No physical health, no curiosity? 
Right now some quick thoughts: first… it seems that curiosity, curiosity is best when it is strong, unabated, antifragile.
Second thought… It seems that if you don’t have physical strength, insanely great strength, strength and vigor… you cannot be curious. Why? Assuming that you only slept two hours last night, or feel like shit… my theory is that the pathways for curiosity are shut off. 
First, you need an over abundance of health. Therefore, my personal suggestion is almost all a limits of your life should be optimized to promote your Max well-being health strength bigger muscle sleep rest recovery healing etc.
How to heal yourself 
So in video games, you’re playing Final Fantasy, any RPG, MMORPG, role-play game etc.… What it seems that is that who is the most important character? Not the champion or the hero on the front line… But actually… The healer.
Truth be told, nobody wants to be the healer. It is kind of a thankless job, but also at the same time, the most critical job. Why?
Let us say that you’re doing a big boss battle, whether you are doing it by yourself or in a party. If you don’t have a healer… Even if you’re the best fighter… You will not win.
Also very interesting… even in the Iliad, when you’re thinking about the dramas and battles which are unfolding, the number one critical thing is when the heroes get injured. For example, deus, Ajax, king Egon, etc. Even getting a small spear wound to the knee or the shoulder is pretty destroying, because it reduces your lethality in battle.
In fact, what is really interesting is that even the gods get wounded. And feel pain. And this is such a radically big idea, because even though that the gods are immortal, which means that they are not immortals, what it means is that God could feel pain, God could get wounded, yet… They just cannot die.
For example, I think there are certain moments in which Achilles or some of the other gods end up spearing Aries, Athena, some of the other gods and goddesses and as a consequence feel deep pain, and injury. And pain and suffering is not stopped until Zeus, Send some sort of magic healer, and then longer feel pain.
Obviously no one likes to be in pain. Yet… I think Paine is one of the most intelligent things that we got in our body which does not lie. If you are in Paine, it don’t matter what your theory is… Obviously something is wrong or you’re doing something wrong.
Example… plantar Fasciitis, foot pain, ankle pain the pain back pain whatever. I think the primary issues and problems are our shoes, the way we work on computer desktop or laptops or sitting or even standing whatever… Essentially all the plantar fasciitis foot pains experiment with all those stupid $500 overpriced orthotics etc., and literally none of my foot pain went away until I got the view from five finger shoes, and then boom, almost magically all of my foot pain ankle pain the pain went away! And for a long time, I stopped wearing them because I just thought they looked weird and I felt ashamed to wear them in public. But now I could care less… I am a demigod in the flesh.  I don’t know any other human being in real life in embodied reality looks as great and glorious as I do. Even the most jacked guys… They end up having chicken legs. 
I’m the biggest goat?
Body elitism
OK, a funny thought:
Technically, body elitism is very democratic. Why? You don’t matter who you are, your age you’re sex or gender racial background whatever… Anyone can build a elite body, assuming that you lift heavyweights,  fast, do intermittent fasting, hundred percent carnivore diet, you quit alcohol smoking weed starches sugars drugs, sugars, real sugars fake sugars etc.
And it is so simple and straightforward — I literally got the key right here!
- Never eat breakfast for dinner, hard-core interment fasting… Actually is not even that hard… It’s like I have been doing Ramadan every single day for the last seven years. And I can still drink black coffee and drink water! People who do real Ramadan… 1 trillion times more difficult because they are not even permitted to drink water during Ramadan? And obviously… Anyone who thinks that you will die if you don’t eat breakfast or lunch, and you fast until sundown is obviously wrong because there are millions of people who Participate in fasting, during Ramadan all around the world, and obviously nobody’s dying here.
- 100% carnivore diet: no no no you’re not gonna die and get a heart attack. You’re only gonna get a heart attack and die from type two diabetes, or type three diabetes (alzheimers disease), which is a metabolic disease which is caused by over consumption of sugars, sweets, snacks, desserts, cookies pastries, fake sugar real sugar, dairy, real dairy fake dairy etc. 
