN’s whatever). Just think —

How many Google engineers watch porn in secret, at home, at night … when nobody is home, when they turn on their private VPN?

Easy spot — open up their MacBook Pro, and see if they habe uTorrent or Transmission or whatever torrenting app on their Applications folder.

Anyways my simple idea:

If you need some sort of sexual stimuli or stimulus, just hit the gym and talk to the pretty ladies, or just join a hot yoga studio and chat with the pretty women there!

It doesn’t need to be sexual.

hot8yoga is good, even corepoweryoga

For images, just create your own beautiful hourglass shaped women on DALL-E 3, ChatGPT AI image generation tool!





Introduction to Stoicism 

Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, ebook, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

Consider this a practical primer, cutting through the BS:

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show “Hey Arnold” in which I was raised with… the notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups– I learned how to do muscle ups, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock and huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there pick it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead presses with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… this was the true “functional” fitness.

The inspiration — Hector lifting an insanely massive stone (barely 2 strong men could lift it)… using it to break down the door of the ships of the other side.

Open air, open sun concept

Anyways, the reason why that period of covid was so good is that it was in the middle of beautiful Providence Rhode Island summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… and one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, talk shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who were really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. And of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us. For example, almost universally most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside space.

Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is “real” stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is. It is kind of like zen, or taoism… it is not really quantified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Nassim Taleb and his ANTIFRAGILE book. I was curious, and my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “The ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Diogenes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately Diogenes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true soul in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… there was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring philosophers to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weak and anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

Also, physical fitness is critical to any stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of Croton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pen and pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose.

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. In fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stocks, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually misread the financials… the whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

Also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… the kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, unemotional, logical and rational.

Also, with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global armageddon, global financial ruin, etc. I call it “fear porn”.

Therefore stoicism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize stoicism in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is stoicism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and social pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates. I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “Why was Socrates so ugly?

Monster in face, monster in soul.

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon (via Nietzsche). Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and IL PRINCIPE– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

Trust nobody who uses rationality or logic as their tyrannizing weapon. 

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

Demigod physique. 

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way. And truth be told, even if you act in a strange vibrant way… At worse you’re only “mildly” annoying other people.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes. I would even posit the idea that one could consider Alexander the Great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes a stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the Great had a copy of the Iliad by his bedstand, it was the only book he traveled with during his military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: Apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk, he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside. Therefore for myself, I just think to myself very simple; imagine like I got zero dollars, zero money, and literally all I need is meat, a Wi-Fi connection and I’m good. 
  4. Live like a poor person: The notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general idea that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tool; I think money is actually just codified labor. If you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True freedom of spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… you cannot be “canceled”, because there is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, you don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… as long as you’re signed to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… you’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the Rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

And this is the true courage of Kanye West; he literally put everything on the line, and even lost his spouse and I think maybe his kids? All for the sake of revealing inequities. 

“I throw these Maybach keys fucking c’est la vie! I know that we the new slaves.”- Ye

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher… Democritus?; better to laugh about the follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “Perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” It will just be humorous.

Honestly, laughter, and kind of being able to joke about things might be the best way to live life and deal with setbacks. 

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic. Differences between if you’re a man or a woman, but still… the most beautiful skin has a sunkissed, olive color tone; the true privilege is having a full body tan. 
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool DALL-E. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because it will not judge you, and ultimately what is a therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flesh out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves. The next thing I’m going to do is build some sort of therapy bot. 
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal worker delivering the mail, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and zen out… you just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy. My personal ideal is the bear lifestyle; walking 50 miles a day. 

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… but Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

A pro tip is when it comes to websites, read the alternative text, the header text, the stuff that shows up in the tab of your browser window. If the website, the automotive retailer tries to market themselves as a “luxury” brand, typically it is actually a sign that it isn’t a luxury brand it isn’t luxury brand.

Thought: what are some good examples of true luxury brands which don’t overly calls itself luxury? 

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… and luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury?

When somebody asked Diogenes the cynic; “What is the best human good”? He said “Freedom of speech, speaking your mind, having the power to see whatever is on your mind.”

In fact, my current joy is becoming more and more free talking, and free riding. What that means is this; I’m ain’t going to censor myself no more, even if I might be politically incorrect insensitive or whatever. 

Also, I would prefer to speak my mind and seriously hurt the feelings of others, rather than soften it for the sake of the other person. 

Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different knives for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, not something you would use to slice an apple with. Similarly speaking, if you’re going to scoop out the insides of an avocado, better to use a spoon rather than using a fork, or a knife. 

I think the problem is when some people get too into stoicism (I prefer writing stoicism with a lowercase), they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned stoicism in his writings, his collections of thoughts, which we moderns call THE MEDITATIONS… it was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work out thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever in flux and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… my stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, vs just working out by myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

Stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… you probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an Android phone, a smartphone, a 4G or 5G internet connection, wifi, a laptop, have to buy groceries somewhere… you’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern-day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: Have you ever been out in public, and you see some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: For example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing a mother… therefore if somebody spew some hate on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

Self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically self flagellate themselves. Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example in street photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… are small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… you are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, laughing and having fun. 

In fact, I’ve actually personally discovered that the reason why a lot of people hate me is because I am so happy jovial and gay. They are secretly suspicious or envious of me? 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… and then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; How much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that LA was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. As long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic trait; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home. Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… this literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandino Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… they are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… and giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Barry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage. The only designers with courage include Steve Jobs, Jony Ive, Elon Musk, Kanye West. 

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just host it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free ebook PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… it is worth it.


What is the secret to the maximum amount of happiness in life? The maximum amount of danger. (Nietzsche).



Become invincible:

  2. Introduction to Stoicism
  4. Becoming Spartan
  6. Stoic Aesthetics?
  7. The Philosophy of Ugliness
  8. Bad Stoicism
  9. Stoicism 2.0
  10. Becoming Stoic
  12. Why Arguments and Confrontations Are Good
  13. “I’m Over It”
  14. How to Deal With Miserable People
  15. How to Become a Stoic
  16. How to Ignore
  17. Pretend like you didn’t hear them
  18. Bad Stoic Strategies
  19. The Stoic Way of Dealing With Unpleasant or Miserable People
  21. Stoicism Stunts Our Power?
  22. Stoicism is Mental Resistance Training
  24. How to Become Fearless
  25. Extreme Stoicism
  26. Ethics are Aesthetic
  27. Indifference to Pain or Suffering
  28. When is Stoicism Good? When is Stoicism Bad?
  29. Why Others Criticize or Insult You
  30. True Difficulty
  31. What if Covid Never Goes Away?
  33. Anti-Hedonism
  36. It is the Duty of the Strong to Help the Weak
  37. The Goal is to Become Stronger
  41. STOICISM x Child’s Mind
  42. The Art of Manly Virtue
  43. Resistance Makes Us Stronger!
  45. Emotions are Good
  46. Conquer Your Anger
  50. The Spartan-Stoic Lifestyle
  51. How I Conquered Fear
  54. The Upside of Poverty
  55. How I Became Me
  58. Living *THROUGH* History
  59. How to Fear Less
  60. Fear is the Ultimate Contagious Disease
  62. Don’t Be Scared!
  68. My Philosophy on Masculinity
  69. A Riskier Life is a Better Life #philosophy #stoicism
  70. How to Creatively Flourish in Life
  71. Introduction to Stoicism
  72. How to Become Stronger
  73. How to Conquer Depression With Photography
  74. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
  75. How to Respect Yourself
  76. How to Believe in Yourself
  77. How to Steer Fear
  78. How to Conquer Pessimism
  79. How to Conquer Anxiety
  80. How to Overcome Your Fear of People
  81. How to Be Optimistic
  82. Why I Don’t Take My Anger Seriously
  86. How to Give a Fuck Less
  87. ALL IN.
  88. Why I Cut My Dad Out of My Life.
  89. Your iPhone Only Has 5% Battery Left.
  90. How not to give a FUCK about your REPUTATION
  93. The Regret Minimization Framework in Photography and Life
  94. How to Be a HERO
  95. Conquer Your Fears by Making Fear Your Slave
  96. Rule Circumstances; Don’t Let Your Circumstances Rule You
  97. How to Love Yourself
  98. How to Turn Shit into Gold
  99. Your Parents Fuck You Up
  100. Immortality
  101. What Kills You Makes You Stronger
  102. How to Be Patient
  103. How to Conquer Anger
  104. How to Bounce Back in Life
  105. How to Overcome Resistance
  106. Nothing Unlimited is Good; Nothing Good is Unlimited
  107. You Have No Limits
  108. Can 1’s and 0’s Hurt You?
  109. The Envious Moment is Flying Now
  110. Tomorrow We’ll Sail the Wide Seas Again
  111. How to Forgive Others
  112. Focus on Your Actions, Not the Results
  113. Everything Will Be Alright
  114. How to Be a Stoic Street Photographer
  115. How to Be a Spartan Photographer
  116. How to Overcome Your Fears in Life
  117. How to Stop Worrying in Life
  118. How to Use Photography as Self-Therapy
  119. How to Free Your Soul From Disturbance
  120. 3 Stoic Techniques that Can Help You Gain Tranquility
  121. Can People Weaker than You Hurt You?
  122. Does a Doctor Get Angry at a Crazy Patient?
  123. Own Nothing

The Stoic Masters

Learn from the master stoics:

See all philosophy >



Certainly! Here are some quotes from the text:

  1. “Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.”
  2. “My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us.”
  3. “Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.”
  4. “Stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers.”
  5. “What I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is.”
  6. “I think philosophy must be practical.”
  7. “Trust no thinker who does drugs!”
  8. “Just imagine it will all go down to zero.”
  9. “The notion of ‘debasing’ the coin or the currency is the general idea that you are not a coward in regards to money.”
  10. “Real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest.”
  11. “Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.”
  12. “Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandino Galliani, via Nietzsche
  13. “I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training.”
  14. “If you’re interested in stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog.”

These quotes reflect the key themes and perspectives on Stoicism as presented in the text.


Summarizing the provided text into a numbered list:

  1. Introduction to Stoicism: Emphasizes the practicality and everyday applicability of Stoicism, lacking in existing guides.
  2. Concept of Stoicism: Draws parallels between ancient Greek Stoas and modern public spaces like parks for socializing and philosophical discussions.
  3. The New Stoa: Recounts personal experiences of physical fitness and social interactions in public parks during COVID-19.
  4. Open Air, Open Sun Concept: Highlights the benefits of outdoor spaces for socializing and physical well-being.
  5. Philosophy’s Audience: Describes Stoicism’s organic growth from Zeno’s informal gatherings to a wider following.
  6. Nature of Stoicism: Compares Stoicism to Zen and Taoism, focusing on its pragmatic aspects.
  7. Discovery of Stoicism: Mentions learning about Stoicism from Nassim Taleb’s “Antifragile” and delving deep into its literature.
  8. Significance of Seneca: Shares a personal connection with Seneca’s practical and real-world-oriented philosophy.
  9. Seneca’s Practicality: Appreciates Seneca for his accessible and real-world-relevant writings.
  10. Stoic Ideals and Physical Fitness: Envisions a Spartan, physically fit Stoic ideal, stressing the importance of physical health.
  11. Stoicism’s Relevance Today: Discusses Stoicism as a tool for fear conquering in various aspects of life, including entrepreneurship and crypto speculation.
  12. Stoicism and Capitalism: Explores the compatibility of Stoicism with capitalist values and its utility against fear-mongering.
  13. Sex and Stoicism: Argues for the applicability of Stoicism to both sexes in overcoming societal pressures.
  14. Stoic Strategies: Advocates for a departure from conventional ethics and morality, critiquing mainstream philosophical views.
  15. Stoic Training and Modern Ailments: Proposes stoic practices for overcoming contemporary issues like indoor confinement, lack of physical activity, and reliance on conventional therapy.
  16. Real Stoics and Self-Identity: Reflects on the paradox of self-labelling and the true essence of luxury and influence.
  17. Stoicism as a Tool: Advocates for viewing Stoicism as a flexible tool rather than a rigid doctrine, drawing examples from Marcus Aurelius.
  18. The Future of Stoicism: Envisions an evolving, personalized approach to Stoicism, adapted to different environments and living conditions.
  19. Stoicism in Social Contexts: Highlights the importance of human interactions and societal engagement in Stoic philosophy.
  20. More Ideas on Stoicism: Offers additional Stoic strategies for dealing with judgment, mental health, and societal pressures.
  21. Stoicism’s Role in Overcoming Fear: Discusses the role of ethics and morality in shaping fears, particularly in street photography.
  22. Influence of Physical Health on Mood: Draws connections between physical fitness, outdoor exposure, and mental well-being.
  23. Stoic Assignments and Ideals: Suggests practical exercises and lifestyle choices reflecting Stoic values, emphasizing physical fitness and an open, sociable demeanor.
  24. Stoicism and Masculinity: Associates Stoicism with traditionally masculine traits and physical strength.
  25. Real Stoic Qualities: Describes an ideal Stoic as joyful, playful, and unburdened by societal norms.
  26. Adults and Stoicism: Critiques adult pessimism and advocates for maintaining a childlike optimism and cheerfulness.
  27. Stoicism and Carnivorism: Argues controversially for a human-centric view of nature and dismisses animal rights.
  28. End Goals of Stoicism: Aligns Stoicism with entrepreneurship, innovation, art, and design, emphasizing the importance of courage.
  29. Physical Aspects of Stoicism: Recommends maximum effort physical training as a Stoic practice.
  30. Future Actions: Encourages sharing Stoic thoughts through blogging and vlogging, promoting open-source and independent content creation.


Introduction to Stoicism 

Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, ebook, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

Consider this a practical primer, cutting through the BS:

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show “Hey Arnold” in which I was raised with… the notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups– I learned how to do muscle ups, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock and huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there pick it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead presses with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… this was the true “functional” fitness.

The inspiration — Hector lifting an insanely massive stone (barely 2 strong men could lift it)… using it to break down the door of the ships of the other side.

Open air, open sun concept

Anyways, the reason why that period of covid was so good is that it was in the middle of beautiful Providence Rhode Island summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… and one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, talk shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who were really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. And of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us. For example, almost universally most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside space.

Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is “real” stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is. It is kind of like zen, or taoism… it is not really quantified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Nassim Taleb and his ANTIFRAGILE book. I was curious, and my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “The ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Diogenes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately Diogenes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true soul in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… there was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring philosophers to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weak and anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

Also, physical fitness is critical to any stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of Croton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pen and pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose.

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. In fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stocks, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually misread the financials… the whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

Also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… the kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, unemotional, logical and rational.

Also, with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global armageddon, global financial ruin, etc. I call it “fear porn”.

Therefore stoicism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize stoicism in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is stoicism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and social pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates. I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “Why was Socrates so ugly?

Monster in face, monster in soul.

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon (via Nietzsche). Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and IL PRINCIPE– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

Trust nobody who uses rationality or logic as their tyrannizing weapon. 

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

Demigod physique. 

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way. And truth be told, even if you act in a strange vibrant way… At worse you’re only “mildly” annoying other people.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes. I would even posit the idea that one could consider Alexander the Great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes a stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the Great had a copy of the Iliad by his bedstand, it was the only book he traveled with during his military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: Apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk, he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside. Therefore for myself, I just think to myself very simple; imagine like I got zero dollars, zero money, and literally all I need is meat, a Wi-Fi connection and I’m good. 
  4. Live like a poor person: The notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general idea that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tool; I think money is actually just codified labor. If you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True freedom of spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… you cannot be “canceled”, because there is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, you don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… as long as you’re signed to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… you’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the Rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

And this is the true courage of Kanye West; he literally put everything on the line, and even lost his spouse and I think maybe his kids? All for the sake of revealing inequities. 

“I throw these Maybach keys fucking c’est la vie! I know that we the new slaves.”- Ye

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher… Democritus?; better to laugh about the follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “Perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” It will just be humorous.

Honestly, laughter, and kind of being able to joke about things might be the best way to live life and deal with setbacks. 

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic. Differences between if you’re a man or a woman, but still… the most beautiful skin has a sunkissed, olive color tone; the true privilege is having a full body tan. 
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool DALL-E. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because it will not judge you, and ultimately what is a therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flesh out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves. The next thing I’m going to do is build some sort of therapy bot. 
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal worker delivering the mail, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and zen out… you just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy. My personal ideal is the bear lifestyle; walking 50 miles a day. 

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… but Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

A pro tip is when it comes to websites, read the alternative text, the header text, the stuff that shows up in the tab of your browser window. If the website, the automotive retailer tries to market themselves as a “luxury” brand, typically it is actually a sign that it isn’t a luxury brand it isn’t luxury brand.

Thought: what are some good examples of true luxury brands which don’t overly calls itself luxury? 

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… and luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury?

When somebody asked Diogenes the cynic; “What is the best human good”? He said “Freedom of speech, speaking your mind, having the power to see whatever is on your mind.”

In fact, my current joy is becoming more and more free talking, and free riding. What that means is this; I’m ain’t going to censor myself no more, even if I might be politically incorrect insensitive or whatever. 

Also, I would prefer to speak my mind and seriously hurt the feelings of others, rather than soften it for the sake of the other person. 

Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different knives for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, not something you would use to slice an apple with. Similarly speaking, if you’re going to scoop out the insides of an avocado, better to use a spoon rather than using a fork, or a knife. 

I think the problem is when some people get too into stoicism (I prefer writing stoicism with a lowercase), they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned stoicism in his writings, his collections of thoughts, which we moderns call THE MEDITATIONS… it was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work out thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever in flux and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… my stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, vs just working out by myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

Stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… you probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an Android phone, a smartphone, a 4G or 5G internet connection, wifi, a laptop, have to buy groceries somewhere… you’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern-day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: Have you ever been out in public, and you see some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: For example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing a mother… therefore if somebody spew some hate on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

Self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically self flagellate themselves. Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example in street photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… are small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… you are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, laughing and having fun. 

In fact, I’ve actually personally discovered that the reason why a lot of people hate me is because I am so happy jovial and gay. They are secretly suspicious or envious of me? 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… and then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; How much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that LA was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. As long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic trait; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home. Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… this literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandino Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… they are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… and giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Barry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage. The only designers with courage include Steve Jobs, Jony Ive, Elon Musk, Kanye West. 

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just host it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free ebook PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… it is worth it.


What is the secret to the maximum amount of happiness in life? The maximum amount of danger. (Nietzsche).



Think the inner, create your own winners.

Stoic zen thought
fight off the bots
Off the tweets and the streams
We on a ultra light beam

No need to squeam or emo in zines
No more magazines or magazines in the guns
Shoot it up with your own mind
No glock to your thoughts.


Introduction to Stoicism 

Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, ebook, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

Consider this a practical primer, cutting through the BS:

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show “Hey Arnold” in which I was raised with… the notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups– I learned how to do muscle ups, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock and huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there pick it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead presses with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… this was the true “functional” fitness.

The inspiration — Hector lifting an insanely massive stone (barely 2 strong men could lift it)… using it to break down the door of the ships of the other side.

Open air, open sun concept

Anyways, the reason why that period of covid was so good is that it was in the middle of beautiful Providence Rhode Island summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… and one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, talk shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who were really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. And of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us. For example, almost universally most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside space.

Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is “real” stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is. It is kind of like zen, or taoism… it is not really quantified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Nassim Taleb and his ANTIFRAGILE book. I was curious, and my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “The ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Diogenes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately Diogenes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true soul in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… there was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring philosophers to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weak and anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

Also, physical fitness is critical to any stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of Croton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pen and pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose.

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. In fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stocks, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually misread the financials… the whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

Also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… the kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, unemotional, logical and rational.

Also, with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global armageddon, global financial ruin, etc. I call it “fear porn”.

Therefore stoicism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize stoicism in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is stoicism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and social pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates. I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “Why was Socrates so ugly?

Monster in face, monster in soul.

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon (via Nietzsche). Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and IL PRINCIPE– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

Trust nobody who uses rationality or logic as their tyrannizing weapon. 

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

Demigod physique. 

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way. And truth be told, even if you act in a strange vibrant way… At worse you’re only “mildly” annoying other people.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes. I would even posit the idea that one could consider Alexander the Great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes a stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the Great had a copy of the Iliad by his bedstand, it was the only book he traveled with during his military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: Apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk, he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside. Therefore for myself, I just think to myself very simple; imagine like I got zero dollars, zero money, and literally all I need is meat, a Wi-Fi connection and I’m good. 
  4. Live like a poor person: The notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general idea that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tool; I think money is actually just codified labor. If you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True freedom of spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… you cannot be “canceled”, because there is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, you don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… as long as you’re signed to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… you’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the Rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

And this is the true courage of Kanye West; he literally put everything on the line, and even lost his spouse and I think maybe his kids? All for the sake of revealing inequities. 

“I throw these Maybach keys fucking c’est la vie! I know that we the new slaves.”- Ye

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher… Democritus?; better to laugh about the follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “Perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” It will just be humorous.

Honestly, laughter, and kind of being able to joke about things might be the best way to live life and deal with setbacks. 

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic. Differences between if you’re a man or a woman, but still… the most beautiful skin has a sunkissed, olive color tone; the true privilege is having a full body tan. 
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool DALL-E. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because it will not judge you, and ultimately what is a therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flesh out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves. The next thing I’m going to do is build some sort of therapy bot. 
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal worker delivering the mail, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and zen out… you just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy. My personal ideal is the bear lifestyle; walking 50 miles a day. 

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… but Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

A pro tip is when it comes to websites, read the alternative text, the header text, the stuff that shows up in the tab of your browser window. If the website, the automotive retailer tries to market themselves as a “luxury” brand, typically it is actually a sign that it isn’t a luxury brand it isn’t luxury brand.

Thought: what are some good examples of true luxury brands which don’t overly calls itself luxury? 

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… and luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury?

When somebody asked Diogenes the cynic; “What is the best human good”? He said “Freedom of speech, speaking your mind, having the power to see whatever is on your mind.”

In fact, my current joy is becoming more and more free talking, and free riding. What that means is this; I’m ain’t going to censor myself no more, even if I might be politically incorrect insensitive or whatever. 

Also, I would prefer to speak my mind and seriously hurt the feelings of others, rather than soften it for the sake of the other person. 

Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different knives for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, not something you would use to slice an apple with. Similarly speaking, if you’re going to scoop out the insides of an avocado, better to use a spoon rather than using a fork, or a knife. 

I think the problem is when some people get too into stoicism (I prefer writing stoicism with a lowercase), they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned stoicism in his writings, his collections of thoughts, which we moderns call THE MEDITATIONS… it was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work out thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever in flux and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… my stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, vs just working out by myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

Stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… you probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an Android phone, a smartphone, a 4G or 5G internet connection, wifi, a laptop, have to buy groceries somewhere… you’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern-day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: Have you ever been out in public, and you see some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: For example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing a mother… therefore if somebody spew some hate on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

Self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically self flagellate themselves. Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example in street photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… are small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… you are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, laughing and having fun. 

In fact, I’ve actually personally discovered that the reason why a lot of people hate me is because I am so happy jovial and gay. They are secretly suspicious or envious of me? 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… and then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; How much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that LA was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. As long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic trait; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home. Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… this literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandino Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… they are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… and giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Barry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage. The only designers with courage include Steve Jobs, Jony Ive, Elon Musk, Kanye West. 

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just host it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free ebook PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… it is worth it.


What is the secret to the maximum amount of happiness in life? The maximum amount of danger. (Nietzsche).




Cinema and film as a great stimulus, aid and teacher for photographers and visual artists alike.

Cinematography and life lessons:

Cinema and Film Reviews

  2. What *Should* Cinema and Literature Do?
  3. MATRIX 4 Critique
  4. THE PHILOSOPHY OF “FREE GUY” (Film, 2021)
  5. Why DUNE 2021 is So Great
  6. INFINITE (2021) Film Review
  7. MAD MAX FURY ROAD: Black and Chrome Version Review
  8. Why 7 Samurai by Akira Kurosawa is So Great
  9. BLADE RUNNER (1982 Original) Cinematography Review & Thoughts vs the New Version (2049)
  10. Blade Runner 2049 Film Review + Cinematography Composition Analysis
  11. REVIEW: Justice League (Snyder Cut)
  12. What Makes a Great Movie/Film?
  13. Iron Man (1) Film Cinema Review
  14. JOKER FILM REVIEW + Cinematography Composition
  15. Ghost in the Shell Anime (1995) Cinematography, Composition, Philosophy Review
  16. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Cinematography and Film Review

Space Films

Cinema and philosophy


Gangster Films



Articles on Cinema

Great Cinema


Some thoughts on Jewish people:

First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because they don’t understand Jewish people –their customs their beliefs, their names their clothing, how they talk, their last names, cultural thoughts etc.

For example, Hanukkah. A menorah dreidel etc.… going to the temple? The average Christian, Catholic protestant in America has no idea what Judaism, being Jewish is all about.

I’m speaking from the perspective of being born and raised, baptized Roman Catholic, growing up in a liberal Korean American Catholic circle, and also later becoming Sunday school teacher and even Sunday school principal.

First, at least for Catholic people we don’t really care for Jewish people. We don’t really think about them, nor care, and we don’t criticize or critique them. We don’t even know who Jewish people are what they are, and we really don’t care.

I think for Christian protestants, Lutheran’s Baptists or whatever… also, they don’t really care about Jewish people that much either. There are more interested in leaving Jewish people alone, and trying to proselytize and convert more normal people into their protestant sect.

Catholicism is interesting because we are not rabid religious zealots. We are very tolerant actually; we allow other people to do as they please, even one hot fact that people don’t know, the Catholic Church is actually very open to the LGBTQ community, and being gay. The only thing that the Catholic Church doesn’t like is gay people having intercourse, as the Catholic Church believes the purpose of intercourse is for a man and a woman to get a child, which I get. 

So who is anti-Jewish?

I think actually, the African-American community the “black” community is actually the ones who are anti-Jewish. Why? I think there actually is a history of exploitation or perhaps power dynamic issues between powerful and rich Jewish executives in the music rap industry and poor African-American aspiring rapper kids, who come from the hood.

I heard from this one cool African-American guy that I met who’s been to Nigeria Lagos and traveled a bunch and knows history told me that even a lot of the original jazz divas, jazz musicians, James Brown and all of that music was mostly bankrolled by Jewish media executives, even if you read Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic publication, the international Jew, there is actually a section on which it is mentioned that jazz is a Jewish phenomenon.

A funny thought:

Then is rap music, Jewish music?

Even Ben Horowitz, the great Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist, who is also Jewish American, put out a rap album as a kid! Even apparently Kanye West has ties with Ben Horowitz.

Who doesn’t care?

So at least for Asians, Asian Americans, or the new elite rich Asians in Asia, they are unapologetically racist. Also, there is a strict caste system and hierarchy in Asia. Only poor slave like indentured people do the dirty work of sanitation and hygiene, sweeping and mopping at the mall, cooking food, taking care of kids, waiters and waitresses, working at coffee shop etc. The rich just lounge, hang out, drink coffee, wear luxury clothes, and want to be seen. Compare this to funny America where everyone thinks that kind of labor is beneath them — the notion of the benevolent virtue of “work, respect for one’s work” and “career”.

Why so many cultural clashes in America?

America is a very strange hodgepodge of things because in America, we are almost too multicultural. 

For example, let us consider that essentially the first founding fathers of America were British people who didn’t like Britain, and fled. The early American settlers came to America and colonized America because it didn’t like the policies of the British monarchy and king, they were essentially the first troublemakers.

Fast forward to today, cultural vestiges of Quakerism, Protestantism, Benjamin Franklin and the protestant work ethic etc.… the new world order and ethos is towards capitalism. Like Kanye said: 

White people make money don’t spend it. But I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ‘ignant’!

How people profit

One of my workshop attendees when I was in New York told me a funny Jewish or a Yiddish thing; one generation makes the money, the next generation conserves the money, the third generation spoils all the money, and thus, the cycle continues.

Jewish people just want to be left alone 

I think the truth is Jewish people just want to be left alone, and like any good immigrant, they were actually very pro assimilation. For example Kirk Douglas, changed his last name because he wanted to “fit in” in Hollywood, and not be stigmatized for his Jewish background. His real name is Issur Danielovitdh. Doesn’t sound as catchy as a good simple “American” sounding name.

Kirk Douglas was the son of Jewish immigrants fro, Belarus, spoke Yiddish growing up and faced poverty and antisemitism early on.

Apparently Walt Disney was very anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish.

Even in today’s world, why is the modern-day American or person so anti-Jewish?

Just look at these podcasts, anybody who has anything bad to say about Jewish people. They tend to be weak, skinny, anemic, probably drink too much vegetable juice or green fruit juice or whatever, don’t eat enough meat, has too low testosterone. 

I have a theory that actually, the higher your testosterone, the more tolerant and open minded you are. It seems only low testosterone men are the ones who blame others, hate, etc.

Scapegoating is a tactic of the weak, meek, powerless and castrated.

Solution ideas 

  1. First and foremost, I think everybody should do some sort of DNA test, DNA testing or whatever, and find out that their genetic heritage is actually more diverse than they thought it was. For example imagine if you are anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic, and you did a DNA test and you actually found out that you were part Jewish? Even the fun fact, people don’t want you to know this… Japanese people descended from Korean people and the Yayoi people — and also I think Korean people we descended from the Chinese Mongolians? And ultimately if you go back far enough we all came from Africa anyways. 
  2. I really do believe that ChatGPT 4, AI can actually make people more tolerant. Why? For example get the paid ChatGPT paid plus premium, and ask it “What are some common misconceptions about Islam“? Or, “What are some common misconceptions about Catholicism?” or, “what are some misconceptions about Judaism?”. To debunk conspiracy theories, myths, and other insane nonsense is critical.

It ain’t my fault you’re so poor! 

A lot of people who talk about Jewish people owning the whole banking system international finance whatever, I think these individuals were complaining are because they themselves are poor, in poverty, or have financial problems, and once again they are looking for a scapegoat. Nobody likes to think:

Wow, perhaps I should go back to medical school, law school, become a doctor or lawyer, or do a coding Boot Camp, or go to community college and teach myself computer programming, and get a better pay job as a programmer, etc.

Why don’t people like to take responsibility of themselves?

I think the big issue here is that I don’t know if it is a learned behavior, a cultural behavior or something else?

One of the good things about the immigrant mentality is the ethos, which I think is a good one… That “if you work hard enough“, you will become successful“.

For example just watch fight club, do you remember that scene where Brad Pitt puts a fake gun with no bullets in the barrel against the kids head, telling him to go back to law school or doctor school or whatever? There were no bullets in the gun!  

I think maybe the issue is if you were born in the states, to all occasion family, or maybe something else… And there hasn’t really been a history of struggle in your family or your life, there is this “learned helplessness” which occurs and happens.

Instagram, YouTube is to blame?

OK, if you spend too much time on Instagram, or read it, or Google, Wikipedia, YouTube etc.… Sooner or later you all fall into weird weird conspiracy theories.

In fact, my greatest shock is often, the most intelligent people that I know fall into the conspiracy theories.

For example one of my friends who is a PhD graduate from UC Berkeley, theorized that Kanye West was in fact, and the reason why he was so into fashion and going to Paris was to go see his gay romantic partners, and that Kim Kardashian was just a cover-up for his gayness, and that in fact Kim Kardashian was secretly fly on a private jet to Saudi Arabia or the Middle East to have sex with some princes or whatever, for high sums of money etc.

I was so insanely shocked because here is this area date scholar man, well-versed in history, insanely intelligent and critical, falling victim to these weird conspiracy theories?

Also, some thing I have learned about academics, scholars at the Ivy League schools, Harvard Yale Princeton Brown University, UC Berkeley UCLA etc.… They are all addicted to Netflix, checking their Gmail for too many times a day, not eating enough meat, not exercising enough, drinking too much alcohol (it seems that universally all academic scholar professors are either alcoholics, or smoke too much weed). Let us consider the height in Apex of these intelligent scholars; the ones that shape public opinion and policy… If they themselves are the ones who are also physically and mentally sick, what will the public opinion be?

Have you really met these rich famous people in real life in the flesh?

Spending a lot of time in Beverly Hills Holby Hills, Culver City etc.… I have definitely rubbed shoulders with a lot of famous, notable, “beautiful” people. And truth be told, in the flash when you see them face-to-face are not very impressive.

First and foremost, a lot of them are actually quite short. Isn’t Tom Cruise like 5 foot seven or something? Or 5 foot six?

Kanye West I think is also 5 foot seven.

So a lot of these “Shorty guys”, have Napoleon syndrome here; they try to make up for their insecurity of being short through other weird ways like buying an expensive car, whatever?

Even a lot of these “beautiful women“ in LA; if you look at them up close and in person in the flesh, indirect sunlight, in fact, a lot of them look quite repulsive in the flesh because you can tell that they’ve had some weird Botox lip fillers or face fillers or something, they essentially look like Hyenas who had some sort of allergic facial reaction.

Even something that’s becoming more mainstream now, people injecting stuff in their face? Collagen, other things in their face? Even for men in their 50s and 60s, apparently it is popular to Botox surface as well? I think this is a bad idea.

Who to trust?

First and foremost, don’t trust nobody but yourself. Why? You yourself are the center of all intelligence wisdom and critical thinking. To outsource your intelligence wisdom and thinking is base. 

Also, even when you meet really intelligent people, a lot of them are also not very critical. They can quote all of these boring old French thinkers until no end, as Nassim Taleb calls them “international Association of named droppers“, they themselves have no true original ideas which is vested in themselves. 

Also, it also seems that a lot of these academics spend too much time watching sports – Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors, other sports etc. Into me watching sports on television is almost like the male version of pornography.

Critical thinking

To me critical thinking is being the judge, weighing the information yourself. For example, even if you discover the truth, you gotta ask yourself “Does this even matter?”

“So what?”

For example, let us say all the conspiracy theories are true, we never landed on the moon yada yada yada, Jewish people run the world whatever, you gotta ask yourself:

Does this even matter?

I don’t think so. Why? The joy and the glory of free market capitalism in America is that in theory, you as a sole proprietor can start your business right now, start selling products and services on PayPal, your own woocommerce enabled wordpress.org website, or using Shopify or whatever else —  and you could take a profit.

Actually the benefit of having a day job is you could do very very risky entrepreneurial ventures on the side, while  still being able to pay your rent.

Certainly having to be employed full-time is hiring, but there are very creative ways you could leverage your time. For example, my pragmatic thought is this:

Do the bare minimum of work necessary without getting fired. 

So let us say that you work at a tech company or whatever, Google Amazon Facebook Apple whatever, just show up, click your paycheck, or zoom in, and during all your extra time, build your empire on the side.

Now what?

Just think to yourself, at what point do we scapegoat others?

A funny intervention that I had was thinking; what if in fact I am actually the bad guy? And I was the bad guy all along?

Everyone likes to see themselves as the judicious hero in their own life’s narrative, and everybody else is the bad guy, doing them injustice. 

Personally speaking I witness this with my father; he was always blaming other people for everything. Blaming my mom, blaming my grandfather on my mom‘s side, my mom‘s relatives family members etc., yet, he never blamed himself? 

Also something really weird; he would always blame other people, all the time, yet, ever since I was two years old, he never had a job?

I think as a child, you are keenly aware of things. Kids are 1 trillion times more intelligent than their parents think. Kids are no fools.

Now what?

This is what I say, fuck it!  Lettuce assume that all the conspiracy theories are true, that we never landed on the moon, we never kept it Hitler and he went to some sort of bunker in an article or whatever, and that also, there are some sort of world conspiracy illuminati thing happening. So what? Does it matter?

No. You control your own destiny, you create your own future.

Simple things:

  1. Don’t waste money. We waste money by buying new cars, luxury goods and things, going to debt use credit cards etc. I’m even starting to think that the new millennial trap is buying a house, it looks like this is the new modern day trip, because technically even if you buy a house, you yourself don’t really own that house, the bank owns your house! You never really own it until you have hundred percent paid it all off in cash, or if you bought it with 100% cash offer. But even still, the big issue at hand is you still gotta pay property tax on it! This is literally money you’ll never ever see again, money which is essentially thrown in the gutter. And let us say you own expensive house, and you bought it in all the cash, you might have to still pay it around $1500-$2000 month just in property taxes! Just add another thousand dollars and you got rent money! 
  2. Start a website a blog posted on wordpress.org and bluehost.com — what is a quadrillion times cheaper than owning property, buying a new car etc.? Starting a website! It is so easy, so chief, so accessible, the barrier to entry is only entering your credit card information. Consider how less tedious this is than having to go through the whole escrow process of purchasing a house, which can often take up to a year!
  3. Start publishing your thoughts on anything and everything: to me, all ideas are good ideas, as long as they are personally motivated, something you are genuinely interested in, and also something you genuinely care for. The only crime is when you create something or publish something because you think other people like it. To me this is a sign of cowardice.

So what do you want to build? 

“I want to build now!” – Cindy

The greatest muse in my life is my wife and partner Cindy. To me, she is an exemplary figure of somebody who has taken the rain by her arms, her hands, and steered and crafted her own unique future.

cindyanguyen.com and mis-reading.com and also hapticindustries.com — her own brain children!

I think the life the ultimate thing to seek is a great creative partner. Somebody who has your creative compliment, part of your own plan, your own party, your own squad.

For example, the personality of me and Cindy differs greatly, yet we are both still committed to being curious, creative, and we both have a passion for the arts, the world, travel etc.

Also, if you’re a man, I just suggest you to go out and look for wifey material. Ignore everything else.

Either find a wife get married and have kids, or stay a bachelor.

Creating your own future

The best way to create your own future is maybe through your art?

The other day Cindy myself and Seneca went to the Getty, in LA, on top of the hill, our minds were blown! Parking is 20 bucks, but admission is free! 

We took the tram to the top of the hill, and marveled at these great architectural wonders of the space, the breathtaking view, and also all the great artwork enclosed in the gallery.

It seems at the end of the day, after all the wealth and riches and whatever, whatever everyone loves and inspires for is art. Art, art production, art Curation whether it be paintings photos videos sculpture, drawings, printed matter, objects etc.

To me anything and everything could be art, what I just think is art is simply something that you create with love and care and attention, and put it out into the world, whether digitally or physically or both.

Art profiteering

To make a profit off your art, not a bad thing, but also not critical. Some people think the typical capitalist way; in order to become a legitimate artist, I must sell my artwork for a lot of money, as money as a metric of success in America and beyond. 

But is this true? No.

McDonald’s might be the most profitable and most consumed restaurant in the world, but is it of the highest grade? No. Also Starbucks is the number one most consumed coffee beverage in the world, but is Starbucks coffee the apex of great coffee? No.  

Technically android is actually more popular than iPhone, there are more android devices in the world than iPhones, but does that make android better than Apple and iPhone? No. The URX of the iPhone is at least 1 trillion times better than android.

Also, iPhone the iPhone camera is the most used camera on the planet, what is it the best quality? No. The best quality would probably be some sort of Rico Pentex camera, or some sort of Panasonic Lumix camera. And let us not forget that Leica cameras essentially used borrow technology from Panasonic Lumix.

The world is inconsistent

I think one of the greatest things I have learned starting sociology philosophy etc. is that the world is very inconsistent. 

For example, we are told that it is virtuous to be meek, humble or whatever… Yet everybody in America wants to flex on how rich successful famous they are, or what part they drive?

For example even Christian theology? Humbleness and meekness is praised, yet people will “virtue flex“, by broadcasting into the world how “good” other person they are?

For example, people who post to social media about donating to some sort of cause nonprofit or adopting an animal or whatever. We’re posting Bible scriptures or whatever. I don’t think this is virtuous at all. In fact, isn’t it Jesus that said, when you give to the temple, or you donate to charity, let your left-hand not know what your right hand is doing?

I wonder if Jesus was alive today he would say:

If you’re going to donate to charity, don’t name the building after yourself or a family member, don’t name the foundation after yourself, never publicly donate money under your name, and never publish it to the news or social media.

In fact, I think the rapper Pusha T actually donated 18 wheelers of freshwater to Flint Michigan, anonymously without telling nobody, he is truly virtuous. 

Why so miserable?

If you’re dark depressed and EMO or whatever… Just moved to LA, I recommend Culver City, I especially really like the Culver City arts district. I really like the platform park, the new downtown Culver steps area, in front of the Philz Coffee, the whole area.

I wonder if the reason why a lot of people are so dark and grim is simply because they live somewhere with poor weather?

I know personally that when I was in Berlin, eastern Europe, Prague, Marseille in the winter time, it was some of the most depressive times of my life. 

And on the contrary, some of the happiest times in my life or when I was in Vietnam, in Hanoi and Saigon, in Panam Cambodia, other places with good climate, bright light and sun good weather.

Your mind and your body is precious.

Don’t prostitute your mind, your body your soul.

Prostitution is not just sexual, it could be your mental abilities, your physical body whatever.

Prostitution isn’t just about your sexual organs, your penis or vagina your butt hole your mouth your hands or whatever, maybe… the more critical thing is your soul?

Your soul not as some hocus-pocus concept. Rather, your soul is a combination of your personality, your thoughts, your body, your opinions your beliefs your thoughts your abilities your capabilities, your skills etc. 

The mortal soul. That is when your body dies, your soul also dies. 

Memento mori

Remember that you must die, and you will die. Death is also also one of our final duties.

Therefore just thinking consider an ask yourself, in this short and cruel life that we live in, how can we discover more more joy, more thanksgiving, more happiness, more Thanksgiving?

How can we contribute more to the world to others to our progeny, our children are friends and communities and the world?



Some thoughts on Jewish people:

First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because they don’t understand Jewish people their customs their beliefs, their names their clothing they talk, their last names, cultural thoughts etc.

For example, Hanukkah. A menorah dreidel etc.… A lot, temple? The average Christian, Catholic protestant in America has no idea what Judaism, being Jewish is all about.

I’m speaking from the perspective of being born and raised, baptized Roman Café, growing up in a liberal Korean American Catholic Circle, and also later becoming Sunday school teacher and even Sunday school principal.

First, at least for Catholic people we don’t really care for Jewish people. We don’t really think about them, nor care, and we don’t criticize or critique them. We don’t even know who Jewish people are what they are, and we really don’t care.

I think for Christian protestants, Lutheran’s Baptist or whatever… Also, they don’t really care about Jewish people that much either. There are more interested in leaving Jewish people alone, and trying to proselytize and convert more normal people into their protestant sect.

Catholicism is interesting because we are not rabid religious zealots. We are very tolerant actually; we allow other people to do as they please, even one hot fact that people don’t know, the Catholic Church is actually very open to the LGBTQ community, and being gay. The only thing that the Catholic Church doesn’t like is gay people having intercourse, as the Catholic Church believes the purpose of intercourse is for a man and a woman to get a child, which I get. 

So who is anti-Jewish?

I think actually, the African-American community the “black” community is actually the ones who are anti-Jewish. Why? I think they’re actually is a history of exploitation or perhaps power dynamic issues between powerful and rich Jewish executives in the music rap industry and poor African-American aspiring rapper kids, who come from the hood.

I heard from this one African-American guy that I met who’s been to Nigeria Legos and travel a bunch history is that even a lot of the original jazz divas, jazz musicians, James Brown and all of that music was mostly bankrolled by Jewish media executives, even if you read Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic publication, the international Jew, there is actually a section on which it is mentioned that jazz is a Jewish phenomenon.

A funny thought:

Then is rap music, Jewish music?

Even Ben Horowitz, the great Silicon Valley entrepreneur adventure capitalist, who is also Jewish American, put out a rap album as a kid! Even apparently Kanye West has ties with Ben Horowitz.

Who doesn’t care?

So at least for Asians, Asian Americans, or the new elite rich Asians in Asia, they are unapologetically racist. Also, there is a strict caste system and hierarchy in Asia. Only poor slave like indentured people do the dirty work of sanitation and hygiene, sweeping and mopping at the mall, cooking food, taking care of kids, Waiters and waitresses, working at coffee shop etc. The rich just lounge, hang out, drink coffee, wear luxury clothes, and want to be seen.

America is a very strange hodgepodge of things because in America, we are almost too multicultural. 

For example, let us consider that essentially the first founding fathers of America were British people who didn’t like Britain, and fled. The early American settlers came to America and colonized America because it didn’t like the policies of the British monarchy and king, they were essentially the first troublemakers.

Fast forward to today, their layers of Quakerism, prostatism, Benjamin Franklin and the protestant work ethic etc.… the new world order and ethos is towards capitalism. Like Kanye said: 

White people make money don’t spend it.

But I’d rather buy 80 gold chains and go ‘ignant.

How people profit

One of my workshop attendees when I was in New York told me a funny Jewish or a Yiddish thing; one generation makes the money, the next generation conserves the money, the third generation spoils all the money, and thus, the cycle continues.

Jewish people just want to be left alone 

I think the truth is Jewish people just want to be left alone, and like any good immigrant, they were actually very pro assimilation. For example Kirk Douglas, change his last name because he wanted to “fit in” in Hollywood, and not be stigmatized for his Jewish background. Apparently Walt Disney was very anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish.

Even in today’s world, why is the modern-day American or person so anti-Jewish?

Just look at these podcasts, anybody who has anything bad to say about Jewish people. They tend to be weak, skinny, anemic, probably drink too much vegetable juice or green fruit juice or whatever, don’t eat enough meat, has too low testosterone. 

I have a theory that actually, the higher your testosterone, the more tolerant and open minded you are. It seems only low testosterone men are the ones who blame others, hate, etc.

Solution ideas 

  1. First and foremost, I think everybody should do some sort of DNA test, DNA testing or whatever, and find out that their genetic heritage is actually more diverse than they thought it was.  for example imagine if you are anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic, and you did a DNA test and you actually found out that you were part Jewish? Even the fun fact, people don’t want you to know this… Japanese people descended from Korean people and the Yayoi people — and also I think Korean people we descended from the Chinese Mongolian? And ultimately if you go back far enough we all came from Africa anyways. 
  2. I really do believe that ChatGPT four, AI can actually make people more tolerant. Why? For example get the page at PT plus premium, and ask it “what are some common misconceptions about Islam“? Or, “what are some common misconceptions about Catholicism?” or, “what are some misconceptions about Judaism?”. To debunk conspiracy theories, myths, and other insane nonsense is critical.

It ain’t my fault you’re so poor! 

A lot of people who talk about Jewish people owning the whole banking system international finance whatever, I think these individuals were complaining are because they themselves are poor, in poverty, or have financial problems, and once again they are looking for a scapegoat. Nobody likes to think:

Wow, perhaps I should go back to medical school, law school, become a doctor or lawyer, or do a coding Boot Camp, or go to community college and teach myself computer programming, and get a better pay job as a programmer, etc.

Why don’t people like to take responsibility of themselves?

I think the big issue here is that I don’t know if it is a learned behavior, a cultural behavior or something else?

One of the good things about the immigrant mentality is the ethos, which I think is a good one… That “if you work hard enough“, you will become successful“.

For example just watch fight club, do you remember that scene where Brad Pitt puts a fake gun with no bullets in the barrel against the kids head, telling him to go back to law school or doctor school or whatever? There were no bullets in the gun!  

I think maybe the issue is if you were born in the states, to all occasion family, or maybe something else… And there hasn’t really been a history of struggle in your family or your life, there is this “learned helplessness” which occurs and happens.

Instagram, YouTube is to blame?

OK, if you spend too much time on Instagram, or read it, or Google, Wikipedia, YouTube etc.… Sooner or later you all fall into weird weird conspiracy theories.

In fact, my greatest shock is often, the most intelligent people that I know fall into the conspiracy theories.

For example one of my friends who is a PhD graduate from UC Berkeley, theorized that Kanye West was in fact, and the reason why he was so into fashion and going to Paris was to go see his gay romantic partners, and that Kim Kardashian was just a cover-up for his gayness, and that in fact Kim Kardashian was secretly fly on a private jet to Saudi Arabia or the Middle East to have sex with some princes or whatever, for high sums of money etc.

I was so insanely shocked because here is this area date scholar man, well-versed in history, insanely intelligent and critical, falling victim to these weird conspiracy theories?

Also, some thing I have learned about academics, scholars at the Ivy League schools, Harvard Yale Princeton Brown University, UC Berkeley UCLA etc.… They are all addicted to Netflix, checking their Gmail for too many times a day, not eating enough meat, not exercising enough, drinking too much alcohol (it seems that universally all academic scholar professors are either alcoholics, or smoke too much weed). Let us consider the height in Apex of these intelligent scholars; the ones that shape public opinion and policy… If they themselves are the ones who are also physically and mentally sick, what will the public opinion be?

Have you really met these rich famous people in real life in the flesh?

Spending a lot of time in Beverly Hills Holby Hills, Culver City etc.… I have definitely rubbed shoulders with a lot of famous, notable, “beautiful” people. And truth be told, in the flash when you see them face-to-face are not very impressive.

First and foremost, a lot of them are actually quite short. Isn’t Tom Cruise like 5 foot seven or something? Or 5 foot six?

Kanye West I think is also 5 foot seven.

So a lot of these “Shorty guys”, have Napoleon syndrome here; they try to make up for their insecurity of being short through other weird ways like buying an expensive car, whatever?

Even a lot of these “beautiful women“ in LA; if you look at them up close and in person in the flesh, indirect sunlight, in fact, a lot of them look quite repulsive in the flesh because you can tell that they’ve had some weird Botox lip fillers or face fillers or something, they essentially look like Hyenas who had some sort of allergic facial reaction.

Even something that’s becoming more mainstream now, people injecting stuff in their face? Collagen, other things in their face? Even for men in their 50s and 60s, apparently it is popular to Botox surface as well? I think this is a bad idea.

Who to trust?

First and foremost, don’t trust nobody but yourself. Why? You yourself are the center of all intelligence wisdom and critical thinking. To outsource your intelligence wisdom and thinking is base. 

Also, even when you meet really intelligent people, a lot of them are also not very critical. They can quote all of these boring old French thinkers until no end, as Nassim Taleb calls them “international Association of named droppers“, they themselves have no true original ideas which is vested in themselves. 

Also, it also seems that a lot of these academics spend too much time watching sports – Steph Curry and the Golden State Warriors, other sports etc. Into me watching sports on television is almost like the male version of pornography.

Critical thinking

To me critical thinking is being the judge, weighing the information yourself. For example, even if you discover the truth, you gotta ask yourself “Does this even matter?”

“So what?”

For example, let us say all the conspiracy theories are true, we never landed on the moon yada yada yada, Jewish people run the world whatever, you gotta ask yourself:

Does this even matter?

I don’t think so. Why? The joy and the glory of free market capitalism in America is that in theory, you as a sole proprietor can start your business right now, start selling products and services on PayPal, your own woocommerce enabled wordpress.org website, or using Shopify or whatever else —  and you could take a profit.

Actually the benefit of having a day job is you could do very very risky entrepreneurial ventures on the side, while  still being able to pay your rent.

Certainly having to be employed full-time is hiring, but there are very creative ways you could leverage your time. For example, my pragmatic thought is this:

Do the bare minimum of work necessary without getting fired. 

So let us say that you work at a tech company or whatever, Google Amazon Facebook Apple whatever, just show up, click your paycheck, or zoom in, and during all your extra time, build your empire on the side.

Now what?

Just think to yourself, at what point do we scapegoat others?

A funny intervention that I had was thinking; what if in fact I am actually the bad guy? And I was the bad guy all along?

Everyone likes to see themselves as the judicious hero in their own life’s narrative, and everybody else is the bad guy, doing them injustice. 

Personally speaking I witness this with my father; he was always blaming other people for everything. Blaming my mom, blaming my grandfather on my mom‘s side, my mom‘s relatives family members etc., yet, he never blamed himself? 

Also something really weird; he would always blame other people, all the time, yet, ever since I was two years old, he never had a job?

I think as a child, you are keenly aware of things. Kids are 1 trillion times more intelligent than their parents think. Kids are no fools.

Now what?

This is what I say, fuck it!  Lettuce assume that all the conspiracy theories are true, that we never landed on the moon, we never kept it Hitler and he went to some sort of bunker in an article or whatever, and that also, there are some sort of world conspiracy illuminati thing happening. So what? Does it matter?

No. You control your own destiny, you create your own future.

Simple things:

  1. Don’t waste money. We waste money by buying new cars, luxury goods and things, going to debt use credit cards etc. I’m even starting to think that the new millennial trap is buying a house, it looks like this is the new modern day trip, because technically even if you buy a house, you yourself don’t really own that house, the bank owns your house! You never really own it until you have hundred percent paid it all off in cash, or if you bought it with 100% cash offer. But even still, the big issue at hand is you still gotta pay property tax on it! This is literally money you’ll never ever see again, money which is essentially thrown in the gutter. And let us say you own expensive house, and you bought it in all the cash, you might have to still pay it around $1500-$2000 month just in property taxes! Just add another thousand dollars and you got rent money! 
  2. Start a website a blog posted on wordpress.org and bluehost.com — what is a quadrillion times cheaper than owning property, buying a new car etc.? Starting a website! It is so easy, so chief, so accessible, the barrier to entry is only entering your credit card information. Consider how less tedious this is than having to go through the whole escrow process of purchasing a house, which can often take up to a year!
  3. Start publishing your thoughts on anything and everything: to me, all ideas are good ideas, as long as they are personally motivated, something you are genuinely interested in, and also something you genuinely care for. The only crime is when you create something or publish something because you think other people like it. To me this is a sign of cowardice.

So what do you want to build? 

“I want to build now!” – Cindy

The greatest muse in my life is my wife and partner Cindy. To me, she is an exemplary figure of somebody who has taken the rain by her arms, her hands, and steered and crafted her own unique future.

cindyanguyen.com and mis-reading.com and also hapticindustries.com — her own brain children!

I think the life the ultimate thing to seek is a great creative partner. Somebody who has your creative compliment, part of your own plan, your own party, your own squad.

For example, the personality of me and Cindy differs greatly, yet we are both still committed to being curious, creative, and we both have a passion for the arts, the world, travel etc.

Also, if you’re a man, I just suggest you to go out and look for wifey material. Ignore everything else.

Either find a wife get married and have kids, or stay a bachelor.

Creating your own future

The best way to create your own future is maybe through your art?

The other day Cindy myself and Seneca went to the Getty, in LA, on top of the hill, our minds were blown! Parking is 20 bucks, but admission is free! 

We took the tram to the top of the hill, and marveled at these great architectural wonders of the space, the breathtaking view, and also all the great artwork enclosed in the gallery.

It seems at the end of the day, after all the wealth and riches and whatever, whatever everyone loves and inspires for is art. Art, art production, art Curation whether it be paintings photos videos sculpture, drawings, printed matter, objects etc.

To me anything and everything could be art, what I just think is art is simply something that you create with love and care and attention, and put it out into the world, whether digitally or physically or both.

Art profiteering

To make a profit off your art, not a bad thing, but also not critical. Some people think the typical capitalist way; in order to become a legitimate artist, I must sell my artwork for a lot of money, as money as a metric of success in America and beyond. 

But is this true? No.

McDonald’s might be the most profitable and most consumed restaurant in the world, but is it of the highest grade? No. Also Starbucks is the number one most consumed coffee beverage in the world, but is Starbucks coffee the apex of great coffee? No.  

Technically android is actually more popular than iPhone, there are more android devices in the world than iPhones, but does that make android better than Apple and iPhone? No. The URX of the iPhone is at least 1 trillion times better than android.

Also, iPhone the iPhone camera is the most used camera on the planet, what is it the best quality? No. The best quality would probably be some sort of Rico Pentex camera, or some sort of Panasonic Lumix camera. And let us not forget that Leica cameras essentially used borrow technology from Panasonic Lumix.

The world is inconsistent

I think one of the greatest things I have learned starting sociology philosophy etc. is that the world is very inconsistent. 

For example, we are told that it is virtuous to be meek, humble or whatever… Yet everybody in America wants to flex on how rich successful famous they are, or what part they drive?

For example even Christian theology? Humbleness and meekness is praised, yet people will “virtue flex“, by broadcasting into the world how “good” other person they are?

For example, people who post to social media about donating to some sort of cause nonprofit or adopting an animal or whatever. We’re posting Bible scriptures or whatever. I don’t think this is virtuous at all. In fact, isn’t it Jesus that said, when you give to the temple, or you donate to charity, let your left-hand not know what your right hand is doing?

I wonder if Jesus was alive today he would say:

If you’re going to donate to charity, don’t name the building after yourself or a family member, don’t name the foundation after yourself, never publicly donate money under your name, and never publish it to the news or social media.

In fact, I think the rapper Pusha T actually donated 18 wheelers of freshwater to Flint Michigan, anonymously without telling nobody, he is truly virtuous. 

Why so miserable?

If you’re dark depressed and EMO or whatever… Just moved to LA, I recommend Culver City, I especially really like the Culver City arts district. I really like the platform park, the new downtown Culver steps area, in front of the Philz Coffee, the whole area.

I wonder if the reason why a lot of people are so dark and grim is simply because they live somewhere with poor weather?

I know personally that when I was in Berlin, eastern Europe, Prague, Marseille in the winter time, it was some of the most depressive times of my life. 

And on the contrary, some of the happiest times in my life or when I was in Vietnam, in Hanoi and Saigon, in Panam Cambodia, other places with good climate, bright light and sun good weather.

Your mind and your body is precious.

Don’t prostitute your mind, your body your soul.

Prostitution is not just sexual, it could be your mental abilities, your physical body whatever.

Prostitution isn’t just about your sexual organs, your penis or vagina your butt hole your mouth your hands or whatever, maybe… the more critical thing is your soul?

Your soul not as some hocus-pocus concept. Rather, your soul is a combination of your personality, your thoughts, your body, your opinions your beliefs your thoughts your abilities your capabilities, your skills etc. 

The mortal soul. That is when your body dies, your soul also dies. 

Memento mori

Remember that you must die, and you will die. Death is also also one of our final duties.

Therefore just thinking consider an ask yourself, in this short and cruel life that we live in, how can we discover more more joy, more thanksgiving, more happiness, more Thanksgiving?

How can we contribute more to the world to others to our progeny, our children are friends and communities and the world?



A funny inverse relationship:

The bigger your car, the smaller your dick size.

Or funnier yet —

The bigger and more menacing your car, the weaker, more meek, smaller, shorter, and lower you have testosterone.

Low-testosterone men drive big cars, or “muscle” cars, because they lack real life muscles. To *purchase* testosterone, manliness, and muscle is their impetus and modus operandi.


