Clone Mentality?

One of the really big issues with clones being a clone clone mentality is that it is so centered around being a clone. For example, You’re taught and made to think that being a clone, like a clone of Jesus or whatever, is virtuous and good. As a consequence, one is not permitted to simply create a model of himself. Anything which is similar to Jesus is seen as good and virtuous, anything which is seen as dissimilar to Jesus is seen as bad and evil.

And is a consequence, I think the general ethos and mentality of America is bad because it is too centered and focused on notions of imitating Christ, being a clone etc.

“Y’all ninjas my clones!”

For example, in fashion life etc.… We seek to just emulate people that we already see in the limelight. For example, Kanye West, Jay-Z, all these modern-day rappers, Arnold Schwarzenegger etc. 

For example, ultimately what I discovered was my desire for a Lamborghini, with this is the doors, all matte black murdered out, was simply my desire to emulate Kanye West! His Lamborghini Mercy song, very influential to me.

Thinking Arnold

So I just finished reading the original pumping iron book, the one that preceded the influential pumping iron documentary, and ultimately what was very very interesting was unraveling and revealing how essentially, or no Schwarzenegger invented bodybuilding, modern day bodybuilding and beyond.

What’s the weather in about the book I think the original was written in the 1970s, a little bit added in the 1980s was a lot of the terms and the verbiage and the words typically used outside of the traditional context.

For example, mentally retarded, midget, giant, even referencing or no Schwarzenegger‘s Austrian German accent being a “Nazi” voice. I think what is so fun and interesting at least in the context of the 1970s and 80s is that people were much more relaxed, and less grammar Nazis or less politically correct, than they are now.

Also, the reason why I kind of enjoy this is that ultimately, if you have ever lifted weights, done bodybuilding or weightlifting… We are all essentially children of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is the one who essentially invented and promoted modern bodybuilding and weightlifting as we know it, and all of his contemporary, all of them have been forgotten, only Arnold remains.

I suppose the nuance is even Arnold, who is probably the greatest bodybuilder weightlifter and personality of all time, even Arnold has fallen a bit out of Vogue now. It Seems like he has dominated everything,  even politics, which was foreshadowed in the 1980s, and his whole strange affair with his housekeeper, his illegitimate son, whatever… I think he’s still acting an influential and politics and whatever, but for the most part I think he has been forgotten already. Kind of also like today, Michael Jordan… All these kids who wear his clothes and sneakers, they don’t actually have any idea who the real Michael Jordan is, whether he is alive or dead or whatever. Michael Jordan has become a strange symbol in today’s world; a sign of dominance and flair, but once again, nobody thinks of him as a real human being anymore. Apparently Kanye West is still on tour, I think Kanye West might be the most anti-fragile artist of them all, as he has been able to survive the most extreme controversies them all, and still have a stadium packed of adoring fans, in Seoul South Korea! Very very shocking and impressive to me; I had no idea he was so popular even in Seoul South Korea!

Anyways, the reason why I think of this is so important is thinking about lasting, durability and life. And also, the short side of notion of achieving your life goals; Arnold has achieved everything, she has achieved all the major pillars of success in America, yet after all of that, he is kind of empty, kind of a shell of his former self.

Now the reason why I think this is so important is that when we think about American notions of success, the paths of success etc.… What is it that we are truly seeking, and how do we know if and when we achieved it, and whether it really even matters at all at the end?

The problematics of ethics

So apparently, I think when all of us had done, it comes down to philosophy and ethics. Especially in today’s world, AI, the ethics of artificial intelligence ChatGPT etc.

I think what will make this forever interesting topic is that there is no right and wrong in ethic; might makes right. 

What means is he or she who is the most powerful, the most dominant shall win and conquer all! Even now… The way I see it, America is currently in a digital arms race against China, fortunately America has nothing to fear; for the most part Chinese technology kind of sucks. For example, obviously a rich mainland Chinese oligarch would prefer to have an iPhone Pro rather than the newest Huawei phone. Huawei sucks.

And also… It still does seem that for the most part, the Chinese would still prefer American blockbuster Hollywood films rather than their own domestic film market. Why? The funny thing with the Chinese the mainland Chinese is that they exoticize America — truth be told, I think if all the real Richmond land Chinese people have the option, they would take all of their capital wealth and money and power out of mainland China, buy some nice property here in LA, or possibly somewhere else etc.

I think this is why all these rich men in Chinese prefer to buy proper tea in Vancouver, rather than Shanghai, Beijing etc. Even driving to East LA Koreatown the other day… Oh my gosh, the pollution there is unbearable! And it is literally just a few miles east of West LA, in which the weather is 1 trillion times better.

Beef liver is the answer

Wow, I just finished eating a bunch of beef liver that I got from Gelson‘s yesterday, it is so cheap, maybe only 399 a pound, and also the interesting nuance is that even if I tried to, I cannot consume more than about 2 pounds of beef liver because it is so nutritionally dense.

I feel so phenomenally good right now. I recommend everyone to try it!

I would say in terms of a split, try to have 80% of your diet be beef liver, and once if he comes too much for you, switch over to  eggs or ground beef for some other type of steak flesh meat.

The immigrant mentality

The reason why Frank Colombo and Arnold Schwarzenegger became so successful is that both of them were immigrants, first to move to America as young adults, I think Arnold might’ve been only 16 or 18 when he moved from Austria to the states, and the immigrant mentality is good because they are hungry! The problem about the traditional American is they become too flabby, too fat, too appeased. 

