Modern Success

Some innovative thoughts about you, modern day notions of success? 

Rent forever, buy Bitcoin?


A world beyond email, email newsletters?

How to reach people

How to reach Eric Kim?

The death of email

At this point, I think I have an allergy or an aversion to email. I first had the epiphany when I went holy off the grade in 2017, living in airplane mode, got rid of my phone, my phone plan for about two years, and spent about two years without checking my inbox or using email. I didn’t even have a phone! The only device I had was an iPad Air — and essentially I just spent all day, going to coffee shops, drinking black coffee, zenning out, reading philosophy, thinking, writing, listening to music, making poetry and art etc.

Essentially at this point… It seems that the “sales funnel” for marketing has to do almost 100% entirely with email, an email newsletter, etc.

But, the problem here:

 But, if we imagine a future, beyond email… By the time Seneca is in adults… I doubt he will be using email or would care to use it?

For example, email might be one of the worst, antiquated technologies which exist. It was around since I was a kid, it was 3.0, and getting the infamous “You got mail!”

I’m currently reading frog and toad, the audiobook that I got at the LA Public library with Seneca and we listen to it on the city in our 2010 Prius, and also… We’ve been reading the frog and to our friends book that my sister Anna got us…  there’s a story in which every every single day, Todd is waiting for mail, and he is sad that he never gets it.

Fast forward to today… On average, I think the average American household might get an Amazon prime delivery every one or two days, some families in the suburbs get one to three packages a day!

And with email, it is a nightmare. People still treated like text messaging, and now that we have all these millennials, around my age, mid 30s, late 30s, early 40s whatever… who would prefer to text message over just do 30 second FaceTime call… All this technology and communications is getting ridiculous.

Even I remember… In the early days of me trying to get to the infamous inbox zero, becoming a Gmail ninja warrior… Email sucks.

First, it is an infinite mind trap. I’ll give you an extreme example… Let us say that you are Taylor Swift, and you get on average 100,000 emails a day, because everyone knows that your email is . If this is the case… How do you advance and proceed in life?

First, can you imagine Taylor spending eight hours a day, just checking her Gmail, and trying to answer to every single email? Of course not! We imagined that she has a manager, who does all the dirty work for her.

The problem is, a manager, being signed into a label or whatever… Still, there are some fetters on your freedom.

First, in theory it is a good idea that you check your own email because you become the ultimate filter; an irony is that even NASSIM TALEB tells a story about meeting a super successful guy, and when asking about the secrets to success, his one was a simple one: “Don’t have a personal assistant”. Why? A personal assistant essentially “optimizes” your schedule, kind of like a Kaiser doctor, in 15 minute intervals, ad infinitum, until it’s squeezes out the maximum productivity out of your sad constrained life. 

No, what is the ultimate mark of success for us young millennials? I think it is actually to retire early, the whole financial independence, retire early notion.

Technically, you could already do it probably right now… You’re probably already rich enough. For example if I told you that rent is only $300 a month in Hanoi, Vietnam… in a brand new studio apartment everything included,  and assuming that eating street food, good street food is only a dollar or two a meal… Which means that you could feed yourself on two bucks a day, which is 60 bucks a month, and assuming that coffee is about a dollar a coffee, and let us say that your rough monthly expenses is $200 a month. So let us say that all included, food and rent included is only $500 a month… If you do the math, that means that you could live in Vietnam as a “digital nomad” for only $7000 USD a year!

What if you have kids?

I’m speaking to single people, without kids yet. But even if you had kids, assume you’re living abroad… You could probably send them to the best Montessori or private school, maybe only paying about 50 bucks a month, or hundred bucks a month? For the extreme luxury ones, maybe 200 bucks a month? Or $500 a month? Which is still a deal or a bargain compared to the states, I think some private schools for kids in America could cost $5000 USD a month.

Economic leverage

The other day, I met this very very cool guy, Justin Atlan, the funnel guy, very smart and great human being and master marketer. Was chatting with him, Bob bitcoin and future prices… Which had me thinking,

Maybe the next step for me to do things is to promote bitcoin, financial independence, freedom, etc.?

I told him that I’m currently 100% invested and vested in Bitcoin, and I told him very blank face that when bitcoin hits $10 million a bitcoin or $21 million a bitcoin in 20 years… My face didn’t even flinch.

the very simple economic strategy

Michael Saylor has this notion of being a “triple maxi”– triple (Bitcoin) maximalist. The basic idea is pour 100% of your money your income your life savings into bitcoin, and enjoy the ride!

For myself, my simple economic strategy is this:

Retire today, by becoming so insanely frugal, Spartan, sexy style.

I’ll give you example… What is the best outfit? Being naked! Second best, being shirtless and topless. Third best, being topless just in the speedo at the beach, Venice Beach muscle Beach, lifting like Arnold in his prime.

Who did Arnold want to become?

I thought that I always think to myself, is whenever there is somebody that you look up to, or somebody you desire to emulate or whatever… Seeking their heroes. 