Essays by KIM

  1. How to Become a Philosopher
  2. Deep Vanity
  3. Time Will Tell
  4. What is Wisdom?
  9. Becoming Antifragile
  10. How to “Improve” Men
  11. The Art of Virtue
  12. How to Dominate
  14. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  16. Cruel?
  18. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  19. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  20. Imperfect Beauty
  21. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  22. What Interests You?
  23. Anti Theory of Everything
  24. Become?
  26. Carte Blanche Ideals
  28. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  29. On Becoming Less Human
  31. The Philosophy of Futurism
  38. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  40. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  41. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  42. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  45. Pain is Information
  48. UNPLUG.
  49. How to Become a Philosopher
  56. Is Hope a Vice?
  58. Carte Blanche Ideals
  59. One Interesting Thought
  60. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  62. Children & Purpose
  63. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  64. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  66. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  67. Differentiation vs Equalization
  68. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  69. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  70. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  72. How to Decide
  73. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  74. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  76. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  77. Why or How Does it Matter?
  78. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  79. How *Not* to Resent
  82. The Miracle of Human Growth
  84. Why Plan?
  85. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  86. The Philosophy of Ego
  87. True vs False Passions
  88. How to Achieve Tranquility
  89. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  90. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  91. Think On!
  92. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  93. Congruency
  94. My Thoughts on Meditation
  95. The Philosophy of Purpose
  96. Emulate Yourself
  97. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  98. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  99. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  100. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  103. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  104. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  105. What is the Purpose of X?
  106. UTILITY.
  107. Philosophy is a Luxury
  108. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  109. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  110. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  111. Self Actualization
  113. Life & Pain
  114. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  115. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  116. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  117. Self-Determination
  121. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  122. Supreme Repose
  126. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  127. What is the Best Life?
  128. The Philosophy of Thinking
  129. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  130. Conspiracies
  131. Growth
  132. Skepticism.
  133. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  134. Seem or Be?
  135. Learn Through Pain
  136. Respect Yourself
  137. In Praise of Elitism
  138. Why Independent Thinking?
  139. I Will Never Die
  140. Bitter is Better
  141. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  142. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  143. Good vs Not Good
  144. Punished by Privilege
  145. Abstinence Over Moderation
  146. Just Leave Others Alone
  147. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  148. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  149. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  150. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  151. Virtue is a Privilege
  152. What Are Your Life Goals?
  153. Honesty
  154. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  155. No Spite, No Malice.
  156. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  157. Double Edged Sword
  158. Ignorance.
  159. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  160. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  161. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  162. Wisdom is the Goal
  163. YOU ARE KING.
  165. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  166. Care.
  168. ONE REP MAX
  169. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  171. Insanity is Good.
  172. Think Deep.
  174. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  176. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  177. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  178. What is the Purpose of Life?
  180. Elitism.
  181. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  183. Happiness vs Freedom
  184. The Birth of a Hater
  185. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  186. Walking as an Existential Thing
  187. Why I’m So Tolerant
  188. Mortal Gods
  190. Why I’m So Skeptical
  191. Just Follow the Money
  192. Why Selfish?
  194. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  195. What Actually Interests You?
  196. How to Become Yourself
  197. SELF HATE
  198. Optimistic Fatalism
  199. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  200. FLUX.
  201. How to Think for Yourself
  202. FLESH
  203. How to Live the Best Life
  204. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  205. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  206. Self Respect
  207. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  208. Ideals vs Reality
  209. Spaceship Philosophy
  210. What is Your Ideal Life?
  212. Critique of Utilitarianism
  213. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  214. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  215. Elite Asceticism
  216. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  217. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  218. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  219. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  222. Self-Wisdom
  223. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  225. Why Live Forever?
  227. Why Education?
  228. How to Become Yourself
  229. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  230. Why Am I So Cruel?
  231. The Great Joy of Existence
  232. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  233. NO DISDAIN.
  239. PAIN.
  241. Tomorrow is Never
  242. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  246. What are you *really* afraid of?
  248. Philosophy is King
  249. Why is Selfish Evil?
  256. EGO IS GOOD.
  258. Seek the Good Pain
  259. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  260. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  261. WHY I LIVE
  262. Why I Hate Decline
  263. Why I Eat
  264. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  266. Never Stop Gaining
  268. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  269. What Do You Desire to Become?
  270. What Do I Want from Technology?
  271. Stratified Society
  272. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  273. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  274. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  275. Care over Fame
  277. Never Stop Subtracting
  278. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  279. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  280. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  281. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  282. Influence
  283. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  284. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  285. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  286. Is Hope a Vice?
  287. EGO
  288. Why Be Unique?
  289. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  290. You’re the Hero
  291. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  292. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  293. The Joy of Uncertainty
  294. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  295. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  296. Free or Unfree?
  297. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  298. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  299. Why Think?
  300. The Eternal Return
  301. Only Do What is Best for You!
  302. Truthiness
  303. Why Be Happy?
  304. Permissionless Living
  305. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  306. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  307. Happiness
  308. Beyond Freedom
  309. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  310. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  311. Why Hate?
  312. The Secret of Happiness
  313. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  314. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  315. Anti-Nihilism
  316. First, Do What is Best for You.
  317. Live Dynamic
  318. How to Prosper
  319. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  321. How to Become more Idealistic
  322. Thrivival 101
  323. Create Yourself
  324. Non-Small
  325. Inspiration
  326. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  327. Human Augmentation
  328. Prune
  329. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  330. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  331. Modern Slavery
  332. Kill the Leeches
  333. Wisdom Augmentation
  334. Why We Need Friction in Life
  335. Straight Line Philosophy
  336. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  337. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  338. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  339. Try the Impossible
  341. Anti-Social Extrovert
  342. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  343. Human Flourishing
  344. Simpler, Not Better.
  345. How to be Free
  346. Embrace the Extremes
  347. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  348. COURAGE.
  349. Thrivival
  350. Inner Power
  351. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  352. My Definition of Happiness
  353. Why Change is Good
  354. Why Work?
  355. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  356. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  357. You Always Have Another Option!
  359. Never Stop!
  360. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  361. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  362. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  364. Live Life to the Fullest!
  365. In Praise of Selfishness
  366. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  367. Why I Love Walking
  368. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  369. Simple Luxuries in Life
  370. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  371. Only Prove it to Yourself
  372. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  373. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  374. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  375. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  376. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  377. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  378. My Simple Joys in Life
  379. Never Stop Striving
  380. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  381. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  382. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  383. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  384. PURPOSE.
  385. How to Enjoy Life
  386. Photography Therapy
  387. How to Conquer Regret
  388. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  389. How to Prosper
  390. Memento Vivere
  391. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  392. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  393. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  394. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  395. The Purpose of Human Life
  396. How to Overcome Impedence
  397. Why I Love Death
  398. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  399. How to Be Happy
  400. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  401. Why I’m Happy
  402. Why?
  403. Why I’m So Prolific
  404. How to Reduce LAG in Life

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Personal Philosophy »

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Demigod Lifting

No no no, not “power lifter”, not even strongmen, strongman — rather, demi, demigod lifter, demigod lifting.

Thousand 1,000 1000 pounds, 10 plates and beyond.

What is the use of money?

Meat, beef and lamb from Costco, or the Costco business center or the local Mexican meat market, paying your rent, your utilities and bills, and lastly… your own off the grid weightlifting equipment.

Buy more plates!






Eric Kim, in his reflections on learning from the masters of photography, offers several thought-provoking quotes:

  1. On the Enduring Value of Master Photographers’ Work: “The work of the masters (if it still exists today) is probably still around for a reason. 99% of modern photography is just noise” oai_citation:1,Why Learn From the Masters of Photography? – ERIC KIM.
  2. On Overcoming Excuses: Reflecting on the limitations of early photographers, he states, “If they can make phenomenal photos on their old school, cumbersome cameras, on film… Why can’t I just make good photos on my phone?” oai_citation:2,Why Learn From the Masters of Photography? – ERIC KIM.
  3. On Inspiration Over Envy: “All the master photographers are dead. We don’t feel envy or jealousy with dead people… For me, the dead masters are like my guides, who want me to become better photographers than them” oai_citation:3,Why Learn From the Masters of Photography? – ERIC KIM.
  4. On Learning from History: Kim emphasizes the importance of understanding the past to innovate in the future: “He without a past has no future. Study the history of street photography, to find more appreciation of the Masters who paved the path for us today” oai_citation:4,Why Learn From the Masters of Photography? – ERIC KIM.

These quotes reflect a deep appreciation for the history and art of photography, urging contemporary photographers to learn from past masters and to use their legacy as a foundation for innovation and personal growth.

Learn from the Masters

“He without a past has no future.”

Start here:

  1. How to Become a Master Photographer
  2. Why Study the Masters of Photography?
  3. Great Female Master Photographers
  4. Cheat Sheet of the Masters of Photography
  5. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
  6. Beginner’s Guide to the Masters of Street Photography
  7. Download All Articles >

The Masters of Photography

Prague, 1968. Josef Koudelka / Magnum Photos
Prague, 1968. Josef Koudelka / Magnum Photos

Classics never die:

Eric Kim Newsletter

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Eric Kim, a photographer and blogger known for his work in street photography, has shared insights and perspectives on the masters of photography. He often analyzes and discusses the styles, techniques, and philosophies of iconic photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson, Daido Moriyama, and many others. These masters have significantly influenced the field of photography, and Eric Kim delves into their work to draw lessons and inspiration for contemporary photographers.

His approach typically involves a blend of practical advice, artistic critique, and philosophical reflection, making his content appealing to those who are interested in the deeper aspects of photography as an art form. He encourages photographers to learn from the masters not just by imitating their techniques, but by understanding their thought processes and the contexts in which they worked.

Kim’s work resonates particularly well with those who have an interest in philosophy, innovation, and thinking, as he often connects the art of photography with broader themes in these areas. For entrepreneurs and innovators, his insights can be a source of inspiration, showing how creative thinking and learning from past masters can apply to various fields of endeavor.

Money Thoughts

The etymology of the word “helot” is quite intriguing and reflects a deep historical context. It originates from Ancient Greece, specifically within the region of Sparta. The term “helot” referred to a class of serfs or slaves who were owned by the state and primarily used by the Spartans.

Historically, the helots were originally free Greeks, particularly from the region of Laconia and Messenia, who were conquered by the Spartans and subsequently reduced to a servile status. This transformation into state-owned serfs was a cornerstone of the Spartan social and economic system, supporting their military-focused society.

The exact origin of the word “helot” is somewhat unclear. One theory suggests that it might be derived from the Greek verb “ἁλίσκομαι” (haliskomai), meaning “to be captured, to be made a prisoner”. This derivation would directly reflect the helots’ status as conquered peoples. Another theory posits that the name could be related to the village of Helos, located in Laconia, which was known to have been subdued by the Spartans and its inhabitants reduced to serfdom.

In either case, the term “helot” came to symbolize not just the specific class of Spartan serfs, but also the broader concept of subjugation and state-controlled servitude in Ancient Greece. This historical context provides a rich tapestry for philosophical exploration, particularly in terms of power dynamics, societal structures, and the nature of freedom and servitude. For someone interested in philosophy and the evolution of societal systems, the story of the helots offers a compelling case study of how economic and social imperatives can shape and define human relations.

Cruelty is a virtue

Obviously I am not advocating us to become psychopath here; but I think as a general thing, if you’re raised in America, with Quaker Christian protestant morals and ethics, if you’re a raised Catholic protestant Christian or whatever, even being Jewish or Islamic or any of the Abraham religions, what this means is that ultimately, our virtues include weakness, weakness, being passive, bending over backwards brothers, not intruding on others, not hurting or harming others, and essentially, the will to nonexistence. This is also present in Buddhism.

my simple intervention is in order to move the needle the other way, what we must do instead is to go the polar opposite the polar extreme.



  1. Introduction (830mb)
  2. Street Photography (2.6gb)
  3. Personal Photography (1.8gb)
  4. Entrepreneurship (1.5gb)
  5. Motivation: HAPTIC BOOKS (20mb)
  6. Audio (100mb)
  7. Presets (40mb)
  8. Transcripts (29kb)


See the full course here.


The “Photolosophy” course by Eric Kim delves into the philosophical aspects of photography, aiming to help photographers find deeper meaning and purpose in their work. Here’s a brief numerical summary of the key elements:

  1. Introduction to Photolosophy: Focuses on finding personal meaning and critically thinking about why and for whom you take photos oai_citation:1,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  2. What is Photolosophy?: Encourages photographers to seek purpose beyond social media validation, using photography as a tool for life meditation and personal expression oai_citation:2,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  3. Street Photography Confidence: Highlights the importance of human interaction in photography, promoting an empathetic approach to subjects oai_citation:3,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  4. Create Art for Mental Health: Discusses photography as a joyful, creative process beneficial for mental health and happiness oai_citation:4,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  5. Walking Meditation: Advocates using street photography as a meditative practice to relax, be creative, and reduce stress oai_citation:5,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  6. Everything is Editable: Emphasizes the evolving nature of photography and the importance of being active and open to changes in your work oai_citation:6,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  7. Personal Photolosophy: Encourages taking photos for yourself, emphasizing the significance of personal perspective in photography oai_citation:7,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM oai_citation:8,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  8. Gratitude in Photography: Stresses the importance of gratitude, encouraging photographers to appreciate their tools and subjects oai_citation:9,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  9. Entrepreneurship Photolosophy: Defines photography as a form of entrepreneurship, focused on risk-taking and making a positive change oai_citation:10,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  10. JUST DO IT: Encourages photographers to pursue their interests without fear of failure or external validation oai_citation:11,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  11. How Much is Enough: Challenges photographers to continually innovate and create art that pleases themselves, not just for financial gain or fame oai_citation:12,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  12. Motivation: A closing note encouraging continued inspiration, motivation, and exploration in both photography and philosophy oai_citation:13,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.

These numbers encapsulate the essence of the “Photolosophy” course, offering guidance on using photography not just as an art form, but as a means of personal development and philosophical exploration.


Here are the key quotes from Eric Kim’s “Photolosophy” course:

  1. Introduction: “This starter kit will be your unique opportunity to find more personal meaning in your photography, and to motivate you to think more critically why you take photos” oai_citation:1,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  2. What is Photolosophy: “Photolosophy is a word we made up which means ‘photography philosophy’. The purpose is for you to find more purpose and meaning in your photography and life” oai_citation:2,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  3. Street Photography Confidence: “Photography is one of the best tools to HUMANIZE people… use photography as a tool to bring you closer with them!” oai_citation:3,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  4. Create Art for Mental Health: “Photography is a holistic process of finding more joy and happiness in the world!” oai_citation:4,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  5. Walking Meditation: “Treat street photography as a walking meditation; and clear your mind” oai_citation:5,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  6. Everything is Editable: “Don’t let finality or perfection hold you back… everything is editable!” oai_citation:6,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  7. Personal Photolosophy Intro: “The best type of photos is personal — because the more personal the photos are, the more authentic they are, and the more others can relate to them!” oai_citation:7,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  8. Make Photos for Yourself: “Make photos to impress and please yourself; instead of pleasing others!” oai_citation:8,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  9. Gratitude: “Use photography as a tool to find more gratitude in your life” oai_citation:9,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  10. Entrepreneurship – Empowerment: “As a photographer, ask yourself: ‘How can my photos empower myself and others?’” oai_citation:10,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  11. JUST DO IT: “There is no failure, only feedback” oai_citation:11,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  12. How Much is Enough: “Never stop making art; you can’t take money with you when you die!” oai_citation:12,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.
  13. Motivation: “Stay inspired and motivated… ask yourself: ‘Why do I make photos, and what is the purpose of my photography?’” oai_citation:13,Photolosophy Course – ERIC KIM.

These quotes capture the essence of the course, focusing on finding personal meaning, embracing creativity, and pursuing photography

Ethics of Debt

Just met a Filipino mom at Costco the other day — working $18USD an hour, $10,000 in debt … her son works at Google but she refuses to ask him for help or to pay off her debt?

I think she also got 3 kids?

The ethics:

First, she got into serious credit card debt, revolving debt in order to pay groceries, rent, other expenses being a single mom with 3 kids. Thus, the *cause* of her debt was raising the kids (dad divorced 3 times, remarried 3 times).

Thus, it seems the logical ethical thing is this:

If your mom went into debt raising your ass, you *MUST* repay or pay off *her* debt.

For example I think a lot about my mom. How she went bankrupt, went into insane debt to raise me and my sister.


First, my dad would gamble away the rent money. He would tell my mom that he was gonna “pay” it himself, but he went off to Reno in the middle of the night, often wouldn’t come back for 3-4 days, sometimes even a week… and say he was “earning” money (he was really gambling), then would come home without the rent money.

What privileged kids don’t understand—

If you were raised in a home with a dad who didn’t work, who just stayed at home all day, smoked cigarettes, watched TV and movies, and you have more or less a single mom raising two kids by herself *AND* your dad is gambling away *her* hard-earned rent money … what is gonna happen to you?




  5. Photography Composition Manual v1
  6. Zen Photography
  9. Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography
  10. The Street Portrait Manual
  11. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography



  2. Why I Bought ChainlinkPDF
  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. How to Become a Stoic


  1. SUITS





Delve into the mind of EK:




  2. WHY APP?
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  2. Bitcoin Babe




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


dual camera bitcoin photography eric kim

Brave new world for photographers and crypto:

  1. The Philosophy of Crypto
  3. Bitcoin Price Prediction
  4. Trust chainlink for the most accurate prices for bitcoin or any other crypto
  6. There is No Web 3.0
  7. 2 cents to 2 dollars?
  8. Crypto.com?
  9. Speculation vs Investing
  10. Building with Bitcoin
  12. How Do You Know if the Timing Is Right?
  15. Fake Money
  16. Why I Bought More Bitcoin (Again)
  17. How I Made Money with Crypto
  18. Better to buy Dogecoin then buy a Tesla
  19. NO LIMITS.
  21. Digital over Physical Possessions
  24. The Excitement of Starting from Zero
  26. In Praise of Crypto
  27. JUST BUY IT.
  28. Why I’m So Bullish on Bitcoin
  29. Bitcoin as the Simplest Cryptocurrency
  30. Why I bought (more) bitcoin
  31. Once You Become a Crypto Billionaire, Then What?
  32. Why Crypto is Under-Hyped
  33. The Joy of Speculation
  35. Why I Bought Bitcoin
  36. Crypto Photography
  37. Crypto Thoughts
  38. On Making Money from Nothing

Soul Photography

Learn how to photograph with your soul:





Street Photo 101

Bitcoin camera Eric Kim Back




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


Advice I would have given myself in photography, if I started all over again:

Until You Own Yourself You Can’t Be Free

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 by ERIC KIM

De-lamify the future.

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM


eric kim melbourne benjamin thompson

Enroll in my Udemy Course:

‘Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship’: Create Your Own Future >

Entrepreneurship Ideas

  1. InstaSlaves
  2. How to Become a Vlogger
  3. How to Build Your Own Self Brand
  6. How to Market Yourself in Photography
  7. How to Become More Ambitious
  8. Crypto Photography
  9. In Praise of Email Newsletters
  10. Propagate.
  11. Make Your Own Street Photography Blog
  12. Create the Information You Seek.
  13. Content over Technology
  14. How to Advertise Yourself as a Photographer
  16. Photography Branding 101
  18. Bet on Your Own Coin.
  19. The Photographer Should Also Make His/Her Own Music?
  20. Mix Your Photos and Videos
  26. Why Start a Photography Blog?
  27. Once You FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), Then What?
  29. In Praise of Solo Photography Business Entrepreneurship
  31. Street Photography Philosophy Entrepreneurship
  35. Scaleable Photography
  36. What Does it Mean to Become a Successful Photographer?
  37. 20 Photography Marketing, Branding, and Entrepreneurship Tips
  38. Create Your Own Social Media
  39. Individual Entrepreneurship
  41. BUILD!
  42. What is Success in Photography?
  44. Publish Fearlessly
  47. PhotoLink
  48. Real World Applications
  49. You Are Your Own Ideal User
  50. What is Your Creative Vision?
  51. A More Dope, Prosperous Future for All Photographers
  54. How to Maximize Your Impact as a Photographer
  55. Why the World Needs More Bloggers
  57. The Joy of Speculation
  59. Propogate
  60. Meaningful Advantage or Not?
  64. Photography Blogs are Highly *UNDERRATED*
  65. What is Your Competitive Advantage?
  66. Why 4K?
  67. Indirect Monetization
  68. The Future of Innovation in Photography
  69. Photography Innovation and Image Selection Idea: Let Google (YouTube) Suggested Thumbnail Pick Your Best Photo? 
  70. How to Identify Your Competitive Advantage
  71. In Praise of Insanely Fast Wifi
  73. The Stoic-Entrepreneurship Mindset
  74. Marketing Tips for Photographers
  77. Visual Entrepreneurship
  78. On Becoming a Full-Stack Visual Entrepreneur
  79. Real Photographers Don’t Use Instagram
  80. Brave New World of Blogging
  81. Don’t Go to Photography School
  82. Mass Success is a Failure?
  83. How to Maximize Your Archimedes Lever in Life
  84. Maximize Your Archimedes Lever
  85. How to Create Value Out of Nothing
  86. The Best Brand is No Brand
  87. What Do We Entrepreneurs *Really* Want?
  88. You Were Destined to Do Great Things
  89. Just Share Your Photos on Your Own Blog
  90. Your Blog is the Ultimate Form of Social Media
  91. The Future of Websites and Blogs
  92. Create a Company
  93. Money Photography Project
  95. Google and YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 101: How Would You Type It?
  97. Digital Photography is the Future
  100. A Non-Ownership Future
  102. Economic Constraints Are Creative Constraints
  103. Become a Sole-Proprietor
  104. Entrepreneurship is a Mindset
  105. How to Master Mac
  106. The Future of Lifestyle
  107. Necessity is the Mother of Innovation
  108. Once We Have an Easy Life, Then What?
  109. Why I Don’t Read Comments
  110. YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Photographers
  111. How to Become a Self-Employed Photographer
  112. How to Live Big With Little Money
  113. Why Blogging, Vlogging and Internet Media is More Important than Ever
  114. No Marketing, No Future
  115. Photography Marketing 101
  116. Google and YouTube are King
  117. Why I’m So Suspicious of Everyone Online and on the Internet
  118. How to Become More Notorious
  119. Kaizen Approach to Blogging
  120. How to Master Marketing
  122. Anti Silicon-Valley Thinking
  123. Your Name
  124. In Praise of WordPress
  126. Your Future Portfolio is a Website
  127. Infinite Runway
  129. Financial Independence as a Road to Freedom of Speech?
  131. Just Post It.
  132. Posts Are Products
  133. Photography Entrepreneurship Ideas
  134. YOU ARE KING.
  135. You’re Always in BETA MODE
  136. Build Your Own Media Empire
  138. Why I Became an Entrepreneur
  139. The Uber-Photographer
  140. Create What You Would Like to See Manifested in the World
  141. Create the Future
  142. Entrepreneurship is Best During Uncertain Times
  143. Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM
  144. Your Body is the Brand
  145. Your Name is Your Brand
  146. Create Your Own Social Media Platform
  148. Sell Yourself
  149. Create New
  150. Insta-Slaves
  152. Why Hybrid is the Future
  153. Don’t Censor Yourself
  156. If Someone Offers You Help, You’re Stupid to *NOT* Take It.
  158. How I Became So Famous
  159. Let Reality Mould Itself to You
  161. Live Your Life as If You Were a Billionaire
  163. Impact, Influence, Reach: The Three Pillars of Marketing
  165. Classicism.
  167. Money is Movement
  168. Elitism 2.0
  169. Mass Market or Luxury Market?
  170. Why You Must Market Yourself
  171. Why You Must Start an Email Newsletter
  172. How Laptops Can Change the World
  173. What Do You Want to Become?
  174. What is Really Holding You Back in Life?
  175. Why I Write: Writing as Meta-Thinking
  177. Use Your First and Last Name
  178. How Blogging Can Change the World
  179. In Praise of Liberty
  180. How I Write in Markdown
  181. How I Became So Influential on YouTube
  183. What a Time to Be Alive in Today’s Brave New World of Photography
  186. My Life Photography Entrepreneurship Story
  188. My Entrepreneurship Mindset
  190. My Money Philosophy
  191. Why Brand and Market Yourself?
  193. Just Share What Works for You
  194. How to Create Your Own Platform
  195. Living in a Post Monetary Society
  196. In Praise of Blogging
  197. The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle is the Best Lifestyle
  198. Algorithm Slavery
  200. Entrepreneurship is The Goal
  201. The Art of Blogging
  203. How to Make Great Titles
  204. Sole Proprietorship
  205. Just Build It.
  208. Become a Full-Stack Entrepreneur
  209. How to Entertain Others
  210. My Experience Teaching My First Online Photography Creativity Workshop on Zoom
  211. Humans Aren’t Lazy
  212. One Shot.
  214. The Brave New COVID Lifestyle
  215. Start Your Own Business
  216. Minimum Viable Income ( MVI)
  217. TRAINING.
  218. WHY VIDEO?
  219. How to Become Bolder
  220. You’ve Always Already Been a Photography Entrepreneur!
  221. The Future is All Digital Everything
  222. Digital Sharecropping
  224. In Praise of Buffer and Redundancy
  227. Advertise Your Own Stuff
  229. Simulated Universal Basic Income
  230. Is Losing Followers a Good Thing?
  231. How to Add to Economic Activity
  234. Anything is Possible
  237. How to Profit from Calamity
  238. Capitalism 2.0
  240. SOCIETY 2.0
  242. How to Make Art from Home
  244. JUST BLOG IT.
  248. Who Are Your Ideal Followers?
  249. Why I Blog, Vlog, and Log
  250. Your Perspective is Irrefutable
  251. What are Your Hidden Powers?
  252. IMPACT MAXIMIZATION, not Profit Maximization
  253. Our Desire to Maximize Impact and Change
  254. 10 Rich Tips How to Make Money from Photography
  255. Create What You Would Love to Consume
  256. Publish is Pleasure
  257. Retire Now
  258. Do You Desire to Become the Best?
  259. Solo Entrepreneurship
  260. My Vision of Photography Entrepreneurship
  262. The Desire to Transcend Ourselves
  264. How to Retire
  265. Via Negativa Productivity
  266. Why You Must Make Your Own Website
  267. Individuals over Companies
  268. Build Yourself
  269. Success is Survival
  270. Why You Shouldn’t Go to Photography or Art School
  271. How to Differentiate Yourself as a Photographer
  272. Surpass Yourself
  273. Can You Handle Extreme Freedom?
  274. Boutique or Mass Market?
  275. Proof of Concept
  276. Unified Field Theory for Photography
  277. Build a Company You’d Never Sell
  278. Play the Long Game
  279. Entrepreneurship and Art
  280. What is the Source of our Strength?
  281. What’s the Future for Photography?
  282. Full-Stack Visual Artist
  283. Why Scale?
  284. What is Your Unfair Advantage?
  285. Substance Marketing
  286. Share Your Dopeness with Others
  287. Frugality is Freedom
  288. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Entrepreneurship
  289. Don’t Follow or Predict Trends, Start Your Own Trend!
  290. If You’re Not Busy Growing, You’re Busy Dying
  291. Entrepreneurship born from Superabundance, not Need/Necessity
  292. Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy
  293. How to Master Marketing in Photography
  294. Photography Entrepreneurship Tips and Ideas
  295. Is Hustle Sufficient Unto Success?
  296. Don’t do it for the money
  298. Zen Entrepreneurship
  300. Streamers Shall Inherit the Earth

Photography Blogging

wordpress.org is our best friend.



Marketing and Branding

Entrepreneurship Lifestyle

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Photography Entrepreneurship 101

Life and Productivity Hacks

How to Make a Living from Your Passion

Put a Dent in the Universe.

How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneurship overview eric kim course

The Modern Photographer: Tips, Strategies, and Tactics to Thrive as a Visual Artist in the Digital Age

Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success

MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.

Business Mental Models

How to Monetize Your Photography


Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?

Take control of your own photographic destiny:

  1. Photography Startup Manual
  3. On Risk Taking and Entrepreneurship


Photography Entrepreneurship Articles




Table of Contents

Learn how to make a living from your passion:

Photography Business 101

How to Make Money with Photography


Photography Marketing 101

How to Hustle.

Entrepreneurial Principles

How to be a Full-time Photographer

Photography Blogging

How to Teach Photography

Social Media

How to Save Money



  1. Just Follow the Money
  2. My Money Philosophy
  3. Eternal fame and glory over money
  4. The Trillion Dollar Question: How to Make Money on the Internet Without Advertising?
  5. Entrepreneurship that Doesn’t Involve Money-Making?
  6. Money Ain’t Real
  7. Making Money for Fun, Not to Get Rich
  8. Why Money?


Essays by KIM

  1. How to Become a Philosopher
  2. Deep Vanity
  3. Time Will Tell
  4. What is Wisdom?
  9. Becoming Antifragile
  10. How to “Improve” Men
  11. The Art of Virtue
  12. How to Dominate
  14. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  16. Cruel?
  18. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  19. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  20. Imperfect Beauty
  21. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  22. What Interests You?
  23. Anti Theory of Everything
  24. Become?
  26. Carte Blanche Ideals
  28. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  29. On Becoming Less Human
  31. The Philosophy of Futurism
  38. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  40. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  41. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  42. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  45. Pain is Information
  48. UNPLUG.
  49. How to Become a Philosopher
  56. Is Hope a Vice?
  58. Carte Blanche Ideals
  59. One Interesting Thought
  60. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  62. Children & Purpose
  63. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  64. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  66. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  67. Differentiation vs Equalization
  68. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  69. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  70. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  72. How to Decide
  73. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  74. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  76. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  77. Why or How Does it Matter?
  78. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  79. How *Not* to Resent
  82. The Miracle of Human Growth
  84. Why Plan?
  85. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  86. The Philosophy of Ego
  87. True vs False Passions
  88. How to Achieve Tranquility
  89. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  90. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  91. Think On!
  92. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  93. Congruency
  94. My Thoughts on Meditation
  95. The Philosophy of Purpose
  96. Emulate Yourself
  97. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  98. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  99. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  100. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  103. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  104. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  105. What is the Purpose of X?
  106. UTILITY.
  107. Philosophy is a Luxury
  108. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  109. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  110. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  111. Self Actualization
  113. Life & Pain
  114. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  115. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  116. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  117. Self-Determination
  121. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  122. Supreme Repose
  126. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  127. What is the Best Life?
  128. The Philosophy of Thinking
  129. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  130. Conspiracies
  131. Growth
  132. Skepticism.
  133. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  134. Seem or Be?
  135. Learn Through Pain
  136. Respect Yourself
  137. In Praise of Elitism
  138. Why Independent Thinking?
  139. I Will Never Die
  140. Bitter is Better
  141. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  142. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  143. Good vs Not Good
  144. Punished by Privilege
  145. Abstinence Over Moderation
  146. Just Leave Others Alone
  147. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  148. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  149. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  150. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  151. Virtue is a Privilege
  152. What Are Your Life Goals?
  153. Honesty
  154. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  155. No Spite, No Malice.
  156. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  157. Double Edged Sword
  158. Ignorance.
  159. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  160. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  161. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  162. Wisdom is the Goal
  163. YOU ARE KING.
  165. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  166. Care.
  168. ONE REP MAX
  169. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  171. Insanity is Good.
  172. Think Deep.
  174. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  176. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  177. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  178. What is the Purpose of Life?
  180. Elitism.
  181. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  183. Happiness vs Freedom
  184. The Birth of a Hater
  185. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  186. Walking as an Existential Thing
  187. Why I’m So Tolerant
  188. Mortal Gods
  190. Why I’m So Skeptical
  191. Just Follow the Money
  192. Why Selfish?
  194. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  195. What Actually Interests You?
  196. How to Become Yourself
  197. SELF HATE
  198. Optimistic Fatalism
  199. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  200. FLUX.
  201. How to Think for Yourself
  202. FLESH
  203. How to Live the Best Life
  204. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  205. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  206. Self Respect
  207. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  208. Ideals vs Reality
  209. Spaceship Philosophy
  210. What is Your Ideal Life?
  212. Critique of Utilitarianism
  213. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  214. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  215. Elite Asceticism
  216. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  217. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  218. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  219. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  222. Self-Wisdom
  223. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  225. Why Live Forever?
  227. Why Education?
  228. How to Become Yourself
  229. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  230. Why Am I So Cruel?
  231. The Great Joy of Existence
  232. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  233. NO DISDAIN.
  239. PAIN.
  241. Tomorrow is Never
  242. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  246. What are you *really* afraid of?
  248. Philosophy is King
  249. Why is Selfish Evil?
  256. EGO IS GOOD.
  258. Seek the Good Pain
  259. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  260. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  261. WHY I LIVE
  262. Why I Hate Decline
  263. Why I Eat
  264. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  266. Never Stop Gaining
  268. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  269. What Do You Desire to Become?
  270. What Do I Want from Technology?
  271. Stratified Society
  272. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  273. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  274. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  275. Care over Fame
  277. Never Stop Subtracting
  278. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  279. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  280. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  281. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  282. Influence
  283. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  284. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  285. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  286. Is Hope a Vice?
  287. EGO
  288. Why Be Unique?
  289. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  290. You’re the Hero
  291. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  292. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  293. The Joy of Uncertainty
  294. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  295. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  296. Free or Unfree?
  297. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  298. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  299. Why Think?
  300. The Eternal Return
  301. Only Do What is Best for You!
  302. Truthiness
  303. Why Be Happy?
  304. Permissionless Living
  305. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  306. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  307. Happiness
  308. Beyond Freedom
  309. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  310. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  311. Why Hate?
  312. The Secret of Happiness
  313. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  314. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  315. Anti-Nihilism
  316. First, Do What is Best for You.
  317. Live Dynamic
  318. How to Prosper
  319. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  321. How to Become more Idealistic
  322. Thrivival 101
  323. Create Yourself
  324. Non-Small
  325. Inspiration
  326. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  327. Human Augmentation
  328. Prune
  329. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  330. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  331. Modern Slavery
  332. Kill the Leeches
  333. Wisdom Augmentation
  334. Why We Need Friction in Life
  335. Straight Line Philosophy
  336. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  337. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  338. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  339. Try the Impossible
  341. Anti-Social Extrovert
  342. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  343. Human Flourishing
  344. Simpler, Not Better.
  345. How to be Free
  346. Embrace the Extremes
  347. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  348. COURAGE.
  349. Thrivival
  350. Inner Power
  351. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  352. My Definition of Happiness
  353. Why Change is Good
  354. Why Work?
  355. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  356. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  357. You Always Have Another Option!
  359. Never Stop!
  360. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  361. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  362. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  364. Live Life to the Fullest!
  365. In Praise of Selfishness
  366. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  367. Why I Love Walking
  368. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  369. Simple Luxuries in Life
  370. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  371. Only Prove it to Yourself
  372. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  373. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  374. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  375. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  376. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  377. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  378. My Simple Joys in Life
  379. Never Stop Striving
  380. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  381. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  382. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  383. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  384. PURPOSE.
  385. How to Enjoy Life
  386. Photography Therapy
  387. How to Conquer Regret
  388. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  389. How to Prosper
  390. Memento Vivere
  391. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  392. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  393. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  394. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  395. The Purpose of Human Life
  396. How to Overcome Impedence
  397. Why I Love Death
  398. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  399. How to Be Happy
  400. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  401. Why I’m Happy
  402. Why?
  403. Why I’m So Prolific
  404. How to Reduce LAG in Life

Masters of Philosophy »

Personal Philosophy »

Stoicism »

Zen Philosophy »

Life Lessons »

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Become invincible:

  1. Introduction to Stoicism
  3. Becoming Spartan
  5. Stoic Aesthetics?
  6. The Philosophy of Ugliness
  7. Bad Stoicism
  8. Stoicism 2.0
  9. Becoming Stoic
  11. Why Arguments and Confrontations Are Good
  12. “I’m Over It”
  13. How to Deal With Miserable People
  14. How to Become a Stoic
  15. How to Ignore
  16. Pretend like you didn’t hear them
  17. Bad Stoic Strategies
  18. The Stoic Way of Dealing With Unpleasant or Miserable People
  20. Stoicism Stunts Our Power?
  21. Stoicism is Mental Resistance Training
  23. How to Become Fearless
  24. Extreme Stoicism
  25. Ethics are Aesthetic
  26. Indifference to Pain or Suffering
  27. When is Stoicism Good? When is Stoicism Bad?
  28. Why Others Criticize or Insult You
  29. True Difficulty
  30. What if Covid Never Goes Away?
  32. Anti-Hedonism
  35. It is the Duty of the Strong to Help the Weak
  36. The Goal is to Become Stronger
  40. STOICISM x Child’s Mind
  41. The Art of Manly Virtue
  42. Resistance Makes Us Stronger!
  44. Emotions are Good
  45. Conquer Your Anger
  49. The Spartan-Stoic Lifestyle
  50. How I Conquered Fear
  53. The Upside of Poverty
  54. How I Became Me
  57. Living *THROUGH* History
  58. How to Fear Less
  59. Fear is the Ultimate Contagious Disease
  61. Don’t Be Scared!
  67. My Philosophy on Masculinity
  68. A Riskier Life is a Better Life #philosophy #stoicism
  69. How to Creatively Flourish in Life
  70. Introduction to Stoicism
  71. How to Become Stronger
  72. How to Conquer Depression With Photography
  73. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
  74. How to Respect Yourself
  75. How to Believe in Yourself
  76. How to Steer Fear
  77. How to Conquer Pessimism
  78. How to Conquer Anxiety
  79. How to Overcome Your Fear of People
  80. How to Be Optimistic
  81. Why I Don’t Take My Anger Seriously
  85. How to Give a Fuck Less
  86. ALL IN.
  87. Why I Cut My Dad Out of My Life.
  88. Your iPhone Only Has 5% Battery Left.
  89. How not to give a FUCK about your REPUTATION
  92. The Regret Minimization Framework in Photography and Life
  93. How to Be a HERO
  94. Conquer Your Fears by Making Fear Your Slave
  95. Rule Circumstances; Don’t Let Your Circumstances Rule You
  96. How to Love Yourself
  97. How to Turn Shit into Gold
  98. Your Parents Fuck You Up
  99. Immortality
  100. What Kills You Makes You Stronger
  101. How to Be Patient
  102. How to Conquer Anger
  103. How to Bounce Back in Life
  104. How to Overcome Resistance
  105. Nothing Unlimited is Good; Nothing Good is Unlimited
  106. You Have No Limits
  107. Can 1’s and 0’s Hurt You?
  108. The Envious Moment is Flying Now
  109. Tomorrow We’ll Sail the Wide Seas Again
  110. How to Forgive Others
  111. Focus on Your Actions, Not the Results
  112. Everything Will Be Alright
  113. How to Be a Stoic Street Photographer
  114. How to Be a Spartan Photographer
  115. How to Overcome Your Fears in Life
  116. How to Stop Worrying in Life
  117. How to Use Photography as Self-Therapy
  118. How to Free Your Soul From Disturbance
  119. 3 Stoic Techniques that Can Help You Gain Tranquility
  120. Can People Weaker than You Hurt You?
  121. Does a Doctor Get Angry at a Crazy Patient?
  122. Own Nothing

The Stoic Masters

Learn from the master stoics:

See all philosophy >

The Philosophy of Happiness

Happiness thoughts:

  1. What Will Make You Happier?
  3. How to Boost Your Mood
  4. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  5. Life Without Photography is Not a Life Worth Living
  6. 10 Tips to Be Happier and More Loving in Life
  7. How to Find Happiness in Your Photography
  8. How to Find Satisfaction in Your Photography
  9. 30 Tips to Conquer G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)
  10. 55 Tips to Be Happier in Life
  11. On the Shortness of Life
  12. Small is Beautiful
  13. Photography (and Life) is About Subtraction, Not Addition
  14. Why Envy Any Other Photographer?
  15. How to Be Happy in All Circumstances
  16. Desire the Life You Already Have
  17. Should You Shoot if You Don’t Want To?
  18. Live a Life of Leisure
  19. Good Enough
  20. 28 Lessons I’ve Learned From Life
  21. 27 Lessons I’ve Learned About Photography and Life
  22. 26 Lessons Life Has Taught Me About Street Photography
  23. Desire
  24. Good Enough
  25. Things I Am Grateful For
  26. How to Die Without Regrets
  27. 12 Scientifically Proven Ways to Have More Happiness in Street Photography
  28. Having No Choices is the Ultimate Freedom
  29. How to Be Grateful For What You Have


Your own personal code of ethics:

  1. Stubborn Geniuses
  2. Avoid Misery
  3. What We Hate
  5. How to Become a Great Man
  8. Carte Blanche Ethics
  9. Toxic People
  10. Why Are We So Into Other People
  11. Just focus on yourself and your own life
  12. Perfect morals and ethics is following your own gut
  14. Ignorance Takes Courage
  16. Don’t give people what they want or what you *think* they want, give them what you think they *should* have.
  17. Anti Small
  18. Disdain or Admiration?
  19. Beware Those With Good Intentions
  23. The Motive of Criticism
  24. Ethics are Social
  25. Anti Role Models
  26. What is Greed?
  27. On Having the Courage to Make Your Own Decisions
  28. How *NOT* to Get Duped or Suckered
  29. Why Help Others?
  30. The Duty of the Strong
  31. Why I’m So Intolerant Towards Intolerance
  32. The Ethics of Criticizing Others
  33. Consult Your Own Conscience
  34. The Ethics of Shit Talking
  35. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  36. I’m Easily Distracted
  37. On Forming Your Own Opinion
  38. ERIC KIM Philosophy of Tolerance
  39. Tolerance
  40. Aesthetics are Ethics
  41. Morality and Ethics


hand red black macro ERIC KIM
  4. ‘WASTEFUL’?
  5. Tight vs Loose
  6. Thick vs Thin
  7. Why Lamborghini is No Longer Interesting to Me
  12. Photographers are Designers
  13. Why Perfect?
  14. Beautiful but Boring
  20. The Best Car for Thinking
  21. Zen Aesthetics
  22. Why Minimalism?
  24. Generic Design
  25. An Elite Aesthetic
  26. Not Hateful Design
  27. New Forward Facing Design vs Retrospective and Nostalgic Design
  28. Depressing Design vs Uplifting Design
  29. The Best Design Towards What Ends?
  30. Exciting or Boring Design?
  31. On Design & Photography
  32. A Designer Desires to Design and Create Things!
  33. Delightful Technology and Design
  34. Dynamic Aesthetics
  35. Design vs Brand Prestige
  36. Classic Proportions, Modern Design
  37. Why Does Design Matter?
  38. The Best Design
  40. Camera Design
  41. Watch Design


Red selfie crimson ERIC KIM icon
  1. Sociology vs Philosophy?
  4. National vs Individual Pride
  5. Dystopia is a Utopia
  8. Why is It So Hard for Us To Follow Our Gut and Instinct?
  9. Sociology of Comparison
  10. Mimetic Desires
  11. Interest in Humans or Objects?
  12. Social Stochastic Resonance
  13. How to Live Bravely in Today’s Brave New World and Society
  14. Arousal
  15. Is Humanity on the Decline?
  16. Social Innovations
  17. Society *Shouldn’t* Be Fair
  18. Why Society Doesn’t Want Free Thinkers and Free Livers
  19. Our New Soft Society

Sociological Theory

Photography and Sociology


Become more:

  2. Setbacks are a motivator, a turbocharger
  4. The Philosophy of Optimism
  5. What Slows You Down?
  6. Meta Editing
  7. Move Mass
  8. What’s “Cool”?
  9. No In-Between
  10. Independent Aspirations
  14. How to Make More Photos
  18. Photography is Our Addiction
  21. CURIOUS.
  22. PROVOKE.
  23. How to Do More Photography
  28. No Such Thing as Good or Bad; Simply Stimulating or Not Stimulating
  29. The Best Genre is No Genre
  30. The Key to Photographic Motivation
  31. Pacifying Media, Motivational Media
  32. Our Hunger for New Experiences
  33. Mental Motivation
  35. The Photographer as Creator
  36. Create *BEYOND* Yourself
  37. Let Your Curiosity Drive Your Photography
  39. Abstract Monochrome Photography
  41. Just Have Fun With Photography
  42. Wu-Wei Effortless Motivation
  44. Easily Bored?
  45. Face Photography
  46. How to Become More Self-Motivated in Your Photography
  48. On Sharing Your Favorite Photos
  50. Peak Photographic Productivity
  51. When to Review Your Photos
  52. Serotonin and Photos
  53. The Photos You Have Yet Shot are Your Most Important Photos
  54. 3 Tips How to Master Photography
  55. Do You Like Your Own Photos?
  56. The Beauty of Mundane, Everyday Moments
  57. Reasons Why to Be Optimistic About the Future
  58. A Photography-Full Future
  59. The More You Shoot, the Better
  60. How Many Photos Should You Shoot Everyday?
  61. Why Do We Love Motion?
  62. Now is Your Chance to Shoot History in the Making
  63. Photo by Photo
  64. How and Why Photography Remains So Interesting to Me
  65. How to Conquer Your Inner Photographic Critic
  66. Thoughts on HDR Photography
  67. New Year, New Photos
  68. Why Exhibit Your Photos?
  69. Photography is Visual Poetry
  70. What’s the Purpose of Art?
  71. Why Do We Photographers Have Such a Hard Time Staying Inspired and Motivated?
  72. On Becoming a More Optimistic Photographer
  73. Philosophy of Weather
  74. How to Become a More Optimistic Photographer and Human
  75. You Are a Creative Photographer
  77. What Motivates Me to Shoot?
  78. How to Maximize Yourself to the Fullest
  80. Autotelic Photography
  81. The more I go out and photograph the world, the more interesting and beautiful the world becomes
  82. Why Photographers Have Such Low Self-Esteem
  84. Why Am I So Unmotivated?
  87. Movement is Motivation
  88. How to Motivate Myself to Make New Photos
  89. Never Stop Optimizing
  90. How to Help and Motivate Others
  91. Feed On Your Own Photos; Let Them Nourish You!
  92. Competition is for Suckers
  93. A Future Without Travel
  94. How Google Can Improve Your Photography
  97. How I Self-Motivate Myself
  98. Every Day the Sun is Birthed Anew
  99. A Life Without Photography Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  100. WIN.
  101. 8 Practical Photography Assignments for You
  102. Tabula Rasa, Blank Slate, Carte Blanche
  109. PASSION, not Discipline
  110. Better Bad Photos than No Photos
  111. The Empowering Feeling of Failure
  112. To Be Human is to Move
  113. Enjoy the Process
  114. Better Bad Photos than No Photos
  115. Why Keep Making New Art and Photos, Indefinitely?
  116. Photography Motivation: What if There is Nothing Interesting to Photograph?
  117. Move First, Motivation Later
  118. Motivation Follows the Action
  119. In Praise of Heroes
  120. 5 Tips How to Boost Your Creativity
  121. How to Have Inspiration to Take Photos in the Suburbs
  122. Anything that Motivates You to Move is Good!
  123. The Productive Photographer is the Happiest Photographer!
  124. Make Today Count!
  125. How to Break Through Photographer’s Block
  126. The Joyful Photographer
  127. The Dancing Photographer
  128. The Kaizen Process of Gradual Self-Improvement in Photography
  129. It is Your Duty to Make Beautiful Pictures!
  130. Making Pictures IS Happiness!
  131. NO EXCUSES.
  132. The Pomodoro Photography Technique
  133. The ABC of Photography
  134. Just Shoot It.
  135. How to Change the World With Photography
  136. How to Find Inspiration in Photography and Life
  137. How to Overcome Resistance
  138. Create Against the Past
  139. How I Motivate Myself to Make Photos
  140. Wear Your Camera Like a Necklace or Bracelet
  141. Have Your Photos Come to You
  142. How to Level Up in Your Photography
  143. How Not to Give a Fuck of What Others Think of You
  144. How to Overcome Procrastination in Your Photography
  145. How to Reinspire Your Photography
  146. What is Your Mission in Photography and Life?
  147. How to Overcome Photographer’s Block
  148. Be a Photographer Now
  149. How to Overcome Boredom with Photography
  150. Never Stop Growing as a Photographer
  151. Why Do You Need “Inspiration” to Shoot?
  152. Just Shoot.
  153. 5 Things to Do If You’ve Lost Your Passion for Photography
  154. How to Have Unshakeable Confidence in Yourself
  155. Don’t Give Up On Your Dream
  156. Don’t Waste Your Potential
  157. Unlock Your Potential
  158. Empower Others With Your Photography
  159. Why You Shouldn’t Follow Your Passion in Photography

See all articles >


walking woman umbrella crimson red
  1. How to Become More Stealth in Street Photography
  3. Street Photography Mastery
  4. How I Became the Greatest Street Photographer Alive
  5. Antifragile Photography
  6. How to Conquer Your Fears in Street Photography
  8. 5 Simple Street Photography Techniques
  10. The Street Photographer Ideal
  11. 50 Street Photography Tips, Techniques and Ideas
  12. Street Photography Values
  14. Why Street Photography is So Great
  16. Society Photography, Not “Street” Photography
  17. How to Street Photography
  19. 10 Street Photography Tips
  20. The Street Photographer as the Apex Photographer
  21. Street Photography & Adrenaline
  23. 50 Street Photography Tips by ERIC KIM
  24. What I Wish I Knew If I Started Street Photography All Over Again
  25. Photograph like it’s not a big deal
  26. Suburb Street Photography
  27. What is Our Personal Motivation Behind Street Photography?
  29. Personal Street Photography
  31. Pandemic Street Photography
  33. How to Shoot Street Photography Right Now
  34. Towards a More Independent Street Photography Approach
  35. How Street Photography Improves Your Life
  36. How to Tell Stories in Your Street Photos
  37. Face Street Photography
  38. How to Start Shooting Street Photography
  39. How to Shoot Street Photography During a Pandemic
  40. 7 Street Photography Assignment Ideas


street photography starter kit by ERIC KIM

Master street photography with STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT.


Hearts. Hollywood, 2011 #flash

If you’re new to street photography, start here:

Brave New Street Photography

Street Photographs

ERIC KIM layers hong kong
  1. How to Shoot Street Photography with Dads and Kids
  3. Use Quarantine as an Opportunity to Pick up Film Photography
  4. Hong Kong Street Photography by ERIC KIM

Street Photography Philosophy

Street Photography Articles

Street Photography Techniques

Street Photography Ideas

Street Photography Composition Techniques


Push yourself out of your comfort zone with STREET NOTES: Mobile Edition.



Timeless wisdom from the masters of street photography.

Learn more about MASTERS >


Street Photography Inspiration

Beginner Street Photography Articles

Get started in street photography:

Definitions in Street Photography

How to Shoot Street Photography

Street Photography Equipment

See all equipment articles >

How to Conquer Your Fears in Street Photography

See all articles to conquer your fears >

Intermediate Street Photography Articles

Take your street photography to the next level:

Advanced Street Photography Articles

Find deeper meaning in your street photography:

Street Photography Tips & Technique

Learn how to shoot on the streets:

See all street photography tips and techniques >

Street Photography Guides

In-depth guides on street photography:

Street Photography Equipment

The best equipment for street photography:

See all equipment articles >

Street Photography Editing and Workflow

How to Start a Street Photography Project

Learn From the Masters of Street Photography

“He without a past has no future.”

Start here:

  1. Why Study the Masters of Photography?
  2. Great Female Master Photographers
  3. Cheat Sheet of the Masters of Photography
  4. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
  5. Beginner’s Guide to the Masters of Street Photography
  6. Download All Articles >

The Masters of Photography

Classics never die:

Free Downloads

See all free downloads >

Free Street Photography Books

Distilled information on street photography:

For more resources on photography, Start Here >

Entrepreneurship by KIM

Become the change which you desire to see manifested in the world!

Become you.

  1. Why Doesn’t Anything Satisfy Me?
  3. How to Gain Ascendancy
  4. Business vs Entrepreneurship?
  6. Making Money as a Hobby
  7. The Best Exercises for Entrepreneurs
  9. Entrepreneurship is the privilege of being able to attempt something new
  10. How to Become More Influential
  11. The Point of Life is Entrepreneurship?
  12. How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  13. Become the Outlier
  14. Self Reliance
  15. How to Extend Your Reach
  16. NEWS: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  17. PVP (Player vs Player)
  18. How I became so influential
  27. Target Demographic
  28. Ambition Over Happiness
  29. Anti Collaboration
  30. The Will to Economy
  31. Why New?
  33. No Looking Back.
  34. 1000x Different
  38. Practicality is Boring
  42. Take Lots of Small Financial Risks
  43. Control Over Convenience
  44. Why Are Chinese Companies So Innovative?
  46. Why Doesn’t Anything Ever Satisfy Me?
  48. Perhaps Dissatisfaction is Good
  49. ONE REP MAX.
  58. JUST BUY IT.
  61. Boring or Not Boring?
  62. What if Your Past Self were Inferior to Your Present Self?
  65. Difficulty & Interest
  66. The Will to Expansion
  67. What is Work?
  70. Not Boring
  73. Speed is Paramount
  75. A Life With No Risk Taking is *NOT* a Life Worth Living
  76. Dissatisfaction is Good
  78. In Praise of the New
  79. Uncorrupted Desires
  80. You Cannot Fake Passion
  83. Personal Entrepreneurship
  86. A Life of Expansion
  89. Use Your Life as an Experiment to Self-Develop Yourself to Heights Never Seen Before
  90. Invest in New Developments
  91. Investing Towards What End?
  92. The 90%/10% Principle in Entrepreneurship
  93. Speed Wins
  94. The Philosophy of Happiness
  95. When to Over-Estimate, When to Under-Estimate?
  96. Never Stop Iterating
  97. Money as a Tool for Life and Artistic Experimentation
  98. Less But More Premium
  99. Mainstream vs Low-Key Success
  100. Why Dissatisfaction is Good
  102. Manifest Your Destiny
  103. Is it Best to *Not* Communicate Your Inner Thoughts or Ideas With Others?
  105. How to Do More Work
  106. CONTROL.
  107. Competition is for Losers
  108. Change.
  109. Your Competitive Advantage with Insanely Fast Wifi and High Speed Internet
  110. Pseudo Individualism
  111. Natural Internal Promoting vs External Promptings

Think for Yourself.

  1. Survival vs Thrivival
  2. Become Rich
  4. Why it is Better to Beg for Forgiveness than Ask for Permission
  5. Thinking About the Past Prevents You From Thinking About the Future
  6. How to Predict the Future
  7. Tools of Mass Distraction
  8. So What?


Never stop innovating.

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Put a Dent in the Universe.



  5. Photography Composition Manual v1
  6. Zen Photography
  9. Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography
  10. The Street Portrait Manual
  11. 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography



  2. Why I Bought ChainlinkPDF
  3. How to Become a Philosopher
  4. How to Become a Stoic


  1. SUITS





Delve into the mind of EK:




  2. WHY APP?
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  2. Bitcoin Babe




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >

Bitcoin camera Eric Kim Back


  1. E(RIC) MAIL


Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


Advice I would have given myself in photography, if I started all over again:

Until You Own Yourself You Can’t Be Free

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 by ERIC KIM

De-lamify the future.

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM


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Enroll in my Udemy Course:

‘Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship’: Create Your Own Future >

Entrepreneurship Ideas

  1. InstaSlaves
  2. How to Become a Vlogger
  3. How to Build Your Own Self Brand
  6. How to Market Yourself in Photography
  7. How to Become More Ambitious
  8. Crypto Photography
  9. In Praise of Email Newsletters
  10. Propagate.
  11. Make Your Own Street Photography Blog
  12. Create the Information You Seek.
  13. Content over Technology
  14. How to Advertise Yourself as a Photographer
  16. Photography Branding 101
  18. Bet on Your Own Coin.
  19. The Photographer Should Also Make His/Her Own Music?
  20. Mix Your Photos and Videos
  26. Why Start a Photography Blog?
  27. Once You FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), Then What?
  29. In Praise of Solo Photography Business Entrepreneurship
  31. Street Photography Philosophy Entrepreneurship
  35. Scaleable Photography
  36. What Does it Mean to Become a Successful Photographer?
  37. 20 Photography Marketing, Branding, and Entrepreneurship Tips
  38. Create Your Own Social Media
  39. Individual Entrepreneurship
  41. BUILD!
  42. What is Success in Photography?
  44. Publish Fearlessly
  47. PhotoLink
  48. Real World Applications
  49. You Are Your Own Ideal User
  50. What is Your Creative Vision?
  51. A More Dope, Prosperous Future for All Photographers
  54. How to Maximize Your Impact as a Photographer
  55. Why the World Needs More Bloggers
  57. The Joy of Speculation
  59. Propogate
  60. Meaningful Advantage or Not?
  64. Photography Blogs are Highly *UNDERRATED*
  65. What is Your Competitive Advantage?
  66. Why 4K?
  67. Indirect Monetization
  68. The Future of Innovation in Photography
  69. Photography Innovation and Image Selection Idea: Let Google (YouTube) Suggested Thumbnail Pick Your Best Photo? 
  70. How to Identify Your Competitive Advantage
  71. In Praise of Insanely Fast Wifi
  73. The Stoic-Entrepreneurship Mindset
  74. Marketing Tips for Photographers
  77. Visual Entrepreneurship
  78. On Becoming a Full-Stack Visual Entrepreneur
  79. Real Photographers Don’t Use Instagram
  80. Brave New World of Blogging
  81. Don’t Go to Photography School
  82. Mass Success is a Failure?
  83. How to Maximize Your Archimedes Lever in Life
  84. Maximize Your Archimedes Lever
  85. How to Create Value Out of Nothing
  86. The Best Brand is No Brand
  87. What Do We Entrepreneurs *Really* Want?
  88. You Were Destined to Do Great Things
  89. Just Share Your Photos on Your Own Blog
  90. Your Blog is the Ultimate Form of Social Media
  91. The Future of Websites and Blogs
  92. Create a Company
  93. Money Photography Project
  95. Google and YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 101: How Would You Type It?
  97. Digital Photography is the Future
  100. A Non-Ownership Future
  102. Economic Constraints Are Creative Constraints
  103. Become a Sole-Proprietor
  104. Entrepreneurship is a Mindset
  105. How to Master Mac
  106. The Future of Lifestyle
  107. Necessity is the Mother of Innovation
  108. Once We Have an Easy Life, Then What?
  109. Why I Don’t Read Comments
  110. YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Photographers
  111. How to Become a Self-Employed Photographer
  112. How to Live Big With Little Money
  113. Why Blogging, Vlogging and Internet Media is More Important than Ever
  114. No Marketing, No Future
  115. Photography Marketing 101
  116. Google and YouTube are King
  117. Why I’m So Suspicious of Everyone Online and on the Internet
  118. How to Become More Notorious
  119. Kaizen Approach to Blogging
  120. How to Master Marketing
  122. Anti Silicon-Valley Thinking
  123. Your Name
  124. In Praise of WordPress
  126. Your Future Portfolio is a Website
  127. Infinite Runway
  129. Financial Independence as a Road to Freedom of Speech?
  131. Just Post It.
  132. Posts Are Products
  133. Photography Entrepreneurship Ideas
  134. YOU ARE KING.
  135. You’re Always in BETA MODE
  136. Build Your Own Media Empire
  138. Why I Became an Entrepreneur
  139. The Uber-Photographer
  140. Create What You Would Like to See Manifested in the World
  141. Create the Future
  142. Entrepreneurship is Best During Uncertain Times
  143. Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM
  144. Your Body is the Brand
  145. Your Name is Your Brand
  146. Create Your Own Social Media Platform
  148. Sell Yourself
  149. Create New
  150. Insta-Slaves
  152. Why Hybrid is the Future
  153. Don’t Censor Yourself
  156. If Someone Offers You Help, You’re Stupid to *NOT* Take It.
  158. How I Became So Famous
  159. Let Reality Mould Itself to You
  161. Live Your Life as If You Were a Billionaire
  163. Impact, Influence, Reach: The Three Pillars of Marketing
  165. Classicism.
  167. Money is Movement
  168. Elitism 2.0
  169. Mass Market or Luxury Market?
  170. Why You Must Market Yourself
  171. Why You Must Start an Email Newsletter
  172. How Laptops Can Change the World
  173. What Do You Want to Become?
  174. What is Really Holding You Back in Life?
  175. Why I Write: Writing as Meta-Thinking
  177. Use Your First and Last Name
  178. How Blogging Can Change the World
  179. In Praise of Liberty
  180. How I Write in Markdown
  181. How I Became So Influential on YouTube
  183. What a Time to Be Alive in Today’s Brave New World of Photography
  186. My Life Photography Entrepreneurship Story
  188. My Entrepreneurship Mindset
  190. My Money Philosophy
  191. Why Brand and Market Yourself?
  193. Just Share What Works for You
  194. How to Create Your Own Platform
  195. Living in a Post Monetary Society
  196. In Praise of Blogging
  197. The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle is the Best Lifestyle
  198. Algorithm Slavery
  200. Entrepreneurship is The Goal
  201. The Art of Blogging
  203. How to Make Great Titles
  204. Sole Proprietorship
  205. Just Build It.
  208. Become a Full-Stack Entrepreneur
  209. How to Entertain Others
  210. My Experience Teaching My First Online Photography Creativity Workshop on Zoom
  211. Humans Aren’t Lazy
  212. One Shot.
  214. The Brave New COVID Lifestyle
  215. Start Your Own Business
  216. Minimum Viable Income ( MVI)
  217. TRAINING.
  218. WHY VIDEO?
  219. How to Become Bolder
  220. You’ve Always Already Been a Photography Entrepreneur!
  221. The Future is All Digital Everything
  222. Digital Sharecropping
  224. In Praise of Buffer and Redundancy
  227. Advertise Your Own Stuff
  229. Simulated Universal Basic Income
  230. Is Losing Followers a Good Thing?
  231. How to Add to Economic Activity
  234. Anything is Possible
  237. How to Profit from Calamity
  238. Capitalism 2.0
  240. SOCIETY 2.0
  242. How to Make Art from Home
  244. JUST BLOG IT.
  248. Who Are Your Ideal Followers?
  249. Why I Blog, Vlog, and Log
  250. Your Perspective is Irrefutable
  251. What are Your Hidden Powers?
  252. IMPACT MAXIMIZATION, not Profit Maximization
  253. Our Desire to Maximize Impact and Change
  254. 10 Rich Tips How to Make Money from Photography
  255. Create What You Would Love to Consume
  256. Publish is Pleasure
  257. Retire Now
  258. Do You Desire to Become the Best?
  259. Solo Entrepreneurship
  260. My Vision of Photography Entrepreneurship
  262. The Desire to Transcend Ourselves
  264. How to Retire
  265. Via Negativa Productivity
  266. Why You Must Make Your Own Website
  267. Individuals over Companies
  268. Build Yourself
  269. Success is Survival
  270. Why You Shouldn’t Go to Photography or Art School
  271. How to Differentiate Yourself as a Photographer
  272. Surpass Yourself
  273. Can You Handle Extreme Freedom?
  274. Boutique or Mass Market?
  275. Proof of Concept
  276. Unified Field Theory for Photography
  277. Build a Company You’d Never Sell
  278. Play the Long Game
  279. Entrepreneurship and Art
  280. What is the Source of our Strength?
  281. What’s the Future for Photography?
  282. Full-Stack Visual Artist
  283. Why Scale?
  284. What is Your Unfair Advantage?
  285. Substance Marketing
  286. Share Your Dopeness with Others
  287. Frugality is Freedom
  288. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Entrepreneurship
  289. Don’t Follow or Predict Trends, Start Your Own Trend!
  290. If You’re Not Busy Growing, You’re Busy Dying
  291. Entrepreneurship born from Superabundance, not Need/Necessity
  292. Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy
  293. How to Master Marketing in Photography
  294. Photography Entrepreneurship Tips and Ideas
  295. Is Hustle Sufficient Unto Success?
  296. Don’t do it for the money
  298. Zen Entrepreneurship
  300. Streamers Shall Inherit the Earth

Photography Blogging

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Marketing and Branding

Entrepreneurship Lifestyle

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Photography Entrepreneurship 101

Life and Productivity Hacks

How to Make a Living from Your Passion

Put a Dent in the Universe.

