The Ethics of Bitcoin

I’m warm as a mother fucker!

Heat loss?

So currently random thoughts;; about thermodynamics and heat loss. Assuming that energy is not created nor destroyed, what that then means is if we think about shit hit loss, is that technically your body is already a perfectly thermal regulated closed system. This was really really hard for me to understand when I was young, even now… The idea that when you put on a thick ass warm down jacket, or a Canada goose jacket or whatever, your body is not “creating” heat“, rather it is just preserving the heat inside your body so that your body is not losing heat.

The best way to warm up your house or home or habitat or habitation

Los Angeles is actually kind of bizarre; on one hand, during the day like yesterday, it was an extremely glorious 71, 72, 73°, absolutely beautiful. And this is like the end of November, practically early December? I still recall when I was a undergraduate at UCLA, walking down Bruin walk, and being shocked that in the middle of December, I saw all these pretty and sexy girls walking down Bruin walk, in tank tops, Spaghetti straps, booty shorts?

Even yesterday, seeing all these happy young people, basking the sun, once again, all these beautiful and pretty girls, just wearing black Lululemon tights, and black Lululemon top sports bras.

Anyways, the thing that is really shocking to me is that night it gets cold as shit. Like I think in the evening, Los Angeles could dip down to the high 30s? Like if it is super super late or super super early before the sun comes up, it is like 38° outside? But when the sun comes out, it could be a beautiful 73°?

Anyways, but that then means is that for your apartment your house habitation or whatever, the number one critical thing you do is just seal up the doors, get rid of the holes the drafts, etc., and just prevent heat loss!

For example, probably one of the most joyful things for myself at least, was the glory of living at this really really wonderful high-rise condo building, the edge in Providence Rhode Island. The apartment was super super tiny, feels like a 300 square-foot studio, at the time it was just me and Cindy, but what I personally loved about it, then seeing an extreme joy that had was my room the room, the whole apartment, the whole apartment building and complex, and also even the gym, Was like always a perfect 72° and warm, idregardless of whether there was a snowstorm outside. I still remember, complaining to Cindy that I was too hot in bed, taking off my blankets, complaining that was too sweating, and then just looking outside and seeing that it was snowing outside.

Anyways, I think the thing that is difficult to think and understand is that if you buy these nice single-family homes, and then it gets cold as shit at night, good luck trying to thermo regulate it.

I don’t know maybe I’m more sensitive to the cold than the average person, because I’m like 5% or even sub 5% body fat; which means is that I fucking hit the cold. To me Cold is evil.

What that means is anything that you could do to prevent heat loss or the cold is a good thing. And that just means if you’re cold, just buy really really ultra warm UNIQLO heat tech tights, which actually worked insanely well, as well as just like put on a merino wool long sleeve, a down vest, and a thick ass down jacket.

Just focus on doing what you’re good at 

One big idea I had was in regards to an Archimedes lever– just focus on what you’re super super insanely good at, and just ignore everything else.

What that means is with houses, housing stuff, etc., the ideal is that you never have to muck around with any housing stuff.

For example, I like the idea of leveraging other people, like what that means is just let other people focus on what they’re good at, for example, things that I’m not good at include like doing anything about house stuff house repairs house maintenance etc. I think the unfortunate trend is post Covid, you had a bunch of successful millennials, kind of like myself, in their 30s, late 30s, early 40s, etc. purchasing single-family homes, and like hunkering down during and post Covid, because people can no longer travel to Japan or whatever, they just spent all the money they would have otherwise spent on travel to purchase a single-family home, get into gardening etc.

Yet, that was like 2020, 2019. Times have changed.

We are now, witnessing this new movement, a totally radical paradigm shipped, even words failed to describe how phenomenally epic this all is.

Essentially bitcoin hit $100K yesterday, or maybe in the middle of the night, or like to be more accurate like $99,510 or something, but it’s funny when you look at the prices, you have all these short sellers trying to short bitcoin and microstrategy, I think there’s actually a new ETF which is minus 2X MSTR (MSTZ), which long story short, is trying to make a huge profit off of the downturn of MicroStrategy and bitcoin. So for all the bulls, all the people who think bitcoin and micro strategies going to go down, they are essentially shorting bitcoin and microstrategy. 

You cannot stop exponential growth even if you want to.