For example, I know that Steve Jobs looked up to Edwin land, the inventor of the Polaroid camera. Also Steve Jobs really love the music of Bob Dylan, he had all the bootleg copies in the early days.

Jay Z was inspired by Afrika Bambaata. Kanye was inspired by Lauryn Hill and André 3000

“I wasn’t inspired since Lauryn Hill retired, and three stacks (a stack means a thousand, so three stacks is 3000– Andre 3000), man you’re speaking to the choir!” – Kanye

Everything you heard about me is true and legendary

NASSIM TALEB also has a notion, when it comes to quotes.  Reading his short book on aphorisms, THE bed of Procrustes, essentially, if you think about ancient literature in the past, there are tons of things which are quotable. But, nowadays, nothing or nobody is quotable anymore.

I’m starting to think… Maybe the true mark of successive a thinker, philosopher, innovator entrepreneur etc. is thinking on a 20, 30 or 40 year timeline … whether this person will be quoted or not anymore.

I’ll give you example… When I was starting off in photography and street photography, there was a bunch of other famous photographers around me, none of them has lasted besides me. Their problems:

  1. Not owning their own platform
  2. Being almost 100% reliant on Flickr, which is now effectively dead (this is what is going to happen to Instagram, already right now with TikTok and other weird stuff coming on.)
  3. Chasing abstract notions of legitimacy, in the real world in the art world etc. Although of them a bunch of insecure losers.

So now what?

The reason why I am all about the 100% pedestrian lifestyle, is that when you are in the flesh, a flesh bound human being, face-to-face when they’re not a human being, you can weigh yourself better.

For example, when you are stuck on the 10 or the 405 or local traffic… any skinny fat loser in a loser Range Rover or loser AMG G wagon can honk at you from behind. And it doesn’t matter if they are 4 feet tall, and they weigh 500 pounds.  or they are handicapped in a wheelchair, driving a Rolls-Royce or a Lamborghini. You never know until they pop out of the car!

In fact, typically what I have observed is people who drive very very impressive cars, tend to be old, weak, some sage on their skinny pale legs, old and fat, baseball hat etc.

And not to berate anybody but, ultimately, you want to look like Brad Pitt in fight club but on steroids… Like the ERIC Kim aesthetic — Adonis style.

 Your body don’t lie

Some observations:

First,  don’t trust any older bald guys. Why? The big issue here is that a lot of guys who look really really buff and jacked and muscular, with swell biceps, and a swole chest,  but bald and older… Or maybe they are bald but have an impressive beard, are either on steroids or have used steroids, or they injecting their butt hole with extrogenous testosterone etc. 

Now the problem here is the truth be told, we always weigh ourselves comparing ourselves to other human beings. Whether we like it or not. 

For example, when it comes to weightlifting, weights and numbers… It is all relative. The same goes with height. And wealth. Everything.

For example, is it better to be the person with the cheapest home in Beverly Hills, or is it better to be the richest person living in Inglewood?

Or, is it best to be the richest person in Malaysia, or a semi successful person in America?

I used to think that 4 plates was a lot. Then 5 plates, then six plates, then seven plates, then eight plates,… actually the seven plate limit is the critical one here, then the nine plates, then the 10 plates, then my infamous thousand pound lift, which is 10 plates in a 25 and I think of five strapped on each side.

But technically, if I then compare myself with these 7 feet steroids out monsters, in the strongman competitions, like Hafthor and thelike… Lifting 502kg deadlifts, which is 1200 pounds…  that my numbers are very very small. But if I compare myself with any typical gym goer, even a powerlifters… I am a god in the flesh.

So why does this all matter?

What is the most valuable thing on the planet earth? Ideas. Ideas are weightless, not bound by the laws of physics, and infinitely anti-fragile.

Even some interesting thoughts is that ideas, when they catch on like wildfire, or like a virus, and people remember the ideas inside their head… This is something you cannot strip out of them.

What is it all we desire?

When I was reading a lot of Nietzsche, he used this word a lot called ”desiradata” or “desiridatum”– I can never really figure out what it meant, but I think what it means is the thing desired.

Like an object, or a concept or an idea that you desire.

Now this is important because  this is what shapes a lot of our lives. For example, what is the new modern day desire, at least the new modern day millennial desire? Maybe to own a single-family home, to be super rich, travel the world, go to Japan, eat good omakase sushi etc — and or maybe, having no children, maybe or maybe not getting married, having a dog, etc.

Or, being this weird Playboy traveling the world, no obligations, just sleeping with beautiful babes, no pregnancies or STDs, driving around in your Lamborghini with the scissor doors, being a super cool guy, etc.?

True desires vs artificial desires

So my general notion of a true desire versus an artificial one has to deal with maybe media marketing societal pressures etc. For example, let us think about the notion of the desire to own property, a single-family home, or worse, a condo. Where does this desire come from, how did it get propagated, etc.?