How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneurship overview eric kim course

The Modern Photographer: Tips, Strategies, and Tactics to Thrive as a Visual Artist in the Digital Age

Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success

MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.

Business Mental Models

How to Monetize Your Photography


Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?

Take control of your own photographic destiny:

  1. Photography Startup Manual
  3. On Risk Taking and Entrepreneurship


Photography Entrepreneurship Articles




Table of Contents

Learn how to make a living from your passion:

Photography Business 101

How to Make Money with Photography


Photography Marketing 101

How to Hustle.

Entrepreneurial Principles

How to be a Full-time Photographer

Photography Blogging

How to Teach Photography

Social Media

How to Save Money



  1. Just Follow the Money
  2. My Money Philosophy
  3. Eternal fame and glory over money
  4. The Trillion Dollar Question: How to Make Money on the Internet Without Advertising?
  5. Entrepreneurship that Doesn’t Involve Money-Making?
  6. Money Ain’t Real
  7. Making Money for Fun, Not to Get Rich
  8. Why Money?


Essays by KIM

  1. How to Become a Philosopher
  2. Deep Vanity
  3. Time Will Tell
  4. What is Wisdom?
  9. Becoming Antifragile
  10. How to “Improve” Men
  11. The Art of Virtue
  12. How to Dominate
  14. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  16. Cruel?
  18. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  19. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  20. Imperfect Beauty
  21. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  22. What Interests You?
  23. Anti Theory of Everything
  24. Become?
  26. Carte Blanche Ideals
  28. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  29. On Becoming Less Human
  31. The Philosophy of Futurism
  38. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  40. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  41. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  42. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  45. Pain is Information
  48. UNPLUG.
  49. How to Become a Philosopher
  56. Is Hope a Vice?
  58. Carte Blanche Ideals
  59. One Interesting Thought
  60. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  62. Children & Purpose
  63. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  64. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  66. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  67. Differentiation vs Equalization
  68. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  69. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  70. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  72. How to Decide
  73. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  74. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  76. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  77. Why or How Does it Matter?
  78. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  79. How *Not* to Resent
  82. The Miracle of Human Growth
  84. Why Plan?
  85. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  86. The Philosophy of Ego
  87. True vs False Passions
  88. How to Achieve Tranquility
  89. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  90. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  91. Think On!
  92. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  93. Congruency
  94. My Thoughts on Meditation
  95. The Philosophy of Purpose
  96. Emulate Yourself
  97. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  98. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  99. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  100. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  103. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  104. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  105. What is the Purpose of X?
  106. UTILITY.
  107. Philosophy is a Luxury
  108. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  109. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  110. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  111. Self Actualization
  113. Life & Pain
  114. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  115. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  116. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  117. Self-Determination
  121. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  122. Supreme Repose
  126. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  127. What is the Best Life?
  128. The Philosophy of Thinking
  129. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  130. Conspiracies
  131. Growth
  132. Skepticism.
  133. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  134. Seem or Be?
  135. Learn Through Pain
  136. Respect Yourself
  137. In Praise of Elitism
  138. Why Independent Thinking?
  139. I Will Never Die
  140. Bitter is Better
  141. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  142. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  143. Good vs Not Good
  144. Punished by Privilege
  145. Abstinence Over Moderation
  146. Just Leave Others Alone
  147. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  148. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  149. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  150. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  151. Virtue is a Privilege
  152. What Are Your Life Goals?
  153. Honesty
  154. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  155. No Spite, No Malice.
  156. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  157. Double Edged Sword
  158. Ignorance.
  159. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  160. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  161. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  162. Wisdom is the Goal
  163. YOU ARE KING.
  165. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  166. Care.
  168. ONE REP MAX
  169. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  171. Insanity is Good.
  172. Think Deep.
  174. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  176. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  177. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  178. What is the Purpose of Life?
  180. Elitism.
  181. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  183. Happiness vs Freedom
  184. The Birth of a Hater
  185. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  186. Walking as an Existential Thing
  187. Why I’m So Tolerant
  188. Mortal Gods
  190. Why I’m So Skeptical
  191. Just Follow the Money
  192. Why Selfish?
  194. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  195. What Actually Interests You?
  196. How to Become Yourself
  197. SELF HATE
  198. Optimistic Fatalism
  199. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  200. FLUX.
  201. How to Think for Yourself
  202. FLESH
  203. How to Live the Best Life
  204. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  205. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  206. Self Respect
  207. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  208. Ideals vs Reality
  209. Spaceship Philosophy
  210. What is Your Ideal Life?
  212. Critique of Utilitarianism
  213. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  214. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  215. Elite Asceticism
  216. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  217. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  218. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  219. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  222. Self-Wisdom
  223. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  225. Why Live Forever?
  227. Why Education?
  228. How to Become Yourself
  229. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  230. Why Am I So Cruel?
  231. The Great Joy of Existence
  232. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  233. NO DISDAIN.
  239. PAIN.
  241. Tomorrow is Never
  242. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  246. What are you *really* afraid of?
  248. Philosophy is King
  249. Why is Selfish Evil?
  256. EGO IS GOOD.
  258. Seek the Good Pain
  259. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  260. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  261. WHY I LIVE
  262. Why I Hate Decline
  263. Why I Eat
  264. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  266. Never Stop Gaining
  268. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  269. What Do You Desire to Become?
  270. What Do I Want from Technology?
  271. Stratified Society
  272. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  273. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  274. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  275. Care over Fame
  277. Never Stop Subtracting
  278. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  279. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  280. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  281. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  282. Influence
  283. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  284. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  285. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  286. Is Hope a Vice?
  287. EGO
  288. Why Be Unique?
  289. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  290. You’re the Hero
  291. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  292. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  293. The Joy of Uncertainty
  294. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  295. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  296. Free or Unfree?
  297. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  298. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  299. Why Think?
  300. The Eternal Return
  301. Only Do What is Best for You!
  302. Truthiness
  303. Why Be Happy?
  304. Permissionless Living
  305. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  306. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  307. Happiness
  308. Beyond Freedom
  309. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  310. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  311. Why Hate?
  312. The Secret of Happiness
  313. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  314. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  315. Anti-Nihilism
  316. First, Do What is Best for You.
  317. Live Dynamic
  318. How to Prosper
  319. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  321. How to Become more Idealistic
  322. Thrivival 101
  323. Create Yourself
  324. Non-Small
  325. Inspiration
  326. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  327. Human Augmentation
  328. Prune
  329. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  330. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  331. Modern Slavery
  332. Kill the Leeches
  333. Wisdom Augmentation
  334. Why We Need Friction in Life
  335. Straight Line Philosophy
  336. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  337. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  338. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  339. Try the Impossible
  341. Anti-Social Extrovert
  342. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  343. Human Flourishing
  344. Simpler, Not Better.
  345. How to be Free
  346. Embrace the Extremes
  347. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  348. COURAGE.
  349. Thrivival
  350. Inner Power
  351. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  352. My Definition of Happiness
  353. Why Change is Good
  354. Why Work?
  355. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  356. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  357. You Always Have Another Option!
  359. Never Stop!
  360. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  361. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  362. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  364. Live Life to the Fullest!
  365. In Praise of Selfishness
  366. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  367. Why I Love Walking
  368. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  369. Simple Luxuries in Life
  370. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  371. Only Prove it to Yourself
  372. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  373. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  374. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  375. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  376. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  377. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  378. My Simple Joys in Life
  379. Never Stop Striving
  380. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  381. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  382. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  383. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  384. PURPOSE.
  385. How to Enjoy Life
  386. Photography Therapy
  387. How to Conquer Regret
  388. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  389. How to Prosper
  390. Memento Vivere
  391. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  392. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  393. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  394. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  395. The Purpose of Human Life
  396. How to Overcome Impedence
  397. Why I Love Death
  398. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  399. How to Be Happy
  400. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  401. Why I’m Happy
  402. Why?
  403. Why I’m So Prolific
  404. How to Reduce LAG in Life

Masters of Philosophy »

Personal Philosophy »

Stoicism »

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Become invincible:

  1. Introduction to Stoicism
  3. Becoming Spartan
  5. Stoic Aesthetics?
  6. The Philosophy of Ugliness
  7. Bad Stoicism
  8. Stoicism 2.0
  9. Becoming Stoic
  11. Why Arguments and Confrontations Are Good
  12. “I’m Over It”
  13. How to Deal With Miserable People
  14. How to Become a Stoic
  15. How to Ignore
  16. Pretend like you didn’t hear them
  17. Bad Stoic Strategies
  18. The Stoic Way of Dealing With Unpleasant or Miserable People
  20. Stoicism Stunts Our Power?
  21. Stoicism is Mental Resistance Training
  23. How to Become Fearless
  24. Extreme Stoicism
  25. Ethics are Aesthetic
  26. Indifference to Pain or Suffering
  27. When is Stoicism Good? When is Stoicism Bad?
  28. Why Others Criticize or Insult You
  29. True Difficulty
  30. What if Covid Never Goes Away?
  32. Anti-Hedonism
  35. It is the Duty of the Strong to Help the Weak
  36. The Goal is to Become Stronger
  40. STOICISM x Child’s Mind
  41. The Art of Manly Virtue
  42. Resistance Makes Us Stronger!
  44. Emotions are Good
  45. Conquer Your Anger
  49. The Spartan-Stoic Lifestyle
  50. How I Conquered Fear
  53. The Upside of Poverty
  54. How I Became Me
  57. Living *THROUGH* History
  58. How to Fear Less
  59. Fear is the Ultimate Contagious Disease
  61. Don’t Be Scared!
  67. My Philosophy on Masculinity
  68. A Riskier Life is a Better Life #philosophy #stoicism
  69. How to Creatively Flourish in Life
  70. Introduction to Stoicism
  71. How to Become Stronger
  72. How to Conquer Depression With Photography
  73. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
  74. How to Respect Yourself
  75. How to Believe in Yourself
  76. How to Steer Fear
  77. How to Conquer Pessimism
  78. How to Conquer Anxiety
  79. How to Overcome Your Fear of People
  80. How to Be Optimistic
  81. Why I Don’t Take My Anger Seriously
  85. How to Give a Fuck Less
  86. ALL IN.
  87. Why I Cut My Dad Out of My Life.
  88. Your iPhone Only Has 5% Battery Left.
  89. How not to give a FUCK about your REPUTATION
  92. The Regret Minimization Framework in Photography and Life
  93. How to Be a HERO
  94. Conquer Your Fears by Making Fear Your Slave
  95. Rule Circumstances; Don’t Let Your Circumstances Rule You
  96. How to Love Yourself
  97. How to Turn Shit into Gold
  98. Your Parents Fuck You Up
  99. Immortality
  100. What Kills You Makes You Stronger
  101. How to Be Patient
  102. How to Conquer Anger
  103. How to Bounce Back in Life
  104. How to Overcome Resistance
  105. Nothing Unlimited is Good; Nothing Good is Unlimited
  106. You Have No Limits
  107. Can 1’s and 0’s Hurt You?
  108. The Envious Moment is Flying Now
  109. Tomorrow We’ll Sail the Wide Seas Again
  110. How to Forgive Others
  111. Focus on Your Actions, Not the Results
  112. Everything Will Be Alright
  113. How to Be a Stoic Street Photographer
  114. How to Be a Spartan Photographer
  115. How to Overcome Your Fears in Life
  116. How to Stop Worrying in Life
  117. How to Use Photography as Self-Therapy
  118. How to Free Your Soul From Disturbance
  119. 3 Stoic Techniques that Can Help You Gain Tranquility
  120. Can People Weaker than You Hurt You?
  121. Does a Doctor Get Angry at a Crazy Patient?
  122. Own Nothing

The Stoic Masters

Learn from the master stoics:

See all philosophy >

The Philosophy of Happiness

Happiness thoughts:

  1. What Will Make You Happier?
  3. How to Boost Your Mood
  4. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  5. Life Without Photography is Not a Life Worth Living
  6. 10 Tips to Be Happier and More Loving in Life
  7. How to Find Happiness in Your Photography
  8. How to Find Satisfaction in Your Photography
  9. 30 Tips to Conquer G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)
  10. 55 Tips to Be Happier in Life
  11. On the Shortness of Life
  12. Small is Beautiful
  13. Photography (and Life) is About Subtraction, Not Addition
  14. Why Envy Any Other Photographer?
  15. How to Be Happy in All Circumstances
  16. Desire the Life You Already Have
  17. Should You Shoot if You Don’t Want To?
  18. Live a Life of Leisure
  19. Good Enough
  20. 28 Lessons I’ve Learned From Life
  21. 27 Lessons I’ve Learned About Photography and Life
  22. 26 Lessons Life Has Taught Me About Street Photography
  23. Desire
  24. Good Enough
  25. Things I Am Grateful For
  26. How to Die Without Regrets
  27. 12 Scientifically Proven Ways to Have More Happiness in Street Photography
  28. Having No Choices is the Ultimate Freedom
  29. How to Be Grateful For What You Have


Your own personal code of ethics:

  1. Stubborn Geniuses
  2. Avoid Misery
  3. What We Hate
  5. How to Become a Great Man
  8. Carte Blanche Ethics
  9. Toxic People
  10. Why Are We So Into Other People
  11. Just focus on yourself and your own life
  12. Perfect morals and ethics is following your own gut
  14. Ignorance Takes Courage
  16. Don’t give people what they want or what you *think* they want, give them what you think they *should* have.
  17. Anti Small
  18. Disdain or Admiration?
  19. Beware Those With Good Intentions
  23. The Motive of Criticism
  24. Ethics are Social
  25. Anti Role Models
  26. What is Greed?
  27. On Having the Courage to Make Your Own Decisions
  28. How *NOT* to Get Duped or Suckered
  29. Why Help Others?
  30. The Duty of the Strong
  31. Why I’m So Intolerant Towards Intolerance
  32. The Ethics of Criticizing Others
  33. Consult Your Own Conscience
  34. The Ethics of Shit Talking
  35. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  36. I’m Easily Distracted
  37. On Forming Your Own Opinion
  38. ERIC KIM Philosophy of Tolerance
  39. Tolerance
  40. Aesthetics are Ethics
  41. Morality and Ethics


hand red black macro ERIC KIM
  4. ‘WASTEFUL’?
  5. Tight vs Loose
  6. Thick vs Thin
  7. Why Lamborghini is No Longer Interesting to Me
  12. Photographers are Designers
  13. Why Perfect?
  14. Beautiful but Boring
  20. The Best Car for Thinking
  21. Zen Aesthetics
  22. Why Minimalism?
  24. Generic Design
  25. An Elite Aesthetic
  26. Not Hateful Design
  27. New Forward Facing Design vs Retrospective and Nostalgic Design
  28. Depressing Design vs Uplifting Design
  29. The Best Design Towards What Ends?
  30. Exciting or Boring Design?
  31. On Design & Photography
  32. A Designer Desires to Design and Create Things!
  33. Delightful Technology and Design
  34. Dynamic Aesthetics
  35. Design vs Brand Prestige
  36. Classic Proportions, Modern Design
  37. Why Does Design Matter?
  38. The Best Design
  40. Camera Design
  41. Watch Design


Red selfie crimson ERIC KIM icon
  1. Sociology vs Philosophy?
  4. National vs Individual Pride
  5. Dystopia is a Utopia
  8. Why is It So Hard for Us To Follow Our Gut and Instinct?
  9. Sociology of Comparison
  10. Mimetic Desires
  11. Interest in Humans or Objects?
  12. Social Stochastic Resonance
  13. How to Live Bravely in Today’s Brave New World and Society
  14. Arousal
  15. Is Humanity on the Decline?
  16. Social Innovations
  17. Society *Shouldn’t* Be Fair
  18. Why Society Doesn’t Want Free Thinkers and Free Livers
  19. Our New Soft Society

Sociological Theory

Photography and Sociology


Become more:

  2. Setbacks are a motivator, a turbocharger
  4. The Philosophy of Optimism
  5. What Slows You Down?
  6. Meta Editing
  7. Move Mass
  8. What’s “Cool”?
  9. No In-Between
  10. Independent Aspirations
  14. How to Make More Photos
  18. Photography is Our Addiction
  21. CURIOUS.
  22. PROVOKE.
  23. How to Do More Photography
  28. No Such Thing as Good or Bad; Simply Stimulating or Not Stimulating
  29. The Best Genre is No Genre
  30. The Key to Photographic Motivation
  31. Pacifying Media, Motivational Media
  32. Our Hunger for New Experiences
  33. Mental Motivation
  35. The Photographer as Creator
  36. Create *BEYOND* Yourself
  37. Let Your Curiosity Drive Your Photography
  39. Abstract Monochrome Photography
  41. Just Have Fun With Photography
  42. Wu-Wei Effortless Motivation
  44. Easily Bored?
  45. Face Photography
  46. How to Become More Self-Motivated in Your Photography
  48. On Sharing Your Favorite Photos
  50. Peak Photographic Productivity
  51. When to Review Your Photos
  52. Serotonin and Photos
  53. The Photos You Have Yet Shot are Your Most Important Photos
  54. 3 Tips How to Master Photography
  55. Do You Like Your Own Photos?
  56. The Beauty of Mundane, Everyday Moments
  57. Reasons Why to Be Optimistic About the Future
  58. A Photography-Full Future
  59. The More You Shoot, the Better
  60. How Many Photos Should You Shoot Everyday?
  61. Why Do We Love Motion?
  62. Now is Your Chance to Shoot History in the Making
  63. Photo by Photo
  64. How and Why Photography Remains So Interesting to Me
  65. How to Conquer Your Inner Photographic Critic
  66. Thoughts on HDR Photography
  67. New Year, New Photos
  68. Why Exhibit Your Photos?
  69. Photography is Visual Poetry
  70. What’s the Purpose of Art?
  71. Why Do We Photographers Have Such a Hard Time Staying Inspired and Motivated?
  72. On Becoming a More Optimistic Photographer
  73. Philosophy of Weather
  74. How to Become a More Optimistic Photographer and Human
  75. You Are a Creative Photographer
  77. What Motivates Me to Shoot?
  78. How to Maximize Yourself to the Fullest
  80. Autotelic Photography
  81. The more I go out and photograph the world, the more interesting and beautiful the world becomes
  82. Why Photographers Have Such Low Self-Esteem
  84. Why Am I So Unmotivated?
  87. Movement is Motivation
  88. How to Motivate Myself to Make New Photos
  89. Never Stop Optimizing
  90. How to Help and Motivate Others
  91. Feed On Your Own Photos; Let Them Nourish You!
  92. Competition is for Suckers
  93. A Future Without Travel
  94. How Google Can Improve Your Photography
  97. How I Self-Motivate Myself
  98. Every Day the Sun is Birthed Anew
  99. A Life Without Photography Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  100. WIN.
  101. 8 Practical Photography Assignments for You
  102. Tabula Rasa, Blank Slate, Carte Blanche
  109. PASSION, not Discipline
  110. Better Bad Photos than No Photos
  111. The Empowering Feeling of Failure
  112. To Be Human is to Move
  113. Enjoy the Process
  114. Better Bad Photos than No Photos
  115. Why Keep Making New Art and Photos, Indefinitely?
  116. Photography Motivation: What if There is Nothing Interesting to Photograph?
  117. Move First, Motivation Later
  118. Motivation Follows the Action
  119. In Praise of Heroes
  120. 5 Tips How to Boost Your Creativity
  121. How to Have Inspiration to Take Photos in the Suburbs
  122. Anything that Motivates You to Move is Good!
  123. The Productive Photographer is the Happiest Photographer!
  124. Make Today Count!
  125. How to Break Through Photographer’s Block
  126. The Joyful Photographer
  127. The Dancing Photographer
  128. The Kaizen Process of Gradual Self-Improvement in Photography
  129. It is Your Duty to Make Beautiful Pictures!
  130. Making Pictures IS Happiness!
  131. NO EXCUSES.
  132. The Pomodoro Photography Technique
  133. The ABC of Photography
  134. Just Shoot It.
  135. How to Change the World With Photography
  136. How to Find Inspiration in Photography and Life
  137. How to Overcome Resistance
  138. Create Against the Past
  139. How I Motivate Myself to Make Photos
  140. Wear Your Camera Like a Necklace or Bracelet
  141. Have Your Photos Come to You
  142. How to Level Up in Your Photography
  143. How Not to Give a Fuck of What Others Think of You
  144. How to Overcome Procrastination in Your Photography
  145. How to Reinspire Your Photography
  146. What is Your Mission in Photography and Life?
  147. How to Overcome Photographer’s Block
  148. Be a Photographer Now
  149. How to Overcome Boredom with Photography
  150. Never Stop Growing as a Photographer
  151. Why Do You Need “Inspiration” to Shoot?
  152. Just Shoot.
  153. 5 Things to Do If You’ve Lost Your Passion for Photography
  154. How to Have Unshakeable Confidence in Yourself
  155. Don’t Give Up On Your Dream
  156. Don’t Waste Your Potential
  157. Unlock Your Potential
  158. Empower Others With Your Photography
  159. Why You Shouldn’t Follow Your Passion in Photography

See all articles >


walking woman umbrella crimson red
  1. How to Become More Stealth in Street Photography
  3. Street Photography Mastery
  4. How I Became the Greatest Street Photographer Alive
  5. Antifragile Photography
  6. How to Conquer Your Fears in Street Photography
  8. 5 Simple Street Photography Techniques
  10. The Street Photographer Ideal
  11. 50 Street Photography Tips, Techniques and Ideas
  12. Street Photography Values
  14. Why Street Photography is So Great
  16. Society Photography, Not “Street” Photography
  17. How to Street Photography
  19. 10 Street Photography Tips
  20. The Street Photographer as the Apex Photographer
  21. Street Photography & Adrenaline
  23. 50 Street Photography Tips by ERIC KIM
  24. What I Wish I Knew If I Started Street Photography All Over Again
  25. Photograph like it’s not a big deal
  26. Suburb Street Photography
  27. What is Our Personal Motivation Behind Street Photography?
  29. Personal Street Photography
  31. Pandemic Street Photography
  33. How to Shoot Street Photography Right Now
  34. Towards a More Independent Street Photography Approach
  35. How Street Photography Improves Your Life
  36. How to Tell Stories in Your Street Photos
  37. Face Street Photography
  38. How to Start Shooting Street Photography
  39. How to Shoot Street Photography During a Pandemic
  40. 7 Street Photography Assignment Ideas


street photography starter kit by ERIC KIM

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Hearts. Hollywood, 2011 #flash

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Brave New Street Photography

Street Photographs

ERIC KIM layers hong kong
  1. How to Shoot Street Photography with Dads and Kids
  3. Use Quarantine as an Opportunity to Pick up Film Photography
  4. Hong Kong Street Photography by ERIC KIM

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Entrepreneurship by KIM

Become the change which you desire to see manifested in the world!

Become you.

  1. Why Doesn’t Anything Satisfy Me?
  3. How to Gain Ascendancy
  4. Business vs Entrepreneurship?
  6. Making Money as a Hobby
  7. The Best Exercises for Entrepreneurs
  9. Entrepreneurship is the privilege of being able to attempt something new
  10. How to Become More Influential
  11. The Point of Life is Entrepreneurship?
  12. How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  13. Become the Outlier
  14. Self Reliance
  15. How to Extend Your Reach
  16. NEWS: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur
  17. PVP (Player vs Player)
  18. How I became so influential
  27. Target Demographic
  28. Ambition Over Happiness
  29. Anti Collaboration
  30. The Will to Economy
  31. Why New?
  33. No Looking Back.
  34. 1000x Different
  38. Practicality is Boring
  42. Take Lots of Small Financial Risks
  43. Control Over Convenience
  44. Why Are Chinese Companies So Innovative?
  46. Why Doesn’t Anything Ever Satisfy Me?
  48. Perhaps Dissatisfaction is Good
  49. ONE REP MAX.
  58. JUST BUY IT.
  61. Boring or Not Boring?
  62. What if Your Past Self were Inferior to Your Present Self?
  65. Difficulty & Interest
  66. The Will to Expansion
  67. What is Work?
  70. Not Boring
  73. Speed is Paramount
  75. A Life With No Risk Taking is *NOT* a Life Worth Living
  76. Dissatisfaction is Good
  78. In Praise of the New
  79. Uncorrupted Desires
  80. You Cannot Fake Passion
  83. Personal Entrepreneurship
  86. A Life of Expansion
  89. Use Your Life as an Experiment to Self-Develop Yourself to Heights Never Seen Before
  90. Invest in New Developments
  91. Investing Towards What End?
  92. The 90%/10% Principle in Entrepreneurship
  93. Speed Wins
  94. The Philosophy of Happiness
  95. When to Over-Estimate, When to Under-Estimate?
  96. Never Stop Iterating
  97. Money as a Tool for Life and Artistic Experimentation
  98. Less But More Premium
  99. Mainstream vs Low-Key Success
  100. Why Dissatisfaction is Good
  102. Manifest Your Destiny
  103. Is it Best to *Not* Communicate Your Inner Thoughts or Ideas With Others?
  105. How to Do More Work
  106. CONTROL.
  107. Competition is for Losers
  108. Change.
  109. Your Competitive Advantage with Insanely Fast Wifi and High Speed Internet
  110. Pseudo Individualism
  111. Natural Internal Promoting vs External Promptings

Think for Yourself.

  1. Survival vs Thrivival
  2. Become Rich
  4. Why it is Better to Beg for Forgiveness than Ask for Permission
  5. Thinking About the Past Prevents You From Thinking About the Future
  6. How to Predict the Future
  7. Tools of Mass Distraction
  8. So What?


Never stop innovating.

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Put a Dent in the Universe.

Spartan Philosophy

One of the things I love the most is Spartan philosophy, thinking about ancient Sparta etc.

Why? Aesthetically, ethically, and in terms of the ethos — I love it!

Just watch the movie 300

I watched the movie 300 at a good time; I think it came out when I was in high school, maybe my junior year, at the peak of my hormones.

Watching the movie 300 when I was around 17 years old was good, because it’s solidified a certain aesthetic and physique ideal.

But now, I feel bad for all these modern day kids, who being raised with these weird aesthetic and physique ideals?

First, it seems that the new modern day trend is towards notification. Ugly bodies, everyone is skinny fat, no muscle mass, not permitted to be happy gay jubilant and ratchets; everybody is antisocial weird and awkward.

On the other extreme is all these dudes hopped up on steroids. Apparently it is even OK to be on steroids nowadays, which I also think is a bad thing. I think we need to inject more shame into steroids; it is really really bad.

For example, everybody knows that Dwayne The Rock Johnson is on steroids, yet everybody turns the blind eye. Why? We like the idea of the rock, yet, we don’t want to acknowledge that he is juicing his eyeballs out?  

Think muscle

Even Nietzsche talks about muscle. 

Even in his book the Walter power, or was it twilight of the idols… he posits the future man as being more carnivorous, with more muscle? 

Nothing is natural

The weird thing in diet health physiology fitness… Everyone is always trying to do what is “natural”. But nothing is natural.

For example, people say the lame response, that eating meat is not natural, or being a carnivore is not natural whatever. But it doesn’t matter… Neither is being vegan or vegetarian, everyone is and should be permitted to do whatever they want to do.

You can be whatever you want to be

The philosophy of becoming; you can become whatever you want to become.

Technically, nothing you will do will cause you to die. For example, doesn’t matter if you’re vegetarian or vegan, it won’t kill you. You won’t die. Yet you probably won’t be that muscular or strong, or well… But once again that is your imperative not mine.

Most people don’t know what they want to become?

I think this is the big issue in today’s world; nobody really knows what they want to become.

One of the easiest things that you would ask a kid was this: “what do you want to be when you grow up? Perhaps this should be the same question for adult; what do you want to be when you grow older?


So why does this matter? 

I have some interesting thoughts; one of them is towards some thoughts on life, living approaches etc.

First, think of the ancient Spartan gymnasium, in which all the guys are just naked working out, hanging out in the open air plot of land, lifting weights, being manly.

Second, think about what the ancient Spartans wanted; they just wanted to be left alone.

For example, the reason why Sparta was military state was because she just wanted to be left alone, and the military power of Sparta was simple;

If anybody tried to invade Sparta, and subjugate it… Sparta would have a formidable army to protect itself from being taken over. 

All you need is 300

In today’s world everyone wants billions of followers, but think… Would you rather have 1 billion Persian slaves or 300 Spartan elite?

I would choose the 300.

King Leonidas was a historical fact

What I think blows everybody’s mind is the fact that King Leonidas was in fact a historical fact. He existed in real life, and the 300 were real. It was not just a fantasy or hocus-pocus story, like anything written by Moses. Or the ancient early Christian fathers.

Even the ancient Romans and Greeks were so inspired by the ancient Spartans — laconic, Lacadonia — there were lots of big fans.

Laconic sayings

Another manly thing; true men speak few words. 

For example when Persian emissary told king Leonidas that they would have so many arrows that they would blocked out the sun, I think it was Kingsley Leonidas or one of his generals who joked and said “Then we shall fight in the shade.”

Also, another saying:

When the ancients Spartans were told, that the enemy was approaching … instead of asking “How many are there“? They would ask, “Where are they?”

John Wick doesn’t say more than 200 words in John Wick 4? 

John Wick as the ultimate zen stoic spartan. 

My self ideal?

Body of a demigod, mind of a spartan, zen aesthetics.

The Philosophy of Risk Taking

Greater fates, greater futures.

Force finds a way. 

Nietzsche once said; the secret to the greatest amount of happiness is living the life with the maximum amount of danger! I think this was from twilight of the idols, or maybe from the will to power at the end of the book.

I think we live in an interesting time. I think currently the world has been hijacked by internet website advertising, mostly Google and Google Adsense to blame, as well as pernicious sneaky sponsored advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, Google Chrome etc. Same goes with YouTube.

Also something I have learned from things; I think we are actually much more visually sensitive, image sensitive, sound sensitive than we think we are. Also, the mind is subtle; even if I accidentally see some sort of weird thumbnail image, in fact, it puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day etc.

I think the big problem here is that the news and information has become so hyper sensationalized. Why? Everyone is trying to maximize their income earning potential of the internet and media, assuming that whatever they are posting is on a website or blog or news agency leveraged by Google Adsense, the drive is to maximize eyeball viewing time, and click through rates, for the publisher to make money.

“How much do you pay a month in rent?”

Also, something that I have learned about solo entrepreneurs in the media space; everyone is trying to search and seek and strive for some sort of “legitimacy”, or, they’re just struggling to pay their rent.

For example, let us say that I am some sort of internet personality, some sort of fitness influencer, even photographer. Perhaps the only way I could pay my rent is through some sort of sponsorship or brand deal, in which I am being paid maybe only $500-$1000 a month, and barely maintaining even my expenses.

Also, even some inside intelligence on YouTube; the super facts is that even if my video gets 100 million views, assuming I had advertisements on it I might only make about $7000 to $8000 USD. That is actually not that much. You’re probably better off working as an Amazon prime delivery driver, or even Uber driver. And even the best creators, it is very rare that they make a video with so many views.

As a consequence, there is this low-key bias or optimization towards creating videos or things which strive to hit that benchmark. Once again it is things that have to deal with more with the sensational, audacious, the bizarre, even the morose?

Who to trust

Truth be told, in today’s world especially with internet blogs, ChatGPT 4, the funny thing I learned:

Even ChatGPT doesn’t know if ChatGPT wrote it or not!

For example, instead of just googling myself, I have just been ChatGPT’ing myself. For example I have the paid premium version of ChatGPT, which gives me access to the new newest version of ChatGPT which is version 4, which I rate at least 1000 times better than the free ChatGPT 3.5.

So for example I’ll do something like search “ERIC KIM FACTS“, and just see what ChatGPT tells me, and I will just copy and paste that into a new blog post on my own personal blog titled “ERIC KIM FACTS“, And within a week, ChatGPT indexes that and links back to that. It is almost like a snake eating its own tail, the ‘Ouroboros’.

As a consequence, let us just think and consider; how today’s media landscape is created within the internet. Let us say that I am some sort of news agency or publisher; I will hire writers, and a lot of these writers will use ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence editing and writing and text generation tools. It is impossible to ascertain how much of it was written by human or ChatGPT or whatever whatever; and even so… assuming that even if 100% of the information was hand typed by a human being, it almost doesn’t really matter because a lot of these writers tend to be dark morose and sick people.

Currently speaking I live in Culver City Los Angeles California, where Jeff Bezos Amazon, Amazon prime, Amazon prime studios just leasing a huge lot of land, the Culver studios, owned by the developer Michael Hackman, apparently even Jeff Bezos bought out the movie theater, the culver theater next-door. Also slowly but surely Apple is getting in bed with Sony entertainment, producing movies like the new Napoleon movie as well as the new killers of the flower moon with Leonardo DiCaprio.

During this whole period I saw a lot of people from the writer strike, and honestly… a lot of these people look very unwell. Most of them do not look very physically unfit, and you could just see; they don’t spend enough time outside, none of them look happy jubilant and gay, and just think simply;

If the physiology and health of somebody is poor, what kind of artwork or ideas do you think they will produce?

There is this weird bias that we think that somehow the mind is divorced from the body, but in fact, the mind is the body. That is if your body is sick, your mind is sick. However, if your body is strong robust and great, so will your ideas.

  2. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind

Therefore, a simple fitness idea; first, maximize your physical fitness and your physiological wellness, then, your artwork will naturally follow. 

How we lose our backbone

I don’t think it’s a modern day trend or shift; my thought is honestly all generations all histories people in the past, seems like everyone has always lacked a spine or a backbone.

For example, even when Homer was writing the Iliad; Homer the writer was already critiquing people of his generation. Saying that the people of his generation were weak degenerate, no longer strong.

I wrote a nice little piece back in Vietnam titled ADAMANTINE SPINE (Adamantine Mind); imagine yourself like wolverine; the best way to imagine things is that you are actually like wolverine, your body is made out of adamantine metal, and what happens is every time that somebody tries to destroy you, you regenerate and you re-heal, it will be at a very painful process, but you still do it. The reason why I like this idea is that perhaps every time we regenerate and re-heal we actually become stronger than we were before.

Perhaps this is actually how weightlifting works, every time we lift weights, very very heavy close to our maximum, we actually micro destroy our bodies, and in the regeneration process, which takes time… and we eat meat, sleep, do other stuff, we actually become stronger than we were before.

Recall the scene in which Deadpool was cut to shreds, very much like Dionysis; he is sitting on the couch, a little stub of a body, talking with the blind lady. The process of regeneration seem to take him several days close to a week before he was 100%. Maybe the same thing with weightlifting:

Better to deadlift seven plates a single time, in a single week… than do some sort of hateful CrossFit exercising every single day. 

The reason why I really love Ryan Reynolds and the Deadpool character is there is a little bit of fun dark humor here; I think when people take things to literally, too seriously, life loses its bigger it’s fun its jubilance. 

However a bad example is when you turn the needle too much towards the comedic; for example there is this notion called “campy“, when things are almost too cheesy, and lame. For example all of the new Thor movies, as well as all the new Disney Marvel movies, they are insanely lame.

What are good examples?

All modern day media is bad. Only good ones I think are actually ancient Greek epics; the Iliad, after that the Odyssey. If you’re curious, I think that the Iliad is at least 100 or 200 times better more interesting and more fun than the odyssey. Whether or not both were written by Homer or not doesn’t really seem to matter; I think the overall storyline of the Iliad is much more exciting and intense whereas the odyssey is a bit boring.

The Odyssey just drags on and on… Odysseus is a good character but not as grand as Achilles. 

Greater risks, greater futures

It seems that a lot of modern day humans want some sort of weird free lunch; somehow… we want to live a better more greater more grand life that is more exciting and fun, yet we seem to not desire taking any personal risks.

For example let us think about video game culture. My simple heuristic is this; don’t play no video game in which you have actually not done the real thing yourself. For example, all these grown men playing video games in which they are shooting each other with guns, and they have actually never shot a real life gun seems little bit weird.

The same thing goes with American football; don’t watch American football as a spectator if you have never played American football. Otherwise you are a coward.

Easy to critique and criticize football players who fumble the ball, if you have never worn real life football equipment, a helmet, limited eyesight and mobility, and fight fatigue and fear.

Also with basketball, instead of drinking beer and watching basketball and eating onion rings for an hour or two in the evening, why not just go to the local basketball court, bring a basketball and play some pick up basketball instead?

Another fun thought; in the evening, instead of turning on Google incognito, private browsing, brave browser, brave browser in private browsing mode, turning on your VPN, hitting up pirate bay or whatever… why not just go to the local gym and talk to the pretty ladies instead? Or even get a CorePower membership and talk to the pretty ladies there?

A funny thought I often have for men —

A lot of these guys, after they’re done with work or whatever… And they go home, in privacy, and they turn on Google incognito… what do they really look at?

Elementary school kids, middle schoolers, highschoolers

Also I have a rule; video games should only be permitted for poor kids in the hood, we have nothing better else to do.

Also a cutoff time; no adult over the age of 18 years old should play video games anymore. I think it is fine for highschoolers and middle schoolers video games, but not grown men.

I ended up quit playing video games when I was around 18 or 19 years old, my freshman year of college. Why? I literally had no time! I had a part-time job, working around 20 hours a week as tech-support for the UCLA undergraduate admissions office, I was active in many clubs, having to study, and do other stuff.

I actually think that some weird ways, video games are like pornography for the mind-body and soul. The generalized thought is that in video games, everyone wants to be a hero, take risks, go on quests, obtain some booty whatever. Yet, embodied reality real life doesn’t seem to allow any outlets for this. Therefore, people escape into video games.

My simple intervention:

How can we inject desires of video game stuff into real life, real embodied reality?

Simple suggestions:

  1. Walking 50 miles a day
  2. Lifting insanely heavy weights, screaming loudly, slapping yourself in the face hypelifting etc. HYPELIFTING AS AN ETHOS TO LIFE!
  3. Striving to make your body look like a demigod, instead of playing a video game in which your character looks like a demigod. 

How video games are bad.

The big issue with video games is that ultimately, you are a slave to the platform, the closed loop system, the video game producer and publisher etc.

For example, already… It seems that the video game Fortnite which was insanely grand is already being forgotten. Let us say you are a person who devoted 10,000 hours to playing the Fortnite game, but now no longer anybody plays it. All of your time has been wasted.

Even StarCraft, StarCraft professional players; nobody really plays it anymore, let us say that you’re a professional gamer sponsorships making money playing StarCraft tournaments, now you no longer have any sponsors. All of your time was for naught. 

More thoughts

A critical thing I believe for men, us men, is that we require some sort of physical risk, physical challenge, some sort of physical risk taking.

For example, in my mind the only type of weightlifting which is interesting includes some sort of “risk”; for example, when I would atlas lift seven plates, eight plates, nine plates, 10 plates, max out the bar, and then clip on an additional 25 pounder in between and on top of the 10 plates, the jaws of others would drop; and then a few people would actually have the chutzpah to tell me:

“… be careful.”

My thought;

People actually want to see me get hurt, or “fail”. When I succeeded, I have somehow dismantled their narrow worldview.

Is ERIC KIM on drugs? 

Another funny bias; when I was doing so much crazy turbo thoughtting while in Vietnam (I was off the grid, got rid of my phone, didn’t communicate for about two years, no email no communication no social media no nothing… People would ask…)

Is ERIC KIM okay?


Is ERIC KIM on drugs?


What happened to ERIC KIM?

Simple; when you are disconnected from the BS of traditional American media thinking… you think different. Also, not having a phone, I think this is the 10,000X secret cheat code to life. Assuming that you were a crypto trillionaire, and you no longer needed other people, “opportunities“, or you didn’t really desire to get paid money from other people or corporations… what real use do you have of email anyways?

When people say “opportunities”, I think it is a weird carrot and stick; part of it is chasing some sort of legitimacy, part of it is chasing some sort of financial opportunities, brand sponsorships etc.

Something I have personally discovered is this:

Brand sponsorships are a trap. 

Example, if you are sponsored by any sort of company or corporation or whatever… you are not really going to 100% say what is really on your mind. This is the same thing that goes with “brand ambassadors”– I find the whole thing a bit base; Why? He or she who focuses too much on getting some sort of “ambassadorship” is a signal that they are just chasing clout in some sort of mean way.

Once again, if you already have $200 million worth of cryptocurrency bitcoin or chainlink or whatever – why do you need to get some sort of brand “ambassadorship” from anybody? Why do you want free equipment gear or stuff? Why not just buy it yourself?

This is actually something I have discovered with a lot of guys in the photography space; they are already independently wealthy from some sort of other ventures, whether it be business etc. And then they go seek to try to become some sort of “ambassador“, for Leica camera whatever.

That is not forget that Leica camera, the modern day rendition is essentially the brainchild of Dr. Andreas Kaufman– who I discovered is not a “real“ doctor; he got his PhD in philosophy, which I think is a good idea but I think when people talk about him they assume that he has some sort of medical doctor or something.

Would actually find very bizarre about Andrea Kaufman is that there is almost little to no information about him on the internet. Who is he really?

Apparently his family made its fortune and I think the paper business. Therefore, maybe his like some sort of really rich kid, and Leica camera is essentially his passion project, his toy?

Let us not forget that essentially Leica camera went bankrupt, and I think what Dr. Andrea Kaufman did was purchased the naming rights of it, and then revived the brand. Similar thing that BMW did with Rolls-Royce; Rolls-Royce went bankrupt, switched hands a few times, and then I think the last 7 to 8 years, the new Rolls-Royce brand is essentially an expensive Lexus version of a BMW; even look at any BMW X7 compared with the Rolls-Royce Cullinan; the BMW X7 looks the same. Even the BMW 7 series, with the star light stitching in the headliner of the car– same thing as the Rolls-Royce. A Rolls-Royce ghost or phantom or whatever is just an expensive re-badged BMW 7 series.

Also some more super facts:

The Volkswagen group owns Porsche, Audi, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Ducati etc. A Lamborghini is just an expensive Audi, Audi is just an expensive Volkswagen,  and a Porsche 911 GT three GT3RS is just like a Volkswagen beetle turbo on steroids. 

Also, the dirty secret that Leica camera doesn’t want you to know is that the Leica Q camera is essentially a really expensive Panasonic Lumix camera; I think it uses the same sensor from Panasonic Lumix. Therefore if you just want good quality images, just get a Panasonic Lumix camera instead.

For example with the Leica Q camera, you could use Panasonic Lumix batteries in it! 

Even when Leica camera was first developing its digital Leica M rangefinder camera, the Leica M8, M9 etc.… I am pretty certain they did some sort of co-collaboration co-sponsorship deal with Panasonic Lumix to develop the digital sensors for it. Therefore that is why Leica has borrowed its namesake for some of the Panasonic Lumix lenses saying that it is a “Leica” lens, when it was actually produced in Japan.

Or let us think about the compact Panasonic LumixLX 100 cameras, Leica has a re-badged version of the “LEICA D-Lux” cameras. 

What is the point of taking risk?

My personal thought is that in life, risk makes life more fun! Life without risk is like a life without salt. Life has no vigor, no flavor, no interest.

So how can I incorporate real risktaking into my real life? 

Simple ideas:

  1. Extreme speculation with 10% percent of your life savings: perhaps the best thing I have learned from NASSIM Taleb which has probably saved me millions of dollars is simple; never put more than 10% of your life savings into anyone speculative bet or “investment”, no matter what they say about “risk” and it being “safe”. The best strategy is simple: take 10% of your life savings, and put it into some extremely maximally speculative thing, which you believe has 1000X upside potential. For example, let us say that you have $100,000 of life savings, take only 10% of that, $10,000, and put it into a speculative cryptocurrency which you think could go up by at least 1000 times. This is far more effective than the boring, put 100% of your money into some sort of boring mutual fund, etc.
  2. For weightlifting very simple; the only type of weightlifting which is actually worth it is any sort of weightlifting in which the chance of failure is high. That means, always striving to increase your one repetition maximum lift; only single repetitions here. No stupid sets no stupid repetitions; one repetition or nothing. This means just start off with a dynamic warm-up, and then slowly add weights, gradually, until you can no longer budge the barbell. Simple exercises include doing an elevated deadlift, put your barbell on top of cinderblocks or the power rack, and when you are doing a “rack pull“, you lift with your thighs your legs, and you max out. Or the ERIC KIM ATLAS LIFT — just Google or YouTube it.
  3. Social risks: Better to be annoying, rub somebody the wrong way, and be insanely friendly rather than being the typical antisocial loser with headphones on, sunglasses on, facial hair, a hat or a beanie etc. Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore.

Now what?

Some assignments:

  1. Smile and wave and say hi to everybody you meet for a whole day.
  2. Take a photo of somebody without their permission, and if they make eye contact with you smile and wave. Street Photo 101
  3. Open up a Coinbase cryptocurrency account, and invest 10% of your life savings in some sort of cryptocurrency or technology which interests you. For myself currently I put 90% of my crypto into chainlink and 10% as bitcoin. My personal thought is don’t dabble “alt coins“, and also one scamming cryptocurrency I think is Ada Cardono– Ethereum is interesting, but also, I don’t really trust it. Why? If Ethereum is creating its own private enterprise thing, not a good sign for a platform.
  4. Opinion risktaking: Stop censoring yourself and stop speaking politically correct. Speak your true mind, 100% unfiltered, rub feathers the wrong way whatever. Better to be an asshole and happy, than to be politically correct and passive.




The best camera equipment on the planet >

Open Source

Start here, books, downloads.

Now what?

The number one advice I have for any photographer entrepreneur etc. is simple: start your own blog. Self hosted with wordpress.org and a platform like Ionos.com or bluehost.com

Also, delete your Instagram. My creativity productivity happiness and innovation has increased by 1 million fold after deleting my Instagram in 2017 with about 60,000 followers.

Also, the best way to stay connected with your audience and fans is through a simple email newsletter, I use sendy.co — which is insanely cheap, hosted by Amazon simple email service. At least 1000X cheaper than mailchimp.com

No more WordPress.com?

Automaticc… WordPress.com … you guys done messed up. I think one of my random wordpress.com websites “violated some sort of content policy“, and as a consequence, the whole blog was wiped. 

I no longer recommend anybody to use wordpress.com. No way Jose.

The only legitimate path is a self hosted website which is censor proof and tamperproof. That is, the service provider cannot just switch a button and delete or turn off your website or thing.

For example I personally predict that sooner or later, Google is going to shut down my YouTube account. Therefore, it is best to just think and consider that sooner or later you’re going to violate some sort of content policy and they’re going to delete your platform.

What cannot be deleted? Your own hosted website, even building a website on Amazon web services seems like a good idea.

Think open source, PDF, JPEG, zip files, decentralized systems and mirrors 

I’ve been in the game long enough that sooner or later, stuff breaks. Hyperlinks no longer work, images no longer work or load, etc. Ever since I was 18 years old, now until the age of 35… I have seen information come and go, platforms rise and fall. Even within my short tenure I’ve seen companies come and go like xanga.com, liveJournal, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc.

It seems the only real way to deal with issue here is think about the Hydra approach; propagate, duplicate, create more hydra heads. That is if somebody tries to cut off one of your heads, two grow in place. 

The ERIC KIM HYDRA approach: 

  1. erickimphilosophy.com
  2. erickim.com
  3. erickimfitness.com
  4. erickimcrypto.com
  5. EricKim.ai

Just think of yourself like the Pirate Bay; nobody could shut down pirate Bay because there are 1 trillion mirrors. The decentralized notion and idea of Pirate Bay and torrents and mirrors and magnets are fascinating to me; it is bad, it does seem like real freedom.

My very very simple suggestion for media corporations is… Don’t put too much care or concerns about pirating. It ain’t a really big deal. At worst, one percent of your fanbase is going to use it, pirating and torrenting is far too complicated for the average human being. Just ignore it.

Other experiments

  1. Upload your favorite photos to arsbeta.com 
  2. It looks like ChatGPT premium paid model is closed. Maybe it is time for me to start creating some sort of open source solution.
  3. Create your own blog
  4. Order some weightlifting equipment on titan.fitness or roguefitness.com
  5. Get a gym membership, whether it be LA fitness, crunch fitness, golds gym, hot yoga membership. Corepower is fine. 
  6. Take more insanely hot baths or showers at home, and alternate with extremely icy cold water. The undulation between both extremes of hot and cold is a good stimulus to our metabolism. What I have been doing during this winter months is starting off with a very very cold shower, and then filling up the bathtub with boiling hot water, and taking an insanely hot bath, and then, ending with a cold shower. If you don’t have access to a bathtub, just start off with an icy cold shower, make it insanely boiling hot, and then finish off cold.
  7. It does seem that the best place to buy meat is Costco. Or the local Mexican meat market. Try to get some beef liver or kidney or Oregon meats or heart at the local Halal market, or Mexican market, if you go to Costco… Get the 100% grass fed ground beef, or the new Wagyu ground beef which I like. Also I really like the Lamb leg roast at Costco.

So how can I be happy? 

  1. Move out of the bay area, San Francisco, the East Bay, the south Bay, San Jose whatever. Come to Culver City Los Angeles California, my new paradise. I specifically like the arts district. Also, get out of Brooklyn; Brooklyn is for losers. Either live on the main island, or get out. 
  2. Perhaps the ideal strategy in life is to not buy a home, but instead… better to live in an insanely great apartment, in an insanely great location than to buy and own a home in a good location. It’s insane, the difference of 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, 500,000, $600,000… Better to just buy a Tesla model S plaid instead. 
  3. Delete email Gmail or whatever from your phone. If you got to do it for a living just do it on your desktop or laptop and also delete the YouTube app from your phone. Also delete Spotify podcasts or whatever. When you drive, drive silent, and let yourself think.
  4. Publish your thoughts photos videos audio to your own blog.
  5. Lift weights, do hot yoga, or go on a hike at least twice a day.

More thoughts — EK BLOG

Forward the fire!

Feeling a little bit of wings in your feet? Feel free to forward this to a friend!


Increase your danger, increase your happiness.

The Philosophy of Risk Taking 

Greater fates, greater futures.

Force finds a way. 

Nietzsche once said; the secret to the greatest amount of happiness is living the life with the maximum amount of danger! I think this was from twilight of the idols, or maybe from the will to power at the end. 

I think we live in an interesting time. I think currently the world has been hijacked by Internet website advertising, mostly Google and Google ads to blame, as well as pernicious sneaky sponsored advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, Google Chrome etc. Same goes with YouTube.

Also something I have learned from things; I think we are actually much more visually sensitive, image sensitive, sound sensitive then we think we are. Also, the mind is subtle; even if I accidentally see some sort of weird thumbnail image, in fact, it puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day etc.

I think the big problem here is that the news and information has become so hyper sensationalized. Why? Everyone is trying to maximize their income earning potential of the Internet and media, assuming that whatever they are posting is on a website or blog or news agency leveraged by Google sense, the drive is to maximize eyeball viewing time, and Click through rates, for the publisher to make money.

Also, something that I have learned about solo entrepreneurs in the media space; everyone is trying to search and seek and strive for some sort of “legitimacy”, or, they’re just struggling to pay their rent.

For example, let us say that I am some sort of Internet personality, some sort of fitness influencer, even Fraher. Perhaps the only way I could pay my rent is through some sort of sponsorship or brand deal, in which I am being paid maybe only $500-$1000 a month, and barely maintaining even my expenses.

Also, even some inside intelligence on YouTube; the super fax is that even if my video gets 100 million views, assuming I had advertisements on it I might only make about seven to $8000 USD. That is actually not that much. You’re probably better off Working as an Amazon prime delivery driver, or even Uber driver. And even the best craters, it is very rare that they make a video with so many views.

As a consequence, there is this low-key bias or optimization towards creating videos or things which strive to hit that benchmark. Once again it is things that have to deal with more with the sensational, audacious, the bizarre, even the morose?

Who to trust

Truth be told, in today’s world especially with internet blogs, ChatGPT 4, the funny thing I learned:

Even ChatGPT doesn’t know if ChatGPT wrote it or not!

For example, instead of just googling myself, I have just been ChatGPT’ing myself. For example I have the paid premium version of ChatGPT, which gives me access to the new newest version of ChatGPT which is version 4, which I rate at least 1000 times better than the free ChatGPT 3.5.

So for example I’ll do something like search “ERIC KIM“, and just see what ChatGPT tells me, and I will just copy and paste that into a new blog post on my own personal blog titled “ERIC KIM“, And within a week, ChatGPT indexes that and links back to that. It is almost like a snake eating its own tail, the ourubus. 

As a consequence, let us just think and consider; how today’s media landscape is created within the Internet. Let us say that I am some sort of newsagency or publishers; I will hire writers, and a lot of these writers will use ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence editing and writing and text generation tools. It is impossible to ascertain how much of it was written by human or ChatGPT or whatever whatever; and even so… Assuming that even if 100% of the information was hand typed by human being, it almost doesn’t really matter because a lot of these writers tend to be dark morose and sick people.

Currently speaking I live in Culver City Los Angeles California, where Jeff Bezos Amazon, Amazon prime, Amazon prime studios just least a huge lot of land, the Culver studios, owned by the developer Michael Heckman, apparently even  Jeff Bezos spot out the movie theater, the culvert theater next-door. Also slowly but surely apple is getting in bed with Sony entertainment, producing movies like the new Napoleon movie as well as the new killers of the flower moon with Leonardo DiCaprio.

During this whole period I saw a lot of people from the writer strike, and honestly… A lot of these people look very unwell. Most of them do not look very physically fit, and you could just see; they don’t spend enough time outside, none of them look happy jubilant and gay, and just think simply; if the physiology and health of somebody is poor, what kind of artwork or ideas do you think they will produce? There is this weird bias that we think that somehow the mind is divorced from the body, but in fact, the mind is the body. That is if your body is sick, your mind is sick. However, if your body is strong robust and great, so will your ideas.

How we lose our backbone

I don’t think it’s a modern day trend or shift; my thought is honestly all generations all histories people in the past, seems like everyone has always left a spine or a backbone. I wrote a nice little piece back in Vietnam titled Adamantine Spine;  imagine yourself like wolverine; the best way to imagine things is that you are actually like wolverine, your body is made out of adamantine metal, and what happens is every time that somebody tries to destroy you, you regenerate and you re-heal, I’ll be at a very painful process, you still do it. 

Kind of like Deadpool; the reason why I really love Ryan Reynolds and the Deadpool character is there is a little bit of fun dark humor here; I think when people take things to literally, too seriously, life loses its bigger it’s fun it’s jubilance. 

However a bad example is when you turn the needle too much towards the comedic; for example there is this notion called “Campi“, when things are almost too cheesy, and lame. For example all of the new Thor movies, as well as all the new Disney Marvel movies, they are insanely lame.

What are good examples?

All modern day media is bad. Only good ones I think are actually ancient Greek epics; the Iliad, after that the Odyssey. If you’re curious, I think that the Iliad is at least 100 or 200 times better more interesting and more fun than the odyssey. Whether or not both were written by Homer or not doesn’t really seem to matter; I think the overall storyline of the Iliad is much more exciting and intense whereas the odyssey is a bit boring.

The Odyssey just drags on and on… Odysseus is a good character but not as grand as Achilles. 

Greater risks, greater futures

It seems that a lot of modern day humans want some sort of weird free lunch; somehow… We want to live a better more greater more grand life that is more exciting and fun, yet we seem to not desire taking any personal risks.

For example let us think about video game culture. My simple heuristic is this; don’t play no video game in which you have actually not done the real thing yourself. For example, all these grown men playing video games in which they are shooting each other with guns, and they have actually never shot a real life gun seems little bit weird.

Also I have a rule; video games should only be permitted for poor kids in the hood, we have nothing better else to do.

Also a cut off time; no adult over the age of 18 years old should play video games anymore. I think it is fine for highschoolers and middle schoolers video games, but not grown men.

I ended up quit playing video games when I was around 18 or 19 years old, my freshman year of college. Why? I literally had no time! I had a part-time job, working around 20 hours a week as tech-support for the UCLA undergraduate admissions office, I was active in many clubs, having to study, and do other stuff.

I actually think that some weird ways, if you do games are like pornography for the mind-body and soul. The generalize just a most video games is everyone wants to be a hero, take risks, go on quest, obtain some booty whatever. Yet, embodied reality real life doesn’t seem to allow any outlets for this. Therefore, people escape into video games. 

How video games are bad.

The big issue with video games is that ultimately, you are a slave to the platform, the close loop system, the video game producer and publisher etc.

For example, already… It seems that the video game Fortnite which was insanely grand is already being forgotten. Let us say you are a person who devoted 10,000 hours to playing the Fortnite game, but now no longer anybody plays it. All of your time has been wasted.

Even StarCraft, StarCraft professional players; nobody really plays it anymore, let us say that you’re a professional gamer sponsorships making money playing StarCraft tournaments, now you no longer have any sponsors. All of your time was for naught. 