This is why Americans are so lazy; they were raised with much privilege in the states, assuming that their family has been here for a generation or two or three, and essentially they could rely on the family wealth, the family trust fund, property real estate etc. For example if your dad wants bought property Somewhere in LA which is desirable, and has made a killing… And you know that once your dad dies, you won’t hear it much of his wealth, what motivation do you have to work hard?

One of my greatest blessings ironically enough was being born in the states, albeit with a working class mom. The upside is I knew that even if I wanted XYNZ, I couldn’t… Not because my mom was being mean to me or whatever, but literally, she couldn’t. For example, my mom working two or three part-time jobs cleaning houses, waitressing, being a cashier, barely able to pay the rent with my dad stealing the rent money and going gambling to Reno in the middle of the night, not being home for about a week or so… I knew that money and resources were precarious. Therefore if I wanted anything, I had to get a job and work for it to get it.

I think this is really the root of my success. If I wanted anything, I had to fight to get it!

Now that I am super rich and successful, the next stage becomes interesting. My son Seneca, shall become the next prince and king of Los Angeles. He is already to go here in Culver City, there’s no other kid who was born in 2021 who is as tall funny handsome, strong muscular good-looking, and sociable than him. Shout out to my friends Noel Lisa and Ray, and especially Kevin! Everyone knows me in Seneca now here in Culver City, and I am excited to see him go through the Culver City school system, before he goes off and becomes the next great entrepreneur.

Why bitcoin is the best investment right now

So I was reading pumping iron by this one author, and he’s writing this in 1980… Wow, that is almost 44 years ago… He talks about how Arnold Schwarzenegger purchased a $700,000 home in Santa Monica at the time, which I am certain that adjusted for inflation might’ve been close to what we imagine $10 million to be today.

Anyways, I was thinking about… If I was in a Time Machine in the 1980s, or specifically 1980… When Arnold Schwarzenegger was already 34 years old, I’m 36 years old right now. If that were the case, what kind of investment could you make for $700,000 at a time, that would yield a superior return, from 1980 to 2024?

At the time, I think the only real investment you could’ve made in was real estate, commercial real estate, maybe residential real estate. If you bought a bunch of property in Culver City, or Palos Verdes, back then knowing what we know now… You would have become a billionaire many times over. Because currently looking at the whole market here in LA… It all sucks besides Culver City.  Santa Monica used to be the best spot to be, but now it is overrun with homeless people, people high on crack etc. Even if I was a billionaire today, I would not want to live in Santa Monica because it is super dirty, still too many homeless people etc. Even worse point to creatine, oh my God, all the homeless encampment, and homeless people around… And the pollution, insanely terrible.

Anyways, I think the hard thing is when it comes to investments, most people can only think by analogies, metaphors, or similarities to the past. Much more difficult to think carte blache, first principles, because it is difficult to predict or anticipate that which has not yet happened.  Life is not like back to the future, in which you could predict everything with 100% perfect foresight!

But also… Even if things were like back to the future and even if you could predict things with 100% clarity, it might not always be a desired outcome. Why? Sometimes a problem can be that even if you get what you wish, it could positively be a bad thing.

For example, a lot of things end up becoming dangerous liabilities. For example if you want to go to the Inglewood public library, or Ladera Heights or whatever… Can you pull up in a Lamborghini, you might get robbed at gunpoint, you might even die! I suppose the upside of driving a beat up 2010 Prius is that it is the ultimate stealth car, nobody in real life knows how rich I am because I look like a poor person.

Look poor, think rich – Andy Warhol

Los Angeles becomes very interesting to me because it really is the center of the universe. Now that Apple is here, there’s really no reason to be anywhere else.

Only that but Apple having that grand downtown LA theater store, so beautiful! Even though I am critical of a lot of things of Apple… Apple isn’t going away anytime soon, at least in the lifetime of myself or Seneca. Maybe the returns and the profits of Apple will not be as impressive into the future, much better to buy bitcoin or microstrategy stock instead,  but still, for the most part Apple is the most practical strategy.

Until a competitor, whether it be open AI, Microsoft, Nvidia or somebody else who makes a really really good ChatGPT-first phone, Apple will still have the dominant market here. 

The true disruptor

After playing with a new iPhone Pro a bit, essentially when my ultimate Takeaway point is the only reason to have an iPhone now is because you just need something to run ChatGPT. Unfortunately at the moment, you cannot run ChatGPT without an iPhone or iPad or your laptop. And even Google Gemini sucks. I rate ChatGPT as 1 trillion times better.

And Apple Intelligence, I’ve been playing with it, and even me, the ultimate text nerd and advocate, even though I have no idea what Apple Intelligence is and how it is different from Siri? I think honestly it just seems like a rebranding of Siri, Which is confusing for everybody.

Once you’re a bitcoin billionaire, then what?

When people ask me what I do, I often joke and I just say that I’m a bitcoin billionaire. But I almost say it half tongue and cheek, half true. I’m very certain that my bitcoin holdings well only 10 X 100 X or 1000 X from here.

According to my aggressive calculations, my bitcoin should be worth at least $500B 30 years from now. It will be worth at least 1.2 billion, 15 years from now. 

Assuming that you perfect for side of the future, then how do you proceed in life?

Autotelic progressions

So the very very basic notion is moving forward, it could all just be autotelic! Which means you just do things for the sake of it, because it personally interests you, not because there is necessarily some sort of phenomenal payoff to it.

Because once again… Once you live in a world that money no longer concerns you, then what?

I’m the judge!

Pursue play & fun?