This is starting to feel like the early days of Facebook like I still recall the early days of Facebook in which there was no newsfeed. I made an account when I was like a freshman in college, because at the time Facebook was only open to university students, you needed a “.edu” account to even sign up.  And the growth was pretty astronomical. At first it was just like university students, I still remember the early days where you would flirt with girls you liked by “poking” them. There was not yet any direct messages you could only post on the walls, which was 100% public. Even at the time, Mark Zuckerberg said that advertisements were lame, there was no newsfeed, no ads. You actually had to click into somebody’s profile to just check up on them. There was no status updates really yet,

iPhone, iMessage, even Kakaotalk?

How do you know if somebody is Korean or not? Simple, if they have kakaotalk, and or if they have that little bright yellow chat icon, and the sound of a notification sounds like “Apple!”

Also they’re funny things, the Japanese only use line, Cambodians only use telegram, Europeans use WhatsApp, Americans we tend to just use Facebook messenger and or Instagram direct message and or text messaging iMessage?

Anyways, do you remember when the iPhone first came out, and everyone was riding on it, and apparently there was a lot of industry people, who obviously were a bunch of idiots, who said that the iPhone was going to be a failure because it did not have a physical keyboard like the popular blackberry at the time.

And this is the genius and vision of Steve Jobs; he fought nail and tooth to ensure that in fact, the iPhone would never ever ever have a physical keyboard, and that the genius of the iPhone was it was able to become all screen, and that if you wanted access to a keyboard you will just use the little virtual keyboard instead.

Think the original iPhone

 so do you remember, the original iPhone, the iPhone 3G, didn’t even have copy and paste! It was very very basic and rudimentary; but still… Like probably the most important product innovation and technology of all time.

Even I went to the Mr. brainwash exhibition in Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive a few weeks ago, and I really really liked this painting an image of Steve Jobs, as like a digital, Silicon Valley cowboy, his gift of the iPhone iPad etc. was like the best gift of all time.

The gift of fire

So obviously life with fire is better than life without fire.

Same thing with electricity. And water.

You could waterboard somebody, and kill a man with water. Also, you can electrocute and zap a man to death with electricity with the chair.

You could obviously burn a man alive, as well. Or you could use sashimi knives to kill somebody, better to use the sashimi knife instead to just make yourself some delicious ribeye.

Once again, fire is good, a stove oven is great. It makes cooking beef ribs a lot easier.

A lot of people hate on Apple and Steve Jobs and iPhone saying that it is destroying the minds of our youth whatever. But once again, it is like fire; if you use fire irresponsibly you can kill yourself and others or the whole village, but if you use it responsibly, it is like the best thing of all time.

Bitcoin, today, is like the early iPhone?

An analogy I don’t think no one has really done yet; realizing that bitcoin right now, might be like the iPhone in the early days?

With the first iPhone, no one was quite sure what to do with it, what the function or utility of it was. Then do you remember that that huge aftermarket market exploded, with the ability to strap on that external battery pack to the back of your iPhone to give it more charge?

So I also think that with bitcoin we will see a similar surge. We will start to see a huge third-party after market market explode.

For example, even the huge after market for iPhone cases is still quite robust.

Why is bitcoin the ethical option?

Immaculate conception of bitcoin. As somebody who is raised and born and baptized Roman Catholic, I really really do see some strong metaphors and analogies for bitcoin, Satoshi, and thinking of bitcoin like a new religion, a new economic religion?

The general idea is that bitcoin is phenomenal because bitcoin does not require a PR team, a marketing team, a foundation, or some sort of nerdy loser leader.

So for example, I’m like 100% Elon Musk, but the reason why Dogecoin, and all these other meme derivatives are positively bad is because they are backed on the charisma or the fashion of a single individual. If Elon Musk just randomly dies tomorrow in a rocket ship accident, I’m pretty much sure that the price of Dogecoin would go to zero.

Also, the reason why I got off of chain-link, and went back 100% into bitcoin was that I started realizing that invested parties in chain-link started using Sergey Nazarov as a puppet, trying to get him to stoke up investor confidence to pump up the price of chain-link. But even as bitcoin is pretty much $100,000, even chain-link has not hit the record high of like $50 or $55 a chain-link.