More thoughts

A critical thing I believe for men, us men, is that we require some sort of physical risk, physical challenge, some sort of physical risk taking.

For example, in my mind the only type of weightlifting which is interesting includes some sort of “risk”; for example, when I would atlas lift seven plates, eight plates, nine plates, 10 plates, max out the bar, and then clip on an additional 25 pounder in between and on top of the 10 plates, the jaws of others would drop; and then a few people would actually have the chutzpah to tell me:

“… be careful.”

My thought;

People actually want to see me get hurt, or “fail”. When I succeeded, I have somehow dismantled their narrow worldview.

Is ERIC KIM on drugs? 

another funny bias; when I was doing so much crazy turbo thoughtting while in Vietnam (I was off the grid, got rid of my phone, didn’t communicate for about two years, no email no communication no social media no nothing… People would ask…)

is ERIC KIM okay?


is ERIC KIM on drugs?


What happened to ERIC KIM?

Simple; when you are disconnected from the BS of traditional American media thinking… Do you think different. Also, not having a phone, I think this is the 10,000 X secret cheat code to life. Assuming that you were a crypto trillionaire, and you no longer needed other people “opportunities“, or you didn’t really desire to get paid money from other people or corporations… What real use do you have of email anyways?

When people say “opportunities”, I think it is a weird keratin stick; part of it is chasing some sort of legitimacy, part of it is chasing some sort of financial opportunities, brand sponsorships etc.

Something I have personally discovered is this:

brand Sponsorships are a trap. 

Example, if you are sponsored by any sort of company or corporation or whatever… You are not really going to hundred percent say what is really on your mind. This is the same thing that goes with “brand ambassadors”– I find the whole thing a bit base; why? He or she who focuses too much on getting some sort of “ambassador ship is a signal that they are just chasing clout in some sort of mean way.

Once again, if you already have $200 million worth of cryptocurrency bitcoin or chainlink or whatever – why do you need to get some sort of brand “ambassadorship” from anybody? Why do you want free equipment gear or stuff? Why not just buy it yourself?

This is actually something I have discovered with a lot of guys in the photography space; they are already independently wealthy from some sort of other ventures, whether it be business etc. And then they go seek to try to become some sort of “ambassador“, for Leica camera whatever.

That is not forget that Leica camera, the modern day rendition is essentially the brainchild of Dr. Andreas Kaufman– who I discovered is not a “real“ doctor; he caught his PhD in philosophy, which I think is a good idea but I think when people talk about him they assume that he has some sort of medical doctor or something.

Why I Bought Chainlink

A simple heuristic that I learned from Nassim TALEB; don’t ask people what you should invest in, ask them… What did you invest in? 

For example, I recently swapped a bunch of my bitcoin for chainlink. Why did I do it? My thoughts: 

What is chainlink?

Essentially it is a platform built upon Ethereum, the blockchain… that strives to solve real world problems.

The first critical issue at hand is the notion of the “Oracle problem”, and cryptographic proof and truth.

The general gist of the Oracle problem is that you have all these people purporting to say something… How do you know if someone is really telling the truth or not?

Also, they’re great innovation of a decentralized oracle network. I think anything that is decentralized and can be done offline is a good idea; anything that has to be done when you’re connected to the web is fragile.

For example, the “internet of things”, which includes all of your home devices, your home stuff etc. I think this includes your home speaker things, your Amazon echo or echo dot, your Apple HomePod thing, your ring Amazon nest devices etc. 

Enabling transactional value?

TVE — transactional value enabled?

Chainlink staking?

What is the purpose of technology and these things? A very basic idea is that the point is to help enable commerce and other things. Money makes the world go round, Publilius Syrus.

What is money anyways? Money is movement. Anything that literally physiologically moves human beings in time and space is money.

For example, if you promise somebody $30 an hour, they will walk around, move their bodies to clean toilets, etc.

Also, money movement. The whole global economy to me is so fascinating; because we process and move information so quickly and so globally… how do you link it all together?  

Chain – Link

I find chainlink to be an interesting concept because wherever you go in real life, there are physical chain links everywhere.

Also, technically the internet, the World Wide Web, is a bunch of hyperlinks which link websites together.

My personal thought and prediction is that chainlink could become the next Google; Google indexes the whole internet, and made it easy for you to find any sort of website. What I think chainlink will do is link all of this information on the internet and computers and make them accessible, trustworthy, tamperproof.

Just read it

Only read stuff that you find interesting, skip over stuff you find boring.

About a week or two ago, I reread the original bitcoin white paper, and I was so impressed with how short it was, how minimalistic it was, and how to the point it was. But… reading it… this time around… felt a bit boring.

And this is the big thing: if something bores you, you gotta get out of it.

Therefore, I sold or transferred or converted nine of my bitcoin and put it all into chainlink, at the time it was valued at ~20,800 LINK (CHAINLINK), with bitcoin at around $35,000 a bitcoin.

I think what I try to do is think at least 30 years into the future. 20 or 30 years. It is funny, as I write this at the age of 35, 30 years from now Seneca is only going to be 32 years old, still a few years younger than me. My personal aspiration is to hold onto chainlink for at least 30 years, and then maybe transfer it to Seneca when he grows up. Or I just help him build some sort of company or entrepreneurial venture etc.

Investing in things actually do something?

I love bitcoin but maybe one of the big issues here is that bitcoin is like digital money and gold; most people just hold onto it, and I don’t think actually aspire to use it to actually pay for your latte at Starbucks or whatever. I think because bitcoin and cryptocurrency is so volatile; Everybody’s hope and dream and ambition is that their coin will rise value astronomically and they will become rich, buy the Lamborghini or whatever… and be happy.

Trust nobody who drives a Lamborghini — only trust people who drive Toyota Priuses, in white. 

Why? If you drive a Toyota Prius, in white… it is a signal that you really don’t care for appearances.

How do you know if somebody is unsuccessful? 

If they drive a Range Rover, a Mercedes AMG G wagon, murdered out, all matte black, a baselevel Mercedes car, a baselevel Audi car, like an A3 or a Q3, drive some sort of Audi electric car which is just the same as the Porsche Taycan, don’t forget that the Volkswagen group owns Lamborghini Audi Volkswagen Porsche etc. same thing goes with anybody who drives a BMW car.

Foreign cars are bad.  

It is just a game! 

I think crypto, cryptocurrency speculation is an interesting game; prediction, prediction markets, trying to predict the future… is just a luxury and a fun thing.

Some predictions are pretty obvious

When I was in college, my sophomore year, and I was starting to get into trading stocks, daytrading… I had a pretty certain thought that Blockbuster was going to go under. I tried to figure out how to short stocks, but I really couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Also I remember when the prime mortgage meltdown happened, and the value of Ford went to almost 2 dollars a year. I wanted to buy some Ford stock but I had no money, no capital.

It is interesting to think about this in hindsight because when I was incorrectly trading pennystock, for some sort of oil producer company which was actually running at a loss… I had no idea because I misread the financials… I lost my whole life savings which was maybe $3500 USD or something. It was insanely tragic. But now that I am playing with higher sums more like $300,000 USD, I realize that it was just a valuable lesson at the time.

Therefore, with any sort of financial speculation, think about it at the 30 year span. Even when you are 70 or 80 years old, I met this lady at the park who looked phenomenal and she told me she was 82… she looked like a very fit 45-year-old!

My personal aspiration is when I’m 82 years old, to still be able to lift 1000 pounds. Google or YouTube “ERIC KIM thousand pound atlas lift”

It seems that the way things are going, I don’t think it’s that ridiculous to think that we can live to be 120 years old. Try to think that far. 

What is the use of money anyways? 

I think actually the big thing is that everyone now aspires to buy a house or home or property. It is getting pretty ridiculous, even in Los Angeles, even buying a single-family home in Inglewood… you’re looking easily at around $1.5 million for a whatever house.

My prediction is that the prices of homes  will continue to soar astronomically high. I think a lot of these $1.5 million homes can easily balloon two $3 million, $5 million, 10 and $15 million, $150 million or whatever. Why? The biggest issue at hand is runaway inflation, which means the value of the US dollar and currency is continually going lower and lower, because the US is what, currently speaking $30 trillion in debt? And what America thinks the smart idea is to just keep printing money ad infinitum, into infinity, in order to “stimulate” the economy.

But does this work? No.

For example talking to my friend Noel who works in hygiene, he says that a lot of these young guys, around 25 to 30 years old, are so lazy. Why? After Covid and people started giving away these free checks… and from unemployment you could literally make $5000 USD a month by sitting on your butt and doing nothing… people lost the motivation to work. A lot of people moved back home, live with their parents, and are essentially living for free. As a consequence you have a huge generation of unmotivated people, unwilling to do any sort of manual labor, which is bad because having manual and physical labor is critical.

For example, being in Beverly Hills a lot; and Holby Hills,  there is this new funny caste systems; really rich people getting mansions built, and the army of construction labor people, mostly from Mexico doing the labor to build these mansions.

Also, think about Amazon prime delivery drivers, people who bag your food at Whole Foods, Erwhon etc, all these contractors electricians plumbers etc.… the truly critical labor. Doesn’t matter if you pay them $30 $40 $50 or even $60 an hour, it seems at this point money doesn’t really motivate them anymore. Therefore what do you do? It seems that America we are just importing more people from Mexico to do labor for us, because they are motivated. Americans are no longer motivated.

Crypto, crypto technology and cryptocurrency is optimistic

I am obsessed with the future. Future thinking, future technologies, new brave worlds to discover.

Why? I have always been into technology ever since I was a kid, getting my first Acer aspire Pentium one processor computer when I was around 11 years old. Even teaching myself how to program visual basic 3.0 in the early days, creating my own AOL “punter“ etc.

Also, I still will never forget when I read the Maddox article on why you should beat your kids, in computer class in Bayside Queens at PS 169 when I was in the fifth grade, and all of me and our friends, a bunch of 11-year-old laughing and saying “It is true!”

Even I remember as a kid, when I first moved to New York, maybe it was I had some sort of school in the Bronx, when kids in the hallway would “the South Park movies “blame Canada, blame Canada”…

Anyways the generalized thought is I love media information, and also I have a passion to innovate, write and to think, to motivate and to also disprove nonsense.

Ever since I was young I was always bred with an insanely huge ego; the eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son, (jang-son), being raised with the “prince disease“, was unusually good for me. Always getting the finest cuts of meat and galbi from my grandmother, always showered with praise love and attention and how smart tall and good-looking I was. Very good for me.

The US dollar is static

Anybody who is a wage slave, which means anybody who is paid a biweekly or monthly salary… doesn’t matter if you’re being paid $10 million a year from Apple… You’re still a wage slave.

A simple heuristic:

Can you go two years without checking or responding to any of your emails or not?

If you have to use email for a living, you’re not free. 

Once you’re a crypto trillionaire, then what?

Let us say that your cryptocurrency goes to the value of $1 trillion USD. Then what? Then do you just dissolve it all into US dollars, buy a mansion and a yacht somewhere, and live indefinitely into the horizon for infinite bliss?

This doesn’t seem to be the goal. For me, I think a more interesting life trajectory is to then to no longer care for money, and use your power mind and soul and body for more interesting things which can include philosophy, writing, thinking, doing research, reading, making art, publishing art, etc.

Money as it means to creative leisure and production.

Seeking immortal fame and glory?

One thing I am very happy about is ChatGPT knows exactly who I am, why I am so significant and influential, etc. As a consequence, I already feel like my legacy is secure, and I don’t have anything left to prove to nobody else.

As a consequence, at this point life is all upside no downside. Even one of the happiest moments of my life, Cindy and I begetting our first son Seneca, at this point life is all upside no downside.

As a man, as long as you have one male heir, you can die happy. 

Now what?

Things that I find interesting use cases of chainlink:

  1. Real estate, homebuying, escrow: even NASSIM TALEB has said that traditionally, most wealth generation in human society is through land, land ownership land property etc. For example let us say that you buy that 1.5 million dollar home, and 20 years from now it’ll be worth $3.2 million. And then let us assume that 30 or 40 years from now it is worth $5.7 million, and your kid inherits it. And when your kid is 57 years old it is worth $22 million, and he will able to pass it on to his son or daughter, and maybe that will be worth $120 million into their future. The whole escrow process and verification process is quite fragmented, unreliable. I think chainlink can be a technology which motivates and enables more streamlined home buying processes.
  2. Identity verification: it is so easy for people to just steal your social security number, and pretend it is you. Imagine a future in which you could use chainlink or some sort of blockchain enabled identification, which can essentially be your global citizen passport to all of the world and the internet? This seems especially useful in today’s world in which everything is so fragmented, between our Apple ID, our Gmail, Etc. Or think about border control; certainly it would be easier to travel if there was some sort of blockchain or global ledger to verify your identity, this could help facilitate movement and verification, and deal with issues of forged passports etc. 


I think an inconvenient truth is that truth be told, a lot of the world is run by the military. Certainly there are lots of bad things about the military, but truth be told, without the US military, our precious US dollars would be worth nothing.

For example, I think the American government we are $31.46 trillion dollars in debt? To where… China?

As a consequence, how does America’s stay afloat and print more money? Simple, she simply prints more money because she can because we got the military to back us. 

For example, let’s say that mainland China comes knocking and asks for her money back. Is America going to give it back? No. We will just wave our big stick, and say we are not interested.

So the interesting use case of chainlink and the US military is especially in the future drone warfare or whatever… It actually does seem that having some sort of crypto technology will be useful here.

For example the internet of things, chain-link solves this issue. Also, I believe a lot of the US military intervention stuff is going to be unmanned, and having access to some sort of technology which allows automation without meddling in the Internet seems like a good idea.

Even look at the company Anduril– it has a major investment from founders fund, Peter Thiel’s venture capitalist fund. It looks like the future of autonomous flying drones to bomb the bad guys is going to be the future. 

So why did I buy it?

I think in life, big opportunities only come infrequently. As a consequence, I think in life… it seems better to take really big bold bets, rather than just stand on the sidelines.

At the end of our lives, we will regret more the decisions or the risks we failed to do, rather than the ones we did.

For example, if a big opportunity comes up, and you’re interested, go for it. You don’t want to be 90 years old on your deathbed, kicking yourself in the butt wishing that you had taken that risk. In hindsight, everything is regret. 

Think Eric Schmidt

My personal speculation is that I think chainlink will become the next Google. Why? ERIC Schmidt is on the board of trustees for chainlink, and ERIC Schmidt is the one who built Google into what it is today. Just watch the interview between him and Sergey. In a telling quote, ERIC Schmidt said:

The secret to success of Google was that we tried to put a little bit of Google into everything.

Genius. For example, this is evident in how whenever you Google search something, there is a little bit of that Google code in the URL. 

Therefore my prediction is chainlink… whether you know it or not there will be a little bit of chainlink in everything.  For example, their decentralized oracle network to show accurate prices for any cryptocurrency asset down to the penny. Also, maybe the future of international banking, the SWIFT system… Will be enabled with chainlink? 

Who is Satoshi?

Apparently there’s a rumor that Sergey Nazarov might be Satoshi.

Also the reason why I trust Sergey as a founder is this:

He doesn’t really care for social appearances.

I think I learned this from NASSIM TALEB; only trust doctors who look like butchers. Why? When somebody looks too much the part of something, they are not. 

For example, when you go to a party, who is the real successful person? The person who could show up and meet the prime minister and shake hands wearing T-shirt and jeans and sneakers, just like my friend did meeting the prime minister.

Also, the really really rich successful person will just drive some sort of white Toyota Prius or old beat up Honda Civic, in silver. Even the family car; very specifically… White Honda Odyssey. Not even a Toyota sienna!

Even family connections, my $500 million net worth familia– the dad gave all the kids Ford fusions, and even though the dad is a major player in Tesla, they only have a super base level Tesla model three in white. No Tesla model Y, X, S.

Anyways, the founder Sergey — he always wears the same blue flannel, and really has an air of insouciance that is good. He isn’t the one looking all flashy driving around in the Lamborghini. He probably just drives a Honda Civic or Honda Accord, and I think he is really trying to build something he cares for.

I think there’s a saying in Silicon Valley amongst venture capital firms, bet on the jockey not the horse. That means, better to invest in the founder of a great thing, rather than the company or the product. For example, it is wise to bet on Elon Musk and anything he built, rather than Other companies which are built by random CEOs and non-visionaries.

I bet on Sergey N.


My brother-in-law Khanh told me: if you spent $80,000 to buy a Tesla model S several years ago, that would be worth $500,000 today!

True investors live like poor people, and speculate on the thing, rather than buying the thing.

For example, instead of spending $120,000 on Tesla, I would instead prefer to buy $120,000 worth of Tesla stock.

Why? Things that go up in value overtime versus things that go down in value.

For example, even though a Tesla car gets software updates over the air, eventually over time, the value of it will slowly depreciate. The battery range will become less, more wear and tear on the vehicle etc. Even the world’s best car can be robust at best, not antifragile.

What is antifragile? Something that overtime gets better and stronger and more powerful and better and more robust… rather than the opposite.

This might be the intelligence of collecting rare collector cars, like old Ferraris or whatever… even old Porsche cars, over time, the value of them will go up.

Even apparently the old Toyota Supra, the one that showed up in fast and the furious, they are worth close to $250,000 now!

So perhaps the best way to think about things is to think of them like financial investments, rather than toys.

Other good news 

It looks like their new chainlink staking, chainlink economics is also doing very well. The full pool has been filled already!

Now what?

I think at the end of the day, I don’t really care for money that much, I am more interested in speculation, risk, and thinking and predicting the future. This is my prime joy and bliss.

Don’t simply sit on the sidelines, twiddling your thumbs for some sort of magical future to get better. I say rather than waiting for the future, speculate and invest in it right now!



So what do you want for Christmas this year?

I think for Christmas, simple things you could do:

  1. For family, invest in a collective experience. This means take a fun family trip somewhere, maybe go to Joshua tree and rent an Airbnb, go on some great hikes etc. Make the experience memorable.
  2. Just write somebody a handwritten card, or just give them a FaceTime call! Love attention and care is the best present you can give.
  3. Buy somebody a good bag of coffee, or, gift them some ERIC KIM Omakase coffee; 100% fine robusta, the best coffee on the planet. It seems that everyone drinks coffee now, even for myself the best random presents I’ve gotten were bags of great coffee! 
  4. Weightlifting equipment like Titan.Fitness, or rogue fitness; gift it to yourself or to a friend or family member! From Titan.fitness — I personally bought some farmers carry handles which I love, a loadable Olympic dumbbell. I bought a rogue fitness 400 pound sandbag, and a Texas power squat bar which I love. Giving the gift of fitness might be one of the best things you could do, or just buy somebody a core power yoga membership, or buy it for yourself! I’m really a big fan of hot yoga; something about the hot temperature sauna and sweating feels therapeutic.
  5. Vibram five finger shoes, the toe shoes. For yourself or a family member. Just go on their website and order three pairs, and keep the one that fits and return the other sizes. 

What else?

Some thoughts on sublime beauty:

Sublime Beauty

So what are we searching for, what are we looking for?

I think what we see is some sort of sublime beauty, joy, flourishing.

How do we attempt to achieve this? Through our cars our homes our clothing etc. 

However… I think true sublime beauty can only be achieved by yourself, through your own artistic creations.

For example, your own child, producing begetting and making and birthing your own child; there is seriously no greater joy.

Also, your artistic creations. Your photos, the artwork you produce. I also qualify DALL-E 3 images, ChatGPT and AI art in it!  Why? Ultimately it is your brainchild; doesn’t really matter whether you produced it by yourself by hand or whatever. For example, Matisse in his advanced years apparently lost mobility in his body and hands, and would simply point with the stick to his assistance to create artwork for him.

Also, Andy Warhol. He was notorious for having an army of assistance producing work for him.

My thought on artificial intelligence and AI generated art is free. The idea is that the artwork we create is ours.

One thing I find surprising is that the greatest boon for AI generated art is that it is all open source! Isn’t this phenomenal? 

Open art

Art wants to be free! Art wants to propagate into the real world, not be constrained by nothing, whether digital rights management, closed doors or borders etc.

This is my general idea with open source artwork; I hate that so much of great photos and art is simply trapped within printed books, not easily accessible or findable on the internet. My huge frustration with photography:

If I am trying to find the book “the Americans“, or any other book out there, any photo book… Why can’t I just Google it or find it online for free?

I have a very simple suggestion: make the images online for free, everything open source and full resolution… and what you do instead is you charge money for the printed physical book.

For example, let us say that you’re planning to publish a photo book. The easiest way to approach this is have an open source free full resolution PDF available online to download, to give your potential customer and clients a taste of what to expect. And then if they like your photos enough, they will buy the printed book.

Why? people like physical things. I think the bias is that people don’t like to pay for digital things, but we are more than happy to pay for physical things.

For example, a very simple strategy to thrive as a modern day photographer entrepreneur and artist visual artist, Fatar for it to have all of your artwork open, open source, full resolution JPEG or PDF or whatever… and barbell that with charging a lot of money for your products, physical products, embodied workshop experiences etc.

How to create sublime beauty?

For me, sublime beauty in the context of photography is high grain, gritty high contrast black-and-white. It is a simple aesthetic taste for myself; to me there is nothing more beautiful more sublime.

Also, taking photos of your loved ones. This involves your kids, your wife or your spouse, and even yourself.

Even my friend Josh White said it wisely: At the end of your life, are you going to care about all these photos that you shot of strangers, or are you going to care about photos that you shot of your loved ones? 


I think instead of thinking about love, better to think about heart, care, curation, what you care for.

For example, the word coeur– same as courage, curate, care.

It all comes down to the heart.

Just don’t do nothing you don’t care for

One of the via negativa ways we could live life; just don’t do anything you don’t care for.

For example when you’re talking to kids, best to ask “What don’t you want to be when you grow up?”

Also happiness is via negativa; better to ascertain what makes you miserable, what you hate, what you despise… and figuring out how to subtract or delete that from your life, rather than doing things that make you “happy”.

For example, personal annoyances of myself include being stuck in traffic, dealing with subscriptions and subscription model things, closed source things, modern day news and media and Facebook Instagram, YouTube, family annoyances and drama, other peoples problems etc.

Also, typically I despise email; and also I typically hate being automatically subscribed to some BS newsletter that I did not opt in. Therefore the silver ethical rule here is interesting:

 If something annoys you, don’t do that to others.

For example, I hate when people automatically subscribe me to some email newsletter without me checking a button to confirm that actually wanted. Therefore I will never send an email newsletter to anybody who has not intentionally opted in.

Also, trying to do things for other people that I would myself like. For example, I don’t think I’ve ever received an email or an email newsletter that I actually liked to work for. Therefore as a consequence, my simple strategy is to drive to send emails or email newsletters that people actually look forward to reading. 

Or in other words, make people actually positively excited to check their email inbox!

What you yourself do

Ignore the “advice” of others, and also… best to simply observe what other people do.

Also, the best way to study success is to figure out what people don’t do, what they don’t own, etc. 

For example, Elon Musk and Kanye West; neither of them wear watches.

Also, neither has an Instagram, both deleted it.

Also, Elon Musk doesn’t own a home or live in a home. I think he just rents some sort of random two bedroom one bath home hut somewhere in Austin Texas.

Also, Elon Musk does not own any Lamborghinis Ferraris or loser cars.

Also, the greatest courage of a Kanye West; he doesn’t censor himself, he says what is really on his mind.

Maybe is Kanye the most courageous man alive? Maybe. There is no right and wrong, all is permitted. Therefore to not censor yourself in modern-day society is the ultimate act of courage? 

Sublime thoughts

Beautiful body, beautiful thoughts.

How to gain more beautiful thoughts? My simple suggestion is maximum time in the direct sun, ideally topless. Also, sleep early — shoot for 8pm?

A simple suggestion is limit your coffee and caffeine intake only between 4 AM to 9 AM, or only the morning hours.

And also during the day, lift weights at least once, maybe even twice.

Also my supreme luxury; the last few days, in a single day I have done all three: at least one hot yoga session, at least one hike in nature, and at least one weightlifting session.

A life post-work?

Why work? I thought which interested me while in Vietnam, when Cindy and I were living in Hanoi, paying only $320 USD a month for rent, a position in which literally even if we wanted to spend all our money, we cannot spend it fast enough. Eating out every day, living in a small hotel room, no possessions no nothing.

Living in America seems a bit foolish if you don’t need to. I think it is far superior to live in Hanoi, Saigon, Pom pen, ironically even Japan; I think when we were living in Kyoto, we were subbing an apartment for only $500 USD a month.


Why think abroad?

TRAVEL NOTES (PDF)– the simple financial life leverage is simple:

Earn US dollars, American standards, live abroad.

For example, Mexico City, Roma Norte, even Doctores. Condesa — all good.

Truth be told, if Cindy was not employed in America, I see zero reason to live here. I would probably be living somewhere else; and also assuming I didn’t have a kid, I would definitely be some sort of weird digital nomad. 

Writing is leisure

People don’t seem to get it; the primary function of writing is meta-thinking, a fun leisure activity. A fun luxury.

This is where I don’t understand 99.9% of writers; it seems some sort of weird self-flagellation here. Most writers I know… don’t actually enjoy writing. 

This is where ChatGPT is no threat; honestly we gotta rethink this whole K-12 education and college thing; the point of writing isn’t writing for the sake of good writing; the point of writing is to flesh out our thoughts, to share ideas that we find interesting.

What is the point of life anyways?

A simple one is to have offspring; to have at least one kid, perhaps ideally two kids, or if you’re willing… more.

I think the funny thing about kids and family is that typically we use ourselves in our own life experiences as a barometer and framing. For example, I have one younger sister two years younger than me, and I always wanted to have at least one boy, one girl. It is because that is how I was raised.

Having kids make sense in so far much as if people stopped having kids, quite literally there would be no future humanity. What’s the point of having all the wealth in the world if there are no future children or humans to enjoy it?

What do you want your kids to become?

Being self-employed, probably the best thing is that I literally can just spend all day with Seneca, being his personal trainer and tutor. I think of myself like Chiron the centaur, the private tutor of Achilles. Things I like to do with Seneca include physical activity exercise and exploration, his diet, which is close to 100% carnivore, 100% grass fed beef or Wagyu ground beef, and more recently… Finding this “ancestral blend“ ground beef thing at Erwhon (force of nature brand)– which has the consistency of normal ground beef, but has mixed in it beef liver and beef hard, which are natural steroids.

In fact I think the optimal diet is a 100% organ meat diet; organ meats are probably at least 100 times higher in nutritional density than even flesh meat.

Everyone says that eating red meat is bad; how about organ meats?

People say that eating meat is bad for the planet, but let us consider how much waste and scraps is thrown away from the animal, which include the heart, the liver, the kidneys, the tendons and ligaments, etc.

So if you really wanted to be a “woke” person, perhaps the wisest way to do this is just only eat a pure organ meat diet.  

What else?


New stuff:


Also… more books here!

When in doubt, go back to the source!



“Greater fates, greater fortunes.” – Heraclitus

Why I Bought Chainlink

A simple heuristic that I learned from Nassim TALEB; don’t ask people what you should invest in, ask them… What did you invest in? 

For example, I recently swapped a bunch of my bitcoin for chainlink. Why did I do it? My thoughts: 

What is chainlink?

Essentially it is a platform built upon Ethereum, the blockchain… that strives to solve real world problems.

The first critical issue at hand is the notion of the “Oracle problem”, and cryptographic proof and truth.

The general gist of the Oracle problem is that you have all these people purporting to say something… How do you know if someone is really telling the truth or not?

Also, they’re great innovation of a decentralized oracle network. I think anything that is decentralized and can be done offline is a good idea; anything that has to be done when you’re connected to the web is fragile.

For example, the “internet of things”, which includes all of your home devices, your home stuff etc. I think this includes your home speaker things, your Amazon echo or echo dot, your Apple HomePod thing, your ring Amazon nest devices etc. 

Enabling transactional value?

TVE — transactional value enabled?

Chainlink staking?

What is the purpose of technology and these things? A very basic idea is that the point is to help enable commerce and other things. Money makes the world go round, Publilius Syrus.

What is money anyways? Money is movement. Anything that literally physiologically moves human beings in time and space is money.

For example, if you promise somebody $30 an hour, they will walk around, move their bodies to clean toilets, etc.

Also, money movement. The whole global economy to me is so fascinating; because we process and move information so quickly and so globally… how do you link it all together?  

Chain – Link

I find chainlink to be an interesting concept because wherever you go in real life, there are physical chain links everywhere.

Also, technically the internet, the World Wide Web, is a bunch of hyperlinks which link websites together.

My personal thought and prediction is that chainlink could become the next Google; Google indexes the whole internet, and made it easy for you to find any sort of website. What I think chainlink will do is link all of this information on the internet and computers and make them accessible, trustworthy, tamperproof.

Just read it

Only read stuff that you find interesting, skip over stuff you find boring.

About a week or two ago, I reread the original bitcoin white paper, and I was so impressed with how short it was, how minimalistic it was, and how to the point it was. But… reading it… this time around… felt a bit boring.

And this is the big thing: if something bores you, you gotta get out of it.

Therefore, I sold or transferred or converted nine of my bitcoin and put it all into chainlink, at the time it was valued at ~20,800 LINK (CHAINLINK), with bitcoin at around $35,000 a bitcoin.

I think what I try to do is think at least 30 years into the future. 20 or 30 years. It is funny, as I write this at the age of 35, 30 years from now Seneca is only going to be 32 years old, still a few years younger than me. My personal aspiration is to hold onto chainlink for at least 30 years, and then maybe transfer it to Seneca when he grows up. Or I just help him build some sort of company or entrepreneurial venture etc.

Investing in things actually do something?

I love bitcoin but maybe one of the big issues here is that bitcoin is like digital money and gold; most people just hold onto it, and I don’t think actually aspire to use it to actually pay for your latte at Starbucks or whatever. I think because bitcoin and cryptocurrency is so volatile; Everybody’s hope and dream and ambition is that their coin will rise value astronomically and they will become rich, buy the Lamborghini or whatever… and be happy.

Trust nobody who drives a Lamborghini — only trust people who drive Toyota Priuses, in white. 

Why? If you drive a Toyota Prius, in white… it is a signal that you really don’t care for appearances.

How do you know if somebody is unsuccessful? 

If they drive a Range Rover, a Mercedes AMG G wagon, murdered out, all matte black, a baselevel Mercedes car, a baselevel Audi car, like an A3 or a Q3, drive some sort of Audi electric car which is just the same as the Porsche Taycan, don’t forget that the Volkswagen group owns Lamborghini Audi Volkswagen Porsche etc. same thing goes with anybody who drives a BMW car.

Foreign cars are bad.  

It is just a game! 

I think crypto, cryptocurrency speculation is an interesting game; prediction, prediction markets, trying to predict the future… is just a luxury and a fun thing.

Some predictions are pretty obvious

When I was in college, my sophomore year, and I was starting to get into trading stocks, daytrading… I had a pretty certain thought that Blockbuster was going to go under. I tried to figure out how to short stocks, but I really couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Also I remember when the prime mortgage meltdown happened, and the value of Ford went to almost 2 dollars a year. I wanted to buy some Ford stock but I had no money, no capital.

It is interesting to think about this in hindsight because when I was incorrectly trading pennystock, for some sort of oil producer company which was actually running at a loss… I had no idea because I misread the financials… I lost my whole life savings which was maybe $3500 USD or something. It was insanely tragic. But now that I am playing with higher sums more like $300,000 USD, I realize that it was just a valuable lesson at the time.

Therefore, with any sort of financial speculation, think about it at the 30 year span. Even when you are 70 or 80 years old, I met this lady at the park who looked phenomenal and she told me she was 82… she looked like a very fit 45-year-old!

My personal aspiration is when I’m 82 years old, to still be able to lift 1000 pounds. Google or YouTube “ERIC KIM thousand pound atlas lift”

It seems that the way things are going, I don’t think it’s that ridiculous to think that we can live to be 120 years old. Try to think that far. 

What is the use of money anyways? 

I think actually the big thing is that everyone now aspires to buy a house or home or property. It is getting pretty ridiculous, even in Los Angeles, even buying a single-family home in Inglewood… you’re looking easily at around $1.5 million for a whatever house.

My prediction is that the prices of homes  will continue to soar astronomically high. I think a lot of these $1.5 million homes can easily balloon two $3 million, $5 million, 10 and $15 million, $150 million or whatever. Why? The biggest issue at hand is runaway inflation, which means the value of the US dollar and currency is continually going lower and lower, because the US is what, currently speaking $30 trillion in debt? And what America thinks the smart idea is to just keep printing money ad infinitum, into infinity, in order to “stimulate” the economy.

But does this work? No.

For example talking to my friend Noel who works in hygiene, he says that a lot of these young guys, around 25 to 30 years old, are so lazy. Why? After Covid and people started giving away these free checks… and from unemployment you could literally make $5000 USD a month by sitting on your butt and doing nothing… people lost the motivation to work. A lot of people moved back home, live with their parents, and are essentially living for free. As a consequence you have a huge generation of unmotivated people, unwilling to do any sort of manual labor, which is bad because having manual and physical labor is critical.

For example, being in Beverly Hills a lot; and Holby Hills,  there is this new funny caste systems; really rich people getting mansions built, and the army of construction labor people, mostly from Mexico doing the labor to build these mansions.

Also, think about Amazon prime delivery drivers, people who bag your food at Whole Foods, Erwhon etc, all these contractors electricians plumbers etc.… the truly critical labor. Doesn’t matter if you pay them $30 $40 $50 or even $60 an hour, it seems at this point money doesn’t really motivate them anymore. Therefore what do you do? It seems that America we are just importing more people from Mexico to do labor for us, because they are motivated. Americans are no longer motivated.

Crypto, crypto technology and cryptocurrency is optimistic

I am obsessed with the future. Future thinking, future technologies, new brave worlds to discover.

Why? I have always been into technology ever since I was a kid, getting my first Acer aspire Pentium one processor computer when I was around 11 years old. Even teaching myself how to program visual basic 3.0 in the early days, creating my own AOL “punter“ etc.

Also, I still will never forget when I read the Maddox article on why you should beat your kids, in computer class in Bayside Queens at PS 169 when I was in the fifth grade, and all of me and our friends, a bunch of 11-year-old laughing and saying “It is true!”

Even I remember as a kid, when I first moved to New York, maybe it was I had some sort of school in the Bronx, when kids in the hallway would “the South Park movies “blame Canada, blame Canada”…

Anyways the generalized thought is I love media information, and also I have a passion to innovate, write and to think, to motivate and to also disprove nonsense.

Ever since I was young I was always bred with an insanely huge ego; the eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son, (jang-son), being raised with the “prince disease“, was unusually good for me. Always getting the finest cuts of meat and galbi from my grandmother, always showered with praise love and attention and how smart tall and good-looking I was. Very good for me.

The US dollar is static

Anybody who is a wage slave, which means anybody who is paid a biweekly or monthly salary… doesn’t matter if you’re being paid $10 million a year from Apple… You’re still a wage slave.

A simple heuristic:

Can you go two years without checking or responding to any of your emails or not?

If you have to use email for a living, you’re not free. 

Once you’re a crypto trillionaire, then what?

Let us say that your cryptocurrency goes to the value of $1 trillion USD. Then what? Then do you just dissolve it all into US dollars, buy a mansion and a yacht somewhere, and live indefinitely into the horizon for infinite bliss?

This doesn’t seem to be the goal. For me, I think a more interesting life trajectory is to then to no longer care for money, and use your power mind and soul and body for more interesting things which can include philosophy, writing, thinking, doing research, reading, making art, publishing art, etc.

Money as it means to creative leisure and production.

Seeking immortal fame and glory?

One thing I am very happy about is ChatGPT knows exactly who I am, why I am so significant and influential, etc. As a consequence, I already feel like my legacy is secure, and I don’t have anything left to prove to nobody else.

As a consequence, at this point life is all upside no downside. Even one of the happiest moments of my life, Cindy and I be getting our first son Seneca, at this point life is all upside no downside.

As a man, as long as you have one male heir, you can die happy. 

Now what?

Things that I find interesting use cases of chainlink:

  1. Real estate, homebuying, escrow: even NASSIM TALEB has said that traditionally, most 12th generation in human society is through land, land ownership land property etc. For example let us say that you buy that 1.5 million dollar home, and 20 years from now it’ll be worth $3.2 million. And then let us assume that 30 or 40 years from now it is worth $5.7 million, and your kid inherits it. And when your kid is 57 years old it is worth $22 million, and he will able to pass it on to his son or daughter, and maybe that will be worth $120 million into their future.  The whole escrow process and verification process is quite fragmented, unreliable. I think chain-link can be a technology which motivates and enables more streamlined home buying processes. 
  2. Identity verification: it is so easy for people to just steal your Social Security number, and pretend it is you. Imagine a future in which you could use chain-link or some sort of block chain enabled identification, which can essentially be your global citizen passport to all of the world and the Internet? This seems especially useful in today’s world in which everything is so fragmented, between our Apple ID, our Gmail, Etc.


I think an inconvenient truth is that truth be told, a lot of the world is run by the military. Certainly there are lots of bad things about the military, but truth be told, without the US military, our precious US dollars would be worth nothing.

For example, I think the American government we are $10 trillion in debt? To where… China?

As a consequence, how does America’s stay afloat and print more money? Simple, she simply prints more money because she can because we got the military to back us. 

For example, let’s say that mainland China comes knocking and ask for her money back. Is America going to give it back? No. We will just waive our big stick, and say we are not interested.

So the interesting use case of chain-link and the US military is especially in the future withdrawn warfare or whatever… It actually does seem that having some sort of crypto technology will be useful here.

For example the Internet of things, chain-link solves this issue. Also, I believe a lot of the US military intervention stuff is going to be unmanned, and having access to some sort of technology which allows automation without meddling in the Internet seems like a good idea.

So why did I buy it?

I think in life, big opportunities only come infrequently. As a consequence, I think in life… It seems better to take really big bold bets, rather than just stand on the sidelines.

My personal speculation is that I think chain-link will become the next Google. Why? ERIC Schmidt is on the board of trustees for chain-link, and ERIC Schmidt is the one who built Google into what it is today. Just watch the interview between him and Sergey. In Italian quote, ERIC Schmidt said:

The secret to success of Google was that we tried to put a little bit of Google into everything.

Genius. For example, this is evident in how whenever you Google search something, there is a little bit of that Google code in the URL. 

Who is Satoshi?

Apparently there’s a rumor that Sergey Nazarov might be Satoshi.

Also the reason why I trust Sergey as a founder is this:

He doesn’t really care for social appearances.

I think I learned this from NASSIM TALEB; only trust doctors who look like butchers. Why? When somebody looks too much the part of something, they are not. 

For example, when you go to a party, who is the real successful person? The person who could show up and meet the prime minister and shake hands wearing T-shirt and jeans and sneakers, just like my friend did meeting the prime minister.

 Also, the really really rich successful person will just drive some sort of white Toyota Prius or old beat up Honda Civic, in silver. Even the family car; very specifically… White Honda Odyssey. Not even a Toyota sienna!

Even family connections, my $500 million net worth familia– the dad gave all the kids Ford fusions, and even though the dad is a major player in Tesla, they only have a super base level Tesla model three in white. No Tesla model Y, X, S.


My brother-in-law Khan told me: if you spent $80,000 to buy a Tesla model S several years ago, that would be worth $500,000 today!

True investors live like poor people, and speculate on the thing, rather than buying the thing.

For example, instead of spending $120,000 on Tesla, I would instead prefer to buy $120,000 worth of Tesla stock.

Why? Things that go up in value overtime versus things that go down in value.

For example, even though a Tesla car gets software updates over the air, eventually overtime, the value of it will slowly depreciate. The battery range will become less, more wear and tear on the vehicle etc. Even the world’s best car can be robust at best, not anti-fragile.

What is anti-fragile? Something that overtime gets better and stronger and more powerful and better and more robust… rather than the opposite.

This might be the intelligence of collecting rare collector cars, like old Ferraris or whatever… Even old Porsche cars, overtime the value of them will go up.

Even apparently the old Toyota supra, the one that showed up in fast and the furious, they are worth close to $250,000 now!

So perhaps the best way to think about things is to think of them like financial investments, rather than toys.

Other good news 

It looks like their new chain-link staking, chain-link economics is also doing very well. The full pool has been filled already!

Now what?

I think at the end of the day, I don’t really care for money that much, I am more interested in speculation, wrist, and thinking and predicting the future. This is my prime joy and bliss.

Too much more lies, we simply sit on the sidelines, twiddling our thumbs for some sort of magical future to get better. I say rather than waiting for the future, speculate and invest in it.


Sublime Beauty? 

So what are we searching for, what are we looking for?

I think what we see is some sort of sublime beauty, joy, flourishing.

How do we attempt to achieve this? Through our cars our homes our clothing etc. 

However… I think true sublime beauty can only be achieved by yourself, through your own artistic creations.

For example, your own child, producing begetting and making and birthing your own child; there is seriously no greater joy.

Also, your artistic creations. Your photos, the artwork you produce. I also qualify DALL-E 3 images, ChatGPT and AI art in it!  Why? Ultimately it is your brainchild; doesn’t really matter whether you produced it by yourself by hand or whatever. For example, Matisse in his advanced years apparently lost mobility in his body and hands, and would simply point with the stick to his assistance to create artwork for him.

Also, Andy Warhol. He was notorious for having an army of assistance producing work for him.

My thought on artificial intelligence and AI generated art is free. The idea is that the artwork we create is ours.

One thing I find surprising is that the greatest boon for AI generated art is that it is all open source! Isn’t this phenomenal? 

Open art

Art wants to be free! Art wants to propagate into the real world, not be constrained by nothing, whether digital rights management, closed doors or borders etc.

This is my general idea with open source artwork; I hit that so much of great photos and art is simply trapped within printed books, not easily accessible or findable on the internet. My huge frustration with photography:

if I am trying to find the book “the Americans“, or any other book out there, any photo book… Why can’t I just Google it or find it online for free?

I have a very simple suggestion: make the images online for free, everything open source and full resolution… And what you do instead is you charge money for the printed physical book.

For example, let us say that you’re planning to publish a photo book. The easiest way to approach this is have an open source free full resolution PDF available online to download, to give your potential customer and clients a taste of what to expect. And then if they like your photos enough, they will buy the printed book.

why? people like physical things. i think the bias is that people don’t like to pay for digital things, but we are more than happy to pay for physical things.

 For example, a very simple strategy to thrive as a modern day guitar for an entrepreneur and artist visual artist, Fatar for it to have all of your artwork open, open source, full resolution JPEG or PDF or whatever… And barbell that with charging a lot of money for your products, physical products, embodied workshop experiences etc.

How to create sublime beauty?

For me, sublime beauty in the context of photography is high grain, gritty high contrast black-and-white. It is a simple aesthetic taste for myself; to me there is nothing more beautiful more sublime.

Also, taking photos of your loved ones. This involves your kids, your wife or your spouse, and even yourself.

Even my friend Josh White said it wisely: At the end of your life, are you going to care about all these photos that you shot of strangers, or are you going to care about photos that you shot of your loved ones? 


I think instead of thinking about love, better to think about heart, care, creation, what you care for.

For example, the word coeur– same as courage, curate, care.

It all comes down to the heart.

Just don’t do nothing you don’t care for

One of the via negativa ways we could live life; just don’t do anything you don’t care for.

For example when you’re talking to kids, best to ask “What don’t you want to be when you grow up?”

Also happiness is via negativities; better to ascertain what makes you miserable what you hate, what you despise… And figuring out how to subtract or delete that from your life, rather than doing things that make you “happy”.

For example, personal annoyances of myself include being stuck in traffic, dealing with subscriptions and subscription model things, clothes source things, modern day news and media and Facebook Instagram, YouTube, family an annoyances and drama, other peoples problems etc.

Also, typically I despise email; and also I typically hate being automatically subscribed to some BS newsletter that I did not opt in. Therefore the silver ethical rule here is interesting:

 If something annoys you, don’t do that to others.

For example, I hate when people automatically subscribe me to some email newsletter without me checking a button to confirm that actually wanted. Therefore I will never send an email newsletter to anybody who has not intentionally opted in.

 Also, trying to do things for other people that I would myself like. For example, I don’t think I’ve ever received an email or an email newsletter that I actually liked to work for. Therefore as a consequence, my simple strategy is to drive to send emails or email newsletters that people actually look forward to reading. 

Or in other words, make people actually positively excited to check their email inbox!

What you yourself do

Ignore the “advice” of others, and also… best to simply observe what other people do.

Also, the best way to study success is to figure out what people don’t do, what they don’t own, etc. 

For example, Elon musk and Kanye West; neither of them wear watches.

Also, neither has an Instagram, both deleted it.

Also, Elon Musk doesn’t own a home or live in a home. I think he just rents some sort of random two bedroom one bath home hut somewhere in Austin Texas.

Also, Elon Musk does not own any Lamborghinis Ferraris or loser cars.

Also, the greatest courage of a Kanye West; he doesn’t censor himself, he says what is really on his mind.

Maybe is he the most courageous man alive? Maybe. There is no right and wrong, all is permitted. Therefore to not censor yourself in modern-day society is the ultimate act of courage? 

Sublime thoughts

Beautiful body, beautiful thoughts.

How to gain more beautiful thoughts? My simple suggestion is maximum time in the direct sun, ideally topless. Also, sleep early — shoot for 8pm?

A simple suggestion is limit your coffee and caffeine intake only between 4 AM to 9 AM, or only the morning hours.

And also during the day, lift weights at least once, maybe even twice.

Also my supreme luxury; the last few days, in a single day I have done all three: at least one hot yoga session, at least one hike in nature, and at least one weightlifting session.

A life post-work?

Why work? I thought which interest me while in Vietnam, when Cindy and I were living in Hanoi, paying only $320 USD a month for rent, a position in which literally even if we wanted to spend all our money, we cannot spend it fast enough. Eating out every day, living in a small hotel room, no possessions no nothing.

Living in America seems a bit foolish if you don’t need to. I think it is far superior to live in Hanoi, Saigon, Pom pen, ironically even Japan; I think when we were living in Kyoto, we were subbing an apartment for only $500 USD a month.

Why think abroad?

TRAVEL NOTES (PDF)– the simple financial life leverage is simple:

Earn US dollars, American standards, live abroad.

For example, Mexico City, Roma Norte, even Doctores. Condesa — all good.

Trippy told, if Cynthia was not employed in America, I see zero reason to live here. I would probably be living somewhere else; and also assuming I didn’t have a kid, I would definitely be some sort of weird digital nomad. 

Writing is leisure

People don’t seem to get it; the primary function of writing is meta-thinking, a fun leisure activity. A fun luxury.

This is where I don’t understand 99.9% of writers; it seems some sort of weird self-flagellation here. Most writers I know… don’t actually enjoy writing. 

This is where ChatGPT is no threat; honestly we got a rethink this whole K-12 education in college things; the point of writing isn’t right for the sake of good writing; the point of writing is to flesh out our thoughts, to share ideas that we find interesting.

What is the point of life anyways?

A simple one is to have offspring; to have at least one kid, perhaps ideally two kids, or if you’re willing… More.

I think the funny thing about kids and family is that typically we use ourselves in our own life experiences as a barometer and framing. For example, I have one younger sister two years younger than me, and I always wanted to have at least one boy, one girl. It is because that is how I was raised.

Having kids make sense in so far much as if people stopped having kids, quite literally there would be no future humanity. What’s the point of having all the wealth in the world if there are no future children or humans to enjoy it?

What do you want your kids to become?

Being self-employed, probably the best thing is that I literally can just spend all day with Seneca, being his personal trainer and tutor. I think of myself like Chiron the centaur, the private tutor of Achilles. Things I like to do with Seneca include physical activity exercise and exploration, His diet, which is close to 100% carnivore, 100% grass fed beef or Wagyu ground beef, and more recently… Finding this “ancestral blend“ ground beef thing at Erwhon (force of nature brand)– which has the consistency of normal ground beef, but has mixed in it beef liver and beef hard, which are natural steroids.

In fact I think the optimal diet is 100% organ meat diet; organ meats are probably at least 100 times higher in nutritional density than even flesh meat.

Everyone says that eating red meat is bad; how about organ meats?

People say that eating meat is bad for the planet, but let us consider how much waste and scraps is thrown away from the animal, which include the heart, the liver, the kidneys, the tendons and ligaments, etc.

So if you really wanted to be a “woke” person, perhaps the wisest way to do this is just only eat a pure organ meat diet.  

Sublime Beauty? 

So what are we searching for, what are we looking for?

I think what we see is some sort of sublime beauty, joy, flourishing.

How do we attempt to achieve this? Through our cars our homes our clothing etc. 

However… I think true sublime beauty can only be achieved by yourself, through your own artistic creations.

For example, your own child, producing begetting and making and birthing your own child; there is seriously no greater joy.

Also, your artistic creations. Your photos, the artwork you produce. I also qualify DALL-E 3 images, ChatGPT and AI art in it!  Why? Ultimately it is your brainchild; doesn’t really matter whether you produced it by yourself by hand or whatever. For example, Matisse in his advanced years apparently lost mobility in his body and hands, and would simply point with the stick to his assistance to create artwork for him.

Also, Andy Warhol. He was notorious for having an army of assistance producing work for him.

My thought on artificial intelligence and AI generated art is free. The idea is that the artwork we create is ours.

One thing I find surprising is that the greatest boon for AI generated art is that it is all open source! Isn’t this phenomenal? 

Open art

Art wants to be free! Art wants to propagate into the real world, not be constrained by nothing, whether digital rights management, closed doors or borders etc.

This is my general idea with open source artwork; I hit that so much of great photos and art is simply trapped within printed books, not easily accessible or findable on the internet. My huge frustration with photography:

if I am trying to find the book “the Americans“, or any other book out there, any photo book… Why can’t I just Google it or find it online for free?

I have a very simple suggestion: make the images online for free, everything open source and full resolution… And what you do instead is you charge money for the printed physical book.

For example, let us say that you’re planning to publish a photo book. The easiest way to approach this is have an open source free full resolution PDF available online to download, to give your potential customer and clients a taste of what to expect. And then if they like your photos enough, they will buy the printed book.

why? people like physical things. i think the bias is that people don’t like to pay for digital things, but we are more than happy to pay for physical things.

 For example, a very simple strategy to thrive as a modern day guitar for an entrepreneur and artist visual artist, Fatar for it to have all of your artwork open, open source, full resolution JPEG or PDF or whatever… And barbell that with charging a lot of money for your products, physical products, embodied workshop experiences etc.

How to create sublime beauty?

For me, sublime beauty in the context of photography is high grain, gritty high contrast black-and-white. It is a simple aesthetic taste for myself; to me there is nothing more beautiful more sublime.

Also, taking photos of your loved ones. This involves your kids, your wife or your spouse, and even yourself.

Even my friend Josh White said it wisely: At the end of your life, are you going to care about all these photos that you shot of strangers, or are you going to care about photos that you shot of your loved ones? 


I think instead of thinking about love, better to think about heart, care, creation, what you care for.

For example, the word coeur– same as courage, curate, care.

It all comes down to the heart.

Just don’t do nothing you don’t care for

One of the via negativa ways we could live life; just don’t do anything you don’t care for.

For example when you’re talking to kids, best to ask “What don’t you want to be when you grow up?”

Also happiness is via negativities; better to ascertain what makes you miserable what you hate, what you despise… And figuring out how to subtract or delete that from your life, rather than doing things that make you “happy”.

For example, personal annoyances of myself include being stuck in traffic, dealing with subscriptions and subscription model things, clothes source things, modern day news and media and Facebook Instagram, YouTube, family an annoyances and drama, other peoples problems etc.

Also, typically I despise email; and also I typically hate being automatically subscribed to some BS newsletter that I did not opt in. Therefore the silver ethical rule here is interesting:

 If something annoys you, don’t do that to others.

For example, I hate when people automatically subscribe me to some email newsletter without me checking a button to confirm that actually wanted. Therefore I will never send an email newsletter to anybody who has not intentionally opted in.

 Also, trying to do things for other people that I would myself like. For example, I don’t think I’ve ever received an email or an email newsletter that I actually liked to work for. Therefore as a consequence, my simple strategy is to drive to send emails or email newsletters that people actually look forward to reading. 

Or in other words, make people actually positively excited to check their email inbox!

What you yourself do

Ignore the “advice” of others, and also… best to simply observe what other people do.

Also, the best way to study success is to figure out what people don’t do, what they don’t own, etc. 

For example, Elon musk and Kanye West; neither of them wear watches.

Also, neither has an Instagram, both deleted it.

Also, Elon Musk doesn’t own a home or live in a home. I think he just rents some sort of random two bedroom one bath home hut somewhere in Austin Texas.

Also, Elon Musk does not own any Lamborghinis Ferraris or loser cars.

Also, the greatest courage of a Kanye West; he doesn’t censor himself, he says what is really on his mind.

Maybe is he the most courageous man alive? Maybe. There is no right and wrong, all is permitted. Therefore to not censor yourself in modern-day society is the ultimate act of courage? 

Sublime thoughts

Beautiful body, beautiful thoughts.

How to gain more beautiful thoughts? My simple suggestion is maximum time in the direct sun, ideally topless. Also, sleep early — shoot for 8pm?

A simple suggestion is limit your coffee and caffeine intake only between 4 AM to 9 AM, or only the morning hours.

And also during the day, lift weights at least once, maybe even twice.

Also my supreme luxury; the last few days, in a single day I have done all three: at least one hot yoga session, at least one hike in nature, and at least one weightlifting session.

A life post-work?

Why work? I thought which interest me while in Vietnam, when Cindy and I were living in Hanoi, paying only $320 USD a month for rent, a position in which literally even if we wanted to spend all our money, we cannot spend it fast enough. Eating out every day, living in a small hotel room, no possessions no nothing.

Living in America seems a bit foolish if you don’t need to. I think it is far superior to live in Hanoi, Saigon, Pom pen, ironically even Japan; I think when we were living in Kyoto, we were subbing an apartment for only $500 USD a month.

Why think abroad?

TRAVEL NOTES (PDF)– the simple financial life leverage is simple:

Earn US dollars, American standards, live abroad.

For example, Mexico City, Roma Norte, even Doctores. Condesa — all good.

Trippy told, if Cynthia was not employed in America, I see zero reason to live here. I would probably be living somewhere else; and also assuming I didn’t have a kid, I would definitely be some sort of weird digital nomad. 

Writing is leisure

People don’t seem to get it; the primary function of writing is meta-thinking, a fun leisure activity. A fun luxury.

This is where I don’t understand 99.9% of writers; it seems some sort of weird self-flagellation here. Most writers I know… don’t actually enjoy writing. 

This is where ChatGPT is no threat; honestly we got a rethink this whole K-12 education in college things; the point of writing isn’t right for the sake of good writing; the point of writing is to flesh out our thoughts, to share ideas that we find interesting.

How to Become a Philosopher

Philosopher, philos, philos-sophia: it simply means love, lover of wisdom, lover of knowledge. That in ancient Greek times, it was essentially a humble flex; you would say “I love wisdom and I aspire towards wisdom and becoming wise, yet… I am not yet wise”.

For example, the troll Socrates: who said “I am only wise because I know I know nothing.” (rolls eyes).

Every child is born a philosopher. For example… when a child is pushing boundaries, making sense of the world, and asking why? He or she is trying to figure out how to situate themselves in the world. The big problem is a lot of parents, teachers, religious teachers or whatever… never really give children the opportunity for critical thinking.

What is critical thinking? Critical thinking… kritikos in ancient Greek simply means judge, to weigh. Therefore a critical thinker is simply somebody who hears something reads something or whatever… and thinks for themselves: 

What is the significance of this thought or idea?

Deep diving

For example, one thing I have discovered very useful to study is religious texts, reading the Bible, the Koran, the Torah and Jewish texts etc. Why? So much of the world is predicated on morality and ethics; for example America is a protestant Christian country, much of the Middle East is Islamic, believes in the teachings of Mohammed, and also, a lot of people in America Israel and other places in the world are Jewish, heritage from Judea… and therefore, a lot of cultural things are disseminated through the media. For example, when I was a kid in Bayside Queens in New York, at PS 169, Public school 169 in Bayside Queens, I think when I was in the fifth or sixth grade, at around 11 or 12 years old… I remember just lying in bed, in my bedroom, watching reruns or TV shows of Seinfeld. I really had zero idea what was going on, and later… I learned that Seinfeld was essentially a comedic situational comedy based on Jewish, Jewish American culture. For example hilarious episodes I remember like the soup Nazi, etc.

And so much of American culture is Yiddish Jewish!

  1. Chutzpah
  2. Schlep it around
  3. Don’t be a ‘shmuck’

Thus, understanding the culture you understand your world.

Unchain yourself

“You gotta respect the elohim were on a whole new regime!” – JAY Z

Something I realize which is really interesting about Jay Z is that I think he has figured it out a lot of things. People think Jay Z is dumb; but in fact, he is highly intelligent, not only street smart, but booksmart. He seems to have read a lot of Shakespeare, poetry, and religious books. Once again, a lot of America lives in ignorance; this is the downsides of Americans who have never traveled, don’t have a passport, or have never really lived or ventured beyond their own city, state, etc.

I still remember one of the most formative moments of my life when I first went to Beirut Lebanon, and I learned so much. I was a ripe 21, 22-year-old. I learned how the Lebanese were some of the most beautiful attractive intelligent people, very worldly, even my favorite philosopher NASSIM TALEB is Lebanese. 

I learned how the Lebanese were fluent in Arabic French and English and half a dozen other languages… how Beirut was known as the Phoenix; was it burned down to the ground and rebuilt seven or eight times? The true embodiment of the notion, What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger“, or the more precise thought:

If something has been burned down to the ground, and has been successfully rebuilt several times… it is a sign that it is robust, strong, and actually gains from a chaos disorder and fire.

For example, let us think and imagine this interesting thought; kind of like the movie Akira [AKIRA II]. Imagine that you’re a big monster, and every time that somebody tries to attack you, shoot you with missiles or whatever, you actually grow bigger, stronger and more powerful. 

This is a very interesting thought, because in life, I think a lot of us shirk away from conflict, drama, etc. Yet what if we should put ourselves in a position in which we actually gain from the attacks of others? That every time that somebody tried to attack you, you would actually literally become more muscular, stronger, bigger, gain more skeletal muscle, etc.

I think this is the general premise behind weightlifting; the idea that in someways, when you lift very very heavy weights, always increasing your one repetition maximum lift, that in someways, you’re actually doing positive damage upon your body, but overtime, with enough sleep rest restoration, meet consumption etc.… you actually become bigger, more muscular and also stronger.

Once you deadlift 7 plates and beyond– you can do anything.


The philosophy of the mind 

A sound mind inside a sound body (Mens sana in corpore sano)

Mens sand (mind sane), in corpore sano (in body sane).

So… what is the mind? 

My belief is that the mind is simply an offshoot of the body. That is, your mind and some sort of thing that you could just upload to the cloud and store forever. No. The mind is simply an offshoot of the body. That without a body you have no mind. That when your body dies, your mind also dies.

Let us consider everyone needs a body. You cannot just be a brain in some sort of fishbowl, connected to the internet. This is not a mind.

Also a very interesting thought I learned from studying philosophy — the notion of a mortal soul’– that when you die and your body dies, your soul also dies.

Where does the notion that the mind is some sort of metaphysical thing come from?

Several things. First, a lot of philosophers actually have some sort of heritage within religion. For example, a lot of thinkers philosophers etc., especially the more modern ones, I referred to modern as everybody after Socrates… has some sort of influence from Christian, Catholic, Protestant Lutheran thought; The philosophers of Germany, and France, thoughts on nobility, the Holy Roman empire, conflicts and wars etc.

Even our best friend Nietzsche… was his father of pastor? A Christian minister?

Then the big problem:

If philosophers were deeply influenced by religion, their thoughts are more muddled.