First, we think historically… I think the whole American notion of having a single-family home that you own is kind of a post World War II concept. The basic idea was after our boys come home from the long war, they deserve to have a nice home in the suburbs, purchase their dream Mustang or Corvette, or stingray… Whatever it may be, and then live a happy family life, picket fence, nice lawn and green grass, 2.2 kids, a dog a nice garage etc.…

Certainly if we think historically, this is a modern day shift because if we think about ancient Greece, we think about Hector versus Achilles, the Iliad etc — or even the Odyssey.,, and Odysseus,,, the desires were different.

For example, what is it that Achilles desired? To take Breisis, his prize, and sail back to his fertile lands, and essentially just chill out and retire from war. What is it that Hector wanted? Simply defending Troy, his people, his wife and his newborn son, which apparently after the fall of Troy, it might’ve been Odysseus or Ajax or one of the Greek heroes who, afraid that one day the child of Hector would avenge his father‘s death, threw this poor baby boy off the walls to his untimely death.

Pitiless bronze, the ancient Greeks were cruel 

Something which is very shocking to read in the Iliad, the ancient texts of Homer, is how cruel and pitiless they were. 
For example, we modern, we have too much sympathy, too much empathy, too much pity. For example, the modern day American soldier, assuming he kills a bad guy somewhere in the Middle East, might feel bad about it and it might haunt his nightmares in his dreams. Because the average American is still raised on notions of Christian protestant to Jesus morality. That killing anybody, even if you are “in the right” is bad and evil.

However the ancient Greek heroes and champions, had no pity, and would in fact after killing people or about to kill people… Taunt them, boast, brag, and do really terrible things. For example even Hector wanted to chop off the head of Patroclus and feed his head and his body to the dogs of Troy. And even Achilles, after he avenges Patroclus, does one of the most disrespectful things of all time, which is taking the body the dead body of hector, maybe piercing or tying his back legs to the back of his chariot, and just essentially doing laps around Troy, dismembering the dead body of Hector.

No more goals? 

I’m starting to think… Perhaps the whole notion of a goal is bad.

For example, if you think about sports… Do you think about soccer, what is it that people seek? To score a goal!

But the problem is in the context of the real world, there is no such thing as a goal. Or a goalie, or a striker.

“Just because there is goalkeeper doesn’t mean you can’t score!”

For example, I’m starting to think the notion of records, goals, personal record etc., is bad.

Why? All competition is bad competition. What is it that Achilles wanted? Not competition… He already knew he was the strongest! And everyone else knew it!

Also Hector… Very simple, defending his people! Super simple.

What would Achilles do

Also, what wouldn’t Achilles do?


Radical ideas

OK… Assuming that this might be the most interesting email newsletter on the planet… Some interesting radical ideas:

First, let us assume that I snapped a finger, and I could predict with 100% accuracy that in 20 years, by the time Seneca becomes 21… There will be no more email. Obviously we will have it, but no one will really check it… Kind of like letters in the mail, 99% of it is spam.

Nobody likes physical mail anymore… And even now… Nobody likes electronic mail, digital mail.

I have a very simple solution, just make a cost a single Satoshi to send an email, or a message or digital message, as a consequence, people will think twice about sending a message to you or not.

This is really the secret to fixing spam, getting rid of spam etc. We don’t need more Gmail or Gemini in our lives… We just need a new system, a new node, a new paradigm shift.

Satoshi is the way  

so are you buying bitcoin yet?

Keep stacking them sats (satoshis).

Maybe I should become the first bitcoin rapper?

Bitcoin rap
Don’t wrap your stacks
Don’t buy the Maybach, the fake Benz
See laser eyes, Michael Saylor vision lens.

Haha so fire so lit!

Send emails, email newsletters that you would like to read! 

Nobody ever opens up their inbox and says wow, I am so glad that I opened up my inbox, and I am so happy that I read that thing.

The problem is with email… Everyone is trying to sell you something or funnel you into one day buying something. But what if the creator, once they become independently wealthy bitcoin millionaires, and they’re just having fun, they just want to send you messages because they want you to have fun too? Maybe this is ERIC KIM effect.


As an experiment I’m gonna just start introducing myself like James Bond. Kim, ERIC KIM.

I believe this forever, that your first name and last name is your ultimate asset. For example, the genius that Cindy helped me purchase, for about $1000 in 2017… I’m sure that name is now worth at least 100,000. Even my email — so clean, so succinct!

Your first and last name

Ryan Holiday — such a good name! Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins, Guy Kawasaki– Aldi’s very successful modern day entrepreneurs, all first and last names!


Even impressive… You know that Beyoncé is influential once the Apple keyboard automatically adds the accent mark to Beyoncé.

Think telos

A new thought I am having in regards to weightlifting… I should be all about every single time, superseding my previous personal record. That every single time I lifted, my simple goal was to increase my one repetition maximum, 2.5 pounds on each side of the barbell, every single time.

Now, my new thought is just every single day, just lift something, just do something. No more need for there to be a plan, even an ethos; the goals to just do something. No more optimization!