The Will to Bitcoin

Encumbered, unencumbered?

The right to Bitcoin

The rights of persons to maintain full lawful control over the bitcoin and other digital assets of those individuals, recognizing that the ability to maintain self custody of private keys is fundamental to the principles of financial sovereignty, privacy, and personal liberty in the digital age.

So this idea is super fascinating to me; life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Also, the right to personal sovereignty, privacy and personal liberty.

So I guess the big issue is we don’t have privacy anymore. There are CCTV everywhere, cameras everywhere, trackers on the Internet which follow and track your every move.

Also, assuming you have some sort of credit card thing with points, the way that they give you these points is that you essentially sell or forfeit your purchasing data, although it is anonymized, people could track every single financial move activity and behavior.

No I am not one of those weirdos who over since sensationalize this; ultimately, I don’t really care that much. What I am more interested is in, maybe the concept of digital property, digital property rights.

What is also really fascinating is how bitcoin is global digital capital, digital rights for all all across the planet.

For example, assuming that you live in mainland China and there is capital controls, what that then means is that you cannot take out $1 billion of Chinese yuan out of the country, even if you wanted to. Actually technically the smart strategy for rich me and Chinese person who wants to come to America whatever, is to swap all of their Chinese yuan or whatever for bitcoin, as much as humanly possible, and then just peace out.

The reason why this would be such a good strategy is that the truth is, nobody wants their wealth or their capital to be locked anywhere. For example, even my insane and annoying I remember like six months ago I just wanted to take out like $500 from the ATM at JPMORGAN Chase, and I could not, as the limit was around like 300 bucks? 

And this is the thing which is really really weird to me — so I just want access to my money, why can’t I have access to my own money? 

The Bitcoin Artist 

Kind of a random aside; I like the idea of like being able to kind of clean up the world, either with whiteout tape, or blackout tape, we just met black bitcoin icons etc.

So for example in Culver City and LA in general… My number one annoyance and greed is that there are so many annoying graffiti and ads all over the place.

So first, I just wanna clean up the damn place. I want to get rid of annoying advertisements and stuff, because aesthetically I feel like I have a strong imperative to do so.

Second, why is it so difficult or hard to promote some sort of well-being on the planet?

Bitcoin is healthy

So assuming that like 99% of our problems in life can be attributed to the fact of a poor money supply, then what that then means is that maybe like 99% of our world problems could actually be solved by bitcoin.

For example, financial health. If money is toxic, capital is toxic, assuming that you’re playing in the world of fiat currency, what that then means is that you don’t actually want access to capital because it is like immediately causing you to bleed out economic energy and power.

I actually had a super funny random thoughts; think about like the notion of semen retention and economic power retention.

For example, every time you buy something expensive it is like blowing your load. For example, you lost for that matte black scissor door Lamborghini, and then you go out and buy it, for like $500,000 or something, like you just blown the biggest load of your life. But then the downside of that is after that, you’re like kind of done, and as a consequence, what do you have left to live for?

And actually the truth is, no man in his right mind would ever blow his load immediately before trying to lift 505 kg. Or also, assuming that you’re about to have the big fight, nobody in their right mind would ever ever ever ever even consider for half a second, Rubbing one out real quick before the big fight.

I actually have a thought thoughts on the first one is that you should not blow your load, anytime during the day because that is when your power is peak, that is when you have the most power. You should only ever blow your load in the evening right before you’re about to sleep, like how the ancient Greeks did it.

Example, can imagine Achilles blowing his load and inseminating one of his babes, immediately before the big battle? No!

So why does this matter?

So I think this matter for a lot of reasons.

First, it looks like everyone is sick unwell unhealthy. And not really out of their own fault, but rather, it seems like the bigger issue is that once again, we don’t have healthy instruments to work with.

For example, assume that you live in a society in which literally every single food item is laced and injected with high fructose corn syrup or sugar. Even if you want to lose fat and get a six pack and become strong healthy and happy, you cannot. Why? If everything has sugar added to it, even if you are the world‘s most diligent exerciser and individual, you can’t do nothing! And as a consequence once again, you cannot blame an individual agent or individual for becoming fat or sick or unhealthy, if in fact the things that you are consuming and using or in fact, Giving you type two diabetes, maybe the current US dollar and monetary supply is like a metaphorical type two diabetes for Americans.

Why do I care?

So the trillion dollar question is like… Why do I care?

First, once again, my moral and ethical imperative, growing up poor, having a dad who is addicted to gambling away the rent money, seeing my mom go through bankruptcy twice etc., almost homeless like four or five times, certainly gave me some sort of real life and real world education about economics.

And I think this is where people fail— they have never really really really really really seen people go through financial distress, financial duress, they’ve never really witnessed it, nor did they really understand what it means?