True critical thinkers — before the time of Jesus?


Philology — essentially you study ancient Latin and ancient Greek, and you learn about the history of words, how they came into play, and modern meanings. 

The reason why I find this so critical is that English is a very imprecise language. We all see the same words, but… in our minds we have different concepts and notions.

For example, when we talk about “family”, assuming you live in America and there are multicultural beliefs; the notion of family is very different if you’re Caucasian, Vietnamese American, Korean American, from Ethiopia etc.

Or religion. Notions of religion are different if you’re Jewish, from Israel or Palestine, from South Korea, from Phnom Penh Cambodia, from Japan etc.

Critical thinking

Some thoughts on critical thinking:

  1. Don’t put no faith on anything you haven’t witnessed in real life, embodied reality, in the flesh. Even videos and photos; in the world of AI and image and video generation and deep fakes, everything could be fabricated pretty easily.
  2. Not everything is on the Internet: I think there is a weird bias in today’s world that we think that all information is easily accessible on the Internet. There is still a lot of hidden information and knowledge that is actually not visible on the internet. 
  3. Understanding algorithms: an algorithm is simply an instruction made by some nerd at a computer who posits what is important, and what is less important. I think the best way to think of the algorithm is that it is weighing mechanism; it weighs important and value. Yet… Only a true individual, a true solo philosopher can and should posit values. 



Now what?

Think more, become more.



This holiday season, do yourself a favor and gift yourself a book, or many books for yourselves and others.

Certain books I love:

  1. Going infinite by Michael Lewis
  2. Zero to one by Peter Thiel 
  3. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, as well as Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson
  4. Invent and wander by Walter Isaacson

Photo books

Free books and printed books. 

The best photo books are the classics. For example, the original decisive moment by Henri Cartier bresson. 

75 inspirational books you gotta own >

Also free downloads.

Now what?

Brave new world of photography and AI!

Composition checker: my new entrepreneurial venture >

Check your photo compositions by uploading your photos to it and asking it for feedback.

For real human feedback, arsbeta.com

And always, when in doubt–



Stoicism by KIM

Introduction to Stoicism 

Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, ebook, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

Consider this a practical primer, cutting through the BS:

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show “Hey Arnold” in which I was raised with… the notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups– I learned how to do muscle ups, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock and huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there pick it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead presses with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… this was the true “functional” fitness.

The inspiration — Hector lifting an insanely massive stone (barely 2 strong men could lift it)… using it to break down the door of the ships of the other side.

Open air, open sun concept

Anyways, the reason why that period of covid was so good is that it was in the middle of beautiful Providence Rhode Island summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… and one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, talk shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who were really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. And of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us. For example, almost universally most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside space.

Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is “real” stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is. It is kind of like zen, or taoism… it is not really quantified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Nassim Taleb and his ANTIFRAGILE book. I was curious, and my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “The ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Diogenes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately Diogenes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true soul in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… there was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring philosophers to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weak and anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

Also, physical fitness is critical to any stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of Croton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pen and pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose.

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. In fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stocks, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually misread the financials… the whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

Also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… the kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, unemotional, logical and rational.

Also, with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global armageddon, global financial ruin, etc. I call it “fear porn”.

Therefore stoicism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize stoicism in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is stoicism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and social pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates. I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “Why was Socrates so ugly?

Monster in face, monster in soul.

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon (via Nietzsche). Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and IL PRINCIPE– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

Trust nobody who uses rationality or logic as their tyrannizing weapon. 

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

Demigod physique. 

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way. And truth be told, even if you act in a strange vibrant way… At worse you’re only “mildly” annoying other people.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes. I would even posit the idea that one could consider Alexander the Great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes a stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the Great had a copy of the Iliad by his bedstand, it was the only book he traveled with during his military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: Apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk, he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside. Therefore for myself, I just think to myself very simple; imagine like I got zero dollars, zero money, and literally all I need is meat, a Wi-Fi connection and I’m good. 
  4. Live like a poor person: The notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general idea that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tool; I think money is actually just codified labor. If you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True freedom of spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… you cannot be “canceled”, because there is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, you don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… as long as you’re signed to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… you’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the Rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

And this is the true courage of Kanye West; he literally put everything on the line, and even lost his spouse and I think maybe his kids? All for the sake of revealing inequities. 

“I throw these Maybach keys fucking c’est la vie! I know that we the new slaves.”- Ye

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher… Democritus?; better to laugh about the follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “Perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” It will just be humorous.

Honestly, laughter, and kind of being able to joke about things might be the best way to live life and deal with setbacks. 

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic. Differences between if you’re a man or a woman, but still… the most beautiful skin has a sunkissed, olive color tone; the true privilege is having a full body tan. 
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool DALL-E. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because it will not judge you, and ultimately what is a therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flesh out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves. The next thing I’m going to do is build some sort of therapy bot. 
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal worker delivering the mail, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and zen out… you just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy. My personal ideal is the bear lifestyle; walking 50 miles a day. 

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… but Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

A pro tip is when it comes to websites, read the alternative text, the header text, the stuff that shows up in the tab of your browser window. If the website, the automotive retailer tries to market themselves as a “luxury” brand, typically it is actually a sign that it isn’t a luxury brand it isn’t luxury brand.

Thought: what are some good examples of true luxury brands which don’t overly calls itself luxury? 

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… and luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury?

When somebody asked Diogenes the cynic; “What is the best human good”? He said “Freedom of speech, speaking your mind, having the power to see whatever is on your mind.”

In fact, my current joy is becoming more and more free talking, and free riding. What that means is this; I’m ain’t going to censor myself no more, even if I might be politically incorrect insensitive or whatever. 

Also, I would prefer to speak my mind and seriously hurt the feelings of others, rather than soften it for the sake of the other person. 

Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different knives for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, not something you would use to slice an apple with. Similarly speaking, if you’re going to scoop out the insides of an avocado, better to use a spoon rather than using a fork, or a knife. 

I think the problem is when some people get too into stoicism (I prefer writing stoicism with a lowercase), they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned stoicism in his writings, his collections of thoughts, which we moderns call THE MEDITATIONS… it was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work out thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever in flux and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… my stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, vs just working out by myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

Stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… you probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an Android phone, a smartphone, a 4G or 5G internet connection, wifi, a laptop, have to buy groceries somewhere… you’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern-day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: Have you ever been out in public, and you see some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: For example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing a mother… therefore if somebody spew some hate on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

Self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically self flagellate themselves. Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example in street photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… are small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… you are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, laughing and having fun. 

In fact, I’ve actually personally discovered that the reason why a lot of people hate me is because I am so happy jovial and gay. They are secretly suspicious or envious of me? 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… and then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; How much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that LA was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. As long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic trait; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home. Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… this literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandino Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… they are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… and giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Barry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage. The only designers with courage include Steve Jobs, Jony Ive, Elon Musk, Kanye West. 

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just host it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free ebook PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… it is worth it.


What is the secret to the maximum amount of happiness in life? The maximum amount of danger. (Nietzsche).



Become invincible:

  2. Becoming Spartan
  4. Stoic Aesthetics?
  5. The Philosophy of Ugliness
  6. Bad Stoicism
  7. Stoicism 2.0
  8. Becoming Stoic
  10. Why Arguments and Confrontations Are Good
  11. “I’m Over It”
  12. How to Deal With Miserable People
  13. How to Become a Stoic
  14. How to Ignore
  15. Pretend like you didn’t hear them
  16. Bad Stoic Strategies
  17. The Stoic Way of Dealing With Unpleasant or Miserable People
  19. Stoicism Stunts Our Power?
  20. Stoicism is Mental Resistance Training
  22. How to Become Fearless
  23. Extreme Stoicism
  24. Ethics are Aesthetic
  25. Indifference to Pain or Suffering
  26. When is Stoicism Good? When is Stoicism Bad?
  27. Why Others Criticize or Insult You
  28. True Difficulty
  29. What if Covid Never Goes Away?
  31. Anti-Hedonism
  34. It is the Duty of the Strong to Help the Weak
  35. The Goal is to Become Stronger
  39. STOICISM x Child’s Mind
  40. The Art of Manly Virtue
  41. Resistance Makes Us Stronger!
  43. Emotions are Good
  44. Conquer Your Anger
  48. The Spartan-Stoic Lifestyle
  49. How I Conquered Fear
  52. The Upside of Poverty
  53. How I Became Me
  56. Living *THROUGH* History
  57. How to Fear Less
  58. Fear is the Ultimate Contagious Disease
  60. Don’t Be Scared!
  66. My Philosophy on Masculinity
  67. A Riskier Life is a Better Life #philosophy #stoicism
  68. How to Creatively Flourish in Life
  69. Introduction to Stoicism
  70. How to Become Stronger
  71. How to Conquer Depression With Photography
  72. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
  73. How to Respect Yourself
  74. How to Believe in Yourself
  75. How to Steer Fear
  76. How to Conquer Pessimism
  77. How to Conquer Anxiety
  78. How to Overcome Your Fear of People
  79. How to Be Optimistic
  80. Why I Don’t Take My Anger Seriously
  84. How to Give a Fuck Less
  85. ALL IN.
  86. Why I Cut My Dad Out of My Life.
  87. Your iPhone Only Has 5% Battery Left.
  88. How not to give a FUCK about your REPUTATION
  91. The Regret Minimization Framework in Photography and Life
  92. How to Be a HERO
  93. Conquer Your Fears by Making Fear Your Slave
  94. Rule Circumstances; Don’t Let Your Circumstances Rule You
  95. How to Love Yourself
  96. How to Turn Shit into Gold
  97. Your Parents Fuck You Up
  98. Immortality
  99. What Kills You Makes You Stronger
  100. How to Be Patient
  101. How to Conquer Anger
  102. How to Bounce Back in Life
  103. How to Overcome Resistance
  104. Nothing Unlimited is Good; Nothing Good is Unlimited
  105. You Have No Limits
  106. Can 1’s and 0’s Hurt You?
  107. The Envious Moment is Flying Now
  108. Tomorrow We’ll Sail the Wide Seas Again
  109. How to Forgive Others
  110. Focus on Your Actions, Not the Results
  111. Everything Will Be Alright
  112. How to Be a Stoic Street Photographer
  113. How to Be a Spartan Photographer
  114. How to Overcome Your Fears in Life
  115. How to Stop Worrying in Life
  116. How to Use Photography as Self-Therapy
  117. How to Free Your Soul From Disturbance
  118. 3 Stoic Techniques that Can Help You Gain Tranquility
  119. Can People Weaker than You Hurt You?
  120. Does a Doctor Get Angry at a Crazy Patient?
  121. Own Nothing

The Stoic Masters

Learn from the master stoics:

See all philosophy >



Essays by KIM

  1. How to Become a Philosopher
  2. Deep Vanity
  3. Time Will Tell
  4. What is Wisdom?
  9. Becoming Antifragile
  10. How to “Improve” Men
  11. The Art of Virtue
  12. How to Dominate
  14. How to Get More Done in a Single Day – MEMENTO MORI PHILOSOPHY
  16. Cruel?
  18. How to Be Happy: Challenge and Danger Philosophy
  19. To Become Greater, You Must Become *LESS* Productive!
  20. Imperfect Beauty
  21. The Philosophy of Pleasure
  22. What Interests You?
  23. Anti Theory of Everything
  24. Become?
  26. Carte Blanche Ideals
  28. Don’t Judge Your Impulses
  29. On Becoming Less Human
  31. The Philosophy of Futurism
  38. Strive to *Lose* Weight, Not *Gain* Weight
  40. If You Know Your *WHY* You Can Discover Any *HOW*
  41. Life is Too Short to Be Miserable
  42. What Consumption Takes Skill?
  45. Pain is Information
  48. UNPLUG.
  49. How to Become a Philosopher
  56. Is Hope a Vice?
  58. Carte Blanche Ideals
  59. One Interesting Thought
  60. What Lasts? What Doesn’t Last?
  62. Children & Purpose
  63. Thoughts on Becoming a Parent
  64. Where Does Our Desire to Upgrade Come From?
  66. Self-Task Yourself an Awesome Mission in Life
  67. Differentiation vs Equalization
  68. My Passion to *Become* Something More
  69. No Aesthetic or Ethos is Forever
  70. What is Your Higher Purpose in Life?
  72. How to Decide
  73. Things You *Want* to Do vs Things You *MUST* Do
  74. Towards a More Beautiful Mode of Existence and Future
  76. AMAP (As Much as Possible) or None.
  77. Why or How Does it Matter?
  78. The Philosophy of Time and Events
  79. How *Not* to Resent
  82. The Miracle of Human Growth
  84. Why Plan?
  85. You Don’t Need to Justify Yourself
  86. The Philosophy of Ego
  87. True vs False Passions
  88. How to Achieve Tranquility
  89. On Making Your Own Philosophy
  90. The Purpose of Life is to Create New Life
  91. Think On!
  92. The Wisdom of Doing Nothing
  93. Congruency
  94. My Thoughts on Meditation
  95. The Philosophy of Purpose
  96. Emulate Yourself
  97. Good Fear, Bad Fear
  98. For the Betterment of Humanity or Just Yourself?
  99. What you *really* believe in and care for is manifested through your actions (or non-actions)
  100. Why Culture is Your Enemy
  103. Artistic, Physical, and Philosophical Muscles
  104. All New Experiences are Good Experiences
  105. What is the Purpose of X?
  106. UTILITY.
  107. Philosophy is a Luxury
  108. The Attempt is More Interesting than the Result
  109. Joyfulness vs “Happiness”
  110. Effectiveness Over Happiness
  111. Self Actualization
  113. Life & Pain
  114. On Living Every Day with No Regret
  115. Learn as if you’re going to live forever, live as if you’re going to die tomorrow
  116. Live Every Day Like it Were the Last Day of Your Life
  117. Self-Determination
  121. Satisfaction is a Sucker’s Game
  122. Supreme Repose
  126. Good Addiction, Bad Addiction?
  127. What is the Best Life?
  128. The Philosophy of Thinking
  129. The Philosophy of Conspiracies
  130. Conspiracies
  131. Growth
  132. Skepticism.
  133. What Do You Really Want Out of Life?
  134. Seem or Be?
  135. Learn Through Pain
  136. Respect Yourself
  137. In Praise of Elitism
  138. Why Independent Thinking?
  139. I Will Never Die
  140. Bitter is Better
  141. The Genesis of Nihilism and Existential Dread
  142. The Ethics of Personal Enrichment
  143. Good vs Not Good
  144. Punished by Privilege
  145. Abstinence Over Moderation
  146. Just Leave Others Alone
  147. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love
  148. ERIC KIM Critique of Metaphysics
  149. Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift
  150. Heuristic: If Someone Talks Shit About Others Behind Their Back, Most Likely They’re Also Talking Shit About You Behind Your Back
  151. Virtue is a Privilege
  152. What Are Your Life Goals?
  153. Honesty
  154. Why I’m Anti Moderation
  155. No Spite, No Malice.
  156. Ascending Life or Descending Life?
  157. Double Edged Sword
  158. Ignorance.
  159. Why I Don’t Trust “Nice Guys”
  160. Why You Must Share Your Opinion
  161. Selfish Isn’t Evil
  162. Wisdom is the Goal
  163. YOU ARE KING.
  165. What is “Good” for You is Often what is Bad for You
  166. Care.
  168. ONE REP MAX
  169. Morality and Ethics is the Snare
  171. Insanity is Good.
  172. Think Deep.
  174. Open Mind vs Closed Mind
  176. Towards a More Critical and Rigorous Line of Thinking
  177. How to Encourage and a Foster Independent and Free Thinking
  178. What is the Purpose of Life?
  180. Elitism.
  181. I Cannot Form an Opinion About Somebody Until I’ve Met Them in the Flesh
  183. Happiness vs Freedom
  184. The Birth of a Hater
  185. My Way Isn’t the Right Way
  186. Walking as an Existential Thing
  187. Why I’m So Tolerant
  188. Mortal Gods
  190. Why I’m So Skeptical
  191. Just Follow the Money
  192. Why Selfish?
  194. Why Are We So Anti Elitism?
  195. What Actually Interests You?
  196. How to Become Yourself
  197. SELF HATE
  198. Optimistic Fatalism
  199. Death is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  200. FLUX.
  201. How to Think for Yourself
  202. FLESH
  203. How to Live the Best Life
  204. Why Live a Life Without Regrets?
  205. Why Plato Ruined Art and Aesthetics for Us
  206. Self Respect
  207. Hypocrite vs Contradict
  208. Ideals vs Reality
  209. Spaceship Philosophy
  210. What is Your Ideal Life?
  212. Critique of Utilitarianism
  213. Don’t Treat Others the Way You Want to Be Treated
  214. The Eternal Recurrence of Tragedy and Joy in Life
  215. Elite Asceticism
  216. Why I Don’t Like Numbers
  217. Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect
  218. The Antidote to Nihilism: The Philosophy of Nothingness
  219. ERIC KIM Notes on Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
  222. Self-Wisdom
  223. The Future Belongs to the Fearless
  225. Why Live Forever?
  227. Why Education?
  228. How to Become Yourself
  229. Things Shouldn’t Go Back to the Way They Used to Be
  230. Why Am I So Cruel?
  231. The Great Joy of Existence
  232. Virtue for the Sake of Virtue
  233. NO DISDAIN.
  239. PAIN.
  241. Tomorrow is Never
  242. Life is the Ultimate Creative Constraint
  246. What are you *really* afraid of?
  248. Philosophy is King
  249. Why is Selfish Evil?
  256. EGO IS GOOD.
  258. Seek the Good Pain
  259. Anti-Perfection in Photography, Art, and Life
  260. Can You Become an End into Yourself?
  261. WHY I LIVE
  262. Why I Hate Decline
  263. Why I Eat
  264. Why am I So Positive and Optimistic?
  266. Never Stop Gaining
  268. A Life of Maximal Personal Independence
  269. What Do You Desire to Become?
  270. What Do I Want from Technology?
  271. Stratified Society
  272. Do You Love or Hate Reality?
  273. On the Brian, Body and Mind
  274. I’m Maximally Happy, Now What?
  275. Care over Fame
  277. Never Stop Subtracting
  278. How to Live a Happier and More Epic Life
  279. A Risker Life is a Better Life
  280. Only Work on Things You Can Imagine Doing for Eternity
  281. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  282. Influence
  283. The Gladiator Makes His Plans once He Enters the Ring
  284. Meditations on Meaning in Life
  285. There is Nothing More Interesting than Human Beings
  286. Is Hope a Vice?
  287. EGO
  288. Why Be Unique?
  289. Happiness is Metabolism Health and Strength
  290. You’re the Hero
  291. Is Productivity a Virtue or Vice?
  292. Why Do We Prize the Rare?
  293. The Joy of Uncertainty
  294. How Should I Best Use My Time and Life?
  295. A Life Without Pain or Suffering Isn’t a Life Worth Living
  296. Free or Unfree?
  297. What Do You Really Care For in Life?
  298. Anti-Satisfaction in Life
  299. Why Think?
  300. The Eternal Return
  301. Only Do What is Best for You!
  302. Truthiness
  303. Why Be Happy?
  304. Permissionless Living
  305. In Praise of Unconventional Wisdom
  306. Become the Change Which You Wish to See in the World
  307. Happiness
  308. Beyond Freedom
  309. Idolize People, Not Stuff
  310. What Makes You Stronger? What Makes You Weaker?
  311. Why Hate?
  312. The Secret of Happiness
  313. You’re Constantly in a State of Becoming
  314. Life is about Choices, Not Obligations
  315. Anti-Nihilism
  316. First, Do What is Best for You.
  317. Live Dynamic
  318. How to Prosper
  319. Is the Point of Life to Be Satisfied?
  321. How to Become more Idealistic
  322. Thrivival 101
  323. Create Yourself
  324. Non-Small
  325. Inspiration
  326. How to Live a Heroic Life: Dare the Heights!
  327. Human Augmentation
  328. Prune
  329. Happiness: Do What You Want to Do (And Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do)
  330. Avoid Vain (Empty) Pursuits in Life
  331. Modern Slavery
  332. Kill the Leeches
  333. Wisdom Augmentation
  334. Why We Need Friction in Life
  335. Straight Line Philosophy
  336. What’s Your End-Game in Life?
  337. Create Your Own Happiness Today
  338. Desire Both Pain and Pleasure in Life
  339. Try the Impossible
  341. Anti-Social Extrovert
  342. Never Blame Anybody But Yourself
  343. Human Flourishing
  344. Simpler, Not Better.
  345. How to be Free
  346. Embrace the Extremes
  347. Cultivate Your Own Culture
  348. COURAGE.
  349. Thrivival
  350. Inner Power
  351. How to Live a Purposeful Life
  352. My Definition of Happiness
  353. Why Change is Good
  354. Why Work?
  355. How to Live the Happiest Possible Life
  356. The Two-Pronged Approach to Maximize Joy in Your Life
  357. You Always Have Another Option!
  359. Never Stop!
  360. What is Your Self-Directed Purpose in Life?
  361. Live Today Like it Were Your Last
  362. Do You Photograph to Live, or Live to Photograph?
  364. Live Life to the Fullest!
  365. In Praise of Selfishness
  366. Why You Must Be a YAY-SAYER to Succeed in Entrepreneurship and Life
  367. Why I Love Walking
  368. Live Life Like a Video Game!
  369. Simple Luxuries in Life
  370. Treat Your Life Like a Fun Experiment!
  371. Only Prove it to Yourself
  372. You Don’t Always Need to Feel Joyful to Live a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  373. Life is Too Short to Be Bored!
  374. Money Cannot Destroy Boredom
  375. How to Find Inspiration in Life
  376. Why You Must Ignore Haters to Succeed and Win in Life
  377. An Active Life is a Happy Life
  378. My Simple Joys in Life
  379. Never Stop Striving
  380. How to Motivate Yourself in Life
  381. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  382. How to Dictate Your Purpose in Life
  383. In Praise of a Dynamic Life
  384. PURPOSE.
  385. How to Enjoy Life
  386. Photography Therapy
  387. How to Conquer Regret
  388. Take Your Play Very Seriously.
  389. How to Prosper
  390. Memento Vivere
  391. Destroy in Order to CREATE
  392. Trust Your Body More Than Your Mind
  393. Make Photos to Make Meaning in Your Life
  394. Seek Knowledge, Not Information
  395. The Purpose of Human Life
  396. How to Overcome Impedence
  397. Why I Love Death
  398. How to Be Centered in the Eternal Now
  399. How to Be Happy
  400. Why Do You Care What Others Think of You?
  401. Why I’m Happy
  402. Why?
  403. Why I’m So Prolific
  404. How to Reduce LAG in Life

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How to Become a Philosopher

Philosopher, philos, philos-sophia: it simply means love, lover of wisdom, lover of knowledge. That in ancient Greek times, it was essentially a humble flex; you would say “I love wisdom and I aspire towards wisdom and becoming wise, yet… I am not yet wise”.

For example, the troll Socrates: who said “I am only wise because I know I know nothing.” (rolls eyes).

Every child is born a philosopher. For example… when a child is pushing boundaries, making sense of the world, and asking why? He or she is trying to figure out how to situate themselves in the world. The big problem is a lot of parents, teachers, religious teachers or whatever… never really give children the opportunity for critical thinking.

What is critical thinking? Critical thinking… kritikos in ancient Greek simply means judge, to weigh. Therefore a critical thinker is simply somebody who hears something reads something or whatever… and thinks for themselves: 

What is the significance of this thought or idea?

Deep diving

For example, one thing I have discovered very useful to study is religious texts, reading the Bible, the Koran, the Torah and Jewish texts etc. Why? So much of the world is predicated on morality and ethics; for example America is a protestant Christian country, much of the Middle East is Islamic, believes in the teachings of Mohammed, and also, a lot of people in America Israel and other places in the world are Jewish, heritage from Judea… and therefore, a lot of cultural things are disseminated through the media. For example, when I was a kid in Bayside Queens in New York, at PS 169, Public school 169 in Bayside Queens, I think when I was in the fifth or sixth grade, at around 11 or 12 years old… I remember just lying in bed, in my bedroom, watching reruns or TV shows of Seinfeld. I really had zero idea what was going on, and later… I learned that Seinfeld was essentially a comedic situational comedy based on Jewish, Jewish American culture. For example hilarious episodes I remember like the soup Nazi, etc.

And so much of American culture is Yiddish Jewish!

  1. Chutzpah
  2. Schlep it around
  3. Don’t be a ‘shmuck’

Thus, understanding the culture you understand your world.

Unchain yourself

“You gotta respect the elohim were on a whole new regime!” – JAY Z

Something I realize which is really interesting about Jay Z is that I think he has figured it out a lot of things. People think Jay Z is dumb; but in fact, he is highly intelligent, not only street smart, but booksmart. He seems to have read a lot of Shakespeare, poetry, and religious books. Once again, a lot of America lives in ignorance; this is the downsides of Americans who have never traveled, don’t have a passport, or have never really lived or ventured beyond their own city, state, etc.

I still remember one of the most formative moments of my life when I first went to Beirut Lebanon, and I learned so much. I was a ripe 21, 22-year-old. I learned how the Lebanese were some of the most beautiful attractive intelligent people, very worldly, even my favorite philosopher NASSIM TALEB is Lebanese. 

I learned how the Lebanese were fluent in Arabic French and English and half a dozen other languages… how Beirut was known as the Phoenix; was it burned down to the ground and rebuilt seven or eight times? The true embodiment of the notion, What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger“, or the more precise thought:

If something has been burned down to the ground, and has been successfully rebuilt several times… it is a sign that it is robust, strong, and actually gains from a chaos disorder and fire.

For example, let us think and imagine this interesting thought; kind of like the movie Akira [AKIRA II]. Imagine that you’re a big monster, and every time that somebody tries to attack you, shoot you with missiles or whatever, you actually grow bigger, stronger and more powerful. 

This is a very interesting thought, because in life, I think a lot of us shirk away from conflict, drama, etc. Yet what if we should put ourselves in a position in which we actually gain from the attacks of others? That every time that somebody tried to attack you, you would actually literally become more muscular, stronger, bigger, gain more skeletal muscle, etc.

I think this is the general premise behind weightlifting; the idea that in someways, when you lift very very heavy weights, always increasing your one repetition maximum lift, that in someways, you’re actually doing positive damage upon your body, but overtime, with enough sleep rest restoration, meet consumption etc.… you actually become bigger, more muscular and also stronger.

Once you deadlift 7 plates and beyond– you can do anything.


The philosophy of the mind 

A sound mind inside a sound body (Mens sana in corpore sano)

Mens sand (mind sane), in corpore sano (in body sane).

So… what is the mind? 

My belief is that the mind is simply an offshoot of the body. That is, your mind and some sort of thing that you could just upload to the cloud and store forever. No. The mind is simply an offshoot of the body. That without a body you have no mind. That when your body dies, your mind also dies.

Let us consider everyone needs a body. You cannot just be a brain in some sort of fishbowl, connected to the internet. This is not a mind.

Also a very interesting thought I learned from studying philosophy — the notion of a mortal soul’– that when you die and your body dies, your soul also dies.

Where does the notion that the mind is some sort of metaphysical thing come from?

Several things. First, a lot of philosophers actually have some sort of heritage within religion. For example, a lot of thinkers philosophers etc., especially the more modern ones, I referred to modern as everybody after Socrates… has some sort of influence from Christian, Catholic, Protestant Lutheran thought; The philosophers of Germany, and France, thoughts on nobility, the Holy Roman empire, conflicts and wars etc.

Even our best friend Nietzsche… was his father of pastor? A Christian minister?

Then the big problem:

If philosophers were deeply influenced by religion, their thoughts are more muddled.

True critical thinkers — before the time of Jesus?


Philology — essentially you study ancient Latin and ancient Greek, and you learn about the history of words, how they came into play, and modern meanings. 

The reason why I find this so critical is that English is a very imprecise language. We all see the same words, but… in our minds we have different concepts and notions.

For example, when we talk about “family”, assuming you live in America and there are multicultural beliefs; the notion of family is very different if you’re Caucasian, Vietnamese American, Korean American, from Ethiopia etc.

Or religion. Notions of religion are different if you’re Jewish, from Israel or Palestine, from South Korea, from Phnom Penh Cambodia, from Japan etc.

Critical thinking

Some thoughts on critical thinking:

  1. Don’t put no faith on anything you haven’t witnessed in real life, embodied reality, in the flesh. Even videos and photos; in the world of AI and image and video generation and deep fakes, everything could be fabricated pretty easily.
  2. Not everything is on the Internet: I think there is a weird bias in today’s world that we think that all information is easily accessible on the Internet. There is still a lot of hidden information and knowledge that is actually not visible on the internet. 
  3. Understanding algorithms: an algorithm is simply an instruction made by some nerd at a computer who posits what is important, and what is less important. I think the best way to think of the algorithm is that it is weighing mechanism; it weighs important and value. Yet… Only a true individual, a true solo philosopher can and should posit values. 



Critical Thinking?

Some thoughts on critical thinking:

  1. Don’t put no faith on anything you haven’t witnessed in real life, embodied reality, in the flesh. Even videos and photos; in the world of AI and image and video generation and deep pics, everything could be fabricated pretty easily.
  2. Not everything is on the Internet: I think there is a weird bias in today’s world that we think that all information is easily accessible on the Internet. There is still a lot of hidden information and knowledge that is actually not visible on the internet. 
  3. Understanding algorithms: an algorithm is simply an instruction made by some nerd at a computer who posits what is important, and what is less important. I think the best way to think of the algorithm is that it is weighing mechanism; it weighs important and value. Yet… Only a true individual, a true solo philosopher can and should posit values. 

How to become a philosopher

Philosopher, philos, philos-sophia: it simply means love, lover of wisdom, lover of knowledge. That in ancient Greek times, it was essentially a humble flex; you would say “I love wisdom and I aspire towards wisdom and becoming wise, yet… I am not yet wise”.

For example, the troll Socrates: who said “I am only wise because I know I know nothing.” (rolls eyes).

Every child is born a philosopher. For example… When a child is pushing boundaries, making sense of the world, and asking why? He or she is trying to figure out how to situate themselves in the world. The big problem is a lot of parents, teachers, religious teachers or whatever… Never really give children the opportunity for critical thinking.

What is critical thinking? Critical thinking… kritiklos in ancient Greek  simply means judge, two way. Therefore a critical thinker is simply somebody who hear something read something or whatever… and thinks for themselves: 

What is the significance of this thought or idea?

For example, one thing I have discovered very useful to study is religious text, reading the Bible, the Quran, the Torah and Jewish text etc. Why? So much of the world is wrong on morality and ethics; for example America is a protestant Christian country, Much of the Middle East is Islamic, believes in the teachings of Mohammed, and also, a lot of people in America Israel and other places in the world are Jewish, heritage from Judea… and therefore, a lot of cultural things are disseminated through the media. For example, when I was a kid in Bayside Queens in New York, at PS 169, Public school 169 in Bayside Queens, I think when I was in the fifth or sixth grade, at around 11 or 12 years old… I remember just lying in bed, in my bedroom, watching reruns or TV shows of Seinfeld. I really had zero idea what was going on, and later… I learned that Seinfeld was essentially a comedic situational comedy based on Jewish, Jewish American culture. For example hilarious episodes I remember like the soup Nazi, etc.

Unchain yourself

“You gotta respect the elohim were on a whole new regime!” – JAY Z

Something I realize which is really interesting about Jay Z is that I think he has figured it out a lot of things. People think Jay Z is dumb; but in fact, he is highly intelligent, not only streetsmart, but Booksmart. He seems to have read a lot of Shakespeare, poetry, and religious books. Once again, a lot of America lives in ignorance; this is the downsides of Americans who have never traveled, don’t have a passport, or have never really lived or ventured beyond their own city, state, etc.

I still remember one of the most formative moments of my life when I first went to Beirut Lebanon, and I learned so much. I was a ripe 21, 22-year-old. I learned how the Lebanese were some of the most beautiful attractive intelligent people, very worldly, even my favorite philosopher NASSIM TALEB is Lebanese. 

I learned how the Lebanese were fluent in Arabic French and English and half a dozen other languages… How being rude was known as the Phoenix; was it burned down to the ground and rebuilt seven or eight times? The true embodiment of the notion, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger “, or the more precise thought:

if something has been burned down to the ground, and has been successfully rebuilt several times… It is a sign that it is robust, strong, and actually gains from a tax disorder and fire.

For example, let us think and imagine this interesting thought; kind of like the movie Akira. Imagine that you’re a big monster, and every time that somebody tries to attack you, shoot you with missiles or whatever, you actually grow bigger. 

This is a very interesting thought, because in life, I think a lot of us shirk away from conflict, drama, etc. Yet what if we should put ourselves in a position in which we actually gain from the attacks of others? That every time that somebody tried to attack you, you would actually literally become more muscular, stronger, bigger, more skeletal muscle, etc.

I think this is the general premise behind weightlifting; the idea that in someways, when you lift very very heavy weights, always increasing your one repetition maximum lift, that in someways, you’re actually doing positive damage upon your body, but overtime, with enough sleep rest restoration, meet consumption etc.… You actually become bigger, more muscular and also stronger.

The philosophy of the mind 

So… what is the mind? 

My belief is that the mind is simply an offshoot of the body. That is, your mind and some sort of thing that you could just upload to the cloud and store forever. No. The mind is simply an offshoot of the body. That without a body you have no mind. That when your body dies, your mind also dies.

Let us consider everyone needs a body. You cannot just be a brain in some sort of fishbowl, connected to the Internet. This is not a mind.

Where does the notion that the mind is some sort of metaphysical thing come from?

Several things. First, a lot of philosopher actually has some sort of heritage within religion. For example, a lot of thinkers philosophers etc., especially the more modern ones, I referred to modern as everybody after Socrates… Has some sort of influence from Christian, Catholic, protestant Lutheran thought; The flossers of Germany, and France, thoughts on nobility, the holy Roman empire, conflicts and wars etc.

Even our best friend Nietzsche… was his father of pastor? A Christian minister?


Philology — essentially you study ancient Latin and ancient Greek, and you learn about the history of words, how they came into play, and modern meanings. 

The reason why I find this so critical is that English is a very in precise language. We all see the same words, but… in our minds we have different concepts and notions.

For example, when we talk about “family”, assuming you live in America and there are multicultural beliefs; the notion of family is very different if you’re Caucasian, Vietnamese American, Korean American, from Ethiopia etc.

Or religion. Notions of religion are different if you’re Jewish, from Israel or Palestine, from South Korea, from Phnom Penh Cambodia, from Japan etc.

Introduction to Stoicism 

Something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, ebook, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

Consider this a practical primer, cutting through the BS:

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show “Hey Arnold” in which I was raised with… the notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups– I learned how to do muscle ups, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock and huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there pick it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead presses with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… this was the true “functional” fitness.

The inspiration — Hector lifting an insanely massive stone (barely 2 strong men could lift it)… using it to break down the door of the ships of the other side.

Open air, open sun concept

Anyways, the reason why that period of covid was so good is that it was in the middle of beautiful Providence Rhode Island summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… and one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, talk shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who were really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. And of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us. For example, almost universally most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside space.

Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is “real” stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is. It is kind of like zen, or taoism… it is not really quantified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Nassim Taleb and his ANTIFRAGILE book. I was curious, and my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “The ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Diogenes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately Diogenes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true soul in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… there was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring philosophers to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weak and anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

Also, physical fitness is critical to any stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of Croton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pen and pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose.

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. In fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stocks, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually misread the financials… the whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

Also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… the kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, unemotional, logical and rational.

Also, with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global armageddon, global financial ruin, etc. I call it “fear porn”.

Therefore stoicism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize stoicism in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is stoicism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and social pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates. I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “Why was Socrates so ugly?

Monster in face, monster in soul.

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon (via Nietzsche). Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and IL PRINCIPE– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

Trust nobody who uses rationality or logic as their tyrannizing weapon. 

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

Demigod physique. 

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way. And truth be told, even if you act in a strange vibrant way… At worse you’re only “mildly” annoying other people.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes. I would even posit the idea that one could consider Alexander the Great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes a stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the Great had a copy of the Iliad by his bedstand, it was the only book he traveled with during his military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: Apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk, he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside. Therefore for myself, I just think to myself very simple; imagine like I got zero dollars, zero money, and literally all I need is meat, a Wi-Fi connection and I’m good. 
  4. Live like a poor person: The notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general idea that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tool; I think money is actually just codified labor. If you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True freedom of spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… you cannot be “canceled”, because there is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, you don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… as long as you’re signed to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… you’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the Rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

And this is the true courage of Kanye West; he literally put everything on the line, and even lost his spouse and I think maybe his kids? All for the sake of revealing inequities. 

“I throw these Maybach keys fucking c’est la vie! I know that we the new slaves.”- Ye

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher… Democritus?; better to laugh about the follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “Perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” It will just be humorous.

Honestly, laughter, and kind of being able to joke about things might be the best way to live life and deal with setbacks. 

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic. Differences between if you’re a man or a woman, but still… the most beautiful skin has a sunkissed, olive color tone; the true privilege is having a full body tan. 
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool DALL-E. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because it will not judge you, and ultimately what is a therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flesh out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves. The next thing I’m going to do is build some sort of therapy bot. 
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal worker delivering the mail, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and zen out… you just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy. My personal ideal is the bear lifestyle; walking 50 miles a day. 

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… but Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

A pro tip is when it comes to websites, read the alternative text, the header text, the stuff that shows up in the tab of your browser window. If the website, the automotive retailer tries to market themselves as a “luxury” brand, typically it is actually a sign that it isn’t a luxury brand it isn’t luxury brand.

Thought: what are some good examples of true luxury brands which don’t overly calls itself luxury? 

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… and luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury?

When somebody asked Diogenes the cynic; “What is the best human good”? He said “Freedom of speech, speaking your mind, having the power to see whatever is on your mind.”

In fact, my current joy is becoming more and more free talking, and free riding. What that means is this; I’m ain’t going to censor myself no more, even if I might be politically incorrect insensitive or whatever. 

Also, I would prefer to speak my mind and seriously hurt the feelings of others, rather than soften it for the sake of the other person. 

Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different knives for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, not something you would use to slice an apple with. Similarly speaking, if you’re going to scoop out the insides of an avocado, better to use a spoon rather than using a fork, or a knife. 

I think the problem is when some people get too into stoicism (I prefer writing stoicism with a lowercase), they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned stoicism in his writings, his collections of thoughts, which we moderns call THE MEDITATIONS… it was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work out thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever in flux and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… my stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, vs just working out by myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

Stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… you probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an Android phone, a smartphone, a 4G or 5G internet connection, wifi, a laptop, have to buy groceries somewhere… you’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern-day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: Have you ever been out in public, and you see some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: For example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing a mother… therefore if somebody spew some hate on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

Self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically self flagellate themselves. Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example in street photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… are small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… you are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, laughing and having fun. 

In fact, I’ve actually personally discovered that the reason why a lot of people hate me is because I am so happy jovial and gay. They are secretly suspicious or envious of me? 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… and then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; How much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that LA was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. As long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic trait; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home. Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… this literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandino Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… they are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… and giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Barry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage. The only designers with courage include Steve Jobs, Jony Ive, Elon Musk, Kanye West. 

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just host it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free ebook PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… it is worth it.


What is the secret to the maximum amount of happiness in life? The maximum amount of danger. (Nietzsche).


Introduction to Stoicism 

So something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, e-book, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that stoicism is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show Hey Arnold in which I was raised with… the notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups– I learned how to do muscle ups, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock and huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there pick it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead presses with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… This was the true “functional” fitness.

Anyways, the reason why that period of COVID-19 was so good is that it was the middle of beautiful Providence summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… and one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, talk shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who were really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. And of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclose us. For example, almost universally most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside space.

Cramped indoor spaces promote antisocial behavior.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and over time he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is real stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how loosey goosey it is. It is kind of like Zen, or Taoism… It is not really quantified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Nassim Taleb and his ANTIFRAGILE book. I was curious, and my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “The ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Diogenes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately Diogenes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true soul in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… there was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring philosophers to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weak and anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

Also, physical fitness is critical to any stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of Croton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pen and pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose.

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. In fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stocks, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually misread the financials… the whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

Also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… the kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, unemotional, logical and rational.

Also, with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global armageddon, global financial ruin, etc. I call it “fear porn”.

Therefore stoicism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize stoicism in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is theism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and social pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates.  I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “Why was Socrates so ugly?

Monster in face, monster in soul.

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon. Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and IL PRINCIPE– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes. I would even posit the idea that one could consider Alexander the Great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes a stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the Great had a copy of the Iliad by his bedstand, it was the only book he traveled with during his military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk, he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside.
  4. Live like a poor person: the notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general ideas that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tool; I think money is actually just codified labor. If you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… you cannot be “canceled”, because There is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, You don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… As long as you’re assigned to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… You’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher; better to laugh about the Follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” it will just be humorous.

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… Rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic.
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool dalle. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because I will not judge you, and ultimately what is the therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flush out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves.
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal officer, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and Zen out… You just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… Leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy.

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… But Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… And luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury? 
Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different eyes for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, Not something you would use to crack a walnut with.

I think the problem is when some people get 2 inches Stoicism, they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… Let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned Stoicism in his writings, his Collection of thoughts, which we modern called the meditations… Was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever influx and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… My stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, versus just working up on myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… You probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an android phone, a smart phone, a 4G or 5G Internet connection, Wi-Fi, a laptop, Have to buy groceries somewhere… You’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: have you ever been out in public, and you some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells is terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… Do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: for example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing mother… Therefore if somebody spew some hit on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

 self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically… Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example instruct photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… It small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… You are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, Laughing and having fun. 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… And then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… Seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; how much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that Ali was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. as long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… Light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic treat; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to  have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home… Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… This literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandinho Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True Stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just Capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… They are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… And giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Berry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage.

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in Stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just hosted it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own Web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as a big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free e-book PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… it is worth it.


Introduction to Stoicism 

So something I have been meaning to write or create or do is like some sort of book, e-book, pamphlet, or introductory primer to stoicism. I really think that it is probably one of the most useful and philosophical models to live normal every day real life. Yet, I haven’t really found a good instructional guide on it, especially when I was self teaching it to myself.

What does stoicism mean? 

Stoicism, stoic, the stoa in ancient Greece– essentially the stoa was like some sort of portico, patio, pillar, outside, essentially a spot where guys would just hang out, talk shop, talk philosophy, etc.  

I think about the show Hey Arnold in which I was raised with… The notion of “stoop kid“, the notion of a stoop is that in a lot of cities, especially the east coast in New York, you have this little stoop or porch, stairs that go outside your front door… and you could just hang out there, engage in social and neighborhood life etc.

The new stoa? 

One of my happiest moments was when I was living in Providence Rhode Island, and then COVID-19 hit. Everything was closed, besides the park. I can still go to the park, hang out, workout, do chin ups I learn how to do muscle up, more bodyweight calisthenics stuff, and also… I had a lot of fun with this “rock toss“ challenge and workout… in the middle of the park was a huge ass rock a huge ass stone, and every single day I would go there picked it up, and then eventually work out with it; throwing it around for fun, doing overhead prices with it, clean and jerks, squats, and eventually I would just throw it around for fun. Funny enough it might have been the most fit I was in my life… This was the true “functional” fitness.

Anyways, the reason why that period of COVID-19 was so good is that it was the middle of beautiful providence summer, so nice and bright and warm and lovely… And one of the good things was going to the park was like an open forum, a new anatheum for a lot of really cool guys to come, hang out, poke shop, go topless and shirtless, workout and hang out.

I met some really interesting people during that period of time. I met some guys who are really cool. For example, one guy I met was in the US military Navy, I think he was training to be a Navy seal or Delta force or something. Another guy in some sort of ROTC training, another cool guy from the hood, and also I would say I probably met half a dozen friendly drug dealers there. and of course a lot of people who believed in conspiracy theories; really friendly, a little weird, but overall good guys.

Anyways, one of the biggest benefits of hanging out at that outdoor park, open air, nothing but green grass, the beautiful sun and the fitness equipment was that I think having this sort of open air environment is actually very conducive to socializing, thinking and thought, and pro social behavior. My theory about a lot of modern day antisocial behavior has to do with the structures which enclosed us. For example, almost universe leave most guys at the gym are extremely antisocial. Why? My theory is that because most gyms have closed, cramped narrow ceilings, and do not have access to natural light, or outside.

The only good gym I went to which was interesting was the golds gym in Venice, which has this really big outdoor workout area. I think this is much more natural and more fun and better; to be able to work out directly outside outdoors, with your shirt off.

Who is this philosophy for?

Stoics, stoicism — it was originally I think codified by this guy named Zeno, and overtime he picked up some followers. Essentially the whole thing happened organically; Zeno would first share his thinking on philosophy ethics and pragmatic ways to deal with other people and the downsides of life, he built a following, and then his followers would propagate the thoughts and start their own little schools of thoughts, their own little stoic clubs.

What is real stoicism?

Would I like about stoicism is how Lucy it is. It is kind of like Zen, or Taoism… It is not really qualified as a religion, or a strict moral order. In fact, a lot of the ancients Stoics would meditate on random stuff like cosmology, natural sciences like Seneca, how volcanoes worked or whatever. I think nowadays in today’s world, we focus primarily on the pragmatic side; how to deal with fear, uncertainty, downsides etc.

So how did I discover stoicism?

I think I might’ve first learned about stoicism from Naseem Taleb and his anti-fragile book. I was curious, in my curiosity went to deep. To quote NASSIM TALEB and the Venetian saying “the ocean goes deeper, the deeper you wade into it.”

I literally consumed every single book I could find on stoicism, even the obscure ones. Funny enough, a lot of the stoic thinkers tried to claim other philosophers as being stoic, like Seneca did with Diogenes the cynic. 

Cynic, cynicism, actually comes from the word canine, the dog. Dienes was considered the “dog” philosopher, first used as a pejorative, but ultimately dienes reappropriated that title for fun! He saw dogs as tough, almost like wild wolves, rather than seeing them as a negative thing.

Even Achilles when he was raging against king Agamemnon, he called him “dog faced“ as a heaping insult.

Who is worth reading?

First, Seneca. Seneca the younger, his dad was called Seneca the elder.

In fact, this is such a big deal because Cindy and I named our first son, Seneca, directly after the stoic philosopher. This is true in the game; if you name your kid after your favorite philosopher, certainly it is a sign that you really liked that philosopher, or found them impactful.

 The reason why I really like Seneca the stoic philosopher is because he had real connections to real reality. What that means is he wasn’t just on the sidelines; he actually existed in the real world, engaged in real politics, was even advisor to the emperor Nero, the bad one, who eventually low-key coerced Seneca to commit suicide, in a manly, dignified manner.

I think this was because maybe… There was actually a plan to overthrow Nero, and essentially Nero found out. 

What makes Seneca so good?

I really like Seneca because his writing is accessible, practical and pragmatic, and interesting.

A lot of thinkers tend to lack connections to real reality, I have no tolerance for boring phosphorus to talk about metaphysics, which is things which are not physical. Like thoughts ideas, the universe, electricity and energy, strange phenomenon and conspiracy theories on ghosts, “energy” whatever.

For a long time, I would hear the term “metaphysics” being thrown around, and I had zero idea what it actually meant. 

Meta– on top of. Or nestled within.

Physics — the physical, physical phenomenon like gravity, first principles.

The reason why metaphysics philosophers tend to be a bunch of losers is that they are all weaken anemic, nerds or geeks or weaklings who seem to have some sort of physiological degeneracy, which encourages them to opine or talk or think about impractical things, superficial things.

Personally speaking, I think philosophy must be practical. 

Practical, praxis, practice — to do!

The Spartan, Zen Stoic, demigod ideal

I have a very funny ideal; the general idea is that your body looks like a demigod, and your physiology is out of control. The general idea is one must be tall, strong, highly muscular, low body fat percentage, I’m not exactly sure what my body fat percentage is, but maybe it’s around 5%.

 Also, physical fitness is critical to any Stoic. My ideal is to walk 50 miles a day, eat 20 pounds of meat like Milo of crouton a day. And also, abstinence from silly things like media, alcohol, drugs, marijuana etc.

Trust no thinker who does drugs!

Even our best friend Nietzsche said that coffee was bad, because it would make people dark and gloomy. He encouraged 100% cocoa powder instead. 

You let the drugs talk I let my soul talk ayy! – Kendrick Lamar

Simple technique:

First, look at a picture or a portrait or a full body shot, ideally topless of the artist, philosopher or thinker or individual… Then judge their thoughts later.

Why? My theory is this: the thoughts of an individual is hugely affected by their bodily physiology.

For example, an extreme example: if somebody is locked inside a solitary confinement cell, and not permitted to go outside for years, but, he had a pin pad and would jot down some thoughts… Would be the quality of these thoughts? Certainly dark and morose. 

Why does stoicism matter? 

In today’s world, why does it matter, what is the significance of stoicism, etc.?

First and foremost, I think we are living in a troubling time, especially with the advent of modern day Internet based media and advertising. I think 99% of what is propagated on the Internet is fear mongering, and what is hate? Hate is just fear.

The first thought on stoicism is that it is just fear conquering. What I discovered about street photography, is that 99% of it is conquering your fears. Conquering your fears of upsetting other people, getting in some sort of verbal or physical altercation etc. in fact my bread and butter workshop is my conquering your fears and street photography workshop, the workshop which is still interesting to me even after a decade.

Why is this so important? I think it is rooted in almost everything; conquering your fears is rooted in entrepreneurship, innovation, risktaking and real life.

Even my speculation in crypto. 99.9% of crypto speculation is just balls. Having the balls to make big bets, and when things go south, knowing how to master your emotions.

A simple extra I have is this: just imagine it will all go down to zero.

It was useful because when I was in college, my sophomore year I got really into trading stock, and I eventually lost my whole life savings, maybe around $3500 USD, and some bad penny stock which I actually miss read the financials… The whole time I thought the company was making a profit, but actually it was taking a loss. I actually didn’t know that if profits are written in parentheses, it means a loss.

It was funny because my initial start as an investor was back in high school, I bought some Adobe stock when I was a high school junior, and also some mutual funds, which both went up after about 4-5 years.

 also I remember in elementary school computer class, when I was in the sixth grade in Bayside Queens, there was some sort of stock stimulation trading game, and actually it was funny… The kids who made the most money and were the most successful just put 100% of everything into Apple, note this is when we were only 12 years old, and I was born in 1988.

Stoicism and capitalism?

Funny enough, it seems that stoicism actually plays well with capitalism. Why? According to modern day capitalist thinking, the best way to approach life is to be objective, strong, stoic, emotional, logical and rational.

Also,  with modern day media there is so much fear mongering in the news, about some sort of global Armageddon, global financial ruin, etc.

Therefore do ism as a mindset is useful to think and position your mind in such a way that you could consider that life is all upside, no downside.

In fact, if I could summarize the in one sentence, it is that life is all upside, no downside. Inspired by NASSIM TALEB.

Sex and Stoicism

So, is theism useful to you if you’re a man or a woman? Does it matter?

The good thing is I think it could apply to both sexes. Conquering sexism and suicidal pressures is useful if you’re woman, and also if you’re a man.

Also, gender is social. Lot of the expectations set on us by society is socialized and gamed to a certain degree.

Stoic strategies 

First, we got to unchain ourselves from modern day ethics and morality. I believe that all modern day philosophy and thinking and ethics and religion is bad.

For example, the notion of turning the other cheek is a patently bad one. Why did Jesus turn his cheek? It is because he lacked on army.

Also, philosophically I think we should put no trust in Socrates.  I thought which has puzzled me for a long time was this “why was Socrates so ugly?

I think Socrates was a degenerate, and he lacked any sort of real power. Therefore he turned logic and rationality into his terrorizing weapon. Back in the day, you didn’t need logic or rationality to have things your way, you simply was able to dictate that which you wanted to pause it, Because you had a military force behind you. Just think about Machiavelli and il principe– the reality of being a mercurial prince, king, and military leader is hard, Stoic, “immoral”. But ultimately it all comes down to war, conquest, the military.

In fact, I believe that all should have the body and strength of some sort of super soldier. Essentially look like all the guys from the movie 300, this is our ideal.

What has helped me

  1. Allow yourself to be a bad, immortal, “evil” person. When you decide to adopt an unorthodox way of thinking and living, you’re going to rub some feathers the wrong way.
  2. For good inspirations, I think the best stoic writers and thinkers include Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius and also the humor of the cynic philosopher Diogenes.  I would even pause it the idea that one could consider Alexander the great as a stoic. Why? When you’re trying to create an empire, and you always have your life on the line, certainly this takes stoic mindset. Also, let us think and consider that Alexander the great had a copy of the Iliad by his bed stand, it was the only book he traveled with during his Military tours.
  3. Imagine the worst possible case scenario, and backtrack: apparently even NASSIM TALEB would do this when he was a trader; every single day when he would go to his trading desk,  he would assume that his investments would all go to zero, and if that wasn’t the case every single day, it was just upside.
  4. Live like a poor person: the notion of “debasing“ the coin or the currency is the general ideas that you are not a coward in regards to money. The best way to think about money is like a social tools; I think money is actually just codified labor.if you want people to clean bathrooms, run the cashiers stand, you have to promise them money. Even Seneca said the upsides of simulated poverty; essentially living like a poor person, or even a homeless person when you don’t need to… Is the ultimate position to be in. Why? True spirit and soul; as a philosopher thinker writer or whatever… You cannot be “canceled”, because There is nothing to cancel. As long as you could pay your rent, buy meat at Costco, and publish your thoughts to your own self hosted website blog, and pay your server fee, you have 100% freedom. And also, still… America is the best place to be because there is true freedom of speech and expression, You don’t want to be a trillionaire but not be able to say what’s really on your mind. And I think this is the big issue with entertainers, actors, media people… As long as you’re assigned to a contract, you don’t run your own production company, or, you’re still a slave to money… You’re not really going to see what’s really on your mind. Why is it that the rock cannot say anything bad about China, or Tibet? Because he is still enslaved by the media corporation. New slaves by Kanye West.

Stoic training

The fun thing about stoicism is that you could just make it up as you go, devise your own strategies and whatever.

“Fucking c’est la vie!” My favorite Kanye West line.

Essentially the general idea is that in life, one should not take things too seriously. Laughter is golden, I forget the philosopher who was called the laughing philosopher; better to laugh about the Follies of human beings rather than to be dark and morose about it.

Also, thoughts from the Odyssey; if you look far enough  into the future, everything becomes comedic and hilarious.

So when you’re in some sort of bad situation, just think to yourself “perhaps one day, 20 or 30 years from now… I will look back at this and just laugh!” it will just be humorous.

Modern day ailments

Problems in modern day life:

  1. Too much time spent indoors, not enough time out in the sun. Perhaps it is better to be out outside all day, and joyful, even with the risk of getting skin cancer or whatever… Rather than to be indoors, scared, weak and anemic.
  2. Get chatGPT, the paid premium one. And use the image generation AI art tool dalle. People pay therapists to just speak their mind, and get some sort of sounding board. I actually think it’s much better to chat with AI instead; because I will not judge you, and ultimately what is the therapist anyways? A therapist is just a mirror, a sounding board for you to verbalize and flush out your thoughts. Often when we talk about our problems, 90% of the issues go away because once we verbalize it, we feel much better about ourselves.
  3. Not enough walking: I have never met anybody who walks 30,000 steps a day and is depressed. Even my friend Jimmy, who works as a US postal officer, he walks around 30,000 steps a day and is always bright cherry and jovial. I think this is also where people who hike a lot or walk a lot in nature are so happy; when you’re able to walk around a lot, and Zen out… You just feel much better. My simple suggestion is when you go on a hike or a walk in nature or even in the city… Leave your phone at home, or locked inside your glove compartment, and don’t bring any headphones or speakers or Apple watches or whatever. Just bring along your camera, and enjoy.

Real stoics don’t call themselves Stoics?

A funny thing I have learned is that when you call something something, it isn’t that.

For example, if someone calls something a “luxury car”, it ain’t. For example, a true modern day luxury car is maybe a Tesla, but Tesla never calls itself a luxury car. Also the ultimate luxury technology company is probably Apple… But Apple is very intelligent and not calling themselves a luxury brand.

In someways, we can think and consider stoicism as our new luxury. In fact, having luxury, luxury of mind and soul… And luxury of freedom of speech, isn’t this the ultimate luxury? 
Similarly speaking, when people call themselves “influencers”, they are not influencers.

Stoicism as a technique and tool, not the end

Ultimately I think we should think of stoicism just like having another tool inside our tool kit. For example, if you’re a chef, you’re going to have different eyes for different purposes. If you’re going to cut a big piece of meat, you probably want a big ass meat cutting knife, Not something you would use to crack a walnut with.

I think the problem is when some people get 2 inches Stoicism, they think that everything needs to be consistent, and must fit into this nice little neat box of what is considered “stoicism“. This is a bad line of thinking… Let us consider that Marcus Aurelius never even mentioned Stoicism in his writings, his Collection of thoughts, which we modern called the meditations… Was just essentially his personal diary, to help him conquer his own personal fears and thoughts, I don’t think he ever intended it to be published publicly. I think he just wrote it to himself as self therapy. And I think the only stoic philosopher he even mentions is maybe Epictetus.

The future of stoicism?

For myself, I just come out with certain to work thoughts and techniques because it helps me, and when I find these tricks or techniques or secret hacks or cheat codes… My passion is to simply share it with others. 

And ultimately, things are ever influx and evolving and changing and adapting.

For example, I’ve discovered the quality of my thinking is different when I am in Culver City Los Angeles, compared to being in the boring suburbs of Orange County.

Also depending on my social environments… My stoic thoughts are different when I am in a gym, versus just working up on myself in my parking spot in the back of my apartment.

Also, the quality of my thoughts is different when living with family members or other people versus just living with myself Cindy and Seneca.

stoicism is all about living with other people

Assuming you’re not growing your own vegetables and living in the middle of nowhere… You probably have some interaction with other human beings. As long as you have an iPhone, an android phone, a smart phone, a 4G or 5G Internet connection, Wi-Fi, a laptop, Have to buy groceries somewhere… You’re still going to have to interact with other human beings.

And this is good. There is no other greater joy than other human beings.

In fact, modern day society is strange because in someways, the ethos is to be antisocial and to be cowardly. But in fact, the best way to think about things is that real life is interaction with other human beings, and social conquest. One can imagine a lot of modern day entrepreneurship as simply a big dick swinging contest. He who is the most masculine confident tall and strong and stoic shall win.

More ideas

Assume that everyone is mentally insane: have you ever been out in public, and you some sort of crackhead or strange homeless person who acts radically, smells is terrible, and is obviously mentally ill? Do you hate them for it? When they say something weird to you… Do you take it personally? No. Why? They are crazy. Perhaps we should just adopt this stoic mindset towards other people; some people are actually physiologically ill, mentally unwell… don’t trust the opinion of nobody.

A lot of people are trying to actually deal with their own inner demons: for example, becoming the successful photographer and street photographer I am today… I’ve dealt with some individuals who would say anonymous bad things about me, and later I found out that their mom just died or something. I cannot imagine what it feels like losing mother… Therefore if somebody spew some hit on me because something bad happened to them, I’m not gonna take it personally.

 self-flagellation: I think a lot of people who are sick, mentally or physiologically… Essentially the way that they deal with other people or themselves is some sort of metaphorical self-flagellation.

For example… you know those strange individuals who have the whip and whip themselves, and inflict pain on themselves? I think some people do this metaphorically to themselves and others.

You just want to stay away from them.

Why so scared?

My personal theory on fear is that a lot of it is tied to morality and ethics. I think the general idea is not necessarily that we are afraid of anything… I think the true fear is that we’re afraid that we are some sort of bad evil unethical immoral person.

