If you are a beginner in street photography, all you need is this guide to get started. I was quite frustrated when I started street photography. I had no idea what camera to use, what settings to use, what to look for, how to approach strangers, and most of all– how to overcome my fear of shooting in the streets.
All of the information in this guide are my opinion and isn’t the only “right” way to shoot street photography. But I hope it is a good starting point. Take everything with a pinch of salt– take what you want, and leave the rest.
FREE Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Street Photography PDF Visualizations
For a limited time, download the following FREE visualizations designed by Annette Kim. Keep these guides on your phone, tablet, computer to read on your commute, as reminders when shooting on the streets, and for daily inspiration:
- “How to Overcome Fears of Photographing Strangers“(11/2/2o17)
- “What to Look For When Shooting in the Streets” (11/8/2017)
- “What is the Best Camera for Street Photography?” (11/22/2017)
- “Travel Photography Tips” (12/10/2017) New!
- “Introduction to Composition in Photography” (12/18/2017) New!
- To receive the latest visualizations, exclusive content, access to books, presets and artistic information, join the free ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER.
What is street photography?
The first question you might be thinking is: “What is street photography?”
Simply put, street photography is about documenting everyday life and society. I personally don’t think street photography needs to be shot in the street. You can shoot at the airport, at the mall, at the beach, at the park, in the bus or subway, in the doctor’s office, in the grocery store, or in any other public places.
Furthermore, street photography is generally done candidly (without permission and without knowledge of your subjects). However I personally don’t think that street photography has to be candid. You can ask for permission when taking a photograph of a stranger. I don’t think just because a photo is candid makes it any better than a photo with permission. The most important thing in street photography is to capture emotion, humanity, and soul.
Therefore if you are drawn to taking photos in public (of mostly people) you are probably interested in street photography. Also as a side-note, I don’t think that street photography has to include people in it (although the best ones generally do have people in it).
So don’t worry so much about what “street photography” is and isn’t. The most important thing at the end of the day is creating powerful, compelling, and emotional images.
For some of my more in-depth thoughts about the definition of street photography, you can read my article: “What is Street Photography?”
Cameras, Lenses, and Technical Settings in Street Photography
I think the best camera for street photography (as of 2017) is the Ricoh GR II.
If you want to learn more about the ideal street photography equipment, read the articles below:
- What is the Best Camera for Street Photography?
- What is the Best Lens for Street Photography?
- Why I Love Cameras with Non-Interchangeable Lenses
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide for Cameras in Street Photography
- What to Consider When Buying a Camera for Street Photography
- In Street Photography, The Smaller the Camera, the Better
- Why Sharpness is Overrated in Street Photography
- How to Shoot Street Photography on a DSLR
What to look for when shooting in the streets
Okay so now you have your camera, lenses, and technical settings sorted out in street photography. Now what do you look for when you’re out on the streets? Here are some things you can look for:
1. “The decisive moment”
“The decisive moment” was a phrase coined by Henri Cartier-Bresson, one of the earliest practitioners of street photographers. “The decisive moment” is the same as the “Kodak moment” where everything comes together in a perfect moment, and you hit the shutter. So essentially it is capturing the photo with the perfect timing.
But realize “the decisive moment” is a bit misleading. There can be many “decisive moments” when you’re out shooting in the streets. This means if you see a good street photography scene, don’t just take one photograph. Take a ton of shots (I recommend 10-30 photos if possible). Even Henri Cartier-Bresson took 20+ photos of a single scene (if he thought it was interesting enough). Then afterwards in the editing process he would choose which image he felt was the best.
You can catch “the decisive moment” by the position of a person in the frame, in their facial expression, in their hand gesture, or their action or movement.
To learn more, read: Debunking the “Myth of the Decisive Moment
2. Juxtaposition
In street photography, you can create a strong image by juxtaposing elements in your frame. Juxtaposition is essentially a fancy word for contrast. But to be more specific, juxtaposition is when you put two different elements in a frame that directly contradict one another (while having a relationship). For example: taking a street photograph of a fat man next to a skinny man, a grandmother next to a child, someone in a red shirt in front of a green background (juxtaposing colors), etc.
To create a strong juxtaposition shot, you can either start off by looking for an interesting background (let’s say a billboard of a man looking happy) and waiting for someone who looks really happy to enter the frame.
Another strategy could be looking for certain emotions in people when you’re out on the street, and trying to find emotions of other people in the street that either are similar or dissimilar– and include them in the frame.
3. Emotion
To me, the most memorable street photographs are the ones that have strong emotion and show some sort of reflection on the human condition. This can include happiness, pain, sadness, loneliness, humor, anxiety, youth, and love.
To find emotion in street photographs is difficult. First of all, you have to find the emotion in the streets through peoples’ body language or facial expressions. Then you have to be quick enough to take the photograph before people notice you. However if you do it well, you will create a compelling and emotional image that people can connect with on a deeper level.
4. Graphical/visual elements
Not all street photography needs to be super emotional. Some street photographs are purely visual images– that appeal to our sense of geometry, color, and composition. These images are generally shot in good light with nice lights and shadows, have strong diagonal lines, leading lines, curves, and shapes of interest.
Learn more: Street Photography Lessons >
5. Focusing on details
Some of the best street photographs focus on the details, not the whole picture. When you are shooting on the streets, you can focus on small details. This means rather than taking a full-body shot of someone on the streets, focus on their hands, their feet, their face, their earrings, or anything else they are holding.
By showing less of what is going on in the photograph, you create more mystery in your image. Less is more.
6. Urban landscapes
I don’t think street photography has to include people in it. Sometimes you can create compelling urban landscapes that show some sort of human condition and reflection on society.
The hardest thing to do in urban landscapes is to find a scene that somehow elicits a sense of nostalgia, emotion, or societal critique. For example, photographing a run-down building can make a strong societal statement.
When photographing urban landscapes, it is also extremely important to have a nice composition, sense of symmetry, and balance.
It is hard to make interesting urban landscapes– but to better capture them you can read my guide on urban landscapes.
7. Commonly found objects
Sometimes the most interesting street photographs are of stuff on the ground. So take photos of common objects you find in public places. Get close up to them, juxtapose them against other objects, and experiment using a flash. Try to be creative and find ways to make them interesting.
Master Street Photography
STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT: Everything You Need to Master Street Photography.
How to Conquer Your Fears of Shooting Street Photography
If you want assignments to conquer your fear of shooting street photography, read the free ebook: “31 Days to Overcome Your Fear in Street Photography”
- How to Conquer Your Fears in Life
- How to Overcome Hesitation in Street Photography
- Shoot What You’re Afraid Of
- You Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself
- How to Channel Your Fear into Bravery in Street Photography
- Don’t Be Afraid
- How to Overcome Your Fear in Street Photography with “Rejection Exposure Therapy”
- How to Harness Your Fear to Become a More Confident Street Photographer
- How to Avoid Paralysis by Analysis in Street Photography
- How to Become a Fearless Street Photographer
- How to Become an Invisible Street Photographer
See all articles on conquering your fears >
Street Photography Composition Lessons
For an in-depth introductory primer to street photography composition, watch my YouTube lecture: “Introduction to Composition in Street Photography“
- Composition Lesson #1: Triangles
- Composition Lesson #2: Figure-to-ground
- Composition Lesson #3: Diagonals
- Composition Lesson #4: Leading Lines
- Composition Lesson #5: Depth
- Composition Lesson #6: Framing
- Composition Lesson #7: Perspective
- Composition Lesson #8: Curves
- Composition Lesson #9: Self-Portraits
- Composition Lesson #10: Urban Landscapes
- Composition Lesson #11: “Spot the not”
- Composition Lesson #12: Color Theory
- Composition Lesson #13: Multiple-Subjects
- Composition Lesson #14: Square Format
Street Photography Tips & Techniques
If you want to learn more practical street photography techniques, watch the video or read the article: 15 Street Photography Techniques and Tips. Below are more street photography tips to get you going:
- 70 Street Photography Tips for Beginners
- Take More Risks
- Don’t Think About Composition When You’re Shooting Street Photography
- 7 Tips How to Capture “The Decisive Moment” in Street Photography
- 7 Tips How to Make a Great Street Photograph
- Tokyo Street Photography Contact Sheets
- Video: Why it is Important to “Work the Scene” in Street Photography
- Shoot Less, Better
- Make Shitty Photos
- Shoot Effortlessly
- 10 Tips for Candid Street Photography
- 103 Lessons I’ve Learned From Street Photography
See all street photography tips and techniques >
Free Street Photography E-Books
If you want to learn more in-depth about street photography, download the free e-books below:
- 100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography
- Street Photography by Eric Kim
- Street Photography Contact Sheets
- Street Portrait Manual
- Street Photography Composition Manual
- 31 Days to Overcome Your Fear in Street Photography
- Street Photography 101
- Street Photography 102
- Zen in the Art of Street Photography
- Film Street Photography Manual
Learn From the Masters of Street Photography
If you want to become a great street photographer, don’t neglect studying from the masters of street photography.
If you want a distilled version, read my free ebook: “100 Lessons From the Masters of Street Photography.”