False prophets

Vitalik Buterin – yeah I don’t trust the guy. Look at him he’s like the ultra uber nerd. Something that what people don’t understand, like if you read the original Ethereum white paper is that the proposal of Ethereum from Vitalik was that bitcoin had too many problems, and that he was there to solve it, and that Ethereum would fix all the problems of bitcoin.

Even a thing that I was into for a bit was digibyte, DGB, which was essentially like imagine the silver coins or the copper coins of bitcoin. The idea was bitcoin was too slow for transactions, and that gigabyte was like 1 trillion times faster, making it more suitable as a daily cryptocurrency transfer thing.

Anyways, I think time is shown that everything that was not bitcoin has failed. Kind of like Thomas Edison, and DC electricity, AC electricity apparently better than a lot of records, but because Thomas Edison had more marketing chops, I guess he won.

Another analogy is that like bitcoin is like Tesla, and bitcoin has the world bitcoin network which is like the Tesla super charging network; honestly, I don’t think any human being should ever buy any electric vehicle which is not a Tesla. It’s like deciding to live in mainland China instead of living in America. Or choosing the Chinese yuan over the US dollar.

Another analogy; bitcoin is like Gatorade, I don’t even know what number two is? Powerade?

Or, bitcoin is like having the newest iPhone Pro, desert titanium, and Ethereum is like a Google pixel or android Samsung derivative; nobody wants it.

Or, bitcoin is like Coca-Cola, and Ethereum is Pepsi. Nobody wants Pepsi.

Or, bitcoin is like Nike and or Jordan, and Ethereum is Adidas. Adidas was only cool for a minute because Kanye West endorsed it and created his Yeezy line, but now that Kanye has dipped out, nobody wants Adidas anymore.

Or, bitcoin is like McDonald’s, and Ethereum is like Burger King. Nobody wants Burger King.

There is no second best

I think with choosing a life partner, a wife, having a kid your kid etc., is understanding that there is no second best.

I look at the whole field of crypto, and crypto derivatives, essentially I think the best way to think about it is that like everything that is not bitcoin is just an Ethereum derivative; which is like building your kingdom on cotton candy or quicksand.

Bitcoin is like the solid asphalt which is beneath Manhattan. But in Cypress space which is like 1 trillion times more secure.

Getting paid $2000 an hour

So let us assume that you’re getting paid 20 bucks an hour, if you’re on the bitcoin standard, and if you’re pouring all your moneys into bitcoin, then, in theory you are getting paid $200 an hour, or $2000 an hour. 

Also some other analogies; if you spend like $1000 on a new iPhone, that’s almost like spending $10,000 on a phone, or even worse, $100,000 on a phone. Or even worse, $1 million on a phone, assuming that bitcoin Will 10 X, 100 X, 1000 X, or even 10,000 X from here.

So why does this matter?

Assume that your whole life, you yourself as a child, you were only fed sewer water. And you’re always sick, and full of cholera, and you have no idea why you’re always so sick, and feel so unwell. And then you have a kid and do you think the sewer water is safe, and you start feeding your kid the sewer water! What is going to happen to the health of your kid?

This analogy is good for money, and capital and thinking of bitcoin like the first 100%, God inspired, perfect money. And also perfect capital.

Bitcoin is both money, and capital? And cash?

The hard thing with the real estate like if you own a square block in Gangnam, or Shibuya, or Ginza, or fifth Avenue in Manhattan, is that you cannot immediately liquidate like a 10th of your property to buy a cyber truck or a cup of coffee.

The really interesting thing about bitcoin is that it is both property like digital property like owning land, and also it could in theory be used as money and currency.

My personal thought is that owning a single bitcoin is like owning a single family home. Assuming that the price of a single-family home in Culver City is $4.4 million, for a tiny awesome minimalist house, then my personal thought is the price of a single bitcoin should be worth at least 4.4 million, Maybe 10 X or 100 X. Why? $440 million a bitcoin; my current price target. 

My very simple idea is that if you own a single-family house, in a locked piece of land, you cannot move it, it’s not like a game of the Sims or Minecraft; but with bitcoin, you can!

Minecraft economics

I find this to be really fascinating because once again, bitcoin is like Minecraft capital and money. If you have ever seen a child or a teenager on Minecraft, you will be shocked to see how phenomenally imaginative they could become, when there are no longer restricted by time, money, access to capital, the laws of physics, space etc.