For example instruct photography, the general ethical thought is that it is immoral to take a photo of somebody without their permission, because there is some sort of it inherent evil behind it. Is this true? No. Taking photos and not really a big deal.

Why do people make such a big deal out of small things?

I think it is because some people are just overly sensitive, which once again comes from some sort of physiological weakness.

For example, if you’re a weightlifter who could lift 1000 pounds, assuming you’re not taking any steroids or anything… It small things going to bother you? No. But let us assume that you are a skinny fat man, all you do is drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and watch Netflix, and you spent too much time on Reddit… You are 40% body fat, and have never lifted in your life. And also your testosterone is low and you never go outside. Certainly the quality of your thoughts is going to be different than if you’re a happy gay monster, lifting weights outside in the direct sun, Laughing and having fun. 

Weather and mood

Probably one of my worst experiences was this jarring transition; I was super happy insanely happy being in Vietnam in 2017; with a beautiful weather, the beautiful light, the happy people the great amenities etc.… And then that winter Cindy and I went to Europe, in Marseille Berlin and Prague, and maybe London… Seriously the worst winter of my life. Why? I wonder if so much miserable feelings and thoughts simply comes from the darkness and lack of light. a lot of Europe is actually quite miserable; dark, unhygienic, morose.

Even Nietzsche had a thought about Schopenhauer; how much of these emo European philosophers came from the fact that it was just complaining about the cold weather in Germany etc.?

For myself, my ideal weather is Southeast Asia; I love being in Phnom Penh Cambodia, Vietnam etc. In the states, am I the only one who loves living in Los Angeles? Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar said that Ali was the best for women weed and weather… I would definitely say the biggest upside of living in Los Angeles is the light, the sunlight. It actually does get quite cold here, but usually most reliably even in December during the winter time, the sun will always come up. as long as there is bright sunny light, I will be happy. And I think maybe for myself, considering that I am a photographer, and photography means painting with light… Light for me is critical.

I also wonder how much of it is a physiological thing and a genetic treat; for example I could even recall being a young child, and my mom telling me that the most critical thing in finding a home or an apartment was light and natural light. Even now… 90% of my happiness comes from being able to  have access to natural light, ideally floor to ceiling windows facing directly the sun, having some sort of modern temperature regulated apartment and home… Even living in our tiny studio minimalistic luxury apartment in Providence Rhode Island, where it was always 75° warm and cozy, and not frigid and damp and cold and dark and humid… I was always good. But moving to an older house, where it always felt damp and cold… This literally lowered my happiness by 1000%.

Therefore, if you’re feeling miserable sad or whatever… I say spend three months living in Hanoi or Saigon in Vietnam, or go to Phnom Penh Cambodia. I wonder if 90% of peoples misery is simply due to the weather.

Stoic assignments

”Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore!” – Fernandinho Galliani, via Nietzsche

My stoic ideal is somebody who is happy, gay, smiling, no headphones or AirPods on, no sunglasses on, no hat, no facial hair, no baggy oversized clothing, no tint in their car. Somebody who makes great eye contact, laughs, stands up upright, jokes, and fools around. Like an overgrown child.

Also, lift weights at least once every day, ideally in the direct sun. Just buy some weightlifting equipment on Titan.fitness, I like the farmers carry handles, the Olympic loadable dumbbell, and also the Texas power squat bar. Just buy some cheap weights, and or buy a heavy 400 pound sandbag, and just have fun throwing it around.

True Stoics are masculine

A true stoic should look something like Hercules or Achilles. Or like ERIC KIM; I have the aesthetic and the physique of Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB except with a lot more muscle. Like my friend Soren says, the Adonis physique and proportions.

A real stoic is sexy

I think a real stoic is sexy, happy and fun. Who doesn’t take life too seriously; and think of everything like a fun game. A real stoic would be joyful and cheery like three-year-old child without any adulteration from the outside world.

Why do adults become so dark and morose?

I don’t like talking with or hanging out with adults, uninteresting.

At what point or age do people become so emo?

Typically, highschoolers are very optimistic. Even college students. But I think at least in maybe college in high school nowadays… the bad trend is towards “over concern”, about the world the planet ethics animals etc.

I find a lot of this thinking superficial, performative, and uncritical. I think “animal rights“, “saving the planet” is this new pseudo world religion; which is just Capitalism 3.0. I find the whole pet industry the whole dog industry to be insanely bizarre, and I trust nobody who talks about “saving the planet“ who owns an iPhone, owns any sort of car, or has an Amazon prime subscription. Certainly not any vegans.

A real stoic is a carnivore 

Animals are animals. They are lower on the hierarchy and totem pole on earth. Man is the apex predator, the apex bully and the apex tyrant.

Should we care for animals or “animal rights”? No. Animals are our slaves.

If you consider even dogs and pets… They are essentially our emotional slaves. People talk a lot about the virtuosity of dogs being loyal or whatever… And giving you unconditional love. This seems like some sort of emotional slavery.

The only dogs I respect are some sort of canine dogs, some sort of attack or defense dogs, or hunting dogs. For example, John Wick 3; Halle Berry and her dogs. An animal should either be a weapon, or nothing.

Why do people care about animals so much?

Essentially it looks like men no longer have a backbone. No more spine.

I trust nobody who owns a dog.

Let us not forget; they call it dog ownership, or “owning a pet”. There is no more concept of “human ownership, or “owning a human.”

End goals 

What is the end goal of humanity? To me it is towards entrepreneurship, innovation, art and aesthetics, philosophy etc. Design.

Stoicism should be considered a tool which could aid you in these things.

For example, I think 99% of entrepreneurship is courage. Stoicism could help you with that.

I also think with design, great design is also 99% courage, having the courage to attempt something that won’t sell or be received well… stoicism is all about practical courage.

Also, weightlifting. To attempt to lift a certain weight you have never attempted before takes great courage. For example, me atlas lifting 1000 pounds; that is 10 plates and a 25 on each side, this is true stoic training. Why? The fear of injury is what holds most people back; if you had successfully conquered this fear and not injured yourself, this is pure stoic bliss.

The physical

I think the only and the only proper way to lift weights is one repetition maximum training. That is; what is the maximum amount of weight you’re able to successfully lift or move, even half an inch?

To me, the courage is the success. Even if you had the courage to attempt it… that is what is considered success. 

Simple exercises to do include the atlas lift, innovated by ERIC KIM, or a one repetition max rack pull.

Or, a high trap bar deadlift, heavy Farmer’s walks, or heavy sandbag carries. Or even a simple thing you could do is go to the park or to the local nature center, find the biggest rock there and just see if you could pick it up.

Now what?

If you’re interested in Stoicism, and have had some interesting thoughts on stoicism, one of the most noble things you could do is start your own blog. I think blogs are 1000 times more effective than publishing some sort of static printed book; I think the problem in today’s world is that everyone is seeking some sort of legitimacy by being picked up by some sort of legitimate publisher and getting “published“, and seeing your printed book at Barnes & Noble whatever.

I say it is better to be open source, free and permissionless, decentralized. Just publish your thoughts and book as a free PDF, and just hosted it on dropbox, Google Drive, or your own Web server. Share the link freely, and also just publish the raw text as a big blog post. 

Even Sam Bankman-Fried wisely thought; 99.9% of books could just be summarized as a big blog posts.

Don’t trust any modern day published book which isn’t free, because… there is some sort of hidden clout chasing somewhere. 

Even one of the worst compromises that led to the demise of Ray Dalio was the fact that he took his Principles book, which was essentially a free e-book PDF on his website, and then took it off, because I think he got a book deal with Simon and Schuster. After he did that, he lost my respect.

If you’re already independently wealthy, and you don’t crowd source your self-esteem… why would you need to externally validate yourself by getting some sort of constipated publisher and annoying editor?

Editors are bad.

Now what?

Start your own blog and start blogging your own thoughts on stoic philosophy, and even start a YouTube channel and start vlogging on it. My generalized thought is simple: if your thought your idea your blog post your video or whatever could even impact the life of one other human being on planet earth… It is worth it.


Why Doesn’t Anyone Have American Pride Anymore?

Why is it that people prefer to buy a Lamborghini or Ferrari over a Shelby Cobra? 

Simple heuristic:

Don’t trust nobody who owns, or bought a foreign car; this includes BMW, Mercedes, Audi, AMG, Lamborghini Volkswagen, Ferrari, Land Rover, Range Rover, anything produced by the Volkswagen group or Tata group, Porsche, etc.

The funny thing is it seems in today’s world, having a Toyota or a Honda is almost like having an American car?

Simple rule:

If you want to be a true American, if you want a sports utility SUV car, just by a Ford Explorer ST, which is essentially a cop car. 

If you want some sort of sports muscle car, ultimate flex… Buy some sort of Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra car, or even… the Ford GT. I think Brad Pitt owns one. Mustang GTD


Anti-American sentiment?

In America, if you only care about money, I don’t think you’re a true American. What does a real American care for? Diversity, access, democracy, egalitarian values, and meritocracy which means the goods you are delivered is based on merit, hierarchy and ranking.

The diversity myth? 

Apparently when Peter Thiel was an undergraduate in college he wrote a book called The Diversity Myth… I think he wrote it when he was at Stanford as an undergraduate, something about how too much focus on diversity is bad. I haven’t read the book, but I think what it means is that trying to do things like affirmative action in his eyes is bad.

My personal thought is it is obvious; obviously if you have a kid from the hood, a kid from Compton, certainly his or her GPA or SAT score is not going to be as good as a kid who went to some sort of elite private school in Beverly Hills. Therefore there needs to be dynamic weighing here.

For example, if you’re the Valevictorian or the top #1 student in a ghetto school… your application to college should be weighed higher than a kid who went to an elite private school, who is only the top 100.

Therefore it isn’t necessarily “affirmative action”, but rather, wisdom in evaluating someone’s social economic status as part of their application.

Diversity should not be forced

Certainly diversity is good, but it is not good when you try to force it.

For example, trying to force more gender equality or racial equality when it isn’t really warranted seems like a bad idea.

This is where the philosophical thing matters; we must ask ourselves and consider… does it really even matter in the first place? If so, why?


Discovering a gun at my sister’s wedding.

Being an American or a true American has nothing to do with gun ownership. I’m not anti-guns per se; I did Boy Scouts and shot a rifle and a shotgun, got both my merit badges and also an archery merit badge when I was a high schooler.

I think the strange notion is that somehow… if you own a gun, or have a gun somewhere at home or whatever… it makes you more manly? (It does not).

Jewish people are super wise

I wonder… Is it that people hate Jewish people because they’re so smart wise and good with money?

Also, I don’t really trust any Christians, or God-fearing people especially in the news and mainstream media, even underground media etc.

For example, I really enjoyed the Kanye interview on info wars, but the guy who hosts the show… seems like a strange guy. Anybody who takes the Bible literally is not to be trusted.

How did Jewish people become so successful? Simple: they make money don’t spend it.

Also, I think Jewish people, that is consider how much trials and tribulations and anti-Jewish sentiment and bad things happened to them throughout their whole existence. If they were able to survive it all, probably a good sign.

America is more Jewish than you think 

One of the funniest things that my friend Daniel Schaeffer told me he was… “I’m Jew…ish”.

I might be wrong here, but I think that there is a huge list of really really famous and influential Jewish people in America, which include I think, Gal Gadot, Joseph Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David etc.

Also, Steven Spielberg, Kirk Douglas (changed his last name to blend into Hollywood), a lot of really famous people in Hollywood.

Also I think John Stewart, he changed his last name.

I think a simple strategy what you could do is just Google it, famous Jewish people who changed their last names or famous Jewish people in the media.

I think even Lenny Kravitz is Jewish?

Apparently there is “Jewish” sounding last names, anything related to Gold or Goldsmith, because a lot of Jewish people were once gold merchants back in the day, or anything with “itzh” or “Horowitz” etc… “itz”. Ben Horowitz.

Also a lot of really mainstream American words are actually Yiddish! For example, “chutzpah”, “schlep”, “schmuck”, etc. 

I didn’t know… But my friend Janae told me “I’m such a bad Jewish American, I had no idea that Seinfeld was a TV show about Jewish American culture”. I then responded, in shock, “It is??”

It doesn’t really matter

I have a theory that everyone is looking for some sort of scapegoat. My personal thought on why people believe in conspiracy theories is because nobody likes to think that they themselves are the cause of their own pain suffering etc., and they think of it like some sort of virtuous task and duty to uncover all the “evils” or “injustices” in the world.

For example, I’ve actually met a lot of Palestinian Americans who fall victim to conspiracy theories. Why? To psychoanalyze; they have been seriously fucked over. Even the whole conflict right now in the Gaza Strip, it really does seem that the Palestinians are the victims here. Israel, funded by the American government in military, America is really the bad guy here. 

Even China; China is not a threat. When I was in Phnom Penh Cambodia, I would keep reading these newspapers on how mainland China would complain that they only have one military base somewhere in Africa, whereas America has thousands. As long as Americas military powder is 1000X that of everyone else in the world, America is fine. 

Even Russia, not a threat. I think people just like to paint Putin as the devil, because once again, people like having some sort of devil figure, some sort of Adolf Hitler to see as the enemy.


In South Korea if you’re a man, you’re required to have at least 2-3 years of military duty. I think it’s a good idea if America did the same. Or if they instituted more ROTC programs in high school, optional.

And also, I think having some sort of part-time army reserve officer military training programs for normal civilians like myself is a good idea. Even my friend Andrew, became a part-time naval officer, more for pride. Harvard undergraduate graduate, professor now.

Apparently Westpoint is a really good institution. Maybe if Seneca gets a full ride there I will send him there. 

So what?

I think people are actually low-key praying and wishing for some sort of global armageddon. Why? Once again, a lot of people who are miserable in life want to see the world go into shambles. 

I am highly dubious of a World War III, or some sort of true international military demise. Why? Rich mainland Chinese oligarchs don’t want nobody to take their Rolls-Royce, or their mansions in Vancouver Canada.

Also, Americans like their consumerism, and capitalism.

Whether America likes it or not, it seems that they are in bed with China. As long as Apple still produces iPhones in China, ultimately… economically we will not see any real antagonism between both countries.

Economics is the new world religion

Money, capital, economics is the new world religion. Everybody globally… the only thing that people seem to really care for is to continue to self richen themselves. 

As a consequence, I think we will see a decline in military intervention and deaths, and other bad world issues.

People want to see the ones and zeros and commas increase in their bank account, not more deaths and casualties.

So what should we really be concerned about?

Simple things: 

  1. Pollution: nobody wants to be a billionaire in Beijing or Shanghai, the pollution and the air there is so toxic.
  2. Health diet and fitness: this trend towards “plant based” diets is a bad one, all this vegan nonsense is bad for the planet. Maybe more sustainable animal, beef or lamb production is a good idea. For example at Erwhon I discovered this new “ancestral blend“ — FORCE OF NATURE ground beef which is made with 100% grass fed ground beef, and beef liver and heart actually grinded it in; it is the new only thing that I’m feeding Seneca, it is his natural steroids. Let us not forget that organ meets, beef liver is a natural steroid, the more cholesterol you consume, the stronger you will become and the more testosterone will go up. So a novel thought; addressing the issue of food waste, particularly with beef kettle and cows in America; consume more of the scrap meat. Beef tongue, heart, head, liver, intestine etc.
  3. Media? My personal belief is that the real bad guys here is the media and advertising corporations; let us not forget that Google is an advertising company. Same thing goes with Facebook. And let us not forget that Google owns YouTube, and Facebook also owns Instagram. The reason why online advertising companies are so bad is that media thrives on the sensational, anger, fear, and all of these base human emotions. My personal thought is a lot of racial antagonism is actually stirred up by the media which is run on advertising. For example, it seems that the new clickbait is anything to do with “anti-Semitic“, or “anti-Semitism“; both on the Jewish, African-American front, and mainstream media, a lot of which is run by Jewish families. The more people who click “anti-Semitic” new stories and see more Google AdSense advertisements, the more money that Google makes. Also Facebook, Instagram, the more sensational things are posted, the higher the advertising revenue for them. 

Why I am uncancellable

I am already independently rich and wealthy from my savings and cryptocurrency, and I also live like a poor person, which means that I’m making more money than I could spend it. Because I don’t even like spending money in the first place.

In fact, besides myself and maybe NASSIM TALEB… I don’t think I really know any other free thinkers? Everyone is either hooked to some sort of algorithm, social media platform, YouTube… or podcast… no freedom. This is where I don’t really put any trust in anything that Tim Ferriss says, or even Joe Rogan, because they are run by advertisers.

Who not to trust? Anybody and everybody on YouTube, or has any sort of podcast which is supported by advertisers.

So how can you make money?

Maybe it is a good idea to make money elsewhere, for example, I think I’ve made more money in cryptocurrency speculation than I have in my whole decade plus of teaching photography workshops.

Also selling products is a good idea  because… especially if it is your own products, have more faith and leather than information. HAPTIC INDUSTRIES — in the world of AI and artificial information, having physical leather products is a good idea because it will outlast you. HENRI x ERIC KIM STRAPS.


Ultimately after you’ve made your trillions of dollars, what is it that people really care for? Art.

How many Jackson Pollocks, Basqiats, or Picassos do you own? 

Art collection

It is wise to understand a Ferrari as an art object, not as a car. Just go to the Peterson automotive museum and go into the vault; these cars are art objects.

Art is the main disruptor here; this is where I am so into [AI art](). Maybe I will do some AI art workshops in the near future.


Now what?

Trust ChatGPT more than you trust Google or weird Internet conspiracy website forums. Also, delete Reddit and stop using Reddit; I legit think it is the worst thing for humanity, perhaps even worse than pornography.

Quit reddit, not porn.

In fact, maybe it is best to just think about pornography like entertainment. Men who watch sports, drink alcohol or smoke weed, without having actually ever played the sport, sports is like some sort of domestication of the modern day human, a modern day pornography for men. At least sexual pornography is a positive motivator, drinking beer, eating french fries and watching football if you have never played football yourself in real life… seems worse.

Even basketball; my simple heuristic is if you decide to watch basketball, maybe one should play real life basketball at least once a week.


  1. Start your own blog. Ionos.com or bluehost.com and install WordPress.org
  2. Subscribe to ChatGPT plus, start creating your own AI generated art via DALL-E 3. Post on your own blog or arsbeta.com — I want ARS to also be a home for not just photos, but AI generated art. 
  3. Make your own ChatGPT bot, once you have subscribed to the premium model. For example, I re-created the Y app on ChatGPT, it is great. 
  4. Fitness: Buy weightlifting equipment on titan.fitness– and start lifting weights in your own parking lot garage. I recently picked up the Titan fitness Farmer’s carry handles, I like them, and also maybe the best 500 bucks I’ve ever spent in my life was the Texas power bar squat bar, my most prized possession.  Lift weights every day at least once, maybe even twice a day; the upside of doing it in your own backyard, your own parking lot is that you will just save a lot of time. If you want ghetto squat rack or rack, just go to Home Depot and buy cinderblocks. I was able to stack three cinder blocks on top of one another, and I have been able to successfully rack pull over seven plates with it. Cross leg deadlift good idea.
  5. Maybe dabble in crypto? Just get a Coinbase account, link it with your traditional bank, I think everyone should own at least one bitcoin. Personally I just swapped or traded or converted nine of my bitcoin into chainlink (20,800 chainlink)– my personal prediction is within the next three years to five years, it should be above $50 a link, maybe even 100 or 200 bucks a link. Currently speaking I am anti-Ethereum; it is just too complicated and complex. Then also now that they are offering Ethereum for enterprise (private ethereum)… A bad sign. Also try bitcoin babe.
  6. Organ meats? Everyone says that eating meat, red meat is bad for the planet blah blah blah. But what about organ meats? Nobody really says anything bad about organ meats, beef liver, beef heart, beef intestine, beef kidney. As a fun experiment just try out 100% organ meat diet; the true demigod diet. Also bone marrow. Just pick up organ meats at Whole Foods in the frozen freezer, they sell 100% grass fed frozen beef liver and beef heart and beef kidney there, even beef tongue. Or just go to the local Halal market, the local market and get it there.

Now what?

EXPERIENCE EK— unlock your true potential.


As a special holiday promo: order over $300 USD at the HAPTIC SHOP, and get a free 3x set of ERIC KIM OMAKASE COFFEE (three bags designed to awaken your creative senses). While supplies last.



  1. Try to troll AI and ChatGPT for; once you get the paid version, see how far you could push it until you invoke some sort of content moderation issue,
  2. Have ChatGPT disprove some sort of strange conspiracy theories. In fact, I think the biggest benefit of ChatGPT is that it doesn’t get suckered by conspiracy theories.
  3. Actually, ChatGPT is pretty factual. For example, just ask whether George Floyd was in a pornography film (he was). ChatGPT answers truthfully. 

Now what?

Going on a hike. Leave your phone in the car and just enjoy a nice walking nature, just walk slowly. Do it in vibram five finger shoes or even barefoot. 

Order some weight lifting equipment on titan.fitness and have fun at home.

FaceTime a loved one. The best gift to give somebody is just a simple phone call!

What do you want for Christmas this year?

  1. Ask somebody to gift you a gym membership, or even a yoga, CorePower membership. Investing in your health is perhaps the best thing you could do as a gift.
  2. In terms of gyms, I really like crunch fitness, LA fitness is OK, or whatever commercial gym is close by. Even golds gym is good.
  3. Costco gift cards; to buy more meat.
  4. Ask somebody for airline fare; to go fly somewhere and travel somewhere for the holidays. 
  5. Vibram 5 finger shoesELX KNIT.
  6. Texas power bar squat bar
  7. 400 pound roguefitness.com sand bag
  8. Money to purchase a website hosting domain
  9. iPad Pro (small one)

What else?

Infinite ideas on the ERIC KIM BLOG: Some new thoughts:

  1. It is better to rent in an insanely great neighborhood and location then to even own a $5 million home in a good location
  2. Physiology hack: take insanely hot baths at home, at the verge of boiling your skin. Very refreshing.
  3. Drink robusta coffee, not arabica. Even Costco sells the Deathwish coffee now, which I assume is robusta coffee. Otherwise get ERIC KIM 100% fine robusta coffee. 
  4. The best clothing to wear in winter is down, merino wool, cashmere. Layer up!
  5. Milo of croton ate 20 pounds of meat a day, let us use that as our benchmark.
  6. A life goal: read the Iliad by Homer front to back. Just download free PDFs online, and keep looking for a good translation until you find one that you like.

Book list

  1. Invent and wander by Jeff Bezos
  2. Zero to one by Peter Thiel
  3. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, also the new Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson 
  4. Going Infinite – Michael Lewis. Also flash boys.


  1. Books
  2. Products

Forward the thoughts

If this part even one interesting thought within you, feel free to forward to a friend!


#savemoney collective

The new life goal should be to save money, not to waste it.

Instead of wasting money, better to use that money towards buying meat at Costco, weightlifting equipment, plates and bars and barbells, iron etc. Physical fitness is the ultimate luxury.

Stay lit!



Why Doesn’t Anyone Have American Pride Anymore?

Why is it that people prefer to buy a Lamborghini or Ferrari over a Shelby Cobra? 

Simple heuristic:

Don’t trust nobody who owns, or bought a foreign car; this includes BMW, Mercedes, Audi, AMG, Lamborghini Volkswagen, Ferrari, Land Rover, Range Rover, anything produced by the Volkswagen group or Tata group, Porsche, etc.

The funny thing is it seems in today’s world, having a Toyota or a Honda is almost like having an American car?

Simple rule:

If you want to be a true American, if you want a sports utility SUV car, just by a Ford Explorer ST, which is essentially a cop car. 

If you want some sort of sports muscle car, ultimate flex… Buy some sort of Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra car, or even… the Ford GT. I think Brad Pitt owns one.

Anti-American sentiment?

In America, if you only care about money, I don’t think you’re a true American. What does a real American care for? Diversity, access, democracy, egalitarian values, and meritocracy which means the goods you are delivered is based on merit, hierarchy and ranking.

The diversity myth? 

Apparently when Peter Thiel was an undergraduate in college he wrote a book called The Diversity Myth… I think he wrote it when he was at Stanford as an undergraduate, something about how too much focus on diversity is bad. I haven’t read the book, but I think what it means is that trying to do things like affirmative action in his eyes is bad.

My personal thought is it is obvious; obviously if you have a kid from the hood, a kid from Compton, certainly his or her GPA or SAT score is not going to be as good as a kid who went to some sort of elite private school in Beverly Hills. Therefore there needs to be dynamic weighing here.

For example, if you’re the Valevictorian or the top #1 student in a ghetto school… your application to college should be weighed higher than a kid who went to an elite private school, who is only the top 100.

Therefore it isn’t necessarily “affirmative action”, but rather, wisdom in evaluating someone’s social economic status as part of their application.

Diversity should not be forced

Certainly diversity is good, but it is not good when you try to force it.

For example, trying to force more gender equality or racial equality when it isn’t really warranted seems like a bad idea.

This is where the philosophical thing matters; we must ask ourselves and consider… does it really even matter in the first place? If so, why?


Being an American or a true American has nothing to do with gun ownership. I’m not anti-guns per se; I did Boy Scouts and shot a rifle and a shotgun, got both my merit badges and also an archery merit badge when I was a high schooler.

I think the strange notion is that somehow… if you own a gun, or have a gun somewhere at home or whatever… it makes you more manly? (It does not).

Jewish people are super wise

I wonder… Is it that people hate Jewish people because they’re so smart wise and good with money?

Also, I don’t really trust any Christians, or God-fearing people especially in the news and mainstream media, even underground media etc.

For example, I really enjoyed the Kanye interview on info wars, but the guy who hosts the show… seems like a strange guy. Anybody who takes the Bible literally is not to be trusted.

How did Jewish people become so successful? Simple: they make money don’t spend it.

Also, I think Jewish people, that is consider how much trials and tribulations and anti-Jewish sentiment and bad things happened to them throughout their whole existence. If they were able to survive it all, probably a good sign.

America is more Jewish than you think 

One of the funniest things that my friend Daniel Schaeffer told me he was… “I’m Jew…ish”.

I might be wrong here, but I think that there is a huge list of really really famous and influential Jewish people in America, which include I think, Gal Gadot, Joseph Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David etc.

Also, Steven Spielberg, Kirk Douglas (changed his last name to blend into Hollywood), a lot of really famous people in Hollywood.

Also I think John Stewart, he changed his last name.

I think a simple strategy what you could do is just Google it, famous Jewish people who changed their last names or famous Jewish people in the media.

I think even Lenny Kravitz is Jewish?

Apparently there is “Jewish” sounding last names, anything related to Gold or Goldsmith, because a lot of Jewish people were once gold merchants back in the day, or anything with “itzh” or “Horowitz” etc… “itz”. Ben Horowitz.

Also a lot of really mainstream American words are actually Yiddish! For example, “chutzpah”, “schlep”, “schmuck”, etc. 

I didn’t know… But my friend Janae told me “I’m such a bad Jewish American, I had no idea that Seinfeld was a TV show about Jewish American culture”. I then responded, in shock, “It is??”

It doesn’t really matter

I have a theory that everyone is looking for some sort of scapegoat. My personal thought on why people believe in conspiracy theories is because nobody likes to think that they themselves are the cause of their own pain suffering etc., and they think of it like some sort of virtuous task and duty to uncover all the “evils” or “injustices” in the world.

For example, I’ve actually met a lot of Palestinian Americans who fall victim to conspiracy theories. Why? To psychoanalyze; they have been seriously fucked over. Even the whole conflict right now in the Gaza Strip, it really does seem that the Palestinians are the victims here. Israel, funded by the American government in military, America is really the bad guy here. 

Even China; China is not a threat. When I was in Phnom Penh Cambodia, I would keep reading these newspapers on how mainland China would complain that they only have one military base somewhere in Africa, whereas America has thousands. As long as Americas military powder is 1000X that of everyone else in the world, America is fine. 

Even Russia, not a threat. I think people just like to paint Putin as the devil, because once again, people like having some sort of devil figure, some sort of Adolf Hitler to see as the enemy.


In South Korea if you’re a man, you’re required to have at least 2-3 years of military duty. I think it’s a good idea if America did the same. Or if they instituted more ROTC programs in high school, optional.

And also, I think having some sort of part-time army reserve officer military training programs for normal civilians like myself is a good idea. Even my friend Andrew, became a part-time naval officer, more for pride. Harvard undergraduate graduate, professor now.

Apparently Westpoint is a really good institution. Maybe if Seneca gets a full ride there I will send him there. 

So what?

I think people are actually low-key praying and wishing for some sort of global armageddon. Why? Once again, a lot of people who are miserable in life want to see the world go into shambles. 

I am highly dubious of a World War III, or some sort of true international military demise. Why? Rich mainland Chinese oligarchs don’t want nobody to take their Rolls-Royce, or their mansions in Vancouver Canada.

Also, Americans like their consumerism, and capitalism.

Whether America likes it or not, it seems that they are in bed with China. As long as Apple still produces iPhones in China, ultimately… economically we will not see any real antagonism between both countries.

Economics is the new world religion

Money, capital, economics is the new world religion. Everybody globally… the only thing that people seem to really care for is to continue to self richen themselves. 

As a consequence, I think we will see a decline in military intervention and deaths, and other bad world issues.

People want to see the ones and zeros and commas increase in their bank account, not more deaths and casualties.

So what should we really be concerned about?

Simple things: 

  1. Pollution: nobody wants to be a billionaire in Beijing or Shanghai, the pollution and the air there is so toxic.
  2. Health diet and fitness: this trend towards “plant based” diets is a bad one, all this vegan nonsense is bad for the planet. Maybe more sustainable animal, beef or lamb production is a good idea. For example at Erwhon I discovered this new “ancestral blend“ ground beef which is made with 100% grass fed ground beef, and beef liver and heart actually grinded it in; it is the new only thing that I’m feeding Seneca, it is his natural steroids. Let us not forget that organ meets, beef liver is a natural steroid, the more cholesterol you consume, the stronger you will become and the more testosterone will go up. So a novel thought; addressing the issue of food waste, particularly with beef kettle and cows in America; consume more of the scrap meat. Beef tongue, heart, head, liver, intestine etc.
  3. Media? My personal belief is that the real bad guys here is the media and advertising corporations; let us not forget that Google is an advertising company. Same thing goes with Facebook. And let us not forget that Google owns YouTube, and Facebook also owns Instagram. The reason why online advertising companies are so bad is that media thrives on the sensational, anger, fear, and all of these base human emotions. My personal thought is a lot of racial antagonism is actually stirred up by the media which is run on advertising. For example, it seems that the new clickbait is anything to do with “anti-Semitic“, or “anti-Semitism“; both on the Jewish, African-American front, and mainstream media, a lot of which is run by Jewish families. The more people who click “anti-Semitic” new stories and see more Google AdSense advertisements, the more money that Google makes. Also Facebook, Instagram, the more sensational things are posted, the higher the advertising revenue for them. 

Why I am uncancellable

I am already independently rich and wealthy from my savings and cryptocurrency, and I also live like a poor person, which means that I’m making more money than I could spend it. Because I don’t even like spending money in the first place.

In fact, besides myself and maybe NASSIM TALEB… I don’t think I really know any other free thinkers? Everyone is either hooked to some sort of algorithm, social media platform, YouTube… or podcast… no freedom. This is where I don’t really put any trust in anything that Tim Ferriss says, or even Joe Rogan, because they are run by advertisers.

Who not to trust? Anybody and everybody on YouTube, or has any sort of podcast which is supported by advertisers.

So how can you make money?

Maybe it is a good idea to make money elsewhere, for example, I think I’ve made more money in cryptocurrency speculation than I have in my whole decade plus of teaching photography workshops.

Also selling products is a good idea  because… especially if it is your own products, have more faith and leather than information. HAPTIC INDUSTRIES — in the world of AI and artificial information, having physical leather products is a good idea because it will outlast you. HENRI x ERIC KIM STRAPS.


Ultimately after you’ve made your trillions of dollars, what is it that people really care for? Art.

How many Jackson Pollocks, Basqiats, or Picassos do you own? 

Art collection

It is wise to understand a Ferrari as an art object, not as a car. Just go to the Peterson automotive museum and go into the vault; these cars are art objects.

Art is the main disruptor here; this is where I am so into AI art. Maybe I will do some AI art workshops in the near future.

Now what?

Trust to ChatGPT more than you trust Google or weird Internet conspiracy website forums. Also, delete Reddit and stop using Reddit; I legit think it is the worst thing for humanity, perhaps even worse than pornography.

Quit reddit, not porn.

In fact, maybe it is best to just think about pornography like entertainment. Men who watch sports, drink alcohol or smoke weed, without having actually ever played the sport, sports is like some sort of domestication of the modern day human, a modern day pornography for men. At least sexual pornography is a positive motivator, drinking beer, eating french fries and watching football if you have never played football yourself in real life… seems worse.

Even basketball; my simple heuristic is if you decide to watch basketball, maybe one should play real life basketball at least once a week.


  1. Start your own blog. Ionos.com or bluehost.com and install WordPress.org
  2. Subscribe to ChatGPT plus, start creating your own AI generated art via DALL-E 3. Post on your own blog or arsbeta.com — I want ARS to also be a home for not just photos, but AI generated art. 
  3. Make your own ChatGPT bot, once you have subscribed to the premium model. For example, I re-created the Y app on ChatGPT, it is great. 
  4. Fitness: Buy weightlifting equipment on titan.fitness– and start lifting weights in your own parking lot garage. I recently picked up the Titan fitness Farmer’s carry handles, I like them, and also maybe the best 500 bucks I’ve ever spent in my life was the Texas power bar squat bar, my most prized possession.  Lift weights every day at least once, maybe even twice a day; the side of doing it in your own backyard, your own parking lot is that you will just save a lot of time. If you want ghetto squat rack or rack, just go to Home Depot and buy cinderblocks. I was able to stack three cinder blocks on top of one another, and I have been able to successfully rack pull over seven plates with it. 
  5. Maybe dabble in crypto? Just get a Coinbase account, link it with your traditional bank, I think everyone should own at least one bitcoin. Personally I just swapped or traded or converted nine of my bitcoin into chainlink (20,800 chainlink)– my personal prediction is within the next three years to five years, it should be above $50 a link, maybe even 100 or 200 bucks a link. Currently speaking I am anti-Ethereum; it is just too complicated and complex. Then also now that they are offering Ethereum for enterprise… A bad sign. Also try bitcoin babe.
  6. Organ meats? Everyone says that eating meat, red meat is bad for the planet blah blah blah. But what about Oregon meats? Nobody really says anything bad about organ meats, beef liver, beef heart, beef intestine, beef kidney. As a fun experiment just try out 100% organ meat diet; the true demigod diet. Also bone marrow.  Just pick up Morgan meats at Whole Foods in the frozen freezer, they sell 100% grass fed frozen beef liver and beef heart and beef kidney there, even beef tongue. Or just go to the local Halal market, the local market and get it there.

Now what?

EXPERIENCE EK– unlock your true potential.


As a special promo: order over $300 USD at the haptic shop, and get a free 3x set of ERIC KIM OMAKASE COFFEE (three bags designed to awaken your creative senses). While supplies last.



  1. Try to troll AI and ChatGPT for; once you get the paid version, see how far you could push it until you invoke some sort of content moderation issue,
  2. Have ChatGPT disprove some sort of strange conspiracy theories. In fact, I think the biggest benefit of ChatGPT is that it doesn’t get suckered by conspiracy theories.
  3. Actually, ChatGPT is pretty factual. For example, just ask whether George Floyd was in a pornography film (he was). ChatGPT answers truthfully. 

Now what?

Going on a hike. Leave your phone in the car and just enjoy a nice walking nature, just walk slowly. Do it in vibram five finger shoes or even barefoot. 

Order some weight lifting equipment on titan.fitness and have fun at home.

FaceTime loved one. The best gift to give somebody is just a simple phone call!

What do you want for Christmas this year?

  1. Ask somebody to gift you a gym membership, or even a yoga, CorePower membership. Investing in your health is perhaps the best thing you could do as a gift.
  2. In terms of gyms, I really like crunch fitness, LA fitness is OK, or whatever commercial gym is close by. Even golds gym is good.
  3. Costco gift cards; to buy more meat.
  4. Ask somebody for airline fair; to go fly somewhere and travel somewhere for the holidays. 
  5. Vibram 5 finger shoes
  6. Texas power bar squat bar
  7. 400 pound roguefitness.com sand bag
  8. Money to purchase a website hosting domain
  9. iPad Pro (small one)

What else?

Infinite ideas on the ERIC KIM blog: Some new thoughts:

  1. It is better to rent in an insanely great neighborhood and location then to even own a $5 million home in a good location
  2. Physiology hack: take insanely hot baths at home, at the verge of boiling your skin. Very refreshing.
  3. Drink robusta coffee, not arabica. Even Costco sells the Deathwish coffee now, which I assume is robusta coffee. Otherwise get ERIC KIM 100% fine robusta coffee. 
  4. The best clothing to wear in winter is down, merino wool, cashmere. Layer up!
  5. Milo of croton ate 20 pounds of meat a day, let us use that as our benchmark.
  6. A life goal: read the Iliad by Homer front to back. Just download free PDFs online, and keep looking for a good translation until you find one that you like.

Book list

  1. Invent and wander by Jeff Bezos
  2. Zero to one by Peter Thiel 
  3. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, also the new Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson 
  4. Going Infinite – Michael Lewis. Also flash boys.


  1. Books
  2. Products

Forward the thoughts

If this part even one interesting thought within you, feel free to forward to a friend!


#savemoney collective

The new life goal should be to save money, not to waste it.

Instead of wasting money, better to use that money towards buying meat at Costco, weightlifting equipment, plates and bars and barbell, iron etc. Physical fitness is the ultimate luxury.

Stay lit!




Men… typically 10-50 pg/mL

For women —

Beginning of menstrual cycle, Follicular phase … 30-120 pg/mL… ovulation peak 130-370pg/mL, post-menopause 10-20.

For women estrogen 10x to 30x higher in theory!

Male vs female testosterone

Men: 300-1,000 ng/dL … vs female (15-70 ng/dL)

Numerical differences

The numerical differences in estrogen and testosterone levels between males and females are quite marked, and they reflect the distinct physiological roles these hormones play in each sex. Here are the typical ranges:

Estrogen (Measured in Picograms per Milliliter – pg/mL)

  1. Females:
  • Estradiol (the primary form of estrogen):
    • Follicular phase (beginning of menstrual cycle): about 30-120 pg/mL
    • Ovulation peak: approximately 130-370 pg/mL
    • Luteal phase (post-ovulation): roughly 70-250 pg/mL
    • Postmenopause: generally <10-20 pg/mL
  1. Males:
  • Estradiol: typically ranges from 10-50 pg/mL

Testosterone (Measured in Nanograms per Deciliter – ng/dL)

  1. Males:
  • Total testosterone: generally about 300-1,000 ng/dL
  • Free testosterone (the portion not bound to proteins): around 5-21 ng/dL
  1. Females:
  • Total testosterone: typically ranges from 15-70 ng/dL
  • Free testosterone: usually about 0.7-3.6 ng/dL


  • These values can vary based on the individual, the time of day (hormone levels can fluctuate), age, and health status.
  • In females, estrogen levels are particularly dynamic and change throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • In males, testosterone levels generally decline with age, but this decline is usually gradual.
  • Hormone levels are influenced by various factors including genetics, lifestyle, body composition, and overall health.
  • It’s important to note that hormone levels are just one part of a complex physiological picture. Levels that are outside the typical range don’t automatically indicate a problem but might prompt further medical evaluation.

Estrogen, a key hormone in the human body, plays a vital role in both female and male physiology, although it is more prominent in females. Its functions and effects are diverse:

  1. Reproductive Health: In females, estrogen is crucial for the development and functioning of the reproductive system. It regulates the menstrual cycle, prepares the uterus for pregnancy, and supports the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breast growth.
  2. Bone Health: Estrogen helps maintain bone density. It plays a role in the bone remodeling process, helping to prevent bone loss. This is why the risk of osteoporosis increases in women after menopause when estrogen levels decline.
  3. Cardiovascular Health: Estrogen has a protective effect on heart health. It helps maintain the flexibility of blood vessels, ensuring proper blood flow, and also influences cholesterol levels, promoting a higher level of HDL (good cholesterol) and a lower level of LDL (bad cholesterol).
  4. Mood and Brain Health: Estrogen can impact mood and cognitive function. It’s thought to have a protective effect on brain health and may be linked to mood stabilization. Changes in estrogen levels can affect neurotransmitters in the brain and are associated with mood swings or depression in some cases.
  5. Skin and Hair: Estrogen contributes to skin health by increasing skin thickness and improving moisture levels and elasticity. It also impacts hair growth, influencing hair texture and density.
  6. Metabolism: Estrogen affects body composition and metabolism. It influences how the body stores fat and can affect appetite and energy expenditure.
  7. Sexual Function: In females, estrogen is important for vaginal health, maintaining the lining of the vagina and vaginal lubrication. It also plays a role in sexual desire, although this is complex and influenced by multiple factors.
  8. Development During Puberty: In females, estrogen is crucial for the changes that occur during puberty, including breast development, the growth of the uterus, and the onset of menstrual cycles.
  9. Menopause Management: In postmenopausal women, estrogen therapy is often used to manage symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings, as well as to prevent osteoporosis.

In males, estrogen is present in smaller amounts and is important for sexual function and bone health. It’s a common misconception that estrogen only affects females; in reality, it plays several important roles in male physiology as well.

The balance of estrogen with other hormones, such as progesterone in females and testosterone in males, is crucial for overall health. Imbalances can lead to various health issues.

How to Go Infinite?

To infinity and beyond!

Book review of Going Infinite, and also some thoughts on walking:

Book Review: Going Infinite by Michael Lewis, the Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon, the Story of Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX and Alameda Research

So I just finished going infinite by Michael Lewis, highly recommended read. Why? Very very fun read, and also… Fascinating insight into the world of crypto, money, currency, Fiat currency etc.

Quick summary:

  1. Sam Bankman Fried isn’t the evil villain everyone wants to paint him as. He is just like an extremely uber genius math prodigy whiz kid, who has zero concern for social norms.
  2. Perhaps the real culprit here are the effective altruists (“effective altruism”— bad), these new tech money elites, who follow utilitarianism, who want to find a reason to “save the planet”, and I think… they actually want to see humanity destroy itself, in order to go to Mars or whatever.
  3. This whole trend of creating your own cryptocurrency or token is a bad idea. FTT, which was the token for FTX, was probably the biggest critical downfall of ftx.com. You should never hedge your finances on imaginary token.
  4. Money is fake
  5. CZ, the CEO of binance, seems like kind of a strange character. Once again he isn’t evil either… but, it seems that petty rivalries and feuds often escalate into some sort of market downsides.
  6. Apparently from what I understand, besides all of the bad behavior, ftx.com was actually a good trading platform. It allowed novice traders to trade, and also more advanced quants to trade as well. Apparently it was very cutting edge at the time, offering advanced treating tools for experts.
  7. Alameda research, which actually was in existence before ftx.com is the strange case. Essentially it was the place where money was being funneled into, which may be turned out to use customer funds to fundraise strange effective altruist campaigns. For example, Sam Bankman Fried essentially had an unlimited US dollar bank account, to throw money at any sort of celebrity endorsement, which includes Tom Brady and Stephen Curry, And also, throwing vast sums of money at political candidates running for office, to essentially ensure that Donald Trump did not get elected (he still did). I believe that Joe Biden and his campaign was given over $100 million from Sam Bankman Fried.

So what happened?

Some interesting things:

First, learning about Jane Street, one of the high frequency trading firms, a bunch of quant, quantitative folks, doing some sort of hedging, maybe dynamic hedging as Nassim Taleb calls it — essentially a lot of the trading world is automated by algorithms, and bots. Jane street recent news.

It also seems that a lot of this is run by people who are highly mathematically trained, people who are essentially mathematical thinkers.

Maybe this is where math is interesting; it isn’t math for math, but instead, the purpose of math is to think more critically, and to also think quicker.

So what happened?

I think essentially what happened was all of the customer accounts of ftx.com were funneled into Alameda research, which then either directly or indirectly went to Sam’s discretionary spending fund on political matters, building infrastructure for the headquarters in the Bahamas etc.

Also, the demise and downfall of ftx.com was that it relied too much on hedging; essentially let us say that $10 billion worth of US dollars worth of crypto was in the platform, customer money… and let us assume that at once, 100% of the customers would want to pull their money. This would not be possible because at one point a time, ftx.com might only have a total of 10% of the customer funds.

I think this is actually what happens similarly in traditional banks as well. A bank never has all the customer money, they essentially use your money as leverage to speculate elsewhere.

Also this is where I’m starting to get more skeptical of traditional IRAs, 401(k) plans, Roth IRA etc.; once again, certain companies and corporations in the US government are trying to leverage your money right now to make a profit on something, while you have to sit there and just twiddle your thumbs.

Now what?

It seems that I think, the best trading platform is Coinbase. I see it like it is the PayPal, the new PayPal for crypto.

Also, I am not really like a crypto anarchist; I like the government, I like being able to transfer it into my normal American Bank account, and I like the idea that if I wanted to, I could easily convert it into US dollars. Of course it all comes with the fee; but that fee is nominal for the convenience and the practicality of things.

I recently converted 90% of my bitcoin into chainlink, and one of the driving factors is what if chainlink becomes like the next SWIFT for international banks? This would help a lot of the global finance industry.

For example, my mom currently lives in South Korea, and having to transfer money from my US Bank account to her South Korean bank account and vice versa was a major pain in the ass. Having to literally go to a bank teller in real life and having to sign all these paper forms was insanely cumbersome annoying and time-consuming. It should all be able to be done digitally, in terms of cryptographic truth.

Also, another subtle funny thing; a lot of hourly wage service workers have to punch in punch out, but… it seems difficult to know for 100% certain or not if they actually truly showed up for work or not. Maybe chainlink could solve that.

Useful tools?

I still love bitcoin and I think bitcoin is sexy, and I think that everybody should own at least one bitcoin, just in case it goes to $10 million a bitcoin or who knows even $100 million a bitcoin by the time that we are about to die.

Also, I think everything in crypto should be done in the spirit that literally it could all go to zero. It probably won’t, but it might go down to just one percent of the value what it was worth before. For example I was able to ride digibyte from 20 cents a dgb to maybe 50 cents a digibyte, in which I literally traded to chainlink, and then converted it all back into bitcoin. But now, digibyte in now in shambles, worth less than a penny.

The reason I like chainlink is that it actually does something useful. To create a technology which actually does something is a good idea. Bitcoin is great, but ultimately I think of bitcoin more like digital electronic gold. Most people never spend their gold, they just hoard it.

Data price feeds?


A very useful technology and service that chainlink provides is giving you an accurate price of certain cryptocurrency assets. For example, if you really wanted to precisely know the price of one bitcoin pegged to the US dollar, down to the cent… who do you trust? Because some platforms give you slightly different numbers. Ultimately we want ultimate truth, the most accurate number. Chainlink will offer that.

The reason why this is critical is that one thing I learned from going infinite and flash boys… literally even a quarter of a penny, if leveraged and hedged with trillions of dollars can make a fat profit. These really really big firms will want accuracy of crypto prices down to even a fraction of a penny.

Illuminati influences

So one character I find very interesting is Eric Schmidt, the ex CEO of Google. He made Google to become the Google it is today. Apparently one of the things he said, a strategy that he had when see you at Google was genius; “We made sure to put a little bit of Google into everything”. YouTube video.

Quite genius. I think nowadays almost every single product tracking thing is somehow connected to google analytics and Google Adsense somewhere. Even when you Google something and open up the hyperlink and click it, there is this long ugly URL with a bunch of Google tracking code in it.

Also I find Eric Schmidt interesting because he was mentioned in the going infinite book. Even apparently ERIC Schmidt I think… ran for Senate or something, it might hold a board seat somewhere?

Now this is the killer: Eric Schmidt joined chainlink as part of their board of trustees. This is good news for chainlink, because then what it means is that I think… ERIC Schmidt, probably owns a substantial number of chainlink in his own personal account, and now that he has political power, he will most likely use his political power to enrich himself. Therefore as a consequence, if you own chainlink, it is a good promise that ERIC Schmidt is probably behind the scenes, helping you become richer.


I took some screenshots, but essentially all the rich people are banding together to become richer together. Apparently there’s lots of private parties in which Jeff Bezos shows up, a few of the Kardashians, etc.

I find this interesting not from a conspiracy theory perspective, but essentially the elite are essentially giving each other back rubs, maybe wealth is just a huge circle jerk.

Michael Lewis for the win

I love Michael Lewis for his candor, his humor, his offkilter humor. And also would I like by Michael Lewis now because he is so successful, I think he’s just really writing these books out of self interest and fun. You could tell that he is actually legitimately interested in the life of Sam Bankman-Fried, expensively interviewing his parents, his friends etc.

You cannot fake passion and enthusiasm and fun. It is a hugely entertaining read and insightful. Highly recommend.


So now what?

Walk more, think less.

I think one of the really big critical issues here is that in modern day times, we spend too much time thinking, not enough time walking.

My vision is that the future, we are essentially going to be like elite homeless people. That the new tech trillionaires of the future, we will be like some sort of off the grid, Zen Stoic monks. We will be mostly shirtless, walking around 50 miles a day, aimlessly for fun, lifting weights here and there for fun, and not have access to a phone, and not be contactable.

We will bask in the sun, and we will only prefer to lift weights in the direct sun, topless.

We will be maximally friendly, courteous, fun. Like overgrown children. Yet we will also be insanely wise, intelligent critical and deep.

If you haven’t already, don’t be a cheapo and just subscribe to the ChatGPT plus. This is literally the ultimate life hack.

What to become?

Just become a street vlogger like ERIC KIM. Just walk around a lot, vlog any random thoughts on your mind and upload it to YouTube and your own blog. As long as you get more than two views, consider it successful!

Also, double dip; shoot photos and make photo art, and also use DALL-E, DALL-E 3 to make AI art! And simple; keep it all open source.

So what can money buy?

Money can buy you experiences, and also leather products.

The more I use HAPTIC PRODUCTS, the more I love it. For example this ERIC KIM PORTFOLIO CASE Cindy and I made and designed back in Saigon in 2017… I still use it every single day, and the beauty of it is that the more I use it, the more comfortable it becomes, the more it becomes.

This is ultimate wabi-sabi— the general idea with leather which I love is that it will last longer than you. You can hand it down to your kids!

You don’t buy a HAPTIC PRODUCT for yourself, you buy it for your future children (ripoff some watch, Rolex, AP ad I saw somewhere).



All access to some of the most interesting thoughts on the planet.


Some more fun thoughts on walking:


A thought in modern day society: we think too much.

For example, some modern day ills include the fact that we wake up, we stay at home, work from home, never leave the apartment or the house all day, or even worse… we go to the office, stay in the office, don’t leave all day, eat lunch at our desk in front of our laptop or computer… even worse, if you’re hardcore you don’t leave the office for days weeks or even months… You just sleep in a beanbag next to your desk or in a sleeping bag under your desk.


This is the big issue I’ve discovered:

I think what the modern day man or person strives to be is to become the ultimate productivity machine robot who doesn’t need anything. That somehow you could optimize yourself out of going outside, getting natural light by just popping some vitamin D tablets, don’t need to exercise, and if you exercise, the minimum amount of exercise necessary not to atrophy your body, Find no need of the sun, or no need to walk because it is “inefficient”.

In fact, I wonder if this whole bizarre trend of “running“, or “jogging“, is because people don’t think that walking is “effective”, or “efficient “. People are somehow trying to maximize their movement activity; they don’t think of walking as “exercise“, and somehow that it doesn’t “burn calories” (the calorie in, calorie out myth).

As a consequence, modern day man becomes strange. A strange plant. Lacking natural light and melanin in their skin, lacking ability to make iContact with people in embodied reality, and prefer to not interact with any humans. Thus the trend towards mobile orders etc.

Think ancient Greece

A lot of people like to think about ancient hunter gather lifestyles whatever… I prefer to think about ancient Greece, ancient Sparta. Before money was invented, and you could only measure your wealth by how many cattle you owned. Or how many men you governed.

For example, in the Iliad, I think it was Nestor who told Achilles that king Agamemnon was the superior man, because he commanded more men.

What are we striving for and looking for?

I think a lot of us are dealing with some sort of modern day pain suffering and discontent and we’re not really sure what to do about it. I think this is why we seek out “therapists”, see psychiatrists, get prescribed some sort of generic medication, etc. In fact, besides the extreme edge cases, I think medication should be avoided at all costs. I think when people are depressed, it is a physiological and physical depression. Not enough time outside walking, in the direct elements, in the direct sun, not enough exercise and lifting weights, over consumption of alcohol, caffeine, coffee, drugs, marijuana etc. I don’t think anything is wrong moralistically with marijuana… but I distrust anybody who consumes or takes or does marijuana on a daily basis. Marijuana does strange things to your mind.

I trust nobody who is woke, who tokes!

Also, if you’re reliant on marijuana to fall asleep at night, once again… not a good sign.

Back to ancient Sparta!

I think what we are having an issue with in modern day society is more of a moralistic and ethical one. The thought is we are born to be productive, and our self-worth and value is simply predicated on how productive we are, how much money we make, how much we increase our money number in our savings account, buying houses etc.

Therefore, anytime we are not actively doing that… we feel some sort of inner guilt, shame, and we lose respect for ourselves. We end up self-flagellation ourselves.

Don’t trust nobody on social media

Several things; first and foremost, any human being who uses Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc.… they’re hopped on a strange matrix simulation like dopamine machine. I think using social media and having notifications on your phone might actually be worse than gambling. At least gambling has to do more with money… social media has to do more with your self-respect, your self-esteem esteem.

“I’ve been awakened by an enlightened man’s dream… checking Instagram comments to crowd-source my self-esteem”— KANYE

Burn the boats!

Very simple. Just stop using social media, uninstall all of the apps from your phone, or just delete them.

For example, I think one of the most glorious moments of my life, one of the greatest things I have done in my life as a photographer and “influencer“, was deleting my Instagram in 2017. Why? Since then, I feel like I unhooked my brain from the matrix. I took the red pill. Anyone who still uses Instagram, Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, YouTube, listens to podcasts, has Spotify, Netflix, etc. is still on the blue pill.

Why? The best way to have more interesting thoughts is via negativa— actively canceling out, or deleting, or getting rid of external stimuli in the spirit of books, blog posts, media, Reddit, the news, etc. In fact the big problem in today’s world is that we are almost like in a human centipede consumption of information use and media; one media outlet regurgitates and quotes the other one, which quotes the other one, which might’ve ultimately just been written by ChatGPT or some sort of AI bot. In fact I’ve been experimenting a lot with chatGPT4, the paid premium one, and what I’ve discovered is funny; even ChatGPT doesn’t know that it was written by ChatGPT.

For example, for fuzzies, I ChatGPT’d myself. I would open up ChatGPT 4, the premium paid one, and asked simple things like “who is ERIC KIM“? ChatGPT with then do an effective summary and overview of me my life story in my life loss etc., and then I just copied and pasted the information, and literally published a blog post on what ChatGPT said. I then later a few days later, ask ChatGPT “ERIC KIM philosophy“, and then once again, it re-summarized things and actually linked back to my blog giving me a citations and footnotes, but the funny thing was… the citations and footnotes gave me were actually the blog post written by ChatGPT itself!

Or another words, ChatGPT doesn’t know that I am ERIC KIM.

The thinker

To think is to sit on your butt and ruminate and think. No no no… to think is to walk. In fact maybe we should stop call it “thinking”, but just walking.

My personal thought is the noveau luxury is walking. If you have the privilege of having a 100% pedestrian lifestyle, 100% biped lifestyle, in which you’re just literally walking everywhere, without having to use the agency of a car, it is a sign that you are truly truly rich and wealthy. Secondly if you don’t always have to check your phone. Thirdly, if you could have all the notifications on your phone disabled.

How and why is walking so critical?

First without thinking about it too much… just think about this: if you walked 50 miles a day, I think 99.9% of your life cares concerns and worries would disappear. Especially if you do it in nature. With uneven surfaces, different grades and elevations, no two steps are alike.

One of the greatest things about being in nature, just going on a simple hike, is that sometimes it is steep, sometimes it is level, sometimes it is dirt, sometimes it is pavement, sometimes it is gravel, sometimes it is grass, etc. Having variation in the texture of the environment and the terrain is critical.

In modern day times, everything is flat. And everything is the same thing; typically just concrete.

I actually wonder and think, I wonder if a lot of the issues with modern day health and physiology has to do with the fact that everything is flat. I think the reason why we are bipeds is that as a biped, we are very very very good at traversing uneven terrain. In fact, one could even argue that human who is upright and biped could better navigate rocky and mountainous terrain compared to a four-legged animal.

Also the best thing you could buy with money is vibram five finger shoes. Just buy it for yourself for Christmas or ask somebody to buy for you.

We got to stop calling it “hiking”

One of the biggest issues I’ve discovered about the whole “hiking” notion is that people think too much that it has to be done a certain way. We think that somehow we have to buy those silly hiking poles, buy a hat, buy some hiking boots at REI or whatever, and wear all this expensive outdoor clothing.

Technically you could just do a barefoot, or… get some vibram five finger shoes, and just go on a fun walk!

Another weird thing I’ve discovered is we think we got to purchase the thing in order to somehow justify getting into a certain lifestyle. For example, we think we got to buy some sort of off-road four-wheel-drive car some sort of Subaru or jeep or sports utility SUV car in order to do “outdoorsy” stuff. This is silly. For a while Cindy and I work on hardcore hiking and camping stuff, and literally 99.99% maybe even 100% of the places we went to, we were able to simply do it in a simple four-door sedan, the Ford fusion which is just a normal sedan with a front wheel drive car.

I think this is the insidious nature of capitalism and consumerism; it makes you feel insecure and uncertain and unqualified, and we think that in order to do the thing that we want to do, we must buy the things in order to do it.

So now what?

I can’t speak for you or others. I think everyone has different talents, different skills, different desires.

First, I think having some sort of life dreams and goals is a good one. And striving with all your might to meet them and accomplish them and achieve them.

Then the next question is… then what? Should you just keep doing this into infinity? Ad infinitum?

Maybe not. Or maybe.

For example with weightlifting, a simple path is just to keep increasing your one rep max until the end of time. I don’t think this is a bad idea.

But also at the same time, you don’t need to be tied down to this either. Technically real life, reality is not metricated.

For example, if you think about the Iliad, Achilles, Hector, nobody could care less about “how much you can bench“. It was a simple binary; if you were in hand to hand battle with another fighter or warrior, would you kill him, or would he kill you? Who was the more courageous and superior and dominating force?

Also well interesting is that it seems that in the Iliad, nothing was really accidental or by chance. For example when warriors would go to battle, one warrior would not “accidentally“, get killed by the other warrior. It really did come down to courage, skill, power, who was the better fighter.

Even the final bout between Achilles and Hector; Hector was essentially hoodwinked and tricked… He was deceived into thinking that he had his charioteer, his trusted fighting buddy by his side to take on Achilles, because Hector was no dummy; he actually knew that Achilles was the superior fighter, and if you went head on with Achilles, he would lose. He was hoodwinked by one of the gods, who made an illusion and made themselves appear to be the friend of Hector.

Real life

So then the question is in real life, what do you seek to do, achieve, etc?

Heraclitus one said, “The greatest glory is to seek immortal glory amongst men, yet the majority of men stuff themselves like cattle.”

Who will not be remembered?

I don’t think that any modern day tech CEO will be remembered, nor cared for. Exceptions include CEOs who were also founders.

Also, I think people who will be forgotten include people who sell their companies. I don’t know… If you ultimately decide to sell your company, even for $10 billion… I think it is a signal that you care more about money than the thing you built. Why? As long as your business is making an income and you can somehow pay yourself a base salary, pay your rent, your utilities, your meat, etc.… what else need do you have for money?