For example, a lot of these well to do Democrats liberals whatever, allow them actually come from quite affluent families. For example, a lot of people who lecture us about helping poor people blah blah blah, actually did not grow up poor. For example, unless you’ve ever had the experience, being like an elementary school kid, in the fourth or fifth grade, maybe around 11 or 12 years old, having to pick up the phone, because your parents knew that it was probably creditors asking for money, and if you’ve actually never had the experience of having to pretend online and say that your parents were not home, you don’t know nothing.

And maybe this is where I am the first self-made bitcoin millionaire; now that I’m stacking 2.3 M’s and beyond, things are starting to get really interesting to me, at almost a hilariously alarming pace.

First, honestly it all seems like some sort of fake reality, it’s still shocking to me whenever I see these numbers and balances. Still… The $90,000 mark for bitcoin hasn’t really yet set in yet for me.

And I’m sure in certain when we hit the hundred thousand dollar mark for bitcoin, and we have $100,000 party, the best party of all time in cyberspace, and Michael saylors‘s house, we will all be laughing to the bank.

Or better yet, the digital cyber base, a.k.a. our own home.

Why is this such a big deal?

I don’t know any human being on the planet who does not desire some sort of financial freedom independence or liberty. I don’t know anybody who wants to keep working there are boring 90 to 5 day job, doesn’t matter if you’re working at Amazon Apple Facebook Google; everyone I know, all my friends are working these big companies, Nobody wants to be there if they had the option– yet, they are tied to their mortgages, their other financial debts and obligations etc.

And this is where I think to a large degree, debt is the devil. Why? That is slavery! And the funny thing is that a lot of people they like willingly put themselves into debt slavery.

Willingful debt slavery

For the most part, because I’ve grown up poor and whatever… I don’t actually have that much compassion for people who do poor financial decisions with their life. When people go broke according to their own accord, zero compassion and empathy.

For example, if people complain about finances, the first thing you gotta do is look at their iPhone or look at their Car. A lot of these people who complained that they’re so broke all the time, they’re the ones who are always buying the newest iPhone or iPhone Pro, buy new cars, paying a monthly payment on their car, sending their kids to daycare or private school or whatever, giving fellatio to Mark Zuckerberg, Essentially if you’re on Instagram, you love the taste of Zuckerberg semen in your mouth. Also, the reason you should not trust Mark Zuckerberg, he pretends to be fake poor humble, – she himself still operates under this façade of being a good guy, yet privately owns $10 million cars in his garage.

And I’m also pretty certain that Mark Zuckerberg has probably used the meta-quest at least once to check out virtual reality porn. Not that this is bad, but it is probably true.

the financial freedom of bitcoin

So what I really love about the financial freedom of bitcoin is that I think it sets people free. 

For example, with bitcoin, you could go anywhere on the planet, and always have your wealth with you. You don’t have to be tied down by nothing, not your loser Lamborghini your lose loser Porsche, and now, even your cyber truck.

Ideally, all your wealth would always be portable, with you, in your front pocket in your iPhone, anywhere on the planet!

Matte black bitcoin patches

A funny idea… Thank you you’re making some matte black bitcoin patches, some matte black bitcoin stickers. If you’re interested in copping some, just email me

the vision

Once again, very very simple guys; senator Cynthia Lummis, she is introducing this really interesting bitcoin bill, in which America will like try to obtain 1 million bitcoins over four years. The legendary and mythical Nakamoto, which is 1 million bitcoins.  

Why America is well positioned to do this

America is money, America is manifest destiny. America is the best, the most powerful, the most dominant, and anyone who likes to think otherwise is either deluded, wrong, or somehow, anti-American? I don’t really get it; technically, if you live in America, and you get paid in US dollars or whatever, it is actually like a super good deal.

Why? First, essentially America could print money ad infinitum, for free, into infinity.

So it seems actually super super obvious; to essentially, just print a bunch of money, buy the bitcoin, and take the upside, none of the downside. In fact, the really intelligent strategy  is the triple Trump Max strategy outlined by Michael Saylor in his presentation the red wave; to purchase 4 million bitcoins.

If we own 6 million bitcoins, 2045,,, which is just 21 years from now, … $81T payoff!

think in bitcoins

Also what is really fashion being is that bitcoins, is actually… Also built upon the bitcoin icon; everyone could easily notice the bitcoin icon from even 100 miles away. Yet, nobody has any clue or idea what Ethereum is. Or anything else.

 financial prospering

Another big idea in things to my colon doesn’t everyone seek and desire some sort of financial prosperity? Like doesn’t everyone want to be super super filthy dumb rich, whether they use that money for good like donations to charities or whatever, quitting your own nonprofit, helping poor kids, whatever?

economic power, capital power is real power

I think this is also another thing that people don’t understand, capital control,  financial control, financial power is real power.