- Just quit alcohol and all drugs. Even the good ones. The only drugs you should consume is maybe 100% black coffee, just drink fine robusta– ERIC KIM OMAKASE COFFEE, or get some from CREO–. Or better yet… Don’t drink any coffee. I actually met this one guy Christopher, who doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, smoke weed, doesn’t even drink coffee! So much respect.
- Quit beer, wine, even red wine… No no no, Reservatrol is not “good for you”– this is just some fake pseudoscience, which was essentially paid by these greedy vitamin making corporations, akin to Amway…  or also it is fake science which just tries to make all these fat old people feel less bad about being alcoholics, or trying to feel good about their degenerate lifestyles? Just think… Have you ever met an academic or a scholar or an important literary person who doesn’t drink alcohol not even red wine?
How society is bad
It is all drugs. Your iPhone is the most potent drug, social media Instagram Facebook TikTok, YouTube, Hulu, Spotify podcast… All of them are drugs. Drugs for your mind, drugs your body, drugs for your soul etc.
Why is this a big issue?
First and foremost, what is the number one critical ill in modern Society? Sleep. Most people that I meet… Tend to go to sleep anywhere between midnight and maybe even 3 AM. This is really bad. Technically the popper time to do things is maybe Break your fast and eat an insanely massive 100% carnivore dinner, 3 to 4 pounds of beef, maybe throw some bone marrow ribs and organ meats like beef liver in there. Apparently even lamb liver is really good, you can get them at local Halal markets.
> Don’t buy the lamb (Lamborghini), eat the lamb!
For example, we went to Ranch 99, one of the local Asian Chinese supermarkets, and got a bunch of bone marrow that’s already prepackaged, sliced, and frozen… Which makes for really really good bone marrow, you could just throw it frozen in the air fryer for about 30 minutes on full blast, and boom, you got Liquid steroids for yourself, your kids, your family!
In fact, pro tip for any new parent, what is the one thing you should be optimizing for your kids health? Bone marrow. It is not a choking hazard, it is like steroids in yogurt form. It is literally might be the most nutritious and nutrition dense thing that you could feed your kid, to have them grow, become strong and big, etc.
Feed your kid like Achilles
Currently reading the Emily Wilson translation of the Iliad, and essentially what I want to do is feed myself and Seneca as if he and me and we were Achilles.
Assuming I am Achilles, and Achilles had a son… Seneca, how would we all look like? How and what would we eat, how would we eat, how would we train, what would be our life ethos Telos and desired outcome? 
First, maybe the best idea is to train as if you are training for battle, for war.
Your armor is a 60 pound weight vest, whenever your training just keep it on because even apparently the armor of Achilles we in between 100 to 150 pounds, and the average weight of armor for a Greek hop light was maybe in the range of 70 to 60 pounds. So even a 60 pound weight is quite  modest… I’m kind of thinking of trying to buy or procure or maybe create or innovate an even heavier weight vest.
And some simple exercises you could do… Very easy, if you assume that you’re 6 pound weight vest is almost like your ancient Greek armor, and you’re Achilles… How would you train? 
First, always trained with the 60 pound weight vest on because certainly if you’re going to be training like you’re actually going to go to war or battle… Imagine Achilles with his brand new suit of armor and shield ready for battle… You want to train with your armor on! Let us assume that you were an operator, swat team, delta force, a ranger, etc– a door kicker etc ,,,, how would you train?
And assuming that we’re not using any pussy guns here. In fact, I love John Wick to death, and Keanu Reeves… But if I was Chad, and I am directing the new John Wick six or whatever… I would put Keanu Reeves on a 100% diet, Feed him nothing but beef liver, beef, beef kidney, beef lungs, bone marrow, and Wagyu short ribs… Had him lift her very very heavyweights, ERIC KIM hype lifting style, atlas lift, rack full, dead lift, dead lift walk, squat walk whatever… And have him do his thing.
What happened to muscle?
What are my pride was as a kid growing up, even to college and beyond was my muscle. I did not have techniques or skill, but I had muscle, I had strength, I had courage, I had my ego, and I had my muscles.