This is where I give Mark Zuckerberg great credit. In the early days of Facebook he had so many offers to be bought out, but he stuck to his guns and refused. Highly intelligent.

Some people I think who compromised include Jack Dorsey of Twitter, I’m even starting to get a little bit suspicious of the cofounders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin; why did they end up leaving running Google and building the board of Alphabet instead?

Perhaps one graceful exit is Jeff Bezos at Amazon; I think he’s put in his fair share and his duties; I think space travel was his ultimate dream, and if you read invent and wonder, I think he really did stay true to his principles and never compromised. Also, him publicly exposing his controversial affair in the public, was insanely bold ballsy and respectful. He refused to be blackmailed. What a true mensch.

People who will be remembered

I think Elon Musk might be remembered forever. Why? Through pure force of will, might, and craziness… He was able to achieve the impossible. His thinking was only limited by physics, the laws of physics, first principles. Aristotle would have been proud of him.

Second, Kanye West. I really don’t think there is any thinker innovator or artist quite as bold, innovative, and amazing as him. Even now, randomly in the middle of the night, this morning I thought about his “Runaway“ song, and his perfect album my beautiful dark twisted fantasy. Actually if you think about all the albums and songs he has ever produced, he was so ahead of the game, so innovative and unique, he really did care for creating true magic in his music.

Also Steve Jobs. It seems that nowadays kids don’t really know who he is, but, for innovators and thinkers like myself and countless others, they will always sight Steve Jobs as an inspiration. Also, it seems that Steve Jobs died at the right time; he fulfilled all of his creative visions, never compromised his beliefs, and I think he set the path for other creatives down the line.

I think the last vision of Steve Jobs was to create a creative company so infused with creativity that it would stand the test the time. I think he was quite successful.

What is the value of thinking?

The big question at hand is what is the value of thinking? Why think?

I think some people think, engage in thinking because they hope that it will lead to some sort of money making opportunity.

For me, I love thinking and sharing my thoughts because it is fun! To me, a life devoid of thoughts or interesting thoughts is not a life worth living.

The best way to live life

Very simple: only pursue and do that which you are genuinely interested in, ignore everything else.

Also, in terms of happiness and food… maybe the single most critical thing to improve your happiness is to increase the quality of your meat. Beef, beef liver beef heart beef intestines, lamb, grass fed ground beef etc. Wagyu ground beef at Costco is great.

In fact, I have a theory that a lot of the modern day issues that we got is that we’re under nourished. We aren’t eating enough red meat, enough beef or lamb. Pork is not meat, chicken and turkey is not meat.

Don’t let the feelings of others govern your behavior, in terms of how you eat or live

Another bizarre thing I’ve learned is the way that some people live their lives and they decide what to eat, what not to eat, how to live, how not to live, how to talk, what to say what not to say based simply on other people; they center themselves or don’t really see what’s on their mind because they’re afraid of:

“How do you think that makes me feel?”

But we don’t do the opposite; we don’t then tell that person the same. That “How does that make me feel?”

For example this nonsense behind gender pronouns. That you demand that I call you a certain pronoun, but what if I don’t feel comfortable calling you that pronoun?

It has to be faster, more seamless

One of the good reasons I think of building your own gym at home is that it reduces a lot of the friction. For example I generally love the gym and I think gym life is good, but here in LA I haven’t been able to find any good gyms; they all suck. Therefore this motivated me to build my own gym, just in my back yard, parking lot garage, in the back of my apartment.

I love this off the grid approach because literally… there is no friction. I don’t have to jump in the car and I don’t have to check in or scan my QR code or whatever whatever, I never have to wait for equipment etc.

If you have tight quarters, a simple solution is to just buy really really heavy kettle bell, 105 pounds and up. Or just buy a heavy sandbag, go to the playground and fill it up with sand, and just exercise with that picking it up and throwing it around. Even with us experienced weightlifters, I encourage buying the 400 pound sandbag on roguefitness.com or just get it on Amazon for cheap, fill it out with playground sand and experiment lifting that at home. Titan.fitness is also good.

I actually think that the most critical factor is to exercise outside, in the direct sun. If it is cold, just layer up.

Why exercise outside? It is more fun, more lively, more uplifting. Also one of the good benefits of working out at home is when you need to stop by the bathroom to pee, you could just pull yourself another espresso! Good luck doing that at any gym.

In fact I have an idea; I think all gyms should have some sort of coffee bar or espresso bar. Not these bad energy drinks, which is just fake sugar added.

Lift with EK

If you’re interested in lifting with me, shoot me an email at eric@erickim.com, if you live in LA or anywhere in the southern California area.

Now what?

Ultimately never forget that you’re an artist, a visual artist. Photography is just another tool in your creative tool kit.

Use dall-e, ChatGPT plus and premium, make your own AI generated art. Have fun with it, don’t take it too seriously.

Post it to your own self hosted blog, and keep updating! The ultimate sim of a blogger is this:

If somebody opens up a new tab and loads your blog, and they don’t see anything new.


Some good freebies

Always updating the ERIC KIM start here page with more fire.

Also, free and open source books here.

Forward the fire!

If this sparked even one fun creative idea within you, feel free to forward this to a friend!


“Happiness is walking (a lot).”



A thought in modern day society: we think too much.

For example, some modern day ills include the fact that we wake up, we stay at home, work from home, never leave the apartment or the house all day, or even worse… We go to the office, stay in the office, don’t leave all day, eat lunch at our desk in front of our laptop or computer… even worse, if you’re hard-core you don’t leave the office for days weeks or even months… You just sleep in a beanbag next to your desk or in a sleeping bag under your desk.


This is the big issue I’ve discovered:

I think what the modern day man or person strives to be is to become the ultimate productivity machine robot who doesn’t need anything. That somehow you could optimize yourself out of going outside, getting natural light by just popping some vitamin D tablets, don’t need to exercise, and if you exercise, the minimum amount of exercise necessary not to atrophy your body, Find no need of the sun, or no need to walk because it is “inefficient”.

in fact, I wonder if this whole bizarre trend of “running“, or “jogging“, is because people don’t think that walking is “effective”, or “efficient “. People are somehow trying to maximize their movement activity; they don’t think of walking as “exercise“, and somehow that it doesn’t “burn calories” (the calorie in, calorie out myth).

As a consequence, modern day man becomes strange. A shroud planned. Lacking natural light and melanin in their skin, lacking ability to make iContact with people in embodied reality, and prefer to not interact with any humans. Thus the trend towards mobile orders etc.

Think ancient Greece

A lot of people like to think about ancient hunter gather lifestyles whatever… I prefer to think about ancient Greece, ancient Sparta. Before money was invented, and you could only measure your wealth by how many cattle you owned. Or how many men you governed.

For example, in the Iliad, I think it was Nestor who told Achilles that king Agamemnon was the superior man, because he commanded more men.

What are we striving for and looking for?

I think a lot of us are dealing with some sort of modern day pain suffering and discontent and we’re not really sure what to do about it. I think this is why we seek out “therapist”, see psychiatrist, get prescribed some sort of generic medication, etc. In fact, Besides the extreme edge cases, I think medication should be avoided at all costs. I think when people are depressed, it is a physiological and physical depression. Not enough time outside walking, in the direct elements, in the direct sun, not enough exercise and lifting weights, over consumption of alcohol, caffeine, coffee, Drugs, marijuana etc. I don’t think anything is wrong more logically with marijuana… But I distrust anybody who consumes or takes or does marijuana on a daily basis. Marijuana does strange things to your mind.

Also, if you’re reliant on marijuana to fall asleep at night, once again… Not a good sign.

Back to ancient Sparta!

I think what we are having an issue with in modern day society is more of a moralistic and ethical one. The thought is we are born to be productive, and our self-worth and value is simply predicated on how productive we are, how much money we make, How much we increase our money number in our savings account, buying houses etc.

Therefore, anytime we are not actively doing that… we feel some sort of inner guilt, shame, and we lose respect for ourselves. We end up self-flagellation ourselves.

Don’t trust nobody on social media

Several things; first and foremost, any human being who uses Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc.… they’re hopped on a strange matrix simulation like dopamine machine. I think using social media and having notifications on your phone might actually be worse than gambling. At least gambling has to do more with money… social media has to do more with your self-respect, your self-esteem esteem.

“I’ve been awakened by an enlightened man’s dream… checking Instagram comments to crowd-source my self-esteem”— KANYE

Burn the boats!

Very simple. Just stop using social media, uninstall all of the apps from your phone, or just delete them.

For example, I think one of the most glorious moments of my life, one of the greatest things I have done in my life as a photographer and “influencer“, was deleting my Instagram in 2017. Why? Since then, I feel like I unhooked my brain from the matrix. I took the red pill. Anyone who still uses Instagram, Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, YouTube, listens to podcast, has Spotify, Netflix, etc. is still on the blue pill.

Why? The best way to have more interesting thoughts is via negativa— actively canceling out, or deleting, or getting rid of external stimuli in the spirit of books, blog post, media, Reddit, the news, etc. In fact the big problem in today’s world is that we are almost like in a human centipede living life of information use and media; one media outlet regurgitate and quotes the other one, which quotes the other one, which might’ve ultimately just been written by ChatGPT or some sort of AI bought. in fact I’ve been experimenting a lot with chatGPT4, the paid premium one, and what I’ve discovered is funny; even ChatGPT doesn’t know that it was written by ChatGPT.

For example, for fuzzies, I ChatGPT’d myself. I would open up ChatGPT for, the premium paid one, and asked simple things like “who is ERIC KIM“? ChatGPT with then do an effective summary and overview of me my life story in my life loss etc., and then I just copied and pasted the information, and literally published a blog post on what ChatGPT said. I then later a few days later, ask ChatGPT “ERIC KIM philosophy“, and then once again, it re-summarize things and actually linked back to my blog giving me a citations and footnotes, but the funny thing was… The citations and footnotes gave me were actually the blog post written by ChatGPT itself!

The thinker

To think is to sit on your butt and ruminate and think. No no no… Do you think is to walk. In fact maybe we should stop call it “thinking”, but just walking.

My personal thought is the noveau luxury is walking. If you have the privilege of having a 100% pedestrian lifestyle, 100% biped lifestyle, in which you’re just literally walking everywhere, without having to use the agency of a car, it is a sign that you are truly truly rich and wealthy. Secondly if you don’t always have to check your phone. Thirdly, if you could have all the notifications on your phone disabled.

How and why is walking so critical?

First without thinking about too much… Just think about this: if you walked 50 miles a day, I think 99.9% of your life cares concerns and worries would disappear. Especially if you do it in nature. With uneven surfaces, different grades and elevations, no two steps are alike.

When did the greatest things about being a nature, just going on a simple hike, is that sometimes it is deep, sometimes it is level, sometimes it is dirt, sometimes it is pavement, sometimes it is gravel, sometimes it is grass, etc. Having variation in the texture of the environment and The terrain is critical.

In modern day times, everything is flat. And everything is the same thing; typically just concrete.

I actually wonder and think, I wonder if a lot of the issues with modern day health and physiology has to do with the fact that everything is flat. I think the reason why we are bipeds is that as a iPad, we are very very very good at traversing uneven terrain. In fact, one could even argue that human who is upright and biped could better navigate rocky and mountainous terrain compared to a four-legged animal.

We got to stop calling it “hiking”

One of the biggest issues I’ve discovered about the whole “hiking” notion is that people think too much that it has to be done a certain way. We think that somehow we have to buy those silly hiking poles, buy a hat, buy some hiking boots at REI or whatever, and where all this expensive outdoor clothing.

Technically you could just do a barefoot, or… get some vibram five finger shoes, and just go on a fun walk!

Another weird thing I’ve discovered is we think we got to purchase the thing in order to somehow justify getting into a certain lifestyle. For example, we think we got to buy some sort of off-road four-wheel-drive car some sort of Subaru or jeep or sports utility SUV car in order to do “outdoorsy” stuff. This is silly. For a while Cindy and I work on hard-core hiking and camping stuff, and literally 99.99% maybe even 100% of the place we went to, we were able to simply do it in a simple four-door sedan, the Ford fusion which is just a normal sedan with a front wheel drive car.

I think this is the insidious nature of capitalism and consumerism; it makes you feel insecure and uncertain and unqualified, and we think that in order to do the thing that we want to do, we must buy the things in order to do it.

So now what?

I can’t speak for you or others. I think everyone has different talents, different skills, different desires.

First, I think having some sort of life dreams and goals is a good one. And striving with all your might to meet them and accomplish them and achieve them.

Then the next question is… then what? Should you just keep doing this into infinity? Ad infinitum?

Maybe not. Or maybe.

For example with weightlifting, a simple path is just to keep increasing your one rep max until the end of time. I don’t think this is a bad idea.

But also at the same time, you don’t need to be tied down to this either. Technically real life, reality is not metricated.

For example, if you think about the Elliott, Achilles, Hector, nobody could care less about “how much you can bench“. It was a simple binary; if you were in hand to hand battle with another fighter or warrior, would you kill him, or would he kill you? Who was the more courageous and superior and dominating force?

Also well interesting is that it seems that in the Elliott, nothing was really accidental or by chance. For example went to warriors would go to battle, one warrior would not “accidentally“, get killed by the other warrior. It really did come down to courage, skill, power, who was the better fighter.

Even the final bout between Achilles and Hector; Hector was essentially hoodwinked and tricked… He was deceived into thinking that he had his chariot tear, his trusted fighting buddy by his side to take on Achilles, because Hector was no dummy; he actually knew that Achilles was the superior fighter, and if you went head on with Achilles, he would lose. He was hoodwinked by one of the gods, who made an illusion and made themselves appear to be the friend of Hector.

Real life

So then the question is in real life, what do you seek to do, achieve, etc?

Heraclitus one said, “the greatest glory is to seek immortal glory amongst men, yet the majority of men stuff themselves like cattle.”

Who will not be remembered?

I don’t think that any modern day tech CEO will be remembered, nor cared for. Exceptions include CEOs who were also founders.

Also, I think people who will be forgotten include people who sell their companies. I don’t know… If you ultimately decide to sell your company, even for $10 billion… I think it is a signal that you care more about money than the thing you built. Why? As long as your business is making an income and you can somehow pay yourself a base salary, pay your rent, your utilities, your meat, etc.… What else you have for money?

This is where I give Mark Zuckerberg great credit. In the early days of Facebook he had so many offers to be bought out, but he stuck to his guns and refused. Highly intelligent.

Some people I think who compromised include Jack Dorsey of Twitter, I’m even starting to get a little bit suspicious of the cofounders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin; why did they end up leaving running Google and building the board of alphabet instead?

Perhaps one graceful exit is Jeff Bezos at Amazon; I think he’s put in his fair share and his duties; I think space travel was his ultimate dream, and if you read invent and wonder, I think he really did stay true to his principles and never compromise. Also, him publicly exposing his controversial affair in the public, was insanely bold Ballsy and respectful. He refused to be blackmailed. What a true mensch.

People who will be remembered

I think Elon Musk go be remembered forever. Why? Through pure force of will, might, and craziness… He was able to achieve the impossible. His thinking was only limited by physics, the laws of physics, first principles. Aristotle would have been proud of him.

Second, Kanye West. I really don’t think there is thinker innovator or artist quite as bold, innovative, and amazing as him. Even now, randomly in the middle of the night, this morning I thought about his “runaway“ song, and his perfect album my beautiful dark twisted fantasy. Actually if you think about all the albums and songs is ever produced, he was so ahead of the game, so innovative and unique, he really did care for creating true magic in his music.

Also Steve Dobbs. It seems that nowadays kids don’t really know who he is, but, for innovators and thinkers like myself and countless others, they will always sight Steve Jobs as an inspiration. Also, it seems that Steve Jobs died at the right time; he fulfilled all of his creative visions, Never compromised his beliefs, and I think he set the path for other creatives down the line.

What is the value of thinking?

The big question at hand is what is the value of thinking? Why think?

I think some people think, engage in thinking because they hope that it will lead to some sort of money making opportunity.

For me, I love thinking and sharing my thoughts because it is fun! To me, a life devoid of thoughts or interesting thoughts is not a life worth living.

The best way to live life

Very simple: only pursue and do that which you are genuinely interested in, ignore everything else.

Also, in terms of happiness and food… Maybe the single most critical thing to improve your happiness is increased the quality of your meat. Beef, beef liver beef heart beef intestines, lamb, grass fed ground beef etc. Wagyu ground beef.

In fact, I have a theory that a lot of the modern day issues that we got is that we’re under nourished. We aren’t eating enough red meat, enough beef or lamb. Pork is not meat, chicken and turkey is not meat.

Don’t let the feelings of others covering your behavior, in terms of how you eat or live

Another bizarre thing I’ve learned is the way that some people live their lives is they decide what to eat, what not to eat, how to live, how not to live, how to talk, what to say what not to say based simply on other people; they center themselves or don’t really see what’s on their mind because they’re afraid of:

“How do you think that makes me feel?”

But we don’t do the opposite; we don’t then tell that person the same. That “how does that make me feel?”

For example this nonsense behind gender pronouns. That you demand that I call you a certain pronoun, but what if I don’t feel comfortable calling you that pronoun?

It has to be faster, more seamless

One of the good reasons I think of building your own gym at home is that it reduces a lot of the friction. For example I generally love the gym and I think gym life is good, but here in LA I’ve been found any good gyms; they all suck. Therefore this motivated me to build my own gym, just in my Back yard, parking lot garage, in the back of my apartment.

I love this off the grid approach because literally… There is no friction. I don’t have to jump in the car and I don’t have to check in or scan my QR code or whatever whatever, I never have to wait for equipment etc.

If you have tight quarters, a simple solution is to just buy really really heavy kettle bells, 105 pounds and up. Or just buy a heavy sandbag, go to the playground and fill it up with sand, and just exercise with that picking it up and throwing it around. even with us experience weightlifters, I encourage buying the 400 pound sandbag on roguefitness.com or just get it on Amazon for cheap, fill it out with playground sand and experiment lifting that at home.

I actually think that the most critical factor is to exercise outside, in the direct sun. If it is cold, just layer up.

Why exercise outside? It is more fun, more lively, more uplifting. Also one of the good benefits of working out at home is when you need to stop by the bathroom to pee, you could just pull yourself another espresso! Good luck doing that at any gym.

In fact I have an idea; I think all gyms should have some sort of coffee bar or espresso bar. Not these bad energy drinks, which is just fake sugar added.

The Philosophy of Crypto

“Greed is good” – Gordon Gecko

So it seems and appears that a lot of people seek getting really really rich, really really fast, in order to buy a bunch of stuff. For example, I think the general idea is that you want to make a ton of money, feel good, buy a Lamborghini or whatever… And then what?

Crypto, cryptocurrency, crypto technology to me is fascinating because it is new, sexy, unorthodox, and interesting.

It seems that a lot of people are interested in crypto, bitcoin etc because they want to get really rich. But the tricky thing with crypto is that essentially you are really rich on paper, but typically most crypto speculators never actually dilute or convert their crypto to US dollars, which means that crypto money is not liquid, it is locked.

Crypto is intrinsically optimistic?

Crypto to me is interesting because it is edgy, optimistic, radical, and bold. Also a bit reckless.

The general idea is that with crypto, people are seeking a new revolution, something to up and the old system. Definitely a lot of anarchy vibes here, and a lot of people who are typically distrustful of big organizations, big government, etc.

Honestly I have nothing against the government, I am very happy paying my taxes, I still consider myself a bay area, liberal, open minded, at heart. I love democracy, democratic thinking. Why? It was mostly about how I was raised, how I was supported. If I did not get all of these government aided resources, like going to UCLA as an undergraduate, I would have never been able to become who I am today.

Also, simple organizations that I am grateful for include the Boy Scouts, Boy Scouts of America. I am forever grateful to my troop, my troop leaders, who helped me become an Eagle Scout, and helped me become the citizen that I am today.

Growing up, I grew up thinking that conservatives, Republicans were the devil. Why were they so greedy, if they had so much money, why don’t they help more poor people or people in need?

Irregardless, I think the promise of crypto is a more brilliant future. A lot of people seem to disdain the volatility of crypto, but I love it. With traditional stocks, you will never see a 10X gain, a 100X gain, or even a 1000x gain. Also with crypto, you could win it all, or you could lose it all. My general strategy towards crypto and cryptocurrency speculation is this:

Only put money into crypto, assuming that it will go to zero.

Perhaps the best piece of advice that I got from Nassim Taleb in his antifragile book is the idea that to maximize your gains, better to put 90% of your money in maximally boring funds, like bonds, yield savings account etc.… it is pretty crazy even now Cindy and I have a bunch of money just locked in a simple 5% APR savings account, and we get close to $2000 a month in “passive income” interest. Then, what I did was I put 10% of our savings into crypto, maximally speculative bets, initially investing in digibyte and bitcoin, later swapping it all to chainlink, along the way getting some Dogecoin, later transferring it all 100% back into Bitcoin.

All of the gains were mental. And along the way more recently, I’ve been drawing out some money from bitcoin, $5000 USD here US$5000 there… Simply to cover up moving expenses to LA.

The zen of crypto?

Ultimately what I find interesting is that crypto, people who speculate in crypto all tend to live kind of a more monastic Zen monk lifestyle. Even this one guy that I met who first got me into chainlink, revealed to me that he was a crypto whale in chainlink; apparently he first put his life savings in it, maybe $10,000 USD or so when it was worth about $.70, and then he saw it rise all the way up to $50 USD.

It was funny, because I would just see him at the local LA fitness working out, thinking and meditating, we would engage in some lively conversation, and he just drove his mom‘s old Honda Accord, I think he later told me that he was moving to Puerto Rico or something in order to avoid taxes on his crypto or some other regulatory aspects. Apparently even Sam Bankman Fried moved his corporation to the Bahamas, in order to avoid US regulation.

So what do you want to do with your wealth?

So once you are worth $20 billion, or $150 billion or whatever … then what?

Ironically the best use of money is simply peace of mind. That means money is not really a tool or a mechanism to buy a bunch of stuff that you like, but rather, being able to live a more zen, tranquil, more focused life.

For example, I think the reason why people are so addicted to email is that people are always desiring new “opportunities”, it is predicated on the fact that somehow other people will give you an afford you new opportunities and also, does predicated on the fact that somehow new opportunities will rise in which other people give you money.

But… assuming that no human being who messages you in your email inbox will give you money… would you still be interested in working with them?

For myself personally, I have close to zero interest in money. I am more interested in new opportunities, fun, new novel experiences. The things that I am proud of, or interested in, or grateful for is all of the cool interesting and sexy opportunities that I’ve had and done. Some of the people that I met, etc.

But ultimately, is there a human being more interesting than you?

Future trends

I’m currently reading the book “Going Infinite” by Michael Lewis, which chronicles is the life of Sam Bankman Fried and FTX and I find it insanely fascinating read. It seems that the same guy isn’t really the super evil guy that a lot of people in the media make him to be; the kid seems to be like a prodigy genius, mathematical minded, who really didn’t care for money or wealth. My personal theory is that he got suckered too much into this utilitarian “effective altruism“, concept… that he misused customer funds in order to “maximize“ his abilities for effective altruism.

I think effective altruism is a bad idea. Why? First of all, I think the general idea of altruism is bad; I think it puts other people in an inferior position, which I personally find is disrespectful. I think a better thing to do instead is on a day-to-day basis, instead of donating money to charities or whatever, to help empower other human beings on a one-to-one basis.

A simple thing; whenever I go to the park with Sen, and I see all these kids running around, who don’t really seem like they get much attention or love from their parents, I try to give them a little bit of that love and attention by talking to them, entertaining them etc. Perhaps this is a more effective way to “change the world“, than anything else.

The future of crypto?

Try to think about things on a 30 year basis. That means, the simple question; in 30 years, are people going to be using crypto more or less? Or, in 30 years, is the price of bitcoin going to go up or down? It seems pretty obvious that it will go up.

Also, the notion of a “digital wallet”. The general idea is that for the future, we ain’t gonna use cash money anymore. Why? I see more and more restaurants in institutions not except paper cash money. Why not? Because it is difficult to track, and I think there are also issues with employees at restaurants stealing money it etc. Even at my mom‘s old sushi restaurant where she worked at for a long time, she later found out that one of the head managers, a guy that we thought was a super good guy… Was secretly stealing money the whole time.

I think into the future, we will see less and less of “under the table“ payments; why? Because it is not trackable.

What else?

Some personal thoughts:

First, I don’t really like Ethereum. Why? It is kind of like android; maybe it is the better technology, but it isn’t sexy, only nerds know about it and use it, it ain’t mainstream and sexy like bitcoin. Bitcoin is like Apple, having the newest iPhone, iPhone Pro etc.… Ethereum is more like android, having an ugly Google pixel or some sort of generic Samsung smartphone.

Another analogy, bitcoin is like having the Lamborghini Countach, with the scissor doors, whereas Ethereum is like having the Toyota Corolla?


Don’t trust old coins, or alternative coins. Why? Everyone just wants to become the next bitcoin, but ultimately… There is too much meme culture behind alt coins, like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

I am very dubious that the price of these Altcoins will ever go up; it seems that a lot of people in the crypto world simply over hype certain crypto technologies and coins, in order to pump it up, sell it, and make money.


Besides bitcoin, only other crypto I find interesting is chainlink. I’ve read all the white papers, and been following the chainlink blog for a long time. Currently the only reason that I’m still committed to bitcoin is that my gut feeling is that even though chain-link is really great, the issue is that it is going to be difficult for it to become mainstream.

First and foremost, it is difficult to explain what it is. The technology is good and great, but I don’t think the general market will understand it.

Also, the fact that there was a chainlink version two is not a good sign. Anything with a version two is probably a bad sign; same thing with Ethereum.

Also, the logo in blue is not very attractive. And the name isn’t that catchy.

Now what?

I recommend reading going infinite by Michael Lewis, it is an insanely fascinating read, if you’re interested at all about financial markets, how it is all gamed by bots etc. My first revelation reading Michael Lewis was flash boys… Learning the truth behind these hidden high frequency trading firms.

And also, I think the sign of good writer, like Michael Lewis is at the Rita’s fun entertaining and also insightful. It seems that the best way to kill two birds with one stone is simple; make it both entertaining to read, and also interesting knowledge.

Think more, walk more

My simple suggestions on living a better life:

  1. Walk 50 miles a day
  2. Maximize your direct sunlight UV exposure radiation
  3. Just build a simple home gym: Titan.fitness equipment seems fine. Ideally work out outside in the direct sun, like an ancient spartan would do.
  4. Start blogging! bluehost.com and install WordPress.org. If you’re more nerdy you could also set up WordPress with lightsail— I did this for erickimphilosophy.com and also erickimfitness.com

Now what?

The world is yours! No drugs, no alcohol, no weed… just joy, bright light, weight lifting and exercise, walks in nature .. we the new zen stoics!


Start Here

Some good freebies:

  1. Ultimate beginners guide to street photography PDF
  2. Street portrait manual
  3. 100 lessons from the masters of street photography


Forward the thoughts

If you feel like you even got one fun thought here… feel free to forward this to a friend!



Either have a full manual transmission car, five speed or six speed manual shifting transmission, or, or have a fully automated self driving car, or some sort of minimalistic automatic car.

Also with design aesthetics, I really really really hate automatic shifting knobs and cars. Aesthetically it is so ugly and unnecessary. Good to look at the design of Hyundai, Genesis, Acura and Honda which has gotten rid of the silly automatic shifting stock, and instead, turned it all into buttons.

“Get rid of the stalks!” – Elon Musk

I really think that Elon Musk is like Steve Jobs 4.0. By comparison he makes Steve Jobs look unambitious.

Why Elon Musk? I think what people don’t understand or appreciate is how obsessed Elon Musk is with design, design thinking, design principles. For example, his obsession with designing a Tesla without any steering wheel, shifting mechanisms, stocks, etc. In fact, Elon Musk is almost like an extreme minimalist.

What I personally love about Tesla and Tesla cars is the Spartan luxury, extreme minimalism. For example, I still marvel at the Tesla model 3; first, I’m just so happy and excited and proud and amazed that Elon Musk pulled it off. I remember before it was put into production and before I saw any on the streets… it was just a rabbit hole fantasy. Now it is live!

What I find so insanely innovative about the Tesla model 3 is the extreme simplicity, the extreme minimalism. To make the dashboard so sublimely simple is a design masterpiece.

Personally, I really dislike the Tesla model Y; my general thought is that any sort of crossover vehicle, or even sports utility vehicle is some sort of a design compromise. Even the Tesla model X is almost like a Tesla model S on steroids.

Why is it so difficult to minimize?

I think the reason why it is so difficult to minimize is that there seems to be some sort of trend or market desire for their to be new features, new products, new additions to motivate people to buy something. But, from a zen capitalism perspective, perhaps this is not a good idea.

Why? I’m more effective way to think about things is figuring out what to get rid of, what to reduce, what to delete. For example, let us never forget the pure genius of Steve Jobs getting rid of the keyboard on the smartphone, and also getting rid of all these silly ugly ports. If it wasn’t for Steve Jobs and his insane design vision, we wouldn’t have the beautiful minimalistic smart phone that we have today.

Would it have eventually happened or not?

I think a lot of people think about technology and think that it is all inevitable… given enough time resources and people… these things will magically get invented anyways. I don’t think this is actually the case. You actually need a few insane individuals to bring these things into fruition.

Once again, read Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson and also Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson. You find that both these individuals have an insanely epic and grand life mission… is what drives them.


Walter Isaacson should write a book or a biography on Kanye West?

Other things you can barbell in life

  1. 90% of your savings and money in boring bonds, high yield interest CD’s or high yield savings account (5%!) and 10% in insanely speculative crypto (imagine losing it all). Best advice I got from NASSIM TALEB in ANTIFRAGILE.
  2. Often, 90% of your annoyances in life come from 10% of the people in your life. Get rid of these 10%.
  3. 90% of your joy and happiness and life come from 10% of the things. Try to determine and ascertain what this 10% is.

How to think better:

  2. ERIC KIM BOT: For photo
  3. Bitcoin Babe: speculate in crypto

Have fun with EK!

Super fun workshops in the pipeline:



  3. April 20th, 2024: SF ZEN PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPNow Live!




What is EK up to?

So I just finished the book going infinite by Michael Lewis on the rise and fall of Sam Bankman Fried and FTX. Super fun and fascinating read. My personal suggestion is even if you have a tiny interest in crypto, bitcoin or whatever… It is definitely worth a read.

A quick summary is that Sam isn’t the evil villain that everyone wants him to be. He is almost like an uber genius autistic mathematical servant, who seems to just lack common sense.

Also on a positive note, I think the great upside to consider here is that if bitcoin was able to bounce back after the fall of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried… a very bright future ahead of us in crypto. My personal price projection is I am quite certain that bitcoin will bounce back to at least $65,000 a bitcoin by next year. Therefore if you want a quick 2X profit, seems like a fun speculation. and no no no, don’t bet your house on it. Once again our financial thinking is simple:

Never put more than 10% of your life savings into anything. Irregardless of how good.

Also for funsies, a fun little essay I’ve written on the philosophy of crypto:

The Philosophy of Crypto

“Greed is good” – Gordon Gecko

So it seems and appears that a lot of people seek getting really really rich, really really fast, in order to buy a bunch of stuff. For example, I think the general idea is that you want to make a ton of money, feel good, buy a Lamborghini or whatever… And then what?

Crypto, cryptocurrency, crypto technology to me is fascinating because it is new, sexy, unorthodox, and interesting.

It seems that a lot of people are interested in crypto, bitcoin etc because they want to get really rich. But the tricky thing with crypto is that essentially you are really rich on paper, but typically most crypto speculators never actually dilute or convert their crypto to US dollars, which means that crypto money is not liquid, it is locked.

Crypto is intrinsically optimistic?

Crypto to me is interesting because it is edgy, optimistic, radical, and bold. Also a bit reckless.

The general idea is that with crypto, people are seeking a new revolution, something to up and the old system. Definitely a lot of anarchy vibes here, and a lot of people who are typically distrustful of big organizations, big government, etc.

Honestly I have nothing against the government, I am very happy paying my taxes, I still consider myself a bay area, liberal, open minded, at heart. I love democracy, democratic thinking. Why? It was mostly about how I was raised, how I was supported. If I did not get all of these government aided resources, like going to UCLA as an undergraduate, I would have never been able to become who I am today.

Also, simple organizations that I am grateful for include the Boy Scouts, Boy Scouts of America. I am forever grateful to my troop, my troop leaders, who helped me become an Eagle Scout, and helped me become the citizen that I am today.

Growing up, I grew up thinking that conservatives, Republicans were the devil. Why were they so greedy, if they had so much money, why don’t they help more poor people or people in need?

Irregardless, I think the promise of crypto is a more brilliant future. A lot of people seem to disdain the volatility of crypto, but I love it. With traditional stocks, you will never see a 10X gain, a 100X gain, or even a 1000x gain. Also with crypto, you could win it all, or you could lose it all. My general strategy towards crypto and cryptocurrency speculation is this:

Only put money into crypto, assuming that it will go to zero.

Perhaps the best piece of advice that I got from Nassim Taleb in his antifragile book is the idea that to maximize your gains, better to put 90% of your money in maximally boring funds, like bonds, yield savings account etc.… it is pretty crazy even now Cindy and I have a bunch of money just locked in a simple 5% APR savings account, and we get close to $2000 a month in “passive income” interest. Then, what I did was I put 10% of our savings into crypto, maximally speculative bets, initially investing in digibyte and bitcoin, later swapping it all to chainlink, along the way getting some Dogecoin, later transferring it all 100% back into Bitcoin.

All of the gains were mental. And along the way more recently, I’ve been drawing out some money from bitcoin, $5000 USD here US$5000 there… Simply to cover up moving expenses to LA.

The zen of crypto?

Ultimately what I find interesting is that crypto, people who speculate in crypto all tend to live kind of a more monastic Zen monk lifestyle. Even this one guy that I met who first got me into chainlink, revealed to me that he was a crypto whale in chainlink; apparently he first put his life savings in it, maybe $10,000 USD or so when it was worth about $.70, and then he saw it rise all the way up to $50 USD.

It was funny, because I would just see him at the local LA fitness working out, thinking and meditating, we would engage in some lively conversation, and he just drove his mom‘s old Honda Accord, I think he later told me that he was moving to Puerto Rico or something in order to avoid taxes on his crypto or some other regulatory aspects. Apparently even Sam Bankman Fried moved his corporation to the Bahamas, in order to avoid US regulation.

So what do you want to do with your wealth?

So once you are worth $20 billion, or $150 billion or whatever … then what?

Ironically the best use of money is simply peace of mind. That means money is not really a tool or a mechanism to buy a bunch of stuff that you like, but rather, being able to live a more zen, tranquil, more focused life.

For example, I think the reason why people are so addicted to email is that people are always desiring new “opportunities”, it is predicated on the fact that somehow other people will give you an afford you new opportunities and also, does predicated on the fact that somehow new opportunities will rise in which other people give you money.

But… assuming that no human being who messages you in your email inbox will give you money… would you still be interested in working with them?

For myself personally, I have close to zero interest in money. I am more interested in new opportunities, fun, new novel experiences. The things that I am proud of, or interested in, or grateful for is all of the cool interesting and sexy opportunities that I’ve had and done. Some of the people that I met, etc.

But ultimately, is there a human being more interesting than you?

Future trends

I’m currently reading the book “Going Infinite” by Michael Lewis, which chronicles is the life of Sam Bankman Fried and FTX and I find it insanely fascinating read. It seems that the same guy isn’t really the super evil guy that a lot of people in the media make him to be; the kid seems to be like a prodigy genius, mathematical minded, who really didn’t care for money or wealth. My personal theory is that he got suckered too much into this utilitarian “effective altruism“, concept… that he misused customer funds in order to “maximize“ his abilities for effective altruism.

I think effective altruism is a bad idea. Why? First of all, I think the general idea of altruism is bad; I think it puts other people in an inferior position, which I personally find is disrespectful. I think a better thing to do instead is on a day-to-day basis, instead of donating money to charities or whatever, to help empower other human beings on a one-to-one basis.

A simple thing; whenever I go to the park with Sen, and I see all these kids running around, who don’t really seem like they get much attention or love from their parents, I try to give them a little bit of that love and attention by talking to them, entertaining them etc. Perhaps this is a more effective way to “change the world“, than anything else.

The future of crypto?

Try to think about things on a 30 year basis. That means, the simple question; in 30 years, are people going to be using crypto more or less? Or, in 30 years, is the price of bitcoin going to go up or down? It seems pretty obvious that it will go up.

Also, the notion of a “digital wallet”. The general idea is that for the future, we ain’t gonna use cash money anymore. Why? I see more and more restaurants in institutions not except paper cash money. Why not? Because it is difficult to track, and I think there are also issues with employees at restaurants stealing money it etc. Even at my mom‘s old sushi restaurant where she worked at for a long time, she later found out that one of the head managers, a guy that we thought was a super good guy… Was secretly stealing money the whole time.

I think into the future, we will see less and less of “under the table“ payments; why? Because it is not trackable.

What else?

Some personal thoughts:

First, I don’t really like Ethereum. Why? It is kind of like android; maybe it is the better technology, but it isn’t sexy, only nerds know about it and use it, it ain’t mainstream and sexy like bitcoin. Bitcoin is like Apple, having the newest iPhone, iPhone Pro etc.… Ethereum is more like android, having an ugly Google pixel or some sort of generic Samsung smartphone.

Another analogy, bitcoin is like having the Lamborghini Countach, with the scissor doors, whereas Ethereum is like having the Toyota Corolla?


Don’t trust old coins, or alternative coins. Why? Everyone just wants to become the next bitcoin, but ultimately… There is too much meme culture behind alt coins, like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

I am very dubious that the price of these Altcoins will ever go up; it seems that a lot of people in the crypto world simply over hype certain crypto technologies and coins, in order to pump it up, sell it, and make money.


Besides bitcoin, only other crypto I find interesting is chainlink. I’ve read all the white papers, and been following the chainlink blog for a long time. Currently the only reason that I’m still committed to bitcoin is that my gut feeling is that even though chain-link is really great, the issue is that it is going to be difficult for it to become mainstream.

First and foremost, it is difficult to explain what it is. The technology is good and great, but I don’t think the general market will understand it.

Also, the fact that there was a chainlink version two is not a good sign. Anything with a version two is probably a bad sign; same thing with Ethereum.

Also, the logo in blue is not very attractive. And the name isn’t that catchy.

Now what?

I recommend reading going infinite by Michael Lewis, it is an insanely fascinating read, if you’re interested at all about financial markets, how it is all gamed by bots etc. My first revelation reading Michael Lewis was flash boys… Learning the truth behind these hidden high frequency trading firms.

And also, I think the sign of good writer, like Michael Lewis is at the Rita’s fun entertaining and also insightful. It seems that the best way to kill two birds with one stone is simple; make it both entertaining to read, and also interesting knowledge.

Think more, walk more

My simple suggestions on living a better life:

  1. Walk 50 miles a day
  2. Maximize your direct sunlight UV exposure radiation
  3. Just build a simple home gym: Titan.fitness equipment seems fine. Ideally work out outside in the direct sun, like an ancient spartan would do.
  4. Start blogging! bluehost.com and install WordPress.org. If you’re more nerdy you could also set up WordPress with lightsail— I did this for erickimphilosophy.com and also erickimfitness.com

Now what?

The world is yours! No drugs, no alcohol, no weed… just joy, bright light, weight lifting and exercise, walks in nature .. we the new zen stoics!


Start Here

Some good freebies:

  1. Ultimate beginners guide to street photography PDF
  2. Street portrait manual
  3. 100 lessons from the masters of street photography


Forward the thoughts

If you feel like you even got one fun thought here… feel free to forward this to a friend!



Either have a full manual transmission car, five speed or six speed manual shifting transmission, or, or have a fully automated self driving car, or some sort of minimalistic automatic car.

Also with design aesthetics, I really really really hate automatic shifting knobs and cars. Aesthetically it is so ugly and unnecessary. Good to look at the design of Hyundai, Genesis, Acura and Honda which has gotten rid of the silly automatic shifting stock, and instead, turned it all into buttons.

“Get rid of the stalks!” – Elon Musk

I really think that Elon Musk is like Steve Jobs 4.0. By comparison he makes Steve Jobs look unambitious.

Why Elon Musk? I think what people don’t understand or appreciate is how obsessed Elon Musk is with design, design thinking, design principles. For example, his obsession with designing a Tesla without any steering wheel, shifting mechanisms, stocks, etc. In fact, Elon Musk is almost like an extreme minimalist.

What I personally love about Tesla and Tesla cars is the Spartan luxury, extreme minimalism. For example, I still marvel at the Tesla model 3; first, I’m just so happy and excited and proud and amazed that Elon Musk pulled it off. I remember before it was put into production and before I saw any on the streets… it was just a rabbit hole fantasy. Now it is live!

What I find so insanely innovative about the Tesla model 3 is the extreme simplicity, the extreme minimalism. To make the dashboard so sublimely simple is a design masterpiece.

Personally, I really dislike the Tesla model Y; my general thought is that any sort of crossover vehicle, or even sports utility vehicle is some sort of a design compromise. Even the Tesla model X is almost like a Tesla model S on steroids.

Why is it so difficult to minimize?

I think the reason why it is so difficult to minimize is that there seems to be some sort of trend or market desire for their to be new features, new products, new additions to motivate people to buy something. But, from a zen capitalism perspective, perhaps this is not a good idea.

Why? I’m more effective way to think about things is figuring out what to get rid of, what to reduce, what to delete. For example, let us never forget the pure genius of Steve Jobs getting rid of the keyboard on the smartphone, and also getting rid of all these silly ugly ports. If it wasn’t for Steve Jobs and his insane design vision, we wouldn’t have the beautiful minimalistic smart phone that we have today.

Would it have eventually happened or not?

I think a lot of people think about technology and think that it is all inevitable… given enough time resources and people… these things will magically get invented anyways. I don’t think this is actually the case. You actually need a few insane individuals to bring these things into fruition.

Once again, read Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson and also Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson. You find that both these individuals have an insanely epic and grand life mission… is what drives them.


Walter Isaacson should write a book or a biography on Kanye West?

Other things you can barbell in life

  1. 90% of your savings and money in boring bonds, high yield interest CD’s or high yield savings account (5%!) and 10% in insanely speculative crypto (imagine losing it all). Best advice I got from NASSIM TALEB in ANTIFRAGILE.
  2. Often, 90% of your annoyances in life come from 10% of the people in your life. Get rid of these 10%.
  3. 90% of your joy and happiness and life come from 10% of the things. Try to determine and ascertain what this 10% is.

How to think better:

  2. ERIC KIM BOT: For photo
  3. Bitcoin Babe: speculate in crypto

Have fun with EK!

Super fun workshops in the pipeline:



  3. April 20th, 2024: SF ZEN PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPNow Live!




What is EK up to?

So I just finished the book going infinite by Michael Lewis on the rise and fall of Sam Bankman Fried and FTX. Super fun and fascinating read. My personal suggestion is even if you have a tiny interest in crypto, bitcoin or whatever… It is definitely worth a read.

A quick summary is that Sam isn’t the evil villain that everyone wants him to be. He is almost like an uber genius autistic mathematical servant, who seems to just lack common sense.

Also on a positive note, I think the great upside to consider here is that if bitcoin was able to bounce back after the fall of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried… a very bright future ahead of us in crypto. My personal price projection is I am quite certain that bitcoin will bounce back to at least $65,000 a bitcoin by next year. Therefore if you want a quick 2X profit, seems like a fun speculation. and no no no, don’t bet your house on it. Once again our financial thinking is simple:

Never put more than 10% of your life savings into anything. Irregardless of how good.

Also for funsies, a fun little essay I’ve written on the philosophy of crypto:

The Philosophy of Crypto

“Greed is good” – Gordon Gecko

So it seems and appears that a lot of people seek getting really really rich, really really fast, in order to buy a bunch of stuff. For example, I think the general idea is that you want to make a ton of money, feel good, buy a Lamborghini or whatever… And then what?

Crypto, cryptocurrency, crypto technology to me is fascinating because it is new, sexy, unorthodox, and interesting.

It seems that a lot of people are interested in crypto, bitcoin etc because they want to get really rich. But the tricky thing with crypto is that essentially you are really rich on paper, but typically most crypto speculators never actually dilute or convert their crypto to US dollars, which means that crypto money is not liquid, it is locked.

Crypto is intrinsically optimistic?

Crypto to me is interesting because it is edgy, optimistic, radical, and bold. Also a bit reckless.

The general idea is that with crypto, people are seeking a new revolution, something to up and the old system. Definitely a lot of anarchy vibes here, and a lot of people who are typically distrustful of big organizations, big government, etc.

Honestly I have nothing against the government, I am very happy paying my taxes, I still consider myself a bay area, liberal, open minded, at heart. I love democracy, democratic thinking. Why? It was mostly about how I was raised, how I was supported. If I did not get all of these government aided resources, like going to UCLA as an undergraduate, I would have never been able to become who I am today.

Also, simple organizations that I am grateful for include the Boy Scouts, Boy Scouts of America. I am forever grateful to my troop, my troop leaders, who helped me become an Eagle Scout, and helped me become the citizen that I am today.

Growing up, I grew up thinking that conservatives, Republicans were the devil. Why were they so greedy, if they had so much money, why don’t they help more poor people or people in need?

Irregardless, I think the promise of crypto is a more brilliant future. A lot of people seem to disdain the volatility of crypto, but I love it. With traditional stocks, you will never see a 10X gain, a 100X gain, or even a 1000x gain. Also with crypto, you could win it all, or you could lose it all. My general strategy towards crypto and cryptocurrency speculation is this:

Only put money into crypto, assuming that it will go to zero.

Perhaps the best piece of advice that I got from Nassim Taleb in his antifragile book is the idea that to maximize your gains, better to put 90% of your money in maximally boring funds, like bonds, yield savings account etc.… it is pretty crazy even now Cindy and I have a bunch of money just locked in a simple 5% APR savings account, and we get close to $2000 a month in “passive income” interest. Then, what I did was I put 10% of our savings into crypto, maximally speculative bets, initially investing in digibyte and bitcoin, later swapping it all to chainlink, along the way getting some Dogecoin, later transferring it all 100% back into Bitcoin.

All of the gains were mental. And along the way more recently, I’ve been drawing out some money from bitcoin, $5000 USD here US$5000 there… Simply to cover up moving expenses to LA.

The zen of crypto?

Ultimately what I find interesting is that crypto, people who speculate in crypto all tend to live kind of a more monastic Zen monk lifestyle. Even this one guy that I met who first got me into chainlink, revealed to me that he was a crypto whale in chainlink; apparently he first put his life savings in it, maybe $10,000 USD or so when it was worth about $.70, and then he saw it rise all the way up to $50 USD. It was funny, because I would just see him at the local LA fitness working out, thinking and meditating, we engage in some lively conversation, and he just drove his mom‘s old Honda Accord, I think he later told me that he was moving to Puerto Rico or something in order to avoid taxes on his crypto or some other regulatory aspects. Apparently even Sam Bankman Fried moved his corporation to the Bahamas, in order to avoid US regulation.

So what do you want to do with your wealth?

So once you are worth $20 billion, or $150 billion or whatever … then what?

Ironically the best use of money is simply peace of mind. That means money is not really a tool or a mechanism to buy a bunch of stuff that you like, but rather, being able to live a more zen, tranquil, more focused life.

For example, I think the reason why people are so addicted to email is that people are always desiring new “opportunities”, it is predicated on the fact that somehow other people will give you an afford you new opportunities and also, does predicated on the fact that somehow new opportunities will rise in which other people give you money.

But… assuming that no human being who messages you in your email inbox will give you money… would you still be interested in working with them?

For myself personally, I have close to zero interest in money. I am more interested in new opportunities, fun, new novel experiences. The things that I am proud of, or interested in, or grateful for is all of the cool interesting and sexy opportunities that I’ve had and done. Some of the people that I met, etc.

But ultimately, is there a human being more interesting than you?

Future trends

I’m currently reading the book “Going Infinite” by Michael Lewis, which chronicles is the life of Sam Bankman Fried and FTX and I find it insanely fascinating read. It seems that the same guy isn’t really the super evil guy that a lot of people in the media make him to be; the kid seems to be like a prodigy genius, mathematical minded, who really didn’t care for money or wealth. My personal theory is that he got suckered too much into this utilitarian “effective altruism“, concept… that he misused customer funds in order to “maximize“ his abilities for effective altruism.

I think effective altruism is a bad idea. Why? First of all, I think the general idea of altruism is bad; I think it puts other people in an inferior position, which I personally find is disrespectful. I think a better thing to do instead is on a day-to-day basis, instead of donating money to charities or whatever, to help empower other human beings on a one-to-one basis.

A simple thing; whenever I go to the park with Sen, and I see all these kids running around, who don’t really seem like they get much attention or love from their parents, I try to give them a little bit of that love and attention by talking to them, entertaining them etc. Perhaps this is a more effective way to “change the world“, than anything else.

The future of crypto?

Try to think about things on a 30 year basis. That means, the simple question; in 30 years, are people going to be using crypto more or less? Or, in 30 years, is the price of bitcoin going to go up or down? It seems pretty obvious that it will go up.

Also, the notion of a “digital wallet”. The general idea is that for the future, we ain’t gonna use cash money anymore. Why? I see more and more restaurants in institutions not except paper cash money. Why not? Because it is difficult to track, and I think there are also issues with employees at restaurants stealing money it etc. Even at my mom‘s old sushi restaurant where she worked at for a long time, she later found out that one of the head managers, a guy that we thought was a super good guy… Was secretly stealing money the whole time.

I think into the future, we will see less and less of “under the table“ payments; why? Because it is not trackable.

What else?

Some personal thoughts:

First, I don’t really like Ethereum. Why? It is kind of like android; maybe it is the better technology, but it isn’t sexy, only nerds know about it and use it, it ain’t mainstream and sexy like bitcoin. Bitcoin is like Apple, having the newest iPhone, iPhone Pro etc.… Ethereum is more like android, having an ugly Google pixel or some sort of generic Samsung smartphone.

Another analogy, bitcoin is like having the Lamborghini Countach, with the scissor doors, whereas Ethereum is like having the Toyota Corolla?


Don’t trust old coins, or alternative coins. Why? Everyone just wants to become the next bitcoin, but ultimately… There is too much meme culture behind alt coins, like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

I am very dubious that the price of these Altcoins will ever go up; it seems that a lot of people in the crypto world simply over hype certain crypto technologies and coins, in order to pump it up, sell it, and make money.


Besides bitcoin, only other crypto I find interesting is chain-link. I’ve read all the white papers, and been following the chain-link blog for a long time. Currently the only reason that I’m still committed to bitcoin is that my gut feeling is that even though chain-link is really great, the issue is that it is going to be difficult for it to become mainstream.

First and foremost, it is difficult to explain what it is. The technology is good and great, but I don’t think the general market will understand it.

Also, the fact that there was a chain-link version two is not a good sign. Anything with a version two is probably a bad sign; same thing with Ethereum.

Also, the logo in blue is not very attractive. And the name isn’t that catchy.

Bitcoin Philosophy

The general idea … anti fiat currency; the idea that true currency needs a hard cap. Hard cap of 21 million coins.

Why does this matter? The US government and FED can essentially print unlimited money; my belief a lot of inflation is triggered by when during COVID, too much “free money” was circulated into the system.

Digital gold

Is bitcoin “digital gold”? I think so.

Consider real gold … you don’t ever really touch it or use it. And there seems to be a hard cap.

Why does bitcoin matter?

I think it’s just a really fascinating concept … insanely innovative, sexy and interesting.

The icon?

Simply put I think Bitcoin is the best because the icon is orange. A very simple idea — the Bitcoin icon pops super hard compared to all of the other random coins and crypto assets.

The future?

BRC-20, ERC-20; wrapping Bitcoin with other assets and the blockchain… transforming Bitcoin into a viable NFT option.

Why does it all matter?

Philosophically speaking … it makes me ponder and meditate the notion of wealth, money etc. That all this money stuff is simply smoke and mirrors.

My interest in Bitcoin?

Via ChatGPT:

Eric Kim, known for his work in photography, has also shown a notable interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. His involvement and thoughts on this topic are reflected in various ways:

  1. Personal Investment and Trading: Kim shared his experiences with Bitcoin investment and trading. He mentioned re-entering the Bitcoin market when its price dropped from $50,000 to $35,000 and then riding it back up to $50,000 oai_citation:1,How I Made Money with Crypto – ERIC KIM – EK.
  2. Philosophical Perspective: He has discussed the broader implications of cryptocurrency and its potential future impact. For example, he has speculated about the future of global currencies and the role of military power in their dominance, suggesting a deep interest in the geopolitical and economic aspects of cryptocurrency oai_citation:2,Why I Bought More Bitcoin (Again) – EK – ERIC KIM PHOTOGRAPHY.
  3. Cryptocurrency Advocacy: Kim has expressed a strong belief in the longevity and importance of Bitcoin, predicting that it will be the “last crypto standing.” This shows his advocacy for Bitcoin and his confidence in its future oai_citation:3,Crypto – ERIC KIM – EK.
  4. Reflection on Wealth and Cryptocurrency: He has also pondered the broader implications of wealth accumulation through cryptocurrency, questioning what comes after achieving financial success in this arena oai_citation:4,Once You Become a Crypto Billionaire, Then What? – ERIC KIM.
  5. Professional Intersection with Photography: Kim has explored the intersection of cryptocurrency and photography, discussing why he believes digital currencies like Bitcoin and Digibyte are the future for photographers in the digital economy oai_citation:5,BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS – ERIC KIM – Podtail.

Through these various avenues, it’s evident that Eric Kim’s interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency goes beyond mere financial investment. He integrates this interest with his professional field, reflects on its broader societal implications, and engages with the philosophical aspects of this innovative technology.

Bitcoin hard cap

Bitcoin’s hard cap is set at 21 million coins. This limit is an integral part of its design and philosophy, reflecting a commitment to scarcity and anti-inflationary principles. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed in unlimited quantities by governments, Bitcoin’s finite supply resembles gold and other precious metals. This limit is expected to be reached around the year 2140. The hard cap is also seen as a way to mimic the diminishing returns of mining precious resources, with the rewards for mining new blocks halving approximately every four years, in events known as “halvings.” This scarcity principle has been a key factor in Bitcoin’s narrative and value proposition as “digital gold.”

The Future of Photography and AI

What is the future of photography and AI? The question at hand.

First, my personal creative vision is that the future of AI and photography should be a hybrid of using AI to actually motivate you to be more creative. No no no, AI is not going to “take your job“, or “take over the world“. is going to take your job? Is Google search going to take your job? No.

What is AI good for?

AI, ChatGPT, DALL-E, DALL-E 3 is like a personal echo chamber; you could use it to flesh out your ideas, to think more critically, and just ask yourself the question… why?

My first take and attempt at creating my own artificial intelligence chat bot was the WHY APP? Essentially the idea was motivated by the notion; if you just ask yourself the question “why?” five times… you gain a deeper truth or insight about something.

The difference between human feedback and machine feedback

Arsbeta.com is all about human feedback. You upload a photo, and you randomly get a real human being giving you feedback on your photos, in a constructive and critical way.

My next vision is to integrate AI into it; which means you upload a photo to the AI, and then it could give you some sort of interesting critical feedback on your photos.

What you could do right now is subscribe to ChatGPT plus, only 20 bucks a month, and upload a photo to it, and ask it for feedback on your photos, how you can improve etc. Some of the feedback is interesting… it makes you think more.

AI as a mirror

AI is a mirror. A white mirror.

AI can only think as deeply as you do; there’s no real right or wrong here. Typically the questions you ask it is simply a reflection of what you’re personally interested in.

Also with DALL-E, DALL-E 3… the name of the game is how funny and aberrant are your ideas?

Creative ideas

Once you got the paid ChatGPT subscription, you can upload up to three or four images, and then just ask ChatGPT to help you choose your best photo.

AI can help you give photography tips. For example, ask ERIC KIM BOT, or ERIC KIM AI for photography tips, photography assignment ideas, street photography tips etc. It is very smart because what it essentially does is just scrape my blog, and gives you interesting ideas in a conversational way.

The integration between camera and AI

Rather than upgrading your iPhone, just use the iPhone you already got, and pay for the ChatGPT subscription, and finally… your smartphone actually becomes smart.

For example what you could do is open up the ChatGPT app, click the camera icon, take a photo of something, and help you analyze the scene. Also, you could even take a photo of a collage that you’ve made in real life and ask it to analyze the image. Recently Cindy and I printed out a bunch of photos, and framed them nicely, and I’ve been having fun asking it to analyze the collages and making sense of it.


Is AI art “real“ art? Of course! The better question is whether you like the photo and the image or not.

What is art? Art is anything that you create. Art can be manifested however you interpret it.

My thought is now with AI, and it being so easy to generate images… What is more critical is actually your ability to filter. The art of choosing your favorite photos is a really important thing here.

Why photographers should use DALL-E

DALL-E is the specific component of ChatGPT which creates images from scratch, purely based on your own imagination.

It is phenomenal. For example, once you subscribe to the Chi PT plus, open up DALL-E on the sidebar, and things you could ask it to design you:

  1. Bitcoin babe driving a Lamborghini Countach in ancient Sparta
  2. Peter Pan with samurai sword in zombie apocalypse
  3. Spartan stoic philosopher lifting bitcoin weights
  4. Beautiful Korean woman at Met Gala in bitcoin dress

DALL-E truly becomes magical the more ridiculous and ostentatious you make it. Make it as ridiculous silly and random as possible; the more ridiculous, the better.

Where should I post all of my images?

Your own blog.

Ionos.com and WordPress.org or bluehost.com

Why? The reason is you’re going to create lots of AI generated images and artwork, and also your photos.

I like the idea of artistic and creative double dipping; the idea is that now that you’re a visual artist, you’re not constrained to just one medium. It is not mutually exclusive; you could do both! You could shoot photos and make AI art!

Make yourself laugh

Cindy has been enjoying watching me how much fun I have been having with ChatGPT and DALL-E. For example a recent thing that I did which made me laugh out loud was asking DALLE to make me a hardcore Spartan image, and then I keep asking it “more muscular”. There is a certain point in which it becomes hilarious and I laugh out loud where the limits of muscularity just become preposterous. It makes the incredible Hulk look like a twig.

Content moderation

One good thing that ChatGPT has integrated is the notion of content policies to prevent bad behavior. The fun thing to do is actually see how you could work around it; rather than asking DALL-E to make you a picture of a “sexy Korean girl“, which it will refuse… use the word “babe” instead, and instead of calling it “sexy”, you can say “beautiful” or “gorgeous”.

The word babe is funny… I got the word from Calvin and Hobbes, because Hobbes was always so fascinated by the babes.

So I think the real fun thing about ChatGPT is actually finding creative ways to subvert the content moderation policies. See how far you could push it and nudge it.

Brave New World of AI

I made a ChatGPT bot called “Bitcoin Babe”. My personal creative vision was in the spirit of fun; how you could use an AI chat but to help you be more zen, stoic, and calm about crypto… given how volatile it is.

For example, I never checked the price of bitcoin or any of my crypto acids. I only ever know the price if I stumble upon it on accident, if it is in the headlines of a newspaper, on the television at airports, in magazines at the airport etc. I never seek it out.

Why, why not and why am I glad that I didn’t do this? Because I know myself and how sensitive I am… I used to actually daytrade when I was in college as a sophomore, and I realize that I was too emotional. Essentially what I did was I thought a long time about my decision, went 100% into bitcoin, and I just never looked at it or touched it, did other stuff instead. The hilarious thing is that I actually avoided and I actually didn’t even know about the whole FTX meltdown and the Sam Bankman-Fried guy. And I’m glad that I intentionally made myself ignorant of all the modern day news… Bitcoin is bouncing back, and since the last time I bought more bitcoin for the third time, everything is totally in the green.