I been thinking about cyberspace is kind of difficult to imagine because it is like 1 trillion times more expensive than land, Joshua tree, Yosemite, the desert, etc. Like if you watch the movie Dune, and you see the infinite sands, infinite desert, imagine like that but times 1 trillion. Why? Space cyberspace is not limited by the laws of physics.


I bought every V 12 engine, wish I could take it back to the beginning

This is like year one, or year zero of bitcoin. Now that you see CNBC practically on fire with bitcoin, bitcoin options, bitcoin derivatives, and now that ibit the black rock bitcoin spot ETF practically owning close to 1 million bitcoins now, that means is this is a massive paradigm shift. It’s like going from horse and buggy to Tesla model S plaid.

Don’t trust the zombies

I was watching an interview with Natalie Brunelle and ERIC Semmler, and ERIC was talking about how his company semler scientific was the century like a zombie company. But when they took out the skeleton, and re-infused it with adamantine skeleton, like what they did to Wolverine, their company spring back to life with 100 X vigor.

Once again, if you’re living in the hood, drinking sewer water, Fanta, and McDonald’s hamburgers, and you have the option of living in beautiful Culver City, surrounded by trees, happy people the sun, fresh air, and the finest organic food and meats from Erewhon, wouldn’t you want to make the swap?

Why the red wave is a big deal

Michael sailor currently put out a presentation on the red wave, at Cantor digital. The general idea is that now that we pretty much have a 100% Republican red party and government and Senate, this is insanely phenomenal news for bitcoin.

Why? Senator to Cynthia Lummis is proposing the bitcoin act, which is that America sells a bunch of her gold notes, and uses that profit to buy bitcoin.

This is kind of a big deal because then, maybe, we could actually revitalize the US dollar and essentially maybe even reverse inflation, because if we pack the US dollar to our bitcoin reserves, what that that means is our country will become super fucking prosperous? Like we’re going to be showered with so much money and wealth, we’re going to be like “too much wealth and prosperity! Please no more!”

Also, even though I’m pro bitcoin and anti-crypto and everything else; you’re going to see a huge crypto Renaissance, because note, Trump’s kids his sons are actually actively in the crypto space; and even Donald Trump accepted a Donald trump NFT, which sold out like in a minute. So you’re going to see a massive boost to Bitcoin and the whole market.

And also, all these meme coins, I’m quite anti it because once again, they’re backed by nothing but popular ideas, and charismatic individuals. The difference of bitcoin is that it is backed by like $1 trillion of real capital; which means like already… Over $1 trillion of real money has already been put into it, and what is defending the bitcoin network is like maybe 100 X the computer power of even the US military and Navy.

If America was super smart, because we want to be #1 forever, we would want to stock pile our bitcoin reserves, to make sure that no other country could even come close. Because what people also don’t understand is the point is like cyber defense as well; if you have a wall of encrypted energy, it is essentially hacker proof, you cannot have malicious Chinese people trying to hack the network.

What drives me?

Once; super simple; growing up poor, having a dad addicted to gambling, my mom working like two menial labor jobs cleaning houses and waitressing, working at a gas station or convenience store just to pay the bills, yeah this was pretty bad.

As a consequence, I don’t know I feel like financial independence, financial freedom might be the peak virtue. Like 1 trillion times more important than anything else.

For example, art photography aesthetics ethics and the like. You could only  only privilege yourself to these luxuries only if you are financially healthy. And economically healthy. If you are economically sick, you can’t do nothing.

 I think the big problem is that a lot of conservative often criticize and critique people for staying poor, but, can you complain and blame people for being constantly sick, if they only have access to sewer water?

“I grew up in the era when clean water was only served to the fairer skin” – Ye

Once again, imagine like we’re living in a postapocalyptic, dystopic world and reality in which only rich people or a certain race of people are allowed access to clean water. And clean air and clean food.

Imagine like you’re giving people maggots to consume. Or like an episode of Snowpiercer, the poor people in the back of the train being fed the “protein bars“, which is essentially grinded up bugs.

But imagine, you could be in front of the train, eating the finest ribeye steak, the finest sushi etc. That is what bitcoin is!



Bitcoin is financial freedom?

There is nothing more lovely to me than my morning walks?