For me, in my mind I saw myself like a Shaquille O’Neal when playing basketball… I would always play center, because nobody could out muscle me, and also my legs are so insanely strong… I don’t know anybody with stronger legs than I do. Somebody who could lift over 1000 pounds, over 10 plates on the squad rack, and assuming they are not one of those fats steroid guys on the strongman competitions, come get at me.
Anyways, one thing I liked about playing basketball was that most of these guys who played basketball, they are skinny, too wimpy, etc. Even the most dominant player in the NBA… LeBron James, it looks like he could eat more red meat, and lift heavier weights. He almost looks a little bit too green, not muscular and big enough. I would love to see another Dwight Howard, or Shaquille O’Neal, or ideally hybrid between Yao Ming and Shaquille O’Neal… This would be my ideal aesthetic.
… The problem is that there is this notion in sports science that somehow have bigger muscles make you slower, weaker, whatever? And I think 99.9% of sports science is pseudoscience at best… As long as people still talk about “calories“, or “burning calories… There are a bunch of fools. You cannot burn a calorie. That’s not how human metabolism works.  even my PhD friends who graduated in biology do not understand this.
As long as you see somebody with an Apple Watch fitness tracker or whatever… They are fools. And actually, shame on you Apple… You know that these metrics are all fake. Why do you give them to people still?
Once again, all these fat people who into running, my simple solution is just give everybody a 60 pound weight, give them a pair of shoes, and have them just walk, this is 1 trillion times more effective than running, which is maybe the most useless exercise on the planet. And causes the most injuries, waste time and money, is hateful, nobody likes to run, not even runners. The only virtuous thing is sprinting… Maybe 50 m, Usain Bolt status.
Back to the topic at hand
Anyways the reason why I care about this and so passion about this is that actually… If you really think about it, your health your sleep your physiological energy power is one quadrillion times more important than your iPhone. For example, I would easily say that it is more virtuous to spend $1000 or $1200 on beef ribs, bone marrow, beef liver heart beef kidneys, organ meat etc.…
And I also have a new experimental idea, maybe I’ll experiment this with myself. A 100% organ meat diet, only beef liver beef hard beef kidneys, bone marrow etc. 
I’ll keep you updated. 
The mountain 
I suppose the goal is to become like Hafthor, obviously without the steroids. 
The desired end, the desired goal
OK, I think I got it figured out guys.
The secret of happiness is your kid, your children, having kids etc. The supreme joy and the happiness in life is to have a son, assuming you’re a man, at least one male heir. If you do not have a son, you cannot birth an Achilles.
Let us to say that your first kid, is and by happens to be a boy a man a male… If this is the case, consider yourself infinitely blessed times 1 trillion… After this point, life is all upside no downside.
And if you don’t have any boys, let us say that you’re family with five girls etc.… And the joy is that your daughters is going to have kids of their own… And as long as you birth at least one grandson, you should be fine.
I would actually say the greatest tragedy in life is if you’re 90 years old on your deathbed, no children, no wife, no grandchildren, no great grandchildren etc.,,, the ultimate cruelty in life.  
You cannot leave your dog your bitcoin.
In context of fitness and exercise and training… Maybe the best and most intelligence strategy is to train for battle, to train for war.
Last year, when I was trying to figure out my whole off the grid gym concept, I went on a buying spree, buying a bunch of different weightlifting equipment, functional fitness stuff, etc. 
Some interesting things I discovered was the rickshaw farmers walk carry dead lift concept, as well as farmers carry handles, because even though you cannot lift as much like doing one rep Max, on a barbell… It becomes a different type of exercise, which is less about increasing your numbers, but maybe, engaging different parts of your body that typically are not engaged?
In the ilia… The way that the men taught each other is calling each other little girls.
First, we should not call women girls… This is insanely denigrating. You would not call Hera a girl.
Second, ultimately, when it comes to human beings, it is a binary: do you have a penis and testicles, or do you have cavernous vagina? 
I was actually thinking about it, what is unique about having a little boy, and also… Never circumcise your kid, even if you’re Catholic or Jewish … it is essentially genitalia male mutilation for boys. A boy, a man, a male has a penis that sticks outside, and balls and testicles which also stick outside.
A female has a slit, and all of her sexual organs are on the inside.