But anyways, I think 99% of crypto, cryptocurrency speculation is all about having a zen and stoic mindset. Essentially not to let emotions perturb you.

I specifically programmed Bitcoin Babe in such a way that it tries to help you think more critically about things, and not get suckered by hype.

Also, ZEN OF ERIC and also ERIC KIM BOT— zen of ERIC is all about stoicism and philosophy, and ERIC KIM bot is all about photography.

No more Google

I am starting to think that Google is the bad guy; this whole system we got which is predicated on advertising is a positively bad one. Why? The more sensational and crazy the news, the more advertisements get viewed or clicked on. As a consequence, the nature of the news and media is becoming too outlandish.

Also my critical analysis is that a lot of this stuff on racism, race riots, anti-Jewish sentiment etc.… the real bad guy here is Google and Facebook. Why? Google which owns YouTube, makes money off of these hot button topics. Not only that but Facebook owns Instagram, and once again… the more sexual, overt, and loud something is… the more attention and advertising money is made.

Actually one thing that made me very anti-Instagram… I don’t even have a daughter but I’m starting to realize… When I watched the Kanye West interview on info wars, Kanye West commenting that Instagram is essentially like pornography; a lot of these “fitness influencers”, or women… are essentially selling their bodies for attention and money.

But now that ChatGPT and DALLE can make you your own beautiful women, photo realistic, all which are virtual… There is really no more need for these models or “influencers“.

Short Google and Facebook/Meta/Instagram.

Now what?

The other days when I was at Philz coffee, I saw a guy order a croissant and a coffee and spend $17 on it. Do yourself a favor and just buy the ChatGPT premium subscription, and spend the best $20 of your life.

Play with it, have fun, create your own ChatGPT bots, and also, see how far you can push it.

Think with EK



HAPTIC TOOLS — create your own visual jewels!


So fucking lit!!!

Hector among the ships:

Meanwhile Hector seized a rock that lay fore the gate, thick at the base but pointed at the top, two of the strongest men these days could barely have levered it from the ground onto a cart, yet he handled it alone, Zeus the son of devious Cronos making it seem light. Hector lifted the rock like a shepherd lifting a ram’s fleece in one hand, scarcely burdened by the weight, and raised it against the solid panels of the tall tightly-fitted double gates, held by two cross bars and a single bolt. Bracing himself, feet well apart, to hurl it with greatest force, he stood in front and struck them square in the middle. The hinges broke on either side, and the stone’s weight carried it on, as the doors flung open groaning, crossbars broken. Glorious Hector leapt inside, face dark as night; his body gleaming with baleful bronze, grasping his twin spears in his hands. None but a god could have checked him once he had passed the gates.

Eyes blazing fire, he turned to the ranks behind and called to them to climb the battlements. At his order some men scaled the wall, while others poured in through the broken gates, as the Greeks, routed, were driven back to the hollow ships, in the midst of a relentless clamour.

I finally found it!!! ChatGPT as the ultimate research tool.

ChatGPT just as an insanely good filter? 100000x better than Google.

You know how Google’s tagline is “make all of the information on the web accessible?” ChatGPT makes it a trillion times better. Now Google is:

Let us try to put as many sneaky advertisements into your life!


Bitcoin camera Eric Kim Back




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


Advice I would have given myself in photography, if I started all over again:

Until You Own Yourself You Can’t Be Free

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 by ERIC KIM

De-lamify the future.

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM


eric kim melbourne benjamin thompson

Enroll in my Udemy Course:

‘Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship’: Create Your Own Future >

Entrepreneurship Ideas

  1. InstaSlaves
  2. How to Become a Vlogger
  3. How to Build Your Own Self Brand
  6. How to Market Yourself in Photography
  7. How to Become More Ambitious
  8. Crypto Photography
  9. In Praise of Email Newsletters
  10. Propagate.
  11. Make Your Own Street Photography Blog
  12. Create the Information You Seek.
  13. Content over Technology
  14. How to Advertise Yourself as a Photographer
  16. Photography Branding 101
  18. Bet on Your Own Coin.
  19. The Photographer Should Also Make His/Her Own Music?
  20. Mix Your Photos and Videos
  26. Why Start a Photography Blog?
  27. Once You FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), Then What?
  29. In Praise of Solo Photography Business Entrepreneurship
  31. Street Photography Philosophy Entrepreneurship
  35. Scaleable Photography
  36. What Does it Mean to Become a Successful Photographer?
  37. 20 Photography Marketing, Branding, and Entrepreneurship Tips
  38. Create Your Own Social Media
  39. Individual Entrepreneurship
  41. BUILD!
  42. What is Success in Photography?
  44. Publish Fearlessly
  47. PhotoLink
  48. Real World Applications
  49. You Are Your Own Ideal User
  50. What is Your Creative Vision?
  51. A More Dope, Prosperous Future for All Photographers
  54. How to Maximize Your Impact as a Photographer
  55. Why the World Needs More Bloggers
  57. The Joy of Speculation
  59. Propogate
  60. Meaningful Advantage or Not?
  64. Photography Blogs are Highly *UNDERRATED*
  65. What is Your Competitive Advantage?
  66. Why 4K?
  67. Indirect Monetization
  68. The Future of Innovation in Photography
  69. Photography Innovation and Image Selection Idea: Let Google (YouTube) Suggested Thumbnail Pick Your Best Photo? 
  70. How to Identify Your Competitive Advantage
  71. In Praise of Insanely Fast Wifi
  73. The Stoic-Entrepreneurship Mindset
  74. Marketing Tips for Photographers
  77. Visual Entrepreneurship
  78. On Becoming a Full-Stack Visual Entrepreneur
  79. Real Photographers Don’t Use Instagram
  80. Brave New World of Blogging
  81. Don’t Go to Photography School
  82. Mass Success is a Failure?
  83. How to Maximize Your Archimedes Lever in Life
  84. Maximize Your Archimedes Lever
  85. How to Create Value Out of Nothing
  86. The Best Brand is No Brand
  87. What Do We Entrepreneurs *Really* Want?
  88. You Were Destined to Do Great Things
  89. Just Share Your Photos on Your Own Blog
  90. Your Blog is the Ultimate Form of Social Media
  91. The Future of Websites and Blogs
  92. Create a Company
  93. Money Photography Project
  95. Google and YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 101: How Would You Type It?
  97. Digital Photography is the Future
  100. A Non-Ownership Future
  102. Economic Constraints Are Creative Constraints
  103. Become a Sole-Proprietor
  104. Entrepreneurship is a Mindset
  105. How to Master Mac
  106. The Future of Lifestyle
  107. Necessity is the Mother of Innovation
  108. Once We Have an Easy Life, Then What?
  109. Why I Don’t Read Comments
  110. YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Photographers
  111. How to Become a Self-Employed Photographer
  112. How to Live Big With Little Money
  113. Why Blogging, Vlogging and Internet Media is More Important than Ever
  114. No Marketing, No Future
  115. Photography Marketing 101
  116. Google and YouTube are King
  117. Why I’m So Suspicious of Everyone Online and on the Internet
  118. How to Become More Notorious
  119. Kaizen Approach to Blogging
  120. How to Master Marketing
  122. Anti Silicon-Valley Thinking
  123. Your Name
  124. In Praise of WordPress
  126. Your Future Portfolio is a Website
  127. Infinite Runway
  129. Financial Independence as a Road to Freedom of Speech?
  131. Just Post It.
  132. Posts Are Products
  133. Photography Entrepreneurship Ideas
  134. YOU ARE KING.
  135. You’re Always in BETA MODE
  136. Build Your Own Media Empire
  138. Why I Became an Entrepreneur
  139. The Uber-Photographer
  140. Create What You Would Like to See Manifested in the World
  141. Create the Future
  142. Entrepreneurship is Best During Uncertain Times
  143. Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM
  144. Your Body is the Brand
  145. Your Name is Your Brand
  146. Create Your Own Social Media Platform
  148. Sell Yourself
  149. Create New
  150. Insta-Slaves
  152. Why Hybrid is the Future
  153. Don’t Censor Yourself
  156. If Someone Offers You Help, You’re Stupid to *NOT* Take It.
  158. How I Became So Famous
  159. Let Reality Mould Itself to You
  161. Live Your Life as If You Were a Billionaire
  163. Impact, Influence, Reach: The Three Pillars of Marketing
  165. Classicism.
  167. Money is Movement
  168. Elitism 2.0
  169. Mass Market or Luxury Market?
  170. Why You Must Market Yourself
  171. Why You Must Start an Email Newsletter
  172. How Laptops Can Change the World
  173. What Do You Want to Become?
  174. What is Really Holding You Back in Life?
  175. Why I Write: Writing as Meta-Thinking
  177. Use Your First and Last Name
  178. How Blogging Can Change the World
  179. In Praise of Liberty
  180. How I Write in Markdown
  181. How I Became So Influential on YouTube
  183. What a Time to Be Alive in Today’s Brave New World of Photography
  186. My Life Photography Entrepreneurship Story
  188. My Entrepreneurship Mindset
  190. My Money Philosophy
  191. Why Brand and Market Yourself?
  193. Just Share What Works for You
  194. How to Create Your Own Platform
  195. Living in a Post Monetary Society
  196. In Praise of Blogging
  197. The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle is the Best Lifestyle
  198. Algorithm Slavery
  200. Entrepreneurship is The Goal
  201. The Art of Blogging
  203. How to Make Great Titles
  204. Sole Proprietorship
  205. Just Build It.
  208. Become a Full-Stack Entrepreneur
  209. How to Entertain Others
  210. My Experience Teaching My First Online Photography Creativity Workshop on Zoom
  211. Humans Aren’t Lazy
  212. One Shot.
  214. The Brave New COVID Lifestyle
  215. Start Your Own Business
  216. Minimum Viable Income ( MVI)
  217. TRAINING.
  218. WHY VIDEO?
  219. How to Become Bolder
  220. You’ve Always Already Been a Photography Entrepreneur!
  221. The Future is All Digital Everything
  222. Digital Sharecropping
  224. In Praise of Buffer and Redundancy
  227. Advertise Your Own Stuff
  229. Simulated Universal Basic Income
  230. Is Losing Followers a Good Thing?
  231. How to Add to Economic Activity
  234. Anything is Possible
  237. How to Profit from Calamity
  238. Capitalism 2.0
  240. SOCIETY 2.0
  242. How to Make Art from Home
  244. JUST BLOG IT.
  248. Who Are Your Ideal Followers?
  249. Why I Blog, Vlog, and Log
  250. Your Perspective is Irrefutable
  251. What are Your Hidden Powers?
  252. IMPACT MAXIMIZATION, not Profit Maximization
  253. Our Desire to Maximize Impact and Change
  254. 10 Rich Tips How to Make Money from Photography
  255. Create What You Would Love to Consume
  256. Publish is Pleasure
  257. Retire Now
  258. Do You Desire to Become the Best?
  259. Solo Entrepreneurship
  260. My Vision of Photography Entrepreneurship
  262. The Desire to Transcend Ourselves
  264. How to Retire
  265. Via Negativa Productivity
  266. Why You Must Make Your Own Website
  267. Individuals over Companies
  268. Build Yourself
  269. Success is Survival
  270. Why You Shouldn’t Go to Photography or Art School
  271. How to Differentiate Yourself as a Photographer
  272. Surpass Yourself
  273. Can You Handle Extreme Freedom?
  274. Boutique or Mass Market?
  275. Proof of Concept
  276. Unified Field Theory for Photography
  277. Build a Company You’d Never Sell
  278. Play the Long Game
  279. Entrepreneurship and Art
  280. What is the Source of our Strength?
  281. What’s the Future for Photography?
  282. Full-Stack Visual Artist
  283. Why Scale?
  284. What is Your Unfair Advantage?
  285. Substance Marketing
  286. Share Your Dopeness with Others
  287. Frugality is Freedom
  288. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Entrepreneurship
  289. Don’t Follow or Predict Trends, Start Your Own Trend!
  290. If You’re Not Busy Growing, You’re Busy Dying
  291. Entrepreneurship born from Superabundance, not Need/Necessity
  292. Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy
  293. How to Master Marketing in Photography
  294. Photography Entrepreneurship Tips and Ideas
  295. Is Hustle Sufficient Unto Success?
  296. Don’t do it for the money
  298. Zen Entrepreneurship
  300. Streamers Shall Inherit the Earth

Photography Blogging

wordpress.org is our best friend.



Marketing and Branding

Entrepreneurship Lifestyle

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Photography Entrepreneurship 101

Life and Productivity Hacks

How to Make a Living from Your Passion

Put a Dent in the Universe.

How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneurship overview eric kim course

The Modern Photographer: Tips, Strategies, and Tactics to Thrive as a Visual Artist in the Digital Age

Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success

MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.

Business Mental Models

How to Monetize Your Photography


Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?

Take control of your own photographic destiny:

  1. Photography Startup Manual
  3. On Risk Taking and Entrepreneurship


Photography Entrepreneurship Articles




Table of Contents

Learn how to make a living from your passion:

Photography Business 101

How to Make Money with Photography

gold camera bitcoin money ERIC KIM

Photography Marketing 101

How to Hustle.

Entrepreneurial Principles

How to be a Full-time Photographer

Photography Blogging

How to Teach Photography

Social Media

How to Save Money



Bitcoin camera Eric Kim Back




Open source:

  1. What is Street Photography? (2.4gb) / Download
  2. Black and White (2.3gb) / Download
  3. How to Shoot Street Photography (2.2gb) / Download
  4. Street Portraits 101 (1.9gb) / Download
  5. Conquer Your Fears (430mb) / Download
  6. Composition (460mb) / Download
  7. Masters (107mb) / Download
  8. Editing and Post-Processing (1.3gb) / Download
  9. Photography Projects (1.4gb) / Download
  10. Motivation (3.7gb) / Download

View all >


Advice I would have given myself in photography, if I started all over again:

Until You Own Yourself You Can’t Be Free

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 by ERIC KIM

De-lamify the future.

Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM


eric kim melbourne benjamin thompson

Enroll in my Udemy Course:

‘Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship’: Create Your Own Future >

Entrepreneurship Ideas

  1. InstaSlaves
  2. How to Become a Vlogger
  3. How to Build Your Own Self Brand
  6. How to Market Yourself in Photography
  7. How to Become More Ambitious
  8. Crypto Photography
  9. In Praise of Email Newsletters
  10. Propagate.
  11. Make Your Own Street Photography Blog
  12. Create the Information You Seek.
  13. Content over Technology
  14. How to Advertise Yourself as a Photographer
  16. Photography Branding 101
  18. Bet on Your Own Coin.
  19. The Photographer Should Also Make His/Her Own Music?
  20. Mix Your Photos and Videos
  26. Why Start a Photography Blog?
  27. Once You FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), Then What?
  29. In Praise of Solo Photography Business Entrepreneurship
  31. Street Photography Philosophy Entrepreneurship
  35. Scaleable Photography
  36. What Does it Mean to Become a Successful Photographer?
  37. 20 Photography Marketing, Branding, and Entrepreneurship Tips
  38. Create Your Own Social Media
  39. Individual Entrepreneurship
  41. BUILD!
  42. What is Success in Photography?
  44. Publish Fearlessly
  47. PhotoLink
  48. Real World Applications
  49. You Are Your Own Ideal User
  50. What is Your Creative Vision?
  51. A More Dope, Prosperous Future for All Photographers
  54. How to Maximize Your Impact as a Photographer
  55. Why the World Needs More Bloggers
  57. The Joy of Speculation
  59. Propogate
  60. Meaningful Advantage or Not?
  64. Photography Blogs are Highly *UNDERRATED*
  65. What is Your Competitive Advantage?
  66. Why 4K?
  67. Indirect Monetization
  68. The Future of Innovation in Photography
  69. Photography Innovation and Image Selection Idea: Let Google (YouTube) Suggested Thumbnail Pick Your Best Photo? 
  70. How to Identify Your Competitive Advantage
  71. In Praise of Insanely Fast Wifi
  73. The Stoic-Entrepreneurship Mindset
  74. Marketing Tips for Photographers
  77. Visual Entrepreneurship
  78. On Becoming a Full-Stack Visual Entrepreneur
  79. Real Photographers Don’t Use Instagram
  80. Brave New World of Blogging
  81. Don’t Go to Photography School
  82. Mass Success is a Failure?
  83. How to Maximize Your Archimedes Lever in Life
  84. Maximize Your Archimedes Lever
  85. How to Create Value Out of Nothing
  86. The Best Brand is No Brand
  87. What Do We Entrepreneurs *Really* Want?
  88. You Were Destined to Do Great Things
  89. Just Share Your Photos on Your Own Blog
  90. Your Blog is the Ultimate Form of Social Media
  91. The Future of Websites and Blogs
  92. Create a Company
  93. Money Photography Project
  95. Google and YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 101: How Would You Type It?
  97. Digital Photography is the Future
  100. A Non-Ownership Future
  102. Economic Constraints Are Creative Constraints
  103. Become a Sole-Proprietor
  104. Entrepreneurship is a Mindset
  105. How to Master Mac
  106. The Future of Lifestyle
  107. Necessity is the Mother of Innovation
  108. Once We Have an Easy Life, Then What?
  109. Why I Don’t Read Comments
  110. YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Photographers
  111. How to Become a Self-Employed Photographer
  112. How to Live Big With Little Money
  113. Why Blogging, Vlogging and Internet Media is More Important than Ever
  114. No Marketing, No Future
  115. Photography Marketing 101
  116. Google and YouTube are King
  117. Why I’m So Suspicious of Everyone Online and on the Internet
  118. How to Become More Notorious
  119. Kaizen Approach to Blogging
  120. How to Master Marketing
  122. Anti Silicon-Valley Thinking
  123. Your Name
  124. In Praise of WordPress
  126. Your Future Portfolio is a Website
  127. Infinite Runway
  129. Financial Independence as a Road to Freedom of Speech?
  131. Just Post It.
  132. Posts Are Products
  133. Photography Entrepreneurship Ideas
  134. YOU ARE KING.
  135. You’re Always in BETA MODE
  136. Build Your Own Media Empire
  138. Why I Became an Entrepreneur
  139. The Uber-Photographer
  140. Create What You Would Like to See Manifested in the World
  141. Create the Future
  142. Entrepreneurship is Best During Uncertain Times
  143. Photography Entrepreneurship 101 Presentation by ERIC KIM
  144. Your Body is the Brand
  145. Your Name is Your Brand
  146. Create Your Own Social Media Platform
  148. Sell Yourself
  149. Create New
  150. Insta-Slaves
  152. Why Hybrid is the Future
  153. Don’t Censor Yourself
  156. If Someone Offers You Help, You’re Stupid to *NOT* Take It.
  158. How I Became So Famous
  159. Let Reality Mould Itself to You
  161. Live Your Life as If You Were a Billionaire
  163. Impact, Influence, Reach: The Three Pillars of Marketing
  165. Classicism.
  167. Money is Movement
  168. Elitism 2.0
  169. Mass Market or Luxury Market?
  170. Why You Must Market Yourself
  171. Why You Must Start an Email Newsletter
  172. How Laptops Can Change the World
  173. What Do You Want to Become?
  174. What is Really Holding You Back in Life?
  175. Why I Write: Writing as Meta-Thinking
  177. Use Your First and Last Name
  178. How Blogging Can Change the World
  179. In Praise of Liberty
  180. How I Write in Markdown
  181. How I Became So Influential on YouTube
  183. What a Time to Be Alive in Today’s Brave New World of Photography
  186. My Life Photography Entrepreneurship Story
  188. My Entrepreneurship Mindset
  190. My Money Philosophy
  191. Why Brand and Market Yourself?
  193. Just Share What Works for You
  194. How to Create Your Own Platform
  195. Living in a Post Monetary Society
  196. In Praise of Blogging
  197. The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle is the Best Lifestyle
  198. Algorithm Slavery
  200. Entrepreneurship is The Goal
  201. The Art of Blogging
  203. How to Make Great Titles
  204. Sole Proprietorship
  205. Just Build It.
  208. Become a Full-Stack Entrepreneur
  209. How to Entertain Others
  210. My Experience Teaching My First Online Photography Creativity Workshop on Zoom
  211. Humans Aren’t Lazy
  212. One Shot.
  214. The Brave New COVID Lifestyle
  215. Start Your Own Business
  216. Minimum Viable Income ( MVI)
  217. TRAINING.
  218. WHY VIDEO?
  219. How to Become Bolder
  220. You’ve Always Already Been a Photography Entrepreneur!
  221. The Future is All Digital Everything
  222. Digital Sharecropping
  224. In Praise of Buffer and Redundancy
  227. Advertise Your Own Stuff
  229. Simulated Universal Basic Income
  230. Is Losing Followers a Good Thing?
  231. How to Add to Economic Activity
  234. Anything is Possible
  237. How to Profit from Calamity
  238. Capitalism 2.0
  240. SOCIETY 2.0
  242. How to Make Art from Home
  244. JUST BLOG IT.
  248. Who Are Your Ideal Followers?
  249. Why I Blog, Vlog, and Log
  250. Your Perspective is Irrefutable
  251. What are Your Hidden Powers?
  252. IMPACT MAXIMIZATION, not Profit Maximization
  253. Our Desire to Maximize Impact and Change
  254. 10 Rich Tips How to Make Money from Photography
  255. Create What You Would Love to Consume
  256. Publish is Pleasure
  257. Retire Now
  258. Do You Desire to Become the Best?
  259. Solo Entrepreneurship
  260. My Vision of Photography Entrepreneurship
  262. The Desire to Transcend Ourselves
  264. How to Retire
  265. Via Negativa Productivity
  266. Why You Must Make Your Own Website
  267. Individuals over Companies
  268. Build Yourself
  269. Success is Survival
  270. Why You Shouldn’t Go to Photography or Art School
  271. How to Differentiate Yourself as a Photographer
  272. Surpass Yourself
  273. Can You Handle Extreme Freedom?
  274. Boutique or Mass Market?
  275. Proof of Concept
  276. Unified Field Theory for Photography
  277. Build a Company You’d Never Sell
  278. Play the Long Game
  279. Entrepreneurship and Art
  280. What is the Source of our Strength?
  281. What’s the Future for Photography?
  282. Full-Stack Visual Artist
  283. Why Scale?
  284. What is Your Unfair Advantage?
  285. Substance Marketing
  286. Share Your Dopeness with Others
  287. Frugality is Freedom
  288. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for Entrepreneurship
  289. Don’t Follow or Predict Trends, Start Your Own Trend!
  290. If You’re Not Busy Growing, You’re Busy Dying
  291. Entrepreneurship born from Superabundance, not Need/Necessity
  292. Photography Entrepreneurship Philosophy
  293. How to Master Marketing in Photography
  294. Photography Entrepreneurship Tips and Ideas
  295. Is Hustle Sufficient Unto Success?
  296. Don’t do it for the money
  298. Zen Entrepreneurship
  300. Streamers Shall Inherit the Earth

Photography Blogging

wordpress.org is our best friend.



Marketing and Branding

Entrepreneurship Lifestyle

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Photography Entrepreneurship 101

Life and Productivity Hacks

How to Make a Living from Your Passion

Put a Dent in the Universe.

How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

entrepreneurship overview eric kim course

The Modern Photographer: Tips, Strategies, and Tactics to Thrive as a Visual Artist in the Digital Age

Marketing, Branding, Entrepreneurship Principles For Success

MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER is your new philosophical and practical primer to succeed as a modern photographer in today’s digital world.

Business Mental Models

How to Monetize Your Photography


Why Become a Photography Entrepreneur?

Take control of your own photographic destiny:

  1. Photography Startup Manual
  3. On Risk Taking and Entrepreneurship


Photography Entrepreneurship Articles




Table of Contents

Learn how to make a living from your passion:

Photography Business 101

How to Make Money with Photography

gold camera bitcoin money ERIC KIM

Photography Marketing 101

How to Hustle.

Entrepreneurial Principles

How to be a Full-time Photographer

Photography Blogging

How to Teach Photography

Social Media

How to Save Money



  1. Just Follow the Money
  2. My Money Philosophy
  3. Eternal fame and glory over money
  4. The Trillion Dollar Question: How to Make Money on the Internet Without Advertising?
  5. Entrepreneurship that Doesn’t Involve Money-Making?
  6. Money Ain’t Real
  7. Making Money for Fun, Not to Get Rich
  8. Why Money?


Obviously we are not living in a simulation, but if you think about the MATRIX, one of the most interesting things to consider is the interesting metaphor towards life.

First, I think everyone is running on the same social scripts. As a consequence, people just tend to be very boring. I’ve actually found that the reason why most people are so boring is that they either lack exposure, or courage.

Second, we are conditioned by fear. Lot of what holds us back is fear; and also ethics.

Even one thing I was considering, why is it that sex, erotic matters, nudity etc.… is seen as so bad, taboo and evil? Technically if we can go from purely biologic perspective, it doesn’t really matter. Do we shame animals for being naked all the time or doing it in public, not really.

Or horses; let us consider stallions in heat, and their behavior.

I think when I consider my behavior, my thinking and worldview, being raised Catholic, Roman Catholic, and also being born and raised in America, notions of Catholic guilt, and also Confucian guilt… and also Korean Korean American culture… not the most open-minded worldview.

I am very happy fortunate and blessed that my mom was very contrarian, very unorthodox, even for being a Korean mom. I would definitely say her ethos was very unique; very independent, solo, self-reliant etc.

In fact, how did I become who I am? I think 90% of it was the socialization of my mom. She is the one who taught me social skills and not to fear people. Funny enough, sometimes she is too naïve to a fault; but ultimately I would prefer my mom— better to be happy joyful and naïve than to be like a scarecrow, overly suspicious and cold towards the world.

“Better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore.” – Galiani


First, become more loud ostentatious, more “ratchet“. Be the big swinging dick (Michael Lewis, Flash Boys).

Second, throw politically correct vocabulary into the trash, and be maximally suspicious of any “woke” talk. My heuristic:

“Don’t trust any woke people who toke!”

Haha. Toke means smoke weed.

Also, the critical of anybody who has too strong of a political affiliation to any side, spends too much time on Facebook and social media etc. Anybody who consumes media, or gossip, has un-unique thinking. Ultimately my thoughts about people and thoughts is simple; there are interesting people and boring people. No good or bad people. In fact, most good people are insanely boring. A lot of bad people also tend to be boring.

Just be the real life troll

Trolling on the internet is bad. However I think trolling in real life is good.

After becoming a ChatGPT master, I’m starting to understand that we should literally put 0% faith of anything we see or read on the Internet. Why? It is truly impossible to tell whether something was written by ChatGPT or not, or if the original text was written by ChatGPT, and then a human just edited it afterwards.

For example for fun, I made two ChatGPT bots, in the spirit of ERIC KIM. It is actually both hilarious and scary how good they are —

  1. Stoic philosophy: ZEN OF ERIC
  2. Photography: ERIC KIM BOT](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-6UuzfnRjq-eric-kim-bot)

How do you troll people in real life? Joke around, laugh, have fun, talk like a seven-year-old or five-year-old child, never give people a straight answer. Lie about funny things in a playful gist.

For example, a lot of people try to be friendly by asking me how old Seneca is. Sometimes I will joke and say “He is six months old!” (He is 2 years, 9 months old). Some people become shocked and their eyes go really wide, and then I just joke that he is on steroids.

Also, everybody loves a good compliment. Doesn’t matter if man or women etc. I love people, and so whenever I see people having a certain outfit or look that I like, I always try to make it a point to compliment them.

Just try this out as an experiment: for a whole day: whenever you see somebody that you like, compliment them. Compliment their hair their outfit their look etc. Or inquire about their outfit, where they got it, etc.

Second, throw your AirPods and airbuds pros into the trash. I think one of the most terrible things for modern day society, which atrophies our social skills is everyone always having AirPods on. Real men don’t use headphones or AirPods or whatever. If you’re going to listen to music, use a Bluetooth speaker or play it off your phone speaker and blast it like a person from the hood.

In fact, I’m starting to hypothesize that in fact, it might be music, Spotify, and noise canceling headphones which is the driving cause to have people become more antisocial. Not phones and social media, the headphones.

Also as an experiment, the next time you go to the gym and lift weights, do it without any music or headphones on. You will actually benefit by naturally trying to block out all the annoying elevator music, and annoying chitchat of other people. Ultimately it makes you more interesting to NOT wear headphones than to wear them.

Also, how do you know if somebody is actually really interesting or not? When you go to the gym, filter people into two categories:

People who work out without headphones, and people who do.

I only trust people who work out without headphones on.

Other assignments

  1. Street portrait assignment: start a street portrait project in which you’re just trying to capture interesting faces of people in your own city or locale. You can complement people by telling them that they have a beautiful face, or great skin, or if they’re older… You could tell them that they have an elegant face and look. PDF
  2. If people ask you what you’re doing, say that you’re starting a personal photography project of the people of the city, and you consider them as integral to your project.
  3. Download some ERIC KIM books, or attend an ERIC KIM workshop.

Now what?

The sun is out, the sun is bright! Your future awaits you.

And also, when in doubt, smile.


Some more turbo thoughts:


First, unshackle yourself from superficial ethics, morality, uncritical religious edicts, etc.

The more I think about it… honestly all these modern day “ethics”, “rules”, are bad.

Especially in America, which is a strange chimera of thinking.

Why do people try to superimpose how we should or how we should not live our lives?

For example, when we think and consider the difference between shared, co-living spaces and places, versus communal things, versus the common.

For example, let us say that I am living with you, and you prefer things a certain way, and I prefer things a certain way. Who should have the ultimate say?

A simple heuristic: If I am by myself, you should not intrude on my space and do things differently, tell me what to do or what not to do.

Second, if we are sharing the space and you prefer things a certain way, and your request seems reasonable enough, I will acquiesce to you, and I will simply leave the space.

I think the big issue is when we try to superimpose our will upon others.

For example, let us say that I love to eat meat. That I am 100%, unabashed carnivore. That it is against my beliefs to eat vegetables or plants or fruit or grains or anything which reeks of a “plant-based diet“. Funny enough, nowadays it is 100% fine to show up to a party and tell people that “I don’t eat meat“, and low-key expect to be served vegetarian or vegan food… but it isn’t mainstream to show up to a party saying “I don’t eat vegetables“, and low-key expect to be fed meat.

Also, I kind of get the low-key feeling that a lot of vegetarians or zealous vegans are trying to get everyone to stop eating meat, to become like them, become vegan etc. That they try to guilt or shame meat eaters like myself that what we do is bad evil and is “bad for the planet“.

However, I haven’t really seen the opposite; when I shame a vegan for being cruel to immigrant farm workers who have to pick almonds all day, and how almonds, their almond butter, their cashews, cashew nut butters etc. is “bad for the planet“, because of how water hungry these plants are.

Why don’t we just leave other people alone?

For example, I think one thing I have discovered about myself is that I am a little bit of a tyrant. I attribute this to my upbringing; I was the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son, and as a consequence, being raised, I was treated like the king. Whenever I would go to my grandma, she would always acquiesce to my needs and desires and shower me with endless praise, brag about how handsome and successful I was in front of all of her friends, etc.

King’s Disease

So the big issue that I have is that myself, I see myself as king, emperor, and I expect other people to treat me a certain way. I expect and demand and find a critical that other people greet me, when I enter, when I leave, and to treat me with High respect and royalty. When they do not do this, it infumes my anger.

But the biggest issue is that you cannot force other people to treat you a certain way, or to greet you a certain way. For example, if I show up, I cannot demand other people to address me a certain way, or to greet me, etc. Similarly speaking, When I leave, I cannot demand other people say goodbye to me or greet me goodbye. That is tyranny.

This is where I think modern day stuff is little bit bad; you cannot force me to talk to you a certain way, to greet you a certain way, to address you a certain way, etc. If you don’t like the way I talk to you or about you… You just walk away or don’t interact with me. Doesn’t this make more sense?

Who tells us what to do what not to do?

First and foremost, who was Confucius? Essentially he was a petty governmental official, and I believe it was later the scholar bureaucrat Mencius who codified his belief system, just kind of like how Paul did for Jesus… and they create this new pseudo, strange, hydra of a world view and order.

For example, Confucianism, the state mandarin examinations, and all of these pseudo religious rules that Confucius put forth, like philial piety, respect for elders, etc.… The main purpose was a form of social control and order and harmony. It was a useful tool for the king emperor or the aristocracy to keep the commoners in check.

Similarly speaking, St. Paul, was a very strange case. Just read about him from Nietzsche and his book “The Antichrist”. The general gist is that Saint Paul was a tormented soul, and he was seeking salvation somewhere else. He discovered Jesus, the teachings of Jesus, and bastardized them in a strange, miss mashed way. He almost escaped coated Jesus for his own downings and faults, and could not come to ends why things happened a certain way they did.

The chosen people

A concept I came upon recently, which is very interesting and fascinating to me, is this notion of “the chosen people“. I’m curious… is this zero sum? That some people are chosen, and some are not? Are they chosen based on their blood, their lineage, their parents, their family heritage and background, or something else?

And also, if I am chosen, does it mean that you’re not chosen? That, somehow I take up your spot? The notion that in the afterlife, there is only a limited number of spots, let us say 5000 or something, and that only a select number of people are allowed entrance?

You control you

So there are certain things I have learned and observed about life, the world, etc.

First, certainly there are certain people and individuals who are born with a leg up in life. For example, if I was born, and my dad was worth $20 billion, and from a young age I knew that I had a trust fund, which would not be able to be unlocked until I am 65 years old, maybe a part of $100 million… certainly this would change how I live my life.

Also, let us say that I am born and my family is very well-connected. Let us say that my father or mother is a famous Hollywood actor or producer or director… certainly if my passion is cinema film and media, I will also be given better connections and privileges.

But… Does this matter? I don’t think so.

My favorite example is thinking about Jay Z. Would Jay Z have become a Jay Z if he were born to a nice, middle-class family in the suburbs? Highly dubious.

Also, something that I learned is that not always, but often… people entrepreneurs etc. who are born to very difficult childhood situations are the ones who become interesting.

For example, Jeff Bezos, just read his book “invent and wander,” hearing his family story, I think his dad was essentially a Cuban refugee, is insanely fascinating. I think the best thing that Jeff Bezos said, which actually emotionally moved me so much is that when he talks about his father, his “my real father, not my biological one”— it was so beautiful I almost teared up!

Also, read the new Walter Isaacson biography on Elon Musk; I think Elon Musk probably had one of the most traumatic childhood of all time… Somehow those experiences forged him into what he is today.

Same thing with Kanye West; more or less having a single mom, an absentee father, and also, the tragic early passing of his mother Donda… Certainly this shapes your psyche in a certain way.

I don’t wish trauma on nobody

Just because you have suffered more trauma in your life doesn’t make you more virtuous than me, and vice versa. However, I don’t think we should either use it as a crutch nor a motivator… We should just pause it our desired life path, and proceed boldly.

Obstacles are your boost?

Whenever you witness or experience a certain setback, obstacle, “downside“… Think about Mario kart; these “setbacks“ are like your temporary speed boost!

In fact, even though not having things a certain way is insanely annoying, I think this is the root of all innovation. For example, my insane frustration with trying to find a good gym… Essentially resulted in me innovating and doing my funny “off the grid” workouts.

Similar speaking, starting off in photography, 18-19 years old, not being able to find any good information on the Internet on how to do photography and Street photography and composition is actually what motivated my pursuits to create the information I wish to see manifested in the world.


First, unshackle yourself from superficial ethics, morality, uncritical religious edicts, etc.

The more I think about it… Honestly all these modern day “ethics”, “rules”, are bad.

Especially in America, which is a strange chimera of thinking.

Why do people try to superimpose how we should or how we should not live our lives?

For example, when we think and consider the difference between shared, co-living spaces and places, versus communal things, versus the common.

For example, let us say that I am living with you, and you prefer things a certain way, and I prefer things a certain way. Who should have the ultimate say?

A simple heuristic: if I am by myself, you should not intrude on my space and do things differently, tell me what to do or what not to do.

Second, if we are sharing the space and you prefer things a certain way, and your request seems reasonable enough, I will acquiesce to you, and I will simply leave the space.

I think the big issue is when we try to superimpose our will upon others.

For example, let us say that I love to eat meat. That I am 100%, unabashed carnivore. That it is against my beliefs to eat vegetables or plants or fruit or grains or anything which reeks of a “plant-based diet“. Funny enough, nowadays it is 100% fine to show up to a party and tell people that “I don’t eat meat“, and low-key expect to be served vegetarian or vegan food… But it isn’t mainstream to show up to a party saying “I don’t eat vegetables“, and low-key expect to be fed meat.

Also, I kind of get the low-key feeling that a lot of vegetarians or zealous vegans are trying to get everyone to stop eating meat, to become like them, become vegan etc. That they try to guilt or shame meat eaters like myself that what we do is bad evil and is “bad for the planet“.

However, I haven’t really seen the opposite; when I shame a vegan for being cruel to immigrant farm workers who have to pick almonds all day, and how almonds, their almond butter, their cashews, cashew nut butters etc. is “bad for the planet“, because of how water hungry these plants are.

Why don’t we just leave other people alone?

For example, I think one thing I have discovered about myself is that I am a little bit of a tyrant. I attribute this to my upbringing; I was the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son, and as a consequence, being raised, I was treated like the king. Whenever I would go to my grandma, she would always acquiesce to my needs and desires and shower me with endless praise, brag about how handsome and successful I was in front of all of her friends, etc.

King’s Disease

So the big issue that I have is that myself, I see myself as king, emperor, and I expect other people to treat me a certain way. I expect and demand and find a critical that other people greet me, when I enter, when I leave, and to treat me with High respect and royalty. When they do not do this, it infumes my anger.

But the biggest issue is that you cannot force other people to treat you a certain way, or to greet you a certain way. For example, if I show up, I cannot demand other people to address me a certain way, or to greet me, etc. Similarly speaking, When I leave, I cannot demand other people say goodbye to me or greet me goodbye. That is tyranny.

This is where I think modern day stuff is little bit bad; you cannot force me to talk to you a certain way, to greet you a certain way, to address you a certain way, etc. If you don’t like the way I talk to you or about you… You just walk away or don’t interact with me. Doesn’t this make more sense?

Who tells us what to do what not to do?

First and foremost, who was Confucius? Essentially he was a petty governmental official, and I believe it was later the scholar bureaucrat Mencius who codified his belief system, just kind of like how Paul did for Jesus… And they create this new pseudo, strange, hydra of a world view and order.

For example, Confucianism, the state mandarin examinations, and all of these pseudo religious rules that Confucius put forth, like Philly pie, respect for elders, etc.… The main purpose was a form of social control and order and harmony. It was a useful tool for the king emperor or the aristocracy to keep the commoners in check.

Similarly speaking, St. Paul, was a very strange case. Just read about him from Nietzsche and his book “The Antichrist”. The general gist is that Saint Paul was a tormented soul, and he was seeking salvation somewhere else. He discovered Jesus, the teachings of Jesus, and bastardized them in a strange, miss mashed way. He almost escaped coated Jesus for his own downings and faults, and could not come to ends why things happened a certain way they did.

The chosen people

A concept I came upon recently, which is very interesting and fascinating to me, is this notion of “the chosen people“. I’m curious… Is this zero sum? That some people are chosen, and some are not? Are they chosen based on their blood, their lineage, their parents, their family heritage and background, or something else?

And also, if I am chosen, does it mean that you’re not chosen? That, somehow I take up your spot? The notion that in the afterlife, there is only a limited number of spots, let us say 5000 or something, and that only a select number of people are allowed entrance?

You control you

So there are certain things I have learned and observed about life, the world, etc.

First, certainly there are certain people and individuals who are born with a leg up in life. For example, if I was born, and my dad was worth $20 billion, and from a young age I knew that I had a trust fund, which would not be able to be unlocked until I am 65 years old, maybe a part of $100 million… Certainly this would change how I live my life.

Also, let us say that I am born and then my family is very well-connected. Let us say that my father or mother is a famous Hollywood actor or producer or Director… Certainly if my passion is cinema film and media, I will also be given better connections and privileges.

But… Does this matter? I don’t think so.

My favorite example is thinking about Jay Z. Would Jay Z have become a Jay Z if he were born to a nice, middle-class family in the suburbs? Highly dubious.

Also, something that I learned is that not always, but often… People entrepreneurs etc. who are born to very difficult childhood situations are the ones who become interesting.

For example, Jeff Bezos, just read his book “invent and wander, hearing his family story, I think his dad was essentially a Cuban refugee, is insanely fascinating. I think the best thing that Jeff Bezos said, which actually emotionally moved me so much is that when he talks about his father, his “my real father, not my biological one”— it was so beautiful I almost teared up!

Also, read the new Walter Isaacson biography on Elon Musk; I think Elon Musk probably had one of the most traumatic childhood of all time… Somehow those experiences forged him into what he is today.

Same thing with Kanye West; more or less having a single mom, an absentee father, and also, the tragic early passing of his mother Donda… Certainly this shapes your psyche in a certain way.

I don’t wish trauma on nobody

Just because you have suffered more trauma in your life doesn’t make you more virtuous than me, and vice versa. However, I don’t think we should either use it as a crutch nor a motivator… We should just pause it our desired life path, and proceed boldly.

Obstacles are your boost?

Whenever you witness or experience a certain setback, obstacle, “downside“… Think about Mario kart; these “setbacks“ are like your temporary speed boost!

In fact, even though not having things a certain way is insanely annoying, I think this is the root of all innovation. For example, my insane frustration with trying to find a good gym… Essentially resulted in me innovating and doing my funny “off the grid” workouts.

Similar speaking, starting off in photography, 1819 years old, not being able to find any good information on the Internet on how to do photography and Street photography and composition is actually what motivated my pursuits to create the information I wish to see manifested in the world.

Women are Art.

All the wealth, riches, Lamborghinis and Ferraris in the world … does it even begin to compare to the apex beauty of woman?


Beautiful women, the beautiful woman shape form and physique of a beautiful woman is the ultimate stimulus to man?

Woman as the ultimate and apex art object?


So the funny thought of the morning; it seems that a lot of us seek to “upgrade” our things; why not the opposite… to seek to “downgrade” our things?

The most manly phone?

So I had a very funny thought a few days ago… The question…

What is the most manly phone?

The reason why I think this is such an interesting thought is that because I think what a lot of us men are seeking through our devices, cars, watches accessories etc.… is seeking some sort of manliness, masculinity, a feeling of dominance. For example, why would you get a Richard Millie?

“Richard mill on the leather band” — PUSHA T

Totems of power

Looking back at it, I actually learned a lot of very useful things studying sociology as an undergraduate at UCLA. To me, sociology may be one of the greatest majors of all time, because it deals with society, human beings, people. It seems that a lot of things in modern day life or just sociological phenomenon.

For example, this nonsensical trend towards veganism, “plant-based diets”, etc. Where does this stem from? My personal thought is that it has to do with loss of religion. A lot of modern-day people, especially young people, no longer go to church, have a religion, etc. Therefore, what is our new religion? “Saving the planet“, “animal rights“, etc.

Therefore, I think this strange trend for young people preferring to have dogs over children is that it is a new pseudo religion. And also, people who think that eating meat is “bad for you”,… I think it also has to do with the fact that people are seeking some sort of salvation or virtuality Through their dietary and food consumptive behaviors.

For me, I tried to think about things more critically. Without all of this nonsensical, anemic ideals and fake ethics.

Why the iPhone SE may be the most mainly phone

My current thought and understanding is that the iPhone SE may currently be the most manly phone. Why? You could beat the shit out of it, literally and metaphorically, and you can live a more adventurous, greater life!

For example, I trust nobody who uses a case on their phone. Why? First of all aesthetically it looks so ugly. Secondly, it signals some sort of cowardice. Third, I think it’s signals that we just spend way too much money on phones. I think it is not good.

For example, if you’re like me, a typical “tech bro“, we probably spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about our phones, our devices, waiting for the newest Apple product, etc. Yet my personal thought is that rather than seeking to upgrade our phones, perhaps instead what we gotta do is upgrade how we eat (100% organ meat diet — beef liver, beef heart, beef kidney, beef intestines, bone marrow), how we lift weights, how we walk and live etc.

For example, I’m starting to think more and more… To spend $1500 on a phone is not a good use of our time nor money. Why? If we think about it from creative or productivity perspective, if you really really really really really really really really want to become more productive, you would probably just get like a Mac mini, a Mac studio, some sort of desktop computer, with an Uber ergonomic set up, standing desk, treadmill desk, Ernle monitor, track ball mouse, kinesis keyboard, etc. Even now with the brand new MacBook Pro which came out; I think it is a cowardly design. Apple is a bunch of cowards; after Joni I’ve left, why did they bring back the MagSafe thing? The green light is insanely annoying and distracting, especially when it is charging in your bedroom, and also… HDMI port? It is like the Nauvoo PCI port, it will get outdated so quickly. The same thing goes with SD cards; Apple has done compromised bad.

Even now, when I look at the new MacBook Pro, or any of the new MacBook Air laptops… It is starting to look more and more like an old Windows device. All of these ports which are not going to be future proof, and also, still my grade joy of the MacBook Pro touch bars; Seneca even figure it out how to open up GarageBand and he figure it out how to Use the drum machine on the touch bar! The MacBook Pro touch bar was so insanely innovative… And effectively Apple has discontinued it. Why? Once again… No vision for the future.

So where is the future going to be?

Personally speaking, definitely AI. ChatGPT, DALL-E, creating your own chat bots etc. For example, I just made two of my own chat bots, it literally only took me 30 seconds. This shit is bananas!

For example try out the new ZEN OF ERIC and also ERIC KIM BOT

Why does this matter?

My personal fight and anti-mentality is that I hate the boring, I hate the same same, I hate the generic, etc. My passion lies in innovation, thinking about the future, technology, etc. Ever since I was a kid, I was so fascinated and passionate about computers, and even now Seneca… It looks like he is teaching himself also how to type, use tach GPT and AI, at age 2 years, nine months old… She is a true prodigy. And what is a prodigy anyway? My personal thought is a prodigy is simply a kid with a attentive parents, and when you’re with your kid, you either turn off your phone, locked it into the glove compartment of your car, or put it away.

In fact, the best tip I have for parents, in order to become a “better” parent is this;

When you go to the park with your kid, just lock your phone in the glove compartment of your car, and just spend your time being 100% focused with your kid.

It is almost like Odysseus tying himself to the mast, or also… Filling his ears with beeswax. Or getting his men to tie him down. Why? Honestly, I think phones, smart phones, iPhones etc. is like crack cocaine for the mind. I might think that your phone might be worse than cocaine, heroin, etc.

In fact, the best way to truly thrive as a thinker is when you go on a walk, leave your phone at home, or if your phone is on you, just turn it off, totally off.

And what is the best “upgrade“, to go offline, think offline.

Offline Thinking

What is the ultimate privilege in today’s world? To be offline, metaphorical airplane mode all the time.

In fact, some of my best life epiphanies have happened and occurred when I was offline, in an airplane, in a cruise ship, etc. Essentially, anytime that I was not connected to the internet.

Interestingly enough, the old chief technology officer of the old company I used to work for, demand media, Byron Reese told me… he would often just jump on really really long international flights to get good writing done, because it forced him to not be connected to the internet.

In fact, being off-line in today’s world is ultimate privilege and luxury.

How do you know if somebody is very successful or not? If they don’t have a phone, or a phone number. The more difficult it is to contact somebody the more high profile they are.

For example, a simple thought I have is don’t publicly put your email address on your contact here page on your website. I think true high profile individuals cannot be contacted through simple measures. And actually ironically enough, I’ve discovered… the more difficult you make yourself to contact, the more desirable you become.

In fact, when I was living in Vietnam in 2017, got rid of my phone, and lived off the grid and didn’t check your email or use email for about two years… interestingly enough I would have people just attend my workshops just in order to connect with me.

How to think offline

A very simple way to do this is when you’re out and about, leave your phone at home, and just take along your iPad Pro to think. Don’t get a data plan. What is the downside of a data plan? First of all, it seems that all data plans, all 5G or 4G cellular data Internet connections on your phone suck. For example, my extreme frustration with T-Mobile, spectrum… The internet connection sucks. If I had to sign up for my own phone service I would just get Verizon.

Thinking internationally?

Also another good way to think different is to go international. Example, even recently, the time that I had in Cambodia, Phnom Penh very formative to my thinking. It forced me to think outside of the box, and true avoid typical ways of thinking, the often myopic American way.

For example, even a very simple simple approach was to think in kilograms instead of pounds. This helped me get outside of my head, when attempting to lift new personal records in my deadlift and squat.

Also, one thing I loved about the gym I went in Phnom Penh, monkifit, was that for the most part, it was always practically empty. Therefore as a consequence, I really only did weightlifting or did things which I personally care for, instead of trying to low-key impress other people.

In fact, even more recently at my old gym, I actually really fucked up my wrist bad when trying to stunt on other people by doing a very heavy floor bench press. Trying to stunt, impress, or flex on other people actually led to my own personal demise.


Whenever you do anything to try to impress others, please others, or stunt on others, the personal outcome for you will be very very bad.

Why think different?

My personal thought is that perhaps the greatest joy is how unorthodox your thinking may be. Where does unorthodox thinking come from?

My first thought is that it comes from the human body. We cannot have interesting unique thoughts if we do not have a great body, great muscles, etc.

Also, I think you owe it to mankind. I think you were meant to change the world, and the way you could change the world is through challenging the status quo and the traditional way things are done.

Like Gandhi said, become the change you wish you see manifested in the world.

Why change the world?

I personally find it interesting idea to change the world because perhaps this is where our willpower comes from. Our desire to change the world, to “fuck shit up”.

For example, the funny notion of breaking the internet. I broke the Internet when I lifted the 330 pound golden dumbbells at the golden Venice Beach easily, and also more recently… When I atlas lifted 1000 pounds, which is ten plates and maybe a 25 on each side.

The grandeur of the human body

“Conspiracy theorists screaming illuminati, they cannot imagine this much skill inside a human body. He 6 2, how he fit inside a new Bugatti? Ha ha fuck it you got me.” – JAY Z

Whether we like it or not, all of our power, steel, etc. is derived from our human body. For example, whenever you look at an artist, a writer, I thinker, the philosopher, or academic… You must meet them in the flesh. Look at what they look like in real life. Observe their body fat percentage, the complexion of their skin, whether they actually get any natural sunlight or not, if they have a tan or not, if they lift weights, how tall or short they are, how fat or muscular they are etc.

For example, I would put zero faith in the writing or thoughts of a skinny fat, or an obese man who talks about masculinity, or weightlifting or fitness matters.

Similarly speaking, I put zero faith in all of these loser Reddit people, who try to validate their own self-worth through how good their “form“ is. Ultimately nobody cares about your form. And actually I discovered… When people see how much I could lift, and how much more to lift in them, they try to critique my form, and they actually want to see me get hurt. Why? It is bad or hurts their ego when they see that I am much stronger, taller, more handsome, and more dominant than them.

Even the other day, I was walking by this upscale hotel parking lot, and some random guy, wearing a flashy outfit, kind of a slick handsome look, try to make fun of me by saying “what is this? No shirt Thursdays”? Essentially he was trying to tease or bully me because he felt insecure that I was so much more muscular and confident than him. Now that my testosterone is so high, I was able to troll him back, and put him back in his spot.

No more internet

OK guys, I’m moving forward, that just put zero faith on the Internet. Why? All these people on Reddit… Do you really know whether they are ChatGPT bought or not? Or, they could just be real life human beings using ChatGPT to generate some sort of ideas.

Like the famous cartoon said “on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”

Even in ready player one, the main character’s best friend, who he thought was a guy all along… was actually a girl.

Also the two Japanese brothers, were just 11-year-old kids.

So now what?

My very very very very practical and pragmatic thought is let us assume that you have a normal day job, once you go home, just turn your phone off. All the way off. Do the iPhone secret handshake, which is volume up, volume down, side power button hold. In fact I think the most insidious thing that Apple did from a design perspective, is that they turned the power button , the button on the top right corner, to be a Siri button. I think the mentality behind the decision was this:

Nobody ever turns off their phone anyways, and in the evenings, we just charge it overnight… And the issue is that Siri is great but nobody is using it… Why don’t we try to just “nudge” people using Siri more by turning the power button into a Siri button?

Bad idea. Apple, if you got true huevos, and you really want to “help humanity“, turn the power button back into a power button. Or at least give people an option. That if you click and hold the power button in the top right corner for a few seconds, Maybe you could put a prompt which asks whether you want to make it an on off switch, or whether you want it to be a Siri button.

Essentially make it simple enough that your mom knows how to do it. For example, can you try explaining to your mom how to turn off their iPhone?


How do you know if you are truly self owned or not? If you could face your iPhone face down, scratch it up, let your kid play with it and throw it around, with zero care or concern. The biggest upside of having a cheap iPhone SE is that I literally have zero concerns or qualms about my phone.

Only issue that I’m personally having is that when I use my iPhone SE for Google maps to navigate somewhere when I’m driving… Often times the screen goes dim, in order to prevent it from overheating or whatever.

Thinking about your devices and stuff

So moving into my new apartment, setting up the new home Wi-Fi, it seriously sucks. Spectrum sucks, even the most expensive plan, the fake gigabit plan.

A simple workaround is I have just been exporting the videos to 720 P, and frankly speaking it seems fine enough. Why? Honestly speaking, 99% of people are just gonna be watching your videos from their phone. Technically even 540P should be good enough then. And also, a lot of people when they’re watching YouTube, never make it full screen and rotate their phone. As a consequence, maybe even 480p is good enough.

Why do we think we need more resolution?

Truth be told, we don’t. I think it is a typical marketing thing; why would I upgrade my phone, my devices, my things if it is not a “upgrade”?

Even one of my past students, he used to drive a Porsche Panamera, and I guess that it either got into a car accident, broke or whatever… Went to go get a new car, and he definitely wanted a “upgrade“. He upgraded it to some sort of high-powered BMW M car instead.

And with things in life, we are always seeking a greater upgrade. But maybe this is some sort of fallacious goal.

Think about this. What if… You no longer cared for your phone, your laptop, your iPad, your laptop, your car, your home, your clothes, your camera, etc.? That in fact, you simply made best of what you already got, Milk it to the extreme, and actually, focused on reducing, and subtracting stuff from your life?

This is the new Spartan elite way.

Turbocharge your life

Hungry for adventure? Jump onto a plane, and vibe out with ERIC KIM >


HAPTIC INDUSTRIES, and also, now that I purchased haptic.la (pro tip … instead of getting a.com website, buy a dot LA domain if you live in LA.)

Why? LA, UCLA, Los Angeles, the LA sign you could do with your hands, is sexy.

In fact, I personally discovered that all of the beautiful people, all of the beautiful women, even all of the handsome men are all in LA, or move to LA, or aspire to be in LA. Why? It is the center of glamour, Hollywood, film cinema and movies and media and music and entertainment, even here… In Culver City, the arts district and beyond is the new center.

Go to the new Culver City steps in downtown Culver City, next to the Philz Coffee… It is so insanely great.


Now what?

The other night, when I was asking Chachi a bunch of stuff, doing research, creating images etc.… I had this interesting epiphany:

AI is our new slave.

Why? We don’t got to pay it “fair wages”, we don’t got to feed it, let it sleep, or do anything.

Also, it cannot really refuse you, talk back, etc.

It never gets tired, complains, disobeys etc.

The only thing which can be a little annoying is the content moderation stuff but truth be told, this may be a very good thing because I see it as a great “creative constraint”,… Figuring out creative ways to work through and past and beyond the content moderation stuff is hilarious and interesting to me.

For example, you cannot straight up say quote make me a picture of a sexy Korean woman at the beach“. It will immediately flag the ChatGPT, DALL-E 3 content policy violation thing. Or you cannot say something like “beautiful Asian woman with big boobs”. Also a no go obviously.

But things you could do is like say “beautiful Asian woman at Met Gala”. Or, beautiful joyful Asian woman in Cabo. Or “beautiful Korean women in pure joy“.

Then you could do hilarious things like ask DALL-E 3 to further refined your image, making the image where a swimming suit, a bathing suit, doing a backflip into a pool or the ocean, etc.

I love embodied reality!

At the end of the day, my true and ultimate passion is embodied reality, real life human beings etc. In fact, the more time I spend on ChatGPT, DALL-E, the more preference I have to be outside!

And also, thoughts on beauty. Yeah I could generate you some very very beautiful looking human beings, but ultimately, it will never be able to displace a real life human being.

Why? You cannot get children with a bot, you cannot feel the skin of a bot, I think skin is the future.

Creative ways to play with AI

Ultimately, I think you know you’re doing ChatGPT and DALL-E correctly, if you create an image and you literally laugh out loud. The most amazing creation I made recently was “designed me a bitcoin purple Lamborghini Prius with scissor doors, with a Spartan driving it”. I literally laughed out loud!

Or even more complex things, inspired by Seneca, me and Seneca did together; taking a firetruck and giving at Lamborghini scissor doors and also making it into a convertible.

AI can help you critique and give feedback on your photos

The really big and game changing thing that AI can do is this; upload your photos to it, pay for the paid model, only 20 bucks a month, which is literally less than $.80 a day… for your own personal slavebot, and when you press the little plus icon in the bottom left corner, or, you see the little picture or gallery icon in the bottom left corner, what you could do is upload photos directly to it, I think you could upload up to three images at a time, you could ask a simple things like “what do you think of my photo“? Or “give me feedback on my photo“, “how can I improve this photograph?” Essentially ask it questions that you would ask a human being, it is actually insanely smart.
Or, you could just give it an image and ask it “what is going on here?” Or “analyze this”.

You could keep pushing it forward, you don’t need to use full sentences. If it gets confused it will just ask you to clarify.

I also think that if you set up custom instructions, which you could do by going to your profile in the bottom left corner, it learns from how you talk type and think… And it is phenomenal because overtime, the more use it, the better it becomes!

And I think this is where AI is so phenomenal; as time goes on, it gets infinitely better! Compare this with having a new iPhone or iPhone Pro… As time goes on, it literally gets worse. or, any modern day or even classic cars; all cars, made out of metal materials… As time goes on, things break, things atrophy, things require maintenance etc. Therefore as a consequence, the best car, the most masculine and manly car is simple; a white Toyota Prius, 2010 model or more recent. And never never never never ever ever buy a brand new car.

Now what?

Now is your artistic time to thrive. You and we are beyond basic. We have zero tolerance for boring stuff; we only love and care for the new, the innovative, the exciting.

Also a practical thought is spend more time outdoors, maximum time in the sun. Strive to walk at least 50 miles a day, lift weights in the direct sun, just build your own home gym. Titan.fitness has really good weightlifting equipment for supercheap. Or if you want to be a real man, buy a Texas power bar, a Texas power squat bar the 55 pounder that I got.

Also heavy sandbag training. You could just buy a cheap one on Amazon or buy the rogue fitness one which I bought, the 400 pounder. Go to the local playground, fill it up with playground sand, And exercise is super simple; see whether you could just pick it up! And once you could pick it up, pick it up, grab it and hold it, and walk it out! Then as you get stronger, try to “shoulder”. That means, lifting it up, throwing it onto your shoulder.

Also other things you could do as you get stronger it’s just have fun with it! Pick it up, and just throw it! Recount the exploits of Achilles, in which he would just pick up a very very very heavy rock, a massive boulder, which “barely too strong men could lift”, and how Achilles would throw it to his enemies and kill them that way.

No more media?

Create your own media, create the media you wish to see manifested in the world.

Just got GoPro mini, get the chest wrap or the head strap, and do more point of view videos. I’ve been doing this lately with my workout videos, and I find it so insanely fascinating; these are the type of videos that I wish I could personally witness, if I were starting out today.