For example, I just went to Catholic mass the other day, and there was a second donation, for St. Vincent de Paul, helping poor families deal with paying the rent and utilities, not getting evicted etc. As long as the Catholic Church still asks for donations — money matters.

In fact I really interesting thought is if the Catholic Church or the Vatican or whatever would build up their own strategic bitcoin reserve, then, the Catholic Church would last into perpetuity. And also never have to pay taxes.

Why do rich people care about taxes so much?

You’re kind of matters because even if you’re being taxed at a paltry rate of 1%, in like 30 or 40 years, assuming that you bought a $1 million home, you’re going to send you be paying like half of that in just simple property taxes. 

Or, if you purchase a one million $ home, and you have one percent tax, then over the course of 100 years, you’re going to have already paid $1 million worth of property tax.

Now why is this important? You cannot text bitcoin, if you just hold it. And don’t sell it. Or transfer it.

Also fortunately, there’s no inheritance tax on bitcoin. Like if you die you could just give your private keys to your kids, and they will give it to their kids kids kids. No government meddling around with your family’s wealth. 

Even Sanator Lummis supports this idea, assuming that the bitcoin act passes, the bitcoin bill, I don’t really see any reasons why it won’t, essentially will give more clear property rights of private keys, to humans and American citizens?

For example, nobody could stick a gun to your head, and force you to hand over your keys.  however, somebody could stick a gun to your head, and force you to give you your credit cards, your wallet, your credit card your stuff, or break into your home and steal the gold bars stuffed under your mattress.

First, I think banks were generally a good thing the invention of it was beneficial in so far much as even me, I don’t want to walk around with like $100,000 of US currency in my pocket. Why? The risk of me misplacing it, losing it, getting it stolen is quite high. For example like when I used to lift weights at the gym and I did not want to get distracted, Sometimes I would just like leave my backpack there, not really worrying whether people would steal my old iPhone SE, or steal the maybe $50 i had in my wallet.

And this is the big idea, the idea that you could essentially store your own wealth, without a loser bank, a fucking asshole bank, I fucking hate the banks! Even these fucking assholes at JP Morgan Chase; literally taking me about three weeks before I could wire my own damn money to my Coinbase account, to just buy bitcoins for myself, even having to go to the branch like three or four times before doing it!


How long until you could purchase bitcoins and custody or bitcoins at JP Morgan Chase?

An interesting thing; if you have a certain upgraded bank status with JP Morgan Chase, they actually give you access to this free vault thing, where I guess you could hide your gold bars and antique Rolexes.

You’re not supposed to, but you can. I also would not be surprised that a lot of people probably hide US dollars or cash currency to avoid paying taxes, which I find to be a very very despicable act.

I think with taxes, there is actually kind of like a moralistic obligation to pay taxes, certainly nobody wants to pay more than their fair share but still… I have a personal moral obligation to pay taxes. Why? Because once again, at least for myself, I was raised through the public school system, I went to UCLA, with federal government grants and scholarships, to become the person I am today. I am so insanely grateful to America American government, my mentors, my local Boy Scouts troop,  who knows maybe I’ll start volunteering once Seneca is old enough.

My sense of patriotism, is not this fake ass flag humping conservative Republican alt right, con toting fake ass libertarianism anti-government thing; even what a lot of these loser Republicans and conservatives don’t understand is they are all apparently super anti-government, yet they want America to build a wall to keep out others?

Or, they want the government to stay out of their gun business, but don’t they understand that actually, the right to gun ownership is actually still predicated on the US government?

Or, let us see that somebody breaks into your house, and either robs you or kills your family members, whatever… And even though you have a arsenal of guns, you were not able to stop all the perpetrators. If you want to enact justice, yet you are super anti-government, everyone is antigovernment until they need the government. 

Then what I think people really want is like kind of maybe minimum government possible, MVP, MINIMUM VIABLE GOVERNMENT (MVG).

I think the general idea is that certainly it is good to have the fire department if you don’t want your house to burn down, ain’t nobody gonna own their own fire hose to prevent their house from burning down.

Also, it is certainly good to have a police department, a police force, once again, if somebody beat you up and rob you, and you catch them, you certainly want justice to be dealt to them.

I think that it is like having just enough government, without the bloat?

It’s kind of like having a smart phone, certainly life is better with a smart phone rather than without. However the new ones is, ain’t nobody want to own a loser android or Samsung phone, which has far too much bloatware.

Even now Apple, there are too many damn apps.

I don’t really get it; Apple keeps turning out all these new apps, apps that nobody has any idea what it is, nor do people actually have any desire to use it, I said just let the third-party developers make those journaling apps and stuff. In fact, if Apple were really intelligent what Apple would do is actually with every subsequent version of iOS, they would actually get rid of superfluous apps!

Like there’s all these weird apps like the measuring tool and whatever.  Come on Apple just get rid of it.