That technically because we are all women I think when we are born… I think randomly, the way that genetics works is that the ovaries can turn into testicles? And the clitoris is just like a really tiny penis? Not 100% sure, but something like that.
Anyways, just think about the obvious reality: if you have sexual organs would look 1 trillion times different, one is on the outside and one is on the inside, certainly this is going to change your hormones, your physiology, the way you look and feel, Etc.?
Another example… The way that women ululate fat in their hips their butt their back, is patently different than men. Even if you are a very very fit woman, assume you do CrossFit, and you try to do all the gender androgynous stuff whatever, you chop your hair to look like a boy, you dress like a boy or a guy or whatever… Sooner or later, even assuming that you’re 100% ball, button in the flash, you could see within half a second whether somebody is a man or a woman. and obviously, no hormone therapy. Hormone therapy might be the worst thing on the planet, assuming that it is not a life or that situation. Yes yes yes, get steroids if you have HIV aids or whatever, and also, I think medicine, even psychiatric medicine, is good and virtuous if people are literally about to kill themselves, but beyond this, we should take more hands off natural approach, via negativa, none of this ”interventionalista” approach (NASSIM TALEB Antifragile idea). Some intervention is good, like wise interventions. But what should be avoided is naïve intervention, which is bad. 
Thoughts of the future
I am a huge ChatGPT, AI proponent. And actually what is very interesting is that my thought is the future of writing, creativity art, prose poetry etc. is more random, more ratchet, less standard.
For example, if you want to use perfect New York Times, Oxford English, ChatGPT will destroy you 1000 times over. Or if you want typical academic scholarly talk, ChatGPT could do that far better than you can. It can pretend to be Hayek, or any constipated childless French philosopher thinker you want it to be.
I am the next Steve Jobs
OK, time to get my Steve Jobs on:
Ideas for Apple, I know you’re reading this (Eric [at]
First, good idea on creating a “quick draw“ option on the iPhone, it looks like you listened to my idea. 
Second, the next evolution of photographic styles is also good, I think this is also where you listen to me, having a little bit more flexibility when it comes to adding grain, new image aesthetics to the photos etc.
Streamlined thoughts
Ok Apple, you got a big opportunity here with the future of ChatGPT, AI, etc. Don’t mess this up.
First, do not call it Apple Intelligence, what you need to do is just give Siri a facelift, or a boob job or a butt job, or just think of Siri on steroids.
You’re starting to confuse people, even myself. The question:
What’s the difference between apple intelligence and Siri?
Nobody knows, not even the Apple marketing team!
The image playground for Apple Intelligence sucks
I think you should just ask it. The images look really really bad and ugly. Nobody cares about a disco pigeon… It is even worse than a novelty.
Merging with ChatGPT is a good idea
In fact, the really intelligent strategy would be to just take your chest, and see if you could purchase ChatGPT, open AI etc. If you can’t beat them, Buy them.
Focus on the product not the humans 
OK, I saw the new iPhone Pro commercial in the marketing page with the weekend, it was so insanely lame. First, the weekend, it was bad for him… It shows that he is just another skinny fat guy, who doesn’t actually look at handsome or impressive in real life.
Second, that really lame visual of the tiny umbrella on an iPhone Pro, shooting a music video? Don’t try to fool people — nobody in their right mind will ever try to shoot any really really serious video on an iPhone or iPhone Pro. It is like a really bad gimmick. 
What people really really want for their iPhone is a stronger a better camera, with better image quality. The new camera control thing, it really makes no sense to me… And upgrading the ultra wide lens was a good idea, but don’t try to do the marketing language that an iPhone is somehow like a DSLR or DSLR replacement. Why? First and Foremost… Nobody uses digital SLE cameras anymore, – it seems that all real working professionals are probably using some sort of Sony A7 camera, maybe a red dragon camera for video, or like an aria camera. and hobbyist photographers are shooting with  a Fujifilm X 100 camera, a Ricoh GR camera, or a Leica M or a Leica Q camera.
So, who is the iPhone, iPhone Pro four? Essentially your mom, or maybe Gen Z or millennial? Or like my friend Soren Zhane says, “Zillenial?”