Or better yet, systems which becomes stronger after you attempt to destroy it? 
My boxer briefs?
So at our current apartment, we have one of these funny all in one washer units, made by LG, in which the value proposition is really fascinating: typically, historically, the apartment unit we are renting, doesn’t have much room for  a washer and dryer, as two separate units. As a consequence, our current landlord had the genius idea of installing these all in one units, which are great because it allows for us to have a washer and dryer in unit, instead of having to use one of those communal laundry things.
In LA, having an in unit washer and dryer might be the most critical thing.
Even one of the grand downsides of a lot of homes, condominium in LA is you still have to use some sort of communal coin laundry, which is a major pain in the ass, especially once you have kids!
 Anyways, the way that this washer and dryer works is fascinating, it first washes it, and then it dries the clothes at extremely high heat. However one of the grand downsides is that it destroys your clothes.
For example, last summer, I made a bunch of clothes, I designed and created two silk tank tops, which have now been destroyed by my all in one washer and dryer, and also the linen tank top that I have created, or also starting to slowly fall apart. And almost all of my merino wool clothes have been torn to shreds.
Often when you purchase certain clothing,  often there is a sign on it that you have to delicately wash them, maybe hand wash them, air dry them, whatever. Or have it dry cleaned at a local dry cleaner.
But when it comes down to it… sooner or later you’re just gonna get lazy and just throw it all on the washing machine. Ain’t nobody have time for delicate washing of your clothes, especially if you’re a man.
Anyways, as a result, I call it the durability test; ain’t no clothes worth having, if you cannot throw it in that washer and dryer 1000 times, without having it fall apart to shreds. 
For example, do not purchase any clothes from tenthousand.cc – I purchased with my own money these “tactical“ shorts, which were supposed to be indestructible, but already, after even a month or so,  there are falling apart at the stitching scene in the waistband! Terrible.
Also, even though outlier.nyc fine merino wool t-shirts might be the best T-shirt on the planet, after all several years about going through about five of them, once again all eventually sooner or later getting destroyed in the washing machine, I no longer recommend them. Why? Once again the durability test; sooner or later it will rip apart to shreds, through typical wear and tear.
Ain’t nobody got time for this! 
I also visited the family home the other day, and currently my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are on vacation, which means that their cars are sitting down in the the driveway for about two weeks, and it looks like my brother-in-law John had the wisdom to keep one of the cars charging, the 4 runner, with one of those electrical outlet battery charging packs, because I think with certain cars, if you don’t turn on the car every once in a while, if you just let a car sit to Dorman for a month or so, the battery dies.
Also I’m not 100% sure, but apparently the same thing happens with electric cars; if your Tesla is at 100% charge, and you go on holiday for six months, and you come back… Your Tesla might be dead?
I’m not 100% sure, but if you had a Prius or hybrid vehicle, you had a full tank of gas, you left the country for a year, would your car still start up? Not sure.
The best vs the most durable  
The other day I was with Seneca, at the local Pickleball court, the mini tennis court, and I was playing and teaching him how to play tennis, and throwing around the football etc., and Seneca wanted to bring over my satchel bag, but I forgot to clip it in, so when he dragged it over, the food container, my Lumix G9 camera, and the key fell out. Seneca said “Uh oh”– and quickly put the things back in, and I realize that he had dropped the LUMIX G9 camera on the hardcourt. I picked it up, it, and realized that it was just fine!
The reason why this is such a big deal is that the thing is built like a tank! I’ve probably dropped it on the floor, even on the concrete from waist level, maybe three or four times, and the thing keeps going! 
Lamborghini came out with the Hurucan Sterrato– which at first I thought was a very bizarre chimera —
Isn’t the point of a Lamborghini to be this sleek, typical road vehicle, all shiny and glossy and stuff?
Then if you look at the Lamborghini Huracan sterrato — in military green, the value proposition is fascinating; they lifted it off the floor a little bit higher, to give it greater ground clearance (I find this very innovative, because it looks like the trend of super sports cars, or even the tuner community is to slam your car as low to the ground as humanly possible, to the point that your butt is dragging), and it looks like they armored it up, kind of like an armored vehicle. Essentially, if a Lamborghini were to go to war, and needed steroids or whatever, it would be the sterrato. 
Evyn about a month or so, in the Culver City arts district I saw a Porsche 911 the car, which is the Abu Dhabi, off Roading desert Porsche 911; which is intended to be taken off Roading. As a consequence, They also did similar modifications to it, making it a bit taller, putting on beef your tires, roof rack etc.
Anyways, I saw driving down the street, and I had all this luggage on top of it, I thought it was super cool!
Lift your Prius?
If life were a video game,  I might do something similar to my Prius. Give it some steroid fender flares, make it look like an armored vehicle. Give it a stainless steel exoskeleton, like a cyber truck, a single blade horizontal tail light, maybe lifted, make it look bulletproof. 
And also, one of my great joys about walking around town with my 60 pound weight fest, is not only does it improve my posture, forces me to stand up taller, and move around more (the interesting thing is when you’re wearing a 60 pound weight, to stand static, to stand and not move, it actually causes you pain)– to keep moving, to keep walking, to keep shifting your weight around, doesn’t cause any pain.
In fact, I think it is actually better for you physiologically to just go on a leisurely paced walk, with your 60 pound weight vest, for a mile, rather than run at a medium high intensity or even a high intensity for 10 miles. 
In fact, the whole value proposition of running is insanely bizarre. I think people do it because they think it is good “exercise”? Or that they want to “burn calories“?
If this is the case, just drop them with a 60 pound weight vest, and see how they will fare?
Walking is sexier and more manly.
Once again, can you imagine the elite Spartan 300, prancing around town like sick gazelle? Nope. Rather, they’re just chilling, in their Spartan bikinis, tall, proud, chest up, with their crimson leather capes, glorious six packs and all.
Bodies are the future
What is the purpose of a human body, of sex, sexual desire? To have children! The reason why I find all this modern day millennial stuff so superficial is that none of it is around getting married having children etc.
If anything, all of these miserable emo losers have started a war against children, against families, against the marriage.
What is the purpose of biological, including the life of a human being? Super simple; having progeny– replicating yourself! Whenever you look at any sort of biological organism on the planet, even algae; or yogurt cultures, the living strategy is simple: consume resources, consume nutrition, and grow bigger, in whatever shape or form or manner which is most conducive to you.
For mammals, that is to have a totally separate child, which is a lot more startup energy, but has greater long-term benefits.
do you want to be old, alone, no children or grandchildren, when you are 80 years old inside a nursing facility?
I think the greatest things about philosophy, studying philosophy thinking about philosophy etc. is very simple; think of the way backwards, memento Mori, about the last stages of your life, looking back.
Nobody who is eight years old, senile, Alzheimer’s, wishes that they earned more money became more famous or bedded more babes. They wished they had kids, grandchildren, something that would outlast them. You cannot leave anything behind to your dog.  
And no, your dog will not outlast you.
 Digital durability
What is the hardest thing on the planet? Bitcoin. No matter how hard you try, you cannot destroy it. Even if you took all of the Amazon web services servers, all the Google servers on the planet, and tried to attack the network, you would fail. Even if you had $100 trillion worth of capital, and you tried to attack the bitcoin network, you still would fail.
Once again you have to think at least 300 years from now. What will last 300 years from now? Your children’s children’s children, your kids kids kids. You want your genealogy your lineage to last in theory indefinitely. I think this is the logic of having lots of kids; even if you have two kids, there might be a chance neither of them ever get married, never have kids, and when you are starting to 70 years old, and they are still not married, almost in their 40s, you start to get a bit concerned. 
For your Instagram your TikTok account be around 300 years from now? Certainly not. Maybe your YouTube account might; has not been taken down by Google.
I am certain that Google will be around 300 years from now, because at this point honestly, Google is the Internet.  also, unfortunately we will still be using e-mail 300 years from now, sending an email to Mars or whatever. And we might still have Gmail.
Maybe the exoskeleton of your cyber truck might still be around 300 years from now, but whether the battery pack or system will still work 300 years from now is a bit dubious;
Will humans still be using fossil fuels 300 years from now? Probably not.
If it ain’t broken, if it hasn’t broke yet… Good sign. 
We humans make the foolish mistake of always wanting to upgrade the newest technology the newest homes etc.  for example, very doubtful that your iPhone Pro will last 300 years from now.
Also, any sort of fashion trend you embrace in regards to clothes or whatever, this will also not last.
I think theoretically, there is a way that your website can last 300 years from now. I think the overall workflow is to have your payment for your website hosting to be linked to your bitcoin wallet, and just have it set up that indefinitely, your Web hosting fee will withdraw automatically from your bitcoin wallet. in theory this is already possible with Coinbase, and the Coinbase debit Visa card; it is my personal ambition for my website and blog to last at least 300 years!
Censorship proof, censorship resistant?
A random note and thought on nations. What is the best nation? The best civilization in nation is the one that has been around the longest! For example, China; China has been around forever; because I suppose the Chinese dynasty is intelligent enough to think thousands of years ahead; and also the way that the society is structured is that Individual doesn’t matter that much; it is all for the glory of the Chinese empire!
America is funny case– we are certainly the Apex nation state on the planet, by at least 10 X, but we thrive on individualism.  But anyways, capitalism isn’t going away anytime soon; certainly there will still be people gambling on the spaceship shuttle casino, on the way to Mars, and there will still be these ridiculous shopping centers on the spaceship, kind of like that space movie with Chris Pratt.
Once again, anybody who is anti-capitalism who owns an iPhone or an iPhone Pro, who uses the Internet, has a Gmail account, has ever watched YouTube, Twitter,  Went on a hike, traveled to Japan, been to Paris, etc.; don’t you fools know that this is all due to the glory of capitalism?
 Or, ever ordered a coffee at a local café, or red books at a book library, purchase organic foods, gone to a farmers market whatever… This is all capitalism.
I have this notion of Spartan capitalism, in which perhaps the capital, the capital we accumulate and we build is not superficial things, but ourselves, our bodies, our mind etc.
The simple rule here is to think at least 300 years ahead:
- Have as many kids as humanly possible
- Produce media books literature texts etc. which you think will still be useful 300 years from now 
- Try to build platforms and things which will last 300 years from now like Amazon, Google, Facebook etc.
- Be so insanely frugal that you could live your life to the max without having to “work” for the next 300 years 
- Don’t invest in or build upon things that won’t be around 300 years from now.
I’m pretty bullish that Tesla will be around 300 years from now. Why?  if we colonize Mars, and we set up solar panels, probably we will be able to drive the cyber truck around Mars.
Also, maybe we will still be using petroleum 300 years and now, but I’m pretty bullish and thinking that 300 years from now, the battery technology, the charging technology, as well as solar power technology will be so good, there will be no more need for petroleum. Bad news for the Middle East.
Also, I think 300 years from now… I think this notion of communism will just be swept under the rug. Even nation states like China will become more like oligarchies, in which a few rich powerful individuals, or like the new feudalism, individual rich families will control things.
My personal prediction is 300 years from now, Korea will almost become like the new America for Asia– southeast Asians, Vietnamese people etc., in search of a better life will immigrate to South Korea. And also, I think 300 years from now, North Korea will eventually be usurped by South Korea, kind of like how Ho Chi Minh unified the north and the south of Vietnam. 
Very certain that America will be around 300 years from now. Maybe Israel will be around 300 years from now, I think much of the Middle East will be a mess; Beirut Lebanon will still be around (the Phoenix), turkey or at least Istanbul will still be around, Paris and New York City will still be around.
Maybe will happen is that these great cities will still be around, like Tokyo, but the borders will become more fluid, or different?
 Let us consider, zoning laws are always being changed, either by politicians or companies. Even here in Culver City, there’s this new movement for predicting the next 20 years, and they are proposing new zoning laws. My low-key suspicion is that Apple is trying to create more commercial Real estate, as the new Apple headquarters for media and entertainment is now Culver City.
In fact, I’m sure that Los Angeles will be around 300 years from now, probably a lot hotter, maybe more polluted. People will still be streaming Netflix shows 300 years from now, I think there will still be some sort of iPhone notion around; 300 years from now we will not be walking around with vision pros; even 300 years from now, nobody likes the feeling of anything on their heads, or their eyeballs.
 no virtual reality contact lenses, these are a pain in the butt. And I also think that most people will opt not to do an elective surgery  to implant a Neuro computer chip inside your brains; maybe this will only be done to labor workers, the new peasants, digital serfs etc. 
Maybe 300 years from now, the new digital overlords will all be digital free; still sending their kids to schools with wooden toys, no devices etc., while the rest of these kids in the hood and in south central are still being spoonfed YouTube and Chromebooks?
300 years or nothing baby!