Why rappers make poor role models
Rappers are always talking about money, never capital.
Even the good rappers like Jay Z… They then talk about wealth and generational wealth, but never capital?
what people don’t understand about capital, like becoming a great capitalist is that actually, is not about money in the traditional sense.
So for example, my personal thought is money is more about purchasing power, not real economic power.
For example, who has more power, the guy who lives on fifth Avenue and owns like 20 square blocks on the main island, or the person who lives in the suburbs of Long Island or Queens with a big house in the middle of nowhere, and has a lot of US dollars in his bank account? But owns no physical property in Manhattan?
The funny thing about LA is most people are not from LA, nor do they intend on staying in LA etc. And also it is the culture in which it is true; you are your car your car is you.
It is easy to stereotype people based on the car they drive, and how they drive their personality their whole ethos etc.
The only people I trust are people who drive a Toyota Prius; if in fact you were a real economist or capitalist, you would know that the primary goal is to live as ascetic and spartan frugal lifestyle humanly possible, and to just pour all of your money into accumulating your capital.
New Capital
I had a random thought, so Korean people immigrated to America because they called it the beautiful country (Mee-Gguk), (Beautiful Country). They did so to seek greater economic opportunities than stuffy Korea.
it seems that most physical hand is already tapped out, that was a 20th century notion like 100 200 300 years ago… But now that we live in the year 2024 and beyond… The new property is cyber space.
I think the thing that is difficult to understand about cyberspace is that conceptually it seems infinite and unlimited like the Internet, but if we think bitcoin, which is limited 21 million blocks, 21 million coins, 21 million units, then,… Bitcoin or the whole cyber real estate notion is the most valuable thing of them all.
Why? it seems that most people are always looking on places to park their capital and economic work and wealth; they don’t want it to be seized by a bunch of communist, like the poor Vietnamese people who fled Vietnam during the communist takeover, even people who fled from Mao Zedong, or even the poor Lebanese for fleeing from the attacks from Israel.
Trust no Marxist, communist spoon fed kid
If you’re just an American like a typical American who is born here with your American citizenship… And you never had to face peril… You probably don’t really know how much of the world works. It seems that historically much of wealth is seized forcibly from other people, governments, or revolutionary regimes.
Why is it that a lot of these kids who are born with trust funds, or born from wealthy families are the ones who embrace communism Karl Marx and Marxism? Because they are the ones who were never raised with true poverty, — I think for any family that actually had to deal with true oppression, poverty, everyone knows that capitalism is the best system.
Infinite opportunity
Capitalism is not zero sum. Understanding that wealth is just a human made notion, the ability for growth and prosperity is infinite for all.
And this is my personal imperative behind bitcoin; because I personally grew up super poor, always in financial peril, and finally kind of making it in America, I feel like it is almost my ethical duty to give back or at least to share the things I’ve learned along the way.
Any individual family or nation nation state on the bitcoin standard shall prosper. There are no losers on the bitcoin standard, only varying degrees of success.
Economics by KIM

- Money is For Slaves
- Growth
- Think Volume
- Think Payoffs
- Kaizen Gains
- Cost to Capital
- Price vs Value
- The Philosophy of Investing
- How to FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early)
- How to *Save* a Million Dollars
- Increase Value
- Banks Are the True Menace to Society
- High gas prices are good
- What is Capitalism?
- Pride in What You Paid For
- On Making Money from Nothing
- Save Money Towards What Ends?
- No Regret Investment