Below is a list of all the masters of street photographers you can learn from:
- Alec Soth
- Alex Webb
- Anders Petersen
- Andre Kertesz
- Araki
- Blake Andrews
- Bruce Davidson
- Bruce Gilden
- Constantine Manos
- Daido Moriyama
- Dan Winters
- David Alan Harvey
- David Hurn
- Diane Arbus
- Dorothea Lange
- Elliott Erwitt
- Eugene Atget
- Eugene Smith
- Garry Winogrand
- Helen Levitt
- Henri Cartier-Bresson
- Irving Penn
- Jacob Aue Sobol
- Jeff Mermelstein
- Joel Meyerowitz
- Joel Sternfeld
- Josef Koudelka / Part 2
- Josh White
- Lee Friedlander
- Magnum Contact Sheets
- Magnum Photographers
- Mark Cohen
- Martin Parr
- Mary Ellen Mark
- Rene Burri
- Richard Avedon
- Richard Kalvar
- Robert Capa
- Robert Frank
- Saul Leiter
- Sergio Larrain
- Sebastião Salgado
- Shomei Tomatsu
- Stephen Shore
- The History of Street Photography
- Todd Hido
- Tony Ray-Jones
- Trent Parke
- Vivian Maier
- Walker Evans
- Weegee
- William Eggleston
- William Klein
- Zoe Strauss
Street Photography Guides
Practical street photography lessons and guides:
- How to Shoot Black and White Street Photography
- How to Shoot Color Street Photography
- How to Shoot Street Portraits with Permission
- How to Shoot Layers in Street Photography
- How to Shoot Urban Landscapes
Beginner Street Photography Articles
Articles to get you started:
- What is Street Photography?
- Why Shoot Street Photography?
- How to Shoot Street Photography
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Street Photography
- 70 Street Photography Tips for Beginners
- 15 Street Photography Techniques and Tips
- The History of Street Photography
- A Letter to My 18 Year Old Self: If I Started Street Photography All Over Again
Intermediate Street Photography Articles
Push yourself outside of your comfort zone:
- How to Become a Stoic Street Photographer
- The 10 Principles of Good Street Photography
- 7 Tips How to Capture “The Decisive Moment” in Street Photography
- The Importance of Social Skills in Street Photography
- The Street Photography Code of Ethics
- “Taking” vs “Making” Photos in Street Photography
- Follow Your Gut in Street Photography
- 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Chimp While Shooting Street Photography
Advanced Street Photography Articles
Take your street photography to the next level:
- How to Be a Zen Street Photographer
- Personal Street Photography
- The “Bookend” Technique in Street Photography
- Street Photography is Self-Therapy
- Zen in the Art of Street Photography
- Taoism and Street Photography
- How to Find Your Style in Street Photography
- Follow Your Gut in Street Photography
Street Photography Editing and Workflow
- How to Edit (Choose Your Best Photos) in Street Photography
- How Studying Contact Sheets Can Make You a Better Street Photographer
- Debunking the “Myth of the Decisive Moment”
How to Start a Street Photography Project
- Free E-Book: The Street Photography Project Manual
- How to Start Your Own Street Photography Project
- How to Come Up With a Personal Photography Project Idea
Free Downloads
Street Photography FAQ’s
Q: Do I need an expensive camera for street photography?
A: No! You can use practically any camera for street photography. I know some street photographers who only shoot with their smartphones and take incredible photos. Check out the “Tiny Collective” (all street photography done on smartphones).
If you want more in-depth recommendations for street photography cameras, read my guide: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide for Cameras in Street Photography.
Q: Does street photography need to be in black and white?
A: No! All the classic street photography was done in black and white (that is all they had back then), but some of the most exciting new street photography is done in color. Use whatever medium expresses your vision of the world the best.
Q: Is street photography illegal?
A: In most countries, no — as long as your subjects are in a public space.
Henri Neck Strap
If you want a comfortable, stylish, and functional strap — invest in an “Henri” neck strap to accompany you on your future street photography adventures:
- Purchase the Henri Neck Strap (Amazon USA) >
- Purchase the Henri Neck Strap (HAPTIC shop International) >
Henri Wrist Strap
The Henri Wrist Strap is a minimalist camera strap to accompany you in your street photography journey:
- Purchase the Henri Wrist Strap (Amazon USA) >
- Purchase the Henri Wrist Strap (HAPTIC shop International) >
Upcoming street photography workshops
If you want to learn more about street photography 1:1, check out my list of upcoming street photography workshops >
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If you want to keep learning about street photography, join my private newsletter below for new articles, free e-books, and upcoming workshops:
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