People Don’t Know What Is Good for Them

So kind of a bad philosophy that I have… After thinking about this for a long time, assuming there is wise and there is foolish, there is courageous and there is cowardly… It seems that the truth of the matter is then, assuming that most people are foolish, what that then means is that most people don’t know what is good for them.

For example, the fault of the Austrian economists like Murray Rothsbard etc is that they say that each individual is 100% rational agent, which means that the decisions that people made for themselves, is for their best interest, even though we made sneer at them for being foolish. 

OK then assuming that the majority is right, that then means that 80% of Americans who are obese and overfat is a good thing, that the Toyota Corolla is the best car on the planet, that Starbucks Frappuccino‘s are the best beverage, and that McDonald’s hamburgers are both the best food item in that McDonald’s is the most successful restaurant of all time. And that China mainland China because she has the highest sheer number of individuals, is the best nation.

Certainly we know this is not the case. The reality of the matter is that assuming that we are the new Spartans, King Leonidas and his 300… certainly better to be a spartan 300 than one of the million Persian slaves, and also, better to be a Sparta with her few inhabitants than Persia.


In reading the politics by Aristotle, the good idea I have is… Thinking of this notion of being a philosopher king. The general idea is that almost all of the systems are bad.

For example, according to Aristotle democracy is bad because for the most part it is governed by a bunch of poor people, without much virtue because freeman Are the only men who could actually attend virtue, because they actually have leisure.

Certainly Aristotle knows that tyranny is bad.  but I think the difficult thing is that people kind of define tyranny in an imprecise manner… a tyrant is actually an individual in which all the power resides in one person. 

Oligarchies are bad because oligarchies only imply rank based on riches. 

Then what is the direction we head towards?

I’m King Leonidas 

I was recently re-watching the movie 300 on the plane, thinking of King Leonidas, as a child, not being thrown off the cliff, and then, in the winter with the wolf, no fear just a heightened sense of things – a similar feeling, right beyond the first and the last moment with King Xerxes, the final stand.

Obvious decisions are obvious

Typically, when I’m not 100% certain about a decision, I just put on my weight vest, and I go on a long walk.

Once you have come to your decision, obvious decisions are pretty obvious.

Maybe once you have reached your obvious decision, it is like casting your spear, with your form perfect, throwing it straight into the head of Xerxes.

Once you throw the spear, don